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Saudi Arabia Culture is Changing - Saudi Arabia ends gender-segregated entrances for restaurants
dd54 comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Since sharia law is still enforced these are empty gestures for most of the women. Visiting Saudi Arabia and accidentally stumbling over a trip-wire won't keep one out of harms way on foreign soil. Wouldn't be worth the visit to me.
Naomi replies on Dec 10, 2019:
Hello. It is a fascinating country in terms of history and culture. Visiting a different country is normally a very pleasant, educational experience, isn't it? Living there is another story, though.
RobBlair comments on Dec 9, 2019:
All I gotta say is "What the Hell were you thinking?" - I think you got game
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
😂😂😂 I also teased him with that video earlier.
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
MarieBabik comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Entitled or self entitled rights there in lies a difference between personal responsibility and government responsibility, Everyone should have access to heath care whether they can afford it or not...Health care back in Wild west times, depression era times, was usually based on a barter system ...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
@MarieBabik I hear your point. Incidentally, I found this article. I don't think I could live in America... I would rather pay tax and be entitled to the health care I need to be honest.🙄
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
RobBlair comments on Dec 8, 2019:
As adults with free will, responsibility and authority should not be separated. In short, the "right" to health, is really a duty that societies may choose to shoulder. That duty would then require proper funding and support to survive. This kind of right, where a good or service is promised,...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
@RobBlair I would imagine it is hard to quantify the wages of doctors, nurses and other medical staff. Their professional qualifications, experience, etc., should obviously be taken into consideration. I would also imagine that it is hard to measure how much appreciated their jobs are by the society. I must admit that I wouldn't like to lose the NHS. Although I have to pay tax towards it, the fact that I can receive the treatment I desperately need without worrying about having to sell my house, etc. gives me such a peace of mind. The UK NHS is far from perfect, and how best it should be funded is a legitimate question. We have private health services as well as the NHS, by the way. But, private basically means profit-oriented, and I don't know how the profit-oriented approach may interfere with the ethic of care, e.g., medicating patients for profit rather than in their best interest. I am still inclined to think that health should be a human right, and therefore everyone should be entitled to the highest attainable standard of health. We obviously agree to disagree on this one. Changing the subject matter completely, are you aware that Don Guido Provolone is back, aka JackStraw70? 😁
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
RobBlair comments on Dec 8, 2019:
As adults with free will, responsibility and authority should not be separated. In short, the "right" to health, is really a duty that societies may choose to shoulder. That duty would then require proper funding and support to survive. This kind of right, where a good or service is promised,...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
@RobBlair The rabbit hole. Pleas don't take me down there with you. So, I'm a little confused. I thought there was such thing as international human rights law but you seem to be saying there is none...
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
Naomi comments on Dec 8, 2019:
I should think that maintaining good health essentially comes under individual responsibilities. One should take care of one's health by eating well, exercising well, etc. Because I'm entitled to health, it shouldn't mean that I can damage my health and expect someone to fix it for me. Health is...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
Hello RCGibb. You talk about free stuff - if somebody else is paying for it people don't care what it cost. There is definitely that mentality but not shared by everyone, I don't think (it's not that I have stats or anything, but...). Whatever the system is, there are always people who abuse it and we can never get rid of those people - unfortunately. I think that education is important so that people appreciate more what they're are entitled to. I can understand the frustration that you pay tax to support something good for the society only to have it abused by someone else. But if you're on the receiving end of national healthcare services, do you think you will appreciate it? After all, you pay your tax for it, and therefore, you are entitled to the treatment you need, and you won't have to worried about money.
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
GaryWitt comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Good health is not a fundamental human right. People are born sickly every day. Life is suffering. Disease threatens all of us, and we have no right to require someone else to care for us. If it were otherwise then doctors, nurses, paramedics and others would by definition become slaves. People ...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
@GaryWitt Now we're going down the rabbit hole. But, there are such thing as human rights law. Anyway, say, I agree that "disease threatens all of us, and we have no right to require someone else to care for us", if you became seriously ill or injured in America and you need medical attention for the rest of your life, would you have to pay for it by yourself? I would assume that your insurer will cover it, but probably not all of it and probably not for the rest of your life. And if the treatment you need is completely out of your financial reach, what will have to happen to you? I've never lived in a country where they don't have a state-run healthcare system, so... Incidentally, I think it is hard to quantify the wages of doctors, nurses and other medical staff. Their professional qualifications. experiences, etc. obviously need to be taken into consideration.
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
GaryWitt comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Good health is not a fundamental human right. People are born sickly every day. Life is suffering. Disease threatens all of us, and we have no right to require someone else to care for us. If it were otherwise then doctors, nurses, paramedics and others would by definition become slaves. People ...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
@GaryWitt How about the U.N? I thought the U.N. initially defines all the human rights, and then recognised by the other organisations such as the WHO.
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
GaryWitt comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Good health is not a fundamental human right. People are born sickly every day. Life is suffering. Disease threatens all of us, and we have no right to require someone else to care for us. If it were otherwise then doctors, nurses, paramedics and others would by definition become slaves. People ...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
I also meant to say that the WHO uses the wording "entitled to the 'highest attainable standard of health'". The "highest attainable standard of health" is not the same as "good health". I think there is a difference in nuance.
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
MarieBabik comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Entitled or self entitled rights there in lies a difference between personal responsibility and government responsibility, Everyone should have access to heath care whether they can afford it or not...Health care back in Wild west times, depression era times, was usually based on a barter system ...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
Hello. You're absolutely right about personal responsibilities. Everyone should be responsible for their own actions and for the consequences brought by their own actions, and that includes, in my opinion, taking care of their own health. Because I am entitled to healthcare, it mustn't mean that I can damage my health and expect someone to fix it for me. I agree that everyone should have access to healthcare services. I live in the UK, and like Canada, we have a national healthcare system, which provides medical treatment 'free at the point of delivery'. This principle is very important in that people don't have to worry about money when they need help the most.Of course, it is misleading to say it is free; the NHS is provided by the government, meaning that it is supported by taxpayers. The UK NHS is far from perfect. For example, there are some treatment and medicines which the NHS can't afford, in which case patients have to find a way to pay for them privately. Yes, we also have private healthcare services - very expensive! Plus, private basically means profit making - I don't know how that interferes with the ethic of healthcare. Patients can be medicated when they don't have to, for example. I think that pharmaceutical patent abuse/monopolisation is one of the major problems. I often hear that once you let any socialistic program in, like NHS, a nation will go down the path of socialism and communism, but I find such a narrative is a little propagandic. The UK has had its NHS for some 60 years and has managed to stay capitalist. I know some people, including my friends, who say "why should I pay my tax to help drug addicts and alcoholics get treated - it's all self-inflicted." I kind of share their sentiment, to be honest. Meanwhile, because they only have themselves to blame for their misery, is it OK to deprive them of the right to health, which is part of the right to live? I don't know... It's cooooomplicated!!!
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
GaryWitt comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Good health is not a fundamental human right. People are born sickly every day. Life is suffering. Disease threatens all of us, and we have no right to require someone else to care for us. If it were otherwise then doctors, nurses, paramedics and others would by definition become slaves. People ...
Naomi replies on Dec 9, 2019:
Hello. The WHO says that health is a human right, i.e., an internationally protected legal entitlement, which gives us very little room to debate on whether it is or not. [] I'll try to find the video in which JP says your right is someone's responsibility. I'm sure it's on YouTube.
Chemistry winner Akira Yoshino (Prof.
RCGibb comments on Dec 8, 2019:
The lithium battery is undoubtedly a great achievement, however lithium mining and refining is environmentally costly, disposal is also an issue ...
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
Hello. There is always room for improvement. :)
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
RobBlair comments on Dec 8, 2019:
As adults with free will, responsibility and authority should not be separated. In short, the "right" to health, is really a duty that societies may choose to shoulder. That duty would then require proper funding and support to survive. This kind of right, where a good or service is promised,...
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
Hello. According to the article, the right to healthcare is a positive right. Because it is legally protected international human right, it seems that all states are obliged to protect it. Otherwise, it is a violation. It is a tricky right!
'Your right is someone's responsibility.
dmatic comments on Dec 8, 2019:
I think the premise may be false.
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
Hello. Would you care to explain why you think that?
Say what now?
Naomi comments on Dec 8, 2019:
...What are they wearing...? 🤢🤢🤢
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
Banana 🍌 plus duct tape = $150,000. But does it = art? []
Naomi comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. What is the definition of "art", then...? Time to redefine it?
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
@GeeMac Emphasising the illogical and absurd, indeed!
Stay or go: Hongkongers consider emigration options amid protests | South China Morning Post
RCGibb comments on Dec 7, 2019:
The Left doesn't want them in America ...
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
Hello. Don't they? Why? Many Hongkongers are here in the UK, quite rightly, as they have British passports.
She's expecting a baby.
Biosphere comments on Dec 7, 2019:
You lost me on this one, and believe me it's my fault. I'll need to reread it in the morning. Gnite soon😴
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
No worries. This is a "weak" joke. I though 't was funny at the time of posting but not so funny now.
Banana 🍌 plus duct tape = $150,000. But does it = art? []
Naomi comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. What is the definition of "art", then...? Time to redefine it?
Naomi replies on Dec 8, 2019:
Hello GeeMac. I shouldn't ridicule, really, since I don't have a good understanding of modern art... still... no offence! 😂
Naomi Seibt.
Naomi comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. I shall look forward to the day when Naomi and Greta have a debate on climate change and other topics. I'm not being sarcastic. I think it is important that current affairs are discussed among individuals and groups in the same generations.
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
@MarieBabik Point taken. We'll see.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
AndrewInVail comments on Dec 7, 2019:
I do not sympathize with your severely disabled friend. I also do not categorize this as "WOKE". I think that this is an understandable yet melodramatic opinion from someone that has fallen for the drumbeat that politics are and should be at the head of society. When I say politics there, I ...
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. Sympathy is a feeling/emotion which you don't have much control of, so, either you sympathise or you don't. I'm fine with that. I don't normally take much notice of memes like this, but because my friend shared it, i.e., a disabled person posted it, I stopped to look at it differently and thought about it, especially about privilege. The context was suddenly important. Privilege is a special advantage, no? My friend hasn't got much advantage in life due to her disability, and I did sympathise with her posting the meme. I doubt that she supports every single word that is written in the meme but I could feel her frustration with deprivation of privilege. Mind you, if anyone assumes that she is not trying her best to pursue quality of life and is dependent of others and the state, they're mistaken. She is a defiant, independent-minded person. She is intelligent, too - she is a scientist. But she does have to ask for help because she is very restricted with physical side of things. So, I do see people like her as a protected group who genuinely need help of the society, and not necessarily as a tribe in a political sense. The sad thing is, people like her are often used for political agendas and yes, you're right about politics driving us all crazy and dividing us.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
dmatic comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Interesting sentiment. I appreciate her trying to make the world a better place. This thing about privilege, however, ..... I think we're all privileged to be alive.
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
@dmatic If I suffer such a syndrome and no longer have quality of life, I will be inclined to wish to be given a privilege to die. I'm not sure if politics can provide any answer, though...
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
dmatic comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Interesting sentiment. I appreciate her trying to make the world a better place. This thing about privilege, however, ..... I think we're all privileged to be alive.
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. 'The locked-in syndrome (pseudocoma) describes patients who are awake and conscious but selectively deefferented, i.e., have no means of producing speech, limb or facial movements. Patients also suffer chronic pain.' Still privileged to be alive? I'm not so sure...
Banana 🍌 plus duct tape = $150,000. But does it = art? []
Naomi comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. What is the definition of "art", then...? Time to redefine it?
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
... repudiating and mocking artistic and social conventions and emphasizing the illogical and absurd...
And a jolly Christmas to all of you.😆 []
Naomi comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. Blame Coca-Cola. 😂
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
@JimbobNE Santa (or we call him Father Christmas in the UK) is someone who brings joy and happiness. I like him. Around Christmas in the UK, adults, including the media, are careful not to reveal that Santa is just an imaginary person. They're careful not to break small children's hearts.
Banana 🍌 plus duct tape = $150,000. But does it = art? []
Naomi comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello. What is the definition of "art", then...? Time to redefine it?
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
Hello Facci. Does it have a name? Modern, contemporary, postmodern, etc.?
That's just in the USA alone. 😳👏 Have you watched it yet?
Bay0Wulf comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I haven’t watched it yet ... somehow DeNiro bothers me in several ways. Starting when he screwed up Tribeca ... one of my favorite neighborhoods ... by putting in his “bar and grille” for stuffed shirt movie groupies ... However ... That said, I have really got to wonder how 3 Guidos end ...
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
You're hard to please. 😂😂
My secret Santa. :)
Biosphere comments on Dec 6, 2019:
That makes me horny, but only because my stepson gave me some dianabol(oral anabolic steroid) last week.
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
Now, you've had enough drink. 😂😂
Dog Getting Picked Up From The Vet Gives Owner This Look - YouTube
JackHammel comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Naomi replies on Dec 7, 2019:
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
iThink comments on Dec 6, 2019:
that poster is "woke" horseshit. I find it most offensive. furthermore the "severe disability of your friend" has absolutely nothing to do with the content of the poster. that is a very obvious and feeble attempt on your part to milk sympathy for the post which is in and of itself of no value.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@iThink Why should I waste time on you? You're full of yourself. Good bye.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
iThink comments on Dec 6, 2019:
that poster is "woke" horseshit. I find it most offensive. furthermore the "severe disability of your friend" has absolutely nothing to do with the content of the poster. that is a very obvious and feeble attempt on your part to milk sympathy for the post which is in and of itself of no value.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@iThink A 68-year-old man trolling a woman who could be young enough to be your daughter... not cool. I bet you don't have a daughter. I can't imagine my father trolling a young woman on social media. Does you wife know about this?
That's just in the USA alone. 😳👏 Have you watched it yet?
dd54 comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Al Pacino and Joe Pesci were good. De Niro was okay. Good story line so I enjoyed it.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Another good review! I'll definitely watch it over the weekend. :)
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
Biosphere comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I'm not drunk enough to explode my opinions outwards about politics, but I'll say this for now- you have a pretty cool friend.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Yes, you need more drink.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
iThink comments on Dec 6, 2019:
that poster is "woke" horseshit. I find it most offensive. furthermore the "severe disability of your friend" has absolutely nothing to do with the content of the poster. that is a very obvious and feeble attempt on your part to milk sympathy for the post which is in and of itself of no value.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
OK boomer.
That's just in the USA alone. 😳👏 Have you watched it yet?
MarieBabik comments on Dec 6, 2019:
It is another classic Scorsese mob film, I watched it, enjoyed it, wasnt bored by it, it told a story, and it told it well..DeNiro was his usual meh self..while Pacino was outstanding, his energy jumped off the screen and was all over the place, what a difference between the two, ..but 3 1/2 hrs is ...
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
OK. I'll watch it over the weekend.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
iThink comments on Dec 6, 2019:
that poster is "woke" horseshit. I find it most offensive. furthermore the "severe disability of your friend" has absolutely nothing to do with the content of the poster. that is a very obvious and feeble attempt on your part to milk sympathy for the post which is in and of itself of no value.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
You have a very twisted mind. Would you be so kind as to go away, please?
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
KCSantiago comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I do not know what is being defined as severely disabled, but I am disabled. My life today is filled with pain. But to say I am fighting for my life would be very removed from reality any more than anyone else is just plain wrong. All the doom and gloom expressed in this image more hyperbole than ...
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Hello. As a meme, your analysis is probably right, and I wouldn't probably have noticed if it wasn't shared by my friend. I took notice of this meme because it was shared by a "severely-disabled" person, not by some spoiled brat who pretends he/she is a victim of something. I shall not disclose her conditions in detail, but she is wheelchair bound and she struggles to articulate sounds when she speaks. She is all for reducing plastic waste, but she is frustrated with calling for blanket ban on plastic straws; she, and people like her, actually do need plastic straws that "bend" so as to fit in their mouths. Most people's thoughts don't go far enough for people like her, and that's when she feels forgotten and feels like shouting "Look, I'm still here, fighting!", I guess.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
GaryWitt comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Well, she’s right. The people of Hong Kong, mainland China (particularly the Uighurs), North Korea, Russia, and elsewhere are truly oppressed and deserve our full support. On the other hand, those who simply manufacture their own victimhood with pretense and false narratives provide ample ...
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@GaryWitt I don't think we avoid talking politics intentionally, hence such a meme posted by her and taken notice by me. Not everything has to be politicised, so yes, we have a laugh together now and then.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
govols comments on Dec 6, 2019:
It's just Woke.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Hello. Yes, I'm aware of the site, and I know that my friend does not necessarily support the organisation. But, on this occasion, she resonated with the meme.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
GaryWitt comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Well, she’s right. The people of Hong Kong, mainland China (particularly the Uighurs), North Korea, Russia, and elsewhere are truly oppressed and deserve our full support. On the other hand, those who simply manufacture their own victimhood with pretense and false narratives provide ample ...
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Hello. I had to take into consideration that this was shared by someone who is severely disabled and not by a champagne-drinking, middle-class person. My friend and I don't always share views but we always remain friends.
I found this one shared by my severely disabled friend. Would you sympathise with her sentiment?
MarieBabik comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Privilege in action my ass..more like realizing that all your bitching, complaining, meme posting pussy hat vulva costume marching protesting , gets you nowhere.. you accomplish nothing , fuck all, nada , zilch..its just lip service and a self pat on the back for accolades..You want to know what is ...
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Hello. You sound like my menopause lady friend... No offence!
Does this make sense to you?
Biosphere comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Metaphorically speaking(& only those with imagination will understand), since the arrival of backhoes, we don't need ditch diggers anymore. We only need people who wish to work for recreational reasons to operate them.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
I always appreciate your sarcastic sense of humour, Biosphere. :)
Is all fair in love and war?
Naomi comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Hello. May I ask what is the purpose of asking such a question? It seems you received many responses as expected. These responses were expected because I think I'm right in thinking that not all but most members here are right-leaning, and of course, they would support and defend PragerU. I ...
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Hello RCGibb. Not everyone, no. And I hope that you and I are not.
Does this make sense to you?
dmatic comments on Dec 4, 2019:
In a free country, poor people may become rich if they choose.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@dmatic, @Organicplum That's called reality.
Does this make sense to you?
dmatic comments on Dec 4, 2019:
In a free country, poor people may become rich if they choose.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@dmatic I like your optimism, and I am a glass-half-full person.
Does this make sense to you?
Biosphere comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Metaphorically speaking(& only those with imagination will understand), since the arrival of backhoes, we don't need ditch diggers anymore. We only need people who wish to work for recreational reasons to operate them.
Naomi replies on Dec 6, 2019:
"Let's look at Marx as a thinker (i.e., not as the father of communism)." I like this professor.
govols comments on Dec 5, 2019:
How go the lessons?
Naomi replies on Dec 5, 2019:
@govols I've been watching the lessons like that, too! In a kind of back and forth manner, so the progress is slow. Of course, each lesson is only 10 to 15 min., and therefor is concise. So, I Google to find a little more information where need be; not too much though because I don't want to confuse myself. I've got to From Enlightenment to Revolution. I like M. S. Roth. I think he explains well, and I can tell that he likes the subject himself.
"Let's look at Marx as a thinker (i.e., not as the father of communism)." I like this professor.
govols comments on Dec 5, 2019:
How go the lessons?
Naomi replies on Dec 5, 2019:
I would like to think slowly but steadily. There's a lot to take in. I have to watch each lesson more than once!
Billy Connolly - on F-Off! - YouTube
govols comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Maybe not a GRAND master, but most certainly one of the masters of comedy.
Naomi replies on Dec 5, 2019:
Hello. Apparently, Connolly never rehearses (rehearsed, rather) his gigs. I must admit that some of his jokes are too coarse for my liking. But, on this occasion, I can somehow appreciate his analysis of this rather rude imperative. I can't imagine myself using it too often, though. When I started living in England, my English wasn't all that good, and someone told me to learn when and how to use this very word; it has such a strong effect as a deterrent, one day it might save me from a difficult situation. It was a good piece of advice.
Does this make sense to you?
Organicplum comments on Dec 5, 2019:
False logic, you can look at your budget where you give subsidy to the rich in illegal amounts to skew the independent trade competition market place, and investigate corruption that makes the poor poorer
Naomi replies on Dec 5, 2019:
Morning. Now we're going down the rabbit hole. Lol
Classic Islam apologist in the UK []
JimbobNE comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I can not understand why anybody follows Islam. It is an intellectually vacuous philosophy based on lies and lying. I know there are some decent Muslims out there, but they are stuck in a religion which is barbaric. What is more surprising is the constant fear and confusion many in the west exhibit ...
Naomi replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Hello. It is plausible that Muhammad manipulated Islam for his political agenda to create Islamism. Islam and Islamism are different things. There are individuals who have been trying to reform Islam including removing Hadiths, which would be good for starters.
What is this all about?
Boardwine comments on Dec 4, 2019:
I remember her! Was she banned? She hated you. I don't. I mean you're a commie but.......
Naomi replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles I wasn't following closely but I remember the whole matter became rather ugly and foul, so did her language...
We should look closely at what Adam Smith actually believed | Aeon Essays
rway comments on Dec 4, 2019:
The key point seems to be that the problem is "not simply that of state intervention in general, but of state intervention undertaken at the behest of merchant elites who were furthering their own interests at the expense of the public." Is there any other kind of state intervention? The State...
Naomi replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Hello. Apparently, Smith saw great importance in education. He believed that everyone must receive primary/basic education at least and the state should help. The right to education, thus, state intervention to protect it?
Does this make sense to you?
dmatic comments on Dec 4, 2019:
In a free country, poor people may become rich if they choose.
Naomi replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Hello. Given that there are opportunities for them.
Does this make sense to you?
george comments on Dec 3, 2019:
It's the kind of statement that misrepresents the whole idea of what the poor are actually asking for. Taxing people isn't legislating freedom, first of all. The legislation isn't designed for the people who don't work. It is designed for the working poor to not be eligible for food stamps ...
Naomi replies on Dec 4, 2019:
Hello george. If you read the additional info, you will find that the quote is with an incorrect year. You read a lot into it, and I thank you for your seriousness and sincerity. You make some good points. I still like the quote, though, because on the face of it, it seems to be saying that everyone should make their best effort to lead a life that is meaningful to them, the rich and the poor alike. To me, it's saying that you don't get lazy and start depending on others because you're entitled to benefits and allowances, while you don't stop being kind to others who genuinely need help; don't think that they're robbing you, you help those who are worse off than you because you can afford to do so. And the last thing you want is to create a them & us culture. Something like that. I guess quotes like this need to be interpreted in a certain context and what goes on in reality is very complicated.
Speech is simply a communication tool, no?
JimbobNE comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I don't know if you truly abuse freedom of speech by speaking without thinking, because it gives listeners the opportunity to respond and bury the statement with an intelligent response. The listeners get an opportunity to practice their debate skills, inactive listeners get an opportunity to use ...
Naomi replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@JimbobNE You make a good point; the definition of free speech is soooooo broad. Even when it refers to political speech, defining such speech is also difficult or impossible. There is truth in that bad ideas need to be spoken so that it becomes evident that they are bad and need to be challenged.
Does this make sense to you?
Clammypollack comments on Dec 3, 2019:
This makes much sense to me but would be considered hate speech by many younger folks in America today.
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
@Clarken I don't know exactly how the political spectrum works, but I think that as young people grow up, become independent and finally face the reality, they learn to conserve important things in their lives and make gradual changes for better.
Does this make sense to you?
Clammypollack comments on Dec 3, 2019:
This makes much sense to me but would be considered hate speech by many younger folks in America today.
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
@Clarken, @Clammypollack "Any man who is not a socialist at age 20 has no heart. Any man who is still a socialist at age 40 has no head." (There are variations on this theme.) Maybe just part of growing up...?
I've been trying to figure out what education would look like if it were more socially and ...
Naomi comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Hello. Do you have any Steiner Schools in your country?
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
There is quite a few in the UK. It was a long time ago but I had an opportunity to visit one of them. It was interesting.
Does this make sense to you?
Clammypollack comments on Dec 3, 2019:
This makes much sense to me but would be considered hate speech by many younger folks in America today.
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
Hello. Why? How do you think many young Americans would interpret this quote?
Does this make sense to you?
Josf-Kelley comments on Dec 3, 2019:
In the first place the author would have to explain what he means by "nation," as in "...the end of any nation." Take America for example. America started out as a place where people ran (many runaway slaves running away from Religious, Economic, and other forms of slavery) to this place. Here ...
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
Hello. Still. Does it make sense to you much as a quote?
Dear liver...
BikerPetehall70 comments on Dec 3, 2019:
It’s already sundown and December has begun so I’ll crack this bottle of Malbec and here we go
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
Yes, it's the third of Christmas, already!
Speech is simply a communication tool, no?
WingedRyno comments on Dec 3, 2019:
"Similarly, would you say you're being irresponsible by speaking your unfounded thoughts, and therefore abusing freedom of speech?" That isn't abusing free speech. That is free speech. If you only want to permit well formed thoughts being uttered in any conversation, you're going to have a ...
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
Hello. How about slander? Say, someone formed an opinion against you and spread words against you. You know it is unfounded and it is a lie. Still, subsequently, your business had to suffer, and not only you but also your family was accused of something you were no part of. Would you say that's still free speech? I'm not sure...
Speech is simply a communication tool, no?
JimbobNE comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I don't know if you truly abuse freedom of speech by speaking without thinking, because it gives listeners the opportunity to respond and bury the statement with an intelligent response. The listeners get an opportunity to practice their debate skills, inactive listeners get an opportunity to use ...
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
@JimbobNE, @datguy I actually like crazy ideas. My day job is related to preparing reports of inventions on novelty and inventiveness. When crazy ideas are developed by experts like scientists and engineers, they make logical sense and become industrially applicable and marketable, which is great. So, to me it is important that the thoughts I have in my head hold enough validity before I put them into words. I was thinking about freedom as in freedom of thought and freedom of speech. I think that maybe not all but most people would agree that freedom exists within boundaries and comes with responsibilities. If everyone is free to do anything and any way they like and they don't have to take responsibilities for their actions, it will create anarchy, no? Meanwhile, when it comes to free speech, anything goes. You're basically free to say anything from gossip to slander to verbal abuse... anything, unless inciting violence (i.e., hate speech, but then it is hard to define what hate speech is), and yet we hardly talk about responsibilities of speakers, and if you do question their verbal behaviour, you will be accused of supporting censorship. So, when someone overlooks, rather lazily, self-discipline and responsibility for their verbal behaviour in the name of freedom of speech, it could be a violation of freedom of speech...or is it? And that was my train of thoughts.
Speech is simply a communication tool, no?
govols comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I haven't read too much of Plato, but enough to see the merit of his expression of ideas through dialogues. It begs you into the conversation. I put out unfounded thoughts all of the time, and any doubts of arguments turned against them gives me ways to examine that I otherwise mightn't have come ...
Naomi replies on Dec 3, 2019:
Hello. I was basically pondering freedom of thought and freedom of speech (too much wine). I think and wonder a lot. I have debates in my head all the time. But then, I thought I could think and wonder as much as and any way I like because my thoughts are kept inside my head and nobody needs to know them (free to think) but as soon as I utter my thoughts, I become responsible for my utterances, and if my speech does not hold much validity, perhaps I should hold it back (not so free to speak). I would rather not be irresponsible for what I say. Otherwise, I may be abusing freedom of speech. That was my train of thought anyway.
Speech is simply a communication tool, no?
camerakid61 comments on Dec 2, 2019:
Pendantic verbosity. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Naomi replies on Dec 2, 2019:
Hello. You mean "pedantic", no? Sorry for being pedantic. 😂
Speech is simply a communication tool, no?
JimbobNE comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I don't know if you truly abuse freedom of speech by speaking without thinking, because it gives listeners the opportunity to respond and bury the statement with an intelligent response. The listeners get an opportunity to practice their debate skills, inactive listeners get an opportunity to use ...
Naomi replies on Dec 2, 2019:
Hello. How about rumours and gossips? How about conspiracy theories? Words can spread like fire sometimes, no? Do you think those who spread unfounded news in the manner of Chinese whispers are abusing freedom of speech?
Speech is simply a communication tool, no?
GaryWitt comments on Dec 2, 2019:
Please consider this as part of the context: Thoughts, or meaning, cannot be “transferred” through speech. You don’t actually transmit meaning. Your speech gives the symbols that allow the other person to create meaning. Whether the meaning created by that recipient of symbols is close to ...
Naomi replies on Dec 2, 2019:
Hello. "Thoughts, or meaning, cannot be “transferred” through speech. You don’t actually transmit meaning. Your speech gives the symbols that allow the other person to create meaning." I think you're talking about interpretation. In that case, I agree that interpretation can vary from person to person (recipient to recipient), but how can you possibly convey your thought without putting it into words and uttering them so that your recipient can understand what you mean? Do you think it is your responsibility that you make sure that the recipient understand what you mean as clearly as possible by making your utterance as accurate and articulate as possible so that you and the recipient do not corrupt the communication?.
A massive Gen Z, right wing subreddit has appeared, and it's getting bigger []
JimbobNE comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Interesting, but seems like a very large contingent of anti Semitic crap. Unfortunate that these young folks are using some of the same arguments used by the KKK and nazi Germany. While I have no problem calling for the US to cut ties with Israel or to reduce our dealings with them in general, the ...
Naomi replies on Dec 2, 2019:
Hello. "They are Jewish thus they are evil." Not all. Of course not. "They are Jewish thus they are saints." Not all. Of course not. Generalisation propaganda is bad, no?
On November 22 1963 I was nine years old and a less than brilliant, often rowdy, always passionate ...
Naomi comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Hello. May I ask what it is like for an American person to live in Korea? Was it difficult to start with to adapt yourself to their way of living and thinking?
Naomi replies on Dec 2, 2019:
Interesting. Thank you, Mpdowney.
A Socialist Plan to Fix the Internet
Biosphere comments on Dec 1, 2019:
What's wrong with it other than slow speed?
Naomi replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Hello. Neoliberalism has gone mad, it seems...
They're well ahead of the game - India Is Using Plastic To Build Roads | Is This The Future?
Bay0Wulf comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Well, I think it is an interesting idea ... perhaps even a “great” idea ... I think I have an awful lot of questions that need answers though ... Like, when the surface begins to break down, how easily is it repaired? If large pieces break off, what happens to them? Can they be remade into ...
Naomi replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Hello. Not sure about being short-sighted. In India, for example, this project has been implemented nationwide (mandatory) since 2015 if not before, which I would like to think indicates some good signs in terms of durability and sustainability. Still, there is always room for improvement. I like it every time someone not only comes up with a realistic idea but also put it into practical application. "Pragmatic" and "proactive" are two of my favourite words. :) With regard to surface repair/resurfacing, we have lots of potholes in the UK, and plastic roads could be the ultimate solution, according to the article below. The future seems bright. (I know, I'm a glass-half-full person!)
What is your elf name. Mine is Bauble Waffle-Cock 😂
Biosphere comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Cunty Berry-Wank! I want to flip this checker board over and start over fresh w/new rules. Just like life.
Naomi replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Hello. That sounds terrible! 😂🤣
It's November 30th,
BikerPetehall70 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Not this man, I just open the wallet it’s easier than getting the wrong gift every time
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@BikerPetehall70 Peeeerfect!
It's November 30th,
BikerPetehall70 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Not this man, I just open the wallet it’s easier than getting the wrong gift every time
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@BikerPetehall70 The Two Ronnies, Only Fools & Horses... Again! 😂 🤣
It's November 30th,
BikerPetehall70 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Not this man, I just open the wallet it’s easier than getting the wrong gift every time
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@BikerPetehall70 I bet you'll find your house very empty and quiet once your youngest left, or you may be saying "Hoorah, finally!". 😂 🤣
It's November 30th,
BikerPetehall70 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Not this man, I just open the wallet it’s easier than getting the wrong gift every time
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@BikerPetehall70 😂 🤣😂 🤣
It's November 30th,
BikerPetehall70 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Not this man, I just open the wallet it’s easier than getting the wrong gift every time
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Hello. What's the English saying? It's the thought that counts, or something along those lines. Aren't your thoughts ever appreciated by your loved ones?
They're well ahead of the game - India Is Using Plastic To Build Roads | Is This The Future?
cRaZyTMG comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Has this been tested in cold climates? What's the durability like? Can it stand up to heavy traffic?
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Yes, cRaZyTMG. Financial commitments are difficult decisions. I think it's important to ensure pragmatism before making a commitment.
They're well ahead of the game - India Is Using Plastic To Build Roads | Is This The Future?
cRaZyTMG comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Has this been tested in cold climates? What's the durability like? Can it stand up to heavy traffic?
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@cRaZyTMG Someone has to make a start and I admire those who do.
They're well ahead of the game - India Is Using Plastic To Build Roads | Is This The Future?
cRaZyTMG comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Has this been tested in cold climates? What's the durability like? Can it stand up to heavy traffic?
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Hello Bonez. Are you trying to tell me that this is a silly idea?
The plague is coming back. Watch for flees and rats. Watch for extremist liberals too []
dd54 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
The US averages 7 cases of plague annually. In 2016 there were 16 cases and 4 deaths. Plague cases usually crop up in the agricultural and rural regions of the midwest with scattered cases throughout the western part of the country. I don't support China's totalitarian government but China has had ...
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Hello, and thank god, you see through it.
The plague is coming back. Watch for flees and rats. Watch for extremist liberals too []
Naomi comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Hello. It's already in the US, I believe...
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Isn't that a bit shocking... in this day and age... in a developed country...? At least it can be treated, thank goodness.
They're well ahead of the game - India Is Using Plastic To Build Roads | Is This The Future?
DrN1 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
The Indian people are extremely hardworking adaptable and resilient, they have a genius for innovation and recycling is one of them, I for one am convinced that we have to look to the third world for solutions to the problems that the first world has created.
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
By the way, I meant to tell you that you've got one in Scotland.
They're well ahead of the game - India Is Using Plastic To Build Roads | Is This The Future?
cRaZyTMG comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Has this been tested in cold climates? What's the durability like? Can it stand up to heavy traffic?
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Hello. I drove on one of the plastic waste roads in Sweden not so long time ago. So, I should think cold climates are not a problem. I also know that the traffic is pretty bad in big cities in India (I have been to Mumbai and another city nearby, and the traffic was crazy), so I should think plastic waste roads are hard-wearing.
They're well ahead of the game - India Is Using Plastic To Build Roads | Is This The Future?
DrN1 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
The Indian people are extremely hardworking adaptable and resilient, they have a genius for innovation and recycling is one of them, I for one am convinced that we have to look to the third world for solutions to the problems that the first world has created.
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Hello. I totally agree. The wisdom of the ancient Indian is also fascinating.
What do you believe creates a safer society?
Naomi comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Hello. In my opinion, people from different cultural backgrounds should be able to live together in the same country happily and safely as long as they all comply with the law and order of that country. I support the ‘When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do’ approach.
Naomi replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@Markrod420 Then, I would kindly suggest that you stop "watching Europeans cuckold themselves", as you put it, and focus more on what is going on in your everyday life, like enjoying Thanksgiving. Have a lovely Thanksgiving weekend. I rest my case.
Did Trump Tweet a Picture of Himself as Rocky Balboa?
Gardener comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I saw that yesterday, I thought it was hilarious. I have no problem at all with our President having a sense of humor, it’s a very American trait.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
@DrN1, @Gardener Have a lovely (Thanksgiving) weekend. X
Did Trump Tweet a Picture of Himself as Rocky Balboa?
Gardener comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I saw that yesterday, I thought it was hilarious. I have no problem at all with our President having a sense of humor, it’s a very American trait.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
There, there, ZZ Top.
Did Trump Tweet a Picture of Himself as Rocky Balboa?
Gardener comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I saw that yesterday, I thought it was hilarious. I have no problem at all with our President having a sense of humor, it’s a very American trait.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
Hello. And this is our Prime Minister...
Ezra Levant. "Did Angela Merkel Just Read Out Germany s Suicide Note?
Naomi comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Hello. The irony is, Merkel herself is a victim of communism; she grew up in communist East Germany.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
Just kidding, purdyday. Have a lovely Thanksgiving weekend. X
Feel this burn, Bernie. []
DonProvolone comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Well, young people are coddled Twats so there's that.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
Like you were once upon a time? No offence! 😜😜😜
i thought there was no guns anymore in London grin []
rodneyblue comments on Nov 29, 2019:
odd they (msm) all seem to be talking about this one but nothing about the birmingham machete attack. I searched a bunch of msm sites for birmingham attack or machete and most of them brought up supposed attacks on mulsims instead. we are so fucked. thx for the post.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
Hello. It was reported alright in England...
Ezra Levant. "Did Angela Merkel Just Read Out Germany s Suicide Note?
Naomi comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Hello. The irony is, Merkel herself is a victim of communism; she grew up in communist East Germany.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
Hello purdyday. She moved to East Germany as an infant. It wasn't her choice. She had to be educated there because she had no choice. But she was educated rather well and has subsequently done very well with her career. If you say she is a product of communism, she is a damn good product of it. Am I missing something here? 😂 🤣
Behind the Iron Curtain.
Naomi comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Hello. Very interesting. Very educational. Thank you for this.
Naomi replies on Nov 29, 2019:
I don't think the USSR model is applicable in this day and age, though.
Like it or not, China is rising: US Debt to China: How Much, Reasons, What Could Happen
timon_phocas comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Howdy @Naomi, The Chinese could indeed do a "Samson" and pull down our financial temple. But in doing this they would destroy their own economy, since they depend on exports far more than the US. It's kind of like the doctrine of mutually assured destruction.
Naomi replies on Nov 28, 2019:
Hello. Yes, It's kind of interesting how a debt relationship works between two countries. The article says that one makes a wrong move, and both will fall or something along those lines.
Like it or not, China is rising: US Debt to China: How Much, Reasons, What Could Happen
Naomi comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Note: The Balance is a least biased media source.
Naomi replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@Bay0Wulf The article you cited is by a lending company...
Like it or not, China is rising: US Debt to China: How Much, Reasons, What Could Happen
MarieBabik comments on Nov 28, 2019:
You have to read this book 2030, similar to Orwells 1984 , it talks about a time in future when Americas debt to others is so high that they can no longer borrow , barter on their terms and after the big one hits in California , the American government needs Chinese money to rebuild, so the Chinese...
Naomi replies on Nov 28, 2019:
Sounds fascinating (and too realistic, maybe?). I'll check it out. Thanks.
Like it or not, China is rising: US Debt to China: How Much, Reasons, What Could Happen
Bay0Wulf comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Uhm ... outside of finding an interesting title and an article that articulated what you wanted to hear ... what did you find? Did you look into who “the Balance” is? Do you know ... read enough ... to realize that it’s a Left Slanted Banking Website devoted to quietly promoting themselves ...
Naomi replies on Nov 28, 2019:
Should this the leftists' doing, what do you think they're trying to achieve by projecting such information? Any idea?
Like it or not, China is rising: US Debt to China: How Much, Reasons, What Could Happen
Naomi comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Note: The Balance is a least biased media source.
Naomi replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@Bay0Wulf The point I'm seeing is that China is becoming powerful in international economic and political relations.