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Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 30, 2019:
@Wordmage " Have you seen anything in the Scriptures that indicates there is a possibility of resurrection from the second death? Where?" Yes, the last enemy to be destroyed or done away with (abolished) is death. (1 Cor. 15:26) Are you familiar with Moses' dilemma when those who had touched a dead body and were thus 'unclean' for a while, so could not keep the Passover? They wanted to, so they asked Moses what to do. He said he didn't know, but would ask God. God told him to tell them to keep the Passover in the second month! If you can see this, we all are, in a way, ceremonially unclean because we are touching our own "dead" bodies of this death. But, God provides a way, even for us, to experience the Passover....after the first has already passed.
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 30, 2019:
@Wordmage "Rob Bell appears to want to supersede that message, asserting that God may extend additional grace to those who rebelled and earned a place in Hell – in spite of what Hebrews 10:26-27 says, "there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment…" In teaching that people can be saved after going to Hell, Rob Bell is teaching "a different gospel," precisely what Paul criticizes the Corinthians for listening to in 2 Corinthians 11:1-15. And you appear to concur with Bell. " Yes, if one rejects the Lamb's sacrifice, and goes on sinning...there is a fearful expectation of judgment. It is a 'fearful' thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. And, "knowing the terror of the LORD, we persuade men..." (By the way, I hope you recognize the scriptures I am referring to, without their addresses.) And, again, I do not know what Rob Bell is teaching, but he, apparently understands that it is God's mercy that endures forever, not His wrath. He will make all things new. He will, someday, rid the world of sin. He has so prophesied. I am sorry that you do not believe Him.
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 30, 2019:
@Wordmage "Well, to get right to the meat of the issue, the New Testament is clear and consistent about stating that salvation & eternal life are made available only through the one-time sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. It also is unambiguous about the condemnation & punishment earned by those who reject him and his atoning death & resurrection." Agreed. AND, that one time sacrifice was for ALL men. AND, "Eternal" life is knowing Thee, the only True God. And, according to Him, "ALL WILL come to know Him, from the lest to the greatest.... (NEW COVENANT)
Bilderberg Group Agenda 2019, Montreux (Thursday to Sunday this week) Key topics 1.
mccarthy comments on May 29, 2019:
The Council of Foreign relations and Trilateral Commission preceded the Bilderberg group with the idea of one world order by at least 50 years. The so-called Deep State and the Shadow governments in North America and Europe are much the same people. Davos Man, in Europe also are much the same ...
dmatic replies on May 30, 2019:
Certainly 'happy' they are in competition with each other. God, in the Heavens, laughs at their plots, though they must be part of His plan, too.
Bilderberg Group Agenda 2019, Montreux (Thursday to Sunday this week) Key topics 1.
dmatic comments on May 29, 2019:
What is a Stable Strategic Order?
dmatic replies on May 30, 2019:
@FaithJones Yep, makes sense. These "rulers" seem to think that God made the world just for them!
Farm Attack: 'Testifying in the Port Elizabeth High Court on Tuesday, the 44-year-old woman recalled...
dmatic comments on May 29, 2019:
The guy ought to be executed!
dmatic replies on May 30, 2019:
@Jenna I understand. May your effort be blessed. It may be hard to love enemies, but it is the right thing to do, after all. I still suggest the death penalty, however, for the guy, whatever the color of his skin.
Interesting read.
dmatic comments on May 29, 2019:
"“The problem is that there’s not enough people,” he added. " Funny!
dmatic replies on May 29, 2019:
@Pate49 Some people think there are too many people to take care of now! Of course, I disagree.
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 29, 2019:
@Wordmage You wrote: "My conclusions are actually reached from what I observe in Scripture, not only from something I was taught. And so far, I don't believe you've presented anything to support the assertion that "we all know that Hell does not last forever" or that it's good news that all will be resurrected. We are going to be resurrected to judgment, and there are two different judgments, one for the righteous, who will be rewarded, and one for the unrighteous, who will be condemned." I most certainly did not expect you to change your view based on the snippet I sent earlier! Don't worry, there is much more evidence to be presented. Apparently, however, you have already reached a conclusion? Do you want to talk about this or no? Let us consider each other's objections for a while, before we draw our conclusions, shall we? This is a huge topic, after all, and if the "church" has gotten it wrong, it may be time to correct that. There are two "resurrections" coming, it appears. Correct? The first is for the "Overcomers" those believers who "overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives to the death" These will be resurrected early in the thousand year reign of Christ to live and rule with Him for those thousand years. Correct? The second death having no 'power' over them. The second resurrection includes believers who had not overcome, yet, and the unrighteous unbelievers. All who are in their graves will come out and be judged according to their deeds. May I ask you, here, what you think the purpose of God's judgment is? This resurrection happens after the thousand years is completed.
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 29, 2019:
@Wordmage Ok. This could be a great discussion, I hope, and, of course, you may begin your response firing my own words back at me! I wasn't trying to insult you! Hope you didn't take offense. It's just that Jesus Himself, taught that many would come in His name...but would deceive MANY! I know, you don't think you have been. Nor does anyone else. Everybody thinks they are right about everything! People have argued about all kinds of stuff for Millennia, and there are many "camps". And many war against one another. So, hopefully, both of us are interested in Truth. The reality of what is the true doctrine. Correct? Anyway, I hope I wouldn't take offense if you suggested I don't know what I'm talking about, or that I was wrong about something. If I am wrong about something, I DO want to KNOW that! Do you?
It's an interesting concept when a metaphor becomes so prevalent that you cannot research its ...
cepstralspike comments on May 29, 2019:
She methodically annihilates a unifying metaphor. She sets up a point of view that everything in this country is built on lies. That eventually will lead to the point that there is no such thing as truth except maybe her truth. The only thing real is power. The kernel of the postmodern agitprop is ...
dmatic replies on May 29, 2019:
The author of the post is John G. who made the comment about intellectual humility. He was quoting another author. And, he is inviting comments. I think I will try to make one...
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 29, 2019:
@Wordmage Believe me, I know where you are coming from. You have been taught to conclude the way you do. But, let's consider the possibility that your teachers had also inherited lies. No worries, it's just part of the Plan, apparently. I haven't had a lot of time to devote to this, yet, but will take the time as you seem willing to investigate...or examine to see if your conclusions are true. By the way, I have not read Rob Bell's book. We are told that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. Correct? Hence my question...Is there resurrection from the second death? If not, then it would appear that 'death' wins, so-to-speak. We know there is resurrection from the first death...all who are in their graves will hear His voice and arise....(By the way, we are told there are 2 resurrections) Jesus was speaking about the second when He made His comments about it in John 5:28 I suppose we need to talk about what, in fact, the lake of fire is and what its purpose is...As you know our God is a consuming fire. (Heb. 12:29, which comes from Deut. 4:24)...and the river of fire proceeds from His throne (Dan. 7:9,10). I suspect this river of fire, flows into the lake. But, of course, God has purpose for everything He created, including this fire that seems to envelop Him. In our understanding, of course, fire is used to purify gold and silver, for example. The greater the heat, the more impurities are given up. I understand that God is reconciling the whole world to Himself, through His Son, and had given to us the ministry of reconciliation. It is not God's will that any should perish but that ALL come to repentance and knowledge of the Truth> After all, He does declare in many places in scripture that Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess (allegiance to Him) that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Believest thou this? And He, His Son, will rule until ALL enemies are placed under His feet, the last enemy being death itself! What good news!
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 29, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk Thanks. "Money" is what it is. Just like "Truth", everybody's got an opinion on its definition. So, to the "money supply". It may be assumed that there is an increase in the supply of money circulating each year, but you and I probably don't know that to be true. They used to print the M1 and M2 etc. figures in the local paper every day, along with debt totals....but for some reason, stopped that transparency years ago. Besides, not all the money that is being printed is in circulation....presumably. They also remove money from circulation regularly. Due to wear and tear, and new money designs. If I recall correctly, the M1 totals, did not adequately represent the total GDP. M1, they defined as the actual amount of physical money in circulation plus "checkable deposits", which, I suppose included all the money that was in checking accounts all over the USA? Due to fractional reserve 'banking' practices, we know that figure did not actually represent ACTUAL real money held in the bank to cover all these checking account balances. In other words, if everyone, at the same time, wrote checks for the balance they had left in all those checking accounts, the system would fail....because there would not be enough "money" to go around to cover all these checks. Now with all the electronic "numbers" being transferred here and there and everywhere, when "money" does not change hands, we are in cyber economics, I guess. It is seemingly surreal. That is, presumably, why no one seems to be taking our federal debt too seriously. The whole econo0my must be 'fake'. The powers that think they be may be able to pull the plug at any time, if they choose. That will be interesting to say the least. Think the so-called 'banking crisis of 2007/8'. "The Financial world" was supposedly on the brink of collapse. "We" had to do something.!!! Which leads to the cause of inflation....where I am talking about the rise in the price of goods and services....except wages for the middle class... Debt and subsequent interest charges need to be paid by somebody. Otherwise the concern is foreclosed upon. The cause of the Great depression, by the way, was the withdrawal of 1/3 of the money circulating in the economy! Now, why would they do that? The only answer is to cause a depression so that people could not find the money to pay their debts and they could "legally" then gather up the real wealth they had put up for collateral. It will happen again, I'm afraid, but I'm not sure how they are going to do it. So back to the prices of goods. Most of the participants in the economy, from the producers to the distributors, to the consumers are in debt, and are paying interest on those debts...That interest expense has to be paid. The consumer ends up paying a ...
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk OK, let's talk about 'value'. How does one set the price of a product or service? One person may go into the marketplace and see an item with a price tag of $15 dollars. He decides its value is not worth that to him, and he passes. The next guy comes in and thinks it is a steal, so he buys it. So, I know what you mean about 'value' being subjective. I suppose we could cite a million examples of products that were invented, created and produced with high expectations of selling millions of them someday, but failed, for some reason. Either the price was too high or the quality too suspect? Or both. Maybe another came along and figured out how to correct both problems and the market responded and they sold a profit. A profit for both, the buyer and the the way can happen. It could be said that the buyer profited, because he didn't have to shell out as much for the better product, that he needed. The producer profited because his expenses were less than his gross sales. But, what happened to the first producer and his stuff? His "wealth" that he produced but nobody bought, or valued the way he anticipated? That "wealth" was either sold at a loss, or sat in the guy's basement until the moths and rusts destroyed it. The definition I use for "wealth" by the way is anything and everything made valuable by human effort. In other words, it is the stuff we study in economics. The production, distribution and consumption of wealth. I know I ramble....but, let me ask you why you think the price of that same basket of goods rises every year, or "inflates"? You are certainly astute to realize that the game is such where everybody is encouraged to buy stuff now....because prices are always on the rise!...until they aren't.....due to competition, an over supply of the stuff that makes up the basket, or people just don't have the money to spend and interest rates cost them too much. When stuff doesn't sell at the price set, what happens? Trade "falters". Business lags. Prices fall. So, demand for the stuff at the higher price decreases, and there is an over people stop making the stuff, and adjustments occur.....naturally. So, in a sound economy with sound money, it is the price of stuff that decreases in a market that is oversupplied relative to demand for the stuff at those prices. The money remains as a constant measure of value of the stuff. When something is scarce and its demand is high, those prices for that scarce item increases. Its value as measured in "dollars" rises, but the dollar remains the same. I should be able to go over and buy other stuff at the same price I did yesterday, with the same dollars, if its supply and demand force was equalized, even though I might have to fork over ...
No matter how many guns you have, you can’t commmand value into existence from nothing.
DrN1 comments on May 28, 2019:
Socialist ideas in the West originally came from the Greek philosophers and early Christianity, these ideas were combined in Thomas More's Utopia. The utopian impulse is very natural and very human, but could also have a biological basis in the form of altruistic beliefs and behaviour which increase...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
In Socialism, there is no such thing as "owning" anything. Guns included. Capitalism differs in that private property is acknowledged and protected by Law. Capitalism actually goes back to it precedes Socialism by Millennia.
Who made God?
govols comments on May 28, 2019:
Part of the reason there even IS a God is that we can't imagine the complexity of our experience without there being one (or more). God said, "I am." We humans can't really conceptualize that notion. Everything has a beginning, a cause, a even pretend to imagine a form of being that ...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
Brilliant! Except...Pretty sure God's existence is not dependent on our conceptualization, or imagination. :)
Anger permeates
An_Ominous comments on May 23, 2019:
The man speaks truth. Then again I think that a lot of people in Congress either don't care about accomplishing anything or actually don't want to accomplish anything. I think a lot them believe that their sole job is to be re-elected. If they actually solved a problem... then they'd have to go ...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
@arboristly560 Actually, that comment was directed to the first commenter on this thread. I am interested to learn from you if you believe the Kingdom of God is coming, however.
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
@Wordmage By the way....if hell, after giving up the dead in it is cast into the lake of fire, we know that hell does not last forever. Correct? That was my point. It does not last forever.
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
@Wordmage So, Death and Hell after giving up the dea who were in them are cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death. A question I asked the other Christian volunteers into the prison was: Is there, in your opinion, resurrection from the second death?
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk Great questions, Frank. First of all, the motivation of the Federal Reserve is to make themselves 'money'. And they are in it for the long hall. It is an ingenious scam, of course, and most have bought in to their lies, and believe them to be truth, which is always the best way to accomplish a con. They make money, obviously, by printing it, (out of nothing), and then "loaning" this out to the Federal Government, which, of course, is us. And then charging interest on the "principle". A true audit of the Federal Reserve would be very interesting. But, of course, the true scam is also carried out by all the "member" banks, as they, too live off of "interest" collecting. If there was enough money in circulation, printed by the Federal Government, instead of the private bankers, there would be no need to "borrow" from the banks, nor from the Federal Reserve. SO, The "Fed", which, you know, is not federal, or owned by us, the government, but is privately held, RESTRICTS and controls the amount of 'money' in circulation. Thus increasing the 'demand' for money in this way, they justify charging interest for its use, to those willing to pay."It takes money to make money", you know, so they try not to get too greedy, so that people think nothing of paying a percentage to borrow it and use it to make themselves more...Thus wealth is created using borrowed money and everybody seems to profit. This all gets very complicated, sometimes, but let me go back to one of your statements. It was about money and why do people believe in it, and your correct understanding that money does not need to be inherently valuable. It does not need to be gold, for example, or even backed by gold. Money functions in a sound economy when it is backed by the wealth that it represents. When people know that they can trust it to be accepted in trade for something they want or need. Money is a trade convenience. Period. It is not meant to be hoarded or sold, or even rented. You may choose to hoard gold or silver, if you please, but money functions best when it is being used and traded in when it "circulates"...doing its function, as a trade convenience. As a representation of wealth, it should remain a consistent measure of value, just as a yard remains a consistent measure of length. As wealth in an economy is increased, and created, and more trade is being accomplished, more money should be introduced into it to reflect that economic growth. If more wealth is created and there is not enough money in circulation for people to trade for it, what happens? The newly created wealth sits there and is not sold, unless someone goes to the bank, borrows the money, paying interest to use it to buy the stuff wanted or needed. This is, of course, where things get ...
Removing Hell - A Brief Discussion on "Love Wins" In an excerpt from a longer discussion, Vocab ...
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
The key is to understand why God judges. Is 26:9 says that it is good when His judgments are in the earth because then the people of the world will learn righteousness. The purpose of God's judgment is remedial. The soul that sins will die. But, the good news is all will be resurrected. For one ...
dmatic replies on May 28, 2019:
@Wordmage Rev. 20:13,14
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
@RichardPD I don't think it is saying that. Salvation is not based on the doctrine of free will, whatever that is. Salvation is not based on the will of man, but on the will of God! Thank God!
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
@RichardPD Just finished reading the article you recommended. Let's talk about the following quote from his thoughts: " the Orthodox teaching on salvation is based on the doctrine of free will. In his fall man did not lose his free will. Man could still choose to be with God or without Him – he just could not move by himself back towards God, as the path was closed by the “original sin.” Christ cleared that path, and now our salvation is the matter solely of our choice. God honors our choice – whatever it is. ..." This is highly debatable, of course. What say you?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on May 27, 2019:
1. All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage. 2. All that we are is the result of what we have ...
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
It certainly is important to think rightly. So many have been deceived and many believe lies. Sometimes they, or we, think lies are truth. "Do not be conformed to the world any longer, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well-pleasing, and perfect." (Romans 12:2)
4minutes powerful words everyone should hear. I survived abortion and meet my mother. []
dmatic comments on May 27, 2019:
She is an incredible story! Had the pleasure of meeting her at an event! God will win....
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
@Gerri4321 "powerful" forces do not want to know Truth. They deal in lies. Keep up the good fight.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Not a stupid question, but irrelevant, the existence of God or a soul did not interest the Gautama Buddha, he was concerned with the way to eliminate suffering, this he outlined in the Four Noble Triuths, The Eightfold path is the way towards the elimination of suffering to achieve Enlightenment or ...
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
@DrN1 Says who? Certainly not the Buddha! This one has been enlightened by Truth, correct?
Would the Trump/Biden match up be called the Grabber Vs The Groper? .
jwhitten comments on May 27, 2019:
Grabber, Groper-- let's get in there and win one for the Gripper!!
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
God forbid!
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
@RichardPD May I posit that you are here now? Right where you are supposed to be. We all have much to learn. You are still seeking, correct? Fundamentals are what they are, and they, too, must be examined from time to time to assure the seeker that his "building" is on solid ground of Truth. Sometimes we are shocked to find out that one of our "pillars", a belief we had inherited from our forefathers even, may be found to be untrue! And, we have since accepting that pillar as truth, we built more beliefs on that one. Now the work of unlearning, or rediscovery begins. It can be very exciting and freeing you know!
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Not a stupid question, but irrelevant, the existence of God or a soul did not interest the Gautama Buddha, he was concerned with the way to eliminate suffering, this he outlined in the Four Noble Triuths, The Eightfold path is the way towards the elimination of suffering to achieve Enlightenment or ...
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
@DrN1 Doubt is understandable. Questioning is fine, too. It is how we learn. When we're ready, the teacher will appear, right? My question to you is: Why do you doubt that the Author of Life has said that someday there will be no more death?
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 27, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk I want to focus a bit on your idea that a 2% inflation rate reflects a growing or expanding economy. That is that the money supply, or that amount in circulation is inflating at an annual rate of 2%, according to your definition of inflation. I am not denying that an economy expands, or grows. An expanding economy is defined when more wealth is being produced and traded. An increase in the money supply should reflect that expansion. It doesn't cause it. It should happen, of course, but, for a long time, the money supply did not grow as fast as the economy was expanding, and there is a reason for that. A sinister reason, but a reason nonetheless. The reason the money supply should expand to reflect the more wealth and trade being produced is that more wealth is backing the supply of money in circulation and "money", then continues to be "sound"...and, of course, the people continue to have "faith" IN IT. Meaning, they will accept it in trade for the wealth they are producing. The reason the money supply does not expand proportionally to the wealth and trade being conducted is that the owners of the money, the Federal Reserve, a privately held concern, could not charge a fee to use the 'money' they have 'created', in the form of interest, or usury (same thing), if there was no demand, due to the intentional restriction on the supply of money in circulation. If there was enough money in circulation, that reflected the value of the wealth being created and traded, businesses and individuals would have enough of it to use to create even more wealth to distribute and consume, and the economy would expand even further, requiring more money to be put in circulation to reflect that growth. The "cost" of borrowing money at interest is a huge impediment on growth, by the way. When money 'costs' more to use than it benefits, or profits, a company, they will, generally not expand their production of wealth and so we all lose.
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk Just came in from mowing and decided to take a little rest and read your response, and am still chuckling at your last couple of sentences! We can talk about the Kingdom of Heaven later....I got to get the mowing done before the storm which also may knock out the internet satellite? More later, Lord willing.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on May 25, 2019:
If believing in god is attachment and causes suffering then it is delusion.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 Who created his mind?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Not a stupid question, but irrelevant, the existence of God or a soul did not interest the Gautama Buddha, he was concerned with the way to eliminate suffering, this he outlined in the Four Noble Triuths, The Eightfold path is the way towards the elimination of suffering to achieve Enlightenment or ...
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 And you obviously think 'belief' is speculation, too? :)
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@RichardPD Certainly. I was born and raised a Missouri Synod Lutheran. About '92 started attending an Assembly of God church until God called me out of "organized religion", into the wilderness. He's teaching me a lot. What's your story?
Cutting Through Polarizing Abortion Noise | Iran War, Digital Charter & Firearms Reclassification - ...
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
Watching a guy smoke and cough is not my idea of fun.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@WorldSigh Thanks. He is growing quickly if he was lost two years ago! And I appreciate you calling me out on my ignorance! Peace!
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Not a stupid question, but irrelevant, the existence of God or a soul did not interest the Gautama Buddha, he was concerned with the way to eliminate suffering, this he outlined in the Four Noble Triuths, The Eightfold path is the way towards the elimination of suffering to achieve Enlightenment or ...
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 Is belief experience or is it illusion or even delusion, in your view?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on May 25, 2019:
If believing in god is attachment and causes suffering then it is delusion.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 Do you believe that someday, death and suffering and decay will be eradicated?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on May 25, 2019:
If believing in god is attachment and causes suffering then it is delusion.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 Who gave the Buddha his light?
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk Thank you, Frank, You seem to be a thoughtful and reasonable student of life, of economics, I look forward to a productive dialog. As you know, economics is the study of the production, distribution and consumption of wealth. Various economic systems have been developed and can be studied. What some of us are attempting is to define and utilize a system that is profitable for everybody. One that is "fair" and just to all the participants in the economic system. One that is impartial in its function treating everyone justly. Justice for everybody harms nobody. The "free market" seems to be a starting point, but "free" does not mean, nor should it mean, "free to do anything one wants". For example, it is not just to have unequal weights and measures while distributing "wealth", that stuff that is made valuable by human effort. Deception by using unjust scales and balances must be "governed". Thus, a need for discipline evildoers so to speak. And to set the rules. A Libertarian approach will only work if everyone plays by the rules, and we all know that that is presently, not the case. I suppose one could argue that swindling and deception should be 'legal', or no laws against lying and deceiving, but it would seem to me that that would incentivize bad behavior. And simply result in more wars. The concept of a "Central bank" run by rules it makes for itself is highly suspect to begin with. Why would they seem to set, as a goal, a 2% "inflation" rate as an ideal or goal to be achieved? According to your definition that would mean they would put an extra 2% of "money" into circulation, per year. They would "inflate" the money supply by 2% per year? How did they come up with an ideal amount of money to be put into circulation to begin with? And why would they limit it to 2% per year? Would the economy "expand" too quickly? Would it get out of their control? Why do you think they withdrew 1/3 of all the money in circulation which cause the crash of '29 and into the thirties? They control the amount of the supply of money in circulation so that they can charge interest for its use. Do you remember the late 70's and 80's when interest rates climbed to over 20%? Why did interest rates climb so high? Because people needed money and were forced to go the money owners to borrow it. Why was there not enough money in circulation for people to use to carry out business? (trade) Because they had withdrawn money from the economy to make it more valuable. So to speak. To make money more valuable. That sounds odd, doesn't it? Supply and demand affects the "price" of money. When they reduce the supply and the demand goes up, they can charge a higher interest rate to use it. But, what is money? What is its function? Money ...
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on May 25, 2019:
If believing in god is attachment and causes suffering then it is delusion.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 Do you think "the Buddha" is God? Is there, then, an "absolute" truth that does not change?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Not a stupid question, but irrelevant, the existence of God or a soul did not interest the Gautama Buddha, he was concerned with the way to eliminate suffering, this he outlined in the Four Noble Triuths, The Eightfold path is the way towards the elimination of suffering to achieve Enlightenment or ...
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 I believe some day death itself will die, and there will be no more suffering.
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@RichardPD Many "Christian" faiths do not teach the salvation of the world, though they do teach an eternal hell, which is false, I think. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess....Certainly, a "hope", and faith in His ability to keep His promise and the very definition of Love. I understand it may take some "time" to accomplish, but I have no doubt that He will bring it to pass in each and every one of us! To His glory!
Cutting Through Polarizing Abortion Noise | Iran War, Digital Charter & Firearms Reclassification - ...
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
Watching a guy smoke and cough is not my idea of fun.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@WorldSigh Thanks for challenging me to listen. I agree with 'most' of his thoughts. He's a lot smarter than I, but I do believe murder should be banned, and yes, by the "government", even though he says that is "authoritarian". Thanks again. May God bless, Joe and you!
Cutting Through Polarizing Abortion Noise | Iran War, Digital Charter & Firearms Reclassification - ...
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
Watching a guy smoke and cough is not my idea of fun.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@WorldSigh Thanks for some insight. It doesn't offend me, by the way. Just saying I am a shallow human being who finds it hard to watch another suffer from addiction. It is not "fun". But, actually, fun is not my main motivation in life, so, I suppose, I should cue it up again and try to get through it, though time sometimes escapes me. So, if you suggest he has important points on the abortion "noise", I will listen, out of respect for you. Thanks
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@RichardPD Thank you. I get that, but it is to this quote, from his article that I am referring to: "the truth of the salvation of mankind as a whole, which has already been accomplished,..." Are you saying it was simply offered to all mankind? It seems this guy is saying something different.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on May 25, 2019:
If believing in god is attachment and causes suffering then it is delusion.
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 So, if I may, are you saying the only way for suffering to 'end' or to be alleviated, is to not exist? Kind of a depressing and wrong way to think? Therefore, not part of the eightfold path? And, if I may once again, as I am trying to understand, Who determines the "right" in the eightfold path? I like the descriptions, by the way. Right, or righteousness, is determined by the Creator, in my view. I seek His Kingdom and His definition of "righteousness".
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Not a stupid question, but irrelevant, the existence of God or a soul did not interest the Gautama Buddha, he was concerned with the way to eliminate suffering, this he outlined in the Four Noble Triuths, The Eightfold path is the way towards the elimination of suffering to achieve Enlightenment or ...
dmatic replies on May 26, 2019:
@DrN1 Snuffed out, extinguished, as the flame on a lit candle? But, where did it go? Of course, it can be re-lit?
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 25, 2019:
@RichardPD So, you think salvation is being saved from 'hell'? May I ask if you are a Catholic? (Your reference to the pope, causes me to ask)
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 25, 2019:
@RichardPD A few paragraphs before the start of his chapter one: " However, the word “salvation” is used in the Scripture with two different meanings. “In the preaching of the Apostles, especially worthy of attention is the fact that they precisely teach us to distinguish between the truth of the salvation of mankind as a whole, which has already been accomplished,..."
Maybe this is a stupid question, but, do Buddhists believe in God?
DrN1 comments on May 25, 2019:
If believing in god is attachment and causes suffering then it is delusion.
dmatic replies on May 25, 2019:
What is wrong with suffering? Is it delusion?
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 25, 2019:
@RichardPD Nor do I, but it is not bad, generally. Do you think all people will be saved, as is alluded to in the early part of his piece?
Suppose someone had some spare money. What would be the best thing they could do with it?
dmatic comments on May 25, 2019:
Too vague of a question. What's the goal? The best thing for themselves? The best thing for the economy? The best thing for the homeless guy on the corner? The best thing for the missionary in ............?
dmatic replies on May 25, 2019:
@RichardPD So, How much spare money are you talking about? Thousands, hundreds, Millions, Billions?
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 25, 2019:
@RichardPD Interesting, indeed. Pretty long reading and I have to quit for a while. Will pick it up again next time. I agree that 'salvation is a process'. Just as all believing Israel was saved out of Egypt, not all of them made it all the way to the Promised Land.....yet :)
Anger permeates
An_Ominous comments on May 23, 2019:
The man speaks truth. Then again I think that a lot of people in Congress either don't care about accomplishing anything or actually don't want to accomplish anything. I think a lot them believe that their sole job is to be re-elected. If they actually solved a problem... then they'd have to go ...
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
You have good reason to be cynical An_Ominous!
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk Do you know the 'dollar' value of all the goods and services produced in the U.S. economy in one year by any chance?
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk Do we even know what the actual money supply is in circulation? They used to publish M1, M2 in the paper, but no longer, and it's been a very long time since they have. You may be privy to the numbers which I would love to see. Some may think the supply of money has been "inflated", but I think it no where near the value of the wealth that is created, or has been. Not to mention depreciation. When I speak of inflation, I think I am referring to "prices" of goods and services. What is your definition? Thanks
Anger permeates
An_Ominous comments on May 23, 2019:
The man speaks truth. Then again I think that a lot of people in Congress either don't care about accomplishing anything or actually don't want to accomplish anything. I think a lot them believe that their sole job is to be re-elected. If they actually solved a problem... then they'd have to go ...
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@arboristly560 I believe that the Kingdom of God is coming. Do you?
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@RichardPD Yep! Or practice getting out of the way! :)
Anger permeates
An_Ominous comments on May 23, 2019:
The man speaks truth. Then again I think that a lot of people in Congress either don't care about accomplishing anything or actually don't want to accomplish anything. I think a lot them believe that their sole job is to be re-elected. If they actually solved a problem... then they'd have to go ...
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@arboristly560 Actually, murder is illegal....and what is wrong with being an idealist anyway?
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@RichardPD Yes, I hovered over that word praxis, too. In all of this, I am reminded it is God Who promises, and it is God Who is working within us.... This "salvation" or being made whole, is all about His work, isn't it? Thank God He is able to accomplish it!
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@RichardPD Certainly, "mistakes" will happen, and the subsequent "sadness", caused by God(?) will bring us to repent of our mistaken conclusion....being a part of the process of coming to KNOW God?
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@RichardPD This is a fascinating investigation: Any thoughts on this paragraph? "This reconciliation is made actual through the struggle to conform to the image of Christ. Without the struggle, the praxis, there is no real faith; faith leads to action, without which it is dead. One must unite will, thought, and action to God's will, his thoughts, and his actions. A person must fashion his life to be a mirror, a true likeness of God. More than that, since God and humanity are more than a similarity in Christ but rather a true union, Christians' lives are more than mere imitation and are rather a union with the life of God himself: so that the one who is working out salvation is united with God working within the penitent both to will and to do that which pleases God. "
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
dmatic comments on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking ungodliness is the opposite of Godliness. So, to define ungodliness we need to understand God's character? We need to know God?
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
@RichardPD Thank you Richard. Never even heard of divinization or theosis. Look forward to investigating. Thanks for the links, too. " theosis is very much the purpose of human life. It is considered achievable only through a synergy (or cooperation) between human activity and God's uncreated energies (or operations).[1]" Presently, reading a book entitled "Rees Howells Intercessor" that is also challenging me. I hope my sense, or inkling, that God is calling me to a more deep, or real, and effective relationship is true....kinda "scary", if you know what I mean....
Reading Psalm 1 this morning, began to wonder what counsel from the ungodly is.
DanMartinovich comments on May 23, 2019:
The Democrat party is a perfect example.
dmatic replies on May 24, 2019:
This is one of the most succinct and true answers I've read and understood in a long time!
God invites us to know Him. What does it mean to "know" God?
RichardD comments on May 20, 2019:
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." "God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." "Whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God"
dmatic replies on May 20, 2019:
Love these scriptures! Good choices. So, if I set out to love, then I will get to know God better? I like it!
God invites us to know Him. What does it mean to "know" God?
Crod comments on May 20, 2019:
Nobody knows me better than God. He talks to me when I’m scared and full of fear. Calms my anger and soothes my soul. I can’t remember a day in my life when I didn’t talk with god. He is always there, inside me. And we’ve had many lessons, blessings and crisis together. I’ve cried, ...
dmatic replies on May 20, 2019:
Thank you, Crod. Beautiful testimony! Agree that God knows us! Certainly better than we know ourselves, too! I want to know Him and the power of His resurrection. There is life after resurrection! Thanks again.
Reporters should press Presidential Candidate Bill de Blasio on "toxic whiteness".
Harleyman comments on May 20, 2019:
I hope Trump wins so we won’t have to worry about any those looney idiots.
dmatic replies on May 20, 2019:
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 20, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy I am sorry to hear that. I will pray for their redemption to God Who can turn what appears to be evil, into good. God knows them, so I don't need their names. Sinning is, obviously, not the way to peace...but sometimes it appears necessary to turn us around.
Because I get told at least once a week I MUST be a socialist if I am a Christian or I am a fake ...
DrCDurham comments on May 15, 2019:
The key difference between the Biblical economic system and Socialism is the authority under which the system works. Karl Marx was an Atheist...most of the people who promote socialism see a secular government as the authority. Unless the system is under the authority of a just and holy God and His ...
dmatic replies on May 20, 2019:
This is really quite good: "Unless the system is under the authority of a just and holy God and His rules, no socialist system can work, nor has it. Morality can only come from God, ..." Then you followed that with "and we don t all agree who God is. " That will be something, someday, when we all come into the unity of the faith, won't it?
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 19, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy Sure, I get that. That's why I recommend she talk with a person who had been conceived by rape. Or the mother who gave that person life!
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 19, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy I would give the rape victim the right to pull the lever on her rapist, if she wanted to. For her to, instead, kill her baby seems like encouraging her to go through more suffering. I may even introduce her to a person born of rape, to get his/her perspective. And to the mother of such an one. Not sure how you think you are relieving her suffering by counseling her to 'kill the zygote'.
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 19, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy Suffering seems to be a part of life. We all are partakers of it. The Bible has an interesting passage that goes something like: It pleased the One to whom we have to do, to perfect the Captain of our salvation, through suffering. (Hebrews) He was made perfect by the things that He suffered. So there seems to be purpose for suffering, too. The Bible also suggests that we should try to suffer for good things, not bad things. In other words, we shouldn't suffer for being a murderer, for example. Not sure what your point about suffering is, so, if you could be more specific, I'd be happy to try to address it. Still considering your inquiry about 'brain dead' people. If a machine is keeping someone alive, do you consider that person alive or dead?
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 19, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy Sorry Obi, what was your point about the morality of suffering? Was it something like someone cannot suffer unless he/she has brain?
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 18, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy "Key point I made that you're omitting...brainless." Happened to be watching a baseball game last night and a commercial for a new mattress appeared where they dropped a guy onto it that had strapped to his underside three "raw" eggs in their shells. The announcer made a point of sying they were unfertilzed eggs. (As if to get ahead of anyone suggesting they were using a live animal in the demonstration). I have 42 eggs in an incubator due to hatch on Monday. 21 days. Still amazing to me, that God designed this miracle of life. Some would call it a natural process. The baby chick starts with its fertilization, and if everything goes right, and the process is not interrupted, it will break out of its shell peeping and walking! Life! Amazing. I don't know where or when or how it gets its brain or its instructions, but, somehow, it "knows" how to "create" itself inside the egg. You seem to think it takes a brain to know how to do all the stuff it does? It could be that each cell it adds during the process has a brain you can't see. You seem to trust in man's so called knowledge to determine what is right and wrong in your world view, and in your capacity to reason to come to a conclusion about things you know nothing about, yet. Life, and, even death, are phenomenal 'things'. Men have been shown to be wrong about many of their conclusions, so, please forgive me if I look to other "dictionaries" for Truth.
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 18, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy Executing a rapist or a murderer is not murder, it is a responsibility.
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@RobBlair So, if it is OK to kill the innocent offspring of a rapist, would that not be reason to kill the rapist in your blood for blood scenario? I agree with the death penalty for rapists because God says it. Rape is a violent, evil, thing! I understand why God values the life of the victim of a rape. People that violate that value and, in many cases, 'ruin' the lives of the victims, have crossed a line, and they cannot restore again the innocence to their victims.
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy "Let me ask another question, which may give rise to understanding of my points about early stage terminations of pregnancy, when the developing life is considered a zygote, which doesn't have a brain. " I understand the point you're trying to make. That it is OK with you to kill a developing human being,'s just OK with you...according to your belief. But, I will ponder your question about brain death...Thanks
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy "And the death penalty for rapists? Do you see that contradiction in positions you support? Is right to life right to life, or is it conditional from your perspective? " When someone, according to God, violates one of His death penalty offenses, he/she has given up his/her "right to life". Of course, no death penalty can be ascribed unless there are at least two witnesses. The death penalty, by the way, affirms the right to life.
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@RobBlair, @ObiRonMoldy "Now that we have that out of the way, we look to the Constitution, and our rights as citizens. That would be the libertarian thing, right? The US is not a theocracy. " Not sure it was "in the way", but God's perspective should be "in our way", one would think. Many of us are looking to Him and His Kingdom coming, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Not sure what the Libertarian perspective is, though I'm investigating it. We had the State Chairman of the Libertarian Party as a speaker at our Tea Party meeting last night. Good guy! Then you wrote: "Compassion and empathy, understanding--those are effective tools of a witness. Rigidity leads to resistance. And legally, who are we to decide for others when they don't have the same beliefs that we hold? Literally, mandating a woman who was raped to carry that potential life with legal action/punishment, when that person is already a victim and was severely violated and traumatized, is a recipe for condemnation and judgment. From their perspective, it's legally placing the potential for life for a non-citizen ahead of their rights as citizens, based on someone else's religious beliefs." Not advocating no compassion or empathy. Murder is illegal. Executing a rapist would be righteous, and would value the victim's life and rights, not to be raped. If I understand you, you're saying that a person that is wronged, then has the right to do wrong?
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@RobBlair I am all for sane conversation and thoughts. thanks for the link, too. Very cool. Testimony is part of the overcoming. I was going to ask Obi if he'd ever spoken with a victim of an unsuccessful abortion. They, too, have an interesting testimony that is very convincing. What do you think of the death penalty for rapists? I'm for it.
Free markets reduce inequality and exploitation better than any other economic system - what are ...
dmatic comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Not sure I understand the topic, but first, may I ask, what is the goal of an 'economic system'?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@jneedler Thanks, j. As we have been seeing, in our economy, "money" seems to be worth less and less, until one day it will be worth-less, without the hyphen. :) When no one in an economy will trade their valuable stuff for money, it will then be worthless. Until that time, people will continue to hope in its function as a trade convenience, because it is so convenient! You may own boatloads of the paper, and it could well be valued for use as kindling, but to consider it a store of value may be delusional. (I realize it may be hard to envision such a time....but it is coming, in my opinion. Or, at least so devalued that it will take a days labor to earn enough "cash" to buy a quart of wheat. Many, it seems, hold to your view of "money" being value itself, as is commodity. The enormous "trade" worldwide in currency reveals the scam. Trillions, at least are being traded daily. People speculating on money. Trading one form of currency for another form of currency. To make money! Seems crazy to me....and not one ounce of "wealth", or real value in goods and services has been produced!
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy Further, you wrote: "...the definition of life is not self evident. Then, when you consider the perspective of the secular population and you look at a penal code, a biology book, or a dictionary, there is consensus that conception, a zygote, is not considered a baby. " All, opinions of men. Men are liars. Have you ever read God's opinion? Does The Creator's opinion matter to you? Consider David's words in Ps. 139 starting in verse 13ff, speaking of God: "For Thou hast possessed my reins: Thou hast covered me in my mother's womb....My substance was not hid from thee, when i was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect: and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy You wrote: "I don't know the law in every state, but in ca, murder is killing a person or fetus. A Fetus is 8 weeks or older. So it's not self evident. By definition, it's not murder. " Certainly, you not suggesting that states follow California's definition of right and wrong? Obviously, states are individually passing laws against murdering humans becoming.
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 17, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy First, this is a response to your post to Rob, above. The right to life is not a "Constitutional right". It is a God-given right. Government is, in our cse, supposed to protect God-given rights. Second, If you want to kill someone in a rape case, I suggest it be the perpetrator, not the innocent baby. That may, indeed, actually help the rape victim.
Abortion debate: The Libertarian ethos stands on the ideal of individual free choice.
RobBlair comments on May 16, 2019:
What about the 3rd individual?
dmatic replies on May 16, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy Someone might come up with a scientific name to call me, too, but just because "They" define me an airhead, does it give them a right to kill me? Killing a zygote is murder. It is self evident.
Free markets reduce inequality and exploitation better than any other economic system - what are ...
dmatic comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Not sure I understand the topic, but first, may I ask, what is the goal of an 'economic system'?
dmatic replies on May 16, 2019:
@jneedler Thanks, j, Ok, I did go back and read your previous, I think you said: "That value is wealth. A deed to a house or automobile represents wealth (a piece of paper that documents ownership of a valuable asset), but fiat currency is wealth (a piece of paper that is a valuable asset in and of itself, and not based on any other asset). If somebody owns a pile of cash that is a million US dollars, the cash is the asset. Similarly, a personal check (or a money order, cashiers check, etc) represents ownership of an asset: US dollars. The US dollars are the valuable asset. In fact, in accounting practices, 'cash on hand' is listed under 'assets,' along with other valuable assets such as property. That's because the cash itself has value as an asset. The value in fiat cash comes from the faith that people have in the economic system based on that fiat currency, but it does have value. Not inherent value, but fiat value (which is why the value of fiat currencies are constantly fluctuating)." Part of our discussion involves using loaded terms, that may or may not mean the same to each of us. And...we are sometimes talking philosophically, as in ideals, and sometimes 'the way things are'. Let's see, I think we agree that money is whatever is used as a trade convenience. Fiat money, or, that piece of paper that government (or, in today's case, the Federal Reserve, which is not the same thing) has issued, that people use to trade for real "stuff" (wealth). Wealth is the goods and services that are produced in "an economy". Wealth is anything and everything made "valuable" by human effort. The "value" of goods and services is determined by the law of supply and seems. Do you agree with the foregoing? In your example above, the "piece of paper", the "fiat money", represents the "wealth" that that 'cash' can buy. In normal times, and as along as people will trade their real 'wealth' for some of that cash, it has "value" as a trade convenience. Those economies where the hyperinflation and collapse of their monetary system has rendered their "money" useless, or valueless, does not mean that the stuff they still have isn't of value. Just means that they aren't going to trade using "money" anymore. One may still list his assets of "cash" at boatloads, but if it takes a boatload to buy a loaf of know what I mean. In a sound economy, the money in circulation represents the wealth in that economy, and is, therefore, backed by the wealth present within the economy, or that system that is producing the wealth. It does not need to be "backed" by gold, which is just another scam, as history has proven.
Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez Declare War on the Poor With Anti-Credit-Card Law | Mises Institute
dmatic comments on May 10, 2019:
I think Bernie and AOC have not gone far enough! Interest collecting must be abolished. Just like child murder must be abolished. Interest collecting is unjust gain, according to God.
dmatic replies on May 15, 2019:
@HollyLouise You are a good girl, Holly! Thanks for the thoughtful response. Ok, so now I can get into the why interest collecting is detrimental to a society, because it is unjust. Hard to have just economic system if it is based on debt and unjust interest collecting. Interest collecting is the cause of inflation. I'm talking about the inflation of prices of stuff, and/or the decrease in the purchasing power of dollars. Consider that most all producers of wealth, today, began in debt and having to pay interest on that debt. In order to continue in business, they had to profit enough to pay the interest on their debt, along with all other operating expenses. So, they had to increase the price of their final product enough to do so. All of the producers of parts along the way that one company needed to buy also were inflated a bit to pay the interest expense that they, too, had incurred. It's early, but I have a big day ahead so will just throw this out there and return to it later. Appreciate your attitude about freedom, too, Holly. Thanks
Gold Backed Currency-- Again "Fiat" currency is not complicated.
dmatic comments on May 9, 2019:
It is refreshing to read your thoughts Babou! Love your first paragraph! Currency does indeed represent the sum total of all the goods and services offered. Trouble is there is not enough of it in circulation at present. Thus, I take issue with your statement here: "Well, that's the job of the ...
dmatic replies on May 15, 2019:
@Babou Just so I understand what you are saying.....Are you saying that the Federal Reserve is owned by the U.S. Government and is not privately owned?
Any here familiar with the AnCap movement ?
Facci comments on May 13, 2019:
I never heard of it. Can you explain what it is?
dmatic replies on May 14, 2019:
@Boardwine I like it!
Any here familiar with the AnCap movement ?
Facci comments on May 13, 2019:
I never heard of it. Can you explain what it is?
dmatic replies on May 14, 2019:
@Boardwine Sounds Libertarian! But, obviously, anarchy has its problems....
Free markets reduce inequality and exploitation better than any other economic system - what are ...
dmatic comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Not sure I understand the topic, but first, may I ask, what is the goal of an 'economic system'?
dmatic replies on May 14, 2019:
@jneedler Further, you wrote the tail end of your comment earlier: "Essentially, I guess it's due to supply and demand: the greater the supply of money is, the less it is valued. I just now thought of that, haven't heard it explained that way before, but I don't see any conflict with it yet." And, that's a key to understanding why the Fed doesn't release as much money into circulation as they should. They keep the "supply" lower than necessary so there is upward demand to acquire some to use in trade, so the ones who need it will borrow it and pay interest to those who 'own' it. The 2% inflation rate they aim for, covers their interest charging rather nicely, don't you think? Not nice, because they do nothing to produce wealth. Why should they "profit" for producing nothing?
Free markets reduce inequality and exploitation better than any other economic system - what are ...
dmatic comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Not sure I understand the topic, but first, may I ask, what is the goal of an 'economic system'?
dmatic replies on May 14, 2019:
@jneedler Indeed, the conversation has meandered like a river. As I recall, I jumped in in the middle of your previous conversation with others. So what were you talking about? I asked what the goal of an economy was. An "economy" produces, distributes and consumes 'wealth'. how is 'wealth' produced? Through human effort. How should wealth be valued? Supply and demand seems to be a good and fair measure of the value of things produced. How should wealth be distributed? In socialism, or communism, all wealth is "owned" and controlled by the government and is distributed at their pleasure to the 'citizens', who consume it, or use it. In capitalism, the various forms of 'wealth' are initially owned and controlled by the producer. Now, in a pure capitalist system, they are free to hoard the wealth they produce if they choose, or they can choose to share it with others who may need, or want, some of it. Trouble with hoarding it is that its value may decline to the point it is worthless. Who wants to use or consume a rotten tomato for example? The demand for it has fallen. Other things, moth and rust may destroy, too. In other words, there is some motivation to trade private property to others if one cannot enjoy it, by consuming or using it all himself. But, what to trade it for? So, money is invented, and is a seemingly good way to value things...IF the money system is just. It could function as a "store of wealth", but as we have mentioned, it, too, "loses" its value. Why and how is that? This gets a bit complicated doesn't it? Earlier, you wrote: "What you described does reflect how some of our wealth is stolen from citizens, but it doesn't account for the actual inflation. When money is paid in interest to the Fed, that money changes hands, effectively legalized theft - but that doesn't explain why all money is worth less. Why does the purchasing power of the dollar go down after money is printed and introduced into the system? It's because there is more "money" total in the system now, so each individual piece of money is worth less. That has nothing to do with the money that changed hands as a result of interest payments." BUT, if money is backed by the wealth that an economy has produced, the more wealth within the economy that is produced should reflect the more money introduced into the economy. Doesn't that make sense? In other words, as more wealth is produced more money should be introduced into the system to reflect that growth. Therefore, the value of money should remain constant. By the way, I'm enjoying our conversation, too!
Any here familiar with the AnCap movement ?
Facci comments on May 13, 2019:
I never heard of it. Can you explain what it is?
dmatic replies on May 14, 2019:
@Boardwine I meant to ask: Who is the "self"? The State?
Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez Declare War on the Poor With Anti-Credit-Card Law | Mises Institute
dmatic comments on May 10, 2019:
I think Bernie and AOC have not gone far enough! Interest collecting must be abolished. Just like child murder must be abolished. Interest collecting is unjust gain, according to God.
dmatic replies on May 13, 2019:
@HollyLouise I, too, am a perpetual student, at least I hope to be, because there is just so much to learn. However, when I find something I consider true and important, I am happy to share it. Holly, you wrote: " I too have done a bit of poking around for the different views on the subject of interest and usury and it seems it is dependent on ones moral training or indoctrination what one believes about asking/accepting interest on loans, with different religious factions assuming different "laws" within their faction. " If, by "it", you mean the truth about interest collecting, as in "it" is dependent on...I would prefer to try to find God's opinion on the matter, because, as you know, everyone thinks their opinion is right! Everyone! Many, it seems, in their quest for truth, think it safest to be with the majority opinion, and they almost look for evidence that will support their own opinion on whatever. (The vax debate, for example). It would also seem that we can find someone somewhere that may agree with us if we search hard enough. But, what does God say? On the subject of interest charging, or collecting, it is either justifiable or it is not. Presently, we, in the world, are living in a system that is, what can be called, a Babylonian system, or even a Mystery Babylonian system. That's as in Economics, Governments and Religions. Some of us are praying for the Kingdom of God to come, wherein dwelleth righteousness. In economics, what is the difference? In God's Kingdom there will not be interest collecting. One of the first objections from those who hear this is, well, if you can't charge interest why would anyone give anybody a loan? This strikes to the heart of the matter. The Babylonian system is based on greed, whereas God's system is motivated by Love. You wondered about the differences between those older age systems as compared to our modern economy. I think the same principles apply. God teaches us through stewardship of 'private property', for one thing. He is not a socialist. Of course, as mentioned before, He is interested in our prosperity. Even the "poor's". He has prohibited stealing, however. He doesn't want people to "prosper" by taking what others have worked for or earned. Let's look at an agrarian economy, where people, basically are pretty self sufficient in providing their daily needs, with few specializing in varying fields. The families needed food throughout the year, and God did not disappoint. However, some families worked harder or smarter or whatever, and turned the "seed" into bigger, or more bountiful harvests. They prospered with an "increase" that God provided. The story of Joseph and Egypt and the dream that he interpreted to mean seven years of plenty was coming, followed by 7 years of ...
Any here familiar with the AnCap movement ?
Facci comments on May 13, 2019:
I never heard of it. Can you explain what it is?
dmatic replies on May 13, 2019:
@Boardwine Centralized State dictum? In favor of self-ownership?
A question from another group was formed, and there wasn’t much traction with it, so I thought ...
parsifal comments on Apr 28, 2019:
deserved suffering a story about edgar cayce, clairvoyant... A couple had twin sons and one was born blind and the other was not. The couple inquired with Mr. Cayce for a reading. While in trance, Mr. Cayce referred to a past life the two boys had together, also as brothers. They had both been ...
dmatic replies on May 13, 2019:
@parsifal Nice! Thank you. And good for you, for feeling your inward self and beginning to smile...that peaceful smile...of contentment! That's a "good" place to be. May God continue to bless you, too, friend!
Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez Declare War on the Poor With Anti-Credit-Card Law | Mises Institute
dmatic comments on May 10, 2019:
I think Bernie and AOC have not gone far enough! Interest collecting must be abolished. Just like child murder must be abolished. Interest collecting is unjust gain, according to God.
dmatic replies on May 13, 2019:
@HollyLouise Thanks for your patience, Holly. Busy around here! Just had a chance to read the link you posted. Was looking forward to his complete thoughts on the matter but, alas, need to wait till the next blog.... Interesting to me that I had an inkling that he would try to re-define "usury" which proved to be true. From the article: "For most of history, the term “usury” meant the same as “interest,” until about the eighteenth century when “usury” began to mean excessive interest, as it does still today. So in historical records, when someone after the 1700s stated they are against “usury” they meant they were against excessive interest. For documents before that time, when someone agreed that “usury” should be banned, they usually meant they were against any interest, unless a clarification was made." Again, it is important to understand that God did not change His definition of the word 'usury'. But man did. They did so so that they could continue to charge interest! and still feel "righteous"! Ha. As stated earlier...usury is simply a charge for the use of something. Don't be fooled by (money)"changers"! Then the author of the article tried to suggest that "lending" was only to those who could pay back the loan, and that other "lending", to the poor, for example, was "charity". Then he brought up the "pledge" or collateral for securing a loan. (Which was, presumably, to be the topic of his next installment) so, let's look at God's heart, here, if we may. Why did God prevent His people (all people are His) from charging interest on loans to their brothers, their countrymen, those who were living with the same "economy", so-to-speak. I think there are about 5 passages, or verses in the Torah that speak of interest collecting, all nine of the times usury is used, to my knowledge, negatively. So, initially, I will focus on these. It seems clear, that God did not allow His people to charge interest on loans to one another. Correct? Exodus 23:25 is the first mention of the term and His prohibition. Why would He do so? God is very concerned about justice and fairness in our dealings with one another. He speaks many times of just scales and balances in meting out commodities in the market place. Nor does He allow oppression of the rich over the poor. Nor does He allow partiality in judgment in any matters of law within a community. He is a Good God, OK? He is not preventing those with extra money from charging interest because He doesn't want them to prosper. He wants all His people to prosper, but to do so "justly" and honestly. Interest collecting is neither of these. Many schemes have been invented to take advantage of the unsuspecting and interest collecting, or usury, is the most insidious. Interest ...
WHAT the "Federal Reserve System" does (the system of 12 Federal Reserve Banks), and how much they ...
dmatic comments on May 11, 2019:
Do you know how much The FED 'loans' the government? And what percentage interest it collects every year on those loans?
dmatic replies on May 12, 2019:
@Babou Thank you! I am not good, yet, at the googling! It is a wonder I can even operate this laptop! But, I'm trying to learn. Thanks for your patience. I'll try to get back to you after I look at the links you provided.
Project Brat-Swap (part two) 

 Two weeks later - Johnny's second letter to his parents ...
CRBG comments on May 11, 2019:
Legally, this brat has a point.
dmatic replies on May 12, 2019:
@CRBG OK. But a judge could decide in the parents' favor over this? In the best interests of the bratty child? You say he could "esily" go to an embassy, but it may not be so easy, if he is a slave as he so thinks?
We live under such well-crafted illusions; the biggest is perhaps the one that is known as the ...
dmatic comments on May 6, 2019:
Inflation is caused by "interest collecting". Republicae is right when he points out that inflation has weakened the purchasing power of the dollar, but he is wrong as to inflation's main cause. It would be interesting to have the figures and interest rates since 1913 to the present. I suspect they ...
dmatic replies on May 12, 2019:
@Republicae I realize that you think you have wrapped yours around the present reality, but, I can prove that inflation is caused by interest. Please define inflation, not using your circular reasoning. thanks
A question from another group was formed, and there wasn’t much traction with it, so I thought ...
parsifal comments on Apr 28, 2019:
deserved suffering a story about edgar cayce, clairvoyant... A couple had twin sons and one was born blind and the other was not. The couple inquired with Mr. Cayce for a reading. While in trance, Mr. Cayce referred to a past life the two boys had together, also as brothers. They had both been ...
dmatic replies on May 12, 2019:
@parsifal Clear as mud! As yet, I don't think we see all things as One, yet. I think, as it were, we see through a dark glass, or rose colored glasses. But, someday, we shall see clearly, God willing. We shall see Him as He is! Someday, God will be all in all. The only thing preventing that actuality now is Time. Time is history. ram Das "Be Here, Now" We are here, now. We watch as the Universe unfolds. It will be, and is, a beautiful thing! Peace
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