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The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
dmatic comments on Jan 23, 2020:
OK, I read the link. All of it. And, I can't decide if it is brilliant, or, the confused meanderings of someone who gets that something is wrong but doesn't quite know what it is. So, where to start? Ownership. We should own what we create. Who else should own it? Well, if it is sold, then the ...
dmatic replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Edify That's fine. So the way the world understands ownership is wrong. Guess I'll have to re-read your stuff to see if you understand what ownership is.
Wow... Is this how Christians see atheists in America?
dmatic comments on Feb 2, 2020:
To call them "Christians" would be incorrect. They are not following Christ.
dmatic replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Naomi That's a great question! Let's see...I would think that it is Jesus who should decide who is a Christian. A Christian, probably would call Jesus, Lord. Jesus asked some: "Why do you call Me Lord but do not the things I say?" This is a huge topic, Naomi, that may take a whole thread to discuss. There are controversial teachings of Jesus that His followers may not understand and, so, discuss them among themselves, in an attempt to try to understand....and follow. The examples you brought, of people wanting to kill and crucify atheists...I wonder...what doctrine of Christ they are purporting to follow? Therefore, if it is not a doctrine of Christ, then they are simply following their own evil hearts and not His, so, what they are purporting is not "Christian", merely baseless hatred and deprived human nature. They need to repent, and seek to follow the teachings of Jesus. Certainly, they would not attribute those attitudes expressed in those quotes you provided to Christ. (If they were truly following Him.)
Dmwils comments on Feb 3, 2020:
California is the supreme example of what liberal progressives will accomplish in less than a decade if voted into office. If you don't want this coming soon to a city near you I suggest you make sure you get to the polls in November and vote out all the Democrats. If the socialistic candidates win ...
dmatic replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Vote "out" all the democrats.
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Edify What you are talking about is unrighteous government and taxation, or theft, without consent. That is not capitalism. In fact, that sort of government is anti-capitalism, which is what we see in America.
Wow... Is this how Christians see atheists in America?
dmatic comments on Feb 2, 2020:
To call them "Christians" would be incorrect. They are not following Christ.
dmatic replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Naomi @Biosphere, Of course I recognize that. I would tell it to them to their face, if I knew them. Somebody that loves them should tell them, don't you think? Hopefully, neither of you think it loving to contribute to another's deception by playing along. Both of you think I'm deceived, or hypocritical, but you love me enough to bring it to my attention for me to consider your message. Thank you.
Wow... Is this how Christians see atheists in America?
govols comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Imagine being a personalty type that's maybe high in conscientiousness, low to moderate emotional stability, a low to moderate openness to new ideas and experiences. Keeping in mind that a vast amount of American common class culture even still has Christianity pretty deeply embedded right down into...
dmatic replies on Feb 2, 2020:
Certainly understand your point of view! While I don't "condemn" either group, the atheists or the so-called Christians, it appears to me that both groups need to realize their deception and repent, and, in humility, come to a knowledge of truth.
Wow... Is this how Christians see atheists in America?
dmatic comments on Feb 2, 2020:
To call them "Christians" would be incorrect. They are not following Christ.
dmatic replies on Feb 2, 2020:
@Biosphere, @Naomi No Naomi, they are not Christians. They do not know Him yet.
Wow... Is this how Christians see atheists in America?
dmatic comments on Feb 2, 2020:
To call them "Christians" would be incorrect. They are not following Christ.
dmatic replies on Feb 2, 2020:
@Biosphere You will know them by their fruits. There are many false "Christians" who are, themselves, deceived. Don't follow them. Jesus said that many would come in His name but would deceive many. Do you really believe that someone claiming some sort of identity makes them what they claim? Like, would you believe that the wolf is a sheep, just because he claimed to be?
Wow... Is this how Christians see atheists in America?
dmatic comments on Feb 2, 2020:
To call them "Christians" would be incorrect. They are not following Christ.
dmatic replies on Feb 2, 2020:
@MaskedRiderChris Yes! And He said to love our enemies. And, He prayed, while on the cross, to His God and Father, to forgive them for they know not what they do! Atheists simply do not know yet. They will, someday.
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Feb 2, 2020:
@Edify I am simply at a loss to understand how capitalism produces and necessitates free-loading. What kind of an economic system are you advocating? As you know, the USA is not a capitalist government anymore. I would work to bring it back to such a world view, appears the selfish desire for 'freeloading', as you properly describe it, is an immorality, that only righteous teaching may deal with. The socialist system of government education in this country is a very big opponent. How are you fighting it?
Capitalism is only sustainable within respective ethnostates.
dmatic comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Care to explain? What does race have to do with it?
dmatic replies on Feb 2, 2020:
@rudeawakening I think capitalism unites people, generally. I can be friendly and honest and caring with others while trading with them, even if I don't agree with their ideology....or if I don't even know their ideology. Libertarian ideology, for example, seems not to value highly regulated borders, as long as free trade is allowed. I think I understand your points about social cohesion. The two opposing views of government and economics would seem to incompatible...which seems to be leading to a divided house or society that cannot stand.
If the clintons are not convicted and put into prison, there is no justice in America! The Still ...
Biosphere comments on Feb 1, 2020:
@dmatic. I may be communicating unclearly. When I used the word 'unknowable', I meant it's unknown now. I think we are getting mixed up in the semantics of wording along with a philosophical vibe. I suppose until you (dmatic) become the exact "god" that you (dmatic) believe in (the Christian god ...
dmatic replies on Feb 1, 2020:
@Biosphere, I'm not sure what you mean about getting mixed up either. I'm just trying to understand you and how you think. You're a smart guy and I'm not trying to be a jerk, but, I was just wondering how a person could make a declaration that there was stuff that is unknowable, which is, as you know, different from stuff that we don't know yet. You claim not to know God yet. But, that doesn't mean that God is unknowable. It just means that you don't know Him yet. There is multitude of stuff that "we" don't know yet. Which also doesn't mean that that stuff is unknowable. It just means that we don't know it yet. God promises that ALL will know Him, from the least of us to the greatest of us. I'm not sure how He determines relative value or if He does so, but it is an amazing promise. To know God is my chief aim. To get to know someone seems to take a long time. We have only just begun. Not at all sure what you mean by the following part of your comment: "I suppose until you (dmatic) become the exact "god" that you (dmatic) believe in (the Christian god referred to in the bible), then I would say yes, some things will always be unknowable, and that will never happen." If you care to explain, fine, otherwise I will just disregard it. Thanks
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Feb 1, 2020:
@Edify I read the blog. Thanks
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Feb 1, 2020:
@Edify If you don't want to discuss it, no problem.
While on the topic of " worst journalist of the year" []
dmatic comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Freudian slips and rats' nests....and dragons. Oh my!
dmatic replies on Feb 1, 2020:
@Seriousreason Yes, that was my poor attempt at parody myself.
If the clintons are not convicted and put into prison, there is no justice in America! The Still ...
Biosphere comments on Jan 31, 2020:
@Dmatic. Ask any astrophysicist if there's anything that we don't know about the universe at this point. I hope that clarifies the obvious.
dmatic replies on Jan 31, 2020:
Yes, but that doesn't mean that the stuff we don't know is unknowable, does it?
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Jan 30, 2020:
@Edify OK, as I confessed earlier, I may not be smart enough to get to your depth of thinking, and, I don't have too much time left this morning, but I want to try to understand you. Commerce, as in commercial, simply means trading....usually, stuff for stuff, or services for stuff, or service for service, but it involves a voluntary entering in to an a capitalist society. It would be good to talk about these things in terms of what they should be and not what they've been misconstrued to be.. Private property is the idea that everyone owns their own labor, for example. The state doesn't own it. Nor does the slaveholder. In a 'free' society, everyone owns their own labor, or effort. They may choose to enter into an agreement with another who will give them some stuff, materials, or capital, or wealth produced by another, for the labor that they will donate. The one who is trading the stuff for the labor owns the stuff being traded, too. But, once the agreement is fulfilled, the stuff and ownership rights to it have been transferred to the laborer. He can now use his stuff how he sees fit. It's his. It is not the state's. It should be his property. He can choose to enter into an agreement to put some of his stuff into another enterprise that produces wealth to be traded. This agreement may include a share of the profit of the trading. Because, without the capital invested the wealth may not have been produced. Gotta go, for now...sorry
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
dmatic comments on Jan 29, 2020:
I will try, eventually, to re-read the whole thing again, but will you, at least try to explain to me why you think private ownership is illogical or incoherent? You wrote: "In the language of capitalism private ownership in the real world, primarily means the state is a minority stakeholder in ...
dmatic replies on Jan 30, 2020:
@Edify Thank you. Appreciate your answer. You're thinking pretty deeply. Not sure I can get to your level, but let's start here: God owns everything, including people. Correct? People erroneously think they own themselves. "My body, my choice"...etc. Deceived. God is the only Sovereign. And He doesn't give Sovereignty to any other. In other words, everyone answers to Him and is accountable to Him. Correct? However, He has given a commandment to not steal, not even to covet, another's "property". His instructions for proper living include many that deal with honest business practices, just (fair and honest) weights and measures, honoring "borders" implying the property of others...So, how do we make sense of this? He has granted us stewardship of His stuff. He has granted us a measure of authority to use His stuff so that we learn things, probably. He takes care of the sparrows and all His creatures even though they don't "own" anything. He owns it all. Yet, we see even animals defending their territorial "rights". So how do we all get along? By acknowledging His ownership of everything and being grateful that He gives us everything we need to live. Many many people are so focused on stuff and accumulating more and more for themselves so they become slaves to a system that uses them. What you and I want is liberty....from bondage. Character is more valuable to God than wealth...correct? Yet, He teaches us and develops our character through dealing with all the suffering about "stuff". So, where are we? God seems to have also given us "the state", and He also owns it. The state is accountable to Him as well, for the use of the authority or power He has granted it. You are so very right to notice that some think the state has all power and authority and they worship the state and try to please it so they can get what they need to live. They are slaves to an idol. The state, however, does not hold ultimate power. Only the power that God grants it. They may think they have ultimate power, but they, too, are deceived, for they will give an account to God. There are things that people can learn about character, even if they are imprisoned by the state. Even an unrighteous "state". God has so planned it. However, His goal seems to be the establishment of His Kingdom on earth. A Kingdom has a king, who sets the rules for the people of His domain. The subjects of His kingdom submit to His instructions. So, the question is do people want to submit to a righteous, loving king, or to an unrighteous one?
Cows, kids, what's the difference?
Dmwils comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Any one remember that song "in the year 2525 if man is still alive" I believe the human race will have completely destroyed itself long before then. Just as the Romans began destroying themselves with all the perversions and murdering of their own so is this world...maybe our politically correct ...
dmatic replies on Jan 30, 2020:
"The Eve of Destruction"? Good one. But, you are almost right..."For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." Matthew 24:21-22 Be one of the elect.
If the clintons are not convicted and put into prison, there is no justice in America! The Still ...
Biosphere comments on Jan 29, 2020:
@dmatic I don't know what she was taught either. I was speaking hypothetically. As far as imagination goes I was leaning towards their conclusions, not their intentions. I have found peace by accepting the fact that there are unknowable things about the universe, and not deceiving myself by ...
dmatic replies on Jan 30, 2020:
@Biosphere..I truly am glad you have found peace. And, I'm glad that you are not deceiving yourself, too! (Sounds like you quit drinking?) Congratulations! But, may I ask why you think there is anything unknowable?
Savage Messiah How Dr Jordan Peterson is saving Western Civilization has anyone read this book?
iThink comments on Jan 28, 2020:
In his book does Dr Peterson ever mention the idea that Western Civilization doesn't want to be saved?
dmatic replies on Jan 30, 2020:
@iThink That was a brilliant synopsis, of which, in which and to which I completely agree! Thank you, too, for clarifying the post modern definition...moral relativism... Thanks for the great answer.
Capitalism is only sustainable within respective ethnostates.
MaskedRiderChris comments on Jan 29, 2020:
@dmatic already asked, but I'll add my voice as well to the choir; proof, please? If you're going to make a statement like that without backing it up, how do you expect us to take you seriously, here?
dmatic replies on Jan 30, 2020:
Looks like we have a quartet...just waiting for the maestro...
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Jan 29, 2020:
@Edify Why do you think the concept of private property is non-functional?
Savage Messiah How Dr Jordan Peterson is saving Western Civilization has anyone read this book?
iThink comments on Jan 28, 2020:
In his book does Dr Peterson ever mention the idea that Western Civilization doesn't want to be saved?
dmatic replies on Jan 29, 2020:
@iThink Since when? Granted, the suicide rate increases and many refuse to repent of their foolishness and sorcery....but, there seem to be many who are trying to conserve the principles. maybe when the nihilists give up, maybe we can make some progress?
Savage Messiah How Dr Jordan Peterson is saving Western Civilization has anyone read this book?
iThink comments on Jan 28, 2020:
In his book does Dr Peterson ever mention the idea that Western Civilization doesn't want to be saved?
dmatic replies on Jan 29, 2020:
You suggest that western civilization is suicidal?
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Jan 29, 2020:
@MadManatee In my understanding, there is a complete difference between capitalism and financialism. Capitalism without financialism is what we need to attain. But, I appreciate your understanding that words are often conflated and misunderstood. What do you think capitalism is?
If the clintons are not convicted and put into prison, there is no justice in America! The Still ...
Biosphere comments on Jan 28, 2020:
@dmatic..I can't respond directly underneath your comment because I'm not a group member, but I'm able to comment in this fashion. Strange programming glitch/error in the website's design I suppose. Anyway, to answer your question- No. God would still remain a figment of her imagination ...
dmatic replies on Jan 29, 2020:
@Biosphere, your wish is granted! I'm not sure what concepts she was taught, and I do understand that the imaginations of men and women sometimes can be only toward evil...but the dimensions where God lives may still be outside yours for the present. I am confident that you will understand someday. Peace
If the clintons are not convicted and put into prison, there is no justice in America! The Still ...
Biosphere comments on Jan 28, 2020:
@dmatic- no contest. I have no love for the Clintons, but sadly I will concede that they would win by default merely because they show proof of existance.
dmatic replies on Jan 28, 2020:
Well, it appears, indeed, that Clintons are enemies. But, we're supposed to love our enemies. I believe that Hillary will repent someday. Would that be evidence that God exists to you?
Ziga Turk.
CookieMonster comments on Jan 27, 2020:
A bit of a choppy run through but its got me interested in some of Johnathen Haidt's work it referenced. As For hayek the last chapter of the constitution of liberty is titled Why I am not a conservative, go figure.
dmatic replies on Jan 27, 2020:
Let me know if you find Haidt's "work" plausible. I could only get through 1/2, so far of "The Righteous Mind". Evolutionists don't impress me.
While there is so much culture war and religious war going on (and many are even predicting the ...
dmatic comments on Jan 26, 2020:
Humanism may lead to the destruction of the west.
dmatic replies on Jan 27, 2020:
@Naomi God is obviously not a tyrant. Humanism declares that humans have the right to determine what is right and wrong. That crazy idea is proving itself to be what leads to tyranny. You'll see.
While there is so much culture war and religious war going on (and many are even predicting the ...
dmatic comments on Jan 26, 2020:
Humanism may lead to the destruction of the west.
dmatic replies on Jan 27, 2020:
@Naomi Yes, I would say that, Naomi. Following God's instructions will allow us to live.
If you dont get it you dont watch good movies.
dmatic comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I don't get it.
dmatic replies on Jan 27, 2020:
@CookieMonster Thanks. Guess I need to get "out" more. Never heard of them.
Trump on record as requesting Ukraine to investigate corruption and Burisma one full year before ...
Dmwils comments on Jan 27, 2020:
The Deep State may be a threat to most but I don't believe our President is to afraid of them. He continues to rattle their cage everyday.
dmatic replies on Jan 27, 2020:
If Donald Trump fears God, there is nothing else to fear.
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
Boardwine comments on Jan 21, 2020:
You should get a dictionary sir. but please, allow me: cap·i·tal·ism /ˈkapədlˌizəm/ noun an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. pri·vate en·ter·prise /ˈprīvit ...
dmatic replies on Jan 27, 2020:
@Edify Part of the responsibility in communication is to understand, but also to communicate in such a way as to be understood. What is your aim, here?
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
MadManatee comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Terms such as capitalism, liberal, conservative, progressive, and a number of others have warped in reference to their meaning through manipulation of the idea behind the term. Like gay used to mean happy, wicked used to mean evil or unkind intent, words meanings can be altered or just abused. The ...
dmatic replies on Jan 27, 2020:
@Edify To make a statement like that I need you to define capitalism. Capitalism, in my view, is an economic system that recognizes private ownership of wealth. Economics is the study of the production, distribution and consumption of wealth. To say that a capitalism cannot be made functional makes me wonder, too, what you mean by functionality.
Carlson invites Gabbard onto his show. [] Epic!
dawna107 comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I have a huge question..... How does Hillary Clinton KNOW that Tulsi is a FAVORITE of the Russians???? Does she have a hot line to the Kremlin????
dmatic replies on Jan 26, 2020:
Great question! Very strange indeed.
Edgework comments on Jan 25, 2020:
As our esteemed former President once intoned, “I feel your pain.” I also feel the same raging pessimism you express. This simply proves that it’s far easier to defend your territory than it is to reclaim it. But any useful plan of action needs to start with our own house cleaning, and an ...
dmatic replies on Jan 26, 2020:
"The real battle is for the culture." Exactly! Beautiful perspective! Thanks
Nunes: Vindman, others need to be removed from the White House - YouTube
Clarken comments on Jan 24, 2020:
It totally makes sense when a new administration (especially of the opposite persuasion) comes into the white house, that they should relieve/fire all those hired under the previous President. That means ambassadors and staffers, etc. If they do it immediately upon taking office, they can simply ...
dmatic replies on Jan 25, 2020:
Clarken, That would be my advice as well, but, of course, I'm not privy to the corruption and intrigue. Not even sure about Sessions. Q might have been right about him. Only time will tell.
Nunes: Vindman, others need to be removed from the White House - YouTube
purdyday comments on Jan 24, 2020:
This is what I mean.
dmatic replies on Jan 24, 2020:
Good research! Thanks
The idea of capitalism is a logical absurdity
Boardwine comments on Jan 21, 2020:
You should get a dictionary sir. but please, allow me: cap·i·tal·ism /ˈkapədlˌizəm/ noun an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. pri·vate en·ter·prise /ˈprīvit ...
dmatic replies on Jan 23, 2020:
@Boardwine I'm not sure it is garbage, my friend. I think we should give the author time and grace to try to understand what he is saying. He seems to be attempting to dig deep into our understanding, or misunderstanding, as the case may be, of our fundamental ideas concerning what is right.
Capitalism is a logical absurdity.
dmatic comments on Jan 21, 2020:
Please define "capital". Thank you.
dmatic replies on Jan 22, 2020:
@lblount79 Capital is kind of an illusive word, I think. I think of it in terms of wealth. Capital is wealth, and wealth is anything and everything made valuable by human effort. Wealth therefore, includes lots and lots of stuff and services. The question is who owns the wealth. Who controls it? How is it distributed, etc. Capitalism involves the private ownership of wealth, private property. Therefore, the owners of the wealth have control or authority over it. So, I "own" a little bit of money, so I control how I use it, or how I distribute it.
Rubin Report. "Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro." []
Biosphere comments on Jan 20, 2020:
@dmatic..beware of anyone who claims to speak for god
dmatic replies on Jan 21, 2020:
Or, beware of anybody who tells you to beware of anyone who says they speak for God! :)
I stumbled on this question, today: What if we made it illegal for politicians to tell lies - ...
Biosphere comments on Jan 20, 2020:
It's a cute sentiment. The world probably needs a leader with Hitler's backbone and Jesus's heart to clean things up. Idk
dmatic replies on Jan 21, 2020:
I think I'll settle for Jesus' backbone.
Rubin Report. "Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro." []
Biosphere comments on Jan 20, 2020:
@dmatic..beware of anyone who claims to speak for god
dmatic replies on Jan 21, 2020:
Ok, how 'bout this: Beware of everybody! Including yourself!
Rubin Report. "Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro." []
Biosphere comments on Jan 20, 2020:
@dmatic..beware of anyone who claims to speak for god
dmatic replies on Jan 21, 2020:
Why? There are real prophets you know. But, there are more false prophets, probably, so, it's good to hear you're still alive!
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 21, 2020:
@Edify Writing is an interesting method of communicating thoughts or ideas. So, you wrote the piece? That helps. I thought you were simply sharing the thoughts of another. I will try to re-read it to see if I can understand what you are getting at. I just quoted from your writing a portion that was hard for me to understand the point of. You wrote: ""This is awkward for us, because it means permitting volunteers to exist is a terrible sin. This is not to take anything from volunteers; indeed, it provides them greater glory, it us we who are the beneficiaries of their generosity who need to re-think our strategy." "...permitting volunteers to exist is a terrible sin."???? Those are my question marks. I will go back and re-read it and try to get the context. Example of my confusion: You wrote: "If we each accept, we alone are responsible for the costs we create social order is established, but there is a proviso, one that liberals will not accept. We are not entitled to determine the value of the costs we create; we do not get to define values for others. This is what we mean by the free market. In other words, while we put a price on the assets, we create we cannot put a value on the goods and services produced by others. The inverse of this is positive accountability. Negative accountability means we do not create costs for others, we are accountable for the costs we create. But there is another form of accountability this world ignores even more than it disregards the idea of negative accountability. We are accountable to others to ensure than others get fair value for the value they create." Could it be said another way? such as: If we accept that we alone are responsible for the costs we create, social order is established. But, there is a proviso, one that liberals will not accept; we are not entitled to determine the value of the costs we create; we do not get to define values for others. This is what we mean by a free market. In other words, while we put a price on the goods we create, we cannot put a value on the goods and services produced by others. (why not?) (I thought that was what a free market was. You may think the value of your good or service produced reflects the price you want for it, but I may think your price exceeds the value I give it.) In other words, I think I need to understand your definitions of positive and negative accountability better.
"A national-security state is a totalitarian type of governmental system.
Operative_42 comments on Jan 18, 2020:
This gets amazingly less paranoid-inducing when you don’t do things you don’t want other people to see. I could care less who monitors my activity, because I’m not guilty of doing anything wrong.
dmatic replies on Jan 18, 2020:
A clean conscience is a valuable thing, but, when they start defining good as evil, and evil as good....then what?
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 17, 2020:
@Edify Actually, after reading the whole article, I stand by my original comments. Thanks, and truly, no offense intended.
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 17, 2020:
@Edify "This is awkward for us, because it means permitting volunteers to exist is a terrible sin. This is not to take anything from volunteers; indeed, it provides them greater glory, it us we who are the beneficiaries of their generosity who need to re-think our strategy." Huh?
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 17, 2020:
@Edify I gotta stop here and comlain..Not sure who wrote this, but the author's use of commas and disjointed sentences or thoughts confuses me as to what the authro is trying to portray. Example: "If we each accept, we alone are responsible for the costs we create social order is established, but there is a proviso, one that liberals will not accept. We are not entitled to determine the value of the costs we create; we do not get to define values for others. This is what we mean by the free market. In other words, while we put a price on the assets, we create we cannot put a value on the goods and services produced by others. The inverse of this is positive accountability. Negative accountability means we do not create costs for others, we are accountable for the costs we create. But there is another form of accountability this world ignores even more than it disregards the idea of negative accountability. We are accountable to others to ensure than others get fair value for the value they create." We are accountable to others to ensure than others get fair value for the value they create? I'll get back to trying to understand the rest of the booklet...Thanks
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 17, 2020:
@Edify Sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. I read your other contribution but will make no comment. I will, now, Lord willing, read the one I said I had not had time to read....we are having a nice blizzard which should afford me the time. Thanks
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 16, 2020:
@george Regarding the ingestion of chemicals from preservatives in processed 'foods', to glyphosate in everything, not to mention insecticides and other herbicides, how do you think this stuff gets eliminated by the body? A lot of it out through the pores of the skin....and when the sun's ray reacts with those chemicals and impurities yes....cancer can occur. However, those who don't put all that stuff into their bodies are not negatively affected by the sun. In fact, it is health-giving. But, go ahead and put that sun-screen crap on and you won't be making vitamin D3, which will also afftect5 your immune and health system. I'm happy to be done here, though, so thanks for the conversation.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@george Actually, I doubt that the sun gives you cancer. It is all the impurities people ingest, not following God's Laws....
WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION This is no fringe maniac—well, of course he is—but in Bernieworld ...
Gow-seeGuan comments on Jan 14, 2020:
It would be interesting if his (Kyle) friends brought war to the streets...
dmatic replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@Gow-seeGuan War is hell no matter the century.
WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION This is no fringe maniac—well, of course he is—but in Bernieworld ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Come on...this dudebro is hilarious. Have some social intelligence. Sad to see O'Keefe's losing streak continue. He's really stretching now!
dmatic replies on Jan 15, 2020:
Have you checked your social intelligence lately?
WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION This is no fringe maniac—well, of course he is—but in Bernieworld ...
Gow-seeGuan comments on Jan 14, 2020:
It would be interesting if his (Kyle) friends brought war to the streets...
dmatic replies on Jan 15, 2020:
Interesting? Indeed, life and war are interesting....
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@george No evidence for a Creator? And you think that is a fact? Interesting. The whole creation screams the evidence for a Creator. If your ears were open, maybe you could hear that. When you "see" (evidence of Design) a painting, for example, what evidence do you have that it just appeared out of nowhere? The Big Bang? Most reasonable people realize that the painting had a painter, even though they don't "see" the painter, who may have gone on a journey. The wonder and awe inspired by the Creation itself is the evidence any thinking person needs to know that there is a Creator. Now, I know what you mean about people presuming to know God, or hearing voices and claiming to have heard God speak. The Bible even has recorded the story of the children of Jacob/Israel being afraid to hear His voice, so they sent Moses to hear it and then they promised to do all that Moses told them to do, but they didn't want to hear God's voice for themselves because they thought they would die if they heard the thunderous voice again. Another scripture talks about the still, small voice of God. Hearing God's voice is the key, however, to finding Him. He has invited us all to seek for Him and promises that He will be found by us if we seek for Him with our whole heart. Interesting invitation. The Bible says that faith is important in this search, and says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The Word of God is that which He speaks. When the people refused to hear His voice, they didn't hear His words, so they lacked the faith to continue their journey. They were afraid. Fear keeps a lot of people from faith. It stifles a lot of us from seeking Him Who invites us to find Him. He is the reason I live. Some people seem to involve themselves in the pursuits of all kinds of things to give their lives meaning, or to stave off the fear they have. Ever notice how some people always have to have a tv, or radio, or some device on? Kind of like whistling in the dark. Lost in a lost world. Activities....sports, plays, schooling, jobs, careers, houses, cars guns, possessions... What is life all about anyway? Jesus is recorded to have said, a man's life does not consist of the possessions he has, or something like that. But, many spend most of their lives taking care of the stuff...and trying not to think of the answers to the many questions they used to have.
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@Jeeper752 Thanks for the QED answer! It is proven. So, I would ask biker how it is proven that Moses wrote the Laws of God on the tablets of stone. Has he seen the Ark of the Covenant? The Bible indicates they were written by God Himself. But, Jeeper, surely you know that Moses didn't create the Law of God, God did and gave it to Moses to write down. It appears that biker does not believe that God communicated those laws to Moses and that Moses simply made it all up. But, your point about the superior brevity of the principles expressed is well taken! Thanks
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@george How can you claim a fact when you don't know? Are you saying no one can know God, or are you saying that no one knows Him?
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@george nope. r u?
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@george me neither.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@george of course. OK. You have it all figured out. I'll go back to searching and leave you to your mission.
has anyone heard about or spotted any of these mystery drones being seen in the midwest?
dmatic comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Air Force drones on training missions.
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@DesireNoDesires why?
Why were they tryin' to keep E.T. from the public, he was just trying to live life...
DesireNoDesires comments on Jan 7, 2020:
but what if the elite abducts your God, I mean your E.T. ...shit your mind! Once the radio enabled leaders to distract the the masses from their bible's, with their magic words, they then were able to broadcast man's first to land on the Moon to those whom could afford the technology of television ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
What if? ....The imaginations of men...astounding.
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@BikerPetehall70 You really don't see a difference between laws authored by God and those authored by men?
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@george I, somehow, knew you were going there. The "child" that is referring to, is not the innocent child you have in your imagination. Honoring one's parents is a good thing. Rebellion, which we see all around us now, is not good for the society/community, nor the adult that has been employing it.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
JoeySparks comments on Jan 12, 2020:
How do you think the discussion should proceed if neither parties can provide empirical proof? Not all notions of a diety come from indoctrination but from people’s experiences and reasoning as well. And how much of our “knowledge” do we actually know? Even laws of science aren’t ...
dmatic replies on Jan 14, 2020:
@JoeySparks Good one!
Wait - I thought the left was for gay rights. Why are they defending Iran? []
Rick-A comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Because anybody who would vote for a Sanders or a Warren, or a Trudeau, or a Marconi, or a Corbin is suffering from a mental condition called TDS. (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
Exactly right, and TDS trumps everything else.
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@BikerPetehall70 Sorry, but men didn't invent God's Laws.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
JoeySparks comments on Jan 12, 2020:
How do you think the discussion should proceed if neither parties can provide empirical proof? Not all notions of a diety come from indoctrination but from people’s experiences and reasoning as well. And how much of our “knowledge” do we actually know? Even laws of science aren’t ...
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@JoeySpark's Your good question IS the question: " And how much of our “knowledge” do we actually know?" If we honestly want to have a discussion and no one knows anything we can only talk respectfully about our beliefs and thoughts and experiences. If God wants to prove Himself, He has every right to do that. Of course, if He doesn't, He has every right to not reveal Himself, too. The arrogance of men is a turnoff, for sure. And The Apostle Paul's admonition that anyone who thinks he knows anything, DOES NOT YET KNOW IT as he ought. Therein lies the problem....when people only think they know something.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@george "People would never be as immoral and cruel as the Old Testament law required ..." Interesting. I don't see the "Old Testament Law" that way. Actually, I see it the exact opposite. I think humanism is the immoral religion.
Reserve .
dmatic comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Beware of a country who desires to ban cash payments!
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@TerminatorX The change is coming.It's all about control and forcing people to use the debt/credit system, to the point where a free person will be forced to use it, or do without.
An interesting blog post.
JoeySparks comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Can you explain your claim at the end there? I didn’t get the same impression from the blog.
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
Yes, I agree. I did not get the impression he suggested any such thing, but actually, allowed the possibility.
Hard Right Economics Hard Right Economics is a third economic theory that corrects the issues with ...
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Sadly, do not have the time to read the whole article, yet, but will address the following quote: " If anything, anarchists believe reliance on law will ultimately produce conflict and social division as law is never impartial. Law is not a natural phenomenon; it is man made and ultimately ...
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@BikerPetehall70 Not sure what QED means, but God's Laws will be written within the hearts of all people...someday.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@george, @waynus I assumed that not knowing is the agnostic position. Not sure if you are familiar with the promised New Covenant (some call it the renewed covenant) from God, but in it it He makes a very interesting statement. No longer would one person say to another "Know the LORD", but they will ALL know Me, from the least to the greatest...they will ALL know Him. I truly believe that you, too, will someday know Him...If you don't, now, you will, someday.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 13, 2020:
@george It was an AP article in the Sunday Omaha World Herald Jan. 12th Sunrise edition. They didn't quite an actual atheist, but I don't think it was slanderous. I think it was used to just show the fear that the people were experiencing. Everyone was 'unsettled' and frightened so they all prayed. A united community thing.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@waynus Interestingly, I just read an article in our Sunday Paper about the terrible fires in Australia, even destroying a home in Balmoral, whose owner had built it to be fireproof. Lengthy article but one paragraph stood out... "...others were taking refuge at the fire station. Among them, Rosemary D, whose own house had burned down. The fire station itself was under threat, and people began to pray, even the atheists among them...." One wonders to Whom the atheists were praying? But, good on least they were accounting for the fact they did not know.
There is a massive difference between believing and thinking.
dmatic comments on Jan 12, 2020:
"Knowing" is the key. When I was younger, I wanted to "know". I 'knew' that I didn't know. When friends would use the phrase "I know", I wondered how or what they knew. So, I began a search...unconventional as it was, to 'know'. It became overwhelming....but, to make a long story short, I ended up ...
dmatic replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@waynus All rightly, then. How about disecting your own thoughts here: " I do not think any claims about a deity have the evidence to rise to the level of knowledge." The question is: do you know?
Brilliant exposè of the real culture war... Lizards vs. Humans []
dmatic comments on Jan 11, 2020:
That guy IS funny.
dmatic replies on Jan 11, 2020:
I even typed in illuminati backward and did get the NSA.
Interesting, no? The moral roots of liberals and conservatives - Jonathan Haidt
dmatic comments on Jan 10, 2020:
He's not that funny.
dmatic replies on Jan 11, 2020:
@govols Thanks, I did. My suspicions were correct. He said, for example, his motives for writing The Righteous Mind were to help democrats. There is hope for him, as there is for all people, but he started out as an arrogant partisan hack. He'll get to understanding eventually.
Interesting, no? The moral roots of liberals and conservatives - Jonathan Haidt
dmatic comments on Jan 10, 2020:
He's not that funny.
dmatic replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@Naomi I don't expect you to. That's your right to have whatever impression you want. God bless you!
Interesting, no? The moral roots of liberals and conservatives - Jonathan Haidt
dmatic comments on Jan 10, 2020:
He's not that funny.
dmatic replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@Naomi Understood....and many intellectuals are arrogant, wouldn't you say? He's preaching to his choir.
Interesting, no? The moral roots of liberals and conservatives - Jonathan Haidt
dmatic comments on Jan 10, 2020:
He's not that funny.
dmatic replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@Naomi Yes, I did, or, at least tried. I bought his book "the righteous mind" and tried to read that, too, with an open mind, but arrogance is hard for me to stomach.
You tell em Sister! []
WorldSigh comments on Jan 10, 2020:
I feel for the oppressed Persian people. Still I cannot help wondering if they are being used as war incentive propaganda. Is it an innocent coincidence that Iran has one of the last three remaining financial systems on earth not controlled by a for profit foreign owned central bank? Every war ...
dmatic replies on Jan 10, 2020:
I've wondered the same thing. World bank, mystery Babylonians are frantically trying to hold on to their outdated and ungodly system of finance!
When there's no way... []
BikerPetehall70 comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Wrong group this is the left right culture wars, please post your biblical stuff in a relevant group we have plenty
dmatic replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@Clarken Well said, Clarken!
Don’t believe everything the talking heads tell you...
BikerPetehall70 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Ask yourselves what happened before
dmatic replies on Jan 9, 2020:
@2peros If I recall correctly, we set the shah up in 1953? What I am saying is that maybe we should mind our own business and let other nations govern themselves the way they see fit.
Earthquake near nuclear facility... Karma.. Devine intervention.. coincidence? 🤔 []
BikerPetehall70 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
This group is called culture war not holier than thou war let's keep the god bothering to suitable groups please
dmatic replies on Jan 9, 2020:
Nice to see your sensitive nature rise to the surface. So, you must believe the earthquake to be a coincidence?
Don’t believe everything the talking heads tell you...
BikerPetehall70 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Ask yourselves what happened before
dmatic replies on Jan 8, 2020:
@2peros Go back before that....
Christian Leaders Pray Over Trump During Launch Of Evangelicals For Trump Coalition
RobBlair comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable ministry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, ...
dmatic replies on Jan 8, 2020:
A wasted Century The mathemagicians’ conference of October 1927 effectively destroyed science in ...
dmatic comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Good to hear from you! Astounding to say the least. Too much here to comment on but, you mentioned 'energy'. Care to define it in more detail? As far as I know there are only two forces in existence. Thanks
dmatic replies on Jan 7, 2020:
@Century-1 Yes, but what causes the movement? Thanks
This is interesting from my own observations and experience.
dmatic comments on Jan 6, 2020:
May I ask who do you think hates women?
dmatic replies on Jan 6, 2020:
@waynus Probably just a lust for power for themselves. Do you think the Apostle Paul hated women?
Fake Impeachment. Laura Ingraham. "Candace Owens Slams Congress." []
dmatic comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Wow, The "progressive" city of Minneapolis seems to be regressing rapidly! The "culture" of this country seems to be deteriorating. May God help us.
dmatic replies on Jan 5, 2020:
@Rick-A Yes, that is what I meant to say! :)
Tucker talked about Republican Governors who want refugees in their state.
dmatic comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Tucker's main point was, it seems to me, that none of these governors were doing the will of the people in the states they "govern", so, whose will were they doing it for?
dmatic replies on Jan 4, 2020:
@EricJohnson Is that another word for "moneyed interests"?
A friend on FB posted this link, it is someone he knows personally.
Hanno comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I am a Boer. A sub group of the Afrikaner... the ones who refused to submit to British rule four time’s. First we came from Europe; Netherlands, France and Germany (and also what is now Belgium) to life in religious freedom and peace. We formed the Afrikaners (this included non-whites Khoi etc who...
dmatic replies on Jan 3, 2020:
@KCSantiago Thank you. I look forward to reading them.
A friend on FB posted this link, it is someone he knows personally.
Hanno comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I am a Boer. A sub group of the Afrikaner... the ones who refused to submit to British rule four time’s. First we came from Europe; Netherlands, France and Germany (and also what is now Belgium) to life in religious freedom and peace. We formed the Afrikaners (this included non-whites Khoi etc who...
dmatic replies on Jan 3, 2020:
@KCSantiago I would be interested to hear your thoughts defending the idea that the world would be better if the Confederacy would have won the war. Still haven't reached a conclusion in my own mind about all that. thanks
A friend on FB posted this link, it is someone he knows personally.
dmatic comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Why isn't the UN doing anything about this?
dmatic replies on Jan 3, 2020:
@KCSantiago So, The UN is racist? Wow, we have a long way to go....
No Nonsense Philosophy New Year Letter - Hidden In Plain Sight Dear world, congratulations ...
dmatic comments on Jan 2, 2020:
"Place the individual first before the group, insuring and limiting the state of government, limit taxation and freedom of expression." Agreed!
dmatic replies on Jan 3, 2020:
@iThink You're right. I didn't read it, though as limiting freedom of expression, but, rather, insuring it. Thanks
Action4Assange As He SLOWLY DIES IN BELMARSH With Ian Schlackman []
iThink comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I still do not know what to think of Assange. Hero or traitor - who knows except for those who are holding him. What does he know and who stands to be harmed by his activities. To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi - Assange would have to be released in order to know what he has to say and who it may harm or ...
dmatic replies on Jan 2, 2020:
From what I seen, I consider him a hero
No Nonsense Philosophy New Year Letter - Hidden In Plain Sight Dear world, congratulations ...
Rick-A comments on Jan 2, 2020:
dmatic replies on Jan 2, 2020:
@ChrisODonnell Thanks. i read it and I thank you for your effort!
No Nonsense Philosophy New Year Letter - Hidden In Plain Sight Dear world, congratulations ...
Rick-A comments on Jan 2, 2020:
dmatic replies on Jan 2, 2020:
What is TLDNR?
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