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A year or two back there was a lot of talk about holding a Convention of States to modify the ...
timon_phocas comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Well I respect Mark Levine a lot, but I have reservations about an Article V convention of states. The Constitutional Convention was ostensibly called to revise the Articles of Confederation not entirely replace it. But that's exactly what it did. An Article V Convention could do the same. ...
dmatic replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@govols The very idea of NOT calling for a convention of states terrifies me!
A year or two back there was a lot of talk about holding a Convention of States to modify the ...
timon_phocas comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Well I respect Mark Levine a lot, but I have reservations about an Article V convention of states. The Constitutional Convention was ostensibly called to revise the Articles of Confederation not entirely replace it. But that's exactly what it did. An Article V Convention could do the same. ...
dmatic replies on Nov 14, 2019:
Timon, First of all, if I may, it would not be a constitutional convention. It would be a convention of states, which is what the very constitution that you and I esteem, calls for! No way could a convention of states replace the Constitution. The Founders, knowing the unwillingness of government to govern itself, provided this means to reign them in. With the debt skyrocketing, endangering the freedoms of our grandchildren's children, something needs to be done, or we're done! Just look at the fiasco known as an impeachment inquiry! These guys are lunatics. Calling for a convention of states would, at the very least, give the people some hope to restore some sanity in our lives, and the conversations around the country should educate many who care!
A different take on postmodernism. []
wolfhnd comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Postmodernism is philosophy and like all philosophy it isn't about "truth" so much as a place to stand. The ground that philosophers stand on has to be defensible with the weapons of logic but it does not define the battle. I have mixed emotions about philosophy. To quote Steven Weinberg ...
dmatic replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@wolfhnd Thanks, though I'm not sure, yet, that I understood your thoughts or conclusions because I am unfamiliar with many of the terms and phrases you use, to my shame, I suppose, so will re-read, but, I wanted to contend a bit with this statement of yours: " It wasn't until one of these natural philosophers named Darwin who's philosophy received general acceptance that the originator became a blind clock maker." Darwin, in my view, is responsible for the premature deaths of 100s of millions of people. To suggest that his philosophy received general acceptance, implying that his philosophy was correct, is a grave error, in my opinion, which only re-enforces the claim that men are stupid, though they think themselves wise. Further, you wrote: "For most people the concept of a blind clock maker is so counter intuitive that it is hard to see it as the nail that closed the coffin on theology. The answer to the murder mystery is the concept of natural philosophy itself. Once it was demonstrated that natural explanations were available for almost everything that had previously been mysterious the need for God diminished." Suggesting that theology, the study of God, is dead, astounds me. By the way, One of the dogs that lives with us eats feces.
Is Candace Owens a grifter who will say anything for a buck from her conservative paymasters?
dmatic comments on Nov 13, 2019:
I watched the interview that you, herein, mention. Drptree is right in that you are taking it out of its context and twisting its meaning. I suppose some would call it confirmation bias. May I ask who is paying you to be seemingly always trying to sow discord?
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles Ha! Should have figured as much! Thanks for your honesty.
A different take on postmodernism. []
RMSPT comments on Nov 12, 2019:
This was a very interesting read. I think the author grossly underestimated and consistently plays down the impact of the known post modernists. I think there wasn’t enough exploration into where the Marxist backgrounds of the three authors cited as “real” post modernists or post ...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@RafaelMspt Thank you! That helps! But, reality is that which is, I think. There is a reality that exists, that we are experiencing, but our opinions of it differ....because we don't know enough, yet. Nor do we see far enough, yet....or clearly enough. One can change his/her opinion of the reality or how he/she thinks about it, I suppose, but, time will tell if our opinions were right. Thanks again.
A different take on postmodernism. []
RobBlair comments on Nov 12, 2019:
If truth exists then there is still a meta-narrative to follow and post modernism is defunct. Yes, our perception of truth is varied and often flawed. But, the excuse that postmodernism provides, that we must ingest lies and allow ourselves to be fed false narratives, will be of little solace when...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@RobBlair True!
2020: a Libertarian President? Voters want a third party- []
govols comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I've never voted for a democrat or a republican nominee for president, but I've voted for a candidate in every election since 1988. One of them was a boxing promoter and sports bookie. My Dem/Rep alternative, all of which sucked... Bush-Dukakis Bush-Clinton Clinton-Dole Gore-Bush ...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
Politics seems to breed deception. That's why I love Trump! I don't think he's a politician. God bless him!
2020: a Libertarian President? Voters want a third party- []
RobBlair comments on Nov 13, 2019:
People want a balanced budget too until you start getting specific. I contend that if a libertarian presidential candidate can't primary a republican they will most certainly never be elected (assuming that is even the goal). What libertarian message do you think resonates with the left half ...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
Excellent comment!
Does the bible teach that Christians are under the 10 Commandments?
dmatic comments on Sep 25, 2019:
@2FollowHim Of course, a violation of God's commandments is sin, and Jesus came to set us free from sinning.
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@2FollowHim Who said: "He who breaks even the least of those commandments and teaches others that it is OK to break EVEN the Least, would be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven....
A different take on postmodernism. []
wolfhnd comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Postmodernism is philosophy and like all philosophy it isn't about "truth" so much as a place to stand. The ground that philosophers stand on has to be defensible with the weapons of logic but it does not define the battle. I have mixed emotions about philosophy. To quote Steven Weinberg ...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
It is possible, in my opinion, that scientific realism may not be as real as its adherents would like to believe. It certainly didn't kill God, though they may unrealistically think they have! In my view, God is the Author of Reality and Truth. Why would someone want to kill their Creator?
A different take on postmodernism. []
govols comments on Nov 12, 2019:
If one is willing to open minded and generous with the literature, understanding postmodernism requires an understanding of the phrase "meta-narrative" that seems to be dissimilar to the one most readily brought to mind among the critics. "Meta-narrative" seems to be used in the sense of "How the ...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
I am a simple man, but it seems to me that life and reality are all about learning how to love.
A different take on postmodernism. []
RMSPT comments on Nov 12, 2019:
This was a very interesting read. I think the author grossly underestimated and consistently plays down the impact of the known post modernists. I think there wasn’t enough exploration into where the Marxist backgrounds of the three authors cited as “real” post modernists or post ...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@RafaelMspt Well, I know I have a lot to learn. We all seem to be shaped by many and varied things in this reality, but, hopefully, we keep searching for Truth. One of my influences was an LP record album of my youth, which, if I recall correctly, was Hermann Hesse, or someone else reading some of his works Siddhartha, etc...The enlightened one, speaking to his "disciples' says: "There is a reality, my boys, and nothing can change that! However, truths, that is, opinions of reality, are countless in number and each is just as true as it is false!" I still need to try to understand the definitions of post modernism and post structuralism, I suppose. Whew!
A different take on postmodernism. []
RobBlair comments on Nov 12, 2019:
If truth exists then there is still a meta-narrative to follow and post modernism is defunct. Yes, our perception of truth is varied and often flawed. But, the excuse that postmodernism provides, that we must ingest lies and allow ourselves to be fed false narratives, will be of little solace when...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@RobBlair, If truth doesn't exist, then there can be no liars...if, you mean by liars, those who don't speak truth.
A different take on postmodernism. []
RMSPT comments on Nov 12, 2019:
This was a very interesting read. I think the author grossly underestimated and consistently plays down the impact of the known post modernists. I think there wasn’t enough exploration into where the Marxist backgrounds of the three authors cited as “real” post modernists or post ...
dmatic replies on Nov 13, 2019:
Interesting, but a bit confusing to me, who, I admit, am not the deepest thinker on the block. I love philosophy, but sometimes find philosophers hard to take seriously. They sometimes seem to have too high of opinion of themselves and their abilities to discern truth. Big T.
Groyper War: Why alt-right trolls shouted down Donald Trump Jr. - Vox
dmatic comments on Nov 12, 2019:
You first! Which side are you on?
dmatic replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles Well, it speaks to your character, doesn't it? There are disagreements about lots of things, including who is the truly virtuous among the virtue signalers. Christians calling out Christians, Liberals calling out liberals, Conservatives calling out conservatives, Dems calling out dems, Repubs calling out Repubs, Liberatians calling out libertarians, atheists calling out atheists...etc. you get it, don't you? These skirmishes have been going on for millennia, so, I wouldn't get too excited if I were you.
NO SAFE SPACES MOVIE Reversing the Destruction of America, 2817 []
dmatic comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Everywhere should be a safe space, shouldn't it? If it is not, what are we creating?
dmatic replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@Seriousreason Agree, but the light is coming on for some, so there is hope that more will see through the lies and grow up.
A civil war appears to be brewing on the right. Where do you stand on the Groyper War?
dmatic comments on Nov 11, 2019:
What is the Groyper War?
dmatic replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles Just finished listening to Ben Shapiro at Stanford...whom I found pretty credible. Thanks again for bringing it up. In the war of ideas, I would hope that, someday, we can reach some sort of peace. That will only happen, in my opinion, when the right views emerge. The antagonists to the right, hoping merely to muddy the waters and confuse people, will be exposed as scorners and mockers who will then be ignored.
A civil war appears to be brewing on the right. Where do you stand on the Groyper War?
dmatic comments on Nov 11, 2019:
What is the Groyper War?
dmatic replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles Thanks again, I'll try to find some more info from someone I can trust!
A civil war appears to be brewing on the right. Where do you stand on the Groyper War?
dmatic comments on Nov 11, 2019:
What is the Groyper War?
dmatic replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles I wouldn't be so sure. I still don't know what a groyper war is, but thanks for the heads up. I'll be on the look out!
CBS Fired The Wrong Person!
PurplePill comments on Nov 10, 2019:
I don’t understand this comment. Please help me understand . How does one label CBS as left when it is a corporation which would make it right ? The labels of left and right seem to be used here often but I do not know the definition. Can someone enlighten me ?
dmatic replies on Nov 11, 2019:
Corporations are not the issue, here, but, that would be whole 'nother subject. The idea, I think, is that the media, generally, by statistics leans left if not full blown over the top leftist. In an effort to control the story, leaked by someone about ABC covering for Jeffery Epstein, and quashing a story about him for over three years, and never airing it, CBS, in an attempt to assist the cover-up, fired a female they had recently hired away from ABC, who ABC "thought" might have been the leaker! So, rather than report on the cover up story by ABC...CBS jumps in bed with them and tries to punish an innocent person! They are depraved.
How many of you believe that God has a plan for you?
Biosphere comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I swear- if I should accept the general concept about god from all cultures and religions, of it being all powerful, all knowing and in control, I think god is a fucking royal dick! All the suffering of less fortunate living things live and die painfully, while all the pleasures and happy ...
dmatic replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@Biosphere You do know that your Father has unlimited wealth? Why don't you ask Him?
Once again, when Republicans lose, they mount coups.
Biosphere comments on Nov 10, 2019:
I hate living a world where we have such a huge gulf between the differences in ideologies of major political parties. If the average loaner doesn't choose a side, they will remain a voiceless victim in a world that used to be comfortable to be a loner. The Republican party is offering a better deal...
dmatic replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@Biosphere You said you hate to live in a world where the gulf between ideologies is vast. Apparently, you seek harmony or oneness in agreement with what is right? My en quoted "free" refers to one's freedom to think whatever one wants. He may be wrong, but is 'free' to think it nonetheless. You lamented being a voiceless victim, since, apparently, you see yourself thinking things you feel unfree to voice? Maybe you're not sure your thoughts are right? If they are, please find the courage to voice them. Who knows? maybe the world will be happy to hear them.
Once again, when Republicans lose, they mount coups.
Biosphere comments on Nov 10, 2019:
I hate living a world where we have such a huge gulf between the differences in ideologies of major political parties. If the average loaner doesn't choose a side, they will remain a voiceless victim in a world that used to be comfortable to be a loner. The Republican party is offering a better deal...
dmatic replies on Nov 11, 2019:
So, you hate it? What's your antidote? Paths, my friend. In a "free" country, people are allowed to choose the path they want to follow, or create. The destinations of those paths may lead to different places. If people don't like the destination they've arrived at by following the path of their choice, why are they a victim?
How many of you believe that God has a plan for you?
Biosphere comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I swear- if I should accept the general concept about god from all cultures and religions, of it being all powerful, all knowing and in control, I think god is a fucking royal dick! All the suffering of less fortunate living things live and die painfully, while all the pleasures and happy ...
dmatic replies on Nov 10, 2019:
@Biosphere Hopefully, you have successfully dealt with the emergency, Bio. Still looking forward to your thoughts on the realities of suffering and of evil....etc. How do you explain them?
Sounds like the Weinstein Brothers.
dmatic comments on Nov 8, 2019:
>"Question: Only fools fall in love: true or false? Simone Weil replies: “Nothing which exists is absolutely worthy of love. We must therefore love that which does not exist.” To this answer I would add....,yet.
dmatic replies on Nov 10, 2019:
@Hedwig50 And here, all along, I thought the "I" stood for Intellectual! Interesting. I will try, as time allows, to learn as much as I can about everything. It's daunting isn't it, with so much 'out there'? Exciting time to be alive.
Sounds like the Weinstein Brothers.
dmatic comments on Nov 8, 2019:
>"Question: Only fools fall in love: true or false? Simone Weil replies: “Nothing which exists is absolutely worthy of love. We must therefore love that which does not exist.” To this answer I would add....,yet.
dmatic replies on Nov 9, 2019:
@Hedwig50 Regretfully, I don't have the time to ingest all of this video. I made it through only 25 minutes. I hope to finish later, as I'm not too familiar with these Weinstein brothers, though I Have seen Eric with Jordan and a couple others once. Thanks for expanding my horizon!
Sounds like the Weinstein Brothers.
dmatic comments on Nov 8, 2019:
>"Question: Only fools fall in love: true or false? Simone Weil replies: “Nothing which exists is absolutely worthy of love. We must therefore love that which does not exist.” To this answer I would add....,yet.
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@Hedwig50 Actually, I interpret it to mean a person can love something that doesn't yet exist...(it may be called, hope.) I can love my wife even though she's not yet perfect. But she will be! She can love me even though I'm not yet perfect, too. But, hopefully, we'll make it someday! Make sense?
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
CookieMonster comments on Oct 30, 2019:
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@FrankZeleniuk Exactly, Frank! Well said.
Sounds like the Weinstein Brothers.
dmatic comments on Nov 8, 2019:
>"Question: Only fools fall in love: true or false? Simone Weil replies: “Nothing which exists is absolutely worthy of love. We must therefore love that which does not exist.” To this answer I would add....,yet.
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@Hedwig50 No idea how to categorize the statement. Nor do I think the author knows what love means. If she thinks only things perfect are worthy of love, so nothing in her world is perfect....she can still hope that the object of her love will some day be perfect, even it it does not appear to be in existence.....yet.
Have any right-wingers out there considered that the Republican Party's pattern of making it harder ...
ForeverFree76 comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Eliminate college debt! Free college for everybody! Make the rich poor! Capitalism bad! - the Left Site your sources, Wily. 😁
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@ForeverFree76 More brilliant commentary by a clear thinker, ForeverFree! Thank you.
Have any right-wingers out there considered that the Republican Party's pattern of making it harder ...
RobBlair comments on Nov 8, 2019:
What makes it harder for college students and other transient people to vote, in this case, is establishing residency. Each locality (Democrat and Republican) provides its own rules for determining who is included as part of the group and who isn't. As a resident, that person has skin in the game ...
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
This brilliant commentary, Rob! Thank you.
iThink comments on Nov 6, 2019:
entirely based upon the false premise that the justice system is biased against Black people. Fact still remains: Blacks (especially black males) commit close to 75% of all violent crime in USA. Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time fellas. Having said that I will absolutely agree ...
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@iThink Agreed! may God help us all overcome our many foibles, and grow in love!
iThink comments on Nov 6, 2019:
entirely based upon the false premise that the justice system is biased against Black people. Fact still remains: Blacks (especially black males) commit close to 75% of all violent crime in USA. Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time fellas. Having said that I will absolutely agree ...
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@iThink Ahh, the deception of self-righteous anger! Anger justified in one's mind deceives the holder into stepping into all sorts of traps! It also seems the problem is not limited to one race or another...
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
CookieMonster comments on Oct 30, 2019:
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@CookieMonster Thanks Cookie. It seems to me that the goal of the study of the production, distribution and consumption of wealth may be to understand "how it works". And by "working" we may agree that we mean a just and fair system that is efficient in availing and providing what people need to survive, first of all, then prosper with as many as possible being lifted out of poverty. A system that is not fair will "not work" in the long run, because it is partial and will serve only to oppress some groups and/or individuals over others, and will not yield peace and contentment, due to the injustices contained within it. So, we need to define what wealth even is, for starters. Once we know that we can study how it is produced/created, distributed and consumed. These various economic systems have been experimented with and looked at and ,many seem to have opinions about them as to which is right and which is wrong...what works and what doesn't work....but they often don't even seem to know what goal they're measuring against, sometimes.
DeanMartin89 comments on Nov 7, 2019:
Even leftists attack other leftists if it doesn't fit perfectly to their own ideology. That says it all. I like how he didn't answer even one question to support his leftist ideology. Radical leftists band together and rant and chant without giving even a nod to intellect. There have been angry mobs...
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@Seriousreason Principles! Yes, the respectable 'leftist' gives me hope. Could actually have a discussion with him....agreeing on right principles...challenging other conclusions, without devolving into shouting match!
iThink comments on Nov 6, 2019:
entirely based upon the false premise that the justice system is biased against Black people. Fact still remains: Blacks (especially black males) commit close to 75% of all violent crime in USA. Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time fellas. Having said that I will absolutely agree ...
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@iThink So, we should investigate the cause of 13-14% of the people committing 75% of the violent crime. Wonder if Government playing the role of daddy has anything to do with it?
iThink comments on Nov 6, 2019:
entirely based upon the false premise that the justice system is biased against Black people. Fact still remains: Blacks (especially black males) commit close to 75% of all violent crime in USA. Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time fellas. Having said that I will absolutely agree ...
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@iThink Colin does know this! I emailed him yesterday and he did respond. He gave me a site where an e-book was available and also said that an updated version of his "Don't make black....angry" is coming out soon. He also said that he'd been kicked off Amazon....but didn't say why. If he answers my response, I'll let you know.
Mark Dice: The Truth Finally Comes Out! []
CharlesD comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Epstein was murdered.
dmatic replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@CharlesD Indeed! But it appears that the perpetrators are in desperate, panic mode! Truth will come out, eventually.
iThink comments on Nov 6, 2019:
entirely based upon the false premise that the justice system is biased against Black people. Fact still remains: Blacks (especially black males) commit close to 75% of all violent crime in USA. Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time fellas. Having said that I will absolutely agree ...
dmatic replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@iThink Amazing, amazon had 5 used paperbacks, lowest price $115.00 The one new copy they had was priced at $799.?? !! Other used ones up to over $350.00!
iThink comments on Nov 6, 2019:
entirely based upon the false premise that the justice system is biased against Black people. Fact still remains: Blacks (especially black males) commit close to 75% of all violent crime in USA. Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time fellas. Having said that I will absolutely agree ...
dmatic replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@iThink Thanks! I will check your recommendations!
Mark Dice: The Truth Finally Comes Out! []
CharlesD comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Epstein was murdered.
dmatic replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@CharlesD I was not suggesting you are wrong, just asking what you KNOW that I don't. Circumstantial evidence does not connote real evidence. Certainly, the whole thing smells of foul play. However, I'm not even sure it was Epstein that was murdered!
locallan comments on Nov 7, 2019:
The interposer doesn't even understand what the gentleman is saying! This legend has a fantastic vocabulary that absolutely stops him in his tracks because he doesn't understand! Would argue though that he's not a leftist as much as a "classic liberal" -- he's too smart to be a leftist, whereas ...
dmatic replies on Nov 7, 2019:
Well said!
iThink comments on Nov 6, 2019:
entirely based upon the false premise that the justice system is biased against Black people. Fact still remains: Blacks (especially black males) commit close to 75% of all violent crime in USA. Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time fellas. Having said that I will absolutely agree ...
dmatic replies on Nov 7, 2019:
75% of all violent crime is committed by blacks? Wow. Did not know that. And what is the percent of blacks in the U.S. population?
Mark Dice: The Truth Finally Comes Out! []
CharlesD comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Epstein was murdered.
dmatic replies on Nov 7, 2019:
By whom? Who do you think did it? Or, who paid for it?
Everything that is happening in the world today can be traced back to Communism.
dmatic comments on Nov 6, 2019:
And where can Communism be traced back to? Marxism and Darwinism.
dmatic replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles So, what's your point? That enlightenment was a scam? That enlightenment was really darkness?
Portland Antifa Extremist Sentenced to Six Years in Prison - YouTube
CrustyCanuck6772 comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Serves him right. Serves anyone who does that .
dmatic replies on Nov 6, 2019:
Indeed. The consequence will serve him, if he will but be instructed in right thinking by this service.
Nine Americans slaughtered in likely Mexican drug cartel violence- []
Centris comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Trump is making noise about war now.
dmatic replies on Nov 6, 2019:
Actually, Trump offered the U.S. Military to help get rid of those lawless tugs in Mexico. It is obvious the Mexican government cannot do it! Trump is just being a good neighbor.
It's getting worse. []
govols comments on Nov 5, 2019:
It has to hit rock bottom before it will admit it's problem.
dmatic replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Looks like we're headed for rock bottom...
I think I have a strong connective type meme, that would bring more to understand the real ...
CraftyDwarf comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I know the steps and the tools. Its more on the creation of the whole that I need help with. Preferably a either some text that compares to 2a from the character Dolores Umbridge directly, or ther other way around. If you have read the books or seen the movies, I you probably get where I am looking....
dmatic replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Good luck!
NO SAFE SPACES MOVIE Reversing the Destruction of America, 2817 []
Biosphere comments on Nov 5, 2019:
It seems to be that we live in a world where there are 3 main categories of opinions: 1- those kept to themselves 2- those that are shared 3- those that are enforced I just tried #2, but should have chosen #1
dmatic replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@Seriousreason Love is a Subaru!
NO SAFE SPACES MOVIE Reversing the Destruction of America, 2817 []
dmatic comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Everywhere should be a safe space, shouldn't it? If it is not, what are we creating?
dmatic replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@Seriousreason Love this line: "It's scary that the progressives young think they are . Safety is an action of care .not a right"
Theocracy explained (any religion)
Boardwine comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Do they even vote in theocracies?
dmatic replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@Boardwine He's already been elected King.
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
CookieMonster comments on Oct 30, 2019:
dmatic replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@CookieMonster I'm getting lost again in all the jargon.... You wrote, in answer to what is the definition of economics: "your definition is way to narrow. Mine would be if Politics is which and Philosophy is why then economics is How. " How what? How can I debunk the falsehoods of your arguments when I can't understand them? :) Nor do I know what they even are! :) Economics is the study of the production, consumption and distribution of wealth. Not narrow at all. It's a huge and broad study. maybe, just maybe, you are trying to talk about the ruse of "economic policy"> which would be more in line with a political discussion? Or even a philosophical is why the policies? maybe I'll just read along with your conversation with Frank!
Please Discuss: []
dmatic comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Not sure what you want to discuss either. Seems pretty straight forward to me. Living in respect to the Law is a good thing. Law abiding is good. Lawlessness is bad.
dmatic replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@LesLeslie You asked for discussion and then asked what people see when they watch this piece. If everyone obeyed the Law, capital L, then that would be a good thing. If everyone was not, then it would be a bad thing, yes. If everyone obeyed the Law, there would be no stealing, no murdering, nor armed robbery or rape or oppressive intimidation. Why don't you tell us what you see in the piece? Thanks
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
CookieMonster comments on Oct 30, 2019:
dmatic replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@CookieMonster You wrote: "My MA is in experimental economics which covers all those areas mentioned." Would love to hear some of your ideas. What is the goal in your "experimental economics"? In your answer to Frank, you mentioned..."there are a hell of a lot of serious flaws in economics, theory or applied. " Serious flaws? Flaws in achieving understanding? Flaws in the goals of different theories? How would you correct these flaws?
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
CookieMonster comments on Oct 30, 2019:
dmatic replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@CookieMonster Thanks. That helps, a bit. You mentioned "problems". What problems develop in an economy, in your opinion? Do you agree with the definition of "economics" as a study of the production, distribution and consumption of wealth? Thanks, again.
Engaged Buddhists too often lean progressive because they don’t understand the fundamental nature ...
dmatic comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Great article! Thanks for sharing it. I intend to forward it to some loved ones....
dmatic replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@mindmuser Exactly! On a side note, I've, for a long time, realized that until taxation is voluntary, we will be subjected to repression/oppression.
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
CookieMonster comments on Oct 30, 2019:
dmatic replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@CookieMonster,@FrankZeleniuk I know you are answering Frank, and he is smarter about these things than I, but I would like to learn, so, can I ask some questions? Assuming your answer to be yes, I will, thanks. What is difference between neo Keynsians and old Keynsians? Supply side theories or demand side theories; which, if either, are you? Is trickeldown a theory or simply an observance of an effect? Is artificial stimulation of an economy a good, or bad thing, in the long run? Thanks.
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
dmatic replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@Mind-boggled Interesting. We are all on a journey, my friend. Missing the mark, or missing the sign that marks the way that leads to life, results in getting a bit lost. Few find the WAY, remember, that leads to life, so it is important to follow God's instructions. Not doing so is called sin, or missing the mark. Do not fear, however. God will show you the way and you will find Him when we seek for Him with all our heart!
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
dmatic comments on Oct 31, 2019:
I take it you don't consider 'trickledown', legit?
dmatic replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@CookieMonster You are right about me missing the point! I have much to learn.
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
dmatic comments on Oct 31, 2019:
I take it you don't consider 'trickledown', legit?
dmatic replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@CookieMonster Well, how does it work? Or doesn't it, in your humble opinion? :)
[] Aley Beth Stuckey Interviews Ben Shapiro.
TerminatorX comments on Oct 30, 2019:
WTF was that all about! Ridiculous!!!
dmatic replies on Oct 31, 2019:
She's pretty good! Ben was good to play along....
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@waynus It is awe inspiring isn't it?
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@waynus Please forgive me if I assumed your were an evolutionist. Which I define as someone who answers the question of how and why life began, with: "well, it simply evolved". "There could be no Creator, because I haven't seen Him/Her hanging around anywhere." You, I think, have answered the question with "I don't know." An honest answer, to be sure. Do you seek an answer to it? Or, are you content not to know? Do you think there is an answer to it? Earlier in a discussion, I think we asked what the definition of life even is. Not sure we came to any agreement, however. I don't think I consider life a concept, or an idea, nor a metaphor. Nor do I consider God that way. I consider God and life real. There is MUCH about God and life that I do not yet know, but I want to. "Eternal" life is, I think, misunderstood. But, we can get into that later if you want. The "idea" of a Creator is a human creation? Interesting. Most humans know that they didn't create themselves. They know that they didn't create tress and birds and the ocean. they watch a new human come into the earth as a baby and wonder, of course. I watch a new baby chicken peck itself out of an egg that was laid 21 days previous and am in awe. Who designed this? The chicken? "Life" itself, screams "Creator"! The evidence is overwhelming. You must have thought how all this started? If you're not a Darwinian, what have you come up with?
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@waynus I'm still not sure what you mean by different stories, rather than viewpoints. You wrote: "...As for the inconsistencies. They do not by my reading reflect different perspectives or viewpoints. They reflect different stories. In some cases totally different stories that reflect totally different origins. This is what the research shows when we look at oral traditions. What the divergence does indicate is we can never know if any of the stories actually happened or if they are later additions. Look at the story of the resurrection or of Judas so divergent and present in some totally absent in others." I suppose one could take the fatal position of "never knowing", and thus throw out the whole 'faith thing' on the basis of trusting one's own ability to discover truth based on his/her own perceptions and experiences, which is what you seem to rely on. But, what if you don't see far enough? So, you've never met Jesus (Yahshua), though, I know you will at some point. Presently, you have determined that "not dying" is impossible, so you cannot believe in the "impossible", that Jesus actually was resurrected. Apparently, since you've never "seen God", the Creator of life, nor heard Him speak, you think death will always be a part of existence...the so-called end game. You assume that death wins, and it awaits to consume your destiny as well. It is apparent that death is an enemy of life. Will it always and forever overrule life? Will death ever be overcome? If so, how? Or, are the rules of existence and non-existence so hardened that they can't be changed? Most people are a bit afraid of death, in my experience. Generally, nobody really wants to die, though some seem to seek it to escape their miserable lives. Most seem to try to extend their lives as long as they can... I believe there is an answer to these questions. The answer resides in the Creator not in Darwinism, in my view.
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@waynus Not at all. What Jesus said, before His ascension into Heaven is similar to what Matthew records. But, you said that the Gospel of Mark does not contain the Resurrection, which it, I'm still a bit confused about your statement.
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@waynus You question the legitimacy of Mark, chapter 16? Not sure what Bible you are studying.
How many of you believe that God has a plan for you?
Biosphere comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I swear- if I should accept the general concept about god from all cultures and religions, of it being all powerful, all knowing and in control, I think god is a fucking royal dick! All the suffering of less fortunate living things live and die painfully, while all the pleasures and happy ...
dmatic replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@Biosphere Thanks, brother, though it's difficult to disregard your comments...because many seem to hold your judgments on God, too. The problem of suffering. What to do with that. How do you, in your 'world view' deal with it? Oh, that's probably a stupid question....for which I already know the answer to, right? You drink and get emotional and angry? If you were God you would do things differently, wouldn't you?
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@waynus Thanks. A good start indeed. As far as I know, we don't know who authored the book of Hebrews. Many seem to think Paul, did. But, there is no claim that I know that he did. The question, it seems to me, is, is it true? If so, no problem. If not, or if partially not true, that's a problem. Is there anything, particularly, in the book of Hebrews, that you suggest is not true? As for "cannon", I am leery of men making the determination of what is true and what is not. Men, as you know, are often liars and deceivers.....not to be trusted, basically. Who wrote the Gospels? Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Regarding the language they were written in, originally, I would say that Matthew was probably written in Aramaic. Then translated into Greek. As far as I originals exist, of any of the gospels, but that is not surprising since they were written nearly two thousand years ago. As a result, much of that 'history' is "men". Refer back to my hesitation to trust men. Don't know what you mean about distortions. But, In any recollection of things, there is usually a perspective from which the things have been seen and understood by the recollector. The first 3 gospels seem to be more chronological and John seems to focus on a different level. Basically, to be sure, I trust God, Who, one would think, would oversee the writings. If there "seems" to be a is usually with my misunderstanding, so I have tried to dig a little deeper. By the way, have you found answers to your host of questions about why Mark's gospel does not include the resurrection? I am sure there is an answer, though I have not studied, nor asked. The non-cannonical Thomas's and Judas'? not sure what a non realist approach is, but I've looked at, at least, those two. Judas' is interesting in that, if he did hang himself after grieving the seeming results of his "betrayal", or as it suggests, his assignment, then, who wrote it? Maybe that's why it wasn't included in "cannon"? It's been a while since I read Thomas's supposed account, but, if I recall, I thought it contained some interesting ideas and/or thoughts. The important thing, it seems to me is Jesus' teachings. What did He teach? What did He say? What did He do? Each of the authors of the gospels may have heard him through their own filters, but so what? I don't think they were lying or trying to deceive someone. The sayings and teaching of Jesus are remarkable in themselves, in my view, and are not human in origin. They are too wise. Jesus came at exactly the right time in history. Into a religious world that had grossly erred in their systems they had built. They were, typically, not open to correction, either. Typical stupid men...infected by pride.
An observation.
Crikey comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Agree. Trying to convince me to believe in something while providing no evidence is never gonna work. This is kind of why I switched from calling myself agnostic and to calling myself atheist. Christians seem to think that agnostic means "needs more convincing". When the only convincing that's ever ...
dmatic replies on Oct 28, 2019:
@camerakid61 Thanks, I'll try to check it out sometime. Is he open to discussion?
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 28, 2019:
@waynus You have alluded to your opinion that the Scriptures are 'unreliable' many times as we have come to get acquainted, but I'm really not sure what you mean. I have found them to be completely reliable. However, there are translation errors, I believe, into English, that may pose a problem to some. But, after studying the original languages and discovering meanings and contexts of those, new understanding often follows. I am interested in why you think them to be unreliable, so, if you would, could you give me a specific example of an instance that troubled you? According to my understanding of history, those to whom the scriptures were originally entrusted, were painstaking in their efforts to record them correctly. If a mistake was discovered by a scribe, before the printing press was invented, they destroyed the copy. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the authenticity of the texts. As the ancient manuscripts were distributed and translated into other languages some problems may have come up, but I would like to hear your story. Certainly, there are words in the original languages that do not have a counterpart in the language being translated into and people may have thought they understood and did the best they seemed to be able to, to translate meaning, but that, in itself, could have been a big problem with doctrines of men that emanated from misunderstandings. So, I'm unsure of why you think Scriptures to be unreliable. I can understand why it would be a problem for someone to find out, for example, that God didn't actually say what some versions may have said He said! But, please tell me what.... Thanks.
An observation.
Crikey comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Agree. Trying to convince me to believe in something while providing no evidence is never gonna work. This is kind of why I switched from calling myself agnostic and to calling myself atheist. Christians seem to think that agnostic means "needs more convincing". When the only convincing that's ever ...
dmatic replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@camerakid61, @Crikey Thanks Crikey! I'm neither a scholar of the Bible, nor google. But, I love the Bible...not so much google. Anyway...Job 7:9 was spoken by Job, not God. Job also said: "For i know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins (insides?) be consumed within me." Job 19:25-27 (This, seems to be after he dies)
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Crikey Still haven't found a dictionary....
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
dmatic comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I don't think anyone is hopeless.
dmatic replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@warminster100 Maybe you were water baptized when your mother's water broke?
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@waynus, @Crikey Good job ruining my analogy, Crikey! I could probably even go a step further and say that all money is fake. Nothing is real. It's all just an illusion. And, you're right: EVERYBODY thinks they are right about everything, including you! (probably). That seems to be just one of the many realities we all are asked to deal with. We're all 'bat-shit crazy' to "coin" a phrase. Is there ANYBODY who knows what is really going on? I believe there is an answer to that question. God, the Creator, our Father DOES know the answers. He has told me that and I believe Him.
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@waynus I must have misunderstood you. Sorry. You wrote: "1) Where does life come from? My position is I don't know." Would you like to know? Then you posited: "As you were before you were born could well be after you die. " You were you before you were born? You were something before you were born? "You" were non-existent before you were born? Of course, You cannot know that, because something that does not exist cannot know would seem. By the way, I am not saying you are eternal. I am saying that God is, however. To answer your last question, I would say I base my belief on Jesus on the Old Testament, so-called. And, of course, the New Testament confirms that belief,
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
dmatic comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I don't think anyone is hopeless.
dmatic replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@warminster100 Jesus came, of course, to set us free from our sins and from sinning! To show us the way and the truth. He is the way, the truth and the life. And His resurrection? Amazing! No where did I say that "God will accept us without Jesus". God, however, promises and prophesies that every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to His (the Father's) glory! Every one! Was the thief on the cross baptized? There are many baptisms....washings...that we must go through on our way to the Promised Land!
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@waynus I thought you said earlier that your starting point was non-existence? I understand that you think you have investigated all "brands of Christianity". And, because you have concluded that all those brands that you investigated are counterfeits, you have concluded that all of Christianity is counterfeit. You are proving only one thing; that Jesus's statement is true! The one about that many would come (falsely) in His name deceiving many... Jesus also said that Few would find the path that leads to life. If you have given up the search to find that path, because you think there is no path that leads to life.....that all paths lead to death and non-existence, I, truly, feel sorry for you. As for my expectation, I, simply am trying to understand you. I offer a bit of an objection here or there just to dig a little deeper into your 'logic'. I may ask a question to see your answer to see if you have considered another point of view. I'm not as smart as you about a lot of things, I am sure, and I'm not trying to "convert" you back to a belief in false religion, though the many counterfeits you say you know all about have surely poisoned your objectivity. Now, it seems you seek with confirmation bias to convince yourself that you are right. I think you are not as sure of yourself as you would like to believe. Hopefully, what you and I, both, are seeking, is truth. When it comes to your believing in non-belief, and trying to confirm that you are right to believe that way, that you are not some child that believes in myths and fantasies, that in your vast experience and research your conclusions must be right, my hope is that your Creator will confront your foolishness, in love, and show you another way that will lead you to life and truth.
An observation.
Crikey comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Agree. Trying to convince me to believe in something while providing no evidence is never gonna work. This is kind of why I switched from calling myself agnostic and to calling myself atheist. Christians seem to think that agnostic means "needs more convincing". When the only convincing that's ever ...
dmatic replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@camerakid61, @Crikey Well, I'll see your belief and raise you this: I believe in life after resurrection! After death is death....but, that is not all she wrote!
An observation.
Crikey comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Agree. Trying to convince me to believe in something while providing no evidence is never gonna work. This is kind of why I switched from calling myself agnostic and to calling myself atheist. Christians seem to think that agnostic means "needs more convincing". When the only convincing that's ever ...
dmatic replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@camerakid61 Thanks, camerakid, but do you have an address for that? I would like to read it in context.
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@Crikey Ok, then. I'll have to look it up? Get back to you later....
An observation.
Crikey comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Agree. Trying to convince me to believe in something while providing no evidence is never gonna work. This is kind of why I switched from calling myself agnostic and to calling myself atheist. Christians seem to think that agnostic means "needs more convincing". When the only convincing that's ever ...
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@camerakid61, @Crikey My last post may not be as clear as I was hoping.....Of course, I don't know where you stand on resurrection from the first death, Crikey! So, what of it? Do you believe that we are all resurrected like Jesus teaches when He says:...all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out of their hells (graves)? By the way, we know that "hell" does not last forever like many erroneously believe.
An observation.
Crikey comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Agree. Trying to convince me to believe in something while providing no evidence is never gonna work. This is kind of why I switched from calling myself agnostic and to calling myself atheist. Christians seem to think that agnostic means "needs more convincing". When the only convincing that's ever ...
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@camerakid61, @Crikey Some of us may join you there for a bit, Crikey! Hope not, question to many that think they know stuff is: Is there resurrection from the second death? The second death is referred to as the lake of fire. We know there is resurrection for all people....correct? of course there are all kinds of opinions about reality....What you and I are interested in, is not opinions, but the reality, right? Many have not yet gotten the revelation of God's plan, even though it's written for all to see. Most, including your Christian friends, may not yet see far enough. You're going to make it....someday!
An observation.
Crikey comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Agree. Trying to convince me to believe in something while providing no evidence is never gonna work. This is kind of why I switched from calling myself agnostic and to calling myself atheist. Christians seem to think that agnostic means "needs more convincing". When the only convincing that's ever ...
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@camerakid61 Interesting. And how do you know that?
What is Trump Doing?
ForeverFree76 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Yeah, not really sure what the strategy is here. Who the hell is whispering in Trump’s ear? Always use discernment. This doesn’t pass the smell test!
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
Neither did the fake chemical use supposedly by the Syrian government. Corruption all around.
dmatic comments on Oct 23, 2019:
How can anyone disagree with Jordan's stuff?
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@cepstralspike Who is Vox Day?
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
dmatic comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I don't think anyone is hopeless.
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@warminster100 They can only do it by the Holy Spirit. people that think they hate God...don't know HIM! But, according to the New Covenant, they/we will all come to know Him! From the least of us to the greatest! Wonderful, God we serve!
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Crikey Ok, my friend. I told you what my definition of religion is. What is yours? Any discussion involves defining terms. I'm not trying to derail it, imho.
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Crikey, @waynus You asked: "Are you falling for confirmation bias? The true Christian is the one who agrees with your interpretation and those who do not are not true Christians?" The "true" Christian is one who agrees with Christ's interpretation. Not mine! The true Christian comes into agreement with Him intellectually, through experience, and/or through faith. This seems to be a longer than life-long process sometimes, or even most times. He becomes one with his Teacher and Master....and, of course, confronts his own hypocrisy during the process....and tries to overcome it. Overcoming the confirmation bias that seems present in most, sometimes takes obvious will to confront it. The famous poem by Joseph Rudyard Kipling entitled "IF" comes to mind, where he encourages the one who wants to become a man, developing a man's character, to "Trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowances for their doubting, too." However, the Bible seems to counter that a bit when it says "he who trusts in himself is a fool." Waynus, you seem to trust your conclusions and your statements seem to leave no room for the possibility that your conclusions are wrong, which is very close to the confirmation bias malady that plagues most of us. We all think we're right, after all! My inquiry was, hopefully, designed to find out if your conclusions are right, based on what you even think Christianity is. Your broad-brush approach and including counterfeits in your opinions of the real shows me you don't really know what you are talking about. No offense intended.
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Crikey Yep, that's the point. Let's consider a counterfeit one hundred dollar bill. Are you suggesting that all fake ones are real? Of course not. There are real ones, of course, and the idea of fake ones also lends to the idea that there is a real one...somewhere. But, how does one tell the difference? By studying the real one. But, one may ask: "How does one know the one he is studying is a real one and not a fake one?" Oh, gets so confusing... My point to waynus that he doesn't seem yet to grasp is that just because he believed he was a part of a sect or cult that said they were following Jesus' teachings, does not mean that they were real. The fact that he now seems to claim there was not even a real Jesus, or, that, at least, what He taught was simply manufactured by myth proves he has not yet experienced the real. Though he may be closer to the truth than many who are still caught in the counterfeit.
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Crikey Lack of belief in santa claus is a way of life, thus, it is a religion. As I mentioned before, religion may or may not include beliefs of any kind. It is simply a path that a person is on, that includes things that person believes about life and how he/she reacts and responds to stimuli that life offers. Everyone is on a path, even though it may be off the beaten one.
Americans are tired of the constant state of political warfare.
dmatic comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Nobody seems to know what right and wrong are anymore. Until we turn back to God it may not get better, but worse.
dmatic replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Biosphere I will!.Busy this weekend so won't be responding anyway.....Peace
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 23, 2019:
@Crikey Or, should I have said the religion of atheism? :)
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 23, 2019:
@Crikey By the way, Thanks for explaining to me a bit of the tenets of the faith of atheism! :)
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 23, 2019:
@Crikey OK, now you've done it! Brought "religion" into the discussion. In my view, religion is simply a "way of life", and, also in my view, EVERYONE has a way of life. Those ways can, or may not, include an idea of God. What we are looking for is KNOWLEDGE. We all want to KNOW if, or that, God exists. No one has 'seen' God, according to the Bible...but, we are all traveling on paths, so to speak. Where do the paths lead? What is their destination? Is this that we 'see' all there is to life? Is life merely material/physical existence, which ends when we "die"? Then, back into non-existence...from which we came? Or, is there something beyond what we 'see'? My 'contention' to many who question, nihilistically, the meaning of life, is that we don't yet, see far enough. But, we see what we see. Sometimes we think we see something that isn't even 'there'. We don't "know" what happens after death of the body, except that the body in which someone lived stops. What force or thing lived within it, so that one moment that body was alive, but the next moment it was 'dead'? Much speculation about these things and I'm sure you've thought about them, too? I have ideas. You have ideas. We all have ideas. But, do any of us KNOW? What would we base such KNOWLEDGE on? Experience? Our fragile perceptions? Another's teachings? I'd be happy to discuss your ideas and share some of mine if you desire. Peace!
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 23, 2019:
@waynus Have considered the thought experiment you propose many times. Jesus, Himself did, too, when He asked: "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?" Jesus, Himself, also warned that many would come in His name, proclaiming Him to be the Christ, but would deceive many! He also asked: "Why do you call Me Lord, but do not the things I say? What can we learn from these? My answer is just because there are many, many false Christians and Christian 'organizations' that are NOT, by definition, does NOT mean that there is not a true Christian, or remnant of true believers and followers of His teachings.
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
dmatic comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I don't think anyone is hopeless.
dmatic replies on Oct 23, 2019:
@warminster100 Every tongue WILL confess....Every knee WILL allegiance to God...willingly.
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
dmatic comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I don't think anyone is hopeless.
dmatic replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@warminster100 Everyone will!
An observation.
dmatic comments on Oct 21, 2019:
You claim knowledge of Christianity, but left it. May I ask you some questions to satisfy my curiosity to see if you do? Thanks. But, if that bores you, please feel free to ignore my attempt to understand.
dmatic replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@waynus I have heard the traditions of man described as turd-ish-ions, with obvious reference to dung. Many seem to make up whatever they seem to want to believe about reality. And, of course, they all think they've "got it" right. You really don't think "Jesus" was a "single person"? If He wasn't a single person, how could anyone know what "they" taught, in order to follow "their" teachings?May I ask you if you think there was even a man, born in the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, born miraculously, that even wise men from the East came to see because the stars announced His birth?
An observation.
Boardwine comments on Oct 21, 2019:
As a Christian my counter is simple. You have no more proof that God does not exist than I have the He does. Now if I were seeking to convert you obviously the burden would be on me to change you views or except mine "Start to mention the last 200 years odd scholarship on the bible or different ...
dmatic replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@Crikey So, I'm curious. What is your definition of an atheist, then? You say you lack belief? That is exactly right! There is a scripture that says we all 'fall short' of the glory of God. A good old friend once told me that that should read...we all "lack" the glory of God. Perfect belief is something many continue to strive for, or hope for. I know I do. I suspect it would include perfect peace. Perfect peace cannot be shaken, even in the midst of the storms of life...knowing and believing that God has all things "in hand". Personally, I look forward to getting to know God better and better each day. I, honestly, don't know how you guys do it...How do life without knowledge of Him. It's very intriguing to me!
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