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timon_phocas comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Jefferson's ideal of a yeomen's republic is entrancing, but it would also be bankrupt. So would our country without the coastal corridors. I think large swathes of leftist territory may be having a "Giuliani Moment." They've not only read about the results of leftist policies, they've seen them ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
I hope you are right, however I feel it is a mistake to underestimate the stupidity of a fat and happy electorate.
ForeverFree76 comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I don’t know Derek Hunter, but I’m intrigued to learn more about his writings. On the subject of Us versus Them, I’m compelled to fall in line with that train of thought, but really try hard in repelling myself from that. Those thoughts are for wartime, and though it seems it may be our only ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@ForeverFree76. If it comes to that, we won't be choosing it voluntarily. It will be something we simply can't stop - just like every other socialist revolution in history. We are on the precipice now. If lots more people don't wake up, that is the future.
Have to say.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I agree that this article is from the point of view of "Big Brother is watching." In defense of ET, I find them willing to publish a wide range of points of view, so not full-on pandering to an agenda like American and most UK and Canadian media.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@ForeverFree76. Agreed. Hoping they are not co-opted by the CCP, now that they are controlling Hong Kong so much more like the mainland. I think ET is based in New York, so maybe that explains something.
As an Old Corps combat, Vietnam Marine, I am terribly disappointed in General Mattis.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I'm with you Marine. (I never served. I'm grateful that you did to protect us all.) There are a bunch of possible reasons Mattis could have lost his bearings, right? Including dementia, and possibly being co-opted by the Deep State, including threats to his family. The Marines I know would ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@pigfarmer. Hate to think so, but you would know better than I.
The Melt down Karen of the day []
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 11, 2020:
What a thoroughly unattractive person. And the guy is a ridiculous control freak.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@DontbeanassO. I sympathize with the lady who had not had time to put on the mask.
The more and more i see black friends of mine posting about the new PS5 and how they are going to ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 13, 2020:
I have been so hoping for my "white privilege" to kick in, but I'm still working for a living, and not a heck of a lot to show for it. I have no vices, I don't drink or smoke, so there is not much lost in my budget. I could really use some white privilege sometime.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@DAN_STL. Clever. Try again.
I vote for a people’s congress.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Online? Really? Have you ever heard of hacking? Loss of millions of credit card numbers by hundreds of companies at the mercy of criminal minds with nothing more to do than sit in mommy & daddy's basement in their pajamas and infiltrate everyone's computer and steal everything? (It worked for ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@SidHartha. I see: "I vote for a people’s congress. An all online voting body composed of 10,000 members......per state. Thoughts??" Do you think you posted something else? Please enlighten me. (I suggest not asking for my thoughts if you only are going to dismiss them. Virtue signalling is ridiculous, but if you are going to attempt it, probably best that you actually have virtue.)
Ever wonder to yourself how this country got as fucked up as it is ???
MissBelloc comments on Jun 13, 2020:
No. Immigration is the reason.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
Immigration is just one symptom of rampant progressivism inspired by Marxists and Alinskyites, and mindlessly adopted by wealthy progressives in the US. They know that bribing illegals with the goodies will improve the chances of their crooked representatives being elected in spite of the majority knowing better. Ask any naturalized citizen what they think of illegals and you will find them not too happy with illegals.
Ever wonder to yourself how this country got as fucked up as it is ???
Horatius comments on Jun 13, 2020:
I used to. But no longer.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
Those who fail to understand Israel as the front line against Islam will someday realize that failing to support them will have been the cause of Sharia law overwhelming our nation. Brilliant.
Ever wonder to yourself how this country got as fucked up as it is ???
Geofrank comments on Jun 14, 2020:
When the US was founded in the late 18th century it was built on a revolt against monarchic suppression of colonists rights but it did not advocate the dissolution of monarchy and fully cooperated with the British crown in establishing the Monroe Doctrine which could not have been instituted without...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
I guess you are a fan of Alexis de Toqueville, who accurately predicted the failure of our Constitutional Republic, because eventually the dumber half of the IQ curve tries to vote themselves all of the goodies, and the power-hungry progressives are only too happy to oblige, not a bit concerned that the gravy train must end soon as the means of production eventually disappears, as it has in every socialist nation in history, because the power hungry always end up in power, and end up with the vacation homes or dachas, no matter what system. Those of who understand the unique value in the original Constitution, watch in horror as we are ignored, our Constitution is shredded, and the greatest nation on Earth is reduced to a banana republic.
Ever wonder to yourself how this country got as fucked up as it is ???
iThink comments on Jun 13, 2020:
The corruptible nature of man - human frailty is immutable. Therefore all of mans institutions though noble they may be in their geneses, are doomed to eventual collapse and utter failure. Makes me think of "The Second Coming" by WB Yeats. "...the center cannot hold..." because in the tragic play ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
You have made a good point. This World is broken, and is not basically "good." God is good and is now understood as absent, even though some of us know in our bones he is not absent, just letting us choose our destiny.
Ever wonder to yourself how this country got as fucked up as it is ???
curvycom comments on Jun 13, 2020:
No, it began in 1914 with the arrival of the Frankfurt school--a group of radical Marxists--at Columbia university; although there were some proto-Marxists F-ing things up before that time.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
Those were the instigators predicted in concept by Marx. But they would not have succeeded without complicity of "We the People."
Ever wonder to yourself how this country got as fucked up as it is ???
Sacha799 comments on Jun 14, 2020:
These people had a hand in the downfall but I think the country had problems before them. I think letting all these commies in schools, teaching children. The left got there hands in everything and people were complacent. I think it's hard to point out just one thing.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
I agree with you Sacha. We, the people were happy, wealthy well beyond World standards and complacent, and let all of this stuff happen. Its squarely on our us and our families before us for not insisting that the Constitution be upheld and defended.
Ever wonder to yourself how this country got as fucked up as it is ???
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 13, 2020:
I know exactly how it happened. 1942, Wickard v Filburn. Segregation. Affirmative Action. The LRRA. Obamacare. The American people asleep for all of it, and the politicians above either complicit or so gullible as to be unaware of what those Acts meant. And today only a tiny fraction of ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@Elizabethrose. I apologise for us Elizabeth, because a lot of what happens to us, also happens to our Northern brethren and sisteren.
In an era of inclusively, is it time for the Pride parade to ALSO celebrate heterosexuality?
ForeverFree76 comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Here’s a novel idea...let’s stop categorizing people! Stop cramming propaganda down the throats of...everyone, and just mind your own damned business!
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 14, 2020:
What a concept! Oh wait, that was Lincoln's idea too wasn't it? And the Republican party which defends the Constitution - which also has the same philosophy? Who knew?
This was one of the books that helped to clarify my political views.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 11, 2020:
The Resist movement is itself a corrosive force toward dissolution of our Republic. It is based on disrespecting the rule of law - for example duly elected officials.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 13, 2020:
@ramzpaul, The Constitution was designed to operate in triumverate to oppose those is power, thereby preventing controlling interests to prevail - the only governance in history to make the character of the personalities in office somewhat irrelevant. Totalitarianism in socialism, fascism, Communism, and Monarchy - among others, depend on a benign human personality to provide justice. Anyone with any intelligence knows that we are all corruptible eventually, so the best system is a Constitutional Republic. But that does not prevent corruption from prevailing. As you point out, if the people are lawless, so will be politicians, and the Constitution will be worthless. This is a condition foreseen by our forefathers, who noted that a public ignorant of the Constitution will eventually fail its defense.
Woman and pets start vomittng after 5G Tower erected! Canadian National Association: Mega Cellular...
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 7, 2020:
As someone quite familiar with microwave energy, this sounds as fishy as a modern day Jonah walking out of a whale. Beware of those who will do their best to frighten everyone about something that is unprovable, invisible, and most importantly - they have and will continue to say that those who ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 8, 2020:
@warminster100. What evidence does anyone have that those events are connected to 5G????? What else was going on there at that time? I have no idea, do you? And I know enough about the subject to confidently call those asserting it was 5G liars, and probably intentional fearmongers, just like the virophobes who have caused our economies to collapse over 99% fear and 1% fact.
I am watching One American News Network and they are discussing getting rid of police departments ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I had high hopes for OAN. If this is true, my hopes are misplaced. CNN might be objecting to getting rid of the police.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 8, 2020:
@Serg97, Probably my error Serg. Sometimes I am not as careful as I should be when reading a story. Thanks for the clarification.
Woman and pets start vomittng after 5G Tower erected! Canadian National Association: Mega Cellular...
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 7, 2020:
As someone quite familiar with microwave energy, this sounds as fishy as a modern day Jonah walking out of a whale. Beware of those who will do their best to frighten everyone about something that is unprovable, invisible, and most importantly - they have and will continue to say that those who ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 8, 2020:
@warminster100. I am a mechanical engineer who once worked for an electronics company as their grounding and shielding guy for their microwave equipment. Most people don't realize that cellphones operating close to the same frequency as a microwave oven are the ones we have been using now for decades. Moving away from that frequency is a very good idea, and that is what the designers of 5G have done, as well as verifying the theory with some very well done studies. Either none of the conspiracy theorists have noticed those technical facts, or they are intentionally ignoring or hiding them from you.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Anyone paying attention to something other than the general media propaganda, knows that COVID-19 is far less dangerous than the flu to healthy people who are non-smokers. So why assert that there is still something to fear? Control. Don't stand for it.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 8, 2020:
@CHFandango, Every study I have seen so far says smokers are in far greater danger to COVID-19 than non-smokers.
Racism Through Time: It’s Not Always About Colour []
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 7, 2020:
It has always been about using tribal differences to condemn, fueled by ignorance and fear.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@Rosary_Trace. From my point of view, cultural differences ARE tribal differences.
Reddit just made an announcement [reddit.
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Perhaps suggest that what could be considered a controversial topic, to keep posting to a group only, as group hosts have the responsibility to monitor what goes on in their groups. Aside from that, not sure what else to suggest? If you take any drastic measures, that could result in members ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@Admin, Facebook tried that and was accused of limiting the reach of their participants. Some of us are being direct without being slanderous and it is working to some degree to regulate trolls.
Reddit just made an announcement [reddit.
koopatroopa83 comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic, but is there anything we can really do to combat cancel culture? I mean, once enough of the haters on reddit realize we exist, won't they do anything they can to bring down this site and cancel our voices?
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 7, 2020:
No there is nothing anyone can do about "cancel culture," when the person using that tactic is intentional.
TAQIYYA - Know this word.
pbuck0145 comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think about islam! :-) BTW you are factually correct, but politically incorrect. Most Muslims and leftist apologists deny this.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 7, 2020:
Check out "One Godless Woman" posts among many others who are former Muslims telling the truth about Islam.
TAQIYYA - Know this word.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Hadith 9-5, among many others, calls for the displacement or death of infidels. A bit like the Christian "Old Testament," that was tells us who WE are. The New Testament is the current call to Christians, that tells us who God is, and ONLY calls for us to love ALL humans. Hadith 9-5 is among ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@pbuck0145, Yeah it will be politically correct when Islam is actually a "religion of peace" because all non-Muslims have been killed.
That INFO IS NOT WELCOME unless it fits the preferred narrative.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 6, 2020:
This explains where the lack of civility is originating. Watch.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@Daveclark5, sounds like you have the picture. It means that the lack of civility in society is squarely at the feet of leftists, and that no matter how we try to get along with them, it is not in the best interests of accomplishing their agenda to have a constructive discussion. Those of us who are older may find this incredible, but it is true. We tend to see the good in others. We will not find it in them, by their own intention.
When is someone expressing anti-Semitism?
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on May 19, 2020:
If we stick with facts and discuss facts, the concern with Anti-Semitism should be moot. Fact: The Zionist state of Israel was NEVER promised to the Jewish people religiously speaking. The state of Israel is not to come until the Messiah appears and the temple is rebuilt. Zionism is a ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 6, 2020:
Sounds like you have been drinking the Kool-Aid. You may not be getting your information from MSM, but wherever it is coming from, its garbage.
When is someone expressing anti-Semitism?
TimTuolomne comments on May 19, 2020:
Labels are judgments. We must use discernment in life, however when we cross our own boundary into an area beyond our own authority, we are inherently infringing on others' rights. We are the first to recognize it when it happens to us, but also tend to overlook it when we ourselves judge. ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@BubbaLouie. Must be a Canada thing. Thanks.
Anyone else tired (sick and tired) of the politicians in this country?
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 5, 2020:
The answer, as always, is not to elect people who lack principles. Conservatives are about preserving the Constitution. That is principle. Democrats want to dispose of the Constitution, and won't tell you that is their intention. They surreptitiously founded the KKK, are still most of its ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@FEWI. Young Pharaoh is exactly right. The Republican Party was essentially founded by Southern Blacks, and the KKK was the covert Democrat response. YP's connection of the Masonic Temple to Islam and the threads into law enforcement are also true - especially the FBI. Looking into the history of the FBI will make your hair stand on end.
Exactly how many people are aware that the victim of police brutality Floyd has a criminal record as...
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 4, 2020:
As if we have all of the verified facts to judge the case. No one outside the controlled environment of adjudication possibly can be so assured. Ergo our system. We do not convict anyone under the mob rule of the court of public opinion.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@lawrenceblair, fortunately I care little of your opinion about my "superior attitude." You might try counseling to get to the root of your insecurity that sees others as responsible for your discomfort.
The economy is already on the rebound.
DontbeanassO comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Maybe I'm an extremist, but every single one of them are traitors to their respective countries and should be tried as such. Freedom of speech is one thing, destroying infrastructure, attempting to silence the majority and causing general violence is not free speech. And best it's disorderly ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 5, 2020:
@DontbeanassO. Their objective is to make you concerned. For your own entertainment, give them a big yawn and watch them come unglued that it didn't work.
Laura Ingraham says riots are part of 'coordinated effort to eventually overthrow' the US government
TyKC comments on Jun 2, 2020:
And here all along I thought that was Trump's job. What's the difference between "drain the swamp" and this? Evidently, it's the violence? Trump's not going like being upstaged.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 5, 2020:
Breathtakingly brainwashed. Can't wait for you to realize it, then you will surely deny you ever were.
How can America fight ANTIFA? []
N0DD comments on Jun 4, 2020:
You could start by getting rid of your fascist President.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 5, 2020:
You might start by reading the definition of fascist. And while you're at it, read the Constitution and the powers enumerated in the Presidency. Clearly you have no idea about either, AND you are so dumb you need someone to tell you what to think, and get your information from the WaPo, which takes quotes out of context, posts half truths and outright fabrications about the President. If I had my way, morons like you couldn't vote.
Exactly how many people are aware that the victim of police brutality Floyd has a criminal record as...
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 4, 2020:
As if we have all of the verified facts to judge the case. No one outside the controlled environment of adjudication possibly can be so assured. Ergo our system. We do not convict anyone under the mob rule of the court of public opinion.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@lawrenceblair. My opinion was asked and that is my opinion. You have raised a different question as if it is the original subject. Since you have argued as if I said it never happened (I didn’t), your example of such an exception? Or you just throwing rocks because you have no intelligent comment? “Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something.” - Plato.
What is the future of conservatism America/Canada?
Edgework comments on Jun 2, 2020:
I believe that the coalition of which you speak is the only hope for any kind of future that we would find recognizable. But in order to overcome the differences that cause you to raise the question in the first place, we’ll have to stop babbling about Russia this, China that, Ukraine here, ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 2, 2020:
For there to be dialog, both parties must be interested in reconciliation. If one of the parties has a vested interest in the FAILURE of dialog, nothing happens.
Ideas Are Far More Important Than Politics []
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Only a small portion of humanity are at home in the world of ideas. The dumber half of the IQ curve and those with arrested emotional development, whose intelligence in unavailable to them, are not at all at home in the world of ideas. And as you might correctly reason, that is a majority of the ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 2, 2020:
@AndrewInVail, Not elitist. Your subject: "ideas." I happen to be among those who enjoys ideas, and I am quite sure I am in a minority. You however seem to be resorting to name calling instead of discussion. So how do you account for the lack of understanding of the general public of Constitutional principles? Is the "effort to integrate ideas" somehow failing? I think I have cogently answered why. Care to actually debate that?
We are in the middle of a full on coup.
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 1, 2020:
“Your most secret ambition is to be tyrants and shroud yourself in words of virtue – murderous and tyrannical beyond belief.” - Freidrich Niestsche on Leftists. No matter how many times in history socialism has been discredited, the capacity of these kinds of people to destabilize, ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 2, 2020:
@SocialDarwin. Keep reading. What do you mean by “fundamental Christian?” I am not a political Christian, nor a “religious” Christian. I am merely someone who has a relationship with the Trinity that includes Christ.
Well if one good thing comes out of this it will be a proper understanding if the 2nd Amendment.
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
Knuckleheads who get their understanding of police procedures and Constitutional law from TV, and come up with stuff like this sound like fools.
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 1, 2020:
@dd54. I don't have a TV, and unless I am talking to someone who also does not have a TV, the conversation is rarely based in reality.
There are protests happening all over America now.
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
I strongly suggest that you stop believing the Leftist narrative about the police without questioning, and do the research on crime, including the demographics of which groups of people tend to commit crimes (socially disadvantaged) and how police procedures already do hold justice and the innocent ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 1, 2020:
@TyKC, Lots of smart people don't think my logic is flawed. And I can discern from your comments that you have absolutely no idea how and why the Constitution was written. I strongly suggest that you inform yourself by reading the Federalist Papers and the Constitution. Hillsdale College offers FREE courses on these subjects online.
I hope most of you here realize that these events taking place are perfectly suited to be hijacked ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
With all due respect, the Democrat platform promises all things to all people, but does not in the least reflect what they say and do, including treasonous and seditious narratives, overtly attempting to destroy the Constitution, and covertly creating the KKK and Antifa, among other things. The...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 1, 2020:
@CYMRO, Correct. Lindsay is a Classical Liberal. "Liberal" is from liberate, to make free. Democrats label themselves defenders of individual rights, as in Democracy, but are actually socialists, which sacrifices individual rights to the state. They founded the KKK, which is the secret militant intimidation division of the Democrat party. Almost all KKK members were and are Democrats. They hide behind hoods. So calling themselves "liberal" is simply another deception. Deception is second nature to the Democrat leadership. So when it became unpopular for Democrats to be known as KKK, they attempted to claim it is a Republican institution. The dumber half of the IQ curve in the US will believe anything.
I hope most of you here realize that these events taking place are perfectly suited to be hijacked ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
With all due respect, the Democrat platform promises all things to all people, but does not in the least reflect what they say and do, including treasonous and seditious narratives, overtly attempting to destroy the Constitution, and covertly creating the KKK and Antifa, among other things. The...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 1, 2020:
@wutthafuk. Think about it. The Democrats are comprised of two groups: The gullible utopian base, who is the dumber half of the IQ curve, or so emotionally undeveloped that their intelligence is unavailable to them. They are desperate for someone to tell them what to think. The Democrat leadership is a wholly different group of voracious power mad people, who are glad to pander to the base, in every way necessary, including intimidation, deceptiveness, fraud, and blaming their opposition of everything they themselves do. The Democrat leadership reasons that no matter which system they are in, they will rise to the top of the power heap. (And if voters don't hold them accountable, they will!) Their utopian base wants socialism, which the Constitution prevents, so the Democrat leadership does what? That's right, they try to destroy the Constitution to make their base happy. And if you check you'll find hundreds of decisions, regulations, laws and ordinances proposed and voted into law by Democrats since 1942 - some of them illegally, so that we are now functionally ruled by a massive Federal bureaucracy, and no longer protected from the government by our own Constitution. They have no problem destroying the only system in history that could actually protect your rights from the government, because they know they'll be at the top of a socialist government.
Trump should quit trying to woo blacks, who are dead set against him, and instead take a hard line ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
WHAT have you been listening to??? Trump has not been "wooing blacks," and tens of thousands of self-identified African Americans have defected from the Democrat party in the last four years just because Trump is Trump. For a guy whose handlers wish he wasn't so honest with his Tweets, your ...
TimTuolomne replies on Jun 1, 2020:
@sqeptiq. The socially disadvantaged cause a disproportionate level of crime, regardless of "racial" stereotypes. And the phrase "Trump's black friends" betray you as a racist anti-Trumper. I do not expect any kind of reasonable discussion with someone like you.
Montreal, the third most deadly city in the world for COVID. Why?
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality...
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@WayneHawthorne. Yes, sir, please do. Most of us have little to fear (although you wouldn't know it by how they act). But social distancing and a good N95 mask are essential for you. Unfortunately, "flattening the curve" means extending your exposure time. I have written to my reps and the President about how flattening the curve is increasing the risk to those with pre-existing conditions because the virus is not allowed to pass as would the flu, in a few months. Now it will be months longer. There could not be a better demonstration that no matter how well meaning are our leaders, they are not up to the task of making medical decisions on our behalf, and should have left it to medical professionals on the ground (not WHO or CDC, which are political organizations.)
Tony Heller: All Schools Open In Sweden Unlike the US (and Canada), Sweden’s approach to ...
Daveclark5 comments on May 31, 2020:
And how did they fare WRT the WuFlu?
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@Daveclark5, I'm seeing lots of posts that are quoting media outlets, which are spreading tons of misinformation. Telling the whole story seems to be the best way to respond to most posts about the virus.
Tony Heller: All Schools Open In Sweden Unlike the US (and Canada), Sweden’s approach to ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
Proof that social distancing and masks are not only irrelevant, there is growing evidence that "flattening the curve" has caused longer exposure of those with pre-existing conditions to the virus, actually increasing the death rate among those with pre-existing conditions beyond a normal flu year....
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@warminster100. Here it is: Look for the deaths by day.
The experts who cried wolf- [redstate.
coalburned comments on May 31, 2020:
Good points. I've been suspicious of the numbers all along, but didn't do the leg work you did. I'm anxious to see what the narrative is pushing toward. Is it as simple as unrelenting hatred towards Trump, or is it something bigger?
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
The objective is nothing less than the destruction of our Constitutional Republic, and its replacement with a socialist state. That is why they target Republicans mercilessly: Republicans pledge themselves as part of their platform to protect and defend the Constitution. Democrats only do in their oath of office, because it is a requirement of assuming office. Most Democrats violate that oath as soon as in office, because it is irrelevant to them. Check the news. It's easy to prove.
Trump Declares The US Will Designate Antifa As A Terrorist Organization, Civil War 2 Is Coming - ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
Trump announcing that Antifa will be listed as terrorist? Great news. Democrats are going to have to go back to their KKK roots to get their intimidations done. The Klan was founded in 1862 as the militant intimidation wing of the Democrat party to prevent blacks from voting for Lincoln. The...
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@Darkhorse48. That's what I thought. "Slander is the only recourse when the argument is lost." - Socrates.
Trump Declares The US Will Designate Antifa As A Terrorist Organization, Civil War 2 Is Coming - ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
Trump announcing that Antifa will be listed as terrorist? Great news. Democrats are going to have to go back to their KKK roots to get their intimidations done. The Klan was founded in 1862 as the militant intimidation wing of the Democrat party to prevent blacks from voting for Lincoln. The...
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@Darkhorse48, Do enlighten us with your wisdom.
Idaho Had a 4.0 earthquake
TimTuolomne comments on May 31, 2020:
Remember the definition of the Richter scale. 3.5 is the threshold of detection. Major damage is 6.0. Total destruction, and resculpting of mountains at 8.0.
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@JVIP-WTPNN, From that USGS report, I think you are safe from ever experiencing an 8. And a four would barely get the teacups going.
Tony Heller: All Schools Open In Sweden Unlike the US (and Canada), Sweden’s approach to ...
Daveclark5 comments on May 31, 2020:
And how did they fare WRT the WuFlu?
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. Around 110,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? So ...
You can have a technologically advanced nation, or you can have a pluralistic nation made up of ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
Technology and forms of government or culture are not related demographics.
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@dd54. Granted that we probably agree, I still am not prepared to accept the premises without some kind of argument of establishment. Marx was fond of calling capitalism corrupt, then drawing a conclusion based on his unfounded assertion of its corruption. Circular logic. Sound familiar?
You can have a technologically advanced nation, or you can have a pluralistic nation made up of ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
Technology and forms of government or culture are not related demographics.
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@dd54, And how do you co-relate technology and the highly subjective and probably unmeasurable irresponsible "pluralistic" society? Your unsupported premise is that they are related, even though it seems unlikely that you can prove so.
There are protests happening all over America now.
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
I strongly suggest that you stop believing the Leftist narrative about the police without questioning, and do the research on crime, including the demographics of which groups of people tend to commit crimes (socially disadvantaged) and how police procedures already do hold justice and the innocent ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@TyKC, No I am not saying that. Human nature is to mercilessly destroy the rights of others. Those willing to condemn others demonstrate that perfectly, and verbal condemnation is the foundation of violence. That's why humans need institutions: to protect ourselves from each other. Any institution that protects us from each other must to some degree set restrictions, limiting our freedom. Socialist, fascist and monarchy tend to be the most tyrannical. Constitutional Republicanism in its original form was the least restrictive of freedom in human history, because it relies of a triumvirate of branches which balance human fallibility, prevent impetuous and opportunistic governance, and prevents any single interest from gaining a foothold. But any system that limits human freedom - even for our own protection, is still administered by humans, and can't be perfect. And there are human forces in our system in the US who have been systematically pulling the legs out from under the Constitution since 1942, and that has driven us squarely into more tyrannical socialism, as humans will do. (Can you guess which party is doing that?) So expecting safety among humans without governance, or perfect freedom with governance is pure fantasy.
Dissident Thoughts: The Contrast Couldn't Be More Stark
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
The choice is easy: Vote out every single Democrat in office in this country, and most of this stuff goes away.
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@Pand0ro. Wow, have you not listened to Pelosi and Schumer in the last 4 years? It would be different because that kind of uncivil rhetoric would no longer dominate Congress. I can see that your information sources and mine do not overlap at all, so there is no point in continuing this discussion. I only engage in discussions in which I will learn something, and that will not be happening in this case. Best regards.
So Chucky Schumer has called upon the GOP to cancel next week’s hearings, slated to kick off with ...
dd54 comments on May 30, 2020:
Schumer is a consummate pol but so is *cocaine* Mitch but bottom line I am sick and tired of this bastardized version of the Republics bloated Federal government that is messing with our lives. Ole' Chucky and *her royal ass-holiness* Pelosi as well their co-conspirators should all receive a visit ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@dd54, Unfortuately I agree with you. The President is working diligently to root out the Deep State, without trashing Constitutional principles, and "killing the patient with the cure." So as long as the Deep State persists in some form, the greater chance their treasonous and seditious statements will go without consequence.
You can have a technologically advanced nation, or you can have a pluralistic nation made up of ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
Technology and forms of government or culture are not related demographics.
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@dd54, in my opinion there is no cogent question.
Fellow Americans, thoughts on this one?
benthejrporter1 comments on May 30, 2020:
I wonder about Trump's chances with the postal voting system. His recent long overdue action against online censorship have increased his chances.
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@MariaRomanetti, "The surest way to manipulate someone into condemnation of their friends and families, and into abandonment of good conduct, is to convince them without their realization that they have something to fear." - Anonymous. Intelligence is unavailable to those who are in fear. And fear can exist in otherwise intelligent and functional people when trauma has preceded their maturity, and firmly cast their belief systems in such a way as to harness whatever intelligence they may have into service of that belief. For those on the neurotic side, counseling can often bring them around to a less fearful life. For Axis II types, they are perfectly happy as they are in their little belief kingdoms, and seldom benefit from counseling. I do my best to stay distant from them.
Dissident Thoughts: The Contrast Couldn't Be More Stark
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
The choice is easy: Vote out every single Democrat in office in this country, and most of this stuff goes away.
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@Pand0ro. Try reading the platforms of each party, then compare them to the bills they introduce and their voting records, as well as their statements in the news. The difference should be brilliantly clear. Frankly, how you didn't recognize the Critical Method in Schumer's, Pelosi's, Reid's, Abrams, AOC's, Biden's, Clinton's narratives (ad nauseum) and failed to understand that the only reasonable response for Republicans was to elect a man of similar invective in Trump, is baffling to me.
There are protests happening all over America now.
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
I strongly suggest that you stop believing the Leftist narrative about the police without questioning, and do the research on crime, including the demographics of which groups of people tend to commit crimes (socially disadvantaged) and how police procedures already do hold justice and the innocent ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 31, 2020:
@TyKC, If you would travel the World, you would see that not just THIS country, but EVERY country has the same thing. You are describing human nature - including actually demonstrating the short-sightedness to point it out as if it is the fault of our system. That kind of point of view is what destroys systems that do better than most, and by doing so, people like you cause poverty, torture and death, as exactly happened in Stalinist Russia, China, Cuba, the Congo....
Dissident Thoughts: The Contrast Couldn't Be More Stark
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
The choice is easy: Vote out every single Democrat in office in this country, and most of this stuff goes away.
TimTuolomne replies on May 30, 2020:
John fucking Ward []
TimTuolomne comments on May 30, 2020:
Anyone but the brain-dead know that Twitter's "fact checking" is just a rubber-stamp for censorship of whatever offends its administrators, as well as morons like Lemon.
TimTuolomne replies on May 30, 2020:
@dd54, evidently if they have any trace of grey matter, they are not using it.
So Chucky Schumer has called upon the GOP to cancel next week’s hearings, slated to kick off with ...
dd54 comments on May 30, 2020:
Schumer is a consummate pol but so is *cocaine* Mitch but bottom line I am sick and tired of this bastardized version of the Republics bloated Federal government that is messing with our lives. Ole' Chucky and *her royal ass-holiness* Pelosi as well their co-conspirators should all receive a visit ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 30, 2020:
We may soon see them on trial.
People are brainwashed since their birth they are made fear about religion and fear on unseen god!
imspirtualbish comments on May 29, 2020:
I wasn’t at all i mean yes some are forced to view religion as bad and damaging but not always. i don’t like religion very much in the sense that some people will actively tell people this is right every thing else is fake and thus is the only way to a certain thing. we all have different ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 30, 2020:
@lukewarm, the Old Testament is a collection of stories to tell us who we are - basically it informs humanity, largely in denial, of our fallibility. The New Testament is our current call to faith, and more of a description of who God is. The timeline is not terribly relevant, especially compared to other religious philosophical treatises, and doesn't change the facts of the description of who Christ is.
Fellow Americans, thoughts on this one?
benthejrporter1 comments on May 30, 2020:
I wonder about Trump's chances with the postal voting system. His recent long overdue action against online censorship have increased his chances.
TimTuolomne replies on May 30, 2020:
Only the brainwashed just short of a flatline could possibly vote for anyone but Trump. But vote fraud is the real threat. Democrats addicted to power are going to do what all addicts do: steal to support their habit.
People are brainwashed since their birth they are made fear about religion and fear on unseen god!
imspirtualbish comments on May 29, 2020:
I wasn’t at all i mean yes some are forced to view religion as bad and damaging but not always. i don’t like religion very much in the sense that some people will actively tell people this is right every thing else is fake and thus is the only way to a certain thing. we all have different ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 30, 2020:
Although I have done some reading of the philosophies founding other religions, I won't claim expertise in any. However I am convinced that the Holy Bible calls for faithful Christians to unconditionally accept other's free will to choose or not to choose Christianity and love them as they love themselves regardless - just as God loves us in spite of our flaws. That is actually the "Great Commission" of the New Testament - our current call to Christians, and clearly says it is the greatest of all the commandments. Romans 5:10. "For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!" I apologize for Christians who are not familiar with this central part of Christianity. I was one of them for many years, until the gently loving correction of more well grounded Christians led me to study Scripture a bit more intentionally. And I encourage you to research each religion thoroughly enough to be certain in your mind and heart of exactly what they are - not what people say they are. I have experienced that almost no one knows what they are, except those who have studied the subject carefully, such as theologians. And they are a treasure trove of knowledge. I have learned to my satisfaction that there is a fundamental difference between human beliefs and the reality of God. The reality of God does not care who wrote each philosophy, such as Islam or Buddhism - each written by one man. Those might as well be editorials written by any "journalist" today about how to live one's life. But they are more about human cultural beliefs, and have little to do with who God is. The Holy Bible was written by dozens of witnesses to the life, death and resurrection of Christ. So it is a history, written by those almost all tortured to admit they made it up, and none ever did, under the pain of death. There is no equivalent - nothing even close, in any other religious philosophy. And just as I may have done more harm than good in the name of Christianity when I knew much less about it, true Christian faith can never be destructive. "Religions" are human institutions, no different than exclusive clubs or corporations. They may or may not be about a relationship with God.
A Constitutional Guide to Emergency Powers and US mandatory compliance enforcement | The Heritage ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 29, 2020:
This article is factually correct, however almost ignores the requirement of criteria for judgment of the necessity of such measures. I submit that the States have not doen their homework for the most part, as it is clear from the numbers that SARS-CoV2, which causes COVID-19, is less deadly than...
TimTuolomne replies on May 29, 2020:
@dd54. Thinkers are an endangered species in Colorado now. Lockstep utopians from California have left the hellhole they made there to come here and do the same to this beautiful state, and for the greater part, Democrats have succeeded, because the "live and let live" Coloradoans like me did not believe it could ever happen. I am almost certainly going to have to leave my beautiful home state if I am to remain free. "Those ignorant of history are doomed to its repetition." - George Santayana. Only when it is Stalinist America might they realize that "All socialist regimes fail as production inevitably ceases, and the resources built by capitalism are squandered on dachas for the privileged." Only when everything is ruined might they realize what they have done. I am sure I will not live long enough to see justice prevail.
You know that quote "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun?
TimTuolomne comments on May 27, 2020:
Especially those with unresolved emotional issues will not wake up one morning and suddenly be good guys. Without hard work and intentionally choosing the high road at every opportunity, no one becomes a good guy.
TimTuolomne replies on May 29, 2020:
@maxmaccc, Yup. That's why making laws that take away the rights of those who try, will never stop those who never try, and are obviously among the most foolish and tyrannical laws ever conceived. Most against 2A probably realize this, so we should probably consider 2A opposition purely their attempt at greater government control, and open opposition to the Constitution.
A Constitutional Guide to Emergency Powers and US mandatory compliance enforcement | The Heritage ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 29, 2020:
This article is factually correct, however almost ignores the requirement of criteria for judgment of the necessity of such measures. I submit that the States have not doen their homework for the most part, as it is clear from the numbers that SARS-CoV2, which causes COVID-19, is less deadly than...
TimTuolomne replies on May 29, 2020:
@dd54, SCOTUS is clearly still relying on old data, and as the coming litigation cases over forced vaccination and other violations of constitutional rights occur, eventually the court will regard what is now known as "well known," a distinction which only occurs over significant time.
Nursing homes account for forty-two percent of America's Covid-19 fatalities... []
Dmwils comments on May 27, 2020:
Food for thought...the liberals care no more about killing seniors than they care about aborting babies. If you are not a progressive liberal your life is worthless to the democrats.
TimTuolomne replies on May 27, 2020:
Seniors are not any more at risk this year than any other year...unless you are dumb enough to believe the media narrative. Check the numbers.
VDH [] shines a spotlight on Obama that is not very flattering.
timon_phocas comments on May 27, 2020:
The shallow transience of progressive "saints" always intrigued me. John Fitzgerald Kennedy to Barrak Hussein Obama, they were elegant but ephemeral.
TimTuolomne replies on May 27, 2020:
Kennedy would be to the right of many Republicans in Congress today.
Any thoughts on Alan Dershowitz saying the state has the power to plung a needle in your arm when it...
TimTuolomne comments on May 25, 2020:
The government has absolutely no business in the medical, scientific or business communities. US government involvement in any of those groups is strictly unconstitutional. More importantly, if you have ever dealt with any government employee, you know that the best and the brightest are not ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 26, 2020:
@rway. So right you are. State and Industry together are the definition of socialism, and against what Eisenhower warned when he spoke against the "military-industrial complex." (State and industry a little too cozy.)
A few days ago, a member posted the following graphic which contains anti-Semitic and other ...
Edgework comments on May 26, 2020:
I don’t see the anti-semitism, other than a couple of references to an unidentified “them” and “they,” but that could just as easily refer to the deep state. I have to agree with what seems to be the consensus here: offensive speech is still free speech. I’d welcome a post by a rabid ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 26, 2020:
"A higher standard" is the excuse used by Facebook, YouTube, and the general media, in censoring conservative views and allowing unrestrained contempt by Democrats. Those of us who choose to defend the Constitution, insist on every view being heard, which is otherwise not defined as unconstitutional, or limited by precedent.
I am so glad Clinton lost in 2016.
DavidBowersox comments on May 25, 2020:
So she didn't say "Memorial Day" and we're supposed to be outraged? Trump's callous downplaying of the virus is a massive contributor to the large number of parties and packed beaches today, which is going to contribute to countless fatalities. How are we better off?
TimTuolomne replies on May 25, 2020:
You really ought to stop getting your "facts" from CNN dude. Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. About 100,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
Tear Gas Fired as Hong Kong Protesters Return to Streets Against China’s ‘National Security’ ...
SpikeTalon comments on May 25, 2020:
That's the country the Democrat's are all too quick to back up in regards to the Covid lockdown measures. Tells you all one needs to know about the Democrat Party...
TimTuolomne replies on May 25, 2020:
Yup. I don't have a TV, but I saw a Democrat watching the other day and saw CNN defending China, which was assaulting the unarmed protesters in Hong Kong. Disgusting.
Trudeau only wants large lieberal businesses to survive, the rest to be on social assistance! 81% of...
TimTuolomne comments on May 25, 2020:
"All socialist regimes fail as production inevitably ceases, and the resources built by capitalism are squandered on dachas for the privileged."
TimTuolomne replies on May 25, 2020:
@NonAgrssvMight, Right, and in the past they came to the US. Now where will we go???
Bill Gates in a little less than 40 minutes.
angelo comments on May 25, 2020:
Some loons on Facebook and elsewhere think Bill is the devil incarnate. His philanthropist activities are just a conspiracy to implant a microchip in every human on Earth through a vaccine. While truly pure left ideology merchants like George Soros are ignored! Some sheeple are so easy to ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 25, 2020:
@Header. Sorry. Hard to get that in print. My bad.
Failures of the Influential COVID-19 Model Used to Justify Lockdowns. []
SpikeTalon comments on May 25, 2020:
Even with lockdown measures in place people are still dying, and the appalling part is that the Democrats supporting such measures refuse to acknowledge that. Damn, just about everything they support these days is flat out criminal, and in the meantime Pelosi is safe at her mansion with her $13 a ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 25, 2020:
If you check, 99% of those the virus kills probably would have been taken by the flu or pneumonia in any given year anyway. All that lockdowns and masks did was make all of this take longer to get over. In a flu year, we would be done by now, and this is the same or less deadly than the flu. This is only an excuse by those big-government, power hungry control freaks who are using a new virus as an opportunity to seize power. That is the Democrats' agenda. Speak up clearly, loudly and often to your reps about this.
Bill Gates in a little less than 40 minutes.
angelo comments on May 25, 2020:
Some loons on Facebook and elsewhere think Bill is the devil incarnate. His philanthropist activities are just a conspiracy to implant a microchip in every human on Earth through a vaccine. While truly pure left ideology merchants like George Soros are ignored! Some sheeple are so easy to ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 25, 2020:
@Header, Gates was worth 63 billion before any trace of philanthropy - well beyond any question of security or comfort, hundreds of times more. Genuine philanthropists always give, whether or not they command a lot of wealth. A man who is destitute and gives $1 is far more generous than a billionaire who gives a million. And the Gates foundation was clearly founded for the advantages it provided in appearances as he developed his agenda requiring the approval of the Left, which he was completely opposed to as a young pushy entrepreneur in the days when he stole the program he re-named "Windows" from Steve Jobs. And his family's association with Planned Parenthood, eugenicist Margaret Sanger's brainchild, that served as the inspiration to Hitler's biological experiments with mostly Jewish prisoners, should inform everyone about his control issues that go far beyond the Constitution - including his association with Jeffrey Epstein's eugenic's institution. Also, developed countries are now experiencing negative population growth, and soon scientists may have a more pressing issue about how to prevent population declines that will inevitably cause massive economic decline. Gates ignorance of this seems to indicate that his wealth and power far exceed his understanding of science. If he actually believes that a vaccination is warranted against a virus that is deadly only to those who would die in any given year of the flu or pneumonia anyway, he is even more dumb than I suspect. If he does understand this, he is even more dangerous than I suspect.
This is why alot of people don't trust the CDC.
TimTuolomne comments on May 24, 2020:
If you can do the math with the data that is published everywhere, you can figure out that the true mortality rate of COVID-19 for those of us who are not smokers or have any serious underlying conditions is more like .01% (about a tenth of the risk of dying of the flu.) Because of our risk ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 25, 2020:
@73jazzbass. I'm not sure I can persuade you of what I believe is true, but I'll try. First, don't assume that the number of reported deaths is of any value. In any other year, almost all of them would have been recorded as heart disease, tuberculosis, diabetes, well as the flu. Notice how few flu deaths are reported this year. For political or whatever other reasons, almost every death from any cause is being recorded as COVID-19. Secondly, if you understand that an Ro of 5.7 in 2.5 days means that the entire World was exposed to SARS-CoV2, which causes COVID-19, before New Years Day 2020, except highly isolated enclaves, like islands with no flights. And except for Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, almost no other countries started responding to the undefined threat until around the 1st of February. So that means the base is probably more like the population of the World. Most researchers are beginning to suspect this when they now say they think the base might be 80 times the reported cases. I believe it is far higher than they report, but are unwilling in this political climate to admit. Thirdly, the data clearly shows that unless you are a smoker or have some serious pre-existing condition, you have less than an 1% chance of the virus killing you. So a very small number of deaths actually attributable to the virus - especially in healthy people, and a very large number of asymptomatic cases. What numbers would you use?
Does anyone know details about the recent mass shooter (Nova Scotia shooting) in Canada?
TimTuolomne comments on May 21, 2020:
In physics and engineering, we need to know about the big picture and the rules that make everything possible. The exceptions are only important if it possible to use them to avoid risk. In people, there are no useful rules you can come to by studying those who have lost their minds and no longer...
TimTuolomne replies on May 24, 2020:
@iThink, good point. It could be Islam. The stated purpose of Islam is to displace or kill all non-Muslims. And it is possible that the media is again attempting to hide the possibility that Islam is a direct threat to Western Constitutional Republicanism. I believe it would be a good thing to deport every single Muslim who is not willing to publicly denounce Sharia Law, and still to deport any at the first sign that they are practicing Taqiyya. Satan is Allah, the Principality of the Air, and Mohammed was his disciple. Islam is the word for "submit." The "religion of peace" teaches its followers to lie and murder, making peace a lie, only justified when no Christian is left. Only then will those followers of Islam realize their fate to never again see the face of God. We will see them finally in despair unknown on Earth and mourn for them.
What Happens When We Die?
FEWI comments on May 21, 2020:
Call me crazy, but I’ve had experiences which have me wondering. I used to be a realist about dying and believed what Adrian and Weirkilby believe. Now I’m not so sure.
TimTuolomne replies on May 21, 2020:
@FEWI. I did take it that way, and I appreciate your contrition. Perhaps the fault was mine.
What Happens When We Die?
FEWI comments on May 21, 2020:
Call me crazy, but I’ve had experiences which have me wondering. I used to be a realist about dying and believed what Adrian and Weirkilby believe. Now I’m not so sure.
TimTuolomne replies on May 21, 2020:
@FEWI, I am an engineer of high intelligence who has found the existence and resurrection of Jesus Christ credible based on fact. As the physicist Heisenberg said, "The Universe is not only stranger that we think. It is stranger than we CAN think." So if you are not a highly intelligent person, or don't know physics, you can be forgiven for assuming that those things guarantee a disbelief in Christ.
What Happens When We Die?
FEWI comments on May 21, 2020:
Call me crazy, but I’ve had experiences which have me wondering. I used to be a realist about dying and believed what Adrian and Weirkilby believe. Now I’m not so sure.
TimTuolomne replies on May 21, 2020:
@WRHoffmann, Pastor, there are trolls here as well, who are lovingly tolerated, and sometimes blocked only by individuals for short or longer periods, who wish to cease a fruitless discussion that will not end otherwise. Thank you for sharing the Gospel. God bless you.
Post From Qanon: People fell asleep long ago.
TimTuolomne comments on May 20, 2020:
There is almost no one still alive who still remembers what life in America was like before 1942, when the first leg of the Constitution was removed in the unconstitutional decision Wickard v Filburn, which made the Commerce Clause null and void, allowing the creation of a government bureaucracy for...
TimTuolomne replies on May 21, 2020:
@purdyday, Yes. Smith-Mundt Act in 2012 was an extension of a law passed in 1948, ostensibly to battle with Communist propaganda throughout the World, and was barely appropriate in that era for a Constitutional Republic - justifying violating our principles because they did not exist in the World outside the US. The revision in 2012 increased the power of the government to disseminate that information WITHIN the US. That should have been seen as a direct threat from the government against Americans of our freedom of information, but by then the socialist Deep State was well-entrenched in Congress and the majority of judges, so it could happen, against the wishes of Americans.
Quarantines, curfew, lockdowns were planned to grab power
TimTuolomne comments on May 18, 2020:
The Left would have done it any day, except for the Constitution and Conservatives preventing them. As soon as an "emergency" gives the excuse to ignore the Constitution, and Conservatives agree, they just do what they always felt was right.
TimTuolomne replies on May 20, 2020:
@RegnadKcin. There is a lot that escaped their awareness.
Liberate Minnesota Rally Has Begun - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on May 14, 2020:
The original meaning of Liberal was to Liberate, and defend individual LIBerty. These Classic Liberals are Conservatives standing for individual liberty against communism in Minnesota. In the days and months that are to come, they may not be the only ones who choose to take a stand to ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 20, 2020:
@avan16. True it is not yet communism, because government does not yet own the means of production. But your statement is conveniently silent about the number of communists now in the government there. I find that dishonest.
They are just plain fucking deluded.
wutthafuk comments on May 20, 2020:
I always think i would love to ask one of these mindless drones, do they say what they say cuz they are told & paid too? or are they actually as brainwashed and so deeply programmed that they actually belive in the agendas and twisted propaganda they push?
TimTuolomne replies on May 20, 2020:
I've attempted to reason with hundreds of them, and every one of them believes that I am delusional and/or evil because I fail to see the value in their utopian vision. I am not delusional as a matter of professional opinion (not mine) and I do believe utopian "vision" fails to reflect a basic awareness of history, or is delusion which assumes that it can be different this time.
This is what 5G will bring to your neighbourhood! National Citizens Alliance: Dangerous Levels of ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 18, 2020:
Brought to you by the same folks that gave you a destroyed economy due to a fake emergency. (116,000 dead from flu in 1957, crickets. 92,000 perish this year that would have been listed as flu, but its "COVID-19." Figure it out yet?) This is more fear-mongering, originating from the Left, ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 19, 2020:
@RoscoNovaro. "Microwaves, EMF, radio and radiation waves all effect humans and it's a fact." No not a fact. "Slander is the only recourse when the argument is lost." - Socrates. You've lost credibility with me. I will not be responding if I can't learn something. I won't from you.
dd54 comments on May 17, 2020:
As a born and bred white American my brain is still able to think rationally, form independent ideas and I don't believe every moron with alphabet soup behind their name. "What good fortune for those in power that people do not think." ~ Adolf Hitler
TimTuolomne replies on May 19, 2020:
@Pand0ro Definition of socialism: The state controls industry and commerce. Definition of Constitutionalism: The state only protects citizens rights from the government, and regulates interstate commerce. Definition of communism: The state owns industry and commerce. From these definitions it should be obvious that the US and China are roughly equivalent semi-socialist countries which have economies that are supported by limited capitalistic freedom. The lockdown under threat of force in the US proves it. Some Scandinavian countries are doing relatively well, but many economists argue that has little to do with their respective systems, which are very much like the Great Britain, and not very much different than ours, now that Obamacare (unconstitutional) is the law of our land.
This is what 5G will bring to your neighbourhood! National Citizens Alliance: Dangerous Levels of ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 18, 2020:
Brought to you by the same folks that gave you a destroyed economy due to a fake emergency. (116,000 dead from flu in 1957, crickets. 92,000 perish this year that would have been listed as flu, but its "COVID-19." Figure it out yet?) This is more fear-mongering, originating from the Left, ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 19, 2020:
@RoscoNovaro, with all due respect Rosco, no, all frequencies do not affect biological entities. Just asserting it is so doesn't make it true. If you've worked with microwaves and other energy transmission mechanisms, as have I and measured them, and know the experimentation, your statement that "it's held up with facts and data" in not a fact. Don't let the Left manipulate you like that.
dd54 comments on May 17, 2020:
As a born and bred white American my brain is still able to think rationally, form independent ideas and I don't believe every moron with alphabet soup behind their name. "What good fortune for those in power that people do not think." ~ Adolf Hitler
TimTuolomne replies on May 19, 2020:
@Pand0ro. "All socialist regimes fail as production inevitably ceases, and the resources built by capitalism are squandered on dachas for the privileged."
Anyone else feel this way??
TimTuolomne comments on May 18, 2020:
No, I am not the person in the middle. In 1957, 116,000 people died of the flu. Crickets. Today 92,000 probably would have died from the flu, but this year we are calling it COVID-19. How many flu deaths this year? Right. None. Am I taking COVID-19 seriously? Yeah, just like I took the flu...
TimTuolomne replies on May 19, 2020:
@2peros. I sympathize, as my Dad is 92, and I am staying away from him for now, but this is no different than it has been forever. Convalescent homes have far different health standards for that very reason. However reason has nothing to do with turning the whole World into a convalescent home, when the data clearly shows that 99% of those the virus kills are those with serious pre-existing conditions, and I submit that the remaining 1% are those merely with undiagnosed pre-existing conditions. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk" There is no good reason for us to be social distancing or using masks. While it seemed like a good idea at first because we were unsure what we were dealing with, now it is clearly being continued by the Left purely as an excuse for greater government control and to discredit their opposition: the President and Republicans.
Spencer Fernando: Chinese Communist Party Orchestrating Coup In Hong Kong! Pro-Democracy lawmakers...
Header comments on May 18, 2020:
What can we do?
TimTuolomne replies on May 18, 2020:
Pray for those now under attack, suffering and dying at the hands of the CCP. While it may not help much in this life, those responsible and unrepentant will pay a terrible price in eternity. And it may be us in Canada and the US soon.
What do you think about meat consumption?
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
COVID-19 is not an event about microbes. It is an event defined by fear. Don't fall prey to it.
TimTuolomne replies on May 18, 2020:
@Pedro-M-Lopes. The answer is almost entirely about the media. In a study referenced by the interview below with Victor Davis Hansen, 93% of the media were found to be biased politically. That was taken by the media as a green light to abandon any pretense of balance. But the consequence was that most outlets went out of business or were bought by leftists because they were so untrusted by the public. Leftist groups poured money into them but many still found that the red ink was becoming difficult to fund, and pressure mounted to find sensational stories. When Taiwan announced the virus in December, the media found its sensational story and poured their hearts and souls into it as if their livelihood depended on it, because it did. The second shoe to drop will be when the data becomes known about the virus in detail, and the media credibility drops even more. Expect the media to anticipate this and attempt to prevent the true data from surfacing. Here is some information about terrible death rates in the past, in which the media did not react the same way:
Header comments on May 17, 2020:
So happy to hear this even though I am not American!
TimTuolomne replies on May 17, 2020:
Our economies are tied together. And the buzz against Trudeau here is getting as loud as there. Even though the US can't do anything official, talk is what moves politicians, and Americans are with Canadians.
What do you think about meat consumption?
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
COVID-19 is not an event about microbes. It is an event defined by fear. Don't fall prey to it.
TimTuolomne replies on May 17, 2020:
@Pedro-M-Lopes. Our "plague" is similar, except that when you realize that 80,000 people died in the US in 2018 from the flu, the media didn't say anything, and we didn't shut anything down, you understand that this is pretty much all fear and no plague compared to Nasrudin's plague.
Here are some well-established facts.
suelue comments on May 17, 2020:
This is 100% right on - is there a way to also put this on facebook??
TimTuolomne replies on May 17, 2020:
I have been kicked off of Facebook for publishing stuff like this, because their "Fact checkers" claim my post is wrong. I have checked, and their Fact Checkers are not accurate. To post this, you'll have to select the text on my post by holding down the clicker as you sweep from bottom to top. It should turn blue. Then hold down the Ctrl button and press C. That should copy the article. Then go to Facebook, click where you want to paste it. Then hold down Ctrl and press V. That should paste it there. I don't think they will allow it very long.
Think your immune? []
Hanno comments on May 15, 2020:
That is why you have to be critical of everything... and every one here agrees until you start talking about religion and suddenly everyone becomes stupid.
TimTuolomne replies on May 16, 2020:
Those who fail to use their intellect, and instead defer to the natural judgmental nature of humans, are demeaning themselves, and justify their critical nature as if it is intelligence. It is not. In addition, the Left has discovered that encouraging everyone to act without restraint of those lower impulses, tends to assist them in tearing down society, giving them the excuse they need to be the remaining salvation. Those not smart enough to see through that will imitate what is now called "woke" behavior, and unwittingly assist in the destruction of civil society.
Jail time would be the only true justice for these snakes.
Geofrank comments on May 16, 2020:
Actually the jails they would go to would only be "country clubs." What they really deserve is to be made forever irrelevant.
TimTuolomne replies on May 16, 2020:
They are doing that themselves. It's just going to take much longer than those us who have seen it all along would like.
There isn't a political authority I respect today.
TimTuolomne comments on May 13, 2020:
I’ve been around a while, and I’ve seen the same things repeat many times in my life. The most common are the control freaks trying to fix what works well enough, then blaming everyone else when they break it beyond repair, leaving those of us who were not suffering too badly to clean up the ...
TimTuolomne replies on May 16, 2020:
@tracycoyle. Scripture commands to render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's. People intend to be good, or don't intend to be good. Government is people. I have trusted sources, which I am confident reflect the truth. Once someone lies to me, I tend to avoid them, and that includes most of the media, and almost all of the Democrat leadership. But unlike the media, I don't assert lightly that someone has lied. I know it for certain. In addition, the Bible calls for justice, and in Christ we have freedom, according to Scripture. This is not unlike the Constitution, which protects our individual freedom FROM the government. The Republican platform is to protect the Constitution, and many Republicans actually do that in their actions. They do what they promise. The Democrat platform promises all things to all people, so it is almost by definition a lie. In addition, Democrats founded the KKK, a truly evil organization, and to this day it is populated almost exclusively by Democrats. When they finally realized that founding the KKK was a liability in the 60s, Democrats also tried to spin it that it was a Republican organization. Another lie. Many things Democrat leadership actually does, including blaming Republicans for much of what they do, are not in their platform. And judging by group is not only against God, it is against our Constitution. Frankly I not imagine the amount of self-deception required for any individual to accept the lack of principles the Democrat leadership offer. Liberalism is a term appropriated by Democrats as part of their intention to deceive. Classic liberalism comes from "liberate," to set free. Democrats actions prove they are about bigger government and socialism, both are at the expense of individual freedom. So the term "Democrat" is also a deception. I call those who choose to call themselves Democrats: Leftists, or socialists, not liberals.


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