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bobbo666 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
"Misinformation" carries a flavor of ......... not deliberate. This crappola was lies.
Did Descartes arrive at this formulation, too? 😆
bobbo666 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Damned grammar Nazi's are everywhere, I tell yah, everywhere! Nonetheless, nice catch. Now, someone get some yellow copper tape and fix it.
Corruption on the Bench.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 11, 2021:
Dances kinda close to Sharia neighborhood courts. Not so sure.
I don’t know how to act my age because I’ve never been this old before.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
And, tomorrow you will be old enough to look back on today and recognize where you went wrong. That's my day to day motto.
Ted Cruz says Supreme Court was 'clearly wrong' about 2015 same-sex marriage ruling - CNNPolitics
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
If the case linked to a made-up "right" in the USConst, then it was clearly wrong. Just like RvWade.
A dark horse candidate from the Dem Party H. Rod Hamm
bobbo666 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
No, no, the HillaryHag has transitioned. She got a face lift (must have been like lifting MountRushmore) and went for a real suit instead of one of those Nehru jackets. She is now a guy.
It's an old article, but still worth revisiting.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 3, 2023:
Umm, America is a land of mutts. According to a DNA test I did on a lark I'm a teensey percentage of people routinely enslaved by people in those areas (i.e., SEastAsia, Aztecs, etc) and then enslaved and shipped back to Europe. When my more immediate ancestors came over in the 1840's we just blended in with the rest of the mutts. There is no such thing as purity.
Little Rocket Man is an amateur.
bobbo666 comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Looks like a joke: "three arseholes walk into a bar......".
Obiden trying to manipulate the public using deceptive use of data mashed together to paint a false ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
What the PedoPres also does not mention is that guns save more lives than take, by a very wide margin. Probably hundreds of times those saved by cars. He lies about everything. He might as well work for CNN.
Lazy people fact 2347827309018287. You were too lazy to read that number.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Hah! Wrong! I not only read it but recognized it as the sequence on the bottom of the 3rd page on the "solution" of pi.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Well, you let them pass a law that required y'all to address any worthless TWOT by the "pronoun of the day". And, the gov'mt estimated that the cost to defy the law would start are a quarter million dollars. OK, Canadian dollars, but still! YOU ALLOWED THAT! That stupid law is the source of all of the LuggButt gender identification crappola we've been punished by for the last few years. OTOHand, it did enrage JPeterson, which was great. So, if the Canadian gov'mt can demand what words you can use in common conversation, controlling what you are allowed to see is not far removed. Especially since both aspects are evidence of your wrongthink. If you do not stop this by any means necessary, well, the term "quisling" comes to mind. "Canadians" could be a similar term in years hence, if we survive that long.
Burned down []
bobbo666 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Good on him. This will cost Canada tens of millions of $$. Make foolishness hurt.
RED ALERT! WHO Has Written a REMOVAL of Human Dignity, Rights & Freedom - James Roguski ...
bobbo666 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
I'm certain that such an unflattering portrayal of a duly elected leader is a violation of some goofy Kiwi law that got passed. :) Its replacement, according to rumor, is the DBag that guided the WuhanFlu policies. Not a change.
Cops Out of Control!! []
bobbo666 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
This situation is just like the once-Mandalorian starlet said: ~ "mistreating those who believe differently than you is just what the Jews in Nazi Germany had to endure. Look how that turned out." This might be a time for the mature ones to step in, the ones who might not be so old to have endured the European camps, but stayed awake in history classes of the '70-80s and remember what evil people are capable of for no other reason than they aren't in your cult. It has been suggested that folks start wearing an armband with the emblem below. Those not yet too lost to save will ask about the significance of a yellow star -- and what it meant to don one in western Europe when a similar totalitarian regime took power. Some were required to ID themselves with such an armband, while the courageous ones volunteered to do so in support -- and to stand against tyranny. Presently, few have such courage. Fewer are showing it. Lacking that, the path is set.
Don't look now.
bobbo666 comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Naah, that is the house ogling your little garden shed. Not the old crappy lookin' one, the new one you put in last season.
Lauren Southern: Can You Still Oppose Mandates While Complying?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Just another version of : I disagree with you but will defend to the death your right to say it. I feel that if someone is vulnerable, health wise (co-morbidities) then get the jab. It will protect you but is worthless for immunity and protecting others. But, if you choose to not get it, for whatever reason, don't. And, anyone who tries to force you or anyone who supports forcing you is a stinking bastid who deserves the worst the world can give.
Why AG Merrick Garland Won't Stop the School Board ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 11, 2021:
Garrick's relative is married to the creep who is peddling CRT to the schools. He, like the Biden/Clinton crime families, is financially tied to this corruption. So, you expect him to not support?
If Cinderella’s shoe fit perfectly, then why did it fall off?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
Why can wives never find the car keys? Why can't girlfriends find their wallet at the bar? There is a trend here. But, we shall not go further.
I'd be a riot....
bobbo666 comments on Feb 23, 2024:
Ahem. You ARE claiming to be an exception, right? :)
Joe Biden is ‘mentally impaired’ and ‘not fit to be President’ []
bobbo666 comments on Nov 21, 2022:
What? We are now digging up news statements from 3 years ago? He has been mentally impaired since his first term in congress. As to "fit"? Puhleeze.
Alabama Passes Bill CRIMINALIZING Trans Kid Surgeries, Left Is FURIOUS Kids Cant Get Plastic ...
bobbo666 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Do also keep in mind that this is infuriating since such work would be taxpayer funded. Cutting off such funds from supporters to skim is as damaging as would be limiting PlannedParenthood $$.
Have to wonder why BLM never talks about the war zone in Chicago?
bobbo666 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
As noted by others below, BLM has nothing to do with making black lives better, or safer. They proclaimed their totally commie leanings when they first put up WWW sites in 2015-16. The near $1B raised has found its way into the pockets of the elites in charge and the DNC. BLM has done a good job at money laundering. As noted in the piccie, they just need an excuse to pander and plunder.
bobbo666 comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Aaaa, after a few weeks in that hot sun the smell will be so bad no one will come near yah. You are safe.
You check it out i don't know if james wood said that
bobbo666 comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Well, you can always, always count on Durbin to spew something stupid. As to acting, most of those slaughtered in Chicago are done in by drug gangs. Sorry, but "aspiring" is not a word I'd apply to such.
I'm at around 13-14 mark. How about yourself?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 11, 2021:
# 12 cheated. It cut the line. Belongs right before 16. Now is this a taste test, or "pick your average result in the wee hours of the morning and the darn toaster is ...... confused, as usual?"
Zuckerberg Spent $419 MILLION To Help Democrats Winhttps://[]
bobbo666 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
That was an INVESTMENT.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Ditto on other things, too.
One afternoon a lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the roadside eating ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I've always thought that it would be a good State experiment to force some folk to take office, like military conscription. A State legislature with 100 seats could donate 10 or so to folk who would not run for office unless at the point of a gun. Pay them, of course. And, if they have to move to State capitol subsidize them. Then, make them attend every session and post a vote on every bill. Some of the 10 also ought to be from those who aren't even on voting rolls. Let's try out this citizen lawmaker stuff. Could it be worse?
WATCH: Plane makes emergency landing on busy highwayhttps://[]
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Interstate highways in the US have deliberately straight sections in them (for no apparent reason -- driving along and "How come the curves just went away back there?") for the landing of military planes. While living in Houston, Tx a wee plane like the one in the video landed on the ring road around the city. About 12 lanes wide, busiest in the area. Dude just brought his plane down amidst cars -- which quickly did not dispute his "barging in" -- which is unusual for Houston car drivers. Pilot had no choice. Either crash into a few cars or atop surrounding houses. On the highway he had a chance.
Lindsey Graham declares ‘war’ against NY to protect Chick-fil-A’s Sundays off
bobbo666 comments on Dec 23, 2023:
Hey, LG, how about simultaneous with that you get them to back off on funding grooming? Oh, you are infavor of grooming? Yeah, thought so.
We thought it was our ability to love that made us human...
bobbo666 comments on Jan 31, 2022:
For a moment there I thought you were referring to our having all (genetically) been aboard the Ark and flashing back to that on occasion. Nope. Good one.
Of course
bobbo666 comments on Nov 23, 2022:
So Fing what? He re-approached a corrupt supporter of the slave-loving Democrats to get $100M into a legit company before FTX went down. Good on him.
Actual Science of mRNA Deaths & DNA Alterations SUMMARY: I am not actually a science-oriented ...
bobbo666 comments on Mar 1, 2022:
All vaccines have had side-effects. And, calling them that is not an attempt to minimize them. That said, all vaccines up until this time have had the intended effect of conferring immunity. The fake vax does not, so the CDC corrupted the defn so mindless boobs on CNN (and their addicts) can continue to use the word "vaccine". Immunity is the only value to society, the only reason why society would pay for it. Immunity protects the vaccinated from catching (& suffering) the disease for the first time and again, and from becoming a host for the generation of variants. This fake vax does none of that. Not all Drs defend Pharm. But, they will be severely penalized if they voice any disagreement.
The Guvanator just joined my long list of boycotted
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Yah, I got that impression, too. His telling everyone that THEIR freedom is subservient to the feelings of others sounded to me like he was channeling his Austrian roots. Bugger off, S. We went thru 'Ell to get rid of the other loser Guv'na and got you. ALEAT, ALERT, not every actor who by his very nature is a paid liar can be a successful politico.
Ultimate Parking Fails | Funny Cars and Bad Drivers ...
bobbo666 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
"Idiots in Cars" and the similar carjacking fails are also amusing.
When the Snake tempted Adam and Eve Chao, they didn't eat the apple.
bobbo666 comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Hmm, so a big white Gawd's hand says it is OK that the "yellow folk" never touched the tree of knowledge. Gonna be blowback on that!
Keep off the grass.
bobbo666 comments on Apr 17, 2023:
The icon looks Arabic -- the sword. Uhh, Arabs/Moslems go vegan? I find that hard to believe. :) Funny, tho.
'Worst part' of energy crisis is 'it was entirely foreseeable'[]
bobbo666 comments on Jun 23, 2022:
It's the "worst part" if and only if you assume that the creators of this mess had good intentions. I'm convinced that they never did. The elities (sp?) are covered, like Obama installing a humongous gas storage tank in his latest mansion only yards from the soon-to-be-flooded coastline near the ocean 'cause of global warming. He and jerks like him also cover their butt before doing something to harm others. At best, they didn't care. More likely, IMHOpinion, this is deliberate. Like the treehuggers going on and on about CO2, but damning nuclear.
2311030803Fr ABSENTEE BALLOTING IS THE DEATH KNELL FOR AMERICA! Anyone that tells you that the ...
bobbo666 comments on Nov 3, 2023:
As to absentee balloting, you could not be more wrong. In almost all places (all of the ones I personally know of) AbVoting is a multi-step process. first, you "register" with voting authority that you are gonna not be around when actual voting day shows up. This REQUIRES that you submit a proof of identity -- you are registered voter and live at the address. Your ballot is then mailed only to that address. You fill it out and SIGN with the signature on record with the voting authority. Done. You have perhaps confused mailin voting with AbVoting. Mailin is when the voting authority decides they can't be bothered with setting up voting booths (etc) so they mail out ballots to every address occupied at any time by anyone ever having registered within the authority's realm. In many cases this includes invalid addresses, non-registered voters, and anything presenting itself with a warm breath. Out here in CaCaLand that amounts to illegal aliens being automatically registered and given a drivers license. Even if the criminal lists an address tied to a parking lot (e.g., easily provable by checking the USPS' valid address database) the ballot will be mailed out. This is how 2020, 2022, and the recall of Guv'na Newsome were corrupted. Such ballots were harvested by the hundreds/thousands by convicted felons and then turned in for voting.
The Left Has Turned Victimhood Into a Value []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Well, of course. A loser has to rationalize their situation somehow. Blaming someone else, claiming that THEY victimized you, explains that.
Eleven-year-olds reportedly asked if they're gender fluid by non-binary librarian at school event, ...
bobbo666 comments on Dec 1, 2022:
The parent(s) are remiss if they do not ask local coppers to go after this librarian for attempted child abuse. Then, file formal complaint against library. This is not at all like a casual inquiry at work by a co-worker. This is a child. Anyone that doesn't go psycho mommy bear when their child is threatened should be forced to give them up to child services.
How to Respond to the Most Popular Pro-Choice Argumentshttps://[]
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Candace is too polite. Just: "Piss off."
Sounds about right
bobbo666 comments on Jan 8, 2024:
Uhh, mebbe you need to read the fine print. It is not free, it is free and mandatory.
When someone say to themselves, "I should have got a gun.
bobbo666 comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Sadly, it is pretty much a given that the person saying that is dead -- knifed by the intruder.
Apple Made One Crippling Change to iPhones in China Before Mass Protests Broke Out via ...
bobbo666 comments on Dec 1, 2022:
Well, what would you expect from Apple? They, like Nike, have been exploiting Chinese slave labor for decades.
Zombies always be walking.
bobbo666 comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Ooh, now I get it. My immediate thought was : "Zombies are fat and fear treadmills?"
Just a heads up.
bobbo666 comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Get this kid's name. He is going places.
‘Chorus of people’ throwing Biden under the bushttps://[]
bobbo666 comments on Jun 23, 2022:
BeijingBiden has always been a dim-witted jerk. And, he has not declined since having been installed in the WHouse. The rabid dogs turning on him have a knife's edge to walk. They cannot condemn in such a way that it is obvious that he was never a good choice -- OMGawd, that could mean the orange man was not so bad! For that, they'd be thrown under the same bus. Keep him in office until (if there is a Gawd and the corruption of 2020 is not repeated) the mid terms. I really, really want to see him impeached every week of the next three years. Every week on a different charge. Beat that dead horse until the DNC hires someone from Antifa/BLM to take him out.
‘Instant karma’ as Starbucks to close 16 US stores amid safety ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Good, slimy business model. Kinda like Walmart -- move in with low prices until competition croaks. Then, jack up prices. They killed my favorite bagel/coffee shop. They also took a knee instead of sticking to a business plan that supporter customers instead of virtue signaling "victim professionals".
Did Our Founders Create a Republic for a Dystopian Tyranny?
bobbo666 comments on Nov 3, 2023:
Tar and feathering comes to mind.
Why go on?
bobbo666 comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Well, for you, my little snowflake, no reason whatsoever. Go ahead. Make the world a better place.
CDC knew COVID vax causes heart problems but kept mum []
bobbo666 comments on Dec 1, 2022:
Just like they knew that Pfizer vax kills most fetuses. So what? Money is at stake here, dammit! There are politiocs to buy and elections to corrupt.
sometimes you never know!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Well, tennies beat flip flops so he has a shot (ha, ha, inadvertent pun there) at getting clear before braindead gets the point.
NATO allies together have a personnel count of 5.41 million, compared to Russia's 1.35 million
bobbo666 comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Do keep in mind that NATO troops have a reputation of do-nothing. Witness the numerous situations in which they were publicly displayed (e.g., Rwanda) as an example of "lookie here how the 'international community' is stopping oppression" and they stood by. Any such disparate org needs a hard core to succeed. Otherwise, they get dispersed at the first defense point. The US has been that core in recent years, but no more.
Where are they?
bobbo666 comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Granny didn't mean that old, dude! Shoulda started looking sooner. Also, try looking around in a area that does not look totally devoid of life.
Cenk Uygur Lies About Grooming In Schools, Lies About And Smears Joe Rogan In Performative ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Lying is standard operating procedure for CU, like CNN. The entire bunch at TYT's are a bunch of loons.
INSANE Video Shows Professor Claiming Men Can Get ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2022:
If you give yourself the ability to redefine words (e.g., vaccine) to mean whatever crappola you want to spew, you can say anything.
AOC are you sure she wasn't on Epstein plane
bobbo666 comments on Jan 8, 2024:
I'll say it again, if you took the plane once and never again -- you get the benefit of the doubt. It is like walking into a bar and realizing that this is not in your comfort zone. OTOHand, if you took the plane once, met him in PalmBeach, a weekend at this apt in NYC, etc. Etc. That is a situation of "where there is smoke there is probably fire."
Breitbart: Disney owned ABC feels the impact from disasterous Oscars ratings.
bobbo666 comments on May 21, 2021:
Although we may decry what they do and what they say, they are doing precisely what they want. All are rich elitists so being part of a successful show is irrelevant to them. Getting their message out to the plebes and soon-to-be-slaves is what it important. If they had the magic powers they think they had they would: 1) ID everyone who slavishly watched "the message" and 2) kill all those who did not. That is not hyperbole. They want anyone who is part of the wrongthink crowd dead. Think Uighers. What the CCP is doing to them is a template. And, Hollywood is an enthusiastic supporter.
What can the 2nd Amendment do?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
A bit harsh, matey. But, yeah, a germ of truth. The little rat bastid with the Czech rifle was a sworn commie (like the two TWOT's who started BLM, BTW). So, his shooting a Pres was an attempt to change the US Gov'mt. The point for all jerks (e.g., Swalwell and BeijingBiden) to keep in mind is that no matter how big a stick you might be able to swing about 'cause of other jerks like Milly (sp? the head of JointChiefs) is of little matter if you ever want to show your face in public. Never forget, and speak to your SecretService folks if you doubt me, if a guy is willing to sacrifice his life to get you; you cannot be protected.
July 18th 2013: Detroit submitted a claim for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, the largest such ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2021:
I used to work in Frisco with a company that had a sub in Detroit. This is back in 90's. Fellow workers were very keen to mention that they lived in a burb, well distanced from Demo corruption of Detroit. Also note that according to SCrowder's reports right after Nov 8; ~134K votes "tallied" in the middle of the night were not linked (as per law) to any registered voter. This was in one precinct -- which if it counted all of the "votes submitted" magically increased in population for just that one night. An aside, but an indicator of what you should expect of any blue city. If there is a sign of corruption over Here, there is sure to be more most anywhere you look.
And eat the cake!
bobbo666 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
You go, Gurl!
Psaki Can't Explain Why Illegal Migrants Are Getting Free ...
bobbo666 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Well, Pharm is not gonna cough up more campaign $$ if fake vax mandates don't continue and this is to provide business to outfits like Sprint, AT&T, etc.
Thanks for nuthin’, Big Bird…
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
There is no conflict here with the messages. You can be empathic and kind, except to your enemies.
Just the facts.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
You harvest these from PunHubOnline? Shame on you! I thought you made this stuff up. Had collected them over decades and were feeding (punishing) us slowly. Like water torture! Might also be a bit much expecting everyone to connect "mg" with "MG". Too techie?
The Crew Says Between Trump & DeSantis, DeSantis May Be The Right Choice In ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
No, no, nooooo. The dream ticket is DeSantis/Trump. DeS will be assassination proof and the Veep will have a ball touring the world telling the elites where to shove it. We get good governance and a great show at the same time.
that phucking woke crowd wants to kill free speech now it's coming clear that we have a bunch woke ...
bobbo666 comments on Jan 8, 2024:
Well, in a free speech arena you can say most anything at all -- barring the usual (illegal) direct threat or "fire" BS. But, that does not mean you are free from attack. Having some commie trash attack me on something I might say I'd interpret as verification that I said something approaching the truth. So long as they lack the means to censor you, just shrug it off.
yea don't turn your head pretend you didn't see that
bobbo666 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
That is one shifty looking horse. Could also be "Well, at least it isn't another one of those damned shots just before a race that give me the jitters for days."
Rogan Comment On Race Triggers The Left, They Are Just LYING About ...
bobbo666 comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Well, they won on the Covid crappola, so they know they will win on every other woke issue with regards to JRogan. Why stop?
Breaking News: The CEO of IKEA has been elected Prime Minister of Sweden.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
You had me for a second there as the existing Swedish PM lost out on a vote of no confidence just yesterday. Good timing.
Never run with bagpipes, you might get kilt.
bobbo666 comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Oh, now that was below the belt, even for you.
Facebook Blocks Aussie Orange Vests From Livestreaming Protests.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
FB, like Google, is channeling the CCP.
Starbucks Gets Woke, Goes BROKE After Bathroom Plan ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people -- I loathe SB -- they put my favorite bagel/coffee shop out.
liberal/woke/mental illness
bobbo666 comments on Jan 8, 2024:
Sounds like Canada has finally stumbled upon a process to isolate those whack job Nova Scotians where they belong.
Racism Can't Be Quantified Like Global Warming, Progressives NEED To Focus On REAL Energy Options ...
bobbo666 comments on May 12, 2021:
You are expecting progressives to actually come up with any solution to any problem? C'mon, that has to be sarcasm. Proggies want only destruction, so that they can "build back better". That is why BeijingBiden keeps saying that. He and his ilk do not expect anyone not already a well-monied elite to survive. And I do dispute your point. Racism can too be quantified: anyone guilty of wrongthink is a racist. And anyone not mouthing today's mantra is guilty of wrongthink. So, either keep up with the "correct" verbiage or off to the gulag with you. As to global warming, yesterday's news. Aside the math is total caca. CO2 is good for plants and is now at the level at which it cannot further warm anything. Ditto for cow farts. In any case, civilization has already lost that battle since BB has reentered the Paris Accord. So the US is already on the tab for billions to be skimmed by the UN and the remainder to be shipped off to African hellholes. Meanwhile, the biggest CO2 generator, the CCP, gets a pass -- so long as the checks keep coming.
Sounds about right…
bobbo666 comments on Mar 1, 2022:
This is one of the many reasons why it was so absolutely necessary for the corrupt 2020 election to turn out the way it did -- not just at WHouse level. This ensures that such funds will be supplied.
'MayoGate' Proves Establishment Media HATES Small Business, They Are COVERING For Bidinflation ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Like with the shutdown, inflation preferentially hits small businesses -- they have less depth. This it good so far as MSM is concerned since small businesses are started, funded, and run by folks willing to take risks -- wisely. Such are naturally conservative -- which is antithetical to commies.
Tucker Carlson Wanted to Fire Reporter Who Corrected Trump
bobbo666 comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Lie, lie, more lies yada yada yada. "Fact checking" = adopt Goebbles (sp?) approach of lie, lie, lie until the NPR's accept it. Reporter should have been shot. Dominion is/was always corrupt. Immaterial since state execOrders allowing corrupt practices violated US Const and made their presidential electors invalid. Mailin ballots are corrupt. Harvesting is corrupt. But, what can you expect from the DNC?
Ohhh the Irony!
bobbo666 comments on Apr 27, 2022:
And, nobody, NOBODY, nearby spoke up and pointed out the irony. They are all stupid.
So that's o.k. then.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
So, if someone in some S**hole country sits inna dark and cuts themselves I'm supposed to feel good that is not me!? Shuttup, muppet.
The MSM is protecting the biden crime syndicate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! []
bobbo666 comments on May 12, 2023:
They get massive $$ from Pharm and the Blackrock-type clowns. So, of course the court jester gets protection.
Liberals Are STERILIZING Themselves And Removing Themselves From The Gene ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Umm, someone is saying this like it is supposed to be a bad thing? These are the same TWOT's Ok with grooming, surgery for kiddies, and murdering of babies (preferentially blacks). The only down side I can see is that in 20 years they will recognize their error(s) and go berzerk (sp?). Yah need to be carrying by that time.
Nancy Pelosi HUMILIATED As NYC Crowd BOOS Her, Democrats ADMIT They Will Lose Midterms Due To ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2022:
I will repeat, so long as there is any version of ballot harvesting or mailin voting nothing will improve. Just got my notice of Nov election out here in CaCaLand. All ballots will be mailed. Just like in the recent attempted recall of TwosomeNewsom -- the week before 300 ballots were found in the possession of convicted felon along with loaded gun and drugs. He walked with no explanation. There can be no fair or legal election so long as commie trash are involved.
Thank-you. Thank-you very much.
bobbo666 comments on Mar 1, 2022:
Now, had he parallel parked she would have called security. Every woman knows that it is impossible to parallel park. And, parking from around the corner like those crazy Brits "supposedly" do? Pshw, as likely as Bigfoot.
The faces of censorship
bobbo666 comments on Feb 24, 2023:
And, that is only a short Sunday handful.
Go granny!
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
A true heroic Granny would have backed over them, too. But, good try. Still inspirational.
Illegal alien MURDERS five people in cold blood []
bobbo666 comments on May 3, 2023:
The Honduran neighbors (also illegal aliens and worse since they cannot be refugees past Mexico) will be played up as afraid to report the Aholes neighbor since they were afraid of going to the coppers. That will make them victims of racist Texans. BTWay, since the Ahole was an illegal he did not get his gun legally -- anywhere.
Some Moms are Smart!
bobbo666 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Yes, this Mom is sharp. Quite outspoken on several subjects, too. See below. Somewhere's I've another where the tyke is telling Mom that Granny says that she used to do loads more inna day than Mom. Mom's reply was along the lines of: "Yeah, that is when Coke had cocaine in it, too." Love the generational sniping.
Henry Ford Built a Hemp Car That Ran on Hemp Fuel 80 Years Ago 🤔 I wonder, did they get 'high'...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 23, 2022:
I am dubious. Far more likely that they went for that excuse when someone came in while they were toking (sp?) and asked about the funny smell. Engineers of that caliber are sneaky. :)
You can't ban the knowledge how to make a firearm, evil people will always find a way to do evil.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2022:
Actually, you can. Look at real communist states like NKorea. Whole families that engage in wrongthink (e.g., SKorea is better, China is better, ....) are wiped out. No imprisoned, murdered. There goes the knowledge that NKorea is a 'Ell on earth. Media says only what the little turd in charge permits them to say, kinda like US MSM and the present WHouse (we are not in a recession, Ukraine's border is more important that the US', there was no fraud in 2020, etc.). To wipe out knowledge of how to make a gun, all you have to do is confiscate all examples and murder anyone who claims they can make one. It will take a couple of generations, but look at NKorea. And, all the while the treehuggers will be cheering it own as the reduction of people will please Gaia.
Let's not forget the absolutely vile way the unvaccinated were treated. []
bobbo666 comments on Oct 17, 2022:
Like Giancarlo said, just like the German in the street was treating the Jews in '30's Germany. Complete contempt, 'cause those in power told them to do it and it gave them a thrill to hurt someone.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Inflation is everywhere. Sorta like the RedQueen race. The longer it takes, the more the goal posts slide out of view.
Sorry About That - Fallout After Trump CNN Town Hall Getting Worse! []
bobbo666 comments on May 12, 2023:
She got owned on every level. Heh, heh. The debriefing of some audience members was classic. Asked a guy about DJT's comments on the corrupt election. His response was: "Well, she asked right off the bat." Interviewer asked: "Well, why didn't he talk about 2024?" Response was: "Well, she could have asked."
A Minnesota communist activist is revealed to be a sex offender convicted of a child sex crime.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Calling yourself anti-fascist is code for commie trash. John Brown would leave his grave to strangle this little TWOT.
Critical Drinker: How Politics Ruined Hollywood [youtu.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Yah, I've followed this guy for last two years. Love what he has to say about "modern" movies and helps steer me away from the toads.
Biden May Try To CRACK DOWN On Cryptocurrency, Or Introduce Some Kind Of 'Fed-Coin' []
bobbo666 comments on May 12, 2021:
Although I'm skeptical of anything beneficial with regards any cryto-currency; I can absolutely guarantee that BeijingBiden will do the exact opposite of what would benefit western civilization. He is not random, that would give him a 50/50 chance of doing something "good". No, he has his marching orders (assuming he can still put one foot in front of the other). So long as the checks keep coming. And, when those stop we get a new Pres. And, don't say it! Yes, it can get worse.
Full assault on your rights: Liberals take the Speaker of House to court to hide documents - YouTube
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democracy ended in America's Hat when they passed that law that made it a crime to refer to anyone by anything other than today's flavor of your gender pronoun. Violating that law incurs expenses in excess of $250K (yes, I know Canadian dollars, nonethless) according to gov'mt estimates. That killed free speech. Little Missy T then outlawed hundreds of gun types. Y'all were reduced to serfs months ago, and you did nothing. The only republic left on the continent still fighting tyranny is Mexico! And they are losing to the cartels!
The new Twitter will be huge!!! It’s going to be a big, beautiful company.
bobbo666 comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Well, it could liquidate the staff. If yah quit, no package or unemployment payment. Nice $$ saving opportunity there. DJT probably not. How about Alex Jones? Or better yet, run everyone thru a re-hiring phase. Yah all have to line up and interview for your existing job. Hiring committee will consist of everyone banned. Think of the videos!
From a post on Gab: An inconvenient truth for Al Gore to write about.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Gore has never dabbled in truth. The moment it shows up, he leaves the stage. Typical liberal.
Supreme Court: Some Threats Protected Under First Amendment
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2023:
"...subjective understanding..."?? What the 'Ell does that mean?
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