Does the bible teach that Christians are under the 10 Commandments?
dmatic comments on Sep 25, 2019:
@2FollowHim Of course, a violation of God's commandments is sin, and Jesus came to set us free from sinning.
2FollowHim replies on Nov 12, 2019:
The law is the schoolmaster. We are 'under' the lawgiver, Jesus, Yehoshua in Hebrew.
Do you think Maxime was destroyed in politics?
ClanMcLean comments on Nov 8, 2019:
I don't think he was destroyed. He was beaten, but destroyed. His policies are exactly what Canada needs. Unfortunately, Canadians have not come to realize that they need them. Fiscal restraint is needed, once the debt is eliminated we will have the actual ability to fund the various programs that...
2FollowHim replies on Nov 8, 2019:
True, all true. Those running have none of these concerns, interested in self promoting.
[] Jordan Peterson. "Go Out and Make Something of Yourself."
lightsrout comments on Nov 5, 2019:
This clip should be mandatory in all institutions of education. I managed about 3 months of grade 9 and that was it. Was in the military and worked for the government for many years. Then I got interested in politics and a new life opened up for me. I toured across Canada giving speeches and ...
2FollowHim replies on Nov 5, 2019:
And having Trudeau is the result?
When the government fails to protect us against ILLEGALS, when the RCMP fails to do its job ...
ScottShefford comments on Nov 2, 2019:
One of the things that makes me wonder is how and why Canadians are so apathetic in voicing strong opinions and making as stand. We are such a passive countrymen to our own detriment and have been since the war of 67 and that was the last time we had any fight against either side of a bitter ...
2FollowHim replies on Nov 3, 2019:
Do you know why Canadians just let it happen? Sure, one or two might be jailed, Trudeau doesn't allow opposition but THEN, I think media would get involved. And no, I wouldn't mind. There's always risk, consequence. But as a Christian, I do trust God leads me. I can't deny what I think right just to BREATHE, eat. Some things for us top that, don't you find?
How much of the view on Putin is correct, and how much is propaganda?
CodeNameZebra comments on Apr 24, 2019:
A nations leader often is concerned with their nation's well being alone. We might agree with some things they do but at the end of the day we will always have a level of mistrust/disapproval of foreign leaders.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Krystoking As a good Machiavellian leader, he must execute one rather than ruin peace. We can overestimate individual value.
How much of the view on Putin is correct, and how much is propaganda?
TommyB comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I have a Ukranian friend who does his best to enlighten me. He raves about Putin & seems very loyal to him.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 26, 2019:
I heard him sing Blueberry Hill in perfect English helping raise money. I wouldn't get on his bad side, but otherwise, I like him.
How much of the view on Putin is correct, and how much is propaganda?
Dmwils comments on Oct 24, 2019:
I think the politicians constantly whining about Putin and Russia are from the era of the cold war. Look at Pelosi and Schumer's age, they've been around when there truly was a fear of Russia. They can't comprehend our greatest threat are our borders. That inability to see truth is a hell of a lot ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 26, 2019:
This man brilliantly explains how Justin in essense admits he failed. []
CrustyCanuck6772 comments on Oct 18, 2019:
JT has proven he is NOT worthy of leadership!!! its about time more mainstream esq are getting the picture!!
2FollowHim replies on Oct 23, 2019:
@CrustyCanuck6772 I think JT will change...for the better. Something must have happened. I had given up on him, now am watching. I think he forgot he likes Canada. He may remember. Canada is spectacular.
What do you think Maxime Bernier should have done when he knew he'd been set up by Conservatives?
jakuboj comments on Oct 20, 2019:
He should have sought counseling for his delusions of grandeur and fought with the CPC to defeat Trudeau, as his constituents voted him in to do.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@jakuboj You didn't see they found the evidence this group were hired to discredit him, eh? Sometimes the person IS a victim. I've seen high school kids bullied sneakily, and they try to get help. Everyone's like you, put them down further. What is your criticism of his policies? I agree that when you're ATTACKED, you have to TOUT your enemy. Yes, you read right, ENEMY. When Andrew was asked whether he had this done, EIGHT times by different reporters, he wouldn't ANSWER. Everybody, seems except you, saw he was just like Justin. I hope more comes out. I don't think Andrew has the wealthy backing Justin had.
What do you think Maxime Bernier should have done when he knew he'd been set up by Conservatives?
jakuboj comments on Oct 20, 2019:
He should have sought counseling for his delusions of grandeur and fought with the CPC to defeat Trudeau, as his constituents voted him in to do.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 20, 2019:
You're not up on what happened, are you, that he was a shoe in for leader but Andrew got backing from pro life, other groups, and Max lost by about 1%! Think, don't react. Less than ONE PERCENT? And the ballots were DESTROYED immediately afterwards? Supply management are like cartels controlling, pay offs. But think some more with me. Andrew is no greater than Maxime. You've toxified yourself with lies. It's been PROVEN, roll that around that Tories kept Max out of debates. I'm no fan of Max, just justice. Maxime wouldn't have been any threat to Andrew for other reasons. This sounds like...hatred? Is it? I'm glad he got out. I notified Pierre P. what happened. He can correct this for me. Max would not be crooked enough.
This man brilliantly explains how Justin in essense admits he failed. []
CrustyCanuck6772 comments on Oct 18, 2019:
JT has proven he is NOT worthy of leadership!!! its about time more mainstream esq are getting the picture!!
2FollowHim replies on Oct 19, 2019:
Very twisted, do enough Canadians see this? Care?
Why are Maxime's numbers in the polls so low? What went wrong?
GeeMac comments on Oct 18, 2019:
Bernier was dead in the water once progressives started to falsely, but very effectively, portray him as a dangerous, racist, far-right figure. He was also damaged by poor vetting of candidates in some risings, and the rush to get the new party off the ground. I watched Bernier’s interview ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 18, 2019:
I think crooked, too close. Votes SHRED after? Being vilified. Scared of him.
What's the best Canada can hope for? How will Maxime do?
FrankZeleniuk comments on Oct 15, 2019:
The best would be a PPC majority. Since that is not going to be happening the next best would be a coalition of the conservatives and the PPC. The absolute worst would be a Green party majority. Next worst would be a Liberal majority. Next a Lib/NDP coalition.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 16, 2019:
Maxime left the Conservatives, wouldn't rejoin.
What's the best Canada can hope for? How will Maxime do?
FrankZeleniuk comments on Oct 15, 2019:
The best would be a PPC majority. Since that is not going to be happening the next best would be a coalition of the conservatives and the PPC. The absolute worst would be a Green party majority. Next worst would be a Liberal majority. Next a Lib/NDP coalition.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 15, 2019:
There's way more to Maxime forming another party. Shredding the votes, not allowing recount? Off.
What rabbits from the hat might we expect (if any) from our former drama substitute teacher?
NonAgrssvMight comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Stupid for sure. Mental disorder or mild retardation stupid. Old Margie was probably half baked and drunk for much of the pregnancy.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 9, 2019:
Drugged out. Yes, sounds right.
LIVE! Ezra Levant and David Menzies discuss his ARREST at a CPC campaign event! - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Everybody? I speak to knows NOTHING about politics, not interested.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@WorldSigh It reminds me of the tragedy of the titanic which seemed to be another 9-11. But speaking about the people. I think you can only group with like minded?
How many Canadians, % wise, do you think know anything about politics?
WorldSigh comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I think it is quite possible that 51% of Canadian citizens only knowledge of Trudeau is that he is that cute guy with the nice hair!
2FollowHim replies on Oct 2, 2019:
I noticed younger voters didn't know and not interested!
China Forcibly Harvesting Christian’s Organs, Tribunal Says: ‘One Of Worst Mass Atrocities Of ...
camerakid61 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Why Christians?
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2019:
Get rid of them
Is hate an addiction, like that found in drug abuse?
Babou comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I think you’ve painted the Right as being more libertarian or classically liberal than they are, or historically have been. The GOPs the party of drug laws, anti birth control laws, anti porn and prostitution laws. They want control! In foreign policy it was GOP willing to kill hundreds of ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 27, 2019:
I can't help but shudder at the times we're moving into. Looking at China's moves, making military islands in the China South Seas. Everything I see spells world takeover. So families, babies, where's the future? To me it's laying low time.
Is hate an addiction, like that found in drug abuse?
Babou comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I think you’ve painted the Right as being more libertarian or classically liberal than they are, or historically have been. The GOPs the party of drug laws, anti birth control laws, anti porn and prostitution laws. They want control! In foreign policy it was GOP willing to kill hundreds of ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2019:
@Babou Every baby wanted. No unwanted, unloved, rejected babies. What a difference. A fetus begins to know, feels, reacts. Before 8 weeks, the mother shouldn't be forced. She knows if this is her call or not. Hitler's mother wanted an abortion. A better world for all if she had. Stalin was a fetus, then a baby. Not every baby is good, wonderful. Some are bad stuff genetically. Why everyone can dictate to the woman doing it is nonsensical.
I was told a vote for Maxime was a vote for Trudeau. Is it counterproductive?
Colpy comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Yes, it is counter-productive. With luck, Max will win one seat.............his own. And that is in doubt. And Max pulls the vast majority of his support from one party......the Conservative Party. Only a Conservative majority will get Trudeau out of the PM's office. Even if the ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 16, 2019:
That sounds corrupt to me. But if that's how politics goes, then change is #1. So the more Maxime won, the more we'd lose. I wonder if he knew that? I believe you felt Max was not actually pro Canada, either but playing games? I'm concerned that Scheer finds it all a big joke, and isn't in it to help Canadians either. In the pocket of big business? If so, grim.
I have to wonder how much good Maxime Bernier can do with polls at 1%!!
Colpy comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Actually, the cumulative polls have Max at slightly over 3%..........both 338 Canada and CBC Poll Tracker. How much good can he do? If you want Trudeau as PM, Max could be a great help. 70 seats were won in 2015 with less than a 5% margin. If you really want Trudeau out, then Max is not ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 14, 2019:
@Colpy I thought I noticed that too. BUT! I like his approach, style, policies. Btw? What if he didn't win his own seat? Is he out then?
I have to wonder how much good Maxime Bernier can do with polls at 1%!!
Colpy comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Actually, the cumulative polls have Max at slightly over 3%..........both 338 Canada and CBC Poll Tracker. How much good can he do? If you want Trudeau as PM, Max could be a great help. 70 seats were won in 2015 with less than a 5% margin. If you really want Trudeau out, then Max is not ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 14, 2019:
That seems SO counterproductive since I find Max one of the best. Sounds like he should have stayed with Conservatives?
Why is Julian Assange unheard of?
kresica comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I guess that's because he never existed as a public figure in a first place. Some random dude from the street with basic IT-background and opportunistic imagination decided to cash in on the wawe of then ongoing Occupy Wall Street but he overestimated himself. Public will eventually loose interest ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 13, 2019:
All emails were CORRECT, verified. Like what happened to that Sheriff in Arizona? Sheriff Arpaio'(sp) for discovering Obama's real background. No good deed. Exposing the Clinton syndicate by Assange made it clearer.
Does the bible teach that Christians are under the 10 Commandments?
DanMartinovich comments on Sep 9, 2019:
There are a lot of people who confuse “the law” as in; the rites and rituals of the Mosaic law. With law or lawful behavior. As in: Thou shalt not commit murder.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 13, 2019:
@DanMartinovich We're under the perfect law of liberty. Liberty to please Jesus, to stay completely away from sin. It's exciting to not have it ALL figured out yet. After all, YHWH said 'My ways are not your ways...they are higher'. I expect that, don't you? What is figured out is this is My life path forever.
Does the bible teach that Christians are under the 10 Commandments?
DanMartinovich comments on Sep 9, 2019:
There are a lot of people who confuse “the law” as in; the rites and rituals of the Mosaic law. With law or lawful behavior. As in: Thou shalt not commit murder.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 12, 2019:
But Jesus fulfilled all the law where we could not. A Christian is in obedience to thhe person, Jesus, not to laws. All Jews did was BREAK the laws. But when we have a relationship with the Lord, do we not seek to please God. As Paul said, only lawbreakers need laws. If I follow Jesus sayings, then the 10 won't have meaning. Would you KILL? Would you put other gods before the Lord? It doesn't compute. Nowhere does it specify that some laws are exempt. I read that the letter of the law kills. Thanks anyway for your time, interest. I think I'm overreacting. Forgive me?
How's it looking politically for Canada? I'm away?
WorldSigh comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell. The MSM have him in the cone of silence. He is seldom mentioned in the polls. They are pointless misdirection, anyway. His followers are shadow banned on social media. 95% of my YouTube comment history vanished without explanation a couple of weeks ago, making...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 12, 2019:
Polls say Maxime is 1%!!
How's it looking politically for Canada? I'm away?
WorldSigh comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell. The MSM have him in the cone of silence. He is seldom mentioned in the polls. They are pointless misdirection, anyway. His followers are shadow banned on social media. 95% of my YouTube comment history vanished without explanation a couple of weeks ago, making...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 11, 2019:
That's what it seemed like. And Maxime doesn't seem well known. Very quiet person. I like that but nobody notices him. I wonder what the liberal government think? There's more than one person there?
Daily in Christ by Neil T.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Yes. Some call it 'easily triggered'. We all know what has a TRIGGER! Anyone 'triggered' is shooting someone, maybe killing them...spiritually or psychologically. Once receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter became a fine leader for the Christian Jews. Sometimes satan knows who will follow Jesus ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@warminster100 I liked what Paul said, just keep my focus on Christ. I see all the rest as a trap. Usually way above my head. Almost everything is. Nothing is simple, clear. Only the Lord. All these discussions on LGBT, GAY seem better unsaid. Just draws attention. But maybe not.
It is getting bad out there for the Christians of the world. []
timon_phocas comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Romans 8:37 Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Psalm 141:7 Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 6, 2019:
Funny about this life? We age. We lose it slowly or quickly. Nobody gets out from this realm alive. It's win, win. Nothing to lose. Those of you over 45 years or so know where you're headed here in this plane. I could have, yes, should have died several times. I can say there's nothing you can do! And you're gone. Coming back was harder, painful. God made dying look different from what it is. This realm has much to teach us, and sometimes we even help!
The very basis and structure for all the variations for Christianity is inherently Anti-Jew ...
2FollowHim comments on Aug 12, 2019:
God does not forget His people. But not all Jews are Jews. If the LIGHT of the eye becomes darkness, how great is that darkness. Is it true that Tel Aviv is the main center for homosexuality? Certainly against Torah. When Jews convert, it's just amazing!! Revelation speaks about the 144,000, ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@FoundationSage Proof would be needed for unfounded attacks. You have nearly everything in common with Muslims! Jesus is God. Think son of, think like father, like son. It required God to come to Save the cosmos. A great study into the Greek and world? I have to get back into this!
The very basis and structure for all the variations for Christianity is inherently Anti-Jew ...
2FollowHim comments on Aug 12, 2019:
God does not forget His people. But not all Jews are Jews. If the LIGHT of the eye becomes darkness, how great is that darkness. Is it true that Tel Aviv is the main center for homosexuality? Certainly against Torah. When Jews convert, it's just amazing!! Revelation speaks about the 144,000, ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@FoundationSage hi, you're accusing with no grounds. If you do follow politics, you'll see that Zionist Jews control a lot, and that's not for you, or me. Not all Jews are Jews. I think of the group Ashkenazi Jews which were some mixture. A lot to it. You seem to carry the hatred? For Christians? Yes. Is that prejudice. The bible indicates a 3rd temple will be built where antichrist will sit. Have you read of the plans for this? Some say this MUST be built where the Dome of the Rock is, others say this is not THE location. Just to help you, if that's possible, my best friends were Jews. Likely wouldn't be willing today since I was called spiritually to be a believer. The bible shows Saul was close to Herod being close friends. It made sense once I saw that scripture! What an amazing conversion! The Jews kept trying to kill Szul, who was renamed by the Lord Paul. This name was nothing like the OT changes at all. Sure easy to feel the animosity from you. So much and let live. Notice it's Christians killed, not Muslims. You actually don't mind them. Lots of bad feelings, huh?
Abortion: Nothing is as Destructive as an Abhorrent Idea backed by Zeitgeist “Nothing is as ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 1, 2019:
With respect, I am 180' opposite. Glorifying foetuses has no merit. Sad how many block their ears when I say that HITLER?, murderer supreme? That Hitler? His MOTHER? He had a mother who seriously begged for an abortion. My thesis is EVERY foetus a WANTED foetus from BOTH mother and father....
2FollowHim replies on Sep 1, 2019:
When seeds fall to the ground, few 'take'. Let's focus on quality? If you or I had been aborted? Ourselves? Wouldn't we NOT be here? I welcome discussion on this.
5 Things the Media Didn’t Report .
purdyday comments on Aug 25, 2019:
What isn't surprising anymore, is that MSM doesn't highlight these issues. The other post you made highlighting conservative news sites, goes a long way in showcasing the new leftist trope, why can't we all just get along? And the answer is, imo, without providing an opinion and instead, negating ...
2FollowHim replies on Aug 31, 2019:
@Bay0Wulf Very tough to make progress
The very basis and structure for all the variations for Christianity is inherently Anti-Jew ...
2FollowHim comments on Aug 12, 2019:
God does not forget His people. But not all Jews are Jews. If the LIGHT of the eye becomes darkness, how great is that darkness. Is it true that Tel Aviv is the main center for homosexuality? Certainly against Torah. When Jews convert, it's just amazing!! Revelation speaks about the 144,000, ...
2FollowHim replies on Aug 12, 2019:
@FoundationSage This is an extremely popular lie by atheist sites that ROME wanted to control the masses, began CHRISTIANITY. That is the lie. Romans had absolutely NOTHING, ZILCH, NADA to do with Christianity for hundreds of years. I don't think you know the New Testament or what it means. So when you DON'T KNOW, it's ignorant to put out idiotic atheist lies. Interestingly to me is how once Jesus resurrected, witnessed by many, and attested to by His JEWISH apostles, Peter had been announced with the baptism of fire and spoke to many thousands of JEWS!! Certainly no Romans!! Romans had no interest in this little group. Then Saul, again a high up Jew, a close friend of Herod CONVERTED to Christianity after having persecuted them and taking them to prison!! Even the Christians then ALL JEWS were scared to meet him. Saul, who became Paul took the message of Jesus to the Greeks and Rome. The ROMANS still weren't interested. Not until Constantine did the Catholic cult begin. Not knowing any of this doesn't make you look intelligent. It is Jews who are antichristian, who have hate. Christians don't seem to know this. But when they convert, it's wonderful. Jesus said, I AM the truth. No man can say this. Hope this clarifies some things? And try to keep animosity out or just don't reply. Keep it discussion? Can you do that?
The very basis and structure for all the variations for Christianity is inherently Anti-Jew ...
2FollowHim comments on Aug 12, 2019:
God does not forget His people. But not all Jews are Jews. If the LIGHT of the eye becomes darkness, how great is that darkness. Is it true that Tel Aviv is the main center for homosexuality? Certainly against Torah. When Jews convert, it's just amazing!! Revelation speaks about the 144,000, ...
2FollowHim replies on Aug 12, 2019:
@FoundationSage we have 2 sections, old, new. I have enough with the New. I am not unfamiliar with old but focus is Jesus. Christ means announced and even Pilate knew, KING of kind. There is nothing pagan. What great things have happened in the Hebrew religion? I heard of NOTHING. What great things happened with Jesus? Millions over time. And still happens. The great thing is the Judgement where Jesus, Yehoshua is Judge whether you believe it or not. The great come uppance finally occurs to destroyers. I could write far more on how you're incorrect but when the heart is dark, why do that?
The very basis and structure for all the variations for Christianity is inherently Anti-Jew ...
2FollowHim comments on Aug 12, 2019:
God does not forget His people. But not all Jews are Jews. If the LIGHT of the eye becomes darkness, how great is that darkness. Is it true that Tel Aviv is the main center for homosexuality? Certainly against Torah. When Jews convert, it's just amazing!! Revelation speaks about the 144,000, ...
2FollowHim replies on Aug 12, 2019:
@FoundationSage yes, and it's Jesus who is Creator. No paganism. Many err this way. Jesus is one with the Father. Jesus came from heaven here to be the sacrificed lamb. I found Absolutely nothing laughable say about...Grace, Justification or Sanctification just to name a few. Jesus came AS a Jew. There's no possibility that Jesus could do what He did on Calvary for example and be some MAN. With all due respect, that would be laughable. There is no other Name by which you can be saved. Only God has that ability. Another interesting aspect is what Jesus, or Yehoshua which is the Hebrew, said about Sabbath. To be Lord of the Sabbath means He is God. It also means Sabbath remains the day of worship. Perhaps you know the miraculous conversion account of Saul?? Who would have guessed? The Jews did try to kill Paul at every turn. What is laughable about that? We can also note what Thomas said. Interesting how patient Jesus was with Thomas. There is a veil on most Jews but indeed some see? May I recommend Dr. James Tour, a most distinguished Jew? You seem to have animus, even bitterness? Hopefully this is untrue.
Has the PM bankrupted Canada completely? And do you think Canadians generally care enough?
ScottforKing comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Perhaps you are confusing education with intelligence.
2FollowHim replies on Aug 4, 2019:
I did think educated would read more, care more.
Are you a Feminist or an Anti-Feminist?
Tiana-Maher comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I believe that all that needed to be accomplished by feminists brought equality, a long time ago. Now feminism is ridiculous, blaming men for our difficultys and belittling men while we now become abusers. We don't give up an ounce of our power by acknowledgement of the fact that men and women have...
2FollowHim replies on Jul 16, 2019:
Where do you think Canada stands politically?
pbuck0145 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
A majority are probably left of center, while disappointed with the Turdeau Liberals.
2FollowHim replies on Jul 15, 2019:
@CanuckAmok ...who did that downside start with?
How do we keep all the bad news from negatively shaping our reality?
Grandad comments on Jul 15, 2019:
We get the bad news from constant exposure to social media and most of us are in uncharted waters with regard to how this affects us. This is all a big experiment. Personally I am not very confident about the outcomes.
2FollowHim replies on Jul 15, 2019:
I think there's overload. Being concerned, but not awash is my concern. It doesn't really help to ruin our life in the hopes of helping especially when we can't help.
How do we keep all the bad news from negatively shaping our reality?
Dmwils comments on Jul 15, 2019:
First is to realize we cannot change or control the world...we can only change or control our place in the world. Find what grants you peace and allow only people who enhance that peace to be a part of your world. The same way as your church should bring such a peace and joy to your heart, if yours...
2FollowHim replies on Jul 15, 2019:
True, and then, how do we help? Sex trafficking, slavery, political crimes? Our country's leader can't find terrorists fast enough. I live here?
Secretary of State Clinton CRIME “Charity” This List is Quite Long .
Garsco comments on Jul 8, 2019:
I had friends/acquaintances who tried to excoriate me during the 2016 campaign for pointing out reports at that time that showed the Clinton Foundation only paid out about 7% to charities while showing “expenses” of over 80% (as I recall). The Clintons have hoodwinked much of the world’s ...
2FollowHim replies on Jul 8, 2019:
Not interested in facts at all!! I think they get away with it bcuz many support!!
Secretary of State Clinton CRIME “Charity” This List is Quite Long .
Wtretired comments on Jul 8, 2019:
The Clinton foundation was a “K” street type super influence peddling organization disguised as a charity. Talk about the swamp! And the media? Nothing to see here, let’s move on, we can destroy the lives of people who may have hurt some feelings.
2FollowHim replies on Jul 8, 2019:
I think the body count now is over 140. That's just awful.
Secretary of State Clinton CRIME “Charity” This List is Quite Long .
2FollowHim comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Trump doesn't bother her but doesn't help Julian Assange who got the goods on her while in office. I don't have a view on Trump but this doesn't look good. I watched a video of her lying for 18 minutes straight. They started early, that team. Sold dirty blood in Canada. Corruption is their ...
2FollowHim replies on Jul 8, 2019:
@Bay0Wulf Julian is tragic.
Do you think One Godless Woman will be able to become a Canadian Citizen?
FrankZeleniuk comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Perhaps. She'll have to be persistent.
2FollowHim replies on Jul 7, 2019:
Absolutely, my Turkish Muslim contacts had a horrible time. They were tracked. I sensed more to it.
Something that I've been wondering about modern day anti-semites and holocaust deniers, do they just...
2FollowHim comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Please don't link anti Semites with Holocaust deniers. I found no evidence for Holocaust but plenty for abuse, killing, and starving due to war. I'm only anti satanist pedophiles who sacrifice kids, otherwise everyone shows who they are. It turns out to be emotionally loaded, a heavy trigger.
2FollowHim replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@criminey359 No ovens, no ash, no proof so what proof are you referring to? Not understanding about magic. Hitler was occult himself. Is this a slur, abuse of my beliefs? Don't degrade yourself. Did you know that there was not one single reference to any of this in the writings of Eisenhower and others. You bought a lie. Always look into big money items, into things that one dare never say. Ask...why not?
Do you think it's truthful or propaganda that the globe and mail said Trudeau will likely get in ...
JimbobNE comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Canada and the United States have differences, but you never want to trust the media. As you know everybody has an agenda and nobody is a dead lock for any election in a free nation. Public opinion is a mercurial thing to predict.
2FollowHim replies on Jul 6, 2019:
Seemed like could be agenda. Didn't check the name of writer. Gotta slow down!!
One Godless Woman Becoming Canadian - YouTube
JimbobNE comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I can imagine the horrible pressures being poured upon this poor lady. I hope she isn't bashed as helping Islamaphobes. I don't know her, I don't know if her particular story is true or not, but I have heard too many similar stories from top many women in the middle east to just say it is false. ...
2FollowHim replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@WorldSigh absolutely. But knowing the leader of Canada is possibly a nominal Muslim. Knowing that countries sell information or targeted people, then one first becomes Canadian. Even then I'd proceed with caution. Or go into politics. Then you've got backing. Heading out on one's own given the political climate does not look good. Rather like Julian Assange. She spoke truth of how it was. What she describes, you never want to be Muslim. Hard to believe. Yes, a long time to wait but it's dangerous.
In your view, could those knowledgeable tell me how much better Scheer would be than Trudeau?
Chicago comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Scheer is Trudeau in Conservative garb. If you follow Scheer you won't find him diverging all that much from Trudeau. Scheer supports the carbon tax, is a panderer to Muslims, believes in shooting those who speak out in defense of Conservatism in the back as he did most recently to Michael Cooper. ...
2FollowHim replies on Jul 4, 2019:
Worse than US
Is Maxime Bernier wise to criticise Conservatives? Doesn't that help Liberals?
Colpy comments on Jul 3, 2019:
The PPC is, as I've said before, simply Max's narcissistic attempt to punish Scheer for beating him fair and square in the leadership race. Max doesn't give a rat's ass about Trudeau, or about Canada. He just wants to screw Scheer, and is using the "useful idiots" that joined the PPC as his ...
2FollowHim replies on Jul 3, 2019:
Interesting points. So you see a personal grudge doing this? There are indications But I don't think Scheer's win was fair and square. He seemed to be in with big companies and he looks as if it's a big joke? Have you seen that look?
Is Maxime Bernier wise to criticise Conservatives? Doesn't that help Liberals?
JimbobNE comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I hope this is the video you are talking about.
2FollowHim replies on Jul 1, 2019:
Yes. I think while right, the bet effect is supporting liberals. Due to our 2 party mind set, which is certainly wrong.
Is Maxime Bernier wise to criticise Conservatives? Doesn't that help Liberals?
Chicago comments on Jul 1, 2019:
He is wise to criticize Conservatives because Conservatives aren't Conservative. A good indicator of this is that the same criticisms that he levels against Conservatives also apply to the Liberals. Now how sad is that fact?
2FollowHim replies on Jul 1, 2019:
Exactly!! But given reality, just who is there left to vote for?
Can parents be educated to prevent their little children from being abducted?
PaulBuckingham comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Unfortunately as most abduction is by one of the parents, it makes any education limited. I know this from personal experience. What I wouldn't want any education to do is assume it is the father that is always the risk, as how this kind of thing tends to go. It was some 10 years ago for me, so I ...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 14, 2019:
Vancouver is a port city. Children are abducted, sold. Gone.
Has human trafficking, sex trade increased say over 10 years?
Gerri4321 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Yes with supply and demand it brings the need for slave labor in high demand and major companies are not shy in using and vilatating human rights. I been shopping mom and pop for 25 years it doesn't cut out all my aiding in slave labor but I am very picking and believe me a 15 minute shopping trip ...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 12, 2019:
@Gerri4321 yes
I read that Canada is 2 in the world for cocaine users.
PalmThis comments on Jun 7, 2019:
Easy, we're starting to allow "Magic Mushrooms" and other hallucinogens. Cocaine is probably next...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 12, 2019:
Do you think Canada would survive if Justin Trudeau got in again for 4 more years?
Vanderkalin comments on Jun 11, 2019:
The dig at the end was uncalled for, Like Obama or hate him he was nowhere near the idiot Justin Trudeau is.
2FollowHim replies on Jun 12, 2019:
I thought it was called for. True, Trudeau isn't polished in lying.
Do you think Canada would survive if Justin Trudeau got in again for 4 more years?
Denelin comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I don’t have a lot of faith that it will be alright even if he is out. I want Maxime Bernier to help fix some of this, but our media is totally compromised.
2FollowHim replies on Jun 12, 2019:
Me too!! I HATE to think of what's hidden!!
Do you think Canada would survive if Justin Trudeau got in again for 4 more years?
Vanderkalin comments on Jun 11, 2019:
The dig at the end was uncalled for, Like Obama or hate him he was nowhere near the idiot Justin Trudeau is.
2FollowHim replies on Jun 12, 2019:
Just bankrupting, extolling Islam.
Has human trafficking, sex trade increased say over 10 years?
Gerri4321 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Yes with supply and demand it brings the need for slave labor in high demand and major companies are not shy in using and vilatating human rights. I been shopping mom and pop for 25 years it doesn't cut out all my aiding in slave labor but I am very picking and believe me a 15 minute shopping trip ...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 10, 2019:
I always wondered about they 'see darkness as light's but I think they DO!! Nobody does stuff they really think utterly wrong, without mental problems.
Has human trafficking, sex trade increased say over 10 years?
Wtretired comments on Jun 10, 2019:
These crimes have existed through history. But as the world gets smaller, technology improves, travel is easier, and there are more people that can become victims and more wanting to victimize; I would say yes. The reality is that many victims unknowingly precipitate becoming victims through ...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 10, 2019:
That's the thing, needs, PERCEIVED or even real needs. A lot of camouflage.
No it's not the government and the system abusing and trafficking people and our children! ...
2FollowHim comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Russia does take some 10,000 or more from N. Korea as slaves in Russia. Sadly? Israel is one of the worst, and linked to China. Palestinians, Syrians all for body parts. This will be anti semitism, not fact! But it was found. I have no issues with Jews. But they aren't good people.
2FollowHim replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Gerri4321 I heard YEARS ago, I think Hungary? Would lure educated women thinking they were getting a good job(educated well?) only to be taken as slaves!! Horrible. Rampant. How great is the amount, infection?
Do you think Canada would survive if Justin Trudeau got in again for 4 more years?
Klndry comments on Jun 9, 2019:
It will not. The west is leaving. Alberta, parts of BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon and Northwestern Ontario. We will see a masss exodus of the brains and money, heading west. It is pretty much done today. Media has been bought. Debt is rising. And quite frankly Trudeau is a jerk.
2FollowHim replies on Jun 9, 2019:
So, end of Canada
Lots of jobs in Canada? Record?
Hiker comments on Jun 9, 2019:
That old line I’m sure you heard “if the American economy sneezed Canada’s economy would catch a cold” The roaring American economy certainly effects Canada’s economy though Trudeau took credit , the media gleefully prop these liberal clowns up convinced Canada will re-elect them for ...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 9, 2019:
That would end Canada
2FollowHim comments on May 31, 2019:
Why don't people trust their senses? Use logic? Since WHEN??!!,, can big, heavy buildings not move AT ALL going some 1000 mph? Orbiting...get this 67,000!! mph? Really? Nothing would be left!! Gravity was invented. Whether people follow the bible or not, earth doesn't move. This is HEAVY ...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 3, 2019:
@Gerri4321 I just hate to think it's hopeless? And not quite, I think? I'm speaking out in person, in a friendly way, and the people I meet are either most tolerant of me? Or enjoying it? I spoke to a young colored man, very savvy, who was glued to his smart phone. Laughed about what we DID before google. He AGREED, put his phone away, talked. You know, Gerri, I wonder if so e aren't lonely?
2FollowHim comments on May 31, 2019:
Why don't people trust their senses? Use logic? Since WHEN??!!,, can big, heavy buildings not move AT ALL going some 1000 mph? Orbiting...get this 67,000!! mph? Really? Nothing would be left!! Gravity was invented. Whether people follow the bible or not, earth doesn't move. This is HEAVY ...
2FollowHim replies on Jun 3, 2019:
@Gerri4321 And DRUGS??..are rampant
Trust no one! You can't!
2FollowHim comments on May 30, 2019:
I know I can trust you? HUMANLY, so to a degree. I don't even TOTALLY trust myself. I've made enough messes. I've THOUGHT strongly, and been very wrong. I trust God, the bible completely. That's it.
2FollowHim replies on May 31, 2019:
@Gerri4321 What do you think of this? It told me a lot. Very!!recent!
Unfortunately I listened to a CBC interview with Catherine McKenna minister of the environment ...
Sheryl_Jean comments on May 30, 2019:
I know - the whole system seems rotten; Ford and Kenney seem to be pushing back, but Liberals will impose their will, if voted in again.
2FollowHim replies on May 31, 2019:
@Hiker I think Scheer HAS taken the pro life due to supporters for it helping him get in? Pay back time.
Trust no one! You can't!
2FollowHim comments on May 30, 2019:
I know I can trust you? HUMANLY, so to a degree. I don't even TOTALLY trust myself. I've made enough messes. I've THOUGHT strongly, and been very wrong. I trust God, the bible completely. That's it.
2FollowHim replies on May 30, 2019:
@Gerri4321 We have to WATCH and pray. Not sure? I'd TRUST that ? I'd go more slowly. Years ago, a movie? Where fools rush in. Good movie. True. Sometimes I've done that, been that? I'd like to stop.
Trust no one! You can't!
2FollowHim comments on May 30, 2019:
I know I can trust you? HUMANLY, so to a degree. I don't even TOTALLY trust myself. I've made enough messes. I've THOUGHT strongly, and been very wrong. I trust God, the bible completely. That's it.
2FollowHim replies on May 30, 2019:
@Gerri4321 That's the big slap in the face, the magic, pulling the wool. As hard as things can be, I find I can only trust Jesus. All else fails at some point. And trusting in tough times is a challenge, bigger than I knew. The bible indicates things will get worse. Well, that lines up!!
Does being bullied change a person?
Varga comments on May 29, 2019:
Does any “traumatic“ I hate using that word these days, instigate change? Absolutely it does and most people will have experienced bullying in some form or another by the time they’re 10 years old and probably earlier. It changed me at 11. That was a very long time ago.... but I did defeat the...
2FollowHim replies on May 29, 2019:
What did you do? Mothers told me in Mexico that bullying was rampant in schools.
This is a Texas bill to stop vaccinations until proper safety testing has been done.
dmatic comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Finally, some sanity!
2FollowHim replies on May 13, 2019:
@RichardPD Read @ James below you. It's way more complicated, and just how far is it AIR born? 20 miles? Generally, our own body mounts a defence, so we get our own. If you live around a LOT of rather sickly ppl, sure. You don't know what's in the cocktail. Or if they got the right dose, or formula. You sure place big trust in very fallible people.
Why doesn't Maxime Bernier spend more time with the French?
Martin7777777 comments on May 12, 2019:
I agree he should start planting seeds in th eastern provinces,baby steps,and feelers would be great,,, and maybe the Media is making sure we're in the stone age (Quebec)
2FollowHim replies on May 13, 2019:
Oops, yes, forgot that. But going to things, speaking on behalf of struggling people, would help.
This is the conversation that was the first that made me think it was time to concider a group for ...
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
Toxic garbage, wish to fault find. I usually try to outline to them the good, the bad and the ugly!! I've been on yahoo answers for many years, tough area. Very insulting at times. I surely reply, but hope I pray first so I'm not just a knee jerk reaction. When I was in Puerto Vallarta, some ...
2FollowHim replies on May 12, 2019:
@Gerri4321 I posted a question on your article on verbal abuse...good one, on yahoo answers? Link Likely some good stuff will result.
This is the conversation that was the first that made me think it was time to concider a group for ...
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
Toxic garbage, wish to fault find. I usually try to outline to them the good, the bad and the ugly!! I've been on yahoo answers for many years, tough area. Very insulting at times. I surely reply, but hope I pray first so I'm not just a knee jerk reaction. When I was in Puerto Vallarta, some ...
2FollowHim replies on May 12, 2019:
@Gerri4321 I know I have a weakness, not sure if it's false hope? or ' Sorry for', and I still have it. Haven't REPENTED yet, painful process. But works. Thanks
Does being bullied change a person?
Martin7777777 comments on May 12, 2019:
It definitely does,,i was on both sides,,i was bullied when i was about 8-to 13yrs old, until i had an amazing growth spurt in one year,and i started doing the bullying myself,, until i realized that being bullied,combined with my earlier life,, it's probably a "sickness",, I'm not sure how to ...
2FollowHim replies on May 12, 2019:
Not joking when I say you should write a book or blog, ebook. There is NO replacement for direct experience. Or big brother, mentor. I understand it's definitely there in schools.
What do you think Maxime's goal should be?
Martin7777777 comments on May 11, 2019:
I believe he should start by simply get the word out that, he's created a new party,,im in Quebec,not 1 in 40 here knows about him or his Party,,,and he's from Quebec
2FollowHim replies on May 12, 2019:
That's truly amazing!! Yes, I think he should mingle in Quebec too. No matter what the view of Putin is, he mingles, seems to enjoy himself, sings, plays piano, many Russians live him. If Maxime went, spoke, I think it would work! And...cheaper!! At home. He is French, so speak to his own. I'm glad you pointed this out! I will pray somehow the lightbulb goes on!!
I encountered this guy on FB.
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
The Holocaust has to be about #1 money making scam of the ladt, and THIS century. Immediate label flies up, ANTISEMITE, so I preface that I'm ANTI semites that lie. Get that out of the way. I'm convinced the human mind is not logical or critical thinking. Emotions seem to run things.
2FollowHim replies on May 12, 2019:
@Gerri4321 But countering it? I haven't been able to do it?
This is the conversation that was the first that made me think it was time to concider a group for ...
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
Toxic garbage, wish to fault find. I usually try to outline to them the good, the bad and the ugly!! I've been on yahoo answers for many years, tough area. Very insulting at times. I surely reply, but hope I pray first so I'm not just a knee jerk reaction. When I was in Puerto Vallarta, some ...
2FollowHim replies on May 12, 2019:
@Gerri4321 For years!!..YEARS! I was a victim to a type of 'god' or vampire. A lot like the cuckoo bird, got us to do stuff. I felt I was helping! And I WAS, at utter cost to myself. There was a movie? I think a movie? I'm dancing as fast as I can, sad story, if I recall? Ruined her life in dancing competitions. It was like that. I have a weakness. This one exploited it, and it was deadlier than that, too. This person senses your area of weakness, I think, going for 'blood'. I believe we all have weaknesses, holes, if you will. If you have any belief? I'd pray FOR him. As Jesus said. I pray for this other person that he finds a way out of this awful way. I don't believe he wants that. This person tormenting you seems to need to be right. If he is right, I'd acknowledge this, give him points. Clashing and bashing will just hurt you. And he's an expert, you're not. Nor would you want to be. I'll pray for you to deal with this. Love, peace where possible!!
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
How do you stay...out of it?
2FollowHim replies on May 11, 2019:
@Gerri4321 Seems more common in Hindu(some), and Muslim. They have so many kids, they turn to using/abusing them. And incest is rampant. No quality of life there at all. Often kids are tricked, very often, sold into prostitution. Better not to be born than suffer misery, abuse daily. I know that would be my wish. Ever wonder how US gets cheap stuff? Slavery.
2FollowHim comments on May 11, 2019:
How do you stay...out of it?
2FollowHim replies on May 11, 2019:
@Gerri4321 And it can be anyone, anywhere. Very hard to deal with.
Is Christ an alpha male archetype?
MADcHATTER comments on May 6, 2019:
And yet in the Commandments it says Honor thy Father and thy mother. This commandment had no loopholes. It does not say in Gods law only...this was inferred later. Rule Changes. In Deuteronomy 21:18 - 21 - it calls for parents to put their son to death by stoning if he is disobedient to the voice of...
2FollowHim replies on May 10, 2019:
Hi, what I LOVE about idw is ability to reason together. No bashing. You see it, I see it, we...can..share? Possible? @MADcHATTER? And yet in the Commandments it says Honor thy Father and thy mother. This commandment had no loopholes. It does not say in Gods law only...this was inferred later. Rule Changes. In Deuteronomy 21:18 - 21 - it calls for parents to put their son to death by stoning if he is disobedient to the voice of his parents. Bring him before the elders of the city that he may be stoned and die. No reclamation or forgiveness...death! Children were considered property, not people. Hence a man could rape a girl and, if caught, had only to pay the father 50 silver sheckles and she had to become his wife. Fair enough right? And in Matthew 10:34 - 37 jesus says "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." (Narcissist much?) So much for reclaiming the Lost Sheep of Israel! These contradictions and then the parable of the Prodigal Son all seem to be at odds with each other when it comes to transgression and forgiveness. Hardly a "Compassionate" attitude in my book. Seems closer to bi-polar disorder on a pendulum. First, there's 2 things going on: OLD TESTAMENT...JEWS?, 3,500 YEARS ago? A GROUP? A group constantly attacked...we need to recall God here? Jesus would come through this line? And we want not to forget the Christian belief that evil, aka satan exists and certainly would be suspicious? He'd want to destroy them, wouldn't he? So, OT. It can be shown that Jesus, or Yehoshua (Hebrew) is God, aka PART of God. So, Mt. 10, this is certainly not physical, is it. I want you please to think about Jewish society, or Muslim today? Not much has changed. Do you know what happens to a Muslim who becomes Christian? Know how that 'loving' family react? Kill them!! Same thing with Jews? Jesus is explaining that no Jew would manage to follow Him(God) unless He severed the connection? And it's NOT a loving connection! It's bondage. We had FIRST hand experience with ppl who put FAMILY first. New Christians? Thought we'd visit our new family out of town. Nope!! Everyone BUSY with family, no time for new Christians. It's a miracle we remained Christian. One of the COLDEST Chrismasses I remember. But we stayed with the bible. Those wanted to watch Christmas sports. Somehow they knew we'd want to discuss scripture. How? I'll stop here. Very big ...
Could those who believe in prayer please pray for Andrew Leslie, who is being persecuted now by the ...
Cariboome comments on May 4, 2019:
It seems to be the norm for this political party.
2FollowHim replies on May 5, 2019:
You do remember PT? James Cross? This man may be, MAY BE savvy enough to be protected. And maybe getting exposure might mean protected. MIGHT.
Reaction to Andrew Scheer
Cariboome comments on May 4, 2019:
I think any conservative leader will be better then the P.M. we have in office now. We need to put a stop to the destruction and fighting in Western Canada. We also need to get a handle on the mass refugee door that Trudeau kicked wide open. Then get rid of this carbon tax.
2FollowHim replies on May 4, 2019:
All true.
Reaction to Andrew Scheer
PrairieChicken comments on May 4, 2019:
I think he'll be ok. I was disappointed that he seemed weak for a long time, but the SNC scandal has strengthened him. As a Saskatchewan kid and family man, I think he will be about as honest as any politician can be. He has a good team behind him--Raitt, O'Toole, Remple, Bergen, and others. I ...
2FollowHim replies on May 4, 2019:
Yes, he did.
Reaction to Andrew Scheer
pbuck0145 comments on May 4, 2019:
A minority CPC government would be better than a majority of any party. "Majority" governments tend to morph into prime ministerial dictatorships.
2FollowHim replies on May 4, 2019:
Actually that's my prayer I make, watch for. Each would be held in check. A.S. would be fine if not in control. My view. M.B. to me is the only politician there. Not sure about Singh, seems like GQ model, better dressed than JT.
Personally I do not have much faith with the conservatives with smiling Jack at the helm .
2FollowHim comments on May 2, 2019:
Still, we need to vote who we want, but that's bad news.
2FollowHim replies on May 4, 2019:
@Hiker I do not wish to describe my reaction to AS...but that's the start of the word I feel. I like him all right, but think he may be just as mental as JT? I like Pierre Pollitier, why wasn't he chosen?
Oops, the NEWS UPDATE.
pbuck0145 comments on May 3, 2019:
Why not simply edit your post to correct the typo?
2FollowHim replies on May 4, 2019:
Don't know how? Dinosaur? WOULD be good!!
Personally I do not have much faith with the conservatives with smiling Jack at the helm .
2FollowHim comments on May 2, 2019:
Still, we need to vote who we want, but that's bad news.
2FollowHim replies on May 3, 2019:
@Hiker too hard?
Electric cars
Sheryl_Jean comments on May 3, 2019:
What do you think?
2FollowHim replies on May 3, 2019:
Not sure of results TO environment? Is it just too expensive? So ruin the environment bcuz it's cheaper?
Hi. I've learned so much bad news here, I wondered how to stay clear of getting dragged down?
CodeBuster comments on May 1, 2019:
There's definitely enough craziness going on around us that you can get overwhelmed, depressed, and just plain angry. I hit a point in the '90s where it just seemed like too much, so I in a sense took a break from the world. The insanity goes on whether or not you're paying attention to it, so other...
2FollowHim replies on May 2, 2019:
Key words, get out, regulate. Sadly I'm NOT near woods, just parks that show great attacks on trees! This stresses me, seeing nature suffer, so don't go.
How does Maxime Bernier come across to Canadians, as you see it?
Martin7777777 comments on May 1, 2019:
What Maxime Bernier comes across to me living in Quebec,,is that nobody here wants to hear what he stands for. People here are really indoctrinated,and we have a matriarchal reign, and they decide how the votes will be decided. People of Quebec usually vote for likeability, not ideas,and platforms ...
2FollowHim replies on May 2, 2019:
Yes, I think I saw that too
Lets get this party started! Have you read the PPC policy yet?
MarSza comments on Apr 30, 2019:
This is the People's Party of Canada's Platform for the October 2019 general election. It will be gradually unveiled over the coming weeks.
2FollowHim replies on May 1, 2019:
With GREAT respect, bcuz I so like, respect MB, but feel he's eclipsed by even the drama sub. Which is ridiculous. To me, AS comes across like an explosive buffoon who ALSO gets attention. The balanced MB seems pushed back. I was hoping maybe Faith Goldy would join.
This is a Texas bill to stop vaccinations until proper safety testing has been done.
dmatic comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Finally, some sanity!
2FollowHim replies on Apr 30, 2019:
@RichardPD I don't think anything magically occurs? WHY does any baby ever GET measles? Isn't this, guessing, from nearby kids going to school? So naturally, school will be the source. Likely schools where hygiene is better, diet is better, won't get it. A baby with a strong immune system won't have big problems.
Time to quit having babies.
Kristen comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Why do you say that? Because...?
2FollowHim replies on Apr 29, 2019:
People will have less and less authority over their own. If you look on Youtube, videos show this. VACCINATE Babies? You'll eventually have no choice, and that's just one area. The world is increasingly dangerous. Maybe vest not to know, but it's just an unsafe place. This shows a new baby so you won't be concerned about school for some time. Good!! School is a bad place. One example is bullies. If your very OWN are not under your authority? Why supply society under their terms? Agreed?
What do you think of Stefan Molyneux's video saying JA will likely get the death penalty?
FaithJones comments on Apr 27, 2019:
The UK and also Sweden will not extradite anyone to another country if they face the death penalty there. The crime the US has so far requested his extradition for is computer hacking. The UK and Sweden will seek a legal guarantee from the US that no additional charges will be added after ...
2FollowHim replies on Apr 28, 2019:
Thank you. That's good news, sort of. With Hillary, Obama free to ..whatever.
What do you think of Joe Biden running for President in 2020?
Sarge45 comments on Apr 27, 2019:
It's a hoot...more the many on the Dems list...will be to confusing for those voter's.. Don't care to have someone that CREEPY in our country White House
2FollowHim replies on Apr 27, 2019:
@MLACANA a PLAN from the man
What do you think of Joe Biden running for President in 2020?
timon_phocas comments on Apr 27, 2019:
On one hand, he has a reputation as a moderate. That might help in the general election. And he takes care to portray a working-man personna. That might help in the general election. He has run twice before and never placed highly. In two of his three runs he has been undercut by leaks from ...
2FollowHim replies on Apr 27, 2019:
Actually, I hope so.
Have the thought police taken over Canada, and how soon before they come for Jordan?
tigercake comments on Apr 26, 2019:
I would like to see them go after jordan with the buffons of the human rights tribunal. That should be interesting. If someone can show how biaised they are, it is jordan.
2FollowHim replies on Apr 26, 2019:
I think they're too crooked. Hold the cards. Wouldn't be listening AT ALL. I sure wish I could feel more positive!!
How much of the view on Putin is correct, and how much is propaganda?
timon_phocas comments on Apr 24, 2019: This is an episode of Strategy Talk discussing Putin and Russia. Jim Dunnigan is a former nuclear weapons officer, an investment banker and analyst. Back in the middle 70s he wrote a study for the CIA saying the Soviet ...
2FollowHim replies on Apr 24, 2019:
Sounds good, thanks
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