Would you say Joe Biden is pro American, that he wants to help US?
Miner comments on Oct 22, 2020:
“Quid Pro Quo” Joe Biden keeps saying I'm going to bring you back to normal. What was normal? Normal was a declining Mid-West. Normal was a declining Middle America for 30 years while Silicon Valley got rich, while Wall St. got rich, while the Chinese Communist Party got rich.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 22, 2020:
Fair enough. Corrupt.
Do you think enough Americans care what Joe Biden did with China?
Lightman comments on Oct 22, 2020:
I don't think the people know about the bribery and corruption and nepotism he seems to be directly involved in at all.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 22, 2020:
Someone told me the media, Facebook, Twitter block it, label it as 'cruel. I heard, people know, Zuckerberg owns Facebook, but who owns Twitter, I guess I'll need to look, but so much other stuff to do? Then, media. Media are groups of people. Are all these pro Chinese? US has no idea the danger they're in. Trump has problems, easy to see. But he's pro American.
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (1984) - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Amazing story he had, his life always in great danger. I heard this years ago, very true. I think he lived in Toronto? But who heeds? Not enough.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 22, 2020:
@guru They never wanted him.
TRUMP won in 2016 because of "Latent Americanism" IT will happen again especially as most incumbents...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 21, 2020:
I think it's due to what was learned about Obama, concerns about Hillary(Benghazi etc) and especially no better candidate. I see this often. No choice really, or forced choice. We're STEERED into THAT gate. I put this question up, WHY, when USA has SO MANY talented, brilliant people, there's no...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@johnlondon I think that's ok, since we have needs, if ALSO there's more than that.
TRUMP won in 2016 because of "Latent Americanism" IT will happen again especially as most incumbents...
Grandoodle comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Unfortunately history often shows us that politics usually draws people who mostly seek money or power over those who just want to serve others and better society. Near the end of the Roman republic the wise Cicero once warned that politicians, himself included, were not born but craped. Not much ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 21, 2020:
I believe people need leadership and politicians provide it. Some DO want to better things. Some might START that way. But those others effect nothing. They help some, which may or usually don't last. I believe effectiveness is politics. Or damage. Once the people decide 'too much damage, they often rise up. Not enough excellent people run to help their people. Those are around. They need chutzpah. Well, President Trump does have that, anyway. A good thing when viewing Communist China, Russia, likely others. I don't know how President Trump does it all.
TRUMP won in 2016 because of "Latent Americanism" IT will happen again especially as most incumbents...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 21, 2020:
I think it's due to what was learned about Obama, concerns about Hillary(Benghazi etc) and especially no better candidate. I see this often. No choice really, or forced choice. We're STEERED into THAT gate. I put this question up, WHY, when USA has SO MANY talented, brilliant people, there's no...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@Hanno I believe they pay for that self serving attitude. If they could do better, TRY, but definitely delegate and let them do it, with input. This attitude that just ZONE person does it, is badly flawed.
Ok so i figure this is probably the beat place to ask this and get a real answer.
Lightman comments on Oct 20, 2020:
You are voting for him to deliver on policies, It aint a popularity contest. at least it shouldn't be. So far he's delivered... if only the Democrats would get out of the way and give him a fair go and stop wasting everyones time because they lost the last election
2FollowHim replies on Oct 20, 2020:
You should be a professor, are you? Your logic, succintness is stunning. Exactly. You're voting to GET A JOB done, not find a date mate.
What kind of cruel, crazy world do we live in?
MikeHunt comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Well, let's post guesses on complection
2FollowHim replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@MikeHunt what does this kind of activity make you feel, think? Great? A new day? Or, what crazy might I meet? Or, should I even GO OUT to fix the lawnmower? Did you read the situation? Pretty sad.
Are you all paid shills or something ?
2FollowHim comments on Oct 20, 2020:
It's Joe saying he wasn't involved in Ukraine. What hogwash. Like Obama not know about what Hillary was doing. More hogwash. Joe has very serious ties to China, and anyone CHINA endorses should be avoided. Anyone China HATES has a chance. What EXACTLY has Joe done in his dossier to help ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@Mikewee777 More faults than US, in your view? They'd definitely be FAKED for Joe but not for Trump. I think many Americans want to escape TO Canada but they're prevented. Not following A leader, Trump, or Putin must ONLY do the one. I find you wish to ATTACK? I wouldn't claim you had less hypocrisy! It's a human failing, not by country. Actually, I found Canadians more honest, but certainly not the government than US who I often found boastful, puffed out. I simply asked if your own mother ONLY votes Trump bcuz she's ordered to? Thus no mind of her own? I further said MANY people in BOTH countries do just that. Then I re asked WHY EVER you'd vote for someone who's done nothing? And who's being shown to be a liar regarding Hunter. OF COURSE he'd know. Papa KNOWS. Logic. He further is well liked, approved of by COMMUNIST CHINA. Bad move. If COMMUNIST CHINA hates you, then YOU may be an excellent American. Kind of reverse psychology. Thank about it.
Thousands of doctors declare lockdown harmful to public health, call for immediate reopening of U.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Absolutely correct. It's INHUMANE. We've all heard the misery of 'solitary confinement', how it actually messes with people's ability to think rationally. How is this any different? Isn't it CRUEL? Add FEAR, of many things, not having a MASK on! Forgetting to SOCIAL DISTANCE. Considering ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@eschatologyguy They tested them, yeah, it's pretend because keeps out nothing. I would love PROOF, SCIENCE. But you also gotta feel good too!
Thousands of doctors declare lockdown harmful to public health, call for immediate reopening of U.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Absolutely correct. It's INHUMANE. We've all heard the misery of 'solitary confinement', how it actually messes with people's ability to think rationally. How is this any different? Isn't it CRUEL? Add FEAR, of many things, not having a MASK on! Forgetting to SOCIAL DISTANCE. Considering ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@eschatologyguy A MASK recycles your waste air. We've breathed in, used what we needed, expelled the rest. We would never recycle any other waste back into our bodies, this is also our cast off. As usual, the air cleans it up, rather like the ocean. It's unscientific. In 2013-2016, many experiments proved MASKS did not prevent infection. As they said, it's pretend, fantasy.
rigging election in Canada and around the world
2FollowHim comments on Oct 19, 2020:
She's been playing RUSSIAN roulette for years. Putin is way smarter, WAY smarter. That ANYBODY gives her the time of day boggles. Rigging is 'de rigeur '.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@Bay0Wulf I wonder if inside herself, DEEP, she sees herself as...the lower she is?
The vid is about 10 minutes.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Oops, sorry, I'm a conspiracy theorist, FE, dome, and amazingly, yet unacknowledged, more than one group of scientists set out to..once and for all, PROVE, that the earth was MOVING. That was what they set out to prove. All groups got the opposite, that, even though that's not what they wanted to...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@maxmaccc I came gradually in a gradual awakening to tend to question what MSM, the world taught Found conspiracy theorists more careful, GENERALLY, painstaking...they had to PROVE it?-- The worldly postulate was blindly accepted. Always CONNECTED the dots. Nothing was as it SEEMED. Looked into 'Copernicus' beliefs, he was alchemist, occultism AND Christian (he claimed), so that seemed to lead wrongly. And on it went. Lot of lies.
The vid is about 10 minutes.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Oops, sorry, I'm a conspiracy theorist, FE, dome, and amazingly, yet unacknowledged, more than one group of scientists set out to..once and for all, PROVE, that the earth was MOVING. That was what they set out to prove. All groups got the opposite, that, even though that's not what they wanted to...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@maxmaccc There are 4 very long rivers?, maybe longest in the world that flow from south to north. Using laser beam over many miles, seeing the buildings, basic. Then, given the mad speeds, stars should fly around like crazy. But it's a mind set.
The vid is about 10 minutes.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Re God. I was raised in a setting GUARANTEED to turn anyone against the Bible, did just that. Went secular, education, science. But never evolution. Many reasons. #1?...forced. Or EVERYBODY does it, or EVERYBODY knows it. Thus, I am stupid *** who should quit breathing. Always ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@iThink No, they're not but for my organizing, I don't mix them. At least until I know the science. FE was a good example. I actually didn't know the bible taught it? Then, homosexuality, came to it via physiology, science. Otherwise, just sounds like 'hate speech).
What do you think of these 'rules' for schools?
Naomi comments on Oct 17, 2020:
A bit propagandic.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 17, 2020:
How so? I saw it eliminated it, kept education TO education. One reason to go. How propagandic then? Isn't it the other stuff that pushes propaganda? Let's get RID of it. Muslims go for education, PERIOD. Christians go for education, PERIOD. No after school non educational groups. I'd go.
What do you think of these 'rules' for schools?
guru comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Everything would change for the better.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 17, 2020:
Yes, way easier, education just about education, no more.
Funny and - well, true
2FollowHim comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Why does NONE of this BOTHER the left? Is it just 'hate Trump, ANYONE else's, or are they specifically FOR the Biden, Obama group, do you think? Do they want to also see US FAIL? Which it will? You saw the Joe/Hunter scam in Ukraine? That's Biden's claim to fame? Notoriety? Do Americans love...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 17, 2020:
@REN777 With respect to President Bush, but he was someone who did nothing in his previous time. I don't really think much mattered to him. Very powerful family put him in as I understand it. Even though I'm not pro Obama or Clinton, they had style. I wonder if only those types do?
Funny and - well, true
2FollowHim comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Why does NONE of this BOTHER the left? Is it just 'hate Trump, ANYONE else's, or are they specifically FOR the Biden, Obama group, do you think? Do they want to also see US FAIL? Which it will? You saw the Joe/Hunter scam in Ukraine? That's Biden's claim to fame? Notoriety? Do Americans love...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 17, 2020:
@Edgework No, I think Trump can do better with his social interaction since he brings so much on himself that wouldn't be as easy spoken ..differently. The barbarians ARE at the gate, and seem ...HELL BENT?? on destroying America one way or the other. Many politicians could be very firm...don't mess with this, yet insulted nobody. Trump, of course has a VERY warm, kind heart to many, so it's his enemies he needs to handle...differently. A QUIET answer. And, SOMETIMES I've actually seen it, was delighted But more of that deflects attacks. I think I understand you know mealy mouthed is useless. Vicious attacks just incites enemies. You can't placate, but you can buy time to answer powerfully.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Way better style. A better life. So many of us DON'T KNOW, no clue. I only use tablet, choice of mine. You have also to be somewhat adept with that, the mental capacity for it. I try, get some things.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@A1fredo I once two of the most beautiful girls...MATH. They were AGONIZING. I explained NOT everybody had a math brain, BUT I told them they had a BEAUTY BRAIN, and that they just do what they could, no worries. They looked at me with TEARS, and then TRIED HARDER. They seemed to GET IT, well, somewhat. We're different, and what you find pretty simple, I pull my hair out! Enjoy your abilities.
Is this legal? What can be done instead? Is it actionable? (Re Hunter Biden)
KanjaG comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Very very interring. Hmmmm.... Wanted to tweet this:
2FollowHim replies on Oct 16, 2020:
I think there's censorship, duh, or some kind 9f ship. Next time I'll summarize far more.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Way better style. A better life. So many of us DON'T KNOW, no clue. I only use tablet, choice of mine. You have also to be somewhat adept with that, the mental capacity for it. I try, get some things.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@A1fredo No, some find singing easy, others find math easy, yet others find, perish the thought...physics! easy. I was not raised on a computer diet, but rather music, philosophy. If you get it, great, and yes, if you gotta, wanna, yes. All our life together, we nicked and died, still have no hot water but boil it. No problem. I had this thing about 'low carbon footprints, not taking more bcuz people are suffering and I hate when others wanna rub my nose in their fortune. So I refuse to do it. We've had the same stuff for longer than you've been alive. I don't CARE. I do care about freedom, oh, to sleep, eat whenever. About peace, quiet. That's us. We know one size doesn't fit all. We're content.
War criminal []
wolfhnd comments on Oct 15, 2020:
When you are abandoned by both parents, raised in a Muslim country, are half black, educated by Marxists, married to a black bigot, have black family in Africa and white family in the Midwest, you may have some issues :-)
2FollowHim replies on Oct 15, 2020:
He was, looked willingly Muslim, although 'quasi'(Lolo was quasi), actually RAISED by tyranny nurse and Barry loved dressing as a woman for the prostitution he ran in(likely to earn his keep). Went to a Muslim country that then ONLY allowed Muslims to visit, after stint at Occidental College. Stayed a Year and a half! Then Chicago, broke, going to gay bars(he's gay, of course), found 'friends' in high places, got connected. He's so twisted, he wouldn't know. Great dancer, good for gay bars, even singer, and very political. I STRONGLY think he's adopted by Stanley. Her parents back in the 40's were communist, not accepted then, but fairly well off. There's GOOD reasons he never got DNA tested or allowed his info to be public. But VERY well liked, unlike Trump who DOES a LOT, is hated(and some of that is his impulsiveness.
Is this legal? What can be done instead? Is it actionable? (Re Hunter Biden)
guru comments on Oct 15, 2020:
This is what I get. www.theblaze’s server IP address could not be found.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 15, 2020:
I've been seeing this. I see I need to test my links, wouldn't have thought.
REN777 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
I think I may have Covid19. It's contagious. But so is the flu. I suspect those most hysterical over Covid buy lots of lottery tickets.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 15, 2020:
I read that it's important...don't laugh!, to breathe! See, you're laughing, ok. But they said this disease attacks breath. They said to practice lying on YOUR STOMACH so fluid couldn't collect in Lungs. There's stuff on youtube. And you may not have it either. Usual, water, broths. Get well soon.
Trump supporters can enjoy this synopsis.
guru comments on Oct 14, 2020:
This guy is Great.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 14, 2020:
I could watch again and again.
Trump supporters can enjoy this synopsis.
RubyFord comments on Oct 14, 2020:
I saw this. It’s amazing. I just voted early. In person. Trump 2020!!! Hard R ticket
2FollowHim replies on Oct 14, 2020:
Sure wish they'd hire him for the 'hood. I believe in the same people helping their own.
What's your view on Biden after his claim about Barrett nomination is constitutional?
eschatologyguy comments on Oct 13, 2020:
I truly suspect that that was a gaffe, that he wasn't supposed to say that.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 13, 2020:
If you see article, I missed the UN-Constitutional. So, if you see the article, it's clarified. On a tablet? Miss things sometimes,.
Ooooppppssss!!! The Left Is Sent Into A Panic After This Announcement From The World Health ...
Xtra comments on Oct 12, 2020:
The best thing we can do is dissolve the UN
2FollowHim replies on Oct 12, 2020:
You don't have that ability. Fantasy.
Rocco Galati: Your Rights to Decline Mandatory Covid Measures.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 11, 2020:
This government is like trying to hold an eel, and it seems it's set up. Is it ALL bought off, intimidated? Rocco HAS had much success. This is a worse level, though. They don't deal in facts at all, just ad hominem attacks. You remember Norman Traversy? I wonder how he is. He was very ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@warminster100 Update? I'm senior, no car, live QUIET life, PRAY ongoing. What city ? I'm a writer, putting things in scriptural terms. How Jesus led me.
Christians, theists in USA, to what degree do you think prayer SHOULD be made, IS FEING made re the...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Under the Constitution, our rights are protected, including religion. God uses all for good. And He hears the prayers of the Faithful. And God honors the free will of all humans, so He will not stop liars, cheaters, deceivers and frauds from winning on Earth. He asks us to trust in Him
2FollowHim replies on Oct 11, 2020:
Then why did people EVER pray? There are only seeming 'rights' which can be removed, eroded.
Christians, theists in USA, to what degree do you think prayer SHOULD be made, IS FEING made re the...
lawrenceblair comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Of course God answers peoples prayers so people should pray if they know the one to whom they are praying. Prayer is not manipulating God, it is a conversation with God. One thing I don't believe is that the prayer of a bunch of people who are praying for a specific purpose, a worldly purpose, a ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 11, 2020:
Sorry, post was too long to include this. Any bible reading Christian prays AGAINST wickedness, prays FOR righteousness. But does righteousness ALWAYS prevail WITHOUT much fervent prayer? It should be done person to person AS I SAID, prayer chains. I ALSO believe others can and DO pray: other religions. It's a time to work together to avert disaster. Maybe you're unaware of the 1 in 5 Americans out of money? And the amount of witchcraft going on? I see your post as a cop out for getting involved, a holier than thou, which needs repentance.
Philippians 4:5-7 "Let your moderation be known unto all men.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Doing the Greek word study on 'moderation', we get 1933 epieikḗs(an adjective, derived from 1909 /epí, "on, fitting" and eikos, "equitable, fair"; also see the noun-form, 1932 /epieíkeia, "equity-justice") – properly, equitable; "gentle" in the sense of truly fair by relaxing overly ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 11, 2020:
@eschatologyguy I like it. Biblehub is a gem where I don't even have to know Greek or Hebrew(I could check, but they do that, too!) So much thanks to all those who gave freely for us all. I think it's how we are to be PERCEIVED.
Who else finds it strange that in a huge, often very talented, successful country as the USA, all ...
DaveO276 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
When times are good, the people who would lead well don't want authority, and those who are worst suited to power take over... Over time it devolves to what you see today.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 10, 2020:
I think I see that. Is it kind of selfishness, or awareness of great cost personally? Yes, definitely hiding all that great, younger talent so desperately needed.
Why do Democrats still believe that Trump didn't denounce "White Supremacy"?
Mikewee777 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Trump spent so much of his presidency with sarcastic jokes that no one can take anything seriously from him anymore. It is why he keeps being called a clown. 🤡 Stop joking around, stop wearing faggot makeup and people will take you seriously. It really is that simple.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 10, 2020:
Yes, a few serious, but seemingly not too hard, I think, changes. I'll add REACTING, mostly viciously. Or, as you said, sarcastically, RUDELY. Of COURSE they DESERVE it, but the President has to rise above insults, abuse. BTW? Have you also noticed he's doing better, more patient? I have. But with such a high position, the damage is done. And in snowflakes like more extreme Dems, not only remains but escalates. In my view, he did so OTHER areas, but kind of CANCELED his good things with this stuff. He can wear whatever he needs, his business, but our business he's hurtful.
Who else finds it strange that in a huge, often very talented, successful country as the USA, all ...
jakuboj comments on Oct 9, 2020:
It takes a very special and tough leader to take on the Deep State corruption. Trump has proven to be the only one up to the task.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 9, 2020:
True, and Trump explains back in 1988 or something. He preferred someone ELSE do it, but saw it wasn't happening, his country. But I'd prefer 50ish, younger, represent that upcoming group. As you say, who?
If you were to describe Joe Biden's political stance, his past achievements etc.
DaveO276 comments on Oct 8, 2020:
He claims China is no threat, and there are allegations of him having questionable connections to CCP (as evidenced by some of his nicknames, like China Joe and Beijing Biden). I think his MO is political expediency rather than any coherent manifesto.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 8, 2020:
China said they want Biden.
If you were to describe Joe Biden's political stance, his past achievements etc.
govols comments on Oct 8, 2020:
I've been aware of Biden most of my grownup life and I can't come up with anything he's accomplished besides winning statewide elections and riding coattails.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 8, 2020:
So, nothing to warrant any election.
If you were to describe Joe Biden's political stance, his past achievements etc.
KeithThroop comments on Oct 8, 2020:
I think the best way to describe Joe Biden is simply as an opportunistic chameleon with no core values. He says and does whatever promotes his chances at political power and prestige, as well as financial gain, at the current moment. After watching him for at least the past 30 years, I have ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 8, 2020:
Mark Levin's latest YouTube videos show this. I'm told it's worse than Watergate. So nothing of note.
Critical race theory continuing to be taught despite Trump ban.
Lightman comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Good grief.... however this sort of thing has been going on for decades in the West.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@Krunoslav I think there's just too much to do.
If you were to describe Joe Biden's political stance, his past achievements etc.
Future4seen comments on Oct 7, 2020:
The question itself may be faulty. I truly believe Biden's stances on anything are irrelevant. He is a controlled puppet for the Dem elite who want him voted into office where they will control his actions. In answer to your question: I believe that anything that would come out of a Biden Admin ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 8, 2020:
Am I then to believe he hasn't proven himself?
I think the media considers anyone that hasn't planned to vote for Biden "undecided"...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Hasn't he been proven to be SENILE, mentally INCAPABLE? Isn't he MARXIST? A pedophile? And nobody cares? Are those things TRUE or false ?
2FollowHim replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@tracycoyle better than talk, accusation. Saw Joe doing these things, does ANYTHING matter, count? Sure seems to with Trump who isn't doing those things. Stuff then made up.
Is Covid-19 increasing what Ruudolf Steiner said(see below)?
alphasprout comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Rudolf Steiner has profound insights into the spiritual dimensions. His summary above would be the very reason why the Lord Jesus gave so many spiritual prescriptions and formulas to countermand these cruel inroads into His flock. The covid scare is clearly increasing the type of anxiety and ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 7, 2020:
It sounds like Trump did it, applied 'fear not, likely ENTITIES backed off. Since the world refuse the non material, it makes no MONEY!, many then are depressed, anxious, suicidal. They refuse the answer.
i hope this prick dies from the plaque before Trump's election
2FollowHim comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Who ran AGAINST Trudeau, 2016? Was that Harper or Scheer? I wasn't into politics then, but heard Harper was bad. So, wondering about choice? I think Trudeau portrayed something else then, didn't he? I still don't think nearly enough Canadians know what he's been doing. Some I know say, ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@1patriot Or more strongly renegotiate terms OR ELSE. I also think, maybe by and large that the East are lovers, but not sure about farming? There'd be reasons and what are they? BC has called an election.
Here is a view with evidence on what BLM goal really is! []
redheeler comments on Oct 7, 2020:
The hidden hand of the CCP is everywhere, under the guise of friendship, working for a peaceful world. They’ve infiltrated reasearch labs, universities, political parties, etc, with thousands of ‘spies’, all feeding information back to their handlers. Added to this, the CCP is actively ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 7, 2020:
Yes, very active. And this group are brave, too. Hidden hand. Always subversive!
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Isn't he Marxist. Pro Chinese, thus pro NWO, Communist ? Educate me here, thanks.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You err. I'm hearing NO FACTS, no evidence, and heard Joe was Marxist, made family money against USA with China, is pedophile. Saw these. You present NOTHING at all, then try to link Jesus...and views on Joe? Christianity is about Jesus, but this post mentions Christian AND Biden. I don't think they match, nor does Christian and Trump. Keep separate is my view. But still awaiting facts. Can you provide ANYTHING at all? Ir just try to say bcuz I am Christian who believes in Jesus as Salvation, then I can't hear about Joe? I'm having to GUESS at your inuendoes. Is that correct? Is Joe that bad?
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Isn't he Marxist. Pro Chinese, thus pro NWO, Communist ? Educate me here, thanks.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay We have the words CHRISTIAN, pro life, Biden and evangelicals, all strung together in one sentence. I'm putting CHRISTIAN into the MEANING which has nothing to do with Joe or pro life. If you can produce EVIDENCE that Joe is pro American, can be TRUSTED with young children, is economically and fiscally responsible, with a good plan that's workable, I'd be glad to hear it. I've no interest in Trump except he has done good economic things, and kept China out, or so it SEEMS. Do you watch 'Headlines with a voice' and Legalman? They produce some balance. I'm not sure Trump is as responsible for things, he may be more constrained. So, waiting attacks, just EVIDENCE. Looking forward to it, and maybe others, too.
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Isn't he Marxist. Pro Chinese, thus pro NWO, Communist ? Educate me here, thanks.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You refute with FACTS. You may have read that Communist China CHOOSES BIDEN. Is that like Saudi and Soros chose Hillary. You're doing the claiming, not me. But talk is just that. I shouldn't have to GUESS at what you're intimation. Give me facts, or don't claim nothing changes my mind. Also, I think it's established that he's pedo? 8r is all that TOUCHING little girls...just...sweet.
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
iThink comments on Oct 5, 2020:
glaring incongruity - pro life voting democrat - incongruity hell - its a glaring contradiction!
2FollowHim replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay, @iThink Christianity teaches 'love your enemy', is quiet on the worldly systems.
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
iThink comments on Oct 5, 2020:
glaring incongruity - pro life voting democrat - incongruity hell - its a glaring contradiction!
2FollowHim replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Ilike 'What's the matter'?
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
iThink comments on Oct 5, 2020:
glaring incongruity - pro life voting democrat - incongruity hell - its a glaring contradiction!
2FollowHim replies on Oct 6, 2020:
Maybe it's paganism? I always think certain of The Left need pro life, all those UNWANTED kids, runaways to supply pedophilia, Satanism or witchcraft rituals. You know those groups exist. Maybe that's how the left connects?
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Isn't he Marxist. Pro Chinese, thus pro NWO, Communist ? Educate me here, thanks.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay, @Grandoodle Yes, kind of a flag, a moniker backed by...I'm not sure, are you? I'm just NT, Jesus, Paul, Peter generally follower of teachings. You know, then I hear of Christian terrorists, an oxymoron if I ever heard one.
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Isn't he Marxist. Pro Chinese, thus pro NWO, Communist ? Educate me here, thanks.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay ,grammar...says FOR BIDEN, that's the 'he's in the title, and how many others are this mix?
Should the government decide who should run companies?
cRaZyTMG comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Can you be 15 years ahead when you are going backwards?
2FollowHim replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@Admin I see it from Christian perspective: California had so MUCH going for it; thus attacked the most, destroyed the most. The NT explains there ARE evil people whose purpose then is to destroy. Those for life get wearied, worn down by it all. Actually, only Jesus's counsel works. 'Love your enemies' We've done it, (on personal, small scale). Works. We actually helped heal our enemies, and over the years, turning around. Keeps us out of toxic emotions. Think of the fruit, WINE, etc!
Teenagers who tried to decapitate factory worker with samurai sword jailed for murder Robert ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2020:
China has lethal injection vehicles. Instant, painless. I see a need. Like all things, then there's 'mistakes', misuse but sometimes it's clear. Living freely in society is a privilege. None of us is at ALL safe anymore.
2FollowHim replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@MikeHunt They have 'euthanasia ' buses. People killed immediately. Maybe though, if healthy? Likely kept. What ugliness.
Isn't it beautiful how even the sound seems to be shaking when you close your eyes trying to fall ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Hi! Have you ever 'cared'? Honest question. Not meant to hurt, attack. I find it COSTS big time, caring. 8f someone knows I care ABOUT something, anything, I can be sabotaged for that. Some intuitive person can remove it if I don't do as they wish. Actually, someone 'caring' can be a ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@A1fredo Caring costs. With all the pressures, nobody much can care. So I don't expect it. And actually am better without it, nearly all the time. Liking has a big cost. Someone LIKES me. Now it's conditional, right? People do like me, and it would be better they were more neutral. Frees me up. I don't want the obligation. My watchword is, obviously, freedom!
2FollowHim comments on Oct 3, 2020:
It took me time to see this. But then I thought about how Singh was a CRIMINAL lawyer, we know what they do to get their money. Of course, get CRIMINALS off. Then I began to see the collusion, corruption. And I think FAR more got skimmed, scammed through HIDING exchanges through the virus. ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@1patriot Do you mean Singh?
Knowing this Chinese connection, what is your view of Joe Biden?
MosheBenIssac comments on Oct 1, 2020:
## If Biden wins you will wind up in this situation: Biden is senile and it is getting worse, that is obvious. Will Biden occupy the office in incompetence, do nothing, only being manipulated into action by woke staff/handlers? Will he just hand it over to Harris? Will we wind up with a real ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 1, 2020:
On TOP of that accuracy you've presented, seems there's MORE! Chinese connections and that's this. Allowing him to continue and as you say, many reasons is dangerous and unhealthy. That and other videos showed his close to illegal, if not illegal profiting re China. THAT also should be brought out.
"Turning a blind eye to evil, however, doesn't make it disappear.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I now believe opposite, didn't before but now I work on positive, spreading positive. If it turns out it's right on my path, my turf, kind of has my name on it, and can't avoid it, then yes, I'd begin speaking to someone who seemed capable of rational discussion. Who would hold them ...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 1, 2020:
If we CAN stop something evil, HELP, and it doesn't drag us down into a cesspool, OF course, then you're right for sure. So much evil, bad stuff, we must know.
Did NY Times break the law re Trumps Tax data? Looks that way. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
This is high comedy indeed. Talk about wanting it both ways! How childish! How immature, it ACTIONABLE? I don't know law well. This person is excellent. Do we EVER need him in Canada!
2FollowHim replies on Oct 1, 2020:
@jakuboj you make no sense. There's MSM, it's fake. Period. Explain or quit.
This from the "debate" showed up on my FB page: Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Are folks DEAF or don't care? Shouldn't he be disqualified for mental health issues? Of course, Hillary, oft referred to killary, of course SHE certainly killed no one, directly, will step in, or Michelle, Michael? Why does NOBODY know? Should they have DNA tests done in order to be president?...
2FollowHim replies on Oct 1, 2020:
@iThink I think I just saw Hillary Clinton. Guess all those rumors her dying, dead weren't accurate, huh. Yeah, it's who's next! Do THEY then skip DEBATES?
Did NY Times break the law re Trumps Tax data? Looks that way. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
This is high comedy indeed. Talk about wanting it both ways! How childish! How immature, it ACTIONABLE? I don't know law well. This person is excellent. Do we EVER need him in Canada!
2FollowHim replies on Sep 30, 2020:
@jakuboj Don't go onto other topics please. No, I have not done any of that. You have not done the research. And don't believe in what powers, big c9nglomerate money will do. People ARE dying for OTHER reasons. But you're brainwashed, belong to the real fake MSM. You're not alone. Refute the findings, go ahead. Then write me. Otherwise just talk. Wastes time.
Just my personal view but when everything is uncerta8n, EVERYTHING, lots of stress, just not the ...
KanjaG comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Fantastic post! Welcome to the group. Yes I agree on making the group more open and making others feel wecome! (Will definitely work on that.) My views on taking up a hobby: To be completely honest, I've been struggling with this a lot, I have been working from home so the last thing I'm able ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 30, 2020:
@KanjaG It is good to keep a diary, short, log book when you make advances, have a successful time.
Just my personal view but when everything is uncerta8n, EVERYTHING, lots of stress, just not the ...
KanjaG comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Fantastic post! Welcome to the group. Yes I agree on making the group more open and making others feel wecome! (Will definitely work on that.) My views on taking up a hobby: To be completely honest, I've been struggling with this a lot, I have been working from home so the last thing I'm able ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 30, 2020:
Something my age group never did enough of was brainstorming, working with other like minded people. Your group, I believe, need this, even mentoring, checking up ..nicely, of course. Too many went solo. MAYBE worked years ago, not now. Hmm, and it's NOT CHAT. Finish it, sign off. I believe your generation might show us all up. I hope so. You're our future.
Did NY Times break the law re Trumps Tax data? Looks that way. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
This is high comedy indeed. Talk about wanting it both ways! How childish! How immature, it ACTIONABLE? I don't know law well. This person is excellent. Do we EVER need him in Canada!
2FollowHim replies on Sep 30, 2020:
@iThink flexible. I think of looney tunes, 'foiled again. What's wrong with her? Bill Maher? I thought overall Trump done good. He has lousy advisors re virus, doesn't know any science. I hope he learns in time!
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
Krunoslav comments on Sep 29, 2020:
That makes no sense at all. Atheism is not a motive for murder. Its the absence of belief in deities and one might say supernatural as well. Nothing more and nothing less. If you are looking to attach atheism as such to murder, you are missing a motive that hides under a different term.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
It's called various names, 'the system', matrix, government. Did you READ the article? Yes, it makes sense. But NOT in a Judio-Christian, democratic society where you reap the theistic benefits. Once chkps are down, different. Look up China's killer buses.
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
pbuck0145 comments on Sep 29, 2020:
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
It's ignorance, THINKING you know, DON'T know. But it's gotta STAND UP or scrap it.
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
camerakid61 comments on Sep 29, 2020:
You won't find as many atheists killing people as early Christians did in the first and second centuries a.d.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
First of all, you most certainly WOULD if you took the time to READ. No comparison. Look up how man 'Christians ' are BE8NG killed often by ATHEIST regimes. Then, you've no idea WHAT a Christian is. They DON'T kill. They ARE KILLED.
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
JacksonNought comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Well first off, not a great start when you see: **Last edited 6 months ago by Liberaltears** - real impartial. However, the problem is that atheism is nothing more than a *lack* of belief in any god or gods. There is nothing else that links atheists together, no common ideology or viewpoints. It ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
Yes, I can. Atheism means EVOLUTION, not Creation, so just body parts. Liberaltears? Sorry, do you mean I didn't see a link? I never associated there. And no, don't ALWAYS reply. But I may, as I have here. The article is clear, links destruction to atheism. Which is logical.
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
pbuck0145 comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Communism, socialism and tyranny are to blame. Most Atheists promote liberty and individualism.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
In Communist China?
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
Hanno comments on Sep 28, 2020:
As was pointed out many times before... you are confusing non-belief with anti-religion. As a Christian you are anti-Islam, anti-Buddhism, anti-Hindoesm... the list goes on. Christians been killing these other religions for centuries, and visa versa. And what is worse, you believe these people ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
Christians DON'T KILL. Islam does. Hindu does. I can TELL YOU why I'd never follow those. Many reasons. You don't know Jesus or His teachings so don't talk about Christians KILLING. Christians GET killed BY those groups. Do you not know?
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
Crikey comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Stalin didn't believe in Santa Claus either. Does that mean that lack of belief in Santa Claus leads to mass slaughter? If it COULD be shown that losing one's belief in god leads some people to become monsters, then doesn't that make the case for a secular approach to morality? Because ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
He likely didn't believe in coronavirus also? Isn't it NOT believing, which is a construct that , I'd say COUPLED with false doctrine, false religion then could lead to a kind of bottomless pit? You sure have no understanding of what the BIBLE'S about. I did in the top of my classes, good, sound, agnostic teachings! So I'd sure NEVER follow what you put, truly crazy. But then, maybe you're possibly brainwashed yourself (I doubt you'd know), into an insanely SPINNING globe, denying ALL your senses, never measured, not verif8able. So THAT was ridiculous. This vast group know no up nor down, just MOVING, Going NOWHERE fast. That fits atheism well.
Why is it not known how many have been killed through atheism?
maxmaccc comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a God. There are varieties of atheists ranging from agnostic Atheist to anti theists. Some tyrannical leaders utilised religion by declaring themselves deities and are revered as living gods, the North Korean leadership for example. Putin has a close ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
I think it IS related bcuz atheism then leads to people being objects to enslave. No grand purpose. Good points though.
PHARAOH JESUS The Pharaohs were known as Shepherds. See the Crook for the Sheep?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The 3 magi from the EAST, brought those gifts to the young child. That very night, Mary and Joseph had to GO to Egypt. Those gifts would have paid for a LONG journey to Egypt, getting a place etc. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd, and 'The LORD is my shepherd, so Jesus is Lord. This is really the ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 29, 2020:
@Zteph We both think something's weird about virus, IF a virus? But then, since we DON'T think it's a virus(Dr. Kaufman showed to my satisfaction no viruses), so then what? Is 5G messing with SOME? I wondered if those waves could combine with pollution? You think possible?
PHARAOH JESUS The Pharaohs were known as Shepherds. See the Crook for the Sheep?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The 3 magi from the EAST, brought those gifts to the young child. That very night, Mary and Joseph had to GO to Egypt. Those gifts would have paid for a LONG journey to Egypt, getting a place etc. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd, and 'The LORD is my shepherd, so Jesus is Lord. This is really the ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@Zteph See if they've still got Admiral Byrd. What he says is quite beyond! Sounds just gorgeous. They don't keep these videos. Have you studied tides? I did a bit. Best seemed to be related to 'breathing' for ocean. Wish I had that one too. I would love to set up experiments to zoom Antarctica. Australia, S. America, various islands, compile, work together, try to keep open mind, hard but possible. I think it needs doing. People with equipment, zoom, small planes, try to compile.
PHARAOH JESUS The Pharaohs were known as Shepherds. See the Crook for the Sheep?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The 3 magi from the EAST, brought those gifts to the young child. That very night, Mary and Joseph had to GO to Egypt. Those gifts would have paid for a LONG journey to Egypt, getting a place etc. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd, and 'The LORD is my shepherd, so Jesus is Lord. This is really the ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@Zteph site can't be reached. You've heard the scientific studies showing it was stationary? Imagine, 4 lonest rivers going north. Then laser studies. Then, my own senses. Like you said, your body, trust it. They've never proven, one way or the other Antarctica. Seems easy to me. Zoom lenses all around, from 1000 feet up etc., etc. Show me what it is. Did you read what Admiral Byrd found?
PHARAOH JESUS The Pharaohs were known as Shepherds. See the Crook for the Sheep?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The 3 magi from the EAST, brought those gifts to the young child. That very night, Mary and Joseph had to GO to Egypt. Those gifts would have paid for a LONG journey to Egypt, getting a place etc. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd, and 'The LORD is my shepherd, so Jesus is Lord. This is really the ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 28, 2020:
@Zteph Have you looked at Dr. Andrew Kaufman? Does he EVER properly research it! I didn't know, but found out. Makes the whole Wuhan thing just weird. A lot of stuff, properly done is proven, eg, seems you don't 'transmit' it. I have suspicions but it involves multi billion dollar conglomerates. Are these wants useful/good or lust/bad? Like a smorgasbord, different lists for different folks. Last isn't good. Likely due to our unfulfilled needs, hurts etc. Have you ever looked at FE? Or, is that 'crazy to you? Either way, it's fine. I learned FE 7 years ago. Before, never thought about it. There's the best singer, FE man, or maybe FE guru. What talent, funny, accurate. Youtube took him down.
Did Trump drain the swamp?
Bay0Wulf comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Its hard to respond to anything by “Nancy Morgan Hart in Headlines...” when I can’t see it. “Did Trump Drain the Swamp?” Draining a Swamp is a good analogy for what Trump set out, and is trying, to do. Draining swamps take a lot of time (years) and help and determination. This ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 27, 2020:
Well put, reasoned. But I couldn't see how crooked Hillary stays free. Did she threaten Trump's family? Eg. Barron ? Then Julian Assanfe who I thought helped Trump win from all those email exposures of Hillary. But yes, extreme collusion. Please put 'Headlines with a voice youtube, let me know. She's based on a long dead heroine who triumphed over the Tories, the British. I think I found a pro left video, so she'd be a dem. Maybe. This is concealed, no comments allowed. Not good.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Have you looked at Dr. Kaufman, exosomes? Worth it. Changes the picture.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 27, 2020:
@1patriot Something ELSE is causing it. Viruses just aren't proven. You likely know the scams. I didn't used to believe 5G could be involved, now I think it's affecting things. But, and this is based on what I read about air pollutants? I read, being carbon compounds, they react. Many cities have polluted air, or maybe smoke from fires, all toxic. Add 5G. They say microwaves can be dangerous. 5G can be. Don't we think those multi billion dollar companies prefer it's considered a virus? Just look at the evidence presented. It's an excellent video, not boring or hard to watch. Wuhan had BOTH 5G and heavy toxic air. I don't believe our bodies are made for that. People don't SPREAD it, but big trouble if that's SAID. Always be suspicious when videos are taken down. Generally, not 100%. Why? Why can't WE decide? Somebody's afraid of something. We know they aren't all caring about us. Hope this makes a bit of sense. I was surprised when I learned 90% or something of the people getting sick in Italy were in care homes. I thought it was everybody. They leave stuff out. Dr. Kaufmann proved it was bad science in a long video he went over everything. These get TAKEN DOWN. It's like a RACE to see stuff before it vanishes. Gotta do research, don't trust me, see what you come up with.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Just a few comments. Sorry, not a movie watcher. I really don't know why the world population can't decline? Do better? Better training? What I've noticed with males is so often they just aren't ready for the responsibilities of having a baby. And I really think it's unfair to them, and ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 27, 2020:
@Naomi I think there must be TRUST, never FORCE. Force crushes the spirit, bows the head, a little bit gives up. Then aggressive feminists (not a pretty sight) appear. When women, OF COURSE, have counseling re whether to parent, or not, then it could be?, more m8ght want to be moms. Definitely moms need WAY more paid support so they can have a life. A baby can be scary to a young woman and her man.
PHARAOH JESUS The Pharaohs were known as Shepherds. See the Crook for the Sheep?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The 3 magi from the EAST, brought those gifts to the young child. That very night, Mary and Joseph had to GO to Egypt. Those gifts would have paid for a LONG journey to Egypt, getting a place etc. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd, and 'The LORD is my shepherd, so Jesus is Lord. This is really the ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 27, 2020:
@Zteph It might mean you follow MSM, or believe in masks bcuz it's done. Notice you said 'how it was CREATED'. That's correct. Appetites often know no boundaries. Many eventually develop big problems following their 'wants'. I equally think running to every guru for help, advice is not listening to your own requirements. It might mean you won't oppose vaccines yet knowing nothing about it. It might mean you flat out oppose the bible, knowing nothing useful. It might just mean not speaking up when things are wrong, being a victim, just living unto yourself. It doesn't work. Sometimes? For a while? But it's down that garden path. It's where it takes you. So, look back, see how it's going.
PHARAOH JESUS The Pharaohs were known as Shepherds. See the Crook for the Sheep?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The 3 magi from the EAST, brought those gifts to the young child. That very night, Mary and Joseph had to GO to Egypt. Those gifts would have paid for a LONG journey to Egypt, getting a place etc. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd, and 'The LORD is my shepherd, so Jesus is Lord. This is really the ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@Zteph Whoever is the greatest is the servant of all. That's who I follow. You follow the world, the opposite, and are slave of the world. If the Son of Man makes you FREE, you are free indeed. However, then those in the system, brainwashed become enemies. Like pro mask users, can't talk to them. The BIBLE talks about 'the God of this world, and all these groups are given power to suppress freedom, destroy.
Here is where atheism is talked about.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
To assert that there is no God is like saying you understand the Universe. I'm an engineer and I won't make that claim. And some physicists have proposed that our Universe is more like a thin film on the surface of a more substantive universe. I would not dare assert that there were no beings ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 26, 2020:
I just follow the NT which says Jesus, Yehoshua, made all things.
Is the left synonymous with all types of pedophilia?
BoxedFoxLLC comments on Sep 24, 2020:
2 important notes; 1. People hate MAPS and NOMAPS. The Left constantly rejects the idea that Pedophiles are part of the LGBT+ movement, and anyone who has been in a Lefty space would know this. 2. The Left hates the Clintons and that hatred only gets deeper the further left you go.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 25, 2020:
Aren't Clintons left themselves? I'm sorry, but are the left for LGBT+, I thought they were, so what's the difference whether pedophilia is included? I'm obviously out of the loop. And don't know MAPS. Just wondered if left=pro pedophilia, and if 9thers saw implications of that.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. []
Grandoodle comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I cuncure with Solopro below, some people don't want to go to Heaven like the people in the Satanist group here on Slug and others for whatever reason, and many people are ready to die when its time.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Zteph Earth has been amazing, fabulous, but you've seen surely getting destroyed fast, from many directions. We go through here first, according to my belief of bible, PUT(not told how that works) in appropriate situation for us all. When you read the big carefully, and I sure do(don't read much, but fine tooth it), there's satan and seems satan, being a god can put his seed here too. Big, vast thing, we're just shown how to live(tall order), and Who Jesus is (tall order). Have you studied water crystals ? Dr. Imoto ? To see some of how amazing it is here ?
Why do many Leftists fervently believe Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler?
Zteph comments on Jul 27, 2020:
LOVE YOURSELVES It's the right thing to do... Christianity is the enemy to humankind, stating that this species is "bad rubbish" and deserving to be thrown into the fire. It's tantamount to the Jews agreeing Hitler was right to throw them into incinerators. ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@Zteph That's for bible following Christians because marriage in Christianity is to be a UNION. Obviously this is rare, too much against it. Remember everyone gets this life, right! The next isn't yours anymore.
Why do many Leftists fervently believe Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler?
Zteph comments on Jul 27, 2020:
LOVE YOURSELVES It's the right thing to do... Christianity is the enemy to humankind, stating that this species is "bad rubbish" and deserving to be thrown into the fire. It's tantamount to the Jews agreeing Hitler was right to throw them into incinerators. ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@Zteph Let's try to not throw the BABY out with the bathwater. Bathwater's dirty, Christianity fixes. You COULD find loads of THOSE accounts if you'd lose your extreme fixation on failures, those who sought, and GOT worldly acclaim. It's about the Lord, Yehoshua in Hebrew who heals. We ARE certainly in a big mess, yes? Can't see it yet? Nancy Morgan hart has helpful videos. Pretty scary stuff seemingly coming down.
Why do many Leftists fervently believe Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler?
Zteph comments on Jul 27, 2020:
LOVE YOURSELVES It's the right thing to do... Christianity is the enemy to humankind, stating that this species is "bad rubbish" and deserving to be thrown into the fire. It's tantamount to the Jews agreeing Hitler was right to throw them into incinerators. ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2020:
Maybe if you knew what the bible taught you could remove your own wrong thinking. You've listened to people. I would never ever follow what you describe. Sounds like Allah, Muhammad. What I .love about Jesus is called truth, no lie, nothing hidden. Everything is hidden on this earth, but often in plain sight. So nobody can see it. So many Christians like myself have Jesus to thank for all types of Salvation. Sin is just a mess. See any messes lately?
Is the worship of God idol worship?
Grandoodle comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Yes the statue of Buddha is not the Buddha. My understanding is that Idols are man made physical images of diety or any number of material things and possessions or natural things too, maybe even people but the worship of God is not idolatry.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2020:
Yes, there is no statue of God, or accurate ones of Jesus or Peter, or John the Baptist. Yet much is said about Jesus and if drawn, we may follow Him.
Is the worship of God idol worship?
2FollowHim comments on Jul 27, 2020:
God is the power. We worship the power, righteousness, holiness.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@MrShittles Well, it wouldn't. But what's important is it does for me. And many others. You live in your own private world. How many do you understand, communicate with? It's how it GOES, or how we're LED, or NOT led. The bible is clear that fewer would believe. It says it's in the age of lawlessness. That's clear, getting clearer.
Sadistic Jews and the Tragic Death of Tsar Nicholas 2 – Brian Ruhe: Canada's Highest Speaker of ...
Flagherty comments on Sep 19, 2020:
The massive communist wave that washed through american politics, universities and media originated in Germany. Millions of jewish bolshevics fled Germany and established themselves in the surrounding nations, particularly the US, after failing to turn the country into a communist hellhole. ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2020:
Assuming you're not Nazi, not Antisemitic generally, but prefer facts, under that proviso, I saw indeed that the Jews had made a rather important treaty with China, in the ENVIRONMENT. Now, this was strange to me because China, I thought had no respect for the environment. When I also add in organ harvesting in both places, yes, I see possibly the Jews surpassing China. And question? China is infiltrating, threatening many countries. Do you know if they're doing any of this to Israel? Just curious, wondering, hadn't seen it?
What's your view on this?
saramarylop3z comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I read, presumably, this article but I thought it was satire.😂 (Is it?) Kind of concerning that I can't tell anymore.😅
2FollowHim replies on Sep 22, 2020:
Right you are! It's apparently scientific studies of languages. English spreads coronavirus. Due to prevalence of hard consonants? I really found German, Russian, Turkish, Greek, Slovakian HARSH but it seems only English speaking can HURL that coronavirus! So I guess they built it all up, others just take it? Likely take off with masks, forced vaccines.
Do we really need technology like this?
iThink comments on Sep 21, 2020:
**businesses are looking for new ways to keep people safe** substitute the word "compliant" for the word "safe" and it would be a truthful statement. "Companies" don't give a damn about employee safety where the disease is concerned. Those business people know full well that they MUST demonstrate...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 21, 2020:
Do you know WHY politicians enforce what is not scientifically proven? Especially since it hurts the wearer. We should NEVER recycle our own waste. What if several people wrote them? I think? I think it's FEAR, unable to control this. (They ARE unable but a good immune system and certain supplements do ). They may feel they lose control ?
Is the left synonymous with all types of pedophilia?
Jason421 comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Andrew Wilkow, spot on as per usual.
2FollowHim replies on Sep 21, 2020:
He was very reasonable, explained well. Very serious direction.
Please note the article about 'poisonous gas from vaccine plants.
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Is there independent confirmation?
2FollowHim replies on Sep 21, 2020:
This video. Maybe try online but China? Maybe TRY the city to see, but China shuts down everything. That's how they operate. If people travel from there, and it's HIGHLY INFECTIOUS, maybe act on it, see later?
Breaking Canadian news: both Erin O'Toole and Yves Blanchet test positive for Covid-19?
Chanel comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Oh well. Here is the throne speech Justin will deliver: We are all in the same boat and therefore more civil liberties will be stripped to fight this pandemic. And the Conservative response: We should all be scared and need more guns to shoot the virus. Oh and we will also strip you of ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 19, 2020:
So agree. You'd make a fine comedian. Sounds how it is. However, shoot me, but I like Erin O'Toole, think he cares, but you're right, proof? Where's that proof? I know I put it somewhere!
Breaking Canadian news: both Erin O'Toole and Yves Blanchet test positive for Covid-19?
Header comments on Sep 19, 2020:
But they can remotely be there! House has been doing this anyway!
2FollowHim replies on Sep 19, 2020:
Thanks, header, that's perfect.
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-09-19 THIS ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 19, 2020:
A very important, beautiful posting, so full of wisdom. Paul had no other main interests, so much zeal and also deadly attacks ongoing! The HEART, that center, that place from whence our essence flows. As you outlined, just WHERE is our heart? And this is an ongoing battle. Not allowing ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 19, 2020:
@warminster100 Before becoming Christian, I tried hard to 'get out. Remember Sartre's 'No exit? I was nihilist, was what I saw, experienced. I just didn't want to go to drugs. So really tried to 'exit' but I was (then, sadly) rescued, then later CALLED to the Lord who, over time, healed me. Sometimes I feel potential suicides actually SEE better than those in illusion, delusion. Once the Lord is central, we can see the LONG VIEW. We see our very BELIEVING on the Lord sheds great light. No, WE don't see it but others do. I'm so glad you made it, and MIRACULOUSLY! Let us pray for èach other sometimes for courage, and healing. Love in Jesus, Our Lord.
Interested in community thought? Will the economy be destroyed(sacrificed) due to Covid-19?
saramarylop3z comments on Sep 18, 2020:
I believe the lockdowns in retrospect may have been too extreme of a response. Yet, I do think it was beneficial initially and we did flatten the curve. I still stick by the lockdowns because I believe battles should be fought to win and not fought to play fair. However, the initial research ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 19, 2020:
Hardly useful to avoid coronavirus but lose the business, the home. Almost all got better. Other diseases sadly claim many also each year. Coronavirus is very serious but not many get it. Letting all those Chinese from Wuhan who were likely infected was deadly. Vietnam had good success because they IMMEDIATELY closed the borders to China!! Zap the source. I hear you though as they FEARED millions would die. That likely drove a lot of what happened. Fear blinds people. Personally, I don't think others should be able to control our lives. We have to know the price, decide. If a loved one is dying with virus, we are told WE might die. Definitely then we'd have to be tested, be quarant. But sometimes your family mean everything. I think it heartless.
Interested in community thought? Will the economy be destroyed(sacrificed) due to Covid-19?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Read the numbers. The World and the US economies have been set back decades. A terrible price has already been paid, and unless we all wake up and demand that our representatives - especially the governors reverse course immediately, the tailspin will continue until a World depression begins - ...
2FollowHim replies on Sep 19, 2020:
That's how I see it too. Exactly. I have a motto: keep economy healthy, teach citizens better health! Maybe just during coronavirus. Tell them the RISKS, eg. Too much sugar, no exercise, no fresh air. In Japan, years ago, communities set up fun activities for citizens especially elderly. Very successful, apparently they loved it, community spirit was strong. PAY THEM to participate. Or lower some cost, easy enough. A mask has been proven ineffective. Our country is ready for Communist takeover. Which puts them in perfect position to attack US.
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