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RedState: U.
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2021:
America never lost a war prior to 1920. American losses: Russian Civil War 1920 Communist revolution Nicaragua 1933 Sandinista revolution Chishima Islands 1945 Japanese island seized by Russia Eastern Europe 1945 Conquered by the Soviet Union China Civil War 1949 Communist revolution Tibet 1951 China seizes Tibet North Korea 1953 Communist revolution Suez canal 1956 Loss of the Suez canal Cuba 1958 Communist revolution Cuba 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion People's Rep Congo 1963 Communist revolution Ethiopia 1974 Communist revolution Vietnam 1975 Communist revolution Laos 1975 Communist revolution Cambodia 1975 Communist revolution Peru 1980 Communist revolution Lebanon 1984 Somalia 1995 Venezuela 1999 Communist revolution Iraq 2014 ISIS takes over most of Iraq Crimea 2014 Libya 2014 Libya fractures into civil war Afghanistan 2021 China seizes Afghanistan Hong Kong 2021 China subjugates Hong Kong Pacific Islands Ongoing China staals Pacific islands and creates new islands You have to fight for every domino. This should be in the military manual. No excuse for letting China have Afghanistan. America needs to understand that WW3 has been underway for decades, and that America is losing. China and Russia must be opposed worldwide. In WW2 we opposed Germany and Japan worldwide, to deny them fuel. WW2 was a fuel war. We won the war because we successfully blockaded Germany and Japan. A fuel blockade is game over. Losing wars is un-American.
Little Self Awareness…
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Maher is attacking the extreme left. It's fun saying "I told you so" to Democrats. It's fun pointing out Biden's flaws to Democrats.
Governor Newsom Unveils Plan To Get Millions Of Californians To Switch To Homeschooling ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2021:
@KeithThroop @bobbo666 If you like your teacher you should get to keep your teacher. If you don't like your teacher you should get to fire him. We need school choice and teacher choice. Bad teachers need to be expelled by market forces. At present, public teacher salaries are decided by dumb criteria such as teaching degrees and seniority. It bleeds money from taxpayers.
Governor Newsom Unveils Plan To Get Millions Of Californians To Switch To Homeschooling ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Yes, Newsom is an idiot, but homeschooling is what Republicans want. Defund all public schools. Illegal immigration is a means to create a market for public school teachers. All the teachers care about is having the government create a forced market for them.
Biden’s State Dept.
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia @Weltansicht @bobbo666 @iThink The U.S. government spends bigly money on supercomputer simulations to simulate old nuclear weapons, because we can't test them. A bomb starts with a spherical implosion of fissionable plutonium. At the center of the sphere is a neutron spark plug that gets the neutron chain reaction going. The spark plug consists of polonium-210, which emits alpha particles, and beryllium-9. When alpha particle hit beryllium-9 they occasionally knock loose a free neutron. Polonium-210 has a half life of 138 days and has to be replaced often. We have to continuously generate new polonium-210 in a nuclear breeder reactor.
"Travis and I talk about which martial arts weapons are the best based on my personal experience ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2021:
@Heresiarch @sqeptiq Klingon bat'leth Open carry
California continues to battle oil spillhttps://[]
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2021:
An ecosystem sees an oil spill as food. Bacteria will metabolize all the oil.
Biden calls on the FBI to investigate parents who object to the anti-White Critical Race Training.
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Garland labeled parents as violent without citing any examples. Democrats whine that Republicans rejected Garland for the supreme court. First, off, that's the privilege of Republicans. They owned the senate. That's how the balance of power works. Constitution yo! It turns out Garland is a radical partisan. Biden named Garland AG, which is way way way inappropriate for a supreme court candidate. Way far from neutral. Upon becoming AG, Garland weaponized the justice system to attack Republicans, and Garland's FBI does not monitor Antifa. Republicans were justified in rejecting Garland for the supreme court. Republicans own the moral high ground. Every time Democrats whine that Republicans rejected Garland for the supreme court, rebut that Garland turned out to be a hyperpartisan extremist. Democrats could have nominated someone neutral, and they failed to do so.
The Validity for Questioning the FDA & Big Pharma []
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Cigarette companies knew tobacco causes cancer early on and hid it. Facebook knew early on that social media is psychological harmful to kids hid it. Facebook deliberately hooks kids on social media, like hooking them on candy. Parents are appalled. Facebook made the job of parents got harder. Facebook's crime is greater than that of the tobacco companies. Facebook hurts kids. Big Pharma knows that the vaccines are unsafe and they hid it. Furthermore, they lobbied for laws to require people to take harmful vaccines. This is like tobacco companies passing laws requiring people to smoke. It's as evil as canceling in-person classes and forcing kids to interact with their fellow kids online.
After flirting with bankruptcy, Dollar Tree is rebranding itself Fiver Tree.
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2021:
By law, U.S. dollars are legal tender for all debts public and private. Bull! People will stop accepting dollars. In the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress issue an American currency that wasn't backed by anything, and nobody accepted it. People accepted only British gold and silver. To win, a nation must have a strong currency. Nations with weak currencies get conquered. Chinese merchandise is so lame that it's not even worthy of being stocked by Dollar Tree.
Just listened to Jim Moulan on Sky.
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2021:
In the show "Space Force", China has a killer satellite that disables U.S. satellites. China builds a military base on the moon and starts mining.
Anti-White News: "MIT Cancels Lecture On Exoplanets' Climates Over The Scientist's Lack Of Faith In ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2021:
If MIT places politics above science, then MIT ain't scientist!
German Electricity Producer Forced to Shut Down Power Plant After Running out of Coal Katabella ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2021:
If I were POTUS I would have ships all over the ocean with coal, ready to help allies. The value of coal is portability and as a foreign policy carrot. Learn to love coal and learn to love the bomb. Once upon a time, the Australian PM brandished a lump of coal in parliament and labeled those that are anti-coal as coalphobes. For halloween, I dressed as a coal miner, covered in coal dust. For smelting iron, using coal is much more energy efficient than by any other means. This is the value of coal. We will always need coal.
After flirting with bankruptcy, Dollar Tree is rebranding itself Fiver Tree.
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Democrats are in denial that inflation will happen. Dollar Tree was discussed on Fox The Five as an example of unignorable inflation. The meaning of "99 cent store" is that items cost either 0.99, 1.99, 2.99, etc.
Chants of F Joe Biden ERUPT All Over US At Sporting Events, People Are Rising Up Against ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Democrats are re-enacting the story of The Emperor's New Clothes.
HotAir: Chinese state media is increasing its bellicose threats against Taiwan.
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Coal is China's *only* source of energy (other than hydro, and hydro is maxed out). China might be in trouble.
TownHall: Lt.
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Lots of military people criticized Trump and Trump didn't put them in solitary confinement and destroy their careers. Republicans own the moral high ground. What Democrats did to Scheller is all by itself justification for voting against Democrats. Case closed. That's a Nazi move.
I Miss The Old Days…
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
In the 70s, leftists were rebels because they had no power. Today, leftists are pro-tyranny because they have power. It was always about power. The essence of conservatism is to limit power. This feeling is incomprehensible to leftists.
White People Are “Genetically Defective Descendants of Albino Mutants,” Says Black History Month...
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Asians are 4% Neanderthal, whites are 2%, and blacks are 0%. Neanderthals have larger brains than homo sapiens.
Still think this is about a virus???
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
The source of OSHA's power is political power, and they got this power by lobbying. It's undemocratic. OSHA feels that this gives them license to bully. Bull! OSHA people spend their time reading regulations. What a waste of time. Physicists spend their time studying physics. Time well spent. Physicists have no political power because they never lobbied for it. They were busy doing physics. Imagine if physicists lobbied for political power. When I was an undergrad duckling I worked in a physics lab, an X-ray crystallography lab. I operated an X-ray crystallography machine, which is a machine that generates bigly X-rays. We physicists know better how to ensure safety than OSHA does, yet OSHA arrogantly bosses around physicists. Jerks. And OSHA people know no physics. Destroy all regulations. Let the experts decide stuff. Let experts do their job in peace. Destroy all regulations and destroy all certification systems. Destroy the American Medical Association, The Bar, The American Psychiatric Association, OSHA, etc. Physics is cool because it doesn't need certification. Certification is for losers. A crutch to hide weakness. If you publish a great physics paper but you don't have a physics degree, physicists will treat you like a celebrity. Once upon a time, the physicist Leo Szilard (who invented the nuclear bomb) was ill of cancer. The doctors consulted their manuals and the manuals specified a radiation treatment for the cancer. Szilard said bull. Szilard did his own calculations and overruled the doctors. Szilard calculated his own radiation treatment. The doctors yielded to Szilard because Szilard is the God of Nuclear Physics. The doctors administered the radiation treatment that Szilard prescribed, and the cancer was destroyed. Szilard made a full recovery.
Three guesses which group of people are most affected: > The numbers are in, and the debate is ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Rather than defund the police, Have police funded by local money, not federal money. Have locals choose the police, not the feds. Or ditch the police alltogether and establish a local militia. America has a rich tradition of local militias. Local militias kicked England's ass. Minutemen!
Still think this is about a virus???
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
OSHA is bad news. Never let OSHA get involved. OSHA kills science parties. OSHA is a tribe of Nazis. They don't care about safety. They only care about bullying, and they bully. When Fermi built the first nuclear reactor underneath the U. Chicago football stadium, he didn't tell the administration what he was up to. It was the only way to get it done.
Three guesses which group of people are most affected: > The numbers are in, and the debate is ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay You're wrong. I made the plot, and the plot is decisive. Murders are focused in Democrat cities. The data is overwhelming. It's as solid as a mathematical theorem. Democrat cities have more murders and higher debt than Republican cities. Furthermore, Democrat states have higher debt and higher tax than Republican states. The plot is decisive. Republican turf is stronger than Democrat turf. Economically stronger. Safer. Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. Democrats have had total control of Chicago for decades. No excuse. This settles the cosmic question of Republican vs. Democrat. We tried it both ways. The experimental results are in, and Republicans win.
DailyMail: Fauci tries to cancel Christmas.
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Oh please Joe...Say yes []
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Rogan was U.S. Judo champion.
Twitter: 60 PLAAF aircraft violated Taiwanese ADIZ.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
If China attacks Taiwan, it should be possible for Taiwan to annihilate China without the help of the USA.
Twitter: 60 PLAAF aircraft violated Taiwanese ADIZ.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Taiwan needs deterrent. 10000 cruise missiles aimed at China. Other nations should also have cruise missiles aimed at China. It would be easy to destroy all of China's ports.
Twitter: 60 PLAAF aircraft violated Taiwanese ADIZ.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Taiwan has to shoot something down, otherwise China will increase the number of planes in each pass until there are enough for a Pearl Harbor style strike. China wants to normalize overflights. If I were POTUS I would hand out guns, tanks, combat helicopters, and hellfire missiles to Taiwanese citizens.
GatewayPundit: Bagram airbase lights turned back on.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
America makes this mistake over and over. You have to fight over every domino, or the evil empire takes it. Every time. China will kick out every Afghan from East Afghanistan and take it for themselves. China swamped the population of Tibet with incoming Chinese. Tibet is gone.
Deadline: SNL opening actually mocks Democrats.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
We need Conservative Night Live. Gutfeld is kicking the ass of Democrat comedians on late night.
Self defense is compulsory.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
If I were POTUS I would make tanks legal and I would sell the army's surplus tanks. There should be tanks in rural yards. I would also sell tanks to Canadians, Taiwanese, Hungarians, etc. America will fission and Democrats will invade Republican territory. There will be a land war in America. America should be giving military equipment to American citizens, not to terrorists. I would land American troops in Australia and hand out guns and tanks to Australians, and I would back an Australian rebellion against the Australian military and police. Liberate Australia! Then I would ask other nations if they would like to throw a liberation party. For the nukes in Idaho, Montana, N Dakota, S Dakota Wyoming, and Alaska, I would give the launch codes to the governors.
Mapping France's Global Military Presence [youtu.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
France ruled Vietnam tyrannically and the Vietnamese threw the French out.
National School Boards Association Begs Biden To Label Outraged Parents "Domestic Terrorists" and ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
The "National School Boards Association" is something that shouldn't exist. School policy should be decided locally. Democrats are acting like conquistadors. Like colonialists. Democrats are trying to colonize Republican territory. Parents won't back down. It's certain civil war.
The Federal Reserve Creates Money Out Of NOTHING, Fiat Currency Put The US On A Bad ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
There is a parable in the bible. A serf improves his land so that it doubles in output. The king then doubles the tax on the land. The serf can't pay and has to leave. Biden is introducing a tax on improvements that you make to your property. Biden will count the value of your property in dollars, which means that if inflation happens, you owe tax. Biden's tax is evil.
The proud spike []
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
The FBI doesn't investigate Antifa.
The Cargo Ship Crisis is Manufactured - Creating Supply Chain Nightmare - I found this useful more...
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
The goal is surely to crush small businesses. Supplies to big businesses are likely not delayed.
Majority Of Trump Voters Want Secession And 41% Of Biden Voters Agree, The Republic Is COLLAPSING - ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Secession favors Republicans. If Republican states secede, Democrat states will collapse into bankruptcy.
La Palma volcano blows open new venthttps://[]
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2021:
If the La Palma volcano detonates, most of La Palma slides into the ocean, and the tsunami will destroy every city on the Atlantic coast. Natural disasters:
Since dems know they are unelectable and GOP is completely useless, the dems seem to be going all in...
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2021:
@Krunoslav Think convertibility. You can convert energy to precious metal. The cost of platinum group elements is chiefly from the electricity used to extract them. The simplest example is using electricity to extract magnesium and potassium from seawater. You don't even need access to good ore. Seawater is everywhere. You can convert precious metal to dollars. This pillar will never fall, given the industrial importance of precious metals, and given that precious metals are immutable and rare. Dollars can be converted to crypto. There is always someone out there selling crypto. Anyone can create crypto. Crypto doesn't gain value until it gains social value. Energy -> Precious metal -> Dollars -> crypto The forward path is easy. The reverse path is hard. Catalysts allow you to get stuff done with less energy, hence precious metals can be converted to energy, in a limited sense. Another example is caesium, which makes mining more energy efficient. You can use energy to produce energy. Use energy to produce solar cells and then the solar cells produce energy. For converting crypto to other entities... ha ha ha! Crypto has no intrinsic value. The entire crypto market could collapse overnight. The chief intrinsic value of crypto is that it is stealthy and that it can be electronically transferred. Given that no other entity can do this, I predict that crypto will always have value. It's only a question of which crypto. There will be a crypto war, and it will be a social war. Different societies have different ways to score social credit. Therefore there will be orthogonal cryptos, each based on a different society. Energy is a natural resource that will always have value. Tap it. Social credit can potentially serve as a source of value, and humanity should find a way to tap it. Thus far, humanity has done a poor job. Read the mathematics that Bitcoin is based on. It's deep mathematics. Only deep mathematics can make crypto. The instant quantum computers become prime time, all crypto becomes worthless. For many investment vehicles, the foundation is not intrinsic. It's speculative. It's a given that the vehicle will rise and rise and rise, and then crash. The only question is when. The successful investor knows when to pull out. The plot shows that a nation's energy and wealth are tightly correlated. You can convert 1 billion dollars to rupees, but you can't convert the same value of rupees back to 1 billion dollars. Energy is supreme. A nation's goal should be to maximize energy. In physics, the fundamental conserved quantities are energy, momentum, angular momentum, electric charge, strong color charge, and weak force charge. In Einstein's equation of general relativity, the quantity that ...
Since dems know they are unelectable and GOP is completely useless, the dems seem to be going all in...
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2021:
@Krunoslav The question of precious metals is more abstract. It's elements. Why elements? Because they're immutable and because they are in limited supply. What matters is Y axis: Supply. $ value of the metal mined over the last year X axks: $/kg of the metal The sweet spot in the plot is the lower right corner. The closer to the corner, the more useful the metal is as an investment. Platinum group metals are in limited supply and they all jumped in value by a factor of 10 over the past 4 years. Something's going on. Someone is trying to corner the market. Somebody is looking ahead. It also matters how technologically useul an element is. Caesium jumped in price by a factor of 10 over the past 4 years. Caesium formate is the best drilling lubricant. The entire mining industry hinges on caesium. Drill baby drill! And bring the caesium! Platinum group metals are the best catalysts and hence will always have industrial value. Platinum group metals are a better investment than gold because they are more rare, and because they have better industrial value. Gold has industrial value, but there's so much of it that the industrial fraction is small. Most gold is in the form of gold bars or jewelry. That being said, there will always be a demand for jewelry, given that there will always be vain people. Thank Trump for pumping up the prestige of gold. Trump is the Midas president. Biden is the lead president. Harald Fairhair is a legendary king of Norway. Trump Goldhair is a legendary king of America. If Trump attends a Packers game, he doesn't need a cheesehead hat. Expanded discussion in Does anyone have opinions about what to invest in?
Since dems know they are unelectable and GOP is completely useless, the dems seem to be going all in...
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2021:
The government is already trying to pass a law requiring banks to report transactions >= 600 $. In the future they will surely lower this number to 0.01 $. The only currencies government can't control are crypto and precious metals. Precious metals can't be transferred electronically. The government is already trying to take away guns. In the future the government will try to take away precious metals. It's happened before, where the American government demanded that all citizens with gold surrender it.
Cenk Uygur Tweets He Could Beat Joe Rogan In A Fight Saying "I'd END Him" Proving TYT Is ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Rogan was the U.S. Judo champion.
NBC: Over Three Quarters of Venezuelans Live in 'Extreme Poverty.
jaymaron comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Biden installed the ecoterrorist Stone-Manning as director of the Bureau of Land Management. Most federally owned land is in Republican states. Powderkeg.
The FBI - a corrupt organization: From the Washington Times: > The FBI failed to support claims ...
jaymaron comments on Oct 1, 2021:
The FBI was established because states by themselves couldn't fight criminals. Criminals would simply flee to another state.
NBC: Over Three Quarters of Venezuelans Live in 'Extreme Poverty.
jaymaron comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Venezuela has infinite oil and water. The Orinoco river is twice the size of the Mississippi. There's no excuse for Venezuela not being a superpower. The world needs Venezuela's oil. If I were POTUS I would intervene in Venezuela and open up the natural resources. Venezuela should be cranking out oil, cattle, soy, and sugar cane.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
@tracycoyle @FrankZeleniuk @Garsco @Mechanic Colonel Jessup: A strong military saves lives. That's their job. Saving lives. Never forget that. Milley's military doesn't save lives. Milley's military leaves American lives behind. One of the last bastions of meritocracy is SEALs. Making the SEAL team is hard to do. SEALs save lives, and this is why. Democrats will destroy the standards of SEALs in the name of equity. SEALs will be crippled and unable to save lives.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
Colonel Jessup: Milley is a substandard general. Milley should be subjected to a Code Red for his incompetence. Can someone make the meme?
EpochTimes: China’s Problems Are Larger Than Evergrande.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
@timon_phocas @Penrodster @RobBlair I thought that the Chinese were being intelligent, because they dominate energy, mining, and the college applied mathematics contest. It seems that China made mistakes. The only thing that can put pressure on the CCP is sanctions and internal collapse. Given that the CCP gambled on growth, they're vulnerable. If they can be denied growth, they collapse. If they can be denied energy and food, they collapse. Big American corporations are vulnerable because they can't downsize. If Republicans cancel them they can be crippled. Small corporations have the potential for growth. Customers should cancel big corporations and buy from small corporations. What's the gossip among Asian nations for combating China?
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
@tracycoyle @FrankZeleniuk @Garsco @Mechanic When a modern American general thinks of war, he doesn't think of winning. He thinks of steering military contracts to his cronies. He intentionally spends money wastefully so that the cronies get more. Upon retiring from the military, he's hired by the defense industry and becomes a crony of the next batch of generals. It's the cycle of life. When a Democrat politician thinks of vaccines, he doesn't think of vanquishing the plague. He thinks of steering money to vaccine oligarchs. The government has created a forced market for vaccines. The government also censors all negative news about vaccines. The government does not give scientific seminars or press conferences about the science. The government egregiously falsifies data about the vaccine. The vaccines are therefore harmful. It's a mathematical certainty. When a Democrat politician thinks of infrastructure, he doesn't think about the efficiency of the project. He thinks about how to steer money to cronies. America is a military dictatorship, and the military skims American wealth. It's no different from the mob.
The Lack of Accountability from Gen.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
Milley leaked to bookwriters, and his motive was partisan. To attack Trump. Then Milley imprisioned a soldier that criticized Milley. Milley is a military dictator.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
@tracycoyle @FrankZeleniuk @Garsco @Mechanic Democrats claim that they don't need to disclose Milley's calls to China or Biden. At the same time, Democrats demanded the transcripts of calls between Trump and foreign leaders. Hypocrisy! Republicans should demand the transcripts, fully unredacted.
Democrats Hide $700k Fines For Employers Who REFUSE Vaccine Mandate In $3.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
The president should veto all omnibus bills, just for being omnibus. The president should only consider bills that have only one project. The $700k fine is in the infrastructure bill. It is therefore not an infrastructure bill. Democrats do not have the infrastructure moral high ground. For example, in the "infrastructure" will, what is being built? Is there going to be a new dam? Where? How much will it cost and how much power will it produce? Cuba Gooding Jr.: Show me the math!
Get your kids out of US schools, its not education its indoctrination.
jaymaron comments on Sep 30, 2021:
To be effective, a protest has to be unignorable. An unignorable protest would be parents protesting outside the school. The fact that the school board disallows it can be taken as proof that they are evil. Imagine a kid in class looking out the window and seeing his parents protest the teachers. Glorious.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
A gaffe is when a politician says what he really means. Governor McAuliffe said: "Parents have no business deciding what happens in schools" Biden is a gaffling gun.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
In the 2022 Senate elections, the Democrat seats that are vulnerable are in Arizona, New Hampshire, and Georgia.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
@tracycoyle @FrankZeleniuk A strategy Democrats could have used is: Slowly and stealthfully bleed Republicans. Salt Republican Earth and tilt the playing field against Republicans, so that Republicans can never again win a federal branch. Avoid anything risky that could fail. Democrats didn't use this strategy. Democrats are transparently bleeding Republicans. They're revealing their gameplan by labeling Republicans as white supremacists and domestic terrorists. Democrats are taking risks and failing. They're failing so bad that the Senate and House are vulnerable in 2022, and the presidency is vulnerable in 2024. Does the Democratic party have any wins at all since Biden became president?
Democrats Hide $700k Fines For Employers Who REFUSE Vaccine Mandate In $3.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
@guru @WorldSigh @sqeptiq Democrat DAs decline to prosecute violent criminals. You can bet that the feds will go after covid fines with maximum force. There seem to be 100 paths to civil war.
USNI: Littoral Combat Ships, are a design in search of a mission.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
I would put most of the ship underwater. The only things above the water should be guns, sensors, and the air intake. We should have done this in WW2. In WW2 we should have had lots of fast small ships, with 1 gun each, or 8 torpedoes each.
Big news in UFC... []
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
@RemiDallaire @Krunoslav History of kung fu. -776 Hercules establishes the Olympic games, with wrestling as a sport -648 The sport of "Pankration" is introduced to the Olympic Games. Similar to MMA. -536 -520 Milo of Croton dominates Olympic wrestling -450 Gautama Buddha develops the art of meditation 464 Batuo, a monk from India, founds the Shaolin Temple 500 Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk, teaches at the Shaolin temple 1600 Sumo emerges in Japan ~1700 Shaolin temple destroyed by the Chinese Emperor. The monks who escaped spread Shaolin kung fu throughout China. These monks were: Ji Sin - Developed Tiger Crane style Ng Mui - Developed Wing Chun Bak Mei - Known as "Pai Mei" in kung fu films. Appears in "Kill Bill" ~1700 Fong Sai Yuk. Portrayed by Jet Li in the "Fong Sai Yuk" film series. 1847 1924 Wong Fei Hung. Master of Hung Gar style. Portrayed by Jet Li in the "Once Upon a Time in China" film series. 1860 1938 Jigoro Kano. Developed Judo and taught it to Mitsuyo Maeda and Moshe Feldenkrais 1868 1910 Huo Yuanjia. Portrayed by Jet Li in the film "Fearless" 1869 1955 F.M. Alexander. Developed "Alexander Technique" 1893 1972 Yip Man. Practitioner of Wing Chun. Teacher of Bruce Lee 1904 1984 Moshe Feldenkrais. Physicist and wrestler. Developed the "Feldenkrais Method". 1912 1979 Simon Yuen 1917 Mitsuyo Maeda teaches Judo to the Gracie family. Helio Gracie subsequently develops Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 1922 Usui develops Reiki 1933 Jigoro Kano trains Feldenkrais in Judo 1940 1973 Bruce Lee 1940 Chuck Norris 1949 Feldenkrais trains with Alexander 1951 Masahiko Kimura vs. Helio Gracie 1952 Sammo Hung 1954 Jackie Chan 1955 Gordon Liu 1963 Jet Li 1963 Michelle Yeoh 1963 Donnie Yen 1970 Shaw Brothers Studios begins mass-producing kung fu films, featuring the "Venom Mob" of actors, including Lo Mang, Kuo Chui, Chiang Sheng, and Dick Wei 1975 Bruce Lee's "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" published 1975 Yehudi Menuhin records a BBC show where he teaches kung fu fundamentals for the violin 1975- The University of Iowa wins 23 national team wrestling championships 1993 Age of Mixed Martial Arts begins when Royce Gracie wins a tournament consisting of fighers with diverse styles. Legions of...
Big news in UFC... []
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
@RemiDallaire @Krunoslav Does anyone have favorite MMA fighters? I like the wrestlers, such as Ben Askren and Daniel Cormier.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Under the bus, the generals threw Biden. The generals claim they told Biden to leave 2500 soldiers in Afghanistan. Under the bus, Biden threw the generals. He says the generals never said this. Everyone is passing the buck. Under the bus, throw both Biden and the generals.
County Changes Rules So Matt Walsh Can’t Speak At School Board Meeting.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Civil war broke out in Loudoun. A gang emerged to attack a Christian teacher through coordinated social media action, and the gang includes parents and a member of the school board. Walsh told the board that parents think they're assholes and child sex abusers, and the school board arrogantly doesn't care. That's raw evil. The board has no respect for parents. That's their job.
Remember, in a single-payer health care system run by the government, you can never sue a doctor or ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
There are people that call an ambulance for a paper cut and drain the system of money. There's no way that universal health care can work.
Property rights are a result of labor rights which are a result of individual rights.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
The "right to work" is flagrantly violated.
Biden lied.
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
It doesn't appear that the puppeteers are trying to make Harris look good.
Generals Blame Biden for Afghan Withdrawal []
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Absurd, given that Biden is not calling the shots.
September 27, 2021 Bahia Beach, Puerto Rico In the early summer of 1798, an Irish stone mason ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
@Beachslim @eschatologyguy @FuzzyMarineVet @sqeptiq In the age of prohibition, the government locked down bars. Americans said bull!, and secret speakeasies sprouted everywhere. The government caved and repealed the lockdown. Where is that rebel spirit today? Is this spirit alive in Australia?
Pentagon’s most senior leadership testifies before Congress I have been voicing out my ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Milley sent the Army football team playbook to the opponents.
Big news in UFC... []
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Jones was once stripped of the title after testing positive for steroids. He was also stripped of the title after the hit and run.
September 27, 2021 Bahia Beach, Puerto Rico In the early summer of 1798, an Irish stone mason ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Trump is leading an allied assault on the beaches of Sydney to liberate Australia.
Oh? So, it's not a new idea after all. I see more electric cars in my town now.
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
In 1900, the power/mass of gasoline engines was poor, poorer than that of lead batteries. The power/mass of gasoline engines then improved rapidly, which is why batteries were abandoned. Flight is a matter of power/mass. Flight did not become possible until gasoline motors achieved a sufficient power/mass. This is what enabled the Wright flight. Power/Mass Year W/kg Wright Flyer 116 1903 Mercedes D.I 395 1913 Mercedes D.II 426 1914 Mercedes D.III 385 1914 Rolls Royce Hawk 319 1915 Le Rhone 9C 565 1916 Mercedes D.III+ 491 1918 Liberty L12 779 1917
Oh? So, it's not a new idea after all. I see more electric cars in my town now.
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
For a gun, never use the Windows operating system. The operating system could spontaneously go into update mode and your gun stops working for an hour.
Oh? So, it's not a new idea after all. I see more electric cars in my town now.
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
If your gun runs out of bullets, what do you do? You drop the clip, pop in a new clip, and resume shooting. Takes 1 second for a well-designed gun. An IPhone is like a gun that takes an hour to reload, because you can't detach the battery. Dumb. Detachable batteries are as essential as clips are to guns. Baffling that Apple is so dumbass. Baffling that people didn't punish Apple for this dumbassness. After a year, IPhone batteries die, and you have to pay Apple $100 dollars to replace it. Apple Corp is a jerk. Apple owns the patent for magnetic quick-release charging cables and they gouge it to the max. Apple charging cables cost 30 dollars, and Apple refuses to allow other manufacturers to use magnetic quick release. Think of how many laptops have died because of this. Apple Corp is a jerk. Magnetic quick release is so obvious that it should not be a patent. It's a patent because Apple bribed politicians. Consumers are stupid, because they should have insisted on a standardization of battery sizes.
Oh? So, it's not a new idea after all. I see more electric cars in my town now.
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
@Naomi @Weltansicht Cool story. Lead batteries were invented in 1881. They're simple and cheap and Americans were able to harness them. They're great for go carts. Lithium batteries are expensive, unsimple, uncheap, and they can catch fire. The range of an electric car is determined by the battery's Energy/Mass. Lithium batteries have an energy/mass that is 4 times larger than lead batteries. Battery cars of today have poor range, and the battery cars of 1900 had even poorer range. They were suitable only for cities. Battery vehicles are simpler, cheaper, and quieter than gasoline vehicles. It's baffling that they didn't proliferate earlier. Lithium batteries became cheap enough for laptops in 1995 and cheap enough for cars in 2005. Electric cars have already won out. Porsche and Ferrari make electric sports cars. Electric sports cars far outperform gasoline sports cars. The future is lithium titanate batteries, because they have large Power/Mass for sports cars, and because they can be charged 4000 times. In the future, lithium-sulfur batteries will take over. They have twice the Energy/Mass of lithium-ion batteries. The lead battery was not eclipsed until the invention of the alkaline battery in 1949. However, lead batteries are rechargeable and the alkaline battery is not (rechargeable alkaline batteries became available in 1992). The lead battery was the best rechargeable battery until the nickel metal hydride battery was invented in 1990. Ironically, the glorious age of gasoline cars was made possible by the rechargeable lead battery, which is required to fire spark plugs. Batteries made gasoline cars better. Yay lead battery! It's an essential element of American history. Let's give thanks for the lead battery. Ironically, gasoline makes battery cars better. Electric cars should have a detachable gasoline generator. Then you can recharge in the wilderness. The Energy/Mass delivered by gasoline is 15 times larger than that of batteries. Batteries can never compete with gasoline for energy storage. If you're driving long distance, include a gasoline generator and pack gasoline. Electric vehicles. Energy/mass Power/mass MJoule/kg Watt/kg Recharge Year Ion Cathode Lithium air 6.12 N Lab Li O2 Aluminum air 4.68 200 N 1970 Al O2 Aluminum ion 3.8 Y Lab Al O2 Lithium thionyl 2.00 700 N 1973 Li SOCl2 Zinc air 1.59 N 1932 Zn O2 Lithium-ion sulfur 1.44 670 Y Lab Li S Lithium metal 1.01 ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
It's from the spin in DC.
The future of building back
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
21 people in the picture. Modern farming can support 10 people/Hectare. They need a much bigger garden.
The future of building back
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
You need both guns and farming skill. When the thugs in Portland declared an autonomous zone, they started farming the park so they could sustain themselves. Dumb. The park can't produce nearly enough food to sustain the zone, and a simple calculation proves it. We should have walled in the autonomous zone and denied it food. Also turn off the sewage system. Tyrion: A city's sewage system is important.
Facts about IQ never taught in schools | Thomas Sowell Vid 12:48 mins. []
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
The IQ distribution is scaled so that it has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. IQ is useful up to 130 (2 standard deviations) and it's useless above that. To measure intelligence above 2 standard deviations, you need a harder test. For example, the people that enter the Putnam college mathematics competition are the best math students in America. The total possible score is 120 and the mean score is 5. The national champion scores around 100. For many Putnam questions, fewer than 10 people in the nation solve it. What counts is originality and impact. That's how research mathematicians are judged. When you examine the territory above 130, the differences between races become much more stark. This is because the IQ distribution falls off fast at the wings, with the speed of Y = exp(-X^2). For example, consider the International Mathematics Olympiad. A European is 1000 times more likely to win a gold than an African. The Mathematics Olympiad is not a test of mathematics knowledge. There is no calculus. It's a test of mathematics badassness. Education makes only a small contribution to mathematics badassness. It's mostly inate. Hungarians care about mathematics competitions and they dominate the Mathematics Olympiad. What a cool culture. Being the Hungary high school mathematics champion is as prestigious as being a star quarterback in Texas. Many of the great physicists and mathematicians were Hungarians. They're jestingly referred to as "Martians". For example, Szilard, Neumann, Erdos, Teller, Wigner, von Karman, Eotvos, and Lanczos. Cultures that train their kids in mathematics should be praised. Instead, Harvard penalizes you if you're from such a culture. Harvard discourages such culture. Harvard is the Khmer Rouge, taking us backward, not forward. Harvard is walking back the renaissance and bringing us back to the age of superstition. Harvard SAT bias: Asian -140 White 0 Hispanic +130 Black +310
FoxNews: Biden team ripped as 'economically illiterate' for claim Build Back Better 'costs zero ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Debt/GDP did not increase during the eras of Bush 43 or Trump. Debt/GDP rose bigly during the eras of Obama and Biden. The plot is decisive. Democrats can't squirm out of this. GDP increased slowly under Obama. Economists stated that this was the new normal, that better growth was impossible. Then Trump became president and GDP grew bigly. Remind Democrats of the weak growth during the era of Obama, and that Trump erased any possible excuse that they might have for it. I often see Democrat voters state that the debt is Republican's fault. That's just pig headed. Burn them for it.
WesternJournal: True Toll of Chinese Air Incursions Becoming Clear: Could Taiwanese Air Force Wither...
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Yes, an important principle of war is that you have to arrange things so that time is on your side. America doesn't realize this. This is the Fabian strategy from Ancient Rome. Avoid direct battle and instead out-farm your foe. More abstractly, the country with the most energy usually wins the war. America should rig it so that we're producing more energy than our foes. Biden cripples American energy. Back in the day, if a King went bankrupt, his kingdom got conquered and he didn't get to be king anymore. Biden is bankrupting America.
I am currently watching Tucker Carlson news!!!! Apparently, OUR government is actually considering ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Youtube censored this Carlson show. Shows from CNN and MSNBC are uncensored.
An ANTIFA member has now been charged in the shooting of an anti-vaccine mandate protester earlier ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Even if he's convicted and sentenced (which he probably won't), he'll be quietly released a year later, and then leftists oligarchs will give him money. It's like a paid hit. Deterrent is gone. Democrats know that they can kill a Republican and the Democratic court system will let them get away with it. Kyle Rittenhouse is a poignant example. Rittenhouse is an innocent victim that defended himself, yet Democrats attacked Rittenhouse, not the person who assaulted Rittenhouse. We're headed for a holocaust.
John Hinckley Jr.
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
The people involved in the Lincoln assassination plot were all executed. The left will make Hinkley a celebrity and Hinkley will live a luxurious life. Democrats know that if they try to kill a Republican, they don't have to worry about punishment. They know that a Democrat president will pardon them, and then they'll live a luxurious life. There must be deterrent. Jackson had the right idea. When an assassin tried to shoot Jackson, Jackson personally took down the assassin and beat him up. Then security restrained Jackson. Security should have allowed Jackson to beat the assassin to death. Killing a president kills the vote of half of America, and it has trillions of dollars in consequences. It should be punished by execution.
New York Times quietly corrects story on CBP Agents ‘striking’ Haitian migrants as narrative ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Evil oligarchs spend yuge money bringing Haitians to the U.S., and then they spend more yuge money on the Haitians once they're here. Why not spend money on Haitians that are *in* Haiti? Why not improve Haiti so that it's a nice place to be? It's much cheaper to help people in Haiti than to help them in America. It costs American taxpayers $10000 per illegal immigrant per year, and the illegal immigrants cripple the public school system with costs. Oligarchs have proven that they have dictatorial power in any country. They could fix Haiti if they wanted to. Shame them for not having done so.
WesternJournal: True Toll of Chinese Air Incursions Becoming Clear: Could Taiwanese Air Force Wither...
jaymaron comments on Sep 28, 2021:
We have to teach Taiwanese to love guns. Nations should boycott the China Olympics and stage a rebel Olympics in Taiwan. Form PATO. Pacific Treaty Alliance. Lean on New Zealand to join.
Facts about IQ never taught in schools | Thomas Sowell Vid 12:48 mins. []
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
More TikTok wisdom.
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Humanity is declining in intelligence and in attention span.
China Power Pinch Spreads, Shutting Factories; Two Fed Presidents Retiring Early | NTD Business...
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Almost all of China's energy comes from coal, and China mines coal to the max. If they're experiencing a power shortage, this might be a sign that China is in trouble. It's an obvious clue for how to hit China in a trade war. Hit China with food and energy sanctions. China is busy securing sources of oil. They look at the world as a board game.
I was just thinking, they dont call black people brown people, which is a more accurate color ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
In Star Trek, Andorians (who have blue skin) refer to humans as "pinkskins".
Its amazing that gold and silver are dropping even after all that massive printing of money.
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Over the past 4 years, platinum-group metals increased in value by a factor of 10. Gold and currency:
Police move in to force HEALTHCARE WORKERS out of protesting in Melbourne - YouTube
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
If protests happen individually, police will pick them off one by one. The entire nation needs to protest all at once. Let the protesters be the ones doing the locking down. Lock down the Australian government. Australians should cease trucking food to military bases. Store owners should cease selling food to politicians.
Texas Governor vows to hire border patrol agents who lose their job at the hands of Biden | Sky ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
In the mind of a Democrat, Republicans have committed fouls. In the mind of a Republican, he knows that they were not fouls, and that the real story is that Democrats are gullible. Republicans are laughing at Democrat gullibility. Democrats are so gullible that the oligarchs can make up anything they want, no matter how ridiculous, and it will be believed. Democrats make lame hoaxes. Their hoaxes are easily disproved. When a Democrat hoax fails, they invent a new hoax. They never have to pay for the failed hoax.
reality check
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Made in China and sold on Amazon. You can't trust stuff from Amazon. Amazon sells cheap Chinese junk. They know it's junk and they still hype it.
From a post on Gab: An inconvenient truth for Al Gore to write about.
jaymaron comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Yes, batteries require lithium and cobalt. Much of the cobalt is conflict cobalt. The lithium and cobalt in dead batteries can be recycled. The right way to roll is to have both a battery and a gasoline generator. Then you can get by with a small battery. Make the generator and battery detachable. The true purposes of batteries are silence and power. Energy is a secondary matter. The amount of energy used by city vehicles is negligible compared to total energy production. It's impossible to make a small gasoline-powered vehicle that is quiet. This is important for the health of cities. A way to conserve energy is to use tiny vehicles in cities, and these have to be electric. Porsche and Ferrari made electric vehicles because batteries have eclipsed gasoline engines for power. The age of gasoline sports cars is over. Electric vehicles: Gasoline vehicles have a power train, which includes things like a gear box, flywheel, crankshaft, axle, muffler, and oil system. In an EV the power train is merely wires that delivers power from the battery to the wheel motors. Much simpler. Fewer things that can break.
Enough is enough & too much is too much!! []
jaymaron comments on Sep 26, 2021:
America produces yuge corn. We have to do something with it. Turn it into Mountain Dew. When you drink corn syrup, you're probably drinking American corn syrup. Virtue corn syrup.
The last thing I expected to see was this: a high profile woke socialist siding with the Trump camp ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Hannity laid it all out, early on. Hannity got it right. Praise people who make successful predictions. Maddow got it all wrong. Maddow is not worthy of being watched. Brand is using the opportunity to self-aggrandize and virtue signal. He should instead praise Republicans that saw it long ago.
WesternJournal: Fed-Up Shaq Denounces His Status as a Celebrity: 'These Celebrities Are Out of Their...
jaymaron comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Tipping point. People on the left are waking up. Shaq Rose McGowan Sarah Silverman Bill Maher Chris Rock Dave Chapelle It's snowballing.
Funny but true.
jaymaron comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Once upon a time, Edison's best engineer was Tesla. Edison cut Tesla and didn't pay him. Westinghouse immediately hired Tesla and together they kicked Edison's ass in the Current War.
Biden Recommends Dishonorable Discharges For Troops Who Refuse Covid Vaccine | Tim Pool Vid ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Pure evil. It shouldn't be a discharge in the first place. If it's a discharge, it must be an honorable discharge. Cite this as an example of Biden evil.
Well isn't it great to live in the 21st century?
jaymaron comments on Sep 26, 2021:
O'Reilly is the most bestselling author of history books in the world. Leftists assume that there is no new history to be found. Wrong. O'Reilly described his method for writing a history book. He first amasses a stockpile of original sources. He puts up bigly money to bankroll a team of agents to collect original sources. Then O'Reilly writes a book based only on the original sources. O'Reilly finds new history that was not known before. There exist colleges that boast that they teach from original sources, such as Hillsdale College and Saint Thomas Aquinas College. Leftists do not cite original sources. Their version of history is therefore dead on arrival. Not worthy of reading.


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