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Some recent videos on Critical Race Theory and what to do about it...

This one is intentionally politically neutral and a good candidate to share with friends who may be liberal or moderate.

The parental backlash of teaching CRT to school kids will...

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Admin 8 June 15
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The people who advocate for CRT are not liberal. They fall into one of two catagories, Marxists and useful idiots.

I do agree with the useful idiots category, but please explain to me in what way is it Marxist? Marxism is it's own idiot category but how does it relate here?

@Pand0ro It's a Tool used by either the Left or the Right to promote what ever they think is in line with what they want to popularize

At the present time the Leftist Democrat are using it. I wouldn't think Republicans would use such a tool unless they were Far right White Supremist. I believe the White Supremist are clapping there hands praying the Democrat succeeds in dividing the country. Back to the old Jim Crow days.

@Pand0ro Cheryl Harris advocated for suspension of property rights, seizing land and capital and redistributing them amongst racial lines. They are pretty open about it if you pay attention.

well put

@theinterlooper Agreed, and actually it appears to be a combination of Marxist sympathizers who are also useful idiots.

@theinterlooper I haven't read that but if she is trying to make things much worse for everyone she's doing a great job. Nobody, individually or collectively, has enough knowledge to formulate a theory that foresees all possible outcomes and can control their implementation. All isms are fataly flawed and will eventually fall under their own weight. We have forgotten proper humility and have convinced ourselves of our personal infallibility.

@OutsideLooking So you are saying that anything bad is Marxism?

@dd54 So if Chinese CRT were following American CRT it would be a group of Chinese academics who are trying to get the Hans to make reparations to the Uighurs and Cantonese (and other smaller minorities) to make up for their for the mistreatment of their ancestors.


CRT's function---as with the Trans Movement, the Green Movement, Renaming Historical Monuments and destroying others, "Immigration Reform," etc.------ is to put anything smacking of the Status Quo on Defense. That's it.

CRT is one Strategy among several, the purpose of which is to upend American Identity or, if you will, to make the American Mind so confused, conflicted, and dissipated, that it will accept anything that promises a sense of normalcy.


CRT picks and chooses from certain events that demonstrate racism, but ignores any contrary events. Yes, racism exists and is practiced by all races and cultures as a part of our genetic heritage. Creating a false image of what is happening gives you a false theory.

Pand0ro Level 7 June 15, 2021

I’m an optimist by nature, but becoming less and less convinced that we can root out the woke-progressive philosophy that’s taken over the culture.

Activists have not only embedded themselves into the deepest levels of academia, government, the media and corporations; they’ve enshrined their dogma in laws, statutes, regulations and practices.

Most people I know simply can’t see beyond the progressive’s pretext of fighting for the underdog.

The only hope may be Rufo’s plan to fight them in the courts, since woke-progs are clearly discriminating based on race, infringing on free speech and promoting mandatory programs that violate equal protection under the law.

God help us all.

GeeMac Level 8 June 16, 2021

Sadly I have to agree with you. This is stage four.


The only way any of this is going to be turned around is for enough white people to be smacked in the face with it on a very personal level and recognize who is, and has always been, behind the Marxist revolution in the west and it isn’t blacks.

Andyman Level 8 June 15, 2021

No sane person supports CRT... what does that tell you about people these days?

I agree with this sentiment - but I would have said "stupid" people

@iThink So I think they are crazy and you think they are just stupid... hmmm nah


Welcome back, @Admin, even if you've never left 😊

Nobody wants to be treated like crap, and this is what the Leftist globalist elite (who are ironically all white, which is a big clue that this has nothing to do about race) are doing via their alter egos in academia to whites.


Said backlash against CRT being taught in public schools has already begun...


More Marxist Propaganda…

2peros Level 8 June 15, 2021

The CRT battle is a precursor of America's fission. Lincoln's election triggered secession, and CRT triggered Republican states to formally ban it. The need for sane schools will trigger suburbs to secede from cities, counties to secede from states, and states to secede from the union. The "defund the police" debacle will have the same effect.

Once upon a time, people from Wyoming went to Boston for education. In the future, people from Boston will go to Wyoming for education.

Once upon a time, it was kids vs. teachers and parents. Now it's kids and parents vs. teachers. Teachers have no chance. Parents are a sleeping bear that has been awakened by CRT, and now the bear is energized to kick ass at school board meetings. The parent bear army combined with the kid Ewok army is a formidable force. It's uplifting to see kids give speeches at school board meetings, with their parents in the audience backing them up. What a bonding experience for kids and parents.

A good protest is unignorable. Let parents and kids get together and identify a set of teachers that they all agree suck, and let parents protest these teachers, during school hours, right outside the school. Imagine a kid looking out the window and seeing this. Imagine a kid that's been assured that leftist teachers are bull and that it's okay to rebel, and that the parents will back them up. Teachers will find such a class to be as untamable as 1776 America.

In the 1960s, kids rebelled with rock and roll. They ditched the Beaver Cleaver world and embraced The Fonz. Kids rebel. They're good at it. They're born with rebellious instinct. We should refine it, not crush it. Teach them how the Founding Fathers rebelled with class. Tell them there's a reason America didn't collapse into Lord of the Flies.

Leftist teachers are trying to indoctrinate kids into the political war, and they're using public money to do it. Not cool. Red card foul.

Yiannopoulos (paraphrase): Once upon a time, if kids wanted to be counterculture, they had to be Democrats. Now if you want to be counterculture you have to be a Republican. I foresee kids rebelling against leftism.

Leftists see government as a source of money to fuel a crony network. Conservatives hate big government because they hate crony networks. Conservatives have the class to refrain from cronyism. They should virtue signal this. Conservatives know that government begets corruption, and the only way out is small government.

Leftists see education as a way to steer public money to leftists, in particular to leftist teachers, leftist administrators, leftist diversity coordinators, and leftist teacher's colleges. Leftists spend money wastefully. Even if you have your kids in private school, your tax dollars are supporting leftists schools. It's taxation without representation. Even worse, your tax dollars are weaponized by the opposition to attack you.

Leftists have no interest in objective education, such as science, mathematics, and history. Leftists are taking education backwards, not forwards. Leftists are the Khmer Rouge. Leftists strive to hinder kids that are skilled in math. Leftists forbid advanced math classes. Leftists see education as an opportunity to indoctrinate. Furthermore, there are students that don't want to be educated.

Parents can carry some of the weight of teaching themselves, and save money on education. We already have examples of this such as little league sports and the Boy Scouts. Parents are carrying the weight with these things. There is no need for government help.

The only way out of the quagmire is to defund public schools. All of them, from K through college. Nuke the schools and liquidate the assets. Let there only be private schools.

The STEM departments of colleges should secede from the college and form an institute of technology. Ditch the deadweight humanities departments. Fire the diversity coordinators. Keep the therapy animals. The Wyoming Institute of Technology will rule.

At present, a teaching degree is required to teach at public schools. This is a subsidy for unnecessary leftist teacher's colleges, and it excludes people that are good teachers but don't have a teaching degree. The teaching degree requirement should be destroyed.
Teachers should focus their energy on getting a real degree, not a teaching degree.

Degrees should be abolished. A smart employer cares about what badass classes you took, not your degree. Degrees are a subsidy for deadweight humanities.

Leftist teachers base pay on degrees and seniority, not skill or student choice. There are bad teachers that are sucking up money that could be used productively. We need private schools so that teacher salaries are decided by market forces.

Colleges are heinously expensive. The bursting of the college bubble: []

Colleges have chests of gold called endowments. What will be the American "storming of the Bastille"? I predict that students will storm the college administration building and demand that the college give the endowment to students and alumni.

I like this---and thanks for breaking it up into digestible segments. Writers take note...

Only found one inconsistency, really, in your comment:
"Leftists spend money wastefully. Even if you have your kids in private school, your tax dollars are supporting leftists schools."

Think about it. To Leftists, the money, YOUR MONEY, is going exactly where they want it to go and doing what they want it to do. And the added bonus is that every dollar put to their use is a dollar out of your pocket. That diminishes your power.
That's not an accident.

On the "how" of it, changing it----well, that's the challenge.


a larger group of home schoolers

KeVince Level 8 June 15, 2021

Everyone should read about CRT and know all about it so they can see bullsht when they are confronted with it. It's just another name for the divide and conquer of identity politics. I recommend "How to be an Anti-racist" by Ibram X. Kendi. Compare that to the teachings of Martin Luther King.
Too bad our educators, supposed teachers, don't teach critical thinking skills instead of critical race theory. They won't even allow a comparison.
I also recommend the literary works of Karl Marx, "The Communist Manifesto" or if you want to get into his tedious economics read "Das Kapital" (yawn). Compare that to Adam Smith , and his "Wealth of Nations." Read some more on Economic theory and you will find that governments only exist when they can be afforded, when there is abundance and plenty in a society, and throughout history how politicians inevitably turn the society from abundance and plenty into impoverishment and scarcity.
When politicians determine what should serve as money and control it's supply it is a short time before corruption sets in and tyranny raises it's ugly head. How can a society's money be trusted when whomever controls its supply, cannot be and so Voltaire's maxim that paper money will always return to its intrinsic value of zero becomes axiomatic.
Right now people are dumbed down, just the way the politicians like it. They turn people into deplorables with ever decreasing educational standards and then have the audacity to call them so when in fact, they like deplorables. It's the deplorables they pander to because they can be easily controlled, hoodwinked and used to rally to their cause. They only point their fingers at political opponents, however, and call them deplorables because they are a threat and haven't been dumbed down enough. Hence, critical race theory. How ironic!


The almost comp!she failure of the progressive movement opened the door for the more radical ideas such as CRT to find liberal support. With programs such as aid for dependent children, head start, and affirmative action having failed to raise minorities out of ignorance and relative poverty a moral panic has set in on the left. Although rational people would not expect that equality of opportunity would lead to equality of outcome most liberals suffer from a lack of emotional maturity. They actually believed that how they feel is reality.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 16, 2021

I've thought of that too. I'm not sure it's that the failure caused the door to open, or the failure necessitated the opening. The revolutionary theories all seem to stem from the failures of progress to get us close enough to heaven fast enough. It seems to go back to the first utterances of the perfectibility of man through the perfection of his governance. And the people who buy into that idea NEVER go back and "deconstruct" the failure of their previous attempts. They always just think they didn't go far enough, rather than hm, maybe we were wrong.....


They can't go back and reexamine their programs because that would be political suicide. In the case of something like critical race theory it comes from one of the social justice sects along with all the cult features you would expect. When cults fail they commit mass suicide. They create an imaginary existential threat to justify not being taken "prisoner". At Jones Town it was manifested in visiting Congress people, for the current indoctrinated individuals it's the events of January 6th. In a moral panic where you can't get back to reality self destruction seems preferably to " sinning against your dogma and facing reality. The reality you joined the cult in the first place to avoid.


What’s the difference between this and eugenics?


More apt question: what's the difference between the movement against "CRT" and the segregation movement at the origin of modern conservatism in the US?

CRT is the segregation movement…

Eugenecists never advocated forced abortion, only free abortion, just like the rest of the leftists…


I really hate to say this, but I think only red state populations give a damn, because the curtain has been peeled back for them and the dark underbelly of CRT exposed.

In blue states, these are people getting their narrative fed to them by the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, et al, who characterize CRT as racial sensitivity or diversity training. Well, what reasonable person would be adverse to that? They hear about the opposition to it, but conclude that the people fighting it should be ashamed of themselves for being so openly racist.

Sure, I'd love to give them the benefit of the doubt and think that they'd do a little research into what CRT is and entails, but their research - if they do it - is going to be directed to the "approved" sources of people like Robin DeAngelo and Ibram X Kendi, who patiently explain why it's so necessary to embrace CRT to counteract systemic racism.

There are conservatives in blue states but they just don't have the vote. Unfair to lump them together with the woke.


Oh, I'm aware that most blue states are really red states with a large blue population center, but at the end the day, they might as well be completely blue when you look at who runs the show.

For example, Oklahoma - I believe - just passed an executive order outlawing the teaching of CRT at the governor's level; I doubt you would see that in Oregon, even though it's really only Portland that's on the political Left. Because the red counties don't have the vote, there really is nothing that parents can do. I mean, look at Loudon County, Virginia; you have some very notable examples of pushback by parents against CRT, but instead of getting their voices heard, they are being attacked and doxed by people friendly to the school board and the teaching of CRT.

That's ultimately why I said that I believe only red states will ultimately give a damn.

Diversity training is just empty PR. CRT is about equality under the law. The fact that you take issue with the latter and not the former is revealing.


CRT isn't about equality under law. CRT assumes that equality is impossible because all inequality is imposed by those who make the rules. It's designed to look for ways to blame the rules where ever inequalities manifest. It's an eminence and emergence dichotomy through which every inequality that emerges is explained as emanating from the structures imposed through a racist power hierarchy.


CRT has nothing to do with equality under the law; it doesn't even address equality under the law. And I do not - for even a moment - believe that you aren't already aware of this, because I know you aren't stupid. So please don't act like you are.


Imprison about 100 radical professors, and the rest will fall in line.

sqeptiq Level 10 June 15, 2021


Send leftist professors to re-education camps. Send them to a farm.

The wilderness is not pass or fail. The wilderness is life or death.

Education should be objective. Mathematics, writing, and history.


The effect will be minimal if there is no organized effort to remove the elected officials who are supporting this movement.

Ignatz Level 6 June 16, 2021

Critical race theory will kill the white race by teaching that white supremacy is a real thing even though all celebrities and athletes are black and all business owners are Jews

The pop culture and Hollywood have more power over the population than any elected official could ever dream of.


I was reading about the life of Karl Marx in Wikipedia, and basically, they described the man as an alcoholic who did not work, and some of whose children died of hunger, as he could not be bothered to provide for them. He allegedly had an affair with his housekeeper and a child with her. He gave false names wherever he went as he was a fugitive of justice. He sat, wrote nonsense at the British Library, smoked cigars and drank. This is their hero. He could do this by splitting workers and owners of businesses.

The proponents of CRT propose to extend the splitting of society, while they sit at a university job writing further nonsense. What do they write about? About getting the money off other people, who do work. I can see why they would want to keep in the tradition of Karl Marx, not doing a thing, perhaps drinking and smoking cigars too.

That does not mean that Western democratic countries can't vote these people into having to do some honest work.


Democrats are re-enacting Huxley's "Brave New World". In the novel, there is a world state, and children are raised by the state. There are no parents. Children are indoctrinated to the max and never given the opportunity to access information that isn't controlled by the world state.

On Carlson August 11, Carlson points out that Democrats are socially isolating people, by online censorship of free speech platforms, and by discouraging people from socializing in real life. Democrats want everyone to stay at home. Democrats want to control all interaction between humans.

The cosmic war is between collectivists and individualists.


@Hamulus @Terence57

For teaching kids, why not involve both teachers and parents?

Democrats oppose all parent participation in teaching. It's both evil and dumb.

Now that most public schools went Khmer Rouge, there is the opportunity to build a parent-teacher network. Some teaching is done by parents and some by teachers, in a synergistic way. Teachers can even teach parents.

You don't need a school. Homes can be classrooms and yards can be playgrounds.

Even better, involve a church. Now you have a school building. Pastors can teach lots of things, and pastors are great at managing communities. Many seminary schools are highly rigorous, and could be considered good teacher training.

Integrate social life with school. Assign homework that's designed to be done in groups.

Save money! Behold the colossal amount of money spent on public schools. There exist cities that spend 20000 $/student and where most of the students fail. Defund all public schools. Nuke the schools and liquidate the assets. Parent-teacher networks will buy up the assets.

Does anyone have thoughts on parent-teacher networks? Conversations about parent-teacher networks are going on on other Slug threads.

Breitbart article on public school spending: []


The Hogwarts kids took the Defense Against the Dark Arts class seriously. They studied hard, because dark wizards exist.

Snape: Your defenses must be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo.

Mad-Eye Moody: It's my job to think as dark wizards do. When it comes to the dark arts I believe in a practical approach. You need to know what you're up against.

Gandalf: If you do not study, you shall not pass!

Gandalf: This foe is beyond any of you.

The existence of dark wizards keeps the DADA class objective. Virtue signaling doesn't stop dark wizards. There is no safe space from dark wizards.

American education should be focused on solving objective problems.

Movies involving a Shaolin training school are great. Shaolin students are focussed.

What should kids learn? I propose

Music performance in an ensemble
Social grace


The "parental backlash" will create an opportunity for leftist dems to assert that children are better reared by establishment educators than their parents. In other words, it will be considered "proof" that the nation is inherently racist.

Expect push-back from unions on homeschooling.


Probably #2 which is just a reflection of the divide.

Rick-A Level 8 June 15, 2021

Right now I'm trying to anticipate how Theory fights back against the protests. The current technology says cultural fragility and reactionary epistemic pushback. To know ahead of time is to prepare the dismissal of the rhetoric as non-argument?

govols Level 8 June 15, 2021

Right now, the strategy seems to be to accuse opposition of being racist and ignorant of what CRT "really is."


That's always first; it's become the instinct of the laity and deaconry. The priesthood tends toward nuanced doctrine, but falls back on dogma. The high priests, the bishops and living saints, they can rewrite scripture itself.

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