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masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore being quite presumptuous, aren't you? I never said who I listen to, what I believe, who I cheer on, or anything of that nature. I am only advocating for businesses to have the right to set regulations for how they want to operate, and for how they want to protect their employees regardless of how you feel about it.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore indecent exposure only applies to nudity. You can walk into a store in nothing but a thong and it isn't illegal. So why don't you do that? It is actually legal in NYC for women to be topless in public, so why don't women walk around topless in stores? What gives a store the right to deny you entry due to a dress code? So you acknowledge people's jobs. Well what about the people who work at stores and want you to wear a mask, because they feel that it makes them safer. You are fear-mongering now because you willfully defy their rules and make them feel un-safe. Let's look at the opposite of this. Before this pandemic many establishments actually banned masks, such as convenience stores and banks, because there was a perceived danger that masked people were attempting to commit a crime and not be identified. So would you enter an establishment wearing a full mask and tell them to go fuck themselves for not letting you in?
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@FEWI doesn't matter what you think about it. Do you deny a private business has the right to set rules for their store? What if you don't like their operating hours, should you be allowed to break in and shop when they are closed? Do you go to a 10-items-or-less checkout lane with 50 items? Do you trespass into the back areas to look at their stock? Do you walk through the drive-thru? Do you open items without paying?
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Header comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Go the wrong way on purpose just to watch they people go insane! Lol What they gonna do arrest me for going the wrong way in a grocery store? Oh wait, Thought I would check out the internet and no arrests for going the wrong way but insane Karen spitting on people for not complying to her ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Right... because there have been no cases ever of people being asked to wear a mask or follow safety guidelines (as is the right of a business to ask of its patrons, if you don't like it go somewhere else, isn't that what people always say) getting mad and spitting on people or engaging in vandalism? Man charged with shooting at an employee after being asked to wear a mask: Bodega customer slashes goods after being asked to wear a mask: Woman spits on 7-Eleven counter after being asked to wear a mask: Man at Alaska Walmart Has an Outburst After Being Told to Wear a Mask: Angry customer smashes gas station door after being asked to wear a mask: Golden bar employee attacked after asking customer to wear a mask: NJ Woman Arrested for Assaulting Transplant Patient Who Asked Her to Wear Mask: Woman allegedly attacks a Staples customer who asked her to wear a mask properly: Enraged man rips down displays at Brandon restaurant after being asked to wear mask: Man Hurls Homophobic Slurs, Exposes Himself After Being Asked to Wear Mask: Customers spit, kick, and curse at Triangle restaurant employees when asked to put on a mask:
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
So you deny a business, such as Walmart, the right to set their own rules for entering their store? Regardless of what you think about COVID or wearing masks or safety guidelines, you don't acknowledge that a business has rights? I guess why not go to Costco without a membership and claim you don't need to follow their rules. Why not walk into a store naked and deny their "no shirt no shoes" ordinance. Why not walk into a Subway and go behind their counter to make your own sandwich, because fuck them right?
Abortion exists because the ideology of progressivism exists.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I agree with Ratohnhaketon, we should work more to fix the broken system which makes abortion an unfortunate choice many have to make. We should allow for insurance to cover birth control. We should have comprehensive, science-driven sexual education in schools. There are several US states that do ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Logical I did read the whole piece. Of course you lean on the tired old "god did it" excuse, that your body is your god's so therefore you don't own anything. Well, if you want to make an argument against abortion, and actually reach a wide audience, you need to take your god out of the conversation.
OK, be honest.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 30, 2020:
It's intended to be a Liberal group. Now, we may not all have concrete plans of action, but we can see what doesn't work and what needs fixing. Too many groups on this site boil down to: * Own the libs! Suck it libtards! * DemonRats! Obummer! Hitlery! Biden has dementia! Michelle is a man! ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@SpikeTalon you seem reasonable, I'd love your thoughts.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@Josf-Kelley I apologize if "incoherent rant" was a bit aggressive. But, you did lose me when you started going off about laws and juries and libel. I have not read Albert Pike. I will end this back and forth with this: Yes, Satanism has gathered bad press over centuries. So have Pagans, Jews, atheists, LGBTQ people, BIPOC, etc. Accusations and slander / libel has been used against the "outgroup" for all of recorded history, it is a common tactic. Should Satanists have to deny their religion to make people feel better, or apologize for the strawmen people have constructed? Should Christians have slunk away into the shadows because there was bad press and unwanted extra costs associated back in Ancient Rome? As I have see it, and you may or may not agree, there are definitely abhorrent crimes being perpetrated in the world regarding slavery, abuse, and murder - and especially with children - but accusations of evil Satanic rituals and cannibalism and organ harvesting just distract from the real crimes going on, make it easier to dismiss that things are happening, and pull away resources from investigating legitimate cases.There is a definite possibility that people decide to abuse children or commit crimes while identifying as Satanists, whatever that means to them, and maybe there are rare cases of people actually harvesting organs to try and get adrenochrome. That doesn't in any way mean there is a vast global conspiracy of elites performing Satanic rituals and sacrificing thousands of children. Just as the Catholic Church abusing children doesn't mean all Catholics do, or because some radical terrorists are Muslim all Muslims are terrorists.
This should be policy for all political entities the world over!
JacksonNought comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Would be great, especially if they didn't discriminate on same-sex couples. Would also be weird since the government *doesn't* fund abortions in any way, as per the Hyde Amendment.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@Haraldson fair point, you are correct.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@Josf-Kelley you had me at the beginning... but lost me halfway through when you seemed to go on an incoherent rant. First off, the repeated use of question marks in my post indicates I was asking questions. I was asking if I understood your point correctly, seeking clarification. I never put words in your mouth, so your constant accusations that I am making claims or engaging in libel is quite odd, and unnecessarily defensive. Why don't you just tell me what you think, in plain words, using your own thoughts and not videos of other people, and leaving out the odd legalese?
Golden Ticket
GeeMac comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I think ya got it backwards...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@RobD1 Kyle did not "pick up a gun". He had the rifle on him all night - an illegal act since he was a minor. There is no confirmation that he called the cops, investigators said he called a friend. He was being chased because he just murdered someone, and people were trying to apprehend and disarm him - something I though your side highly encouraged, your "good guy with a gun" fantasy. Blake did not "beat the cops" - they beat him, and then shot him seven times in the back. So what if Blake had a knife in his car, I am sure plenty of 2nd Amendment people have guns in their cars, so they should be shot for going into their car?
Golden Ticket
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Aug 28, 2020:
The ignorance of the left shines like a flashlight with dead batteries. Conservatives have NOT been involved in counter protests....noticed that? Conservatives do NOT support police brutality and corruption. More whites are killed by police than blacks. The ratios however show that blacks are ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 28, 2020:
A lot of cognitive dissonance there.
Golden Ticket
RobD1 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
... and that all 3 of the major race riot incidents this year had additional context up to an including a Fentanyl at overdose levels in the blood stream as well as violently REQUESTING TO BE HELD ON THE GROUND!! (George Floyd). turns out police knocked on Briona Taylors no knock warrant and ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@RobD1 "one bullet went stray and hit her" Breonna was hit 8 times. Now I know you are lying. All witness reports say they cops did not identify themselves. Breonna's ex was a drug dealer, her current boyfriend was not. No cop was down, one cop was struck in the leg - and then the three cops blindly fired multiple times. Are you saying you don't have the right to protect yourself, if multiple unidentified men break down your door?
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@Josf-Kelley so it seems you and Polly... agree with me at a certain point? That the whole "Satanic cannibal" thing makes it ridiculous? So the "cover-uppers" are the ones peddling the conspiracies about Satanic cabals, cannibalism, and adrenochrome? That it does indeed distract from the real child abuse going on in the country / world? So we agree that Q is a ridiculous hoax meant to muddy the waters, and there are no secret Satanic cabals out there performing rituals on children, it is just normal run-of-the-mill scum criminals? So you don't believe there is any actual "ritual abuse" going on, you are just using "Satanic" as a synonym for "evil"? Well I would definitely disagree with that definition, as a Satanist there is a high level of altruism involved, and I would instead describe much of the major organized religions as "evil" instead.
Golden Ticket
RobD1 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
... and that all 3 of the major race riot incidents this year had additional context up to an including a Fentanyl at overdose levels in the blood stream as well as violently REQUESTING TO BE HELD ON THE GROUND!! (George Floyd). turns out police knocked on Briona Taylors no knock warrant and ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@RobD1 I've seen reports come out about Taylor's ex, and how she had nothing to do with anything. Even if the warrant had merit, all reports say the cops broke in unannounced, and there was still all the run-around and lies about what happened afterward. The only one peddling a false narrative is you.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
WftRight comments on Aug 27, 2020:
One more point here is that Netflix just had to walk back a movie about a fourteen-year-old who leaves her family to pursue a life of twerking. I understand that "where there's smoke there's also fire" isn't always completely true, but a major entertainment company offering this kind of movie ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 28, 2020:
That was an unfortunate case of America and its love of sexualizing / fetishizing women's bodies. The French film, *Mignonnes*, is a coming of age story about a young Senegalese girl, which actually is highly critical of a culture which steers impressionable young girls toward the hypersexualization of their bodies - no different than you see in popular teen pageants, or ridiculous school dress codes that send girls home for the thickness of their tank top straps or arbitrary rules on the length of skirts and shorts. As with everything in the USA, the marketing was changed to focus on sexualization, which is where the controversy came from - rightly so.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
iThink comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I don't like the way you entangle two different questions into your poll question. Separate "Q" from "Deep State" then you have two poll questions that can be answered. Q does not exist - Deep State definitely exists. However, you have defined "deep state" as a cabal of super powerful people who ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@Starlight adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. Studies in the 50s and 60s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder and derealization. Researchers claimed that adrenochrome may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Nowhere in any research does adrenochrome provide age-combating properties. * In his 1954 book The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley mentioned the discovery and the alleged effects of adrenochrome which he likened to the symptoms of mescaline intoxication, although he had never consumed it. * Anthony Burgess mentions adrenochrome at the beginning of his 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange. The protagonist and his friends are drinking drug-laced milk. * Hunter S. Thompson mentioned adrenochrome in his 1971 book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. This is probably the origin of current myths surrounding this compound, because a character states that "There’s only one source for this stuff... the adrenaline glands from a living human body. It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse." * The harvesting of an adrenal gland from a live victim to obtain adrenochrome for drug abuse is a plot feature in the first episode of the television series Lewis (2008). In the 1980 book *Michelle Remembers*, Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder made claims of recovered memories which were essentially pulled from movies like *The Exorcist*. It's Occam's Razor. What is more likely, that there is a video of Hillary Clinton cutting off and eating a child's face (in what is told to be a .rip file, which is audio only), or that a lunatic fringe is pulling stories from popular culture to try and discredit Liberal / Democrats to support Trump? Just because some people haven't heard of it before means we should be devoting a ton of time and effort into investigating any wild claim made by people on 4Chan? These kinds of claims can be dangerous, as the completely meritless "Pizzagate" conspiracy led a man to enter the D.C. restaurant and open fire. Every baseless wild goose chase pulls away time and resources devoted to combating real cases of sexual abuse and human trafficking.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Josf-Kelley well I will echo your sentiment, that I have no time for the videos *you* share, as they are "lies that I have fully vetted as lies on my own authority, at my own cost, with great help from people who have expended their own costs, on their own authority, pointing out the facts that matter in that case."
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Josf-Kelley I wonder, did you take the time to sit through the videos I posted?
Golden Ticket
RobD1 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
... and that all 3 of the major race riot incidents this year had additional context up to an including a Fentanyl at overdose levels in the blood stream as well as violently REQUESTING TO BE HELD ON THE GROUND!! (George Floyd). turns out police knocked on Briona Taylors no knock warrant and ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Your comment about Breonna Taylor is a bold-faced lie. The suspect the police were looking for had already been apprehended hours prior. There was no cause for police to go to Taylor's home. They did not knock, they broke in while not wearing uniforms and her boyfriend did what every 2nd Amendment proponent claims to endorse - he tried to protect his home from what he perceived as dangerous invaders. They shot and killed Breonna, and then reported "no injuries". They even led her mother to believe Breonna was in the hospital potentially being saved, sitting there for hours waiting, when Breonna was still dead in her bed at home. How about Philando Castile? Botham Jean? Elijah McClain? Atatiana Jefferson? Stephon Clark? Freddie Gray? Eric Garner? Akai Gurley?
Golden Ticket
GeeMac comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I think ya got it backwards...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Quite right indeed
Golden Ticket
GeeMac comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I think ya got it backwards...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 27, 2020:
No I think it's right
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Josf-Kelley can you tell me what time codes they use the words so I can watch them? I tried to sit through the whole thing, but I felt like I would eye-roll myself to death. Am I supposed to take my worldview from Sacha Stone, who seems like he broke his brain on LSD and thinks he is a starseed or some shit? He is peddling the same "Satanic Ritual Abuse" nonsense that so-called "experts" ranted about in the 70s and 80s, all without any shred of evidence. So if some lunatic calls a serious crime something Satanic, then that makes it so? I could call pedophilia inherently Christian - so that makes it so? So I have to throw out all of my own values and evidence and use your definition of Satanic / Satanism?
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
iThink comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I don't like the way you entangle two different questions into your poll question. Separate "Q" from "Deep State" then you have two poll questions that can be answered. Q does not exist - Deep State definitely exists. However, you have defined "deep state" as a cabal of super powerful people who ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
I do not think that pedophilia, or groups of pedophiles, is impossible - just look at the Catholic Church. I do not think that cannibalism, child murder, or groups of plutocrats pulling strings behind the scenes is impossible by any stretch of the imagination... in fact I think it is downright plausible. The Q conspiracies take it to a whole other level, though. The period of "Satanic Panic" in the 70s 80s and 90s is well documented, with plenty of frauds making claims of "recovered memories" which were just pulled from popular movies and books of the time, and accusations of ritual abuse and trafficking falling away due to utter lack of evidence. It's not a stretch to believe this is just another case of "Satanic Panic" as people love to use the convenient scapegoat of "Satanism" to make baseless accusations... even though, as I already said, the Catholic Church has participated in more child molestation than Satanists ever have. The claims just defy logic. Why go through the trouble of harvesting organs for a chemical which is available to buy, and has no evidence of any age-defying properties? Why are all specific claims easily disproved, and excused away as "willful misinformation" - I can make any claim I want, and then just claim it was intentionally wrong for some grand long game, does that mean you should follow my every word? I am a Satanist, so I can think like one - all modern Satanism explicitly prohibits harm towards children as a central tenet, so again the scapegoat just doesn't work. And even with all of that I could even see a modicum of truth. But once you start using it to claim Trump is infallible, that anything even remotely negative about him is just some psy-op with hidden clues, that he is a mastermind several steps ahead of everyone and playing 148-dimensional chess, that he is a noble god-warrior who is on a crusade to combat pedophiles when he himself is most likely one... there you've lost me.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
iThink comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I don't like the way you entangle two different questions into your poll question. Separate "Q" from "Deep State" then you have two poll questions that can be answered. Q does not exist - Deep State definitely exists. However, you have defined "deep state" as a cabal of super powerful people who ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@Die_Grinder: **For conspiracy theorists, adrenochrome represents a mystical psychedelic favored by the global elites for drug-crazed satanic rites, derived from torturing children to harvest their oxidized hormonal fear—a kind of real-life staging of the Pixar movie Monsters, Inc. “QAnon also likes to say that Monsters, Inc. is Hollywood telling on itself,” says QAnon researcher Mike Rains, “because the plot of scaring kids to get energy is what they really do.”** **There is literally no one out there claiming to have actually taken adrenochrome (oxidized epinephrine/adrenaline), or seen anyone procure it from a child's pineal gland (or pituitary gland, or, in rare cases, the adrenal glands, which actually produce adrenaline, depending on who you are asking). Someone just tossed the idea out there that celebrities were taking it to get high and/or immortal and some other people said "Oh, for sure, that definitely sounds like a plausible thing that could happen!"** **The highest-profile adrenochrome incident took place in 2018, when Google CEO Sundar Pichai was questioned by the House Judiciary Committee about a conspiracy called “Frazzledrip.” (“Heard of Frazzledrip?” reads one comment on The Sisters of Mercy song.) The crackpot theory involved a mythical video, supposedly squirreled away on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, that if leaked, would show Hillary Clinton and her one-time aide Huma Abedin performing a satanic sacrifice in which they slurped a child’s blood while wearing masks carved from the skin of her face.** **It's basically working the way Scientology works. They leave the crazy Xenu shit for the end. By the time people get to "Anthony Weiner had a file on his computer called that was a video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin skinning a child's face and then wearing it like a Halloween mask," they're not going to take the time to look up the fact that .rip files are audio-only.**
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Thaw comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Q is great. Only way to get the boomers thinking outside their lifelong media programming. Make it a kooky spy game. Once they accept that a bunch of warped people have infiltrated all of our institutions, it's a small leap from Q to JQ.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@Admin it stands for "Jewish Question". Thaw likes to inject it into every post. It's all based on his theory that Jews run the world and are responsible for all the wars, crime, sexual assault, and anything negative you can think of.
Jim Watkins Is Q And The Russians Are Helping Him
MilesPurdue comments on Aug 26, 2020:
That's funny. Q is whoever's writing the specific story, gathering public information and creating a theory. Most that get bothered don't like the theory being to close to truth.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@MilesPurdue you want to believe there is some group of elite rich plutocrats who run the country by influencing policy, or that the super-rich will be corrupted by their power and engage in sexual crimes, go right ahead - heck, I am right there with you. Where it gets ludicrous, completely disprovable, and as far from the truth as you can get, is when you start believing that *only* Liberals / Democrats are involved, that there are Satanists extracting chemicals and eating children, and that Donald Trump is an infallible virtuous warrior.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@Die_Grinder and what exactly is wrong with Satanists? If you do even a minimal amount of research you will see that modern Satanism is a non-theistic, non-superstitious religious identity which deserves all of the same freedoms as any other religion in a free and pluralistic society. Satanism does not believe in, nor worship, a literal Satan - Satan is a used as a symbol representing the ultimate rebel against oppressive authority, embracing rational inquiry, and promoting personal freedom. There is nothing "evil" about modern Satanism, and in fact The Satanic Temple is a US federally recognized tax-exempt religion - trying to eliminate it goes against everything the US stands for and flies in the face of religious freedom. As I said before, Catholics seem to be more likely perpetrators of pedophilia and cannibalism. Why is there such a strong push for diverting attention away from Catholics and blaming Satanists? Are you being an apologist for Catholics?
Jim Watkins Is Q And The Russians Are Helping Him
MilesPurdue comments on Aug 26, 2020:
That's funny. Q is whoever's writing the specific story, gathering public information and creating a theory. Most that get bothered don't like the theory being to close to truth.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
Yep, so close to the truth. Satanists kidnapping children and harvesting some weird chemical to gain immortality, small business pizza restaurants somehow housing vast underground tunnels to traffic children, a secret deep-state cabal that only contains Liberals / Democrats / Hollywood - no Conservatives or Republicans, Trump being a "stable genius" who is infallible... so true.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
JacksonNought comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Q is a total fraud, nothing more than a new era of "Satanic Panic" trying to create a bogeyman to blame Liberals / Democrats. It is an attempt to excuse any behavior from Trump which paints him in a negative light - mispronouncing words, misspelling words, incoherent rambling, blatant corruption - ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@Thaw you're just upset that no one invited you into the Illuminati. Those pesky Jews! You have the gall to call someone else triggered? All you do is complain about Jews, like the sorry little snowflake you are.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@Josf-Kelley I wish I was being paid, that would be nice. Instead, I am just passionate, and this is a cause I have a high interest in and have spent years studying. Gunderson was nothing but a fraud. If you have the time, read / watch these explorations into his false narrative: What are you saying is "contradictory evidence" when it comes to the McMartin trial? Judy Johnson, the mother who surfaced the claims of some seedy Satanic cabal operating out of the preschool, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The grounds of the preschool were dug up, and there was literally no evidence of secret tunnels. The investigation hired three unlicensed "therapists" to interview the children, and it is well documented that they used predatory tactics to coax children into producing false memories to fit their narrative - the kids recanted their stories later. In fact, all claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse have never been proven, and claims have been easily debunked. There is no evidence of some secret Satanic cabal, in the SRA era or today. There are out and proud Satanic groups, such as The Satanic Temple, who unabashedly condemn and prohibit any harm to children. Why is child trafficking / abuse always automatically labeled Satanic? The largest conspiracy of sexual offenders is the Catholic Church, which shuffles around their abusers after they are outed and blocks any attempt at investigation. Why do we keep seeing accusations of cannibalism as overtly Satanic? The Catholic Church believes in transubstantiation, in which they literally believe they are engaging in cannibalism and eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Why don't we start calling it Catholic Ritual Abuse, or claim there are secret Catholic cabals engaged in cannibalism?
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
govols comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I haven't followed Q, nor much of what's been published by followers, but it's been clear to me for decades that something like a hive-mind exists within the various ruling and culturally influential institutions. The "deep state" is as real as social status, old boy networks, terror cells, etc.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
Some sort of elite underground society, like Masons or Skull & Bones, is definitely plausible. I have no doubts that rich elites control politics and shape society. Where I see the Q claims as absolutely ridiculous is when it comes to "Satanic pedophile cannibals" - a well known bogeyman to use as a scapegoat when you have no actual facts to base off of. There is absolutely no evidence, and "do your own research" is an easy out to shift the burden of proof. To think Trump is some secret warrior trying to combat the elite, and not actually a member himself, is completely ludicrous.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
Josf-Kelley comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Frank O'Collins once pointed out that those who claim God exists are proving that God exists. I took that as meaning that even if God is only one guy imagining God existing, that proves that - in fact - God exists in that form: an imaginary creation by one individual one time in one place. The next ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
Look up any works published about the era of Satanic Panic from the 70s to the 90s. Read *Satanic Panic* by Jeffrey Victor or *Satan's Silence* by Debbie Nathan. Look up the debunked claims of Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder. Look into the McMartin trial, the Martensville Nightmare, the West Memphis Three, backmasking, *Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons*, etc. It's all just another Satanic Panic, with absolutely no evidence. Marina Abramović's *Spirit Cooking* is nothing more than a performance art piece - to read anything else into it, some evil Satanic cannibalistic plot, is to be gullible and fall for their intentional edginess. Just like in the McMartin case, there is absolutely no evidence for secret underground trafficking tunnels under a small D.C. pizza restaurant. For people who hear about children going missing, or are unfortunate enough to have their own child go missing, Q conspiracies actually hurt the efforts to combat real trafficking and abuse.
House Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Resolution To Condemn QAnon
MilesPurdue comments on Aug 25, 2020:
To me it's rather funny, an article from CNN. About everything that I have read from QAnon is public information. The writers do put their opinions in it. That may be what worries the government. Any restrictions on the media should be for truth, not just opinions, but facts from a News Outlet.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@MilesPurdue "ya know the ones actually causing terrorist activities" Q Anon has caused shootings, kidnappings, murders, train derailment, and other acts of terrorism.
House Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Resolution To Condemn QAnon
MilesPurdue comments on Aug 25, 2020:
To me it's rather funny, an article from CNN. About everything that I have read from QAnon is public information. The writers do put their opinions in it. That may be what worries the government. Any restrictions on the media should be for truth, not just opinions, but facts from a News Outlet.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
Symbolic legislation to call for bipartisan condemnation of dangerous Q conspiracies. "The FBI said last year their theories are likely to 'motivate some domestic extremists' but Trump gave the group a public embrace last week, saying, 'I've heard these are people who love our country.' He added he didn't know much about the movement 'other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate.'
House Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Resolution To Condemn QAnon
iThink comments on Aug 25, 2020:
wait just a minute! according to the Dems Qanon is a hoax - doesn't am I mistaken about that? So what are they proposing? Are they trying to make the name Qanon legally verboten? Are the dems trying to codify speech itself? If the name is spoken or written will there be fines and ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
Seems pretty clear to me. It's a symbolic legislation to get representatives on board with disavowing the radical conspiracy, one which actually harms real efforts in combatting serious child abuse.
Kimberly Repulsa
johnlondon comments on Aug 25, 2020:
She was married to that leftist puke mayor of SaNfRaNsIcKO so go figure. I guess he is gov now of cali.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
Now she's dating Trump Jr. So go figure.
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Thaw lol **When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.** —Winnie the Pooh
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Thaw lol **I do not like them in a house. I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.**
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Thaw "One type of overconfidence, called overprecision, occurs when someone is exaggeratedly certain that their answers are correct. These individuals may seem highly competent and persuasive due to their apparent confidence. They are often driven by a desire for status and power and the need to appear smarter than the people around them."
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Thaw oh look, you can Google quotes from Mein Kampf. Or maybe you just have it memorized. Wouldn't be surprised. Great idol to have there, Nazi boy. Did you know Hitler was a pedophile? Not surprising you would idolize him. Seems like you are the king of projection.
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Thaw as you like to say, "lol". "I've thoroughly defeated you on the Catholic thing twice" that is so laughable, I can barely compose myself. If by "thoroughly defeated" you mean you refused to ever comment on Catholic Pedophilia whenever I asked, choosing instead to deflect because "JEWS BAD! JEWS WORSE!" then sure. I can make up lies too.
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@telimicus I think it is just you... or maybe a few others here. Do you think Spencer really likes Biden and supports his policies and wants to endorse him? And I bet Kanye genuinely wants to run for President, no ulterior motive? More likely it is an extremely thin attempt at trying to associate himself and his "absolutely repugnant" views with Biden, hijacking the media and clickbait titles to paint a narrative that he and Biden share the same ideals, and therefore pull voters away from Biden. Again, very thinly veiled, and won't work. But as I said, in this case Biden and his campaign rejected and disavowed the endorsement. Trump had no problem being endorsed by white supremacists.
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
There you go defending pedophilia yet again, @Thaw, just like you did with the Catholic Church. Sure, your boy Trump makes extremely disturbing comments and even admits to intentionally walking in on teenage girls in various stages of undress, but to you it is all one big joke. Of course if a liberal / Democrat made these same exact comments, you'd also dismiss them as off-color jokes, wouldn't you? Yep, keep up that cognitive dissonance. Only the people you disagree with are pedophiles, the people you agree with are just making innocent jokes when they rape kids.
Joe Biden rejects Richard Spencer’s endorsement. []
JacksonNought comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Biden and his campaign reject Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right's endorsement, calls it "absolutely repugnant." Trump refused to disavow endorsement by the KKK and David Duke, feigning ignorance with "I know nothing about white supremacists." Tells you all you need to know.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Thaw Trump regarding Miss Teen USA: "Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis," Ms Dixon told CBS. "He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked." She added that people who worked for Mr Trump "pressured" the women to "fawn over him, go walk up to him, talk to him, get his attention" while still not fully dressed. Ms Dixon added the situation made them feel awkward and physically vulnerable. Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15. "Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that before a show, I'll go backstage and everyone's getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it," Trump said during the interview. "You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good. And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that," he added. Trump on Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Mr. Trump told New York magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." "I don’t know – I haven't really been following it too much. I just wish her well, frankly," Trump responded. "I have met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is." Trump on his teenage daughter (Ivanka): When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: "Don't you think my daughter's hot? She's hot, right?" Trump on his infant daughter (Tiffany): When Trump was asked whether Tiffany looked more like him or Trump's then-wife Marla Maples, he said Marla, and added that Tiffany was "a really beautiful baby." But the first specific feature Trump mentioned wasn't anything in her face — it was her legs. "She’s got Marla's legs. We don’t know whether or not she's got this part yet," Trump said, miming a pair of breasts over his own chest, "but time will tell." Trump on underage Paris Hilton: "Now, somebody who a lot of people don't give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton. I've known Paris Hilton from the time she's 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, 'Who the hell is that?' At 12, I wasn't ...
JacksonNought comments on Aug 20, 2020:
What does the Talmud have to do with anything? Israel is an ethno-state, not a religous one, and most Jews are secular. The Talmud is specific to Rabbinic Judaism, what about other forms? Want me to cite the Bible for proof of Christian supremacism and terrorism? Want me to cite the Koran for ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 21, 2020:
@BubbaLouie oh, so you are one of those nut jobs we are making fun of? Got it. Hey everyone, look at the crazy person here. Let's all laugh at him.
Will he even make it to November? I doubt it.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I don't know, he seemed pretty healthy while going on a bike ride, even while wearing a mask. As opposed the the guy who could barely walk down a ramp.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 21, 2020:
@Seriousreason hey I am no fan of Kamala either, though I would not call her evil incarnate. I would definitely prefer Kamala to Pence, who is a fundamental dominionist Christian who would prefer to throw out the Constitution in favor of using the Bible as the supreme law of the land.
What... Cows?
Hanno comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Only problem is... devil never made anything... Godditit! So it implies god purposefully placed things in the ground to make intelligent people not believe in her...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 20, 2020:
Yep. I will do everything I can to convince you I do not exist... then I will punish you for eternity because you didn't believe in me. Muwahaha!
Will he even make it to November? I doubt it.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I don't know, he seemed pretty healthy while going on a bike ride, even while wearing a mask. As opposed the the guy who could barely walk down a ramp.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 20, 2020:
@DotBunn well we will just have to agree to disagree here. I agree we have no good choice (as third-party votes are just throwing your vote away), but I agree more with Biden's platform and the need for liberal judges.
Will he even make it to November? I doubt it.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I don't know, he seemed pretty healthy while going on a bike ride, even while wearing a mask. As opposed the the guy who could barely walk down a ramp.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 20, 2020:
@DotBunn fair point, I was speaking more of general health and vitality, not mental state. I won't pretend to believe he is all there, but I also don't think you can criticize Biden's mental issues and at the same time defend Trump's. They are both fragile old men with mental issues and histories of sexual assault.
Will he even make it to November? I doubt it.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I don't know, he seemed pretty healthy while going on a bike ride, even while wearing a mask. As opposed the the guy who could barely walk down a ramp.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 20, 2020:
@dmatic well then Fox News and Trump super-friends bought into it. I guess we should look at more candid footage, like Trump struggling to walk down a ramp, or climb up a small hill while golfing, or not knowing how to close an umbrella, or not being able to drink a glass of water properly...
Will he even make it to November? I doubt it.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I don't know, he seemed pretty healthy while going on a bike ride, even while wearing a mask. As opposed the the guy who could barely walk down a ramp.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 20, 2020:
@dmatic staged by who? Fox News? Peter Doocy, son of super-friend of Trump Steve Doocy? I guess you'd be more impressed if he could identify an elephant.
Don't Want Justice
Thaw comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Retarded comic. The author tries to put several ideas into the conservative's initial statement. Sloppy. The shitlib ignores the key problem, the media response, and just goes on about the police response. So the shitlib is disingenuous even in a shitlib comic. Then there's no irony at ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@Thaw any links / sources other than fringe conspiracy websites or your schoolyard crush on MacDonald?
Don't Want Justice
Thaw comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Retarded comic. The author tries to put several ideas into the conservative's initial statement. Sloppy. The shitlib ignores the key problem, the media response, and just goes on about the police response. So the shitlib is disingenuous even in a shitlib comic. Then there's no irony at ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 19, 2020:
"JEWS BAD" "Jews are evil because they care about Jewish interests. But it's fine that Christians care about Christian interests, that's different." "Jews destroy every host population they are a part of. But let's not bring up Christians going on crusades or enslaving and committing genocide or manifest destiny, that's different." "Hitler was just responding to a threat." "Jews are responsible for the worst sexual crimes. I won't comment on well documented Catholic sexual crimes, that's a Jew distraction." - Thaw, 2020 Those positions?
Don't Want Justice
Thaw comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Retarded comic. The author tries to put several ideas into the conservative's initial statement. Sloppy. The shitlib ignores the key problem, the media response, and just goes on about the police response. So the shitlib is disingenuous even in a shitlib comic. Then there's no irony at ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 19, 2020:
"lol" -Thaw, 2020
Don't Want Justice
Thaw comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Retarded comic. The author tries to put several ideas into the conservative's initial statement. Sloppy. The shitlib ignores the key problem, the media response, and just goes on about the police response. So the shitlib is disingenuous even in a shitlib comic. Then there's no irony at ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@Thaw I am sure you will just play this off as "look this Jew did exactly what I said Jews do!" but... I hope everyone here notices that you: 1 - Accuse me of avoiding the core issue while at the same time ignoring the core issue. 2 - Twist yourself in knots to avoid condemning Catholic pedophilia. Not once have you ever said it was bad, reprehensible, evil, something that should be dealt with, or even tried to blame evil forces which do not represent Catholicism as a whole. No, you just claim I am playing some Jewish mind game to make you bad-mouth something non-Jewish. And like everything else, when you are backed into a corner and can't comment further without showing yourself to be the fraud you are, you will just reply back with "lol".
Don't Want Justice
Thaw comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Retarded comic. The author tries to put several ideas into the conservative's initial statement. Sloppy. The shitlib ignores the key problem, the media response, and just goes on about the police response. So the shitlib is disingenuous even in a shitlib comic. Then there's no irony at ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@Thaw "I didn't defend pedophilia of any kind" you absolutely refused to say anything negative about or condemn the Catholic Church for their pedophilia, choosing instead to deflect and blame Jews. Go ahead, say something bad. Condemn it without any further commentary.
Don't Want Justice
Thaw comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Retarded comic. The author tries to put several ideas into the conservative's initial statement. Sloppy. The shitlib ignores the key problem, the media response, and just goes on about the police response. So the shitlib is disingenuous even in a shitlib comic. Then there's no irony at ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 18, 2020:
@Imastel fair question, you must not be familiar with Thaw here. He and a couple of others are part of a semi-recent influx of users who spam posts with what boils down to "this is all because of Jews" responses. They run a group here of Jewish conspiracy theories and vile anti-Semitism. I started out trying to sincerely debate their comments, but Thaw tries to sound intellectual and throws out fallacy buzzwords to make it seem like he wins every argument. Recently he defended pedophilia within the Catholic Church with the excuse of "well Jews are worse." At this point I don't bother to actually engage him, and I don't take anything he says as valid. I just like to make fun of his constant Jew-blaming.
Don't Want Justice
FEWI comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Fentanyl Floyd died of a heart attack in police custody and the whole country assumed he was killed just because he was black. They went berserk, and the country buried him as if he were king of the black race. A 5 year old Innocent white kid shot point blank in the face because he was white and ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 18, 2020:
@Thaw yep all the Jews. JEWS BAD!
Don't Want Justice
Thaw comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Retarded comic. The author tries to put several ideas into the conservative's initial statement. Sloppy. The shitlib ignores the key problem, the media response, and just goes on about the police response. So the shitlib is disingenuous even in a shitlib comic. Then there's no irony at ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 18, 2020:
I know I know, is all the fault of those damn Jews, isn't it?
Don't Want Justice
FEWI comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Fentanyl Floyd died of a heart attack in police custody and the whole country assumed he was killed just because he was black. They went berserk, and the country buried him as if he were king of the black race. A 5 year old Innocent white kid shot point blank in the face because he was white and ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 18, 2020:
What about Breonna Taylor? Ahmaud Arbery? Hey, if we're talking kids, what about Tamir Rice?
Don't Want Justice
RobD1 comments on Aug 18, 2020:
how about equal coverage for equal crimes... wait thats right you guys are into equity, not equality, clearly theres a difference.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 18, 2020:
Equal application of justice
Oh those silly soy fighters
JacksonNought comments on Aug 17, 2020:
JacksonNought replies on Aug 17, 2020:
What does soy have to do with anything?
His Name is Cannon Hinnant Do white lives matter?
JacksonNought comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Was he murdered by a cop? Is the murderer walking free without consequence? Are there people arguing that the murderer acted in self-defense, or the kid must have done something to deserve it?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 14, 2020:
@Tycho it matters because people like to cherry-pick examples of black criminals committing crimes as a way to excuse or dismiss instances of unarmed or even sleeping black people being murdered by cops with no consequence. This man was arrested and charged with murder. Should the media cover every single murder? Sure, I have no doubt there are biases in the media, and CNN is definitely one of the worst with liberal bias, just as Fox News is one of the worst with conservative bias. I'm sure there are plenty of murders Fox News doesn't cover. The point again is that this is a criminal committing a crime. Why do you have to ask if white lives matter? Clearly they do if the man was arrested for committing a crime, and there is no outrage over the arrest or attempts to defend or excuse the murder. This isn't the same as asking if black lives matter when a cop kills a sleeping black woman and is not arrested, or when a cop is fired for committing a crime you have people trying to defend and excuse it. This isn't even the same as when a white person kills a black person with no consequence, and everyone jumps to their defense saying it must have been the black person's fault. The next time a white person murders a black person and is arrested, if Fox News or Daily Wire doesn't report it, should we post all over social media in outrage over the omission?
How Ben Shapiro Pretends Nothing Can Be Done About Systemic Racism
JacksonNought comments on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw, @Flagherty, why I haven't I seen you posting things like this? You are very critical of Jews, why aren't you constantly calling out Ben Shapiro's BS? You seem to target liberal Jews mostly. I thought you hated ALL Jews. Care to comment?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw keep deflecting. Keep using Shapiro's debate tactics to try and make yourself seem like a great debater. Looks like you're the one using Jewish behavior here, huh?
How Ben Shapiro Pretends Nothing Can Be Done About Systemic Racism
JacksonNought comments on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw, @Flagherty, why I haven't I seen you posting things like this? You are very critical of Jews, why aren't you constantly calling out Ben Shapiro's BS? You seem to target liberal Jews mostly. I thought you hated ALL Jews. Care to comment?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw keep deflecting. Hey remember when you defended Catholic pedophilia?
How Ben Shapiro Pretends Nothing Can Be Done About Systemic Racism
JacksonNought comments on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw, @Flagherty, why I haven't I seen you posting things like this? You are very critical of Jews, why aren't you constantly calling out Ben Shapiro's BS? You seem to target liberal Jews mostly. I thought you hated ALL Jews. Care to comment?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw, @Flagherty, keep deflecting. Still waiting on your criticism of any of the Jews I mentioned. I see plenty criticism of Soros, liberal execs of Google or Facebook, liberal members of Congress or Hollywood...
How Ben Shapiro Pretends Nothing Can Be Done About Systemic Racism
JacksonNought comments on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw, @Flagherty, why I haven't I seen you posting things like this? You are very critical of Jews, why aren't you constantly calling out Ben Shapiro's BS? You seem to target liberal Jews mostly. I thought you hated ALL Jews. Care to comment?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw an actual thought out post, or just a responding comment? I'm looking for one of your fantastical posts with an essay's worth of content and links breaking down the evil Jewry of Dennis Prager and his Prager U videos, or taking down Ben Shapiro in one of his "destroys the left" videos, or criticizing the evil Jewish influence Ivanka is adding to the Trump administration proving she needs to be kicked out.
How Ben Shapiro Pretends Nothing Can Be Done About Systemic Racism
JacksonNought comments on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw, @Flagherty, why I haven't I seen you posting things like this? You are very critical of Jews, why aren't you constantly calling out Ben Shapiro's BS? You seem to target liberal Jews mostly. I thought you hated ALL Jews. Care to comment?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw well then I look forward to seeing you start to post more about Jews using conservative talking points to deceive. Let me know the ETA for your next post on Kushner, or Ivanka, or Prager, or Miller, or Adelson, or Shapiro.
How Ben Shapiro Pretends Nothing Can Be Done About Systemic Racism
JacksonNought comments on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw, @Flagherty, why I haven't I seen you posting things like this? You are very critical of Jews, why aren't you constantly calling out Ben Shapiro's BS? You seem to target liberal Jews mostly. I thought you hated ALL Jews. Care to comment?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw well I hope to see more consistency in your diatribes in the future. would be refreshing to see some of your Jew conspiracies against conservatives.
Are private security militias the future of public safety?
Thaw comments on Aug 10, 2020:
This destruction of our society is caused by Jewish social engineering. The anarchists and blacks are weened on Jewish anti-white, anti-Christian theory in education and other institutions. The organizations actively creating the chaos are funded and managed by Jews. We can address some of the ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw nope, you lie. That is the last I will say about it. Again, we've been through this, and I have no need to waste my time with your cognitive dissonance. Go ahead and believe your lies if you wish.
Are private security militias the future of public safety?
Thaw comments on Aug 10, 2020:
This destruction of our society is caused by Jewish social engineering. The anarchists and blacks are weened on Jewish anti-white, anti-Christian theory in education and other institutions. The organizations actively creating the chaos are funded and managed by Jews. We can address some of the ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Thaw I've already gone back and forth with you on this, and provided several scholarly takedowns of MacDonald's arguments specifically, not on his character. You kept changing the goal posts, using whataboutism, and refuse to listen. I have no need to rehash this.
Are private security militias the future of public safety?
Thaw comments on Aug 10, 2020:
This destruction of our society is caused by Jewish social engineering. The anarchists and blacks are weened on Jewish anti-white, anti-Christian theory in education and other institutions. The organizations actively creating the chaos are funded and managed by Jews. We can address some of the ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 11, 2020:
@Lightman your words fall on deaf ears. I've been down this road before. They will dismiss any criticism or refutation of MacDonald's work, and they use different rules to judge Jews than they do other groups. Every word out of their mouths will be to blame Jews for every little thing, they will deny the Holocaust, they will defend Catholic pedophilia, etc. At this point it's best to not engage with them. I mean, they even have their own group with nothing but anti-Jew posts, A recent one conducting a poll to ask if the Holocaust really happened? One of the options, which got several votes, said that no it didn't happen, but it should have. that tells you all you need to know about them.
Thats right.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 10, 2020:
It's considered a "sin" tax... yet we don't tax the church...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@Javik2188 I live in PA, we have some of the strictest alcohol laws in the country. Up until recently, you could only buy alcohol to-go at State Stores, or with a loophole you could grab some beer at to-go restaurants. Recently the major grocery stores have started selling beer and wine, but they are required to have some sort of bar or dining seating to qualify, and you have to buy it in a separate area in a separate transaction - you can't include the alcohol with your groceries.
Indisputable Proof: Every Porn Company Is Owned By Jews
angelo comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Nutjobs is too good a word for these dregs.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@angelo can confirm, had a lovely buffet setup at the last meeting.
Starter Pack
ThomasinaPaine comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I can't find the joke in this. All I see is buckets of sadness that modern man lacks any privacy at all. BTW, I don't do Facebook, don't have Alexa or Nest, use Duck Duck Go, and disable location in everything I have on a matter of principle.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@ThomasinaPaine no? Well then consider yourself lucky. We're not talking about people legitimately concerned about a rushed virus, we're talking about people who watch Alex Jones mouth off or look at a couple YouTube conspiracy videos and then parrot the talking points all over social media and seriously believe there is some sort of Satanic shadow government harvesting chemicals from babies as some sort of fountain of youth and looking to inject baby parts and microchips into you through vaccines. Look at some of the people on this website who think everything is a large Jewish conspiracy. These are the kind of lunatics we are talking about. I don't know if you are on Facebook or Twitter, but if you seek some of this out it is mind-boggling. Your average person doesn't know about the dark web and using TOR. You can turn tracking off on your phone, but that doesn't really do anything - you can still be tracked if you have on WiFi, if you have a cell signal, or just with your phone's UUID. Even with the phone turned off, someone can access it and turn it on. The only way to legitimately stop a phone from being tracked is to take out the battery or destroy it. As for computers, unless you have a truly air gapped computer, you can be tracked. There have been reports of computers being intercepted by the government to install tracking hardware before making their way to someone who purchased it online, or even before getting to the store for inventory. Also look at the Internet mob, where they are experts at DOXXing people from the smallest footage, meaning you aren't even safe walking around in public. Most new cars from the past decade have computers that connect to the Internet, or satellite radio even if it isn't activated, all of which can be tracked. Outside of technology, you have a social security number, you need to file taxes, you probably have an ID or a driver's license, you need to file forms for employment, you probably have health insurance, credit cards, bank accounts, etc. Unless you are truly off the grid, working under the table, riding a bike, paying with cash, staying away from all modern technology... you can be tracked. No one is trusting the government. They are indeed kidnapping and killing people, trampling on civil rights, and breaking the law to keep themselves in power. If we trusted the government, we would trust Trump when he called the virus a hoax or suggested ingesting bleach, or we'd trust Obama when he justified his torrent of drone strikes. We are trusting doctors and scientists, many around the world who just want to save lives and have no reason to care about hurting Trump. A good thing about scientists is they aren't like religious zealots who refuse to change positions based on outdated ideas - they adapt when ...
But of course it is Biden who can't speak.
RobD1 comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Also (W)hen it comes to issues like abortion, amnesty, and acid, I'm about as liberal as your grandmother. I don't like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don't think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body. I support a limited ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@ThomasinaPaine well when we have a broken system where only two candidates will ever have a chance of being elected, and both are old corrupt men riddled with dementia and several credible accusations of rape, you really have only two choices... vote for a third party / abstain, in which case you help secure a win for the candidate with a rabid loyalist following who will excuse any misdeed... or hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils who is not blatantly committing crimes and fundamentally destroying the country right now, and hope their current party schism is enough to hold him accountable for any corruption during his administration, unlike the current one. If you wish to go third party or abstain, I get it, it is probably better for your conscience. But let's not pretend Biden is any worse than Trump.
GeeMac comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Why would anyone make an unsubstantiated accusation calling this a fake video instead of taking ten seconds to research? Intellectually lazy. It’s 100% true. I remember the incident from Toronto in 2018. The anti-abortion leftist who kicked the woman was fired, charged, and sentenced to eight ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@GeeMac pretty much. Several times on this site I have posted something portraying Trump in a negative light, or someone else tied to right-wing ideology, only to be shot down by cries of "fake news" or "false flag" or "psy-ops" or "crisis actors". Just look at Alex Jones denying Sandy Hook or Parkland. And yes, there are many people who deny climate change, and there are people on the site who deny the Holocaust. So yeah, my point was that the other side can play by the same rules, and call out fake news if it goes against their narrative. I don't actually believe this to be fake, just making a point.
Starter Pack
ThomasinaPaine comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I can't find the joke in this. All I see is buckets of sadness that modern man lacks any privacy at all. BTW, I don't do Facebook, don't have Alexa or Nest, use Duck Duck Go, and disable location in everything I have on a matter of principle.
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
The joke is that you see people posting about microchip conspiracies all over Facebook and Twitter from their smartphones, as if they aren't being fully tracked already.
GeeMac comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Why would anyone make an unsubstantiated accusation calling this a fake video instead of taking ten seconds to research? Intellectually lazy. It’s 100% true. I remember the incident from Toronto in 2018. The anti-abortion leftist who kicked the woman was fired, charged, and sentenced to eight ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@GeeMac my point clearly went over your head.
Clearly President Trump is in on the Jewish conspiracy! He made a call out to Jews in one of his ...
Flagherty comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Stop noticing things, goy! 1] “Jews may lie to non-Jews; Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.”Baba Kamma 113a 2] “Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.” Schabouth Hag. 6b. 3] “Jews must always try to deceive Christians.” Zohar 1160a 4] “Jews always ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Do you ever have an original thought? Or just your copy pasta on every post?
But of course it is Biden who can't speak.
RobD1 comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Also (W)hen it comes to issues like abortion, amnesty, and acid, I'm about as liberal as your grandmother. I don't like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don't think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body. I support a limited ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Well Biden said that back in 1974... which was a widely different time than today. He certainly could have changed his mind on a great many topics in the past 50 years. Just look at Trump, he said many liberal and Democratic talking points in the past before running as a Republican. However, if you believe Biden still has those 50-year-old views, then I don't understand why Republicans are are so afraid of him... shouldn't they agree with his stance?
But of course it is Biden who can't speak.
RobD1 comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Last Tuesday in candidate misspeak. Column A: “thighland” Column B: “Black people are all the same” Im not taking any cognitive tests, why should I? Should you have to take a cocaine test to interview me, come on, is a Lion an Elephant? Come on...” (poor crack reference to a ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@RobD1 statistics shouldn't matter when we have a disease spreading and the current administration could have taken better steps to limit it, and the president shrugs off American deaths. Can you even imagine if Obama had said "it is what it is" in response to Americans dying? Remember all of the Benghazi hearings attacking Hillary when a few Americans died? Remember when Trump called for Obama's resignation because 11 people got Ebola? And yet none of Trump's supporters we'll speak out against him shrugging off American deaths. His supporters will twist themselves into knots to never have to say anything remotely negative about him - just look at Dinesh D'Souza bending over backwards to try and claim Trump was correct in mispronouncing Thailand or Yosemite.
But of course it is Biden who can't speak.
RobD1 comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Last Tuesday in candidate misspeak. Column A: “thighland” Column B: “Black people are all the same” Im not taking any cognitive tests, why should I? Should you have to take a cocaine test to interview me, come on, is a Lion an Elephant? Come on...” (poor crack reference to a ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 7, 2020:
Interviewer: 1000 Americans are dying a day. Trump: It is what it is.
GeeMac comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Why would anyone make an unsubstantiated accusation calling this a fake video instead of taking ten seconds to research? Intellectually lazy. It’s 100% true. I remember the incident from Toronto in 2018. The anti-abortion leftist who kicked the woman was fired, charged, and sentenced to eight ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 6, 2020:
"This is the problem with social media. False accusations get fired off, and mountains of evidence to the contrary are ignored." Couldn't have said it better myself. I hope everyone will remember these sage words when the next video comes out painting conservatives or Trump in a bad light.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Fake video. Possibly the beginning is real, but she moves her phone down and you can't see anything after that. We don't know what really happened. The voices could have been edited at the end to to support her narrative. I mean that's what many people on "the right" would say if the tables were ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@parsifal so then you're intentionally being obtuse when I laid it out pretty clear. But yes, I am stretching. I'm playing by the same rules as the conservatives / right ring / Trump supporters, and calling it fake.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Fake video. Possibly the beginning is real, but she moves her phone down and you can't see anything after that. We don't know what really happened. The voices could have been edited at the end to to support her narrative. I mean that's what many people on "the right" would say if the tables were ...
JacksonNought replies on Aug 6, 2020:
@parsifal did you miss where I said the voices at the end (as in him saying that) could have been faked and edited to accuse the man?
I'd have thought it was quite obvious, but seems maybe half the country isn't so sure.
JacksonNought comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Isn't equality mostly freedom? Like freedom to marry if you are mixed-race or same-sex? Freedom to vote? Freedom to go to college? Freedom to get an abortion? Freedom to have consensual sex? Freedom to smoke pot? Freedom to practice a controversial religion?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@GeeMac I don't know that those are "woke" or "left" claims. I would consider myself far-left, and I don't think that way. In fact, I know of examples of right-wing people claiming they need softer sentences (like the "affluenza case" or Trump commuting Stone's sentence). There are far-right people on this website who blame Jews for everything rather than taking any personal responsibility, and same with religious zealots who blame Satan on everything.
CuriousFury comments on Aug 3, 2020:
socialist agendas intend to break down family values and traditional commonality with fed daddy and communist individualism. For the last 5 months we all have been wearing burka. How are you enjoying sharia law?
JacksonNought replies on Aug 3, 2020:
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Sharia Law? You are a riot.
Thaw comments on Aug 2, 2020:
JacksonNought replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@Thaw there's the Jew hate! True to form.
Thaw comments on Aug 2, 2020:
JacksonNought replies on Aug 2, 2020:
Liberalism is kids feeling comfortable with who they are? Sounds good to me. Hey, you finally made a post without blaming Jews. Progress.
Black Lives Matter (blacklivesmatter.
bastion comments on Jul 30, 2020:
JacksonNought replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@bastion I've done my research. You are wrong. You need better research. Stay on topic.
scotirishviet comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Kevin McDonald has a low IQ? Why don't you start with this. Baby steps.
JacksonNought replies on Jul 31, 2020:
Supreme Court Upholds California's COVID-19 Restrictions On Churches
Ranticore comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Depends upon what you consider to be scientific fact. The science between covid isn't straight, the numbers of infected and dead are imploded, interestingly it occured when it was said that it would occur, and during an election year. Which is the reason I prefer, as of a week ago, to call it ...
JacksonNought replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Ranticore be happy to.
Supreme Court Upholds California's COVID-19 Restrictions On Churches
Ranticore comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Depends upon what you consider to be scientific fact. The science between covid isn't straight, the numbers of infected and dead are imploded, interestingly it occured when it was said that it would occur, and during an election year. Which is the reason I prefer, as of a week ago, to call it ...
JacksonNought replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Ranticore you are right, I will tell you to take off your tinfoil hat. You are essentially parroting "plandemic" style conspiracy talking points. What exactly are "various reports", as everything I have seen says that the whole "limited breathing" argument is a hoax, used by people to try and get out of wearing a mask - much like the phony HIPAA violation excuse. And for the last time, masks do have limited protection for the wearer, but the main point is that it has overwhelming protection for others - wearing a mask helps prevent you from inadvertently spreading it others. Which doctors are telling you not to wear one? It has nothing to do with facial recognition software, and there is no need to microchip you. You don't think the government has everything on you and tracks your every move already? You do realize every single thing you do on the Internet can be traced, you walk around with a small tracking device in your pocket, your entire life is tracked through the IRS and DHS and other government agencies (remember what Snowden revealed), facial recognition is already advanced enough, etc. Is COVID being used against Trump, absolutely, but with good reason - he completely dropped the ball and allowed it to get as bad as it has. I will say it again... when Ebola hit our shores during Obama's administration, and only 11 people were treated, Trump tweeted non-stop about it, called current leaders "incompetent", and said that Obama should "apologize to the American people & resign". So if it was okay for him to use a virus as a political tool, why isn't it okay for people to use a virus against' Trump? It is no different than any issue that shows a president's incompetence and mishandling being used as political fodder. This doesn't mean that the origin of the virus, the spread of the virus, the severity of the virus, or the attempts to stop and cure the virus have anything to do with undermining Trump. It's also interesting that the conspiracy nuts can't keep their story straight. You hear the same people who claim the entire virus is a hoax or brought on by 5G then say there is a cure being held back. Pick a position and stick with it.
Couldn't be more obvious
ThomasinaPaine comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Because it cannot be both. Pedophiles wouldn't ***EVER*** go into any occupation that enabled them to be around children. Noooo. That would be nuts. Public schools Or clowns ...
JacksonNought replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@ThomasinaPaine again, no argument when it comes to Hollywood. Though I would disagree about policies implemented in the Catholic Church, as cases still come up today, and they block investigators at ever turn and still protect and shuffle around members.
Couldn't be more obvious
ThomasinaPaine comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Because it cannot be both. Pedophiles wouldn't ***EVER*** go into any occupation that enabled them to be around children. Noooo. That would be nuts. Public schools Or clowns ...
JacksonNought replies on Jul 30, 2020:
No argument here, we need to end the seedy underbelly that exists in Hollywood and tourism and government and religion all alike, and prosecute all involved to the full letter of the law. It just seems odd that many people will completely ignore the Catholic Church, defend them, or help cover up their misdeeds, while at the same time complaining about sexual abuse in other areas - because they don't actually care about kids, they have agendas.
Couldn't be more obvious
Thaw comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Lol as the headlines are dominated by Jews Epstein and Maxwell running a gigantic pedophile ring and Israel has been called "the promised land for pedophiles" and Jewish media is pushing sexualization of children nonstop, including the "very Jewish" pedo ...
JacksonNought replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Thaw yep, unlike you, who gets quite a bit of prepubescent action every day at your church. Can't allow the government to close your churches for the virus, and move to online services - how else would you get laid?
Couldn't be more obvious
camerakid61 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Did you know that the word fuck was an acronym for anyone in ancient times who was Catholic and had sex during times of the year and under circumstances that were not allowed by Cardinals? Yep, it was called Fornication Under Cardinal Knowledge or F.U.C.K.(-ing)!
JacksonNought replies on Jul 30, 2020:
I am not sure if that is true, or just an old myth. I've heard a variation that it stood for "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" or "Forbidden Use of Carnal Knowledge" - meaning unsanctioned sex. I think it is more derived from the German ficken and the Dutch fokken.
Couldn't be more obvious
Thaw comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Lol as the headlines are dominated by Jews Epstein and Maxwell running a gigantic pedophile ring and Israel has been called "the promised land for pedophiles" and Jewish media is pushing sexualization of children nonstop, including the "very Jewish" pedo ...
JacksonNought replies on Jul 30, 2020:
@Thaw keep covering and deflecting for you Catholic pedophile ring.