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Do your neighbors scare you?
FrozenSoul comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Well my white neighbors are cool and an Asian behind me is cool. But on one side there is a Mixed Race family and they are scary! No bull. They all live with grandma, don’t work,dropped outta school and sell drugs (cops busted the house several times). But grandma (White ) died few ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 21, 2020:
@SocialDarwin yep, "hicks" totally carries the same weight. Just the other day I was reading about the struggles of the hicks, how they were enslaved and deprived of rights and viciously murdered for being hicks. The fact that we don't have a hicks history month is an outrage.
White the FBI is bleating about the threat of 'White Supremacy', BLM terrorists continue to murder.
timon_phocas comments on Sep 20, 2020:
This judgement is based on the massacres perpetrated by white racist nuts at synagogues, in the WalMart massacre in El Paso, in the New Zealand mosques and the Norway massacre. These are widely separated and uncoordinated acts by scattered online sociopaths. But they've killed scores of people....
JacksonNought replies on Sep 21, 2020:
@timon_phocas once more you are factually incorrect and peddling conspiracy theories and false narratives. This back and forth is pointless, as you have your "alternative facts" and I have the truth.
White the FBI is bleating about the threat of 'White Supremacy', BLM terrorists continue to murder.
timon_phocas comments on Sep 20, 2020:
This judgement is based on the massacres perpetrated by white racist nuts at synagogues, in the WalMart massacre in El Paso, in the New Zealand mosques and the Norway massacre. These are widely separated and uncoordinated acts by scattered online sociopaths. But they've killed scores of people....
JacksonNought replies on Sep 21, 2020:
@timon_phocas you are factually incorrect. This is a talking point raised by Trump and Barr to try and label any left-wing protester as "antifa" and to label them as a domestic terrorist to strip away their rights and deny them their First Amendment protected freedom to assemble and protest. If you think someone protesting fascism is trying to destroy the US, then the only logical assumption is that you think the US is already fascist and should stay that way, or should become fascist.
White the FBI is bleating about the threat of 'White Supremacy', BLM terrorists continue to murder.
timon_phocas comments on Sep 20, 2020:
This judgement is based on the massacres perpetrated by white racist nuts at synagogues, in the WalMart massacre in El Paso, in the New Zealand mosques and the Norway massacre. These are widely separated and uncoordinated acts by scattered online sociopaths. But they've killed scores of people....
JacksonNought replies on Sep 21, 2020:
You are incorrect. ANTIFA is not an organization, and it has no coordinated networks or official membership. ANTIFA is a movement / ideology, literally meaning "anti-fascist". If you are not "antifa" then you are literally for fascism. Now there are definitely people who label themselves ANTIFA and are bullies, rioters, looters, violent, etc. But again, there is no organization or collective. As far as BLM goes, yes there is an official organization, which has some positives and some negatives. But most people protesting are not affiliated with the organization, they are part of the movement aspect of BLM, which in this case is also just an ideology / movement that people identify with. As with ANTIFA, again there can be bad actors within the movement, but the movement itself has no coordinated network. So no, there is not a coordinated effort among individuals identifying with the social justice du jour to destroy the US. But, if you are going to label them that way, why are you applying different rules to the "white racist nuts"? There are the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois, and the LOS, to name a few. These are actual organizations with members and coordinated networks, one which often set up planned protests and intimidation through sites like Facebook. This is no different than labeling any Muslim crime as "radical Islamic terrorism" but any white nationalist crime as "a lone wolf / mental health issue". You cannot claim any problems caused by left-wing identifiers are some sort of coordinated attack, yet any problems caused by right-wing identifiers are long wolves with no connection. Both have issues, and both can be tied to the rhetoric of key members of their political movements. To only single out one group is the height of hypocrisy.
Do your neighbors scare you?
FrozenSoul comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Well my white neighbors are cool and an Asian behind me is cool. But on one side there is a Mixed Race family and they are scary! No bull. They all live with grandma, don’t work,dropped outta school and sell drugs (cops busted the house several times). But grandma (White ) died few ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 21, 2020:
You were straddling the line of racism, but you had to jump over with your slur.
Pretty funny.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Don't people like you say that her arrest is imminent, any day now? You've been saying that for 4 years.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 20, 2020:
@Bay0Wulf funny, I was about to say the same thing about you.
Pretty funny.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Don't people like you say that her arrest is imminent, any day now? You've been saying that for 4 years.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 20, 2020:
@Bay0Wulf those are exactly my thoughts, though for Trump instead of Hillary.
President Trump urges GOP to move quickly on SCOTUS nomination: 'We have this obligation, without ...
saramarylop3z comments on Sep 19, 2020: *"One of only nine women in a class of more than 500, Ruth encountered resistance from some of the older faculty. The law dean asked all the women students to justify taking places at the school that could be occupied by men."* I may not ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 20, 2020:
McConnell stopped Obama from filling a vacancy with almost a year left of his presidency. They wouldn't even allow hearings. To push this through just because it's Trump is the height of hypocrisy. And just know, the Democrats have stated that if the Republicans do push through a new justice before the election, they will do everything within their power to add seats to the court to balance it out, which is also Constitutional.
Reminder That Fox News Employs Someone Who Promotes Child Predation []
iThink comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Tucker Carlson is NOT a rape apologist. The only rape apologists I know of are the ones who defend the likes of Bill Clinton, Geoffrey Epstein, Joe Biden...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 19, 2020:
Add Donald Trump and Roy Moore to your list.
You just know this will be the playbook
JacksonNought comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Perhaps Republicans should not be outright hypocrites, and wait until after the election / potential lame-duck before considering a replacement.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 19, 2020:
@Hanno because there is a potential that Biden wins.
Ginsburg hasn't even been dead for a full day yet and here come the memes...
JacksonNought comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Yep. I hope the people complaining about the #WrongTrump trend aren't being hypocrites right now.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 19, 2020:
@SpikeTalon agreed
Evangelicals Refuse To Support Biden Because Kamala "Isn’t A Christian Name"
SpikeTalon comments on Sep 18, 2020:
The evangelicals are celebrating now, Ruth Bader Ginsburg just croaked at age 87...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 18, 2020:
Yep, I'm sure they are. All that Christian love.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
For me it’s taking the liberal progressive ideas to their “logical” end-point. Also, side their own standards on them. If they say they hate hate, they still hate and, therefore, they are only acting to promote what they say they want to destroy. Building on that, for all their talk and ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 17, 2020:
@curvycom not true. If that was the case, then why are all the "leftists" trying to remove Confederate monuments and ban the Confederate flag, and the "rightists" trying to stop them and clinging to their "heritage"? It is well known that there was a party realignment. First, if we are using terms like "leftists" and using the current-day definitions, then no they were not the majority slave holders and KKK members. If you said Democrats, then yes, but not "leftists". Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the "leftists" were the Republicans, with Democrats opposing desegregation and civil rights. Once the Democratic Party started endorsing more civil rights and discussing black issues, there was a massive shift where southern Democrat racists left the party and joined the Republicans. Today's Democrats where the Republicans of Lincoln.
When the church ruled.
Krunoslav comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Pales in comparison to mass murder on industrial scale of the "enlightened" lefty religions that replaced it. Natzism and Communism. Which unlike the church didn't offer anything constructive or comforting to people. Only obedience and fear. But you know, why bother with little details like that. ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@Krunoslav ha, you think I am blinded by ideology? Have you looked in a mirror? I never hear the "left" call their opposition evil. Racist, bigoted, greedy, sure... but not evil. It is usually the "right" - Conservatives, Republicans, Evangelicals, etc, who love to label their opposition as evil. Godless liberals, baby killers, demon worshipers, pedophiles - you hear all of these labels thrown at the liberals. Just look at what is happening with QAnon right now, where people worship at the altar of Trump and claim some vast conspiracy of a liberal cabal engaging in Satanic cannibalism and pedophilia. It is common of the "right" to demonize their opponent, rather than try to engage in the marketplace of ideas. The biggest hypocrisy is claiming that *only* liberals are hypocritical, acting like the conservatives are all perfect angels. Historic evidence and the current state of the world actually shows that a fully secular society is completely possible and can thrive. Japan is one of the least religious countries, and it seems to be managing better than the US at this current moment. Sweden, Norway, and Denmark are also non-religious and have thriving and extremely happy populaces. Most progressive ideals are in fact based in science, and one of the great things about science it that it can evolve and changes can be made when new data is presented. The whole point of progressivism is that people are flawed and should work to better society from our past mistakes. You can't get that with the theistic religions, which claim the infallible word of God which cannot be wrong and therefore cannot change. You couldn't have true religious freedom or marriage equality or suffrage or civil rights without secular progressives trying to amend the rules put in place by theocrats. No, I do not consider myself gender fluid, I am a cis het male. But yet, gender fluidity is 100% backed by science, to claim otherwise is religious dogma. Christianity doesn't claim to be science, it says that science is evil. It says evolution is blasphemy, stem cell research is evil, vaccines are Satanic rituals, and some even think you should pray-away any ailment and the most basic of medical care is against God. You seem to be a fundamentalist Christian since you are attacking me, not my arguments, because of a perceived insult to your philosophy. You see gay marriage, transgender rights, abortion, as some sort of affront to your life, and you see granting equality and ending discrimination as some sort of forced acceptance on your part. The whole "forced acceptance / bend a knee" is a false narrative - people just want to live their lives and have the same access as everyone else. Just because you can't fire or deny housing accommodations to someone because of their sexual ...
"Look at that piece of ass": Trump hit on Michael Cohen’s daughter — when she was just ...
MilesPurdue comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Does show what a belligerent rich guy does. Considering the favorite President of all was sleeping with actresses, one even sleeping with girls that worked in the WH while his wife traveled with her "private secretary", one probably gay, with a possible trans for a wife, idk, but Trump gets good ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@MilesPurdue I don't know who I want exactly, as they all have flaws. I wish we weren't forced into this two party system where the parties basically dictate who we have to choose between, and I wish it wasn't always old Christian men (mostly white). Of the past primaries I would have wanted Bernie or Yang. I think there is too much tribal thinking among the parties, for example people who think Democrats are tanking society to attack Trump, but think the Republicans are choir boys or at the very least just spineless. The Republicans are responsible for their fair share of cartoon villainy. "Socialism" and "Marxism" are scary words people like to throw out, but don't know much about. We already live in a society with many socialist programs - military, police & fire, medicaid, social security, education, libraries, garbage, VA, welfare, etc. Nobody wants to turn the country into "Venezuela" but they want to remove the predatory loopholes and tactics caused by rampant capitalism allowing a ruling class of plutocrats dictating our society. Trump is a plutocrat who thinks rules don't apply to him, and he is allowing a theocracy to rise up because he is such a narcissist that he allows Christian dominionists like Pence to get away with murder because they worship at his feet. He isn't just belligerent, he is dangerous and sells out our country to violent dictators.
When the church ruled.
Krunoslav comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Pales in comparison to mass murder on industrial scale of the "enlightened" lefty religions that replaced it. Natzism and Communism. Which unlike the church didn't offer anything constructive or comforting to people. Only obedience and fear. But you know, why bother with little details like that. ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@Krunoslav **"Today't [sic] republicans are moderate lefties"** HA! You might want to tell the Republicans and Conservatives on this site that, the ones who use "leftist" as a pejorative. They'd love to hear that if they consider themselves right-leaning then they support monarchy. **"You cannot have a society without religion"** I vehemently disagree. Now, if we are talking about religion in general, practiced by individuals, then sure, for a free society we should let individuals practice whatever religion they choose, whether that is Christianity or Satanism or Scientology or Grittitism . But if we mean that a secular society cannot exist without being maintained by religion, then that is absolutely wrong. Especially if we are talking about a theistic religion. Theistic religion had its purpose back in the early days, when some sort of collectivist and societal thinking was required to combat the very survival of the fittest mentality... but too often it evolves into a method of power and control and subjugation. Now we know better, we have scientific explanations for all of the "miracles" from the stone age, and we are able to see how theism has held back society in many ways. From theism supporting slavery, preventing miscegenation and same-sex marriage, still enabling child brides, rampant racism and sexism, etc. If theistic religion is replaced by an equally dogmatic position which rejects science, then yes that should be thrown out too. Most progressive ideals these days are science-based, such as gender fluidity and climate change.
"Look at that piece of ass": Trump hit on Michael Cohen’s daughter — when she was just ...
MilesPurdue comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Does show what a belligerent rich guy does. Considering the favorite President of all was sleeping with actresses, one even sleeping with girls that worked in the WH while his wife traveled with her "private secretary", one probably gay, with a possible trans for a wife, idk, but Trump gets good ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@MilesPurdue Trump is a dangerous narcissist and compulsive liar. Look at the Woodward tapes that just came out. First, he lied about the severity of COVID, saying it was because he didn't want to cause a panic... yet he never seemed to have an issue causing a panic when he lied about a caravan of migrants heading for the border (interesting that he dropped the issue after the midterms), lied about Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New York, lied about Obama's birth certificate, lied about buses and planes full of mysterious black-clad men coming to cities to riot, lied about "millions of illegals" voting and claiming he actually won the popular vote, etc. Second, even if he did underplay COVID to prevent panic, why would he then encourage people to dismiss it as a hoax and intentionally crowd into packed arenas with no masks and no safety precaution, when he knew that was dangerous? He doesn't care about you or anyone other than himself and select members of his family. He intentionally engages in corrupt actions to benefit and enwealthen himself, and he knows his cult will defend everything he does and he can get away with it. He is a master of projection, continuously insulting people and making up lies about others when he himself exhibits those traits.
"Look at that piece of ass": Trump hit on Michael Cohen’s daughter — when she was just ...
MilesPurdue comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Does show what a belligerent rich guy does. Considering the favorite President of all was sleeping with actresses, one even sleeping with girls that worked in the WH while his wife traveled with her "private secretary", one probably gay, with a possible trans for a wife, idk, but Trump gets good ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@MilesPurdue I have to disagree. While I was certainly no fan of Hillary, and was rooting for a giant meteor over either candidate, I still think Trump is monumentally worse.
When the church ruled.
Krunoslav comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Pales in comparison to mass murder on industrial scale of the "enlightened" lefty religions that replaced it. Natzism and Communism. Which unlike the church didn't offer anything constructive or comforting to people. Only obedience and fear. But you know, why bother with little details like that. ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@rway you bring up a fair point, certain sects of political ideology could achieve such fanaticism that they basically become a form of religion. There are certainly examples of this within ultra-Progessivism or Trumpism. However, the "lefty" religion Krunoslav brings up, Nazism and Communism, are either not "lefty" or not religion. They are political ideology corrupted by authoritarians to exploit people and obtain power and control... hmm, that does sound like a lot of prominent organized religious groups, so maybe I am wrong. "Christianity is not a theocracy" - true, if we are speaking about authentic and uncorrupted Christianity, free of organized leaders or evangelists. If we are speaking about "American Christianity" then it is very much a form of theocracy, as its goal is to overrule the Constitution with the Bible and force Christian dogma into law.
Pull up my mask?
Header comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Good point, if someone feels the need to come to me like they are the social police, then you get my rath! Period! MYOB!
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@Flagherty wrong. I am a Jew. Why would I care, when I have expressed multiple times in the past that I am one? What's wrong with that? Of course for the same reason you aren't bothered being called a Nazi because you are one.
Pull up my mask?
Header comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Good point, if someone feels the need to come to me like they are the social police, then you get my rath! Period! MYOB!
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@Flagherty yep, and I have free speech to call you a degenerate incel Nazi boy who is probably fatter than the woman Paul described and finds blaming the Jews for everything down to stubbing your toe easier than taking personal responsibility and seeing that your failures are all your own and not because of some bogeyman. I also have the free speech to call Paul a fake tough guy, who probably actually wears his mask properly in a store because he is too afraid of confrontation.
"Look at that piece of ass": Trump hit on Michael Cohen’s daughter — when she was just ...
MilesPurdue comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Does show what a belligerent rich guy does. Considering the favorite President of all was sleeping with actresses, one even sleeping with girls that worked in the WH while his wife traveled with her "private secretary", one probably gay, with a possible trans for a wife, idk, but Trump gets good ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
No, one wasn't "probably gay, with a possible trans for a wife". I also wouldn't consider JFK to be the favorite president, but that's just my opinion. I also vehemently disagree with Trump "gets good things done".
Pull up my mask?
Header comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Good point, if someone feels the need to come to me like they are the social police, then you get my rath! Period! MYOB!
JacksonNought replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@Flagherty go back to 1940's Germany, Nazi boy. RamZPaul, these are the type of people you surround yourself with.
Names on Pillows
Machiavelliwar comments on Sep 14, 2020:
This is not a joke, or a meme.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 15, 2020:
@Machiavelliwar you'll find most posts on this group are the same.
Pull up my mask?
Header comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Good point, if someone feels the need to come to me like they are the social police, then you get my rath! Period! MYOB!
JacksonNought replies on Sep 15, 2020:
@Header you didn't really answer the question. Looking for your opinion.
"Look at that piece of ass": Trump hit on Michael Cohen’s daughter — when she was just ...
iThink comments on Sep 15, 2020:
so? Trump was a notorious womanizer and 15 year old females are often hard to distinguish from 18 or 19 year olds and Trump did not "hit on" the girl - he was not flirting w/her - doesn't sound like he spoke to the girl at all. Besides all that Trump was not entertaining the idea of getting into ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 15, 2020:
Just because Trump wasn't entertaining the thought of politics at the time doesn't excuse pedophilic tendencies. Trump regarding Miss Teen USA: "Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis," Ms Dixon told CBS. "He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked." She added that people who worked for Mr Trump "pressured" the women to "fawn over him, go walk up to him, talk to him, get his attention" while still not fully dressed. Ms Dixon added the situation made them feel awkward and physically vulnerable. Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15. "Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that before a show, I'll go backstage and everyone's getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it," Trump said during the interview. "You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good. And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that," he added. Trump on Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Mr. Trump told New York magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." "I don’t know – I haven't really been following it too much. I just wish her well, frankly," Trump responded. "I have met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is." Trump on his teenage daughter (Ivanka): When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: "Don't you think my daughter's hot? She's hot, right?" Trump on his infant daughter (Tiffany): When Trump was asked whether Tiffany looked more like him or Trump's then-wife Marla Maples, he said Marla, and added that Tiffany was "a really beautiful baby." But the first specific feature Trump mentioned wasn't anything in her face — it was her legs. "She’s got Marla's legs. We don’t know whether or not she's got this part yet," Trump said, miming a pair of breasts over his own chest, "but time will tell." Trump on underage Paris Hilton: "Now, somebody who a lot of people don't give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton. I've known Paris Hilton from the time she's 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the ...
When the church ruled.
Krunoslav comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Pales in comparison to mass murder on industrial scale of the "enlightened" lefty religions that replaced it. Natzism and Communism. Which unlike the church didn't offer anything constructive or comforting to people. Only obedience and fear. But you know, why bother with little details like that. ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 15, 2020:
I am not sure why you equate Nazism with "lefty" religion? Which, first of all, political ideology != religion. Second, just because Nazism is the "national socialist" party does not mean it is socialism. "...most supporters of Nazism embraced the party precisely because they saw it as an enemy of and an alternative to the political left." "Instead of controlling the means of production or redistributing wealth to build a utopian society, the Nazis focused on safeguarding a social and racial hierarchy. They promised solidarity for members of the Volksgemeinschaft (racial community) even as they denied rights to those outside the charmed circle." "Unlike much of the European left, many conservatives proved willing to work with Nazis — something they later regretted — an association that tainted postwar European conservatism." Plus Nazism was overtly Christian. Hitler was a Christian, and while he may not have followed traditional Christianity, he believed God was sanctioning his actions, and he admired Jesus and believed him to be an "Aryan fighter" who was opposing the Jews. Don't forget that Mussolini, fascist ally of Nazi Germany, helped grant the Catholic Church national sovereignty with The Vatican, claiming to be fulfilling the Pope's mandate to basically enslave Jews. Finally, I find it laughable that you imply old-age religion (Christianity majorly) did not force "obedience and fear."
Names on Pillows
TSEC24A comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I believe you are mistakenly referring to the camps and policy created by Obama as that of Trump. Trump ended that particular policy. Ignorant.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 15, 2020:
@TSEC24A wrong. First off, the meme is not false. Whether or not Obama started the camps or the policies, Trump has done nothing to end them or try to improve them, dismissing any problem after having countless issues brought to him. 5000 cases of children sexual assaulted during Trump's watch. 1500 children just up and lost in the system on Trump's watch. If Trump was such a champion for ending child abuse and trafficking, you'd think he'd do something about this, huh? Trump's connection with Epstein is also not false. They were friends, he spoke highly of him, and he wished Maxwell well. Obama had no Epstein connection. Now this is important, because 99% of QAnon followers are Trump supporters. You can try to make up lies about QAnon and how there are varied beliefs and no single solitary philosophy, but that is BS. QAnon specifically posits that there is a Satanic cannibal pedophile cabal operating among wealthy Democrats, Liberals, and Hollywood elites (hmm, no Republicans or Conservatives or religious leaders, seems convenient) and that Donald Trump is the one man who can help, and is currently working in secret to take these groups down. QAnon is very specific to Donald Trump, excusing all of his actions as secret skunkworks, coded messages, and "willful misinformation." This isn't an attempt to blame Trump. Instead, it shows that QAnon is absurd, and its followers gullible rubes, since they try to appear smart and "in the know" by claiming some small pizza restaurant is a front for a vast underground network of child sex tunnels, will willfully ignoring the obvious child abuse going on in front of them. You think Trump is the savior, even when he has a history of supporting and engaging in child sexual abuse?
Pull up my mask?
Header comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Good point, if someone feels the need to come to me like they are the social police, then you get my rath! Period! MYOB!
JacksonNought replies on Sep 15, 2020:
Just a question, how you would you feel if someone walked around completely naked in a store you were in, let's say it was this overweight woman. Would you say none of your business and ignore it? Even if kids were around?
It's not what you think it is, and frankly the attempted comparison is revolting.
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 13, 2020:
The stupid shit like this, is why I come here.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@caseyxsharp you needed 6000 words for your point? Can you reduce it to 100? Hell, I'll take 1000.
It's not what you think it is, and frankly the attempted comparison is revolting.
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 13, 2020:
The stupid shit like this, is why I come here.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@caseyxsharp yeah I just flat out refuse to read that.
Names on Pillows
TSEC24A comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I believe you are mistakenly referring to the camps and policy created by Obama as that of Trump. Trump ended that particular policy. Ignorant.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@CHFandango all fair points. The problem with QAnon is the assertion that Trump is that knight, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
It's not what you think it is, and frankly the attempted comparison is revolting.
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 13, 2020:
The stupid shit like this, is why I come here.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@caseyxsharp you seem to have a victim complex. Does stalking and threatening people count as being different and needing special consideration? I'd criticize anyone for doing so. My point is I don't know what your purpose is for being here? Are you trying to engage in actual civil discussion, or just creep out female YouTubers? You say you come here for "stupid shit like this" but all I ever really see from you is stalkerish nonsense.
Names on Pillows
TSEC24A comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I believe you are mistakenly referring to the camps and policy created by Obama as that of Trump. Trump ended that particular policy. Ignorant.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@CHFandango I agree, there is a terrible amount of exploited children out there, with a majority of abuse happening within the family and close friends. We should do everything in our power to end the injustice happening. QAnon conspiracies do nothing but hurt real efforts at combating child abuse, and it lets people think they are helping by trying to "expose" Tom Hanks as a child eating Satanist while ignoring actual abuse.
It's not what you think it is, and frankly the attempted comparison is revolting.
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 13, 2020:
The stupid shit like this, is why I come here.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@caseyxsharp what exactly am I defending myself against? It was hard to understand your rambling block of text where you basically kept threatening me. If you have mental issues, you should go seek legitimate help, rather than threatening and stalking people online.
It's not what you think it is, and frankly the attempted comparison is revolting.
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 13, 2020:
The stupid shit like this, is why I come here.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
Add creepy stalkerish *threatening* rambling essays to the list.
Names on Pillows
TSEC24A comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I believe you are mistakenly referring to the camps and policy created by Obama as that of Trump. Trump ended that particular policy. Ignorant.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
Whether Trump started the camps or not, it's still a fact that the camps exist, 1500 children have been lost, and there are plenty of cases of sexual abuse going on there.
Names on Pillows
Machiavelliwar comments on Sep 14, 2020:
This is not a joke, or a meme.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
Bring it on
pigfarmer comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Yes, indeed! I, my family and all of my friends on neighboring farms are ready - can't wait!
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
Sounds like you are hoping for a civil war so you can kill people willy nilly. Probably one to go out looking to start one.
It's not what you think it is, and frankly the attempted comparison is revolting.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 13, 2020:
[poem]It was an effort by BLM supporters to use the expression and the day to try to make a point that saying “all lives matter” diminishes the concerns about the problems of police brutality and black lives. But when they used 9/11 to try to make their point, they were indeed diminishing the...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@SpikeTalon I must also disagree. Black Lives Matter is simply that - black lives matter. It doesn't say that white lives don't, or Latino, or Asian, or whatever. It doesn't say that only black lives matter, it just says that they do matter. So yes, the statement that all lives can't matter unless black lives matter is accurate, just as it would be accurate to say all lives can't matter unless white lives matter. If all lives matter then yes black lives matter as well. The problem is that black people see a problem with police brutality, and are trying to raise awareness, and get "all lives matter" thrown in their face by a lot of people (not all) who really just want to say that black lives don't matter to them. All Lives Matter was not a thing until BLM showed up, it is nothing more than a need to become the opposition. No different than people crying that they need a straight pride parade, or a white entertainment network on TV. Again, the feeling you are getting over BLM claiming "all buildings matter" is exactly the feeling black people are getting when they hear "all lives matter".
It's not what you think it is, and frankly the attempted comparison is revolting.
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 13, 2020:
The stupid shit like this, is why I come here.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 13, 2020:
I thought you came here to write creepy stalkerish rambling essays to women like Jaclyn Glenn and Arielle Scarcella?
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 11, 2020:
At jacksonnaught. You said it’s well documented that there is no connection between gays and pedo. Guess what. I don’t believe any of it. Yep. I don’t. Want to know why? Because you lie. That’s right. The entire institution of gay is a lie. You say it’s born in. Lie. I grant it’s ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
I know I said I was out, and I was just going to ignore any further comments from you, but I had to pop back in just to laugh at you. Thank you, you gave me quite the chuckle. So you can be presented with mountains of evidence and you just won't believe it. You say the left all lie, that gay people all lie, etc. Despite evidence of the contrary, you feel in your heart of hearts that you are right. So much for facts don't care about your feelings, eh? You might be the biggest fool I think I've come across on this site, and I've dealt with rabid anti-semites. No wonder you can't figure how to do a simple reply. Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the poster boy for this topic. You want to understand how to speak to a progressive and try to make them understand your side, this is exhibit A of what *not* to do. A lot of people commenting here want to claim progressives think based on feelings while conservatives think based on logic... well here we have a conservative flat out say they are basing their worldview on their feelings and spitting in the face of factual evidence. Once more Tow, I am sitting here laughing my ass off at what a fool you've made out of yourself.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
For me it’s taking the liberal progressive ideas to their “logical” end-point. Also, side their own standards on them. If they say they hate hate, they still hate and, therefore, they are only acting to promote what they say they want to destroy. Building on that, for all their talk and ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@Lightman "Conservatives are not anti-progress in fact many embrace and initiate it. Progressives that say otherwise are liars." Yet here you are telling me, a progressive, what I think. My language is clear. You can lie all you want and tell me I'm saying something I'm not, doesn't make it true.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 11, 2020:
At jacksonnaught. You’re responses to the fact there is a gay and pedo connection are predictable. It’s very very very important for the gays to keep this under the rug. Such a disclosure will hurt their PR and you can’t have that. Because it will shatter the idea that gays are innocent. It ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
You are just flat out lying now. It's sad how indoctrinated you really are. There is no need to "deny" anything, I am just speaking factual truth with mountains of evidence to support. You are the one making up falsehoods. Who the hell is saying "well that's just how it is in this community, how else are they supposed too..."? I sure didn't. For the last time, it isn't a PR move, it isn't to protect community, it isn't being swept under the rug - THERE IS NO LINK BETWEEN HOMOSEXUALITY AND PEDOPHILIA. Maybe you need to get out of your bubble and stop listening to "alternative facts". Interesting how you keep blaming gay people but seem to think religion is innocent? It is well documented that homosexuality, trans identity, etc do no lead to, nor do they endorse, pedophilia. It is also well documented how the Catholic Church abused thousands of children, covered it up, and refused to allow investigations. I guess you are saying being abused by a priest is all part of the Catholic community, how else are people supposed to... No? Well then stop being so obtuse when it comes to gay people. I have no need to continually waste my time with your homophobic rants and misinformation. I'm out. Of course you never provided evidence of your "11 year old boy" story.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 11, 2020:
At jacksonnaught. And yet I keep repeating over and over to you. There are drag queen story hours where overly sexualized men get access to kids. Once again, an 11 yr old boy dressed as a whore did a sex dance in front of adult homosexual men. ??? It’s like...duh. This is all fact. All you ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Looks like you and John have the typical homophobic QAnon talking points down pat. You keep bringing up this 11 year old boy dancing. I have never heard of this, where is your source? Where is the non-anecdotal evidence of liberals celebrating? Something tells me your prudish attitude reads into things that aren't there, but I will hold my judgement until you provide the evidence. And if it happens to be the case, then sure that seems inappropriate and is something that should be stopped immediately. This is not indicative of all the drag time story hours though. All I've ever seen is comedic performances and enthusiastic story reading which keeps kids engaged and entertained, no sexual undertones whatsoever. It's no different than having a clown or animal mascot entertain kids, you seem to be adding subtext which isn't there. My analogy is not baseless, it is perfectly apt. Saying all gay people are pedos is *exactly* the same as saying all Catholics are pedos. Gay people aren't trying to normalize pedophilia. The only ones I see trying to normalize pedophilia are actual pedophiles trying to hijack civil rights movements to excuse their behavior, far-right trolls trying to make it seem like LGBTQ people are supporting pedophilia in attempts to strip away basic rights, and yeah these ultra-religious groups who try to keep child marriages legal. Anyone remember Roy Moore, who got the President's glowing endorsement? Or how about the President admitting to intentionally walking in on teen pageant contestants in their changing rooms? And you say liberals and gay people are trying to normalize it? You are the one consumed by ideology. You refuse to accept the mountains of documented evidence that homosexuality and pedophilia have no correlation, that gay people are not victims of mental illness, or that Democrats and liberals aren't trying to normalize pedophilia. Keep bringing up your ONE example of an 11 year old dancing, I'll cite the thousands of cases of Catholic priests raping children and covering it up... let's see who really is trying to facilitate pedophilia. It's people like you, so consumed by your pearl-clutching chaste prudish outlook, that are further dividing this country and allowing the abuse to continue. As you constantly devote your free time towards crying about gay people supposedly paving the way to pedophilia, you let child brides persist with 13 states having no age minimum, you let family members continue to abuse children (remember Josh Duggar), and you let people's basic civil rights get trampled on.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 11, 2020:
At jacksonnought. No, I’m not saying all gays are pedos. I’m saying many of them are, because, they are. I’m saying there is a real connection here. Yes there were outed pedophile drag queens. Also, I want to know why drag queens in general want to be around little kids? Because they do ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Once again, way off base. Totally wrong. Yes, a lot of drag queens are gay, but some aren't. You don't have to be gay to be a drag queen or king. It's called acting / performance. Drag, or even cross-dressing, is a different identity than homosexuality or trans identity. Yes, some gay people are pedophiles. Also some straight people. Also some seriously devout Christians using the Bible to justify it. Not all though. To try and link homosexuality with pedophilia is what is straight-up ignorant. So you don't like characters reading stories to children? Well let's get rid of Barney or other animal mascots reading to kids, that just promotes bestiality right? Let's stop with the mall Santa photos. Let's stop teaching the Bible, which is full of violence and sexuality, to children. There is a trend of children's sports coaches engaging in pedophilia - let's ban children's sports. I agree, let's not overly sexualize children or subject them to strippers. But don't try to equate a man dressed as a comical female character as a stripper trying to corrupt children's minds. Yeah, there is a pedophile problem in Hollywood. There is also a pedophile problem in religion. Don't act like one is bad and a product of the environment while the other is fine or only perpetrated by corrupted individuals who don't subscribe to the teachings. No one is trying to normalize pedophilia. Take off your tin-foil hat. As for "Cuties" since you seem to be clinging to that, that was an unfortunate case of America and its love of sexualizing / fetishizing women's bodies. The French film, *Mignonnes*, is a coming of age story about a young Senegalese girl, which actually is highly critical of a culture which steers impressionable young girls toward the hypersexualization of their bodies - no different than you see in popular teen pageants (hosted by our so-pious president), or ridiculous school dress codes that send girls home for the thickness of their tank top straps or arbitrary rules on the length of skirts and shorts. As with everything in the USA, the marketing was changed to focus on sexualization, which is where the controversy came from - and rightly so. So perhaps America just has a problem with sexualizing female bodies, even of children. This is where rape culture comes from, telling women they must be to blame for men being unable to control themselves. And those uniform rules, and female victim blaming, typically come from conservative religious ideology, the type that accused women of being witches for knowing math.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I’m responding to the comments on my comment about homosexuals and pedophilia. For some reason I can’t reply to the individual posts. At any rate, I’ve read “strongly disagree” that homosexual and pedophile is related. And that epstein and Harvey Weinstein we’re both heterosexual ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
You are so far off the reservation it isn't even funny. First, no one said that LGBTQ people can't be pedophiles. They simply said that it is just as likely for pedophiles to be heterosexual. Being gay or trans has no correlation with being a pedophile. There is rampant pedophilia in the Catholic Church, does that mean being Catholic causes pedophilia? What drag queens are convicted pedophiles? Which ones who have done story hour? I would like examples please. I didn't hear this much outrage when Bugs Bunny dressed as a woman to trick Elmer Fudd. I don't hear this much outrage over Powder Puff Football. I always remember men dressing as women and women dressing as men being played off as funny for kids and adults alike, why is there all of this outrage and accusations of trying to endorse pedophilia now? The notion that all LGBTQ people were abused or molested as children is an outright lie. The notion that LGBTQ people are all pedophiles is an outright lie. You are also so far from the truth when it comes to the California bill you are trying to use as a rallying cry. As I explained on a separate post, when it comes to California Bill SB 145 people just see the click-bait headlines and media talking points and form opinions and outrage without ever looking deeper into it. There is already a law which automatically labels oral or anal as rape and requires sex offender registry, but lets vaginal sex be excused away by a judge. The law was already in existence to let a judge excuse away a statutory rape of a minor and someone 10 years older when vaginal sex was involved, the new bill does nothing to change that criteria, it just endorses equal application of the law for LGBTQ people, allowing discretion for sexual acts that aren't strictly heterosexual. [poem] Before SB-145, an 18-year-old male convicted of having oral or anal sex with a 17-year-old male would be required to register as a sex offender, while a 24-year-old male convicted of having penile-vaginal sex with a 15-year-old female would not be automatically required to register – it would be left up to the judge. Garrett-Pate said SB-145 creates parity regardless of sexual orientation. "The current law says that for penile-vaginal sex, it's up to the judge to determine whether or not that person should be placed on the registry," he said. "Under current law, however, the judge has no discretion if it's oral or anal sex. That means that LGBTQ young people end up being treated differently than their non-LGBTQ peers." ...Notably, SB-145 does not apply to intercourse of any kind with minors who are younger than 14. In those cases, mandatory sex offender ...
So, a few days ago I started chatting with someone online.
BlackoutNJ comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It's because the goal post always moves when you are in the game of being a victim. It's the hot new trend, you should be a victim too! I'm telling you, in the next couple of years, there is going to be a stronger push for pedophilia to be part of the LGBT+ umbrella.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@BlackoutNJ the last thing I will say about religion is that there can definitely be a case made that the Bible condones or allows for pedophilia. Many child marriages are religious based, allowed by the Bible. I still think there is equal chance for pedophilia to hijack it. Yes, the LGBTQ movement can be quite sympathetic and inclusive. A case could be made to sympathize with people who find themselves unwillingly attracted to minors while absolutely refusing to act on urges in any way - there are actually interesting case studies into people who identify as reluctant pedophiles who advocate against pedophilia. But the LGBTQ movement will not endorse pedophilia, and rightfully accepts it as an abhorrent and illegal act. Unfortunately child marriage is still prevalent today, it is not a stone-age practice. Just last year there was a bill in Idaho to end child marriage and make the minimum age 16. The bill died, with a Republican lawmaker saying it "went too far" and another saying they were concerned about "sanctity of family".
So, a few days ago I started chatting with someone online.
BlackoutNJ comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It's because the goal post always moves when you are in the game of being a victim. It's the hot new trend, you should be a victim too! I'm telling you, in the next couple of years, there is going to be a stronger push for pedophilia to be part of the LGBT+ umbrella.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@BlackoutNJ I must once again disagree with you. I do not think my religious analogy was a false equivalency. As you said, "sex with a minor is not acceptable and illegal." So there is equal chance of it being accepted as part of LGBTQ rights as there is as part of religious rights. Pedophiles can try to hijack religious freedom movements just as they can the LGBTQ movement. But in both cases, as you acknowledge, they should all be condemned and they are not accepted wholly. My point is that we should not halt progress and rights for people, either LGBTQ or religious, just because pedophiles are trying to slide in and gain acceptance. I do agree with you that we should be condensing the California bill rather than expanding it, either adding in mandatory sex offender registration for penile-vaginal sex regardless of judicial discretion, or severely reducing the age minimums and gaps. Your analogy is apt. But from my perspective, as seen in the unwillingness to ban child marriage, it seems like there was heavy resistance from legislators to reduce leniency on penile-vaginal statutory rape - so trying to gain LGBTQ equality was the path of least resistance. Not the best approach, as we both agree, but it is the sorry state of our country and government right now it seems.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
For me it’s taking the liberal progressive ideas to their “logical” end-point. Also, side their own standards on them. If they say they hate hate, they still hate and, therefore, they are only acting to promote what they say they want to destroy. Building on that, for all their talk and ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@Lightman how did Progressivism not bring about religious freedom, civil rights, or same sex marriage? By definition, Conservativism would want to keep the status quo "established order" and oppose "radical change". For a long time Christianity was the only accepted religion, and Conservatism would have been okay with that. Progressivism sees people being prevented from equality and tries to amend that. America is founded on protecting the minority from the "tyranny of the majority". So a vocal minority of black slaves wanted freedom and the majority caved, which was change for change sake and not progress, is that your take? It's the same with SSM - a group of people were treated differently under the law and progress was made to grant equality. You may have not liked it, or think it was regressive. People thought that giving women the right to vote was regressive, or outlawing anti-miscegenation. You are 100% interpreting my posts to fit your narrative. My language was very clear at the beginning, criticizing both Progressives and Conservatives for being too quick to dismiss the other side, demonize them, and build up strawmen of what they think without actually asking or listening. You saw that and responded with basically "how dare you insult Conservatives!"
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
JacksonNought comments on Sep 10, 2020:
As a few others have said, when speaking with Progressives or Conservatives, the best approach is to act in good faith and try to actually understand their position. Crying out "socialism" or "racism" isn't helpful for speaking with either side. Too often people like to use always-expanding strawmen...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@Lightman you clearly have an agenda and are stuck in tribal thinking. You are taking my criticisms of both progressives and conservatives, and only finding issue with conservative criticism. This is exactly the point I was making, and you are part of the problem.
So, a few days ago I started chatting with someone online.
BlackoutNJ comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It's because the goal post always moves when you are in the game of being a victim. It's the hot new trend, you should be a victim too! I'm telling you, in the next couple of years, there is going to be a stronger push for pedophilia to be part of the LGBT+ umbrella.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@BlackoutNJ Far-right isn't what people call anything non-liberal, liberals (at least this one) see a distinction between typical right and far or alt right. As you said, it is a fringe group, which I agree with, and conservatives should decry it. Yet it is still these far right groups who are trying to troll the Internet and make it seem like MAP is actually a thing. I read your article. Yes, pedophiles are starting to use MAP to try and gain acceptance, no different than NAMBLA trying to gain acceptance. That is rightfully condemned by all sane individuals. Just because someone says they are MAP and attributes it to LGBTQ rights doesn't mean LGBTQ rights advocate for pedophilia. As I already expressed, it really is no different than saying if we give LGBTQ people rights then we will eventually allow bestiality. As I said in a different post, we could then apply this slippery slope to anything - if we allow religious organizations to circumvent the law due to their religious convictions, such as with the birth control mandate of the ACA, then we will eventually allow Catholics to engage in pedophilia with no consequence because it is part of their religious freedom. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? That is where slippery slopes can get you. And it is just what some of these far-right groups want, to try and strip away basic civil rights from people they don't like by trying to label them all as pedophiles. Now, sure, I have no doubt that some liberals and LGBTQ supporters are trying to also accept MAP as a thing, with no intention of hurting the cause. Ok, big deal. There are also conservatives who want to re-segregate and make slavery legal again. That does not mean it is anything more than a fringe idea wholly rejected by the overwhelming majority of people. You can't rely on Twitter to tell you what the whole world is thinking, especially with so many bots and unverified accounts. There are a bunch of people on Twitter claiming to be Starseeds, that doesn't mean it is a mainstream idea and we are going to start changing laws for people who think they are aliens. You maybe roll with different circles. I have known about transgender individuals for decades. Same with pansexual. We may have more modern terms for these concepts now, but people have existed with these identities for centuries. And this isn't the first time pedophilia has been brought up as a way to dismiss rights. If you are old enough to remember when the fight was strictly about Gay and Lesbian rights, then I am sure you remember people freaking out that removing anti-sodomy laws and *not* arresting Gay and Lesbian people just for existing would lead to pedophilia. It is the same argument again. As I already said, there are monumental differences between letting consenting adults ...
So, a few days ago I started chatting with someone online.
BlackoutNJ comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It's because the goal post always moves when you are in the game of being a victim. It's the hot new trend, you should be a victim too! I'm telling you, in the next couple of years, there is going to be a stronger push for pedophilia to be part of the LGBT+ umbrella.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@Chanel you didn't even read what I wrote, did you? You just have your narrative and will see whatever you want to support it. First, GSRM is not a new acronym, and it DOES NOT support pedophilia. It is just an easier all-encompassing term for sexual orientation, gender identity, and romantic identity, so it covers gay, straight, queer, trans, intersex, asexual, aromantic, poly, etc. It is easier than constantly adding letters to LGBTQIA... acronym and getting people like you making derogatory comments about the "alphabet club" or something. Once more, it has NOTHING to do with pedophilia. MAP is a fringe concept, one wholly rejected by the overwhelming majority of GSRM people and allies. It is no different than NAMBLA, which also gets overwhelmingly rejected. Trying to equate pedophilia with consenting adults living their lives does nothing more than try to hurt innocent people and strip away civil rights. How would you like it if I said all Catholics are pedophiles, a Catholic by any other name, etc? And any time someone Catholic spoke up I said "oh well here come the pedophiles"?
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
For me it’s taking the liberal progressive ideas to their “logical” end-point. Also, side their own standards on them. If they say they hate hate, they still hate and, therefore, they are only acting to promote what they say they want to destroy. Building on that, for all their talk and ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@Lightman there is a difference between Cancel Culture, which I disagree with, and Accountability Culture, which I do agree with. I never said that each side didn't have their demons. You seem to be interpreting my posts as only attacking Conservatives. But since you put it out there, do you know what a real Progressive is? Progressivism is: generally any political movement that wants to change government for the better, favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters. Progressivism is what brought on religious freedom, civil rights, same sex marriage, etc.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
JacksonNought comments on Sep 10, 2020:
As a few others have said, when speaking with Progressives or Conservatives, the best approach is to act in good faith and try to actually understand their position. Crying out "socialism" or "racism" isn't helpful for speaking with either side. Too often people like to use always-expanding strawmen...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@Lightman you must have misunderstood my point. Progressives constantly cry out "racism" over any small thing, and Conversations constantly cry out "socialism / marxism" over any small thing. It's the go-to accusation / criticism for each side, and only helps to further the divide.
What arguments may help progressives moderate or change their views?
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
For me it’s taking the liberal progressive ideas to their “logical” end-point. Also, side their own standards on them. If they say they hate hate, they still hate and, therefore, they are only acting to promote what they say they want to destroy. Building on that, for all their talk and ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@Towgunner77, no, "ultra tolerance" in regards to sex does not "lead to pedophilia". We are not seeing this now, homosexuality and pedophilia are not linked in any way. There are vast differences between sexual orientation and gender identity when it comes to any number of consenting adults who are free to live their lives and act as they please, and sexual corruption of a minor (or even animal) who has no ability to consent. There are groups within the far-right who are trying to masquerade as LGBTQ supporters advocating for pedophilia in order to disparage legitimate supporters. Using the never-ending slippery slope approach is never helpful, and people need to stop bringing up pedophilia or bestiality or "marrying your toaster" when it comes to gay / trans / whatever rights. What if we turn this around to popular Conservative viewpoints, one of which I quite often hear is with absolute religious freedom - in support of discrimination for religious convictions. We can say that allowing this will always lead to Christians committing rampant pedophilia and excusing it as their religious right, much as the Catholic Church has done. We can say this will always lead to children dying because parents decided to pray-away deadly illnesses rather than get medical help. We can say Conservative values will always lead to a return to segregation, where "sundown" towns are re-established allowing Conservatives to run minorities out of their towns with threats of violence. Now, I don't believe that at all. But that is using your logic with Progressive values.
So, a few days ago I started chatting with someone online.
BlackoutNJ comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It's because the goal post always moves when you are in the game of being a victim. It's the hot new trend, you should be a victim too! I'm telling you, in the next couple of years, there is going to be a stronger push for pedophilia to be part of the LGBT+ umbrella.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 10, 2020:
I must respectfully disagree with you. I am extremely far-left on many social issues, including strong support for GSRM (gender/sexual/romantic minority) rights. However I, and many others with similar positions as me, do not agree with the fringe notion that "gender preferences are transphobic". The overwhelming majority of trans activists and allies do not think that people can't have preferences for genitals - just as they believe you are born gay or trans, they believe you are born with attraction to specific genitals. The person Dylan spoke to is clearly on the fringe, and doesn't represent the majority of supporters in any way shape or form. People who have those views are not much different than incels - they feel like they are owed sex from anyone they want, and will get angry and talk about injustice if they aren't accommodated. Most trans people just want to live their lives, not call attention to themselves and be forced to live as an "other". They want to prevent being fired or denied housing simply for who they are (fortunately bills were passed recently which rectified this issue). They want to ban federal allowances of the "gay / trans panic defense" wherein defendants can try to get lesser charges by claiming they were justifiably enraged to attack / kill because they found out someone was gay or trans. There are vast differences between sexual orientation and gender identity when it comes to any number of consenting adults who are free to live their lives and act as they please, and sexual corruption of a minor (or even animal) who has no ability to consent. There are groups within the far-right who are trying to masquerade as GSRM supporters advocating for pedophilia in order to disparage legitimate GSRM supporters. Using the never-ending slippery slope approach is never helpful, and people need to stop bringing up pedophilia or bestiality or "marrying your toaster" when it comes to GSRM rights.
Despite the non-stop burning, looting and murder from Left wing groups, Homeland security labels ...
REN777 comments on Sep 9, 2020:
No white supremecist groups named. If these actually exist I'd like to know where they are and what they're called...but the whole thing sounds fake. Is the DHS left-leaning? President Obama got along well with them I recall.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@Bay0Wulf REN777 wanted a list, I provided. It says nothing about the groups there, you can click for more info and check the sources, or you can search the names yourself and get your research. I am merely providing a list.
American Atheists Launches Investigation into Religious Propaganda in Online Public School Courses ...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hmm. So what are American Atheists? Should't they be called American Anti Theists? Or members of another religion, and I don't mean atheism but these lefty ideologies. An atheist does not need to be also anti theist, which is not what I'm reading here. So why is not American atheists ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@Krunoslav I agree, all indoctrination should be banned from public academia. Now, that isn't to say you can't teach about things to inform, as you can teach about political movements, suffrage, civil rights, gender studies, evolutionary science, even religious studies. They aren't writing about it because it doesn't happen in a widespread manner, whereas religious indoctrination does.
American Atheists Launches Investigation into Religious Propaganda in Online Public School Courses ...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hmm. So what are American Atheists? Should't they be called American Anti Theists? Or members of another religion, and I don't mean atheism but these lefty ideologies. An atheist does not need to be also anti theist, which is not what I'm reading here. So why is not American atheists ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@Krunoslav again, there is a difference between atheist and anti-theist. Despite my feelings on whether society can prosper without religion, no one (especially not American Atheists) is saying we need to ban religion or suppress Christianity or anything. The argument is merely that in a free society which champions religious freedom, we should not be injecting forced religious propaganda into public captive-audience classrooms. Feel free to teach those lessons in parochial school, or the church, or at home - but don't force it on non-Christians in secular learning. There is nothing lefty about it.
American Atheists Launches Investigation into Religious Propaganda in Online Public School Courses ...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hmm. So what are American Atheists? Should't they be called American Anti Theists? Or members of another religion, and I don't mean atheism but these lefty ideologies. An atheist does not need to be also anti theist, which is not what I'm reading here. So why is not American atheists ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@Krunoslav we will just need to agree to disagree then. You think it is propaganda, yet you do not seem concerned about the Christian propaganda being forced upon public school students.
Is the religion of Islam homophobic?
Anders comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Taken literally it certainly, although no more than literal interpretations of Christianity or Judaism. Islam needs an Enlightenment movement to make the literal interpretations less palatable and mainstream. As long as there isn't such a movement, Islamic countries will remain hostile to LGBT ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@CharliePrime oh no, not the poor innocent logos! We must protect the logos to protect society! Think of the logos!
Despite the non-stop burning, looting and murder from Left wing groups, Homeland security labels ...
REN777 comments on Sep 9, 2020:
No white supremecist groups named. If these actually exist I'd like to know where they are and what they're called...but the whole thing sounds fake. Is the DHS left-leaning? President Obama got along well with them I recall.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@CharliePrime they do not. That is a lie.
American Atheists Launches Investigation into Religious Propaganda in Online Public School Courses ...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hmm. So what are American Atheists? Should't they be called American Anti Theists? Or members of another religion, and I don't mean atheism but these lefty ideologies. An atheist does not need to be also anti theist, which is not what I'm reading here. So why is not American atheists ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@Krunoslav you are off on a tangent, and are far from a coherent point. Once again for those in the back, atheism is ONLY a lack of belief in any god, and has no other ideology tied to it. It is specific to gods / deities / higher powers, nothing more. If you want to believe in anything else, even if it is unsupported by reality and requires faith, that does not disqualify someone from being an atheist in any way shape of form. Stop gatekeeping. You also can't just throw the term *religion* around willy nilly, prescribing every since stance as a wholly independent religion. As I said before, I will not get into an argument in this specific thread about the science behind trans identity. You have a mighty big chip on your shoulder, and seem to be very one-note.
Despite the non-stop burning, looting and murder from Left wing groups, Homeland security labels ...
REN777 comments on Sep 9, 2020:
No white supremecist groups named. If these actually exist I'd like to know where they are and what they're called...but the whole thing sounds fake. Is the DHS left-leaning? President Obama got along well with them I recall.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@CharliePrime so the FBI utilizing the resources of the ADL to combat hate means they "work for" them? So I guess when the Trump administration partnered with the Catholic Church to fight human trafficking, it meant that Trump was working directly for the church? Yes, foil needed.
Is the religion of Islam homophobic?
Anders comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Taken literally it certainly, although no more than literal interpretations of Christianity or Judaism. Islam needs an Enlightenment movement to make the literal interpretations less palatable and mainstream. As long as there isn't such a movement, Islamic countries will remain hostile to LGBT ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@CharliePrime doesn't sound like he is gay? Though if he was why would it matter? If he was he could also have been a top, you wouldn't know. Who cares how someone lives their lives? Isn't all sexual activity a hobby? He also doesn't seem to want to convert his country to Islam?
American Atheists Launches Investigation into Religious Propaganda in Online Public School Courses ...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hmm. So what are American Atheists? Should't they be called American Anti Theists? Or members of another religion, and I don't mean atheism but these lefty ideologies. An atheist does not need to be also anti theist, which is not what I'm reading here. So why is not American atheists ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@Krunoslav I don't know why you are so hung up on the trans thing? Especially when this specific article / topic has nothing to do with trans identity? The majority of anti-trans ideology is based in religion, mainly the big 3 Abrahamic ones, which considers it an affront to the gift of god's creation. As I am sure you know, atheism makes no claims and holds no ideology, the only common factor is a lack of belief in any gods. However, yes, American Atheists does lean more to the left, as typical secular reality is more leftist. Calling for civil rights, even among trans-identity, does not make one "anti-theist" especially if they advocate for removing anti-trans bigotry in the public square on the basis of religion. I don't see how allowing people to live as they wish, and the supporting the science of socially constructed gender (not sex) has anything to do with religion? Would you consider your anti-trans stance as a religious ideology then? Once again, atheism has nothing to do with anything other than the topic of deities. You can be fully atheist and support trans rights, or fully atheist and be against trans rights. Same with regards to gay rights, abortion, welfare, police brutality, universal healthcare, global warming, etc. Seems like you are trying to gatekeep the term atheist, calling these people fake atheists because they have different opinions than you?
Despite the non-stop burning, looting and murder from Left wing groups, Homeland security labels ...
REN777 comments on Sep 9, 2020:
No white supremecist groups named. If these actually exist I'd like to know where they are and what they're called...but the whole thing sounds fake. Is the DHS left-leaning? President Obama got along well with them I recall.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
The federal government works for a non-profit civil rights group? That's some serious tinfoil hat stuff right there.
Despite the non-stop burning, looting and murder from Left wing groups, Homeland security labels ...
REN777 comments on Sep 9, 2020:
No white supremecist groups named. If these actually exist I'd like to know where they are and what they're called...but the whole thing sounds fake. Is the DHS left-leaning? President Obama got along well with them I recall.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
White supremacist groups in the United States:
American Atheists Launches Investigation into Religious Propaganda in Online Public School Courses ...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hmm. So what are American Atheists? Should't they be called American Anti Theists? Or members of another religion, and I don't mean atheism but these lefty ideologies. An atheist does not need to be also anti theist, which is not what I'm reading here. So why is not American atheists ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
They are not anti-theists though. They believe in freedom of religion, and aren't trying to prevent people from worshiping as they please. In fact, they are trying to protect freedom of religion by calling out blatant Christian propaganda in public school education - it protects the freedom of non-theists, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, and even Christians who have different beliefs than those being pushed. You should ask the same question of prominent religious organizations. Perhaps Christian organizations should have to call themselves anti-Jew or anti-Muslim organizations instead of "Christian" because they advocate for practices against those other religions? The organization identifies as atheists, and is trying to advocate for atheists in America who continuously see theism being forced upon them. They do not want to ban religion, they just want it to not be the basis for law. If you think we get civil rights from removing Christianity, well then that tells you something pretty bad about Christianity. I won't get into an argument with you on the rationality of trans identity, since I believe we have wildly different opinions on that matter. The bottom line is that there should not be Christian indoctrination within public school education. And for Christians to argue any differently shows they truly don't believe in religious freedom.
Is the religion of Islam homophobic?
Anders comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Taken literally it certainly, although no more than literal interpretations of Christianity or Judaism. Islam needs an Enlightenment movement to make the literal interpretations less palatable and mainstream. As long as there isn't such a movement, Islamic countries will remain hostile to LGBT ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 9, 2020:
Right, because Christians are so LGBT friendly...
Putting "protests 93 percent peaceful" into some context- []
JacksonNought comments on Sep 8, 2020:
I was with the author at the beginning, but he lost me when he tried to argue the "6%" COVID talking point to equate the two. He clearly doesn't understand what the 6% means, and doesn't understand comorbidities.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 8, 2020:
Agreed, I have no quarrels with the intended concern. Just, as I said, I feel the comparison to COVID was disingenuous.
Secret Notes
KeVince comments on Sep 7, 2020:
are you sure Ralph is the stupid one or is he just the normal one in a world full of idiots and therefore looks and acts different.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 7, 2020:
I dunno, I think Ralph is smarter than most QAnon believers.
Donald Trump demands Fox reporter Jennifer Griffin is fired after she confirmed Atlantic report
MilesPurdue comments on Sep 5, 2020:
You don't understand yet? Trump is not president because he is a sweetheart, he lies, says rude remarks, but keeps his word, and fights to keep his promise. He was talking about a vet, a POW who may have snitched on other soldiers, ones who may have shot the man. The President was a Democrat and is ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 5, 2020:
... you don't see the irony of your statement? "He lies" but "keeps his word"?
Not national news for some reason.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 4, 2020:
"Liam Neeson says he wanted to kill a black man after a person close to him was raped" So one person with mental issues speaks for an entire movement? I wonder what you think of Cesar ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Thaw so I guess Hitler's propaganda interplayed with dumb non-Jewish primitive tendencies? Oh wait, you praise Hitler and think we was trying to save the world. You need a new hobby. Perhaps you can learn to macrame. Just don't overdo the swastikas.
Tucker: What to expect after the November election - YouTube
angelo comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Nothing the Dems will do should they lose a close election, would surprise me.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Seriousreason do you honestly believe Trump supporters will be docile and accept results if Trump loses?
Australian women arrested for planning COVID lockdown protest. []
JacksonNought comments on Sep 3, 2020:
It was against the law. Should have followed the law.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@JesseTheGreen I agree with you. I am glad you don't seem to have the same mentality of many on here, where they unquestionably support anything the police do, and love to blame victims of police brutality as "they should have obeyed the law" even if it is an arbitrary curfew imposed on people or simply walking away. America is also out of hand.
Australian women arrested for planning COVID lockdown protest. []
JacksonNought comments on Sep 3, 2020:
It was against the law. Should have followed the law.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 3, 2020:
I'm sorry, isn't that what everyone else here says? When people are arrested or viciously beaten for protesting, don't you have the "you shouldn't have disobeyed" sentiment? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Leftist group funded by Bloomberg warns Trump won't accept Election results- [thefederalist.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
To be fair, it's not just pulled out of thin air. Trump himself refuses to say he'd accept the results if he lost. Now this could of course just be a way to rile up his base, or troll his opponents, but he still says it. He also says that he 100% will not lose unless the election is rigged, a ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 3, 2020:
It's not helping when Trump tells people to intentionally commit crimes and "test the system".
The Democrats have released Sleepy Joe’s resume...
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
If you think that's bad, just wait till you see Trump almost falling over walking to some stairs the other day.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@GeeMac Fox News headline "Why Trump eating baby rabbits is probably a new cure for covid."
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore thank you, quite correct.
The Democrats have released Sleepy Joe’s resume...
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
If you think that's bad, just wait till you see Trump almost falling over walking to some stairs the other day.
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@GeeMac such an athletic man, that Trump.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@1patriot yep, definitely hit a nerve. Sounds like you're upset because your pool boy fucks your wife better than you.
Barely even local news in Denver.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Are you just going to scour the news for every single instance of a black person killing a white person, and report on it? What is your point? You do see a significant difference between a criminal committing a criminal act, and a state-authorized police officer committing a criminal act, do you ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@FEWI nope, but following a stranger back to their dwelling isn't usually a smart idea. Just using your logic of blaming the victim. So I guess you are all for what happens in this video, where a cop body-slams a woman for not wearing a mask.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@1patriot ooh, did I hit a nerve? Sounds like you'd be on the news for punching and spitting at people for being asked to wear a mask.
Barely even local news in Denver.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Are you just going to scour the news for every single instance of a black person killing a white person, and report on it? What is your point? You do see a significant difference between a criminal committing a criminal act, and a state-authorized police officer committing a criminal act, do you ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@FEWI interesting considering we just came from a "mask policy" thread where you said that only "when it's a legitimate reason, I will comply" and "I do not comply to political bullshit". So I guess that flies out the window if it is a cop making you comply with "political bullshit"? Glad we give people the absolute authority to decide if we live or die based on their current mood. I hope for your sake you don't go into a business without a mask - because of "MUH FREEDOMS" - and then have a cop shoot you for defying ordinance. You acknowledge Tamir Rice was innocent? Well the police officer was fired, but had no other consequences. He even was almost hired as an officer in another district except he lied on his application. Breonna's ex was a drug dealer. She was not, nor was her current boyfriend. So if someone you were associated with in the past committed a crime, it would give the police just cause to break down your door? The police broke in unannounced, and refused to identify themselves when Breonna's boyfriend tried to ask who was at the door. Do you not support people's right to defend themselves? Sounds like you like blaming victims. Based on reports, the Rolands foolishly followed a stranger back to his apartment to buy a used car, putting themselves in a dangerous situation. Would you claim they played with fire and got burned?
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore well I think deliberately defying the rules a private business requires to patronize their establishment is immoral, so I guess we'll just have to disagree.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore well I am glad that works for you. So what if a woman in NYC decides to go into Walmart while topless, and is told she can't walk around and shop if she doesn't put on a top. And she decides to do it anyway, saying fuck their rules it's all a farce. You would post on the Internet in her defense, right?
Barely even local news in Denver.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Are you just going to scour the news for every single instance of a black person killing a white person, and report on it? What is your point? You do see a significant difference between a criminal committing a criminal act, and a state-authorized police officer committing a criminal act, do you ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@FEWI so every criminal act is a capital crime now? Sleeping in your bed is a criminal act? Walking away from police deserves death? Selling loose cigarettes, or potentially using a counterfeit bill authorizes deadly force? I certainly hope you never jaywalk, you might be executed on the spot!
Barely even local news in Denver.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Are you just going to scour the news for every single instance of a black person killing a white person, and report on it? What is your point? You do see a significant difference between a criminal committing a criminal act, and a state-authorized police officer committing a criminal act, do you ...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Xtra do I think murders are newsworthy? Sure. And a quick search of the victim's names produces several pieces about the case. Sure, most are local, but what do you expect - do you think major news outlets, which cover national / global news, are able to report every single murder (reported as over 16 thousand in 2018)? This isn't the first one of these types of posts. It follows a trend of "their name was" when trying to rile up outrage for black people committing criminal acts against white people. However, in most cases such as this one and in the case of Cannon Hinnant, the case is investigated and the criminal was found and apprehended and is awaiting trial. Justice is being served, is it not? The "their name was" trend in these cases is trying to piggy-back off of Breonna Taylor, who was murdered by police while sleeping in her bed. As I said before, there is a fundamental difference between a criminal committing a criminal act, and a police officer doing so. It is even more outrageous when the "qualified immunity" of the officer means no charges are brought on, and they get away consequence-free. So is this a sad story? Yes. Does it deserve some news coverage? Yes. Is this a miscarriage of justice? No. These posts are nothing more than trying to shift focus away from consequence-free police brutality, and trying to foment outrage. It's very much a "see, black people are murderers too, where is the rioting" mentality, deliberately omitting the fact that the riots happen when justice *isn't* served.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore your profile says you live in Georgia. I am seeing conflicting reports of the laws. Some places say it is perfectly legal for women to go topless, others say it violates the law. The only ordinance I can see specifically says "lewd" exposure, and I have found GA lawyers discuss that you can build a defense based on merely walking around as non-lewd. *"First, be aware that Georgia has no public DECENCY laws. These religion-based statutes DO have a purpose, but many situations for which arrests are made are defensible if the right criminal lawyer who has “been there and done that” handles your indecency case."* In any case, does that mean if you visited NYC (speaking in hypotheticals, you don't have to want to go) you would strip almost-naked just to stick it to businesses and flaunt your freedoms?
Talk about a cuckold
solopro comments on Sep 1, 2020:
back when Joe biden had some brain cells
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
What does Biden have to do with anything?
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore like I already said, wearing clothes while out in public is not a law, depending on the amount of coverage. Women can walk around topless in New York, it is perfectly legal. You can walk around in a speedo in public, as long as your genitals are covered, and it isn't a crime. So, why do we let businesses set different regulations? Why don't we let topless women shop at Walmart, or men in speedos? Again, nothing to do with crimes, it is perfectly legal, so why do we let businesses set rules that don't match up with law?
Old Dick is an American favorite.
JacksonNought comments on Sep 1, 2020:
I wonder what your thoughts are on Melania... Also, considering what just came out about Jerry Falwell Jr, I wonder what sordid details about Pence and "Mother" will pop up in the future?
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Truth_Teller20 I actually agree with everything you just said.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@FEWI a typo is a misspelling. If you were trying to write Rodham and wrote Rodam or Roham. You didn't have a typo, you thought it was Rodman. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things, no. But it shows you didn't take two seconds to verify your data, which is telling when you make bold claims about scientific consensus and "political bullshit."
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore how is it different? It's all just pieces of cloth, and it is the right of the business to implement whatever guidelines they want. Doesn't matter if you think it is a scam. Like I said, perfectly legal in New York for women to walk around topless, but do you think they can walk into a Walmart like that?
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@1patriot avoiding the questions. I bet you think gay people should need to find "somewhere else" if a store doesn't want to cater to them, even if it is the only one around, yet you will whine like a little snowflake about a store asking you to wear a thin piece of cloth on your face for five fucking minutes while you buy your ice cream.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Ranticore you're distracting from the conversation at hand. Focus on this topic.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@1patriot let me guess, you also think that bakers / florists / photographers should be forced to render their services for same-sex weddings? Just want to make sure you are consistent.
masks on your face.....Arrows on floor is the stupidest thing yet...
Ranticore comments on Sep 1, 2020:
That's why I refuse to wear a mask, and walk against the arrows. People at Walmart want to tell me that Walmart would like me to wear a mask, I tell them I'm not interested in their scam-demic, which always gets a giggle from my wife. At Home Depot, they have a sign out front that says it's required...
JacksonNought replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@FEWI it's Rodham, not Rodman. And one of the controlling stakeholders in Walmart, Christy Walton, is one of Trump's biggest donors. So what does that tell you?