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There is no right that exists that you can assert that violates MY rights.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 10, 2021:
I think I understand and accept the challenge! Let's try this: You have a right to flirt. I have a right to not be flirted with. Do you have the right to flirt with me if I've made it clear I don't want to be flirted with?
tracycoyle replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@wolfhnd I recognized that I was a participant in society. Considering Rousseau's Social Contract, which I agree with in part, but not in the absolute, I thought of my need to establish MY principles in absence of all others - the 'sole inhabitant of an island. Because principles need to first recognize the concept that, in that place, the individual is sovereign. But there are limits to that sovereignty: physical ability, knowledge, and resources available. Introducing a second person creates limits, but also increases resources, knowledge and physical abilities. So. I recognize my sovereignty. That the source of ALL rights resides in ME. AND, each and every other person on the planet has exactly the same sovereignty, and rights. That doesn't help me make decisions. It just opens the door to decisions. So, starting from our island, and expanding the population, I can define the limits to my choices: knowledge, ability, resources and the demand that no one infringe on my rights, nor can I infringe on other's rights. That still doesn't help me make decisions, it only describes the parameters of the decisions extent/limits. I start with me. If I am sovereign, then the responsibility for my choices MUST reside within me. And that responsibility can not, like inherent rights, be abdicated. So, I came up with three rules, the first being: Always act in my own best interest. No laws, no other rules (besides my other two), no morality (whatever the foundation) apply. I am free to always act in my own best interest limited by my abilities, my knowledge and my resources. As long as I am willing to accept the responsibilities and consequences that go along with those acts. There is a very deep rabbit hole when you start thinking of how consequences affect further choices. I really don't care about society's mores, or traditions, or laws, or taboos. I care about my choices and their consequences. So, I ignored my family, my community, my religion, my society in order to live MY life. And I lost lots in doing so. I accepted those consequences.
Is Free Will an Illusion?
tracycoyle comments on Feb 10, 2021:
We were just having this discussion in another thread. Frankly, I think the assertion that we do NOT is unprovable. And so is the assertion that we DO. If you do not believe in free will, from the article: > "the power or capacity to choose among alternatives or to act in certain situations ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@rway It doesn't matter that there might be subcultures that exist IF I was never initially part of them. The fact that others might welcome my choices, may be of value IF they were in a position to influence me prior to the decision....something that might be more apparent NOW, but certainly wasn't back in 1984!
There is no right that exists that you can assert that violates MY rights.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 10, 2021:
I think I understand and accept the challenge! Let's try this: You have a right to flirt. I have a right to not be flirted with. Do you have the right to flirt with me if I've made it clear I don't want to be flirted with?
tracycoyle replies on Feb 11, 2021:
I don't have a right to flirt. I can speak with someone out in public that does not overtly have a means of indicating a desire not to be talked to. You don't have a right not to be flirted with or talked to, unless you've made an overt assertion that you don't wish others to interact with you. If I speak to you, you can tell me you do not wish me to speak to you. If I continue, you have the right to claim harassment, which can be a criminal offense. If I take your statement that you don't want to talk to me, or for me to flirt with you, and leave, that is a functioning social interaction. I've respected a stated boundary that was non-obvious.
Saw one of the most, what should be eye opening posts for people who argue people are ...
RaithRoguestar comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Well let me be clear, THERE IS NO "TRANS", what there is, is a group of mentally ill people who need psychiatric treatment. There is no difference between a person who believes they are the opposite gender of what they biologically are and people who believe they are extra terrestrials, vampires, ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 10, 2021:
Clear, but ignorant.
How can people prevent such tragedies from happening?
tracycoyle comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Nothing. Yep, accept that some people will just lose it and harm others. NOTHING you can do that will stop that from happening. Anything tried will be nothing less than tyranny.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@KeithThroop Thank you.
Are you watching this now?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Watching it has shades of 9/11 for me, that feeling of "this cannot be happening. This is unreal. Not here. Not in the USA."
tracycoyle replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@Naomi regarding the death of the police officer - can you point to an official statement to back up the cause of death - because, if I remember, the official report had 'no blunt force trauma to the head' and he walked away from the 'riot' and collapse after the fact. I have not seen an official report as to cause of death.
Let's see: Trump: there is a secret cabal trying to effect the elections in November.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
My feeling is that Time said that on purpose to troll the right. I say this because as you read the article, they speak quite openly that while it was behind the scenes, it was provable and substantive: it exists, their results were tangible and traceable, and was for all intents and purposes ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay ah....hmmm.... Right, the election did not have to be protected or saved from Trump, so why all the effort? And...It is NOT in the shadows, Time just put it out there for all to see.
Indoctrination of young minds is so toxic.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
> While so much (possibly too much) attention is on indoctrination by the far-left, indoctrination by the far-right goes off the radar. I think it's accurate to say that indoctrination from the far-left is off the radar of the left but dominates the right radar... ... much like indoctrination ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@wolfhnd I'm a fan of Chaos Theory.
Let's see: Trump: there is a secret cabal trying to effect the elections in November.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
My feeling is that Time said that on purpose to troll the right. I say this because as you read the article, they speak quite openly that while it was behind the scenes, it was provable and substantive: it exists, their results were tangible and traceable, and was for all intents and purposes ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
What is interesting is that they DON'T offer evidence of Trump's manipulation of the election. Only their own. Conspiracies only have to be in the shadow until they succeed.....
Indoctrination of young minds is so toxic.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
> While so much (possibly too much) attention is on indoctrination by the far-left, indoctrination by the far-right goes off the radar. I think it's accurate to say that indoctrination from the far-left is off the radar of the left but dominates the right radar... ... much like indoctrination ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay I disagree: What is impossible is that if your choices A through Y and my choices A through Y are exactly the same, that you will choose left and I will choose right. Your hypothesis is that : I can't make a choice. I MUST choose the only possible action given A through Y - and that is ....Z. Determinism. My free will is affected by my birth, by my parent's choice of partner, of immigrating to this country of my grandfather's death, of the wind blowing out of the North. I am the product of all that came before, of that there is no disagreement. I am the product of my choices and the thoughts that proceeded them, of that there is no disagreement. But if there is in fact no free will - then there can be no punishment for bad choices, they were inevitable and foreordained. Consequences are only that which nature imposes. The philosophy, you offer, is an unending change of causality. Started by God, therefore, S/He/It is to blame for all that is evil or bad in the world. Bad God. Poor people suffering. Sorry. Seems like a good way to abdicate one's responsibilities for good choices and accountability for the consequences thereof.
Indoctrination of young minds is so toxic.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
> While so much (possibly too much) attention is on indoctrination by the far-left, indoctrination by the far-right goes off the radar. I think it's accurate to say that indoctrination from the far-left is off the radar of the left but dominates the right radar... ... much like indoctrination ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Because I existed, doesn't mean that my current existence lacks free will. I guess I am confused as to what you mean by 'free will'. Free does not mean disconnected, but a choice made AT THE MOMENT it is made without coercion from external sources.... No?
Indoctrination of young minds is so toxic.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
> While so much (possibly too much) attention is on indoctrination by the far-left, indoctrination by the far-right goes off the radar. I think it's accurate to say that indoctrination from the far-left is off the radar of the left but dominates the right radar... ... much like indoctrination ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@wolfhnd gee, such cynicism! ;) Ok. I get your points, don't agree with them, generally. Specifically disagree about free will, but do agree with the effort to ignore agency - it is the foundation of anti-responsibility blame laying. But, you seem untethered. I doubt that is the case, but it SOUNDS like it...
Indoctrination of young minds is so toxic.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
> While so much (possibly too much) attention is on indoctrination by the far-left, indoctrination by the far-right goes off the radar. I think it's accurate to say that indoctrination from the far-left is off the radar of the left but dominates the right radar... ... much like indoctrination ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Wouldn't it be better to have a principled position to work from, rather than to be driven by Left/Right narratives?
Indoctrination of young minds is so toxic.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
> While so much (possibly too much) attention is on indoctrination by the far-left, indoctrination by the far-right goes off the radar. I think it's accurate to say that indoctrination from the far-left is off the radar of the left but dominates the right radar... ... much like indoctrination ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay ok... People on the Left not agreeing with Antifa that Trump is a fascist, but agreeing his is authoritarian and is destroying the country; People on the Right not agreeing with white supremacists but agreeing that the black community is causing significant damage to their community and it is leaching out into other's communities....
Indoctrination of young minds is so toxic.
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 8, 2021:
> While so much (possibly too much) attention is on indoctrination by the far-left, indoctrination by the far-right goes off the radar. I think it's accurate to say that indoctrination from the far-left is off the radar of the left but dominates the right radar... ... much like indoctrination ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 8, 2021:
Honest question for you and @Naomi and @govols @wolfhnd : Conceding that both sides ignore the extremists from their side and expose and highlight the extremists from the other side : Does one side, neither side or both sides accept a 'gentler, more acceptable' version of the extremist's point of view?
What do you call it when one group is punished for even MENTIONING a word, not using it, just ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 7, 2021:
You don't mention any words but it sounds like the word *nigger* is a likely suspect. Before we go any further, is this what you had in mind? And also, what do you mean by punished?
tracycoyle replies on Feb 7, 2021:
I purposefully left specifics out because I can think of at least two words that fit... And punishment can take a variety of forms...
Why do young women consider unwanted comments about their appearance as sexual harassment compared ...
wolfhnd comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Young women have the unearned privilege of the long standing tradition of first refusal. That has grown to include not only the legitimate right to reject sexual advances but rather insane right to punish people who make unwanted sexual advances. In theory that means that men cannot make either ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 7, 2021:
I think there is some validity to that, but the otherside of it is that women have been told than men ONLY consider them sexual beings and ONLY for sexual conquest and that they have been oppressed for centuries. The men that jumped on that bandwagon were mostly predators and those that could submit to the women for their own personal benefit. that is too broad a brush to paint with, but the premise of the question is no less broad. Still, overall, the last couple of generations of men and women have been corrupted by the efforts of a Marxist attempt to use sex as the means to divide and conquer. Till that changes, nothing else can.
What do you call it when one group is punished for even MENTIONING a word, not using it, just ...
Edgework comments on Feb 6, 2021:
tracycoyle replies on Feb 7, 2021:
Oh, I can think of a couple of examples....but am leaving it for others to consider the premise...
There are 4000+ members in this group, so I hope for 10?
WorldSigh comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Interesting, classical liberalism appears to have much in common with conservatism and libertarianism. The further left political culture skews, the more apparent this becomes.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@WorldSigh That was my general position for about 20 years (early 20s til mid/late 30s) when I started to realize I was ungrounded in my evaluations of positions. I trusted my reasoning ability and my ability to be objective, but over time, that seemed to allow for contradictory stances. And, when it came to discussions with those that had different POV, I was left with 'mine vs theirs' . Then I decided I need rules for ME, before I could work with others on rules for US - the boundaries where our liberties meet.
There are 4000+ members in this group, so I hope for 10?
WorldSigh comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Interesting, classical liberalism appears to have much in common with conservatism and libertarianism. The further left political culture skews, the more apparent this becomes.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@WorldSigh I was a founding member and the first Executive Director of the American Conservative Party, started in 2008. Traditionalism tends to dominate conservatives. But the general 'conservative' approach via liberals. You are right, broad brushes tend to minimize the variations in what Reagan called the three legged stool of conservatism. Which I think has broken down. Still. MY focus is on individual liberty. First and foremost. That individual liberty is tempered by the recognition that OTHERS have the same liberty and that our liberty can not infringe upon others. The responsibilities inherent in the exercising our liberties are what the Left (and too many of the Right) tries to ignore, or off-load on others. Lastly, have you written your principle(s) down? Articulated them before seeking to define political positions? I am not castigating you in any way - simply asking.
There are 4000+ members in this group, so I hope for 10?
WorldSigh comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Interesting, classical liberalism appears to have much in common with conservatism and libertarianism. The further left political culture skews, the more apparent this becomes.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@WorldSigh Apologies, but the conservative does NOT allow for the sovereignty of the individual - that rightfully belongs to their God. And society.
There are 4000+ members in this group, so I hope for 10?
WorldSigh comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Interesting, classical liberalism appears to have much in common with conservatism and libertarianism. The further left political culture skews, the more apparent this becomes.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 6, 2021:
Classical conservatism is the opponent of classical liberalism. Libertarianism is the pacifists attempt to split the difference between the two.
Why is there no Business Category ?
tracycoyle comments on Feb 5, 2021:
At a certain point you can create groups. If you feel there is a need for one, create it. However, I've tried to go by the premise that if you create a group, YOU are responsible for it's growth and appeal. So, create it, then start adding posts to it that interest others that end up joining the ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@drzoom Make your own....
Why is there no Business Category ?
tracycoyle comments on Feb 5, 2021:
At a certain point you can create groups. If you feel there is a need for one, create it. However, I've tried to go by the premise that if you create a group, YOU are responsible for it's growth and appeal. So, create it, then start adding posts to it that interest others that end up joining the ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@drzoom It is not a barrier - it is an attempt to manage a free and open board. You need to have sufficient time and participation here before you can create a group - if it doesn't exist, then, for the moment, there is no demand for it. If you want to help create that demand, participate and gain the ability, then the responsibility to encourage others. Groups are self formed and self organized. I am unaware of the Admin directing the formation or preventing of groups, or subcategories...automatically or not.
@Admin, the more days that pass without the ability to comment or thumbs up, the less interesting ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 5, 2021:
The problem seems sporadic for I'm able to do both today, but was unable yesterday. Also, I'm on a computer now and was on my phone yesterday. So it may be a App problem, not a site problem.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 5, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay We had an office where we had to keep replacing the monitor every 3 or 4 months and the cpu's would crap out every 6 or so months. Tore out the wiring to the room and redid (not my idea...) and line filters did nothing. After 2 years I stood in the room for 15 minutes and just stared at the desk. It was giving me a headache....a literal headache. I NEVER get headaches. I asked the manager if she got headaches a lot - yes, she said. She couldn't sit at her desk for more than 30 minutes without getting one. Took me another 15 minutes. Her office was right above our building's 1000amp switch. We moved the small closet and door to the room to the other side and relocated the desk to the other side of the room and everything got better, including her headaches and the recurring but inconsistent hardware/software glitches. The magnetic field caused by the electrical switch was causing the problems. Moving everything 8 feet was enough. !!
@Admin, the more days that pass without the ability to comment or thumbs up, the less interesting ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 5, 2021:
The problem seems sporadic for I'm able to do both today, but was unable yesterday. Also, I'm on a computer now and was on my phone yesterday. So it may be a App problem, not a site problem.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 5, 2021:
After 44 years of programming I can say that sporadic, inconsistent glitches are the absolute worst type to try to find and fix.....
By the time I realized I wanted to be/should have been a girl, I also realized it would be BAD, ...
RavenMStark comments on Feb 4, 2021:
I was raised by two liberal parents. My mother was always very outspoken in her support of homosexual people. For example, there was a man in our community who came out as gay and faced backlash, but she went out of her way to befriend him and stick up for him to others. It was 12+ years ago when I ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 5, 2021:
I think that is one of the mistakes popular culture has made with young trans kids - they think because there are popular trans people, that THEY will be accepted. Especially by those that profess to be big fans of popular trans people. It is a false sense of security. Parents can say all kinds of things about others, but about their own kids and family.... Whenever I think I might have had an easier time now, I recognize the fallacy for what it is....with 60 years of experience. I feel bad for the teens that buy into it...
This is the scariest, most dangerous thing I've seen for the trans community since Mexican hormones ...
wolfhnd comments on Feb 4, 2021:
People are going to see this as just a trans problem I suspect. I see it as part of a larger problem that I talk about frequently. Having become accustomed to the government as a solution to every problem many people's first reaction will be to suggest the government needs to step in and ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 4, 2021:
This is already regulated : doctors and prescriptions have LOTS of rules/laws associated with them. But NO LAW is viable if people are willing to ignore it. As you suggest, moral people are necessary. The problem with gatekeeping - and that is what therapists do for patients, IS useful and necessary because, in this instance, there are often other issues in play than JUST gender identity. And they need to be addressed - and when they are not, you get self-created gender issues. When it was only adults, my attitude was you own the consequences of your actions - don't blame others for helping you do what you wanted to be done. But this is kids and that is just obscene.
Why do female people who identify as Non-Binary usually get their breasts removed, while males who ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Simple - neither want to be women. It is as if being a woman is a terrible thing.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@Naomi Sorry, can't offer any more a rationale to an irrational concept...
Follow the science! [youtu.
Pand0ro comments on Feb 2, 2021:
The scientific method was developed to filter out our tendency to promote what we believe rather than what is.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 3, 2021:
@Pand0ro I agree that is the way things should go, but when the raw data is collected by the government, kept to itself, and only 'adjusted' data is shared and that adjusted data forms the basis of years of research, you have to wonder how long and how much money will be spent chasing false ideas. Anthro Climate Change and Dark Matter are just two of the more obvious situations in science over the last 2 decades....
Could we see website statistic if it isn't too much trouble for admin?
tracycoyle comments on Feb 3, 2021:
Purpose? We have our personal stats....
tracycoyle replies on Feb 3, 2021:
@wolfhnd Infohound!
Follow the science! [youtu.
Pand0ro comments on Feb 2, 2021:
The scientific method was developed to filter out our tendency to promote what we believe rather than what is.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 3, 2021:
But if you start with a false premise....
Hanno comments on Feb 2, 2021:
That is why Jordan Peterson said you need to consider every word you say. Out of a sea of trash talk, they will hunt and find the one thing you once said when you were tired/angry and use that.
tracycoyle replies on Feb 2, 2021:
I've tried very carefully since I was BBSs to watch what I type. Like I said, I doubt I'd repudiate any of it but they will still use an interpretation to suit their needs. I can only control what I write, not how someone things about it. Though, I do consider how some things will be taken and self censor when I think it is TOO provocative. But! I don't mind being provocative at times!!
Why not equality right now?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Punishing today's majority (whites) for the sins of yesterday's majority is not equitable. Eliminating or addressing policies that historically favor majority over minorities is. For example, JPMorgan will offer special financing for minorities. This is equitable considering that historically, ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay The reports of minorities failing to complete a course of study at colleges and universities suggested that the standards to graduate were not lowered - and the minorities couldn't handle it. The lowering of entrance standards was blamed. I saw the Asian issue. My daughter, adopted from China noticed the issue in a CA university. She felt she was getting more scrutiny than other students...but she put her GPA all on her performance, not any particular bias by professors.
Why not equality right now?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Punishing today's majority (whites) for the sins of yesterday's majority is not equitable. Eliminating or addressing policies that historically favor majority over minorities is. For example, JPMorgan will offer special financing for minorities. This is equitable considering that historically, ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 2, 2021:
I don't mind attempts to overcome historical inequality as long as the standards for success are not changed - that is the problem with colleges lowering entrance standards for minorities. When faced with the standards to succeed, (because of their lower threshold for entrance) they don't have the abilities needed to succeed based on the established standards (by the way, same thing for women going into the tough military training arenas - Seals, Rangers....) So....the bank loan thing - fine. I'll even accept lending a hand up. But, that is not what is happening, generally.
Another Thomas Paine quote about 'tradition' and it's place in governance: > “Every age and ...
KeithThroop comments on Feb 2, 2021:
While I think I understand the reaction to a burdensome or tyrannical tradition, here Paine throws out the baby with the bathwater, as the saying goes. Of course we need not be irrationally enslaved to any tradition, but neither should we simply reject all tradition. After all, some traditions ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 2, 2021:
I spent a fair amount of time on 'traditions' in Assertion. I think traditions should be respected - however, not codified (ie put into law). Remember slavery and chattel property were also traditions with long histories and codified. I start with individual rights and liberties - interfere with those, even if the tradition is long held and 'morally correct' and you will find me opposing. And yes, I do demand those liberties conform to the responsibility of respecting OTHERS rights and liberties. Generally, so did Paine. Unfettered, uncontrolled (self) liberty is not liberty.
"During the 1970s American feminists seized on the idea of gender as a social construct, and used ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 1, 2021:
An excellent overview. As a former transsexual (I completed my transition so no longer consider myself incongruent in any way - yet still understand the biological reality of my chromosomes, I'm male, yet a woman). The idea that gender is a social construct puts the cart before the horse. Our ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 2, 2021:
@Krunoslav I guess I have faith because I am an example. But I do recognize the destruction...
"During the 1970s American feminists seized on the idea of gender as a social construct, and used ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 1, 2021:
An excellent overview. As a former transsexual (I completed my transition so no longer consider myself incongruent in any way - yet still understand the biological reality of my chromosomes, I'm male, yet a woman). The idea that gender is a social construct puts the cart before the horse. Our ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 1, 2021:
@Krunoslav I don't disagree with the observations. I prefer to address the problem, not it's symptoms. The problem is the neo-liberal marxist group identity over individual identity ideology - attack it, not the root of the individuals characteristists. It is harder to do, to focus on the 'leader' of a mob. Some people think killing the mob, and let God sort them out, has merit. Even if not using a gun, the attack profile is the same. I would, and have stood against the transactivists because they are destroying a community I am part of. And yep, they are using kids as shields, as cannon fodder. I can't accept going through the cannon fodder to get to the leaders...
Calling all January 6th capitol assault apologists: why should the capitol assaulters receive any ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I don't know anyone that DOESN'T think trespassers shouldn't be prosecuted. I certainly don't think 50 years is reasonable under the circumstances. ARMED with what? Signs? Flags? > The Capitol had few security protocols at the time, and the four Puerto Rican nationalists entered the ...
tracycoyle replies on Feb 1, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Were those examples of words from those that had the guns? I know the two women that were video taped wanting to go after Pelosi were not carrying guns (or at least they weren't when arrested - because the video was posted AFTER the fact, and they were arrested just last week. No one knows who put up the graffiti. So, taking one set of statements actions and painting them onto a different set of actions is not evidence of intent. And the statements themselves are not evidence of intent - though usually sufficient to suggest so in court. It usually requires physical evidence that in SOME way supports it. But threats to public officials are taken (and should be) seriously. I doubt all the statements by BLM and Antifa protesters were given the same weight....
I wonder: Is it the people that scream the most that they care, actually the people that care the...
Edgework comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I can’t help but hear the subtext when someone talks about how much they care about others. “Look at ME. Aren’t I SPECIAL? Wouldn’t YOU like to be more like ME?” Fuck off. If you care, do something. Better yet, do it anonymously. But shut up.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
Yep....virtue signaling has become both a means to display social credibility and self-righteousness.
I wonder: Is it the people that scream the most that they care, actually the people that care the...
Hanno comments on Jan 31, 2021:
My views is a bit messed up. I have long had the theory that there are no selfless acts. We ALWAYS act on our own best interest. The act makes us feel good and that is our reward and ultimately motivation. That is why I get so upset if someone tells me they will pray for me when they hear ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
My personal philosophy is called Tracyism (so designed by my long lost BFF). First rule: Always act in your own best interest. I never turn away or dismiss when someone offers me a touch of their energy. I'm not religious, but when someone wants to send positive energy my way, I'm happy to take it. Sometimes, that's all they have to give. And yes, I do believe in 'energy'. After all, that is ALL WE ARE. It might only be a drop in the face of a hurricane, but it is a part of them and given freely. When in the storm, it is hard to recognize the value. Nine years ago, I had to watch my partner die because I would not allow them to put her on a respirator - that was her choice, and my responsibility to ensure it was honored. She died that day because I made a choice. It was the right one for her, not for me or our daughter. But that wasn't the criteria for the choice. My marriage, 40 years ago, ended after just 4 years. We didn't talk for 25 years. Then we started to again. A couple times a year by email. My ex didn't remarry for 35 years. Her husband was diagnosed with cancer 7 months later. He died last week. She emailed me today to let me know. I know right where she is now. She has ALWAYS been very devout. I acknowledge that faith, I respect it. I don't adhere to it but I know it gives her, and others, great comfort. How and why would I do ANYTHING to disrespect it? I understand your feelings, and I agree people do things for their benefit. I always do. But it doesn't mean our benefit can't benefit others. I'm a huge fan of win-win. And happy, whole people in my life, is in my best interest.
I wonder: Is it the people that scream the most that they care, actually the people that care the...
wolfhnd comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I think everyone has the feeling that overly dramatic and or obsequious altruism is suspect. We may have evolved for group think or to accept the shared lie but we paradoxically evolved with a dislike for people who lie. So we are at once all liars and ruthless defenders of the truth. ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
I think that is why I have a dislike for reliance on any form of instinctual policy - I don't trust others. But I don't automatically distrust them either. I consider myself capable of ignoring the biology and rely upon the rational (I know that smacks of several negative characteristics....). Like my partnership with another woman - it went against biology and social norms. Or my transition - which went against ALL norms, biological, social, psychological.... yet was the right thing to do, for me. Those were choices - the benefit of free will. My empathy for others IS dependent upon the "victim" and considered dependent upon the "aggressor". You are right about the fact that humans are very complex - but I do recognize templates....
Calling all January 6th capitol assault apologists: why should the capitol assaulters receive any ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I don't know anyone that DOESN'T think trespassers shouldn't be prosecuted. I certainly don't think 50 years is reasonable under the circumstances. ARMED with what? Signs? Flags? > The Capitol had few security protocols at the time, and the four Puerto Rican nationalists entered the ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay And those pipe bombs were planted the night before Trump's speech and the rally. INTENT. Were they Concealed Carry Permit holders? I get that the building is a public firearm free zone and that should be considered in any charges - but INTENT to do bodily harm? JUST having a gun is not evidence of such...
I have a question about Universal Basic Income: how come those proposing it never propose the ...
Hanno comments on Jan 30, 2021:
The thing with the UBI, it does not disappear when you start working. You keep on getting it. So it has to be less than the minimum wage. People on the UBI must be worse of than the minimum age worker. Else there would be no incentive to work. The UBI is just to keep people from starving / ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@Hanno A UBI institutionalizes the problems you outlined with unemployment onto a larger audience. Low wages at a job ARE an incentive to work harder, better, or at gaining more skills. Instead, they are used as an excuse for more from those that have more. I don't think you and I are that far apart on what the problems are. But we are coming at them from two opposite directions. I would ask you this: have you put down in writing 1) the problem and 2) the explicit solution in concrete terms and numbers?
Fewer posts post election?
Alysandir comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Three reasons: * Socialibility: I am in social isolation for reasons concerning COVID-19; I have not been in public - other than necessary medical appointments - for going on 10 months. I have no one to talk to; Parler was taken down and my account was banned on YouTube for "hate speech and ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@wolfhnd Interesting that our approaches are very different - I AM an extrovert that is known for my willingness to debate simply for its own sake! However, I seek to find agreement on basic concepts and establishing facts and chaos does not bother me at all! I do like your last paragraph!!
I don't HATE any ONE.
Hanno comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Hate is a great way to start wars.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
Usually the only way...
I have a question about Universal Basic Income: how come those proposing it never propose the ...
Hanno comments on Jan 30, 2021:
The thing with the UBI, it does not disappear when you start working. You keep on getting it. So it has to be less than the minimum wage. People on the UBI must be worse of than the minimum age worker. Else there would be no incentive to work. The UBI is just to keep people from starving / ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@Hanno Historically, economists believed 5% unemployment was functionally full employment. Anything less and wage inflation was a given. However, 2019 suggests otherwise as we had closer to 3% unemployment with mostly stable wages. So, as you suggest, the 2-5% unemployment figure DOES suggest job mobility - but we have unemployment insurance to cover that, so we don't need a UBI for that purpose. As to crime, much of it has less to do with people doing without and more with people wanting more than they've earned. I was homeless for a short time in 2014 and met many homeless people and found most of them WANTED to stay that way. Not all, but a majority were fine (I won't say happy though they often did). The social safety net caught me in 2014 and did what it was supposed to do - help me get back on my feet. But I desired that outcome and worked for it too. My brother had Muscular Dystrophy and an IQ of 82 and was learning disabled. He wanted to work for an airline and get free flying so he could travel. It took him almost 5 years of working at an airport to get an airline's attention. He spent his last 10 years working and traveling. My experience, my brother and family's experience are examples that suggest UBI isn't needed. I am sure there are thousands of experiences to the contrary. I guess I think that you see a need and are working or advocating for a potential fix for that/those needs. I look at the other side of the coin too - from whom, and why, are you taking the resources to accomplish that/those fixes? Just because a need exists, doesn't mean that it is right to take from others to address it....
I have a question about Universal Basic Income: how come those proposing it never propose the ...
Hanno comments on Jan 30, 2021:
The thing with the UBI, it does not disappear when you start working. You keep on getting it. So it has to be less than the minimum wage. People on the UBI must be worse of than the minimum age worker. Else there would be no incentive to work. The UBI is just to keep people from starving / ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@Hanno So, you do not believe, ultimately, in personal responsibility.....?
I oppose ANY secession talk amongst the States for the same reason I supported Lincoln's efforts to ...
wolfhnd comments on Jan 30, 2021:
On the same grounds you would have had to oppose the "American Revolution". I share the same sentiments and may not have supported the "American Revolution". If the U.S. had not separated from Britain slavery would have ended in 1830 reasonably peacefully. I would go so far as to say I'm not...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@Hanno There is a reason why no rational person would be me in charge....
I have a question about Universal Basic Income: how come those proposing it never propose the ...
Hanno comments on Jan 30, 2021:
The thing with the UBI, it does not disappear when you start working. You keep on getting it. So it has to be less than the minimum wage. People on the UBI must be worse of than the minimum age worker. Else there would be no incentive to work. The UBI is just to keep people from starving / ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 30, 2021:
The problem is that when you have no incentive to work - your basic needs are met - then there will be a significant part of the population that will NOT work. I understand the idea that it is less than the minimum wage, and that it applies to workers, but people can survive on very little if there is no obligation or responsibility associated with it. I consider the UBI, in all forms, to be anti-liberty: it requires the people that work provide a basic sustenance to those that do not. You know what they call that? Slavery. I don't care if it is turned on it's head - the larger the population with UBI benefits, the more political power they have and then it is only a matter of time before it is increased....beyond it's perceived value.
I oppose ANY secession talk amongst the States for the same reason I supported Lincoln's efforts to ...
wolfhnd comments on Jan 30, 2021:
On the same grounds you would have had to oppose the "American Revolution". I share the same sentiments and may not have supported the "American Revolution". If the U.S. had not separated from Britain slavery would have ended in 1830 reasonably peacefully. I would go so far as to say I'm not...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 30, 2021:
First statement disagreement: > On the same grounds you would have had to oppose the "American Revolution". Actually, not. The grounds that Lincoln and many others whom agreed with him were not based on the ideological Nation, but on the contiguous physical nation. The American Revolution, based in part on the physical separation noted that it made the ideological separation important and viable. Given my predilection for science fiction - I am predisposed to support a 'one world government', ideological society - but we are a LONG way from that as a species. The idea of a federation of states was to bring government to the lowest community level. The Federal Government didn't represent the people, it worked with the States who responded to their citizens. A government that allows for local control and determination across a minimal framework WAS, IS, viable for a large continent - it is has been corrupted by those seeking power. It may always and in every form be so - humanity is not a rational species....yet. People shouldn't be looking to government to solve problems - THAT is the issue that continues to drive both Right and Left. Though I can't fault or disagree with your last statement...
It appears the NYTs, in a court case, argues that because Project Veritas uses unnamed sources, it's...
TheMiddleWay comments on Jan 30, 2021:
I don't find this court case so I can't comment on NYT's position, though I also find their reliance on anonymous sources to be devastating to good journalism. But I would like to add that the name Project *Veritas* is itself ripe with irony considering their long history of altered videos, ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay I dislike 'anonymous sources' - especially the complete reliance on them. The 'overwhelming evidence', 'solid evidence' of the Russian/Trump collusion was based on it - and it was all false....
It appears the NYTs, in a court case, argues that because Project Veritas uses unnamed sources, it's...
TheMiddleWay comments on Jan 30, 2021:
I don't find this court case so I can't comment on NYT's position, though I also find their reliance on anonymous sources to be devastating to good journalism. But I would like to add that the name Project *Veritas* is itself ripe with irony considering their long history of altered videos, ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Maybe. Doesn't change the ironic aspects....
It appears the NYTs, in a court case, argues that because Project Veritas uses unnamed sources, it's...
TheMiddleWay comments on Jan 30, 2021:
I don't find this court case so I can't comment on NYT's position, though I also find their reliance on anonymous sources to be devastating to good journalism. But I would like to add that the name Project *Veritas* is itself ripe with irony considering their long history of altered videos, ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 30, 2021:
Comments in their (NYT) motion to dismiss:
I think I may have posted this before, but if not: The bone in my spine became infected 7 years ...
Anthraxxx comments on Jan 30, 2021:
That xray looks like a horror movie
tracycoyle replies on Jan 30, 2021:
The first time I saw the x-ray I thought it looked like an alien device on my back....still think of it that way.
I have made the analogy before but it is time to resurrect it.
WilyRickWiles comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Strictly speaking, the petit bourgeois are still the low-educated small business owners, shop keepers, real estate agents, etc. We saw their fascistic outburst on 1/6. You describe the highly-educated Professional Managerial Class (PMC). They are different in character but ultimately have the same ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 29, 2021:
PMC = priesthood....
The Democrats have moved so far away from their foundations, that even with a telescope they ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Jan 29, 2021:
I daresay both parties only foundation at the moment is **"votes at any cost; power by any means".** If you only pay attention to the left-hook, don't be surprised when you get knocked out by the right-hook.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 29, 2021:
My leaving the GOP alone for the moment should not be taken as acceptance of it's behavior. The reaction towards people like Liz Cheney is not in isolation....
I hate to be picky, but I created a group for those of us at Level 7 and greater to debate political...
turnerjolene48 comments on Jan 28, 2021:
yes, need to know the name of the group, I will join, too
tracycoyle replies on Jan 28, 2021:
Pick a position
Is it ever what it seems?
wolfhnd comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Well, our over paid government employees know they are not what they claim to be. Nobody likes their ego messed with. The only threat to the cushy jobs government employees have is the right. What side would you expect them to be on. In another post I tried to explain how the medical ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 28, 2021:
@wolfhnd I would suggest you are probably closer to being a classical liberal than a social conservative, based on the comments made here...
Is it ever what it seems?
govols comments on Jan 28, 2021:
This is part of why I quit trying to keep up, and have instead turned back. History is more interesting than news.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 28, 2021:
I know of history, I try not to repeat history, but I have no love of it....
Is it ever what it seems?
wolfhnd comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Well, our over paid government employees know they are not what they claim to be. Nobody likes their ego messed with. The only threat to the cushy jobs government employees have is the right. What side would you expect them to be on. In another post I tried to explain how the medical ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 28, 2021:
So, to put it simply: the Left is a threat to the people, the Right is a threat to the government....
How often have we heard: "If it saves ONE life.
Hanno comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Yes, just been told by an auditor that lime, yes the stuff we use to mark sportsfields and let kids play on is now a high hazard material even in slurry form and I need containment and warning signs and special equipment to handle it. Yet, just down the road farmers are spreading it in farmland ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 28, 2021:
EVERYTHING is hazardous to your health - in the wrong amounts. Yep...the inability to do basic risk management...
I hate to be picky, but I created a group for those of us at Level 7 and greater to debate political...
KeithThroop comments on Jan 27, 2021:
What is the name of the group. I will join.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 28, 2021:
Pick a position
Ok mostly a question for the Conservatives out there but anyone can chime in.
dentrawler comments on Jan 26, 2021:
I haven't watched main stream TV in a long time, but The West Wing was a quality program that swung probably 60/40 left/right. Aaron Sorkin always seemed to make the Dems on that show look foolish just a little less often than he did Republicans. But network TV is a little too formulaic for me ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 26, 2021:
I really enjoyed the show despite me being of the Right. So much so that I own the DVDs of all seasons.
Who has this skill?! 😂
tracycoyle comments on Jan 26, 2021:
I'm fluent.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 26, 2021:
@ScottforKing Ah, situational fluency!
It is interesting, but also note worthy, that Amazon has told me about some of my reading habits:...
dd54 comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Hmm...where did you find this information?
tracycoyle replies on Jan 25, 2021:
It is interesting, but also note worthy, that Amazon has told me about some of my reading habits:...
dd54 comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Hmm...where did you find this information?
tracycoyle replies on Jan 25, 2021:
Amazon has a Kindle contest ongoing and it provided the information.
My comment on another post: There is a class, and I don't mean with regard to social standing, of...
ZuzecaSape comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Which is why #Fascism is necessary. For the longest time I thought #Libertarians had the winning message. Who wouldn't want more freedom? I finally realized Libertarians *don't* have the winning message because only a minority of people actually want to be free; the rest want to be guided and ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 25, 2021:
If it were possible to do so and preserve the liberty of everyone else, I'd say let them have what they want - but it is like a virus: once introduced it spreads to every corner around. No thanks.
I'm still baffled by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
tracycoyle comments on Jan 24, 2021:
The willingness to suborn yourself to gain acceptance by the group is instinctual and for today's society, detrimental. In the past, the group protected and benefited the group members. Today, the group is likely to be outside the community and of little or no benefit to the members.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 25, 2021:
@Lightman There is a class, and I don't mean with regard to social standing, of people that embody the concept of 'individualism' that understand biology is only one factor, and not the dominant one, in their personal growth. I am neither dominated, nor driven by my biology. I am a rational, thinking human and can decide for myself. That has always been the foundation of American society - what the Left denigrates as 'rampant individualism'. They, who prefer groupthink, are aghast at individuals walking their own paths. Too bad much of our society has bought into appealing to the group, at least the WRONG type of group. People that live, and need, the approval of others will gravitate towards group acceptance and suborn themselves to it to be accepted. Think of the millions that voted that way in November. I, and so you state for yourself, am an individual. I can overcome the biology, the instinct driven approach to society. It is the natural state for Americans. The other pseudo-American (solely by the fact they were born here), wants nothing to do with individualism as it demands personal responsibility. All that said, it doesn't change the original premise - acceptance by the group is instinctual amongst the animals. Not to dehumanize them, but if it has a pack mentality, let it be considered part of a pack.
The problem with individualism is that it allows others to disagree with you.
pbuck0145 comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Only bigoted people conform to that description. See articles 1, 3, and 7 of:
tracycoyle replies on Jan 24, 2021:
I read. On the face of it, I agree. My concern would be with the following to portions: > But Humanists also believe that the application of science and technology must be tempered by human values. > Humanism ventures to build a world on the idea of the free person responsible to society In and of themselves, not much to be concerned with, or disagree with. But my responsibility to society is to be a responsible person. My values do not have to be your values as long as we share the responsibility to not infringe upon others. And while the principles of democracy are fine, their applications - majority rule = mob rule, can be disastrous. Thanks for the link.
Consider this; there are really only 3 different scenarios in today's world that you need to chose ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 23, 2021:
4: None of the above. it is possible that there are segments of our government, both state and federal, that are compromised and corrupt; others are just corrupt. The distinction is the 'conspiracy: how much, how connected, how deep. Given it is difficult to say, I tend to believe in keeping it...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@jakuboj but they, broadly, are not funded from the same source. They are funded by the general public (and yes, that means corporations too) on a case by case basis. Soros and some foundations spread their money pretty broadly, but even there, we are talking not about government corruption/conspiracy. It is money that is, again, broadly spent by people with an ideological consistency. I get that we can paint with a broad red brush, just like we can say places like Chicago, or California are Democrat strongholds. But not everyone in those places are Democrats, or corrupt. Nor do they operate jointly - they are only moving in the same direction. Again, think gangs. They have their own funding sources, their own goals, yet their behavior across large numbers of them are consistent, but not joint. I WISH they were - then there would be a hierarchy that we could attack.
[] Woman is NOT A Dirty Word
ariellescarcella comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Can we please stop saying things like "bleeders" and start simply saying "females"
tracycoyle replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@pbuck0145 incongruent: inconsistent, not connected to, disconnected, mismatched.
I think I have just seen the two most harrowing films, not just of the year, but possibly of the ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 24, 2021:
I am dismayed at the vast ignorance of people specifically about the Armenia massacres. I am a little miffed with myself for my lack of awareness of the Serbia issues. Even disregarding the facts or even general awareness of the atrocities, I would wager better than 90% of the population of the ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@iThink As the most free nation in the world, with access to vast stores of information, you would think we would have a better knowledge of history. Of course, you have to want it. Thanks.
[] Woman is NOT A Dirty Word
ariellescarcella comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Can we please stop saying things like "bleeders" and start simply saying "females"
tracycoyle replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@pbuck0145 Sexual orientation is not on topic. And while there is a spectrum of gender within each clear biological sex, they are still congruent with the biological sex. I am asking if you recognize that there are people for whom their gender is incongruent with their biological sex.
[] Woman is NOT A Dirty Word
ariellescarcella comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Can we please stop saying things like "bleeders" and start simply saying "females"
tracycoyle replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@pbuck0145 I gather you do not accept the idea that medically/biologically/psychologically it is possible for someone to be incongruent with regard to gender/biology?
Consider this; there are really only 3 different scenarios in today's world that you need to chose ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 23, 2021:
4: None of the above. it is possible that there are segments of our government, both state and federal, that are compromised and corrupt; others are just corrupt. The distinction is the 'conspiracy: how much, how connected, how deep. Given it is difficult to say, I tend to believe in keeping it...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 23, 2021:
@jakuboj I didn't say there was not conspiracy - only that if it exists it is extremely, bordering on impossible to, know how much, how deep, how widespread. I believe that much of it is uncoordinated and occurs mostly independently - NOT a singular or just several widespread joint efforts. Think 'gangs'
Is mindset something you can consciously self-assess and reset accordingly?
KeithThroop comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Yes, for most people about most things, but it isn't easy. It begins with a recognition of one's own presuppositions and a willingness to challenge those presuppositions, as well as a recognition of the limits of one's own knowledge and experience. This is a very difficult process for anyone.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@Naomi (and @KeithThroop) remember, I'm post-op transsexual. One thing about that is that I had a strong and deep disconnect between what was going on in my head and body and what and how I was being perceived and dealt with by society (and family/friends/community). I had to try and reconcile the vast differences - and deal with my own perceptions from an early age and PERSISTENTLY for years. I resolved my issues by understanding my perception of ME was correct and the ENTIRE world was wrong. (OH doesn't THAT make me sound psycho!) But, fundamentally, the entire world could not see into me objectively, it could only perceive me from external clues. It calls into question are ability to understand 'self'.
Is mindset something you can consciously self-assess and reset accordingly?
tracycoyle comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Of course. ANY part of your personality can be changed, IF you desire to. You can even change your perceptions, IF you desire to. All you have to do is be truly objective about yourself!!
tracycoyle replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@Naomi I would suggest that 'mindset' is a consequence of root personality characteristics....
I think we should take a page from the playbook of the Left.
Bay0Wulf comments on Jan 21, 2021:
But ... that would be “False Advertising”
tracycoyle replies on Jan 21, 2021:
@Bay0Wulf What was is one thing, how it can be applied today is another - that was my link.
I think we should take a page from the playbook of the Left.
Bay0Wulf comments on Jan 21, 2021:
But ... that would be “False Advertising”
tracycoyle replies on Jan 21, 2021:
@Bay0Wulf Yes, well, such might be said about ANY new party. I'd not join one simply because of it's head, titular or otherwise. And, I've had some experience in the 'definition' part. Something to start with:
I think we should take a page from the playbook of the Left.
Bay0Wulf comments on Jan 21, 2021:
But ... that would be “False Advertising”
tracycoyle replies on Jan 21, 2021:
Not at all. Classical Liberalism is the true foundation of our Country - regaining that word would be 'just'
I think we should take a page from the playbook of the Left.
JacksonNought comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Just be aware that Trump creating a new party will only split the vote among Republicans, ensuring that Democrats win more often.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 21, 2021:
@JacksonNought Doesn't make it unnecessary.
I think we should take a page from the playbook of the Left.
Hanno comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Classic liberalism is a complete different kettle of fish to what we today call liberalism. Ditto feminism.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 21, 2021:
Kinda the point - getting back to the root definition.
I think we should take a page from the playbook of the Left.
JacksonNought comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Just be aware that Trump creating a new party will only split the vote among Republicans, ensuring that Democrats win more often.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 21, 2021:
Nothing says he can't call his party this...
Kamala Harris as President and Michelle Obama as Vice President... Well, am I right folks?
tracycoyle comments on Jan 19, 2021:
I won't argue that Obama might be or not be a pick for VP. But it is clear Biden will not complete his 4 years and therefore President Harris is a given. Who she will pick as VP is useless - Harris is irrational.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@gregoryelliott I expect it will be someone that can't get elected dog catcher....Ms Abrams perhaps? But I think it will be a man, of color, who will SHOCK the Right but elate the Left... and nope, not a clue who it might be as there is a multitude that fit that profile.
A British Columbia woman has failed in her attempt to halt gender-altering surgery on her teenager.
tracycoyle comments on Jan 19, 2021:
I lament the damage being done to children and teens by adherence to a transactivist agenda.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@M_MarinoDC I followed Standards of Care, WPATH has more or less replaced them, but even where it is being stated, it is not always being followed. When I watch videos of those that have detransitioned, usually within 10 minutes I can hear why they made the mistake to transition and which should have been caught and dealt with via therapists BEFORE any hormones or surgery. Usually, there was little or no therapeutic involvement. I don't support medical transition under 18, blockers are probably ok in appropriate circumstances, but I do support social transition after GID or GD diagnosis from TWO independent therapists.
When you officially lose the plot.
JacksonNought comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Why does someone's gender identity matter when it comes to their education and credentials and aptitude in serving in an administrative role? Sounds like you are playing identity politics. You should stop letting your feelings control you.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@Krunoslav I will leave your overall comment unanswered, it is a reasoned opinion even if I disagree with aspects of it. I did however have ONE problem that I think I need to address: > an individual has a responsibility to balance their own needs with the need of the society. Ekkk!! No. If you mean to put their NEEDS first, but to consider their desires within the constraints of society, ok. But I don't want to put words in your mouth. This seems Burkean but I don't know the foundation for your reasoning. Classical Liberalism puts the individual first, society after family (in the guise of community). Classical Conservatism would put the individual below the needs of society, and it is one factor that distinguishes the two Classical ideologies. If you suggest the individual has some responsibility to the community/society, I won't disagree.
When you officially lose the plot.
JacksonNought comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Why does someone's gender identity matter when it comes to their education and credentials and aptitude in serving in an administrative role? Sounds like you are playing identity politics. You should stop letting your feelings control you.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@JacksonNought You know, I hate giving you a thumbs up, given I usually reserve it for an acknowledgement that I read the comment or post - the singular instance, I lean towards agreeing with you on that point (relying solely on her trans status as a disqualifier).
When you officially lose the plot.
JacksonNought comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Why does someone's gender identity matter when it comes to their education and credentials and aptitude in serving in an administrative role? Sounds like you are playing identity politics. You should stop letting your feelings control you.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@Krunoslav Yea, but if you think trying to correct a gender issue is a priori evidence of 'a threat to themselves', then I have a problem with that. We agree that the transactivist agenda is BAD, WRONG, DANGEROUS....but just being transsexual is NOT.
When you officially lose the plot.
JacksonNought comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Why does someone's gender identity matter when it comes to their education and credentials and aptitude in serving in an administrative role? Sounds like you are playing identity politics. You should stop letting your feelings control you.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@JacksonNought Your comments about Amy Coney Barrett are inaccurate. She sat on the 7th Circuit for years before being nominated. Your comment most accurately applies to Elena Kagan who had ZERO bench experience prior to her elevation to the Supreme Court.
When you officially lose the plot.
JacksonNought comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Why does someone's gender identity matter when it comes to their education and credentials and aptitude in serving in an administrative role? Sounds like you are playing identity politics. You should stop letting your feelings control you.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
@Krunoslav While on the book qualifications make HER qualified, or at the least not unqualified, I can't support the idea that she is trans being a disqualification - I recommend our, my, group here on Slug for discussions on transsexuals. I have political issues with her capabilities but Biden promotes up incompetence. Her gender has nothing to do with it. And your bias (prejudice) on transsexuals is clear.
WilyRickWiles comments on Jan 19, 2021:
The letters: M M T.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 19, 2021:
Given I orient myself towards the Austrian School of Economics, I generally oppose MMT. And my degree in economics is from University of Illinois at Chicago, I've had plenty of opportunity to discuss monetary theory.
Josf-Kelley comments on Jan 18, 2021:
"There are limits to the Federal Government, enumerated in the Constitution." Not. Debate in Virginia Ratifying Convention 1788 Elliot 3:89, 430--36, 439--42 [6 June] George Mason: Among the enumerated powers, Congress are to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, and to ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
@Josf-Kelley Well, this is a synopsis of the rebuttal: > Randolph, contra Henry and Mason, in a speech that covers over twenty pages of Elliot’s Debates, states that as “a child of the revolution,” he will vote for the adoption of the Constitution. Why? Because 1) it secures the principles of the revolution, 2) the dangers to individual liberty are not false, 3) it will invigorate commerce, 4) “the Union will be lost by our rejection,” 5) “a national government is absolutely indispensable,” 6) the Articles of Confederation are inadequate to “make us happy or respectable,” and beyond correction, 7) Virginia too will be more safe and secure, 8) “I wish my country not to be contemptible in the eyes of foreign nations,” 9) republican government is practicable in “an extensive territory,” and 10) “if the Union be now lost, I fear it will be so for ever.” > > Madison, in a speech that takes up nearly twenty pages of Elliot’s Debates, also attempts to refute Henry. He urged that the delegates focus on the merits of the Constitution and avoid “general assertions of danger, without examination.” Madison argued that 1) majority faction is the mortal disease of republican government, 2) Henry is wrong: the people do not now live “in perfect tranquility and safety,” 3) Henry is inconsistent in bemoaning that it takes as little as 3/4 of the states to ratify the Constitution and as many as 3/4 of the states to amend it, 4) Henry is wrong about several clauses including the exclusive legislation clause, the militia and army clause, and he is wrong about 5) the positive impact of Virginia not joining the Union. 6) Madison, reiterating the arguments of Federalist 39, declares the Constitution “is not completely consolidated, nor is it entirely federal.” Henry is wrong again: the Constitution is “of a mixed nature.” 7) And Henry is wrong to “satirize… the powers given to the general government.” 8) The power of direct taxation is necessary “for the preservation of the Union.” 9) Henry is also wrong that the general government will “absorb the state governments.” Finally, 10) representation in the House is fine.
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 18, 2021:
Lincoln's actions against the secessionist states violated, at a minimum, the spirit of the Constitution. However, it was necessary to preserve the country. Wrong for the right reason.... If Trump acted the same way, and I think for the same intent, I think history will validate the action. ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
@turnerjolene48 No. But anything that overthrows the government, or fractures the States, will destroy the country. And I think there is at least a few on the Left that believe holding the country hostage to that possibility, prevents their demise...
Just saw a headline from CNN - NRA files for bankruptcy and files to leave New York in order to move...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 18, 2021:
Corporate bankruptcy is a way to terminate contracts that are detrimental to the long term health of the organization - likely there are contracts and agreements binding the NRA offices to NY they want out of and this is the easiest way. Moving to Texas....isn't EVERYONE moving to Texas?? :) ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
@iThink It is certainly a concern, not just in Texas. And I am sure that Musk has his own motivations. As far as Austin is concerned....been there, dislike it.
Josf-Kelley comments on Jan 18, 2021:
"There are limits to the Federal Government, enumerated in the Constitution." Not. Debate in Virginia Ratifying Convention 1788 Elliot 3:89, 430--36, 439--42 [6 June] George Mason: Among the enumerated powers, Congress are to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, and to ...
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
And what was the response to Mason?
If you post that 'new information', or 'sources say' and it involves some misdeed by a Democrat, ...
jakuboj comments on Jan 18, 2021:
You will soon look very stupid. No reply needed, until after January 20th.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
@jakuboj I'd like to think so, but my experience tells me that too many people will oppose the violence necessary - and some of them are in the leadership cadre of our military.
It Just Keeps Getting Better
Mechanic comments on Jan 18, 2021:
That’s so shocking!!!!!!! Ok not surprising at all
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
@FEWI Now that there is little or no time, or interest, in doing anything about it....
The austerity politics of white supremacists supremacy []
tracycoyle comments on Jan 18, 2021:
I assume you are aware that you sound as batshit crazy as those you claim are in opposition to your preferred narratives.... Or maybe I assume too much....
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
@WilyRickWiles I did. And from a certain, minimalist of thought point of view, it is interesting that 2/3s of the article studiously avoided noting that the opponents of racial desegregation were Democrats. The arguments that taxing the rich to support the poor have been around since taxation began and since the supporters of the poor demanded access to the wealth for their own benefit, rather than for the poor. The Democrats have often been pro-austerity, when it meant gutting any means of supporting the middle class politically, or minimally, when it hurt the GOP with the average American. And I don't take singular instances to make observations about individuals - everyone has a spot of contradiction in their lives - your continued commentary across posts feeds your consistent effort to portray those you disagree with as needing mental health interventions....
If you post that 'new information', or 'sources say' and it involves some misdeed by a Democrat, ...
jakuboj comments on Jan 18, 2021:
You will soon look very stupid. No reply needed, until after January 20th.
tracycoyle replies on Jan 18, 2021:
I don't let hope dictate my perception of reality. I supported Trump, worked for his election and reelection. Cheered him on for 4 years. I'd cheer him on for another 4. My rule is simple: make decisions based on the best information I have at the time; if new information arrives that changes the foundations for the previous decision, make a new decision regardless of the optics; rinse, repeat as often as necessary. It has served me well for 40 years, not stopping now.


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