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"NEW: In upcoming book, Michael Cohen writes Donald Trump's disdain for Obama was so extreme he ...
Penrodster comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Ahhh, thanks for the video you posted below, context clears things up. Several years ago they had a bad idea for the RNC, tried it and figured out it was stupid. Then they dropped it like a steaming pile of bad idea it was. Thank you for picking it up and lovingly holding it for everyone to ...
Penrodster replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@WilyRickWiles I hear about it a lot but not from Donny Boy. Never from Donny Boy. Yet, I still hear about how he's obsessed a whole lot. It's like a conundrum wrapped within an enigma.
CharliePrime comments on Sep 7, 2020:
It's becoming more obvious by the day that the Democrats are throwing this election.
Penrodster replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Yes, they've given up or are outright throwing the election. BUT I believe they will fight tooth and nail and dozens of people will die in violence when democrats contest the election. There must be a goal but I cannot fathom what it is.
Are you concerned that there will be a coup if Trump wins?
WillBeFree53 comments on Sep 7, 2020:
I hope Trump wins and convincingly enough that no-one dares mount a coup. If they did they might find the support they counted on is not there because, as has been shown so often, noisy minorities think they have more influence than they ultimately do.
Penrodster replies on Sep 7, 2020:
I was excited for the 2018 midterm elections, it gave me a chance to make predictions based on poll bias and see how well I do and where I could improve. EVERY marginally close race was contested with recounts and EVERY time more votes were found for the democrat. I think I was most upset that it ruined an analysis that I had spent a months on. Will violence stop if Trump has a landslide on Nov 3rd but forced into recounts for the next month?
Many are asking why Trump doesn't do more to quell the chaos.
Penrodster comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I didn't vote for Trump because I thought he'd be authoritarian, he proved me wrong. Please don't let this turn around on me after I vote for him.
Penrodster replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@johnlondon Trump has surprised me with pulling peace out of conflict with radical, out of the box thinking. I'm hopeful but I'm afraid you're right. So far Trump's been letting the mayors and governors own the protests and arsonists so everyone gets to see the two sides for who they are. I would not bet a nickel on next moves, I have no idea.
Media has a newfound interest in new gun owners- [bearingarms.
Penrodster comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I'd consider it a poll of a blue leaning metro area with the caveat of small sample size. That gives information just limited and more specific. I personally don't see any great shift except gun control advocates are more likely to buy guns. I have not seen a shift from "common sense gun ...
Penrodster replies on Sep 6, 2020:
All the “wrong people don’t have guns,” sits wrong on my conscience. I believe all those "wrong people" they mention have a specific color in their minds.
19 Black families purchase 96 acres of land to create a 'safe haven' for Black people []
DotBunn comments on Sep 4, 2020:
So now we are encouraging segregation? This was not MLK’s dream and it will end up creating more tension between the races. Why can’t we treat all people equally under the laws of this country and more importantly the laws of God.
Penrodster replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@Serg97 I don't think the stupid is race based it just comes in waves through different groups. In the CHAZ they had white only garden and black only garden. Segregation is the stupid that keeps on giving.
Issues&Insights: Trump was right.
GeeMac comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Absolutely. The aim of the woke-mob is to dethrone every icon of America and the West. Not that long ago Columbus was a trans-Atlantic hero who ended the Middle Ages and ushered in the Renaissance with his discovery of the new world. To young people today he’s a misogynist and a racist. Thomas ...
Penrodster replies on Sep 5, 2020:
"The aim of the woke-mob is to dethrone every icon of America and the West." Yep. I see it as a Yahr Null for them. Destroy all history and remake it in their image for a grand new world. 1619 project is an example also.
19 Black families purchase 96 acres of land to create a 'safe haven' for Black people []
DotBunn comments on Sep 4, 2020:
So now we are encouraging segregation? This was not MLK’s dream and it will end up creating more tension between the races. Why can’t we treat all people equally under the laws of this country and more importantly the laws of God.
Penrodster replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@Serg97 White libs started segregation from black people in this country. I agree but don't see how it changes anything. It's still stupid and destructive.
Issues&Insights: Trump was right.
Penrodster comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Imagine the sunkissed cheerleaders to the east of the monument: "He's our god and he's OK. He's the sun god RA RA RA!" The monument just isn't marketed correctly.
Penrodster replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@GeeMac No. The Washington monument is big and made of really hard stuff.
19 Black families purchase 96 acres of land to create a 'safe haven' for Black people []
DotBunn comments on Sep 4, 2020:
So now we are encouraging segregation? This was not MLK’s dream and it will end up creating more tension between the races. Why can’t we treat all people equally under the laws of this country and more importantly the laws of God.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@CharliePrime ANY long term segregation has resulted in degredation of the culture, Edo period Japan and Jim Crow laws are my personal examples I draw from. Wanting to live alone is in peace is obviously easier but culture bubbles stop the culture from progressing. Obviously white people in 1955 want an all white neighborhood but it causes them to culturally stagnate and die, atleast metaphorically.
"I was the woman surrounded by BLM protesters at a D.
Penrodster comments on Sep 4, 2020:
I would caution against fully believing any statement made. They know where she lives and works now. There's more to this than a picture and two sentences. Data is still limited and probably always will be.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@WilyRickWiles Yeah, poorly worded. She works with people and has to live with neighbors. Statements get colored by the situation.
Jean-Claude vs. Chuck.
Penrodster comments on Sep 4, 2020:
No references exist for the line from the Chuck Norris cartoon. "Shoot him!? Are you kidding!? One bullet won't kill him and he's too fast for two!" ALL I remember from that piece of garbage animation.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Krunoslav Arnie maniacal laughing, speaking Japanese with a thick Austrian accent... can't ... process.... I do need that maniacal laugh on my phone ready for use at all times.
19 Black families purchase 96 acres of land to create a 'safe haven' for Black people []
DotBunn comments on Sep 4, 2020:
So now we are encouraging segregation? This was not MLK’s dream and it will end up creating more tension between the races. Why can’t we treat all people equally under the laws of this country and more importantly the laws of God.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@CharliePrime I was replying to DotBunn, not answering your question. Segregation alleviates tension for the short term because morons go away. I look at it from a Darwinian perspective. They will either learn to contribute to the human race or kill themselves off through stupidity (segregation.)
Jean-Claude vs. Chuck.
Penrodster comments on Sep 4, 2020:
No references exist for the line from the Chuck Norris cartoon. "Shoot him!? Are you kidding!? One bullet won't kill him and he's too fast for two!" ALL I remember from that piece of garbage animation.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Krunoslav You're thinking of watching. "How bad can it be?" Are you currently drinking? The clip can wait, start drinking now. When you have trouble clicking play you are ready.
Jean-Claude vs. Chuck.
Penrodster comments on Sep 4, 2020:
No references exist for the line from the Chuck Norris cartoon. "Shoot him!? Are you kidding!? One bullet won't kill him and he's too fast for two!" ALL I remember from that piece of garbage animation.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Jean-Claude vs. Chuck.
Penrodster comments on Sep 4, 2020:
No references exist for the line from the Chuck Norris cartoon. "Shoot him!? Are you kidding!? One bullet won't kill him and he's too fast for two!" ALL I remember from that piece of garbage animation.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
I think they were even on a space station at the time. Chuck Norris in space. Epic but for the wrong reasons.
19 Black families purchase 96 acres of land to create a 'safe haven' for Black people []
DotBunn comments on Sep 4, 2020:
So now we are encouraging segregation? This was not MLK’s dream and it will end up creating more tension between the races. Why can’t we treat all people equally under the laws of this country and more importantly the laws of God.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
How did the previously liberal wing get so caught up in segregation?!?! This is nuts. A few years back if white separatists wanted to create a commune in the middle of nowhere I'd pitch in $10 gas money! Good riddance!
19 Black families purchase 96 acres of land to create a 'safe haven' for Black people []
DotBunn comments on Sep 4, 2020:
So now we are encouraging segregation? This was not MLK’s dream and it will end up creating more tension between the races. Why can’t we treat all people equally under the laws of this country and more importantly the laws of God.
Penrodster replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Not encouraging but segregation. Every culture group tries segregation, it fails horribly for them and everything turns out better for the world. Not the doorknob segregationists but everyone else.
Never-Trumpism's finest example.
BikerPetehall70 comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Useless wanker
Penrodster replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Whoa, whoa, whoa! There's a lot of us useless wankers out here and we never caused that much harm!
Why am I not surprised?
Penrodster comments on Aug 31, 2020:
My attempts would not load at all. No reaction. Is DuckDuckGo saving me from something horrific? "The connection has timed out The server at is taking too long to respond."
Penrodster replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@FEWI,, all lead to "problem loading page."
Marijuana decriminalization vote expected in House []
Penrodster comments on Aug 31, 2020:
States can do what they want but I really can't believe we have federal laws against pot.
Penrodster replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@Rosary_Trace Back to my theory laws should be written on a 3X5 card, read out loud before the vote and have a sunset date no more than 10 years in the future. I think our textile industry can handle it now.
The right-wing's special squad of weaponized Autistics have identified the Portland AntiFa Murderer ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
4Chan is right wing? These words get redefined pretty fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Is VOX right wing now. Is Biden right wing?
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@Lightman OK... Was that meant to be directed at me? It had nothing to do with what I said.
Watch a Toyota-backed flying car's first public, piloted test flight []
Serg97 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
First, I thought "welcome to the Jetsons", second, this could be more fun than a motorcycle, third, when can we weaponize it?????
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@Serg97 I knows a guy, I'm hopin' he knows a guy who knows a guy.
Watch a Toyota-backed flying car's first public, piloted test flight []
Serg97 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
First, I thought "welcome to the Jetsons", second, this could be more fun than a motorcycle, third, when can we weaponize it?????
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@Serg97 Toyota and Lockheed and a BUNCH of rednecks are all within an hour of me. Invitation to the gunnery show probably requires a bottle of decent bourbon.
The right-wing's special squad of weaponized Autistics have identified the Portland AntiFa Murderer ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
4Chan is right wing? These words get redefined pretty fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Is VOX right wing now. Is Biden right wing?
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@Lightman Charlie Prime specified unmoderated. I think we all agree moderated sites like Twitter or Reddit go hard left, correct me if I'm wrong. Personally I can see where right leaning people would flee to unmoderated sites skewing political demographics some. I am curious if they would further head harder right. I have strong doubts but cannot PROVE it to myself.
Watch a Toyota-backed flying car's first public, piloted test flight []
Serg97 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
First, I thought "welcome to the Jetsons", second, this could be more fun than a motorcycle, third, when can we weaponize it?????
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
I cannot imagine no one has perked up the design with some gunnery yet.
The right-wing's special squad of weaponized Autistics have identified the Portland AntiFa Murderer ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
4Chan is right wing? These words get redefined pretty fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Is VOX right wing now. Is Biden right wing?
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@Lightman Places like Reddit are moderated and PURELY hard left wing. He specified unmoderated which is a more interesting question but I lack experience with 4chan and other unmoderated sites. I can see where they could lean right just because people have no voice in other platforms but I don't know it would end hard right.
The right-wing's special squad of weaponized Autistics have identified the Portland AntiFa Murderer ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
4Chan is right wing? These words get redefined pretty fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Is VOX right wing now. Is Biden right wing?
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@CharliePrime This does suggest a means and method to test various platforms. Hurm.... ("Hurm" is a reference to Rorschach when his eyes were opened to some larger possibilities.)
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
At last! Things have calmed down enough to start actual analysis of numbers.
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@2bears42youths Tomat-o, To-mato
The right-wing's special squad of weaponized Autistics have identified the Portland AntiFa Murderer ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
4Chan is right wing? These words get redefined pretty fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Is VOX right wing now. Is Biden right wing?
Penrodster replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@CharliePrime "All discussion forums which are not moderated eventually become hard right-wing." Gonna need some receipts on that or we just disagree on what constitutes "right wing." I would have put 4chan as AnarchoTrollitariat attacking anyone they can get a rise from. Admittedly 4chan is not my kettle of sterno.
That'll be my question, too. 😂 🤣
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 28, 2020:
I mean, she said *anywhere* I want. 😕
Penrodster replies on Aug 29, 2020:
I'm gonna stick it in my pants. I see trouble brewing.
And The Sheeple Cheer!!
GeeMac comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Anyone who draws a breath in most countries is a beneficiary of slavery. Everyone alive today benefits directly from a history shaped by the slavery, violence, and war that played a role in developing the liberal society we have today. To deny that is sheer ignorance.
Penrodster replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@GeeMac That's true. BUT if she is actively campaigning on slave reparations that OTHER people have to pay to her then I think it is fair to point out her slave holding and slave trading past.
Epstein victim alleges the financier showed her off to Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14, lawsuit ...
being_human comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Trump called cops on Epstein for trying to molest a guest's at Mar-a-Lago, Trump has done more to remove trafficking rings and if it weren't for him-Epstein would never have been caught (known about him for decades and FBI had all the pictures Virginia Roberts had since 2011) and definitely not ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@B1967 Nope, too many minions between Epstein and Clinton. My hope is to burn enough minions they clearly point to Clinton and enough minions get burned Clinton loses a lot of power and cannot rebuild.
And The Sheeple Cheer!!
GeeMac comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Anyone who draws a breath in most countries is a beneficiary of slavery. Everyone alive today benefits directly from a history shaped by the slavery, violence, and war that played a role in developing the liberal society we have today. To deny that is sheer ignorance.
Penrodster replies on Aug 24, 2020:
Point taken but not everyone's family so directly profited from slavery and the slave trade itself.
World biggest Alex Joner []
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Is that Yang image for real? 'Cause I kinda liked him. (Not in _that_ way but in the way you could discuss policies and not worry for your children.)
Penrodster replies on Aug 22, 2020:
Oh. It is. Nevermind.
Michelle Obama's necklace
Lightman comments on Aug 22, 2020:
So is Mike, Michelle's nickname?
Penrodster replies on Aug 22, 2020:
@Ranticore Deadnaming is a crime. Can this be prosecuted?
The Left and Right are becoming no different sound data and facts don't mean anything Left vs ...
Evidently comments on Aug 22, 2020:
That’s backward.
Penrodster replies on Aug 22, 2020:
"Order, duty and tradition" I'd agree with but I'd also put "freedom, equality, fraternity, rights and reform" under current right wing. "Authority and hierachy" is prett6y firmly under left wing now. Atleast in areas.
Epstein victim alleges the financier showed her off to Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14, lawsuit ...
being_human comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Trump called cops on Epstein for trying to molest a guest's at Mar-a-Lago, Trump has done more to remove trafficking rings and if it weren't for him-Epstein would never have been caught (known about him for decades and FBI had all the pictures Virginia Roberts had since 2011) and definitely not ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 20, 2020:
@B1967 I apologize unreservedly. Obviously no investigation is possible now as all people involved are dead. There is NOTHING that can be done so full stop. It's why we don't investigate murders; once someone is dead everything stops and there is no way forward.
Epstein victim alleges the financier showed her off to Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14, lawsuit ...
being_human comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Trump called cops on Epstein for trying to molest a guest's at Mar-a-Lago, Trump has done more to remove trafficking rings and if it weren't for him-Epstein would never have been caught (known about him for decades and FBI had all the pictures Virginia Roberts had since 2011) and definitely not ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 20, 2020:
@B1967 25 years and the case is only going forward now. Why is the case moving now but not 10 an d 20 years ago?
Those tricky Chinese...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 19, 2020:
What editor thought that would be a good headline? LOL!
Penrodster replies on Aug 20, 2020:
A stealth troll editor who waits years to slip jokes past the upper management. A few years back there was a automobile recall of Kia Souls. Headline read: "15,000 defective Souls recalled." They wait for their moment.
Is there a “Too Far” for a free speech site?
TimTuolomne comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Our precedent of law originating in the Constitution draws the line between speech of every kind, and speech that directly causes action that violates the rights of others. Examples are pornography, falsely yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre, and conspiracies to commit crimes. This means ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@TimTuolomne But we're into a new medium now. This is a site I go to for interesting talk to bang against my assumptions or mental filters. Yapping dog with a bullhorn is legal but destroys my purpose for coming here. Back to the question of how to deal? What is the fix for talk that does not cross the line but can ruin the general point of the exercise?
Is there a “Too Far” for a free speech site?
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
The NPC meme struck to my core. 10 - 20 years back progressive friends would react to any bad news with: "It's the Joooooooos!" If you hand a yappy dog a megaphone you know exactly what they will say. Every debate attack the Jews, blacks, whites, etc whatever their fixation is. After ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@Thaw WAIT! You told me to debate and use logic to persuade but if IDENTITY defines position there is no reason. Which is it? "Races are defined by AVERAGES and group IDENTITY entails a single set of allegiances and tendencies." or people can be swayed by facts and logic? It cannot be both.
Is there a “Too Far” for a free speech site?
TimTuolomne comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Our precedent of law originating in the Constitution draws the line between speech of every kind, and speech that directly causes action that violates the rights of others. Examples are pornography, falsely yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre, and conspiracies to commit crimes. This means ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 16, 2020:
I largely agree but ... At work I (and everyone else) avoids the jackass spewing vitriol. On a platform it becomes difficult to dodge the vitriol, "vitriol" here is a stand in for "stupid crap I do not want to hear." I KNOW what that implies please do not reiterate. Practically speaking, how do I as a user, read varied comments and points of view while avoiding a significant percentage of the jackassery (or vitriol) ?
Is there a “Too Far” for a free speech site?
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
The NPC meme struck to my core. 10 - 20 years back progressive friends would react to any bad news with: "It's the Joooooooos!" If you hand a yappy dog a megaphone you know exactly what they will say. Every debate attack the Jews, blacks, whites, etc whatever their fixation is. After ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 16, 2020:
@Thaw The "chihuahuas" in this case was in another forum. The debate at the time was whether or not to ban him(/her.) Obviously, I could just be a butt hurt loser but there was no debating just harangue. I think my point still stands some people are not adding to the conversation just filling the space and drowning out other voices. Again, I do not know what to do about it but it exists and is a problem. Any solution is fraught with peril and we have to tread lightly.
B1967 comments on Aug 6, 2020:
The list is long but not a thing will happen to them Trump will make sure of that . Look what happen to Jeffrey Epstein under Trump
Penrodster replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@B1967 Pithy but without all they pesky meaningful
B1967 comments on Aug 6, 2020:
The list is long but not a thing will happen to them Trump will make sure of that . Look what happen to Jeffrey Epstein under Trump
Penrodster replies on Aug 8, 2020:
Maxwell is up on charges for things done 25 years ago, this sat idle for 25 years. You can reasonably blame Trump for Epstein but warden, mayor and governor are better starts I think.
Democrats Run War Games Where They Predict They'll Push For Secession And Civil War If Trump Wins - ...
Machiavelliwar comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Tim is informative. Not so good at analysis. Does work to get me here though! One question, who is the puppet and behind the Biden moves?
Penrodster replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@WorldSigh Body Language Ghost did a bit on Podesta, love her because most of her analysis is just slowing down the video to show you what is obvious. Podesta is a _really_ creepy dude (AND Clinton found him useful.)
Penrodster comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Did they see nudity or Naked Rage (TM) ??
Penrodster replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@RemiDallaire I believe you. I'm positive the algorithm looks for percentage of flesh tone RGBs on the image. Nudie images generally cover the screen as much as possible with sweet, sweet nudie flesh.
Democrats Run War Games Where They Predict They'll Push For Secession And Civil War If Trump Wins - ...
Machiavelliwar comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Tim is informative. Not so good at analysis. Does work to get me here though! One question, who is the puppet and behind the Biden moves?
Penrodster replies on Aug 4, 2020:
"Puppet behind Biden" YES! He is obviously not the mental/emotional/physical force behind his campaign. Who is??! How do we find this out? Seems oddly similar to tracking the influence behind Epstein. Not equating the actions just the method of analysis.
Democrats Run War Games Where They Predict They'll Push For Secession And Civil War If Trump Wins - ...
Machiavelliwar comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Tim is informative. Not so good at analysis. Does work to get me here though! One question, who is the puppet and behind the Biden moves?
Penrodster replies on Aug 4, 2020:
"Not so good at analysis." I've gotta agree, watch a lot of Pool videos but he jumps to a conclusion and holds it. Having Adam "Soy Jesus" helps but I think the real problem is he puts out a couple videos a day and a good analysis has to marinate in the brain.
Who wants to do a fact check on this:
maxmaccc comments on Aug 1, 2020: Further information on Janet Reed. You'll note that the ballots were canceled and new ones sent out. She was warned of her actions in April but continued to send out defaced ballots. ...
Penrodster replies on Aug 2, 2020:
"defaced ballots." Yes, I too try hard to hide my rage behind the most benign words I can find. Turns it into a game so I can keep my sanity.
Take that, earth supremacists!
Penrodster comments on Jul 31, 2020:
So any Gorn rule 34 fan fic out there?
Penrodster replies on Jul 31, 2020:
Please! That was a joke. REALLY don't need/want to know. Please.
Your daily dose of wholesome Maskness.
FreedomRocker comments on Jul 29, 2020:
He looks like Archer, not Freddy Mercury
Penrodster replies on Jul 31, 2020:
Same person. Freddy Mercury faked his death.
Couldn't make this up if I tried
A1fredo comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Titania McGrath is a parody account. So it is made up.
Penrodster replies on Jul 28, 2020:
It is made up of the hilarious froth that floats on the scum of militant social justice warrior statements.
The wild spending might have finally broke the economy.
Triumph comments on Jul 27, 2020:
The big boys just shut it down. A lot of gold that doesn't exist just got sold and the price of gold is dropping like a rock. *When gold hit $1,900 per ounce in 2011, the Federal Reserve realized that $2,000 per ounce could have a psychological impact that would spread into the dollar’s ...
Penrodster replies on Jul 28, 2020:
I have some silver ETF and everyone knows some of that is just paper, fiat silver. No one will look into investment groups to see just how much of ETF metals is fake.
BabylonBee: Nevada church avoids COVID-19 restrictions by installing slot machines.
saramarylop3z comments on Jul 27, 2020:
😂Is this for real? Still clever lol
Penrodster replies on Jul 28, 2020:
Babylon Bee is a satire site. They usually have funny stories that become true later. It's becoming difficult to make up a story too bizarre to become true in 2020.
Sandmann won his second lawsuit (they ended up settling) today against the WaPo.
Lightman comments on Jul 24, 2020:
I always thought the kid was a bit of a prick, I would have just walked away and taken my disrespectful smirk with me. Will the media ever learn? no
Penrodster replies on Jul 28, 2020:
It looked like the guy with the drum kept maneuvering to not let him leave.
Sandmann won his second lawsuit (they ended up settling) today against the WaPo.
iThink comments on Jul 25, 2020:
NO - they will not learn - I believe there is a non-disclosure order and agreement in the settlement. Maybe the settlement wasn't so lucrative to Sandman - perhaps all he got was a formal apology and he only received a dollar and payment of his legal expenses. On the other hand he might have ...
Penrodster replies on Jul 28, 2020:
CNN lost more on lawyer costs by far than from the settlement. $250k _at_ most_ based on previous lawsuits, likely less . They made 10X+ that on clicks from the story. Not sure how to fix that problem because I abhor propagandists and they make a lot of money right now.
The information I'm about to relay is 100% factual and corroborated with overwhelming evidence.
ThomasinaPaine comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Normal people do not hang artistic renderings of child abuse. It's funny that the Left loves to cancel art that they deem problematic due to language but will look at art of child abuse and cannibalism and say "I don't see the issue here." They've become as brainwashed as the Manson Family. I ...
Penrodster replies on Jul 28, 2020:
@Edgework Podesta guy was/is a sick puppy. Interesting body language video on him by Body Language Ghost (I think.) We dodged a bullet not having him high in the govt and someone who would choose to hire him.
Is it fair to call AOC a "Fucking Bitch"?
GaryWitt comments on Jul 24, 2020:
In this case I believe “fucking” is used as an intensifier. It does not necessarily refer to her level, degree, or frequency of sexual activity.
Penrodster replies on Jul 25, 2020:
@scotirishviet Fucking is NOT a superfluous modifier. I could not communicate ideas properly at work without it.
Is it fair to call AOC a "Fucking Bitch"?
MDonaldson comments on Jul 24, 2020:
The comparison is disparaging to female canines everywhere, and I'm sure they are highly offended. Bitches have feelings too, ya know..
Penrodster replies on Jul 25, 2020:
@Serg97 I assume you mean "cunt" and I would have to disagree. I believe cunts to be useful and important. That leaves the question: what can you compare her to that is useless or odious enough to be fair?
How does a woman who never achieved much of anything get to command one million dollars for a ...
johnlondon comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Are you kidding. The Princess fables are still the most popular worldwide for women. Rags to Riches.
Penrodster replies on Jul 24, 2020:
I misread as "Rage to Riches" first go round. Not relevant here but I am definitely saving that line.
Republican satisfaction with the direction of the country plummets []
Penrodster comments on Jul 5, 2020:
That last data point is seriously discontiguous. If I see that I recheck the setup, rerun the data point and try again on a different set of equipment. Don't get me wrong, I can easily see satisfaction dropping but this data looks hokey and needs some reviewing before publishing to the world.
Penrodster replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@WilyRickWiles Yep, totally possible. I will double check test parameters and retest if I see an outlier like that, an outlier so totally different than every other data point. Yes, it is possible it's real. I would absolutely NOT assume it was real. I've seen too many other people bitten in the ass by data just like that.
I wanna show you what's happening on memes groups.
RavenMStark comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I dunno. I found the Jabba one and the "elect a clown" one to be pretty funny! The Obama ice cream one isn't terrible - I smirked a bit. Then again, I am pretty far removed from meme culture. I'm not up on what kinds of memes are cool and hip these days.
Penrodster replies on Jul 5, 2020:
I laughed out loud at the "all I see is hatred of me at any cost." That was really good.
It hurted my feeeeeeeeelings.
JVIP-WTPNN comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Penrodster replies on Jun 21, 2020:
@JVIP-WTPNN 2007 awesome series of episodes
It hurted my feeeeeeeeelings.
JVIP-WTPNN comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Penrodster replies on Jun 21, 2020:
Not a Dr Who fan I see.
Xtra comments on Jun 18, 2020:
He's not wrong, is he?
Penrodster replies on Jun 21, 2020:
@Serg97 Whoa, whoa. Let's not use racist rhetoric here. It's more accurately called the Chinese Communist Party Virus.
What a Drama queen but Nancy Pelosi everyone with a brain knows your a lying filthy snake
camerakid61 comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I hate it when they act phony!
Penrodster replies on Jun 17, 2020:
Wearing slavery scarves and kneeling like Chauvin. Are you sure it's phony?
What a Drama queen but Nancy Pelosi everyone with a brain knows your a lying filthy snake
Penrodster comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Wasn't Chauvin kneeling just like that? (It might sound like I'm comparing a power mad thug to ... a power mad thug.)
Penrodster replies on Jun 17, 2020:
@phipps Awwww, usually those in power forget the underlings as soon as they're inconvenient. You're right, touching tribute.
What would you suggest Donald Trump do to have a positive resolution to the BLM/Defund Police/ANTIFA...
Penrodster comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Quarantine. Let them have the experiment and offer whatever help he can to governors who want it. Diversity of ideas needs the chance to succeed or fail. And absolutely no money to help the govs or mayors who refuse help or to stop looting and burning. States have rights, Trump should not ...
Penrodster replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@govols I didn't believe in walls when Trump was elected. I'm a HUGE fan now, I want walls in lots of places now.
Well if one good thing comes out of this it will be a proper understanding if the 2nd Amendment.
rway comments on Jun 1, 2020:
You can do anything you want in America, you might have to explain it to a Judge, but you can do it. Just make sure you're right, and you'd better be convincing about, too. You *will* be taken down and taken in... not nicely, either. You *will* be charged with obstructing justice, and probably 9...
Penrodster replies on Jun 5, 2020:
Amen. Do what you think is right and face the consequences. (Think about it before you act like a brownshirt on Krystall Nacht, maybe you're in the right, maybe you're a nazi.)
Read it properly then comment! Who is DA Donnelly
TimTuolomne comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Although I believe this probably happened in reality, this "document" is a fake.
Penrodster replies on Jun 3, 2020:
I would assume they could not be THAT stupid. ("Fake but true" comes to mind.)
Mitch McConnell is an abhorrent career politician who is not representing the people.
Penrodster comments on May 5, 2020:
Not Mitch fan and refuse to vote for him but I think he's right here. Probably too heavy handed but wholesale lawsuits will kill any economic recovery.
Penrodster replies on May 9, 2020:
@iThink Fully agree and yet ... I still feel deeply dirtied by my votes for Mcain and Romney. I'm afraid no amount of douching can clean me of my Romney vote.
Mitch McConnell is an abhorrent career politician who is not representing the people.
Penrodster comments on May 5, 2020:
Not Mitch fan and refuse to vote for him but I think he's right here. Probably too heavy handed but wholesale lawsuits will kill any economic recovery.
Penrodster replies on May 5, 2020:
@iThink So far the 'lesser of two evils' math has been so convoluted I refuse to vote for either one. My disgust for the dems was such I considered voting for Mitch but luckily Mitch started advertising and reminded me what he is.
Hypocrisy writ large...
FOTD13 comments on May 5, 2020:
I know that many here don't like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But, she is arguing to do the right thing and investigate Biden. We need to see more representatives not playing politics but actually standing up for what is right. ...
Penrodster replies on May 5, 2020:
I am VERY uncomfortable agreeing with her on something.
The economy is like a game of Monopoly.
waynus comments on Jul 4, 2019:
The natural end of an unregulated market is monopoly and a stifling of innovation and incentive. Over regulation and control is socialism which stifles innovation and incentive. The proper role of Government is not wealth distribution but protection of the market. A genuinely open marketplace ...
Penrodster replies on Jul 11, 2019:
I somewhat disagree on unregulated market. I think that would be preferable to a Croney system where the regulators try to ensure current businesses profit. Very much agree on the proper role of gov't.
Penrodster comments on Jul 11, 2019:
The 12000 papers were also read over a period of a week and a half, let that sink in. Also the milquetoast requirements in the paper mean that I am a Global Warming Believer.
Penrodster replies on Jul 11, 2019:
@govols I would assume "glance" is more apt than "read." You could try the carnivore diet: Oh, what shall I eat? Huge hamburger! But what will I eat tomorrow? Huge hamburger!
Bravo, Bill...
Penrodster comments on Jun 18, 2019:
That is a mighty impressive shot.
Penrodster replies on Jun 18, 2019:
@tigercake I assumed excellent trajectory skills.
As Trump kicks off his 2020 campaign, he will need to respond to criticism of unfulfilled promises ...
DrN1 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Trump is an irrelevant buffoon, the last sting of the dying WASP hegemony.
Penrodster replies on Jun 18, 2019:
Nice! You didn't call for the elimination of the vermin, left that implied with the dying hegemony line. It seems to lack the force of will to do it, like you're depending on others for the action. But you've got the racist crack and the veiled threat. I give it a 7.5.
Rock-solid evidence shows how Earth's eccentric orbit affects climate change "The Earth goes ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I've got an urge to pull up excel and start plotting some curves. There's a huge number of higher frequency inputs that account for the spikiness in the ice vote tecords.
Penrodster replies on Jun 14, 2019:
@CodeBuster I think there's two different problems there. The ice core data indicates wild temp fluctuations firing cold periods, which I think is real. Smoothing that out could be wrong but not evil. On the other side is the torturing of data. If you pick your points carefully on the wild swings your analysis can prove anything. We'll call that the Mann Approach.
What's going on in the Dominican Republic?! []
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
10 last year and 70 so far this year? If the hotel cooperates at all the guy is caught pretty quick. If they keep pulling the same crap it lasts a year and they never have a tourist industry again.
Penrodster replies on Jun 13, 2019:
@Halligan The cover up will kill the industry there. I was thinking it was beautiful and probably cheap after the scandal. Just don't drink from the mini bar. But a cover up makes the place unsafe.
Rock-solid evidence shows how Earth's eccentric orbit affects climate change "The Earth goes ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I've got an urge to pull up excel and start plotting some curves. There's a huge number of higher frequency inputs that account for the spikiness in the ice vote tecords.
Penrodster replies on Jun 13, 2019:
*Ice core records* Thank you phone. You've always got my back.
Phoney Hypothetical Question Sets up 2020 Democrats Rebuke Trump's Foreign Interference Comment | ...
iThink comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Trump should know better than to entertain hypotheticals -there was no way he could have answered that hypothetical scenario without giving the media more ammunition to use against him. Trump should have dismissed the scenario and the person who asked it with a simple "I don't do hypotheticals" ...
Penrodster replies on Jun 13, 2019:
"Like pay money to foreign intelligence that you know is false and get the DOJ to investigate based off of the fake intelligence. Using foreign agents and illegally using the justice dept to undercut a political opponent. That would be bad, very bad. I wouldn't do that." Trump should have said that.
No primary challenger: Never Trump Republicans resign themselves to clear 2020 path for president...
Penrodster comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Reluctant supporter here, he's doing much better than I expected. Someone would have to blow me out of the water to switch my vote now.
Penrodster replies on Jun 5, 2019:
@Facci Well sure, Biden is a close second. Much impressed by how much money he made getting uranium sold to Russia. Likely so Russia could sell to Iran. Anyone who can pull out a win/win/win like that is a contender.
Bipartisan Senate Effort Predictably Kills Rand Paul's Plan to Balance the Federal Budget Paul's ...
James comments on Jun 4, 2019:
We need to start tarring and feathering corrupt politicians again.
Penrodster replies on Jun 4, 2019:
Shhhhh, they'll dump a huge tax on tar and feathers.
[] Fire can be devastating, but don't blame everything on the climate.
chuckpo comments on May 31, 2019:
Learned from a fireman forest fires are a good thing for a number of reasons. Interesting. And, it's interesting how we assume something without enough knowledge to support it. I think we all do that.
Penrodster replies on Jun 3, 2019:
@Sheryl_Jean Aaaaah! I'm screaming to the sky right now! My gender identity requires the Earth to care about my every whim! I cast disbelief on your patriarchy!
Hans von Spakovsky: Dems support cover-up by opposing Trump disclosure order on campaign ...
iThink comments on May 25, 2019:
I have serious doubts about any arrests or charges coming from this. The political machine protects itself at all cost.
Penrodster replies on May 28, 2019:
@ObiRonMoldy I'm not denying illegal activity but I'm not going to hold my breath. But like I said, this administration has surprised me at every turn.
Hans von Spakovsky: Dems support cover-up by opposing Trump disclosure order on campaign ...
iThink comments on May 25, 2019:
I have serious doubts about any arrests or charges coming from this. The political machine protects itself at all cost.
Penrodster replies on May 25, 2019:
It's already gone further than I thought it would. The administration has surprised me every time I've made a prediction. I'm not buying popcorn yet but it's nice to dream.
Snowden: DOJ 'declared war' on journalism by charging Julian Assange with espionage ...
Penrodster comments on May 24, 2019:
I just read another article on idw on the Tommy Robinson arrest for filming outside a courthouse. It's not just the DOJ. England is a decade ahead of us.
Penrodster replies on May 25, 2019:
@Facci if we don't reverse course we end up like England. I think we can only slow the process.
Snowden: DOJ 'declared war' on journalism by charging Julian Assange with espionage ...
chuckpo comments on May 24, 2019:
I'd like to see Snowden's take on what passes as 'journalism' in the United States. Also, interesting from where he sits as a person who exposed sensitive information himself. I've always been sympathetic toward Snowden. It's a tightrope. We can't have everyone in sensitive positions exposing what ...
Penrodster replies on May 24, 2019:
Tim Pool is a good take on American journalism and I think in line with Snowden politically and... morally... ethically? Similar thought process I guess.
Work In Progress -- I've started a web chart to get a visual representation of the various warm/cold...
Penrodster comments on May 24, 2019:
Because of Perihelion/Apihelion warming in Europe might not/ will not correspond to say China or South pole warming. If large geographical areas are separated the data could be less muddied. Suggestion for data analysis. I haven't checked the site yet.
Penrodster replies on May 24, 2019:
Welp, looks like you separate them. Nevermind. I like the graphical timeline, it allows an eat way to check historical waypoints e.g. Chinese expanding to Japan.
Forget everything you ever knew.
Penrodster comments on May 21, 2019:
Being an anal retentive fart I've clawed through data sets. I don't trust any that are missing the 1948ish heat wave alike. Most data sets have "corrected" that away.
Penrodster replies on May 22, 2019:
@CodeBuster I'm ok with merged data sets as long as it's faiirly done. I'll admit it's incredibly noisy but themes the breaks. The corrections, truncating tree ring data to create a hockey stick... It ruins science for me. They've become my enemy.
Ecosexuals Believe Having Sex with the Earth Could Save It, Neil McArthur []
CodeBuster comments on May 18, 2019:
I believe the first attempt at sex with a porcupine could cure the problem.
Penrodster replies on May 21, 2019:
Snapping turtles need love too!
I’m new to the group... has anyone read Alex Epstein’s “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”?
Penrodster comments on May 13, 2019:
I've seen a YouTube presentation of his, I largely agree with his take. My opinion: A hundred years ago gasoline was a waste product dumped into rivers. A hundred years from now people will be shocked we burn oil and coal by the ton. The technology will evolve and improve but trying to ...
Penrodster replies on May 17, 2019:
@CodeBuster I've got some scary stories on the Google thing but still lazily go there first.
AOC's credit score
chuckpo comments on May 2, 2019:
Is this true? My daughter is 20 and my son 19, and both of their credit scores are over 700. 430 is NOT good.
Penrodster replies on May 16, 2019:
Same here. I'd like some verification before I go gloating too hard. Because I really want to gloat and make fun of her but I care about accuracy.
I’m new to the group... has anyone read Alex Epstein’s “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”?
Penrodster comments on May 13, 2019:
I've seen a YouTube presentation of his, I largely agree with his take. My opinion: A hundred years ago gasoline was a waste product dumped into rivers. A hundred years from now people will be shocked we burn oil and coal by the ton. The technology will evolve and improve but trying to ...
Penrodster replies on May 15, 2019:
@CodeBuster Holy crap, that took way more Google fu than expected. A benefit to not burning is metals like aluminum and uranium are removed chemically at process start. The end liquid combustion product should be pure water and CO2.
I’m new to the group... has anyone read Alex Epstein’s “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”?
Penrodster comments on May 13, 2019:
I've seen a YouTube presentation of his, I largely agree with his take. My opinion: A hundred years ago gasoline was a waste product dumped into rivers. A hundred years from now people will be shocked we burn oil and coal by the ton. The technology will evolve and improve but trying to ...
Penrodster replies on May 15, 2019:
I’m new to the group... has anyone read Alex Epstein’s “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”?
Penrodster comments on May 13, 2019:
I've seen a YouTube presentation of his, I largely agree with his take. My opinion: A hundred years ago gasoline was a waste product dumped into rivers. A hundred years from now people will be shocked we burn oil and coal by the ton. The technology will evolve and improve but trying to ...
Penrodster replies on May 13, 2019:
@CodeBuster There's some neat technology to convert coal to paraffin. Half the output goes to electricity generation and half to paraffin as a liquid fuel. Could be pure enough liquid fuel for energy cell. (Maybe. Could be. Might be nice.)
Ok, last one about AOC, promised.
Penrodster comments on May 9, 2019:
I think she'd have more respect for cost if it meant exfoliating trees. As it is, just being people's work , she doesn't care.
Penrodster replies on May 9, 2019:
Defoliating, thanks for the help phone. Love ya.
Is IDW as Islamophobic as the top posts suggest?
iThink comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Can't say It any better than Brigette Gabriel did here:
Penrodster replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@iThink Yes, but if those people are in a different country we handle threats and violent action differently. Two different categories.