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Will the Internet become unbrowseable because of the overload of bots and automated garbage?
solopro comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I mean, the internet is what it is. there are ways to find what you seek without internet.
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Yeah... yeah... but it seems to me like it's only gonna be Big Platform World, and the rest is gonna be trash. Kinda like a third world country. But what are you gonna do? I hope at least people stop being sheep and at least bother themselves opening up to decentralized platforms. Not holding my breath though. It's so funny how it progressed. There should be some study on how the internet world has evolved and where it's going. I think it can say so much about us as a species.
We need a marriage between economics and sophilogy (the science of emotions.
parsifal comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Get a fucking job
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
@parsifal I totally am. Totally complements my hot looks. You didn't either answer my questions nor gave me an argument though. So perhaps you should be looking into putting more words in yours instead of criticizing the wordages of others.
We need a marriage between economics and sophilogy (the science of emotions.
parsifal comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Get a fucking job
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
I can't. China's virus killed my industry. Do you have an argument, or just don't care about emotions at all? How much is your wife's love worth? Have one at all? Sure all the incels would kill to get one. Oh wait.
WATCH IT BEFORE FB DELETES IT. Does this confirm the rumor of arson in Oregon?
A1fredo comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Here, use this link if it get taken down. This link cannot be taken down, so the video will always be available.
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
@FEWI Anytime :)
Meanwhile the memes (I hope it's a meme; but there's a reason why it resonates.
cRaZyTMG comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Where's the phone?
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
What phone?
Am I being a retard for only promoting my project attempting to help provide awareness about the ...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Well I think Culture Wars group, if we go by the name is more appropriate for the type of videos and content that is more contemporary and based on critiquing contemporary events and ideas. That would fit in culture wars better. Saving Western Civilization , personally I think should be both ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Alrighty, thanks.
If you give zer the benefit of the doubt, it makes total sense if they is a transvestite who likes ...
SUR34L_iRONY comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Comes with a free drink!
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
ha ha xD Good one
Okay, here's my episode on Propaganda and Feminism.
ZuzecaSape comments on Sep 11, 2020:
>I'll also leave my #Patreon link. Not that it's about that It's totally about that! There's no shame in encouraging people who enjoy your videos to show their appreciation by giving you a reward.
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
@ZuzecaSape Great Zapata quote. And it is pretty much the same. I have no choice. When you really know something, truly grasp it, you can't just forget it and pretend it's not there. So I want to avoid that as well. I rather be killed off than to be part of the problem. You see, I got this resentment and disgust towards society being such an outcast and all. So that's fire within my soul, the kind that can fuel your efforts as long as it's there. However, I get nothing out of channeling towards them. They are (hate to say this) pretty much innocent given their naivete (or stupidity, I prefer "willing neglect.") Which would make them evil in my book, but only as long as somebody has confronted them with the facts before. And I can't go around doing that. Plus, revenge is not what I want. I just want to be an actor in the world. Somebody whose actions mattered, just enough like a single person's actions should. As opposed to being a chicken caged in some human-farm being exploited having its huevos taken away from it (yeah, in my analogies, chickens have huevos. Fuck roosters. Cocks are better anyway lol) So... I want to finish my ten episodes, and perhaps I could maintain myself fighting in the front line alongside other creative peoples by taking even more creative approaches. There is just so much more that can be done. If I didn't have to worry about food and rent, I could just dedicate myself 24/7 to try and prevent all of this. If I'm not getting my nice normal life as a person with integrity, at least a fun life as a cultural soldier would definitely do. I have worked all of my life on myself morally and if I can't find nice people to put them in practice with, at least I could use it to try to help out others while distracting myself from the isolation. I guess that would do. Then I fucking remember I haven't eaten and that I have to give it all up to go lick somebody's asshole (metaphorically) in order to get not enough money to buy food. Hell, if I lived in a city with actual turism, I may be able to sustain myself by licking some nice actual assholes instead. Wouldn't that be nice ha ha xD
Okay, here's my episode on Propaganda and Feminism.
govols comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I can't watch. Your vids are beautiful, but so stylistically hurtful to my own aesthetic. The pace, the cuts, the jarring shifts from then to breaks my concentration. Thumbs up for the stunning presentations. I'm trying to spread them.
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Like, what's the difference that makes them hurtful to your aesthetic? Too childish? Colorful? Feel free to be as honest as possible, I understand it's not personal. The pace is too fast? By "then and now" you mean between episodes, or between "scenes?" Every one of my videos is very different because it's meant to introduce people into a hell of a lot, so yeah, I see your point. On the other hand, I kinda like it because I think that may help to attract different personalities with the diversity of moods. Next is on religion and politics, then come one on physics and morality, then it's all about emotions--It is a crazy ride ha ha I love that because that's the way I am, but hearing how others perceive it would be awesome. If you can put into words how it is that your concentration gets broken, that would be very helpful too heh heh And thanks! Really appreciate your input!
Okay, here's my episode on Propaganda and Feminism.
govols comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I can't watch. Your vids are beautiful, but so stylistically hurtful to my own aesthetic. The pace, the cuts, the jarring shifts from then to breaks my concentration. Thumbs up for the stunning presentations. I'm trying to spread them.
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Oh, really? Very interesting and intriguing perspective. Do you mind expanding? I would love to hear more about it. Can you give me specific examples?
Okay, here's my episode on Propaganda and Feminism.
ZuzecaSape comments on Sep 11, 2020:
>I'll also leave my #Patreon link. Not that it's about that It's totally about that! There's no shame in encouraging people who enjoy your videos to show their appreciation by giving you a reward.
A1fredo replies on Sep 12, 2020:
I appreciate it. And I do understand, you would be right... except it's not about that. I will finish the damn thing, at least these 10 planned episodes no matter what I guess; although it will take me longer than expected.... So it really isn't. At least for me, I do care deeply about the consequences we are potentially facing globally. And not because I'm morally superior or something, I'm selfish just like everybody else as I enjoy the feeling of working towards making the future better for us all. Besides, I want to share all that's going on with people who aren't aware, and I can't really expect much from Spanish-speaking audiences. Non-elites can't give, and the elites are too much of an asshole to consider it. It really shouldn't matter though, I just wish I could silence that little voice telling me how stupid I am for wasting my time on shit that won't feed me while I'm hungry editing and stuff. But that's totally a personal perception. Thank you very much for your validation though. I really appreciate it and I hope I do get that message into my thick thick skull someday heh heh I realize you are right, but I just feel differently about it, and that's a different thing. I can't voluntarily determine how I feel about things... but hopefully with time I will learn.
Meanwhile the memes (I hope it's a meme; but there's a reason why it resonates.
AlpacaLunch comments on Sep 11, 2020:
That Game Boy could be worth some money.
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
That's why I can't tell for sure if it's a meme, or if it's real...
Meanwhile the memes (I hope it's a meme; but there's a reason why it resonates.
AlpacaLunch comments on Sep 11, 2020:
That Game Boy could be worth some money.
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Yeah, wish I had one to sell... I grabbed this from Facebook.
Help me out?
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 11, 2020:
hyperbole [hīˈpərbəlē] NOUN exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. "he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles"
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Okay... I don't get the point. Should I use the word instead of overexageration? Or are you instructing me on how to describe my joke? If it's the first case... that's not a funny word, so isn't appropriate. If it's the second case... well... yeah, okay.
Help me out?
govols comments on Sep 11, 2020:
What does it look like written in Spanish?
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
¿Se han preguntado alguna vez, hermosas, que quizá de estar tanto, tanto, tanto, tanto, tanto, tanto repite y repite y repite y repite y repite todas, todas, todas, todas, todas esas exageracionononononononononas, que quizá se las acaban creyéndoselas?
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
coalburned comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I guess I missed the funny part.
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@coalburned The situation is much worse than that. I just posted how i can't believe that nobody is doing anything about any of all the things going on. But I can't rant anymore, I'm so exhausted... Sigh...
Culture is an economy of validation as well as an actual economy.
KeVince comments on Sep 11, 2020:
The problem comes from the fact that it is easier to get incite the masses to be against something or someone than it is to get them to care about others and care for them. this stems from the selfish nature of mankind in that by tearing down someone or something they hope to better themselves. the ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@KeVince Yeah... I can't afford to be that altruistic. Thank you though.
Culture is an economy of validation as well as an actual economy.
KeVince comments on Sep 11, 2020:
The problem comes from the fact that it is easier to get incite the masses to be against something or someone than it is to get them to care about others and care for them. this stems from the selfish nature of mankind in that by tearing down someone or something they hope to better themselves. the ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Nice. Very deep piece of wisdom, thanks... Any suggestions though? Knowing stuff like this to make it easier to carry on is fine and all, but if the end results doesn't change, it will have been for not, and hate to think that I could be doing something much more productive with my time... Sigh.... So lost. It's like opportunities get diluted in all the choices of our contemporary world.
Should I even bother suggesting stupid shit?
Seriousreason comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I feel ya . I feel ya. Like yelling into a void . Sometimes expecting a chorus of approval coming back at you. But usually its name calling & When I listened to Cardi B , accuse Trump of physically laughing everytime a black man died. The fact, that in order to state that completely absurd ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@Evidently Thank you very much. Actually, very helpful comment. I agree, yet it's so easy to be discouraged, especially by the roughness of the current global situations. Appreciate it.
Should I even bother suggesting stupid shit?
Seriousreason comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I feel ya . I feel ya. Like yelling into a void . Sometimes expecting a chorus of approval coming back at you. But usually its name calling & When I listened to Cardi B , accuse Trump of physically laughing everytime a black man died. The fact, that in order to state that completely absurd ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Not sure that's going to be enough. Sigh. I'm working on my own little thing, but I'm nobody. It would take a comparable amount of people to counter the mob... Sigh...
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
johnlondon comments on Sep 11, 2020:
If you don't think Cardie is hot, you are afraid of sexy women.
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
But I would totally do Ben Shapiro, so I understand the curse... u_u
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
johnlondon comments on Sep 11, 2020:
If you don't think Cardie is hot, you are afraid of sexy women.
A1fredo replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Too trashy. Being gay, I can have standards on women as my hormones don't compel me into liking them xD
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
johnlondon comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I bet with the right makeup Candace looks hotter than Cardi.
A1fredo replies on Sep 10, 2020:
I agree. I'm gay and I would have to go straight if she were willing to give me a chance.
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I didn't know Jeff Dunham made political videos!!!! I guess it makes sense since Mrs. Owens is a puppet.
A1fredo replies on Sep 10, 2020:
So, who's puppet is Candance Owens, and how did you get to that conclusion?
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I didn't know Jeff Dunham made political videos!!!! I guess it makes sense since Mrs. Owens is a puppet.
A1fredo replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Oh yeah, hail Cardi B.
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
coalburned comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I guess I missed the funny part.
A1fredo replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Yeah, I realized after posting this that there have been several responses, so you may have missed the funny parts heh heh Check out Mark Dice's video, he highlights it there.
hahaha Almost died when I saw Candace Owen's response to Cardi B xD haha Can't STOP LAUGHING!!!! ...
Xtra comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Got a link?
A1fredo replies on Sep 10, 2020:
DeplorableToo comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hunger? The kind that comes from being a single mom, working two part time jobs (that pay minimum wage), while you're going to college, so you can get a degree and move your kids out of the hood? The kind of hunger that comes with opening up a cabinet to find only dried beans and a bag of flour? ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@torontogal4388 Thank you :)
DeplorableToo comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hunger? The kind that comes from being a single mom, working two part time jobs (that pay minimum wage), while you're going to college, so you can get a degree and move your kids out of the hood? The kind of hunger that comes with opening up a cabinet to find only dried beans and a bag of flour? ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@DeplorableToo I am working on it. I did reference the project I am working on right now. I'm not dead yet or anything. Just thought that some people aren't aware of how poverty through the lack of proper tools can make things harder compared to others, that's pretty much it. I thought it was interesting, and I had no idea until I got here... That's all... Eventually I may be able to enjoy all of those privileges too... I may not, who knows. This just wasn't about that.... Sigh... Anyway... I rather not think about it as I'm working on projects. Discouragement isn't very helpful at this stage heh heh Like I said, this country isn't as fruitful. All I can expect from compatriots is the whole crabs in a bucket thing. But oh well... better than being out there being beaten up by the cops under the quarantine and stuff. It's all good.
DeplorableToo comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Hunger? The kind that comes from being a single mom, working two part time jobs (that pay minimum wage), while you're going to college, so you can get a degree and move your kids out of the hood? The kind of hunger that comes with opening up a cabinet to find only dried beans and a bag of flour? ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 9, 2020:
Ain't living in a country filled with opportunities great? I can't manage to save, let alone to afford to have children some day. I don't understand why people seem to want to fight over who's got it worse. Managing to achieve successes through struggles seems like a pretty healthy life to me. Unless you think I just don't work hard enough, or I'm just not good enough. But either way it's fine. humans' perceptions are relative, so we've all lived it the hardest within our own experiences, we are both winners in this regard. However... I mean... with all due respect, but you are a person who managed to get a degree paying for it yourself, got a family, have the money to invest in the stock market, to move around, and had the time to volunteer... rubbing it on the face to somebody sleeping on the mattress' metal springs over a broken wooden base, not being able to eat everyday. And even I can acknowledge that I am far, far from being the worse ever. Just trying to share a perspective here for those who haven't experienced the hard times like we have. I don't wanna fight.
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
idoidoido comments on Sep 8, 2020:
able to stay calm and focused?
A1fredo replies on Sep 8, 2020:
Yes. Dont confuse being able with being willing though. Some prefer thinness and others prefer to eat it all.
What is wrong with you people?
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Wow the comment above mine is harsh. Don't listen to him. I understand what you mean at least I mean by the part that people don't give you good enough answers, I totally get that. As for your question, now, I would say that emotional strength it's, it's not like something that you either have or ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@caseyxsharp It's actually more about me using the limbic system (soul, emotional brain) and the neocortex (mind, logical brain) so much that I never ventured into seeing the world through the perspective of the reptilian brain (body, instinctive brain.) I can't really smell or taste either. But it's not like you said. I hear the time new, I smell it all, I can taste the food, but when I do, I process it with the parts of the brain that will take other things into account. For example: I love hearing the emotional interpretation in songs. I can hear a good interpreter in a language I don't know, and figure out what the song is about by just how it makes me feel. So I "hear" the tones, but I cannot guess which ones are which if my life depended on it. And therefore, I sucked as a musicisn. But that's only because my brain mainly does lyrical analysis and emotional interpretation instead of the musical one. And I noticed for example, musicians really suck at communicating themselves verbally in my experience. #NotAll, but you get my point. It's like with attention, you can only have it in one perspective at a time. And don't worry, I did manage to make a fee songs and stuff that I do hold dear. And even tho they may sound like shit, I still love them because I can't hear the dissonance!!! n_n
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
JVIP-WTPNN comments on Sep 7, 2020:
I hate physiciatrists they think they have an answer for every ailment. But they cause more stress and heartbreak and more than any fricken Frankenstein Dr Out there. Not to mention they are EVIL AS HELL !!!as for your question . Emotional Strength: can you handle things or not. Emotionally ??? If...
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Love It, thank you. And I totally agree in regards with all both Big Psych and Psych Studies. Both are net negatives.
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
govols comments on Sep 7, 2020:
On one hand the ability to weather the experience of being. On another hand the ability to engage ideas intellectually, even while throwing up in your mouth a little. The phrase brings to mind having rather than being ones emotions.
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Awesome, thank you.
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
N0DD comments on Sep 7, 2020:
What a pointless question, if you know what you mean say so.
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@N0DD No, I want a definition from you personally. What would you understand by "emotional strength."
What is wrong with you people?
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Wow the comment above mine is harsh. Don't listen to him. I understand what you mean at least I mean by the part that people don't give you good enough answers, I totally get that. As for your question, now, I would say that emotional strength it's, it's not like something that you either have or ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@caseyxsharp Well, I am tone deaf you see, and I tried to become a musician. I had no idea what I was doing, but I'm stubborn as hell. I learned all the theory, and tried tirelessly. I sucked of course. And it frustrated me like you can't possibly imagine. I'm thinking it may be something like that for them, but with emotions instead of tonality.
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
N0DD comments on Sep 7, 2020:
What a pointless question, if you know what you mean say so.
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@N0DD Except that's not the answer to my question. I want personal interpretations, not what others think. What I want to know is what you personally would interpret by that. There's books if I want to study about it. I want to know from people as individuals.
What is wrong with you people?
caseyxsharp comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Wow the comment above mine is harsh. Don't listen to him. I understand what you mean at least I mean by the part that people don't give you good enough answers, I totally get that. As for your question, now, I would say that emotional strength it's, it's not like something that you either have or ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
haha very entertaining answer, thank you so much. Yeah, it's definitely not something easy to put into words, as we don't really have the words for it yet. I'm jut so frustrated of how people take the question and how they do their mental gymnastics to avoid a simple response just to avoid the chance that they may expose themselves as vulnerables ir something. That's the only reason I can see for tgem being so stuck up about responding such an easy question with no wrong answer as it pertains to personal interpretation. So thank you for your help n_n
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
idoidoido comments on Sep 7, 2020:
recall 'data' ... do you mean that you accept some prior statements by someone as unconditional fact?
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@idoidoido yeah, that's all I ask.
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
idoidoido comments on Sep 7, 2020:
recall 'data' ... do you mean that you accept some prior statements by someone as unconditional fact?
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
However you wanna take it. I want personal interpretations. Just what would you think first of it.
After some posts, I started wondering, what do you think I mean when I refer to "emotional strength"...
N0DD comments on Sep 7, 2020:
What a pointless question, if you know what you mean say so.
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Well, I don't think there would be the need by just saying "emotional strenght" should be enough. Thing is I really don't think we are all on the same page on it. Mind telling me what would you understand by it?
Er... What's the relationship between breath, speech and emotions?
Lightman comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Here is a major example common to many people. **Stage fright ** Stage Fright or performance anxiety is the anxiety, fear, or persistent phobia which may be aroused in an individual by the requirement to perform in front of an audience, whether actually or potentially (for example, when ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
I feel so guilty for your big answer, as this is not what I'm talking about. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it :( But seems like you did... Almost wanna pretend I do have anxiety now heh heh
Er... What's the relationship between breath, speech and emotions?
Amzungu comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Actually, I think I do. Anxiety and tension can affect our breathing, and some people will subconsciously hold their breath or effectively hyperventilate when emotionally stressed or experiencing increased anxiety. I used to be a tension breath holder as well as a breath holder when I was very ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@Amzungu, @Lightman I appreciate your elaborate answer, man, but as I said in my previous answer, this has nothing to do with anxiety. Appreciate it tho. Thanks. My question is out of mere curiosity. I don't have any issues with this at all, I just don't get what the connection between these three things are and hence don't get why they interact how they do when I do this thing I'm talking about. But that's all, just wondering.
Er... What's the relationship between breath, speech and emotions?
Amzungu comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Actually, I think I do. Anxiety and tension can affect our breathing, and some people will subconsciously hold their breath or effectively hyperventilate when emotionally stressed or experiencing increased anxiety. I used to be a tension breath holder as well as a breath holder when I was very ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@Amzungu No, I don't use any technique. I am already capable of doing that. I don't do it often at all, I don't like to because preventing feeling emotions is not healthy. It is helpful however for situations like, let's say, you have an open wound and you're bleeding a lot, so you lock yourself away from any emotions to calm down your blood pressure. Just a silly example, but it can be done with anything as long as you have that ability of being able to foresee an impending emotion. As you probably know, there's this little lag in feeling, like the bran take this second or so to process the information and conjure the emotion. That's the window of opportunity to prevent it. And actually if you manage to prevent it all the way, you can discard it completely according to my personal experience. It's like a sneeze. If you can manage not to sneeze for those ten seconds or so, you will lose it. It works the same way. At least it has for me. Not sure how healthy that is, but oh well... No, I know anxiety is awful and all, but anxiety has nothing to do with any of this. It isn't involved in doing this. You need to be somewhat over anxiety in order to have the clarity of mind to react quicker than your limbic system I guess... I thought somebody else would have experiences with these as well... Haven't heard from anyone tho...
Er... What's the relationship between breath, speech and emotions?
Amzungu comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Actually, I think I do. Anxiety and tension can affect our breathing, and some people will subconsciously hold their breath or effectively hyperventilate when emotionally stressed or experiencing increased anxiety. I used to be a tension breath holder as well as a breath holder when I was very ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 6, 2020:
Thank you, I appreciate your input. I don't think that's what I'm talking about though. I'm not talking about being in some state. This is something you can consciously do if you want to. You can prevent your body from physically reacting to an emotion if you catch the stimuli mentally before it "hits you." You know? I guess that takes a lot of practice. What seems funny to me is that if you want to keep the effort going, you have to limit your breathe and your talking. You could breathe or talk, but you would lose it like losing concentration, and then get "hit" by the emotion. What I don't get is why breathing and talking. I don't see the connection of why those two particular things. Your breathing system is not affected by the emotion yet when you're doing that.
Er... What's the relationship between breath, speech and emotions?
Bay0Wulf comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Ummmm ... no. I have no idea at all. It sounds like you are describing an emotional overload or something ... if you can’t breathe, its damn hard to talk. If thats what you’re asking ... why?
A1fredo replies on Sep 6, 2020:
No. You could breathe and could talk, except that you would lose the emotional control and your body would start reacting to your emotions then. I'm not questioning what's happening, that's something being done consciously. What I don't get is the connection between making that emotional effort with breathing and talking.
Er... What's the relationship between breath, speech and emotions?
GaryMysels comments on Sep 6, 2020:
In his 8 years as POTUS Obama did everything he could to create division among Americans, and the Dem party and leftist media have continued it.
A1fredo replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@Bay0Wulf I don't see the connection, do you?
If it walks like a bot, and quacks like a bot.
KCSantiago comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I have had a few comments dropped on posts where the comment has nothing to do with my actual post. Sometimes I think folks have too many windows opened and are not doing too well at multi tasking. I use to do that, but when I realized how often I was leaving a comment that was meant for another ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 6, 2020:
Well, if you say so. That's never happened to me. Maybe if my computer could handle more than one tab at a time lol I don't know tho, that message seemed particularly generic in such a specific way... but oh, well... I can't really afford to care about it that much. Sigh...
Er... What's the relationship between breath, speech and emotions?
GaryMysels comments on Sep 6, 2020:
In his 8 years as POTUS Obama did everything he could to create division among Americans, and the Dem party and leftist media have continued it.
A1fredo replies on Sep 6, 2020:
This is like my one post not about politics. Are you a bot?
Mexico has universal healthcare.
Naomi comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I fail to see a clear connection between Mexico's crappy universal healthcare system as you describe and socialism...
A1fredo replies on Sep 6, 2020:
I make all sorts of crazy connections between things from time to time. Probably something's wrong with me. Can't help it tho.
Understand they don't share our morals. []
JVIP-WTPNN comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I seen on the news one of them was a hit job . They was hiding behind something with a weapon . I don’t know what to think anymore about all this crap . Watch your back I guess all I can say.
A1fredo replies on Sep 5, 2020:
If you just watch your back, there will be nobody to defend the country and we will lose.
Great video []
Header comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Physiology warfare is what this stag is! Time to fight back stop staying in and go out! These people are so terrible sick, Canadian health minister is telling people to wear masks during sex! These so called experts do not have our best interest at heart! Y’a not sure bout the flu shot now ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Header Oh, no. That's not it here. Mexicans are completely oblivious, one hundred percent. They're just my familia being my family.... Sigh.. haha In here just will think you're crazy and since I dont really have friends, it's easy for them to ignore me. Guess ive become the "the end is nigh" guy. But know nothing at all, only "Orange man bad"... Sigh...
Great video []
Header comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Physiology warfare is what this stag is! Time to fight back stop staying in and go out! These people are so terrible sick, Canadian health minister is telling people to wear masks during sex! These so called experts do not have our best interest at heart! Y’a not sure bout the flu shot now ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Header you're so lucky. I can't even get my own family to watch my videos, so I'm definitely not getting trough pretty much anyone about anything here. Sigh. Yeah, carry on. Good luck!
For those who missed it, here's a version properly subtitled, just turn on CC.
BikerPetehall70 comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Off grid looks great but harder to do
A1fredo replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Shit, I don't know what you mean... Off grid? As in.. being an indepent production? Why harder?
Remember the times when we had dreams, aspirations, could go out, fall in love, and fuck each others...
ZuzecaSape comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Quit spending your Patreon money on methamphetamine.
A1fredo replies on Sep 4, 2020:
!!! Weren't u joining? :(
Remember the times when we had dreams, aspirations, could go out, fall in love, and fuck each others...
CharliePrime comments on Sep 4, 2020:
A1fredo replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Surely you're wrong, Mary. Don't be such a silly buns.
Great video []
Header comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Physiology warfare is what this stag is! Time to fight back stop staying in and go out! These people are so terrible sick, Canadian health minister is telling people to wear masks during sex! These so called experts do not have our best interest at heart! Y’a not sure bout the flu shot now ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 4, 2020:
You couldn't possibly be more right... However... sigh... Nobody seems to want to fight back... It would be so easy if we all did at the same time, no violence, just let the willingly ignorant know that they're the ones in the wrong and that we're not going to take it. But no... we're... busy or something. I don't know what their excuse is. I've asked lots of time, but they take it as if it were a passive-aggressive rhetorical question instead of me reachinig out to see if I could possibly help. You know... people.... sigh...
I was finally able to edit my way around the control ID for episode 2, so it's now all properly ...
dd54 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Well done. BRAVO!
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Thank you very much :)
The Liberty Experiment failed because libertarians chose to forget the whole personal responsibility...
GaryWitt comments on Sep 3, 2020:
I might need more information here. What experiment are you talking about and which libertarians? Most of my libertarian colleagues are ferocious advocates of personal responsibility. As am I.
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@GaryWitt Or you can think about it and make sense out of it yourself... What's the difference with religious dogma if you have to be referencing some sacred book instead of understanding the concept...?
The Liberty Experiment failed because libertarians chose to forget the whole personal responsibility...
maxmaccc comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Link to experiment?
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@maxmaccc Sorry, no credibility anywhere around here...
The Liberty Experiment failed because libertarians chose to forget the whole personal responsibility...
GaryWitt comments on Sep 3, 2020:
I might need more information here. What experiment are you talking about and which libertarians? Most of my libertarian colleagues are ferocious advocates of personal responsibility. As am I.
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
I dont know who you are, you may be Jesus. But from where im standing, American libertarian in general just seem to take it as a "I don't need to get involved" excuse instead of a whole philosophy. Thats all I'm saying.
The Liberty Experiment failed because libertarians chose to forget the whole personal responsibility...
GaryWitt comments on Sep 3, 2020:
I might need more information here. What experiment are you talking about and which libertarians? Most of my libertarian colleagues are ferocious advocates of personal responsibility. As am I.
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
I am a huge advocate of dieting as I eat pizzas too. There's no "data" when it comes to morality. Social sciences are a scam.
The Liberty Experiment failed because libertarians chose to forget the whole personal responsibility...
maxmaccc comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Link to experiment?
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Er... Why does share information with Facebook...?
dd54 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
hable espaniol poqito. Probably misspelled that but was that a slug com invite or advertizement?
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@dd54 Could be anything... that's why I wanted to ask first. Sigh... Remember when the internet was cool?
Er... Why does share information with Facebook...?
dd54 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
hable espaniol poqito. Probably misspelled that but was that a slug com invite or advertizement?
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@dd54 No, nothing. I didn't want to post it public because there might be a reason.......
Er... Why does share information with Facebook...?
dd54 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
hable espaniol poqito. Probably misspelled that but was that a slug com invite or advertizement?
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
And they share everything. When you open the app, when you post, all of it....
Er... Why does share information with Facebook...?
dd54 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
hable espaniol poqito. Probably misspelled that but was that a slug com invite or advertizement?
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
No, it was on a section that was called something like "View the information other sites shared of you" I can't remember well. I can look it up if you want me too. I was just goofing around looking for a way to hack Facebook ban because of my series, and got like no views or anything lol So couldn't find any, but yeah... surprised of all the things that were sharing information. Everything from virtual banks to hookup sites. Like, WTF...
Er... Why does share information with Facebook...?
dd54 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
hable espaniol poqito. Probably misspelled that but was that a slug com invite or advertizement?
A1fredo replies on Sep 3, 2020:
It says: "Your activity outside of Facebook (Unlink history) This is a summary of the 125 apps and websites that shared your activity. (i) It may be possible that not all of your activity is being shown here. More information yara yara Received on August 30, 2020
Working on the script about feminism and propaganda.
dd54 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
In the US this started heating back in 2012. Obana's adminisration created division in his first term and by 2015 the revision of agenda 21of 1992 into the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda the battleines supported by the critical theories of racism, social injustice and feminism the flood ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@dd54 Well, that's good, but I really don't think that will help. I think that you won't get the results of the elections until a couple of weeks later or something, whatever happens, it will be anticlimactic enough -and consciously so- in order not to provoke a reaction out of all of you. That way they can keep going further. But... I don't know, man, I hope I'm wrong. I'm feeling really awful, and gotta go hunt a dog or something. Sorry I can't engage further. Ttyl, man.
You didn't get mixed up with the natives, Americans; like we did with the Aztecs.
Flagherty comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Go do something useful rather than sit around trying to black pill people. If it were too late they wouldnt be trying so hard. Take a break from the politics and go work out if you need to.
A1fredo replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@Flagherty well, that gives me a perfect reason to disregard your bitching about what I say now, doesn't it?
Nobody cares.
Towgunner77 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
For most people in this community talk of genocide is still regarded as far fetched. Indeed, it’s far off, at least for now. But when you analyze the other side, sjw post modern etc, you realize this is a cult and you realize how this can very quickly devolve into genocide. All you need is a ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 2, 2020:
Yes. Exactly.
You didn't get mixed up with the natives, Americans; like we did with the Aztecs.
Flagherty comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Go do something useful rather than sit around trying to black pill people. If it were too late they wouldnt be trying so hard. Take a break from the politics and go work out if you need to.
A1fredo replies on Sep 2, 2020:
I can't. I'm piss poor and if I distract myself, I'll starve to death. I wish I could just disengage and go live, but we don't all have tye luxury. Perhaps some people actually need this to stop. But thanks.
You didn't get mixed up with the natives, Americans; like we did with the Aztecs.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Communism will win.
A1fredo replies on Sep 2, 2020:
I know.
Working on the script about feminism and propaganda.
dd54 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
In the US this started heating back in 2012. Obana's adminisration created division in his first term and by 2015 the revision of agenda 21of 1992 into the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda the battleines supported by the critical theories of racism, social injustice and feminism the flood ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@dd54 Thanks, you too. Are you doing something? Working on something? You know you've got to, right? This is not fixing itself..
Working on the script about feminism and propaganda.
dd54 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
In the US this started heating back in 2012. Obana's adminisration created division in his first term and by 2015 the revision of agenda 21of 1992 into the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda the battleines supported by the critical theories of racism, social injustice and feminism the flood ...
A1fredo replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Well, I said 2015 because that's about where we are as a society in regards with the propaganda. You hear here the things you could hear over there that year.
A sombrero just tested positive for COVID-19 in Sahuaripa, Sonora, MX!! The virus must be ...
Lightman comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Nay the virus can live on various surfaces for various lengths of time.
A1fredo replies on Sep 1, 2020: you really think that's the reason it got positive? Come on. I bet it was out protesting for non-leftist causes, so it got what it deserved.
Are boomers the ones to blame?
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2020:
You can point to boomers (of which I am one) as the ones who started the slide, but each successive generation has had the opportunity to right the ship. Each has failed. Placing blame is forever looking in the rearview mirror. The question should be, who will put a stop to it? The answer, of ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@Lightman Girls, girls, we are all stunning here. Let's chill and point all of our guns back to the left n_n hehe... What? I like to pretend I can afford, and have a right to buy a gun... And that I'm stunning, sue me :(
Given that I haven't seen any history chapters on wars over snowflakes being brainwashed because ...
CharliePrime comments on Aug 30, 2020:
This is why we must win.
A1fredo replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@CharliePrime I can't just accept that as I wont have another fu tire for myself if this I goes to shit... Just I'm not in a very capable situation... Sigh...
Given that I haven't seen any history chapters on wars over snowflakes being brainwashed because ...
CharliePrime comments on Aug 30, 2020:
This is why we must win.
A1fredo replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@CharliePrime You guys seem so accepting of the pain that's to come. You know how when you regret something you wish you could go back, or tell your past self or something? I understand why you seems so accepting, but when finally bring in misery, knowing what is going and why wont mitigate the sorrow. I don't get why nobody seems y be willing to prepare in any way now that you can still do pretty much anything.
Given that I haven't seen any history chapters on wars over snowflakes being brainwashed because ...
CharliePrime comments on Aug 30, 2020:
This is why we must win.
A1fredo replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@CharliePrime It will be too late by then. I love white people and all the racism against you is bullshit, but don't be so overconfident either. You can't just wake up and win whenever you finally feel like it.
Given that I haven't seen any history chapters on wars over snowflakes being brainwashed because ...
CharliePrime comments on Aug 30, 2020:
This is why we must win.
A1fredo replies on Aug 30, 2020:
Comebon, how possibly could we when we are not willing to move a finger? We have no army culturally, or regular one.
Given that I haven't seen any history chapters on wars over snowflakes being brainwashed because ...
IQWisdom comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Of all people you think the jews would try to put a stop to this. Last time this happened they were the targets. Last time socialism tried to take over Europe they died.
A1fredo replies on Aug 30, 2020:
Bystander effect, I guess.
Are boomers the ones to blame?
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2020:
You can point to boomers (of which I am one) as the ones who started the slide, but each successive generation has had the opportunity to right the ship. Each has failed. Placing blame is forever looking in the rearview mirror. The question should be, who will put a stop to it? The answer, of ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 30, 2020:
Oh, you must be kidding. Have you looked at us? We are certainly not doing a thing about anything at all! We are fucked, pretty much. That's what it looks like to me at least.
Are boomers the ones to blame?
angelo comments on Aug 30, 2020:
tolerance breeds contempt. It's been proven numerous times, yet people still don't get it!
A1fredo replies on Aug 30, 2020:
That sounds interesting, but I can't really wrap my mind around it either. Would you mind explaining the relationship between those two things?
Was just doodling to forget the hunger when I came up with this, and thought it would be interesting...
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 27, 2020:
@A1fredo Are you starving to death? Maybe I can send you a care package so you don't die. 💀
A1fredo replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@ZuzecaSape Sounds like a black singer though, doesn't it?
Was just doodling to forget the hunger when I came up with this, and thought it would be interesting...
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 27, 2020:
@A1fredo Are you starving to death? Maybe I can send you a care package so you don't die. 💀
A1fredo replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@ZuzecaSape Hot Covid-chan (can't remember her actual name) cosplay haha Her viruses makes her look a little like Sailormoon.
Hey. Just in case you missed it. []
dd54 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Very good production. That said, what are you trying to say to the culture?
A1fredo replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@dd54 I'm uploading a draft before I record my parts. The final version ought to be up by Saturday. This one is about North Korea and China. We know shit about either country in Mexico, so I included maybe even too much in it. It's 37 mins. If you're interested in checking it out to advise if there is something I may be missing in order to make it more effective in preventing the Chinese propaganda to spread here, I would love to hear it. Don't feel pressured to do it though. It is Mexico-centric (I did place a computer generated English voice where my dialogs will be placed with the English translation I will be basing the subs on-- other than that, all English too pretty much) and may not be too appealing to you as you may know everything I'm talking about there. Plus it's a China 101 and Im keeping the Culture Wars approach very light as I will dig deep into it later on in episode 10. Just letting you know, it will be up in a couple of hours. So message me please if you do want the link, because I don't wanna post it in a public comment.
Hey. Just in case you missed it. []
dd54 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Very good production. That said, what are you trying to say to the culture?
A1fredo replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@dd54 I completely agree.
Hey. Just in case you missed it. []
dd54 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Very good production. That said, what are you trying to say to the culture?
A1fredo replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@dd54 Sure. Not quite sure what you mean with "what you're seeing and hearing." Anything inn particular I should be paying attention to?
Hey. Just in case you missed it. []
dd54 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Very good production. That said, what are you trying to say to the culture?
A1fredo replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Basically, I'm trying to say: "Look and remember that we have roots and a personality because hard times are coming and we need to work on our rapport with each other as compatriots." The whole 10 episode series is about the Culture Wars, but in subtle and sneaky ways to prevent biases from interfering in delivering my message. On the last episode, I'll be upfront about that situation. So this was kind of to build up a Mexican identity in their minds, as we do not think like that in here, us being a monocultural society and all.
Was just doodling to forget the hunger when I came up with this, and thought it would be interesting...
ZuzecaSape comments on Aug 27, 2020:
@A1fredo Are you starving to death? Maybe I can send you a care package so you don't die. 💀
A1fredo replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Well, wouldn't that be helpful. Sigh. We're still under lockdown and curfew, besides I used to be a video editor for wedding and quinceañeras. Event like that won't be coming back for a long time. That's why I went with the Patreon thing since I already was working on my series because of concern about the Culture Wars. Not sure that will work at all, but there's not really much I can do. Everybody is desperate looking for resources outside, but cops and cartels are notable in their *hjm* enthusiasm. So it's the best way I could think of without risking it. Almost done with my second episode. They're meant to be weekly, but I realize that takes a long long long time to come to fruition... So yeah... Wouldn't that be nice... Sigh ..
Here's the thing.
ThirdForce comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I think you may be missing some other considerations. Reform, a fair second chance, protecting innocents, justice being seen to be done so that society believes they live in a just environment, some people are experts and therefor better than you at dealing them, etc.
A1fredo replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@ThirdForce Because they are the outcasts, and not a part of the majorioty. They are not able to, they were kicked out. That's my theory. I'm a Mexican and as antisocial as you get. Long life of neglect by parents isolated at home with my TV, and my American TV shows, and social rejections as I never learned to interact how they like ti here; and now that I grew up with values thanks to the TV nanny, I'm incompatible with my own culture. I really hate it because it's immoral, cowardly and hypocritical. But, what are you gonna do?
Was just doodling to forget the hunger when I came up with this, and thought it would be interesting...
Imastel comments on Aug 26, 2020:
This is a very straightforward way of putting things! However, I've always considered mind, soul, and body to be interconnected. Think of a triangle made up of "body" or "physical", "soul" or "emotions", and "mind" or "logic". I was taught that each thing affects the other two. For example, Tim is ...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
Oh, well, I'm Mexican, so if you need any help, just lemme know. The Body, Soul and Mind thing would be the Reptilian brain, the Limbic System, and the Neocortex accordinly. They are interrelated because each structure stems from the structure underneath, let's say, so there's no "line," so yeah. I actually made this little abstract representation to represent it, with both masculine and feminine sides too. You may like it. So the way I see it, things kinda flow like water trough coffee and the filter. Coffee being the brain mass, and filter being the line that doesn't exist (lol.) Everything goes trought the Reptilian brain, then the Limbic System, in order to reach the Neocortex. So it could have effects on its way. However, if something is not meant for the Neocortex, it'll just never go there and we'll never know, as our conscious mind is there. Most of our incredible brain power operates on stuff we have no idea we are doing, subconsciously. It seems that way to me. RED Reptilian masculine BLUE Limbic System masculine GREEN Neocortex maasculine MAGENTA Reptilian femenine CYAN Limbic System feminine YELLOW Neocortex feminine
Here's the thing.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@KrunoS I am doing something, so suck it. Between that and the Indexes I presented to you before, there is no more proving I could possibly do. It's on you to realize you're too arrogant to admit you're wrong. So after I've tried to help an asshole to stop being one, there's nothing else I can do to help you. So suck it for being such an asshole to me. Wow, really playing the victim here.
Here's the thing.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@KrunoS Oh, well. You can't stop an asshole from being an asshole. Look at the Safety, Happines, Cost, Health, Education and Time indexes here and then tell me how it is my personal fault for living in the only country with a negative cumulative index there. Go ahead. Or if you decide to ignore this, at least stop pretending you are better than anybody, and not to be an asshole. I wouldn't be picking on a victim who is at least trying like you do.
Here's the thing.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@KrunoS Especially, it's always uttered from their high horse as if that all-words-no-action actually did anything for anyone. It truly makes me sick to my stomach.
Here's the thing.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@KrunoS Wow, brilliant idea. Don't you think I would have done that already if there was that kind of option? To move you need resources. You need time. You need some sort of influence in order to get accepted. And excuse you, but I am not playing a victim. Whether or not I'm a victim, I guess that would be up to whoever is judging, up to which standards he would like to set for the victimhood status. But "playing the victim" implies an intention to make others feel pity in order to get something in return as personal gain. I do think I am a victim. And I am working my ass off doing everything I possibly can to get out of it. I may be lame, stupid and unsuccessful, but I ain't asking for shit. Am I? And even if I were... should victims shut the fuck up and don't ask for help? Is that your point? And that's why I hate hypocrisy so much. I can live with victimhood, i can live with hardship, I just really, seriously can't stand people being all lovey-dovey pretending to care about others when they don't. Words are emptier than my stomach and that makes me sick.
Here's the thing.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@KrunoS Ugh, you lack enough terms in English for anger, so I sound like I'm contradicting myself. In Spanish, "enojado" means angry with an external reason, and looking for action to let it out. "Molesto" means angry without an external reason like due to hunger, not looking to take it out on anyone, but certainly moody. They're very different.
Here's the thing.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@KrunoS Perhaps you should apply that same level of introspection for yourself because you took the same friendly advise as an attack on you. And yes, I am angry. Some of us can actually control our emotional impulses. You try not being angry when you are hungry, and let me know how successful you are. Or are the hungry supposed to keep their mouths shut? Perhaps the way I talk sound tough to you. That's what living in hardship every seconds does to you. Taht doesn't mean I'm angry, I just don't have the time or patient to be all soft and cuddly when talking because of the whole dying of starvation thing. Not quite leading to a soothing mood.
Here's the thing.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear...
A1fredo replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@KrunoS You don't "care about society." "Society" isn't real. You ought to care about individuals. But nobody does that. And stop attacking my emotions. Wheter I am saying stuff because of this or that, it doesn't matter. Deal with the argument per se. My motivations are not the topic.Think about that.... which is a reprehensibly condescending tactic. Feel superior? Good for you. Now, that's shameful in my book. Newsflash, you aren't. We are both stupid as every human being. Get over yourself.


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