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"Amen and Awoman": Congress Gender-Bends Basic Prayer

I think Michael Knowles makes some very good points in this video. What do you all think?

KeithThroop 9 Jan 5
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His points are valid. The only problem is that there is no way to combat the myriad of examples of stupidity that is pushed into mainstream PC culture. You can spend time correcting one moronic idea at a time and having to readdress it over and over from multiple logical perspectives, but while you’re wasting your time with one, they have added 100 more upside down bass ackward PC declarations.

Example: He offers a ridiculous PC prayer that means nothing, knowing that it is unacceptable to correct another person’s errors in their prayers. We can choose to go against the norm and explain to him. That there is one God and He is not the same god that others identify as Allah or Brahma, or Buddha or Molech, etc... we can go into who each of these gods are and how they differ from the one and only God who identified himself to His chosen people (who had become slaves in Egypt) as “I am”. And who was later known in Koine Greek by the same name to the point that it was seen as blaspheme when Jesus said “I am” (εγώ είμI in koine Greek) and they wanted to stone him for his obvious claim of being the one and only true God. This discussion could go on for a ridiculous amount of time and you would never get to the fact that amen (αμήν in the original text of the New Testament, which is usually translated truly, but can also be used as a word seeking or showing agreement) has nothing to do with gender and is used repeatedly in the Bible.

Although we should not just accept foolishness as the new norm, we also can’t become consumed with correcting all the land mines that seek to divert our attention. Correct the foolishness when you have the time/bandwidth, but be content to allow God to send somebody else to deal with that issue when He assigns you ‘bigger fish to fry’.


Great points.


He makes a very good point. DO NOT ACQUIESCE to their BS. Not any more. They can use all this ridiculousness but we DO NOT have to. Seriously when does Pelosi have a prayer to Molloch?


It either shows complete rejection of God, the bible, mockery of the same, or utter unawareness of anything God.
The great name of Jesus Christ is 'the AMEN', the Alpha and the Omega,
the 'Thy WILL be done.
He wouldn't try it for Muhammad, Mooing mad, for example.
They'd cut off his head.
It's mocking Our Lord, and that crosses the line for me.
I sure don't want to hear trash like that.
And since biblically, not worldly, women are part of the man, then it's often inclusive anyway.
Christian women need no attention to know their value.

The rise of scoffers has been predicted, so this is not a surprise.

@eschatologyguy I will 'lose my life in this world for Jesus's sake which can mean having others mock me, or worse. This IS an example, yes. And I join Ben Shapiro, who, though Jewish, has respect.
People feel disapproval.
Let us never be passive.

@2FollowHim I've always wondered why "fearful" was ever included here. Then it became clear that fear is a form of unbelief.

Revelation 21:8
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

@eschatologyguy Everybody, spiritually is watching, does the person get away with that? Weak Christians wonder if it doesn't matter.

@eschatologyguy have you ever known 'fearful' people?
Can you trust them? Ever dated a fearful woman, known one?
I don't know if they'll snitch on me(so scared) or refuse to back me up(I might be blamed). Get me away!

@2FollowHim since you mentioned Muh at the top of this thread, I was thinking along the lines of shirking from the professing of Christianity, those who, in the face of a beheading, would recite the shahada, convert to Islam and plan to repent later. "He who tries to save his life will lose it" now also comes to mind.

@eschatologyguy It's whether we believe what Jesus did, said or not, don't you think so?
I remember an EX Imam judge, converted to Christianity who was SO EXCITED about the message he said he knew Muslims would find, torture, kill him, but his goal was to reach 13 Muslims to have them convert. He knew where he was going.
Do we? We need to know, help each other in dark times.

Exactly. Which is why I'm doing what I'm doing.

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