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It makes no difference if you cut your penis off, drill a hole in front of your ass hole, take drugs to make you more feminine! If your genetic code says you are a male!! Guess what!! You are a male!!

ClayMonkStewart 3 Oct 9
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I don't imagine you posted this because you really want a discussion about it, but just in case you DO...

I'm a trans man, meaning I was born female and have transitioned to male. I live as a man every day of my life. If you met me tomorrow, you would not think I was a "female" or a mutilated person. You would see me as a man. You would never know otherwise unless I told you myself.

That's as male as I want or need to be. I don't care about my chromosomes.


male as in being able to produce sperm, yes. they were born male.

Look if you are one of those people that multilate them selves because of a bad self image thatโ€™s fine! Just understand that there is nothing you can do to change your gender! There is only two.. male and female! Period! As for the rest itโ€™s pure imagination and fancy!


But that only partially defines women and men. For biology's sake, we can not change male to female or female to male, but womanhood and manhood are more than biology.

If you stop at your comment and don't consider anything else, you miss the entirety of what transsexual means.

A women! Is a female! You said that your self! Full women-hood involves child barring! There is no way gender mutulation can produce that! You can be an ultra feminate male!! Yes!! The point is this!! No matter how your confused thinking is! It dose not make you a different sex..

@ClayMonkStewart You miss a point - there are females that will never be able to give birth (or want to) which by your POV makes them not women. 99% of people never ask to see the genetic status of people - they take the presentation as fact. And congruency of sex and gender generally needs no more than that, a viable and consistent presentation. You and others that demand absolute conformity are comfortable in a world of absolute while the rest of the world knows no such conformity exists.

@tracycoyle .. thatโ€™s funny! My point is simple! A man can never become a female! Or visas versa! Thatโ€™s the short of it! It all comes down to how a person thinks! Thatโ€™s it! There is a big difference between what is real and what is fantasy! The problem is in the self image that is in a persons head!

@ClayMonkStewart So is ANY belief. God for example. And you continue to mix sex and gender. Male/Female and Man/Woman. Prove you are a man, what is between your legs just proves you are does your chromosomes....

@tracycoyle to prove you are a !! All that is required is a chromosome test! There are only two and ! It has nothing to do with what you think! Most mistaken identity is sick thinking!

@ClayMonkStewart Do you wander the grocery store and demand chromosome tests? Expect to see medical reports when meeting someone for a drink? Demand proof from the clerk at the 7/11?

99.9% of the time, what you see is what is - why are you demanding 100%? What do you fear?

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