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Ensuring defensive violence as the only remaining solution to offensive violence is the purpose of dumbing down the slaves concerning the specific lawful power of grand jury presentments: The Sword.

In case, after case, a dependable pattern of behavior, despots corrupting the law power leave to the subjects of despotic government no lawful options on purpose.

The purpose is to fuel the conflict that divides the subjects and inspires the subjects to fight among themselves, fighting for the scraps of power left to them by those who have already accumulated the lions share of LOOT, and therefore the lions share of power (purchasing power) required to buy more political power. Bribes, commissions, empty seats on the new Pyramid Scheme that is built upon the ruins of the old Pyramid Scheme, are offered as a bribe, a commission to join the cabal, and turn individuals from moral mutual benefit in liberty with fellow free members of lawful society, and turn instead to counterfeit government extortion which subjects the weaker people to the arbitrary dictates of the stronger, more powerful, criminal individuals who then set in motion the evil cycle, or continue the evil cycle as seats on the corporate ladder become vacant, or are vacated by criminal means.

What remains common at law are those principles which serve to protect the innocent from the guilty efficiently, effectively, expediently, honestly, truly, accurately, because that is the common goal when the common principles of law are commonly used by common people.

Data follows, again taken from Conceived in Liberty, by Murray Rothbad, 1979

"Cranfield now found the popularly elected Assembly refusing to pass his demands for higher taxes. The governor decided to institute a complete executive despotism and subdue the recalcitrant colonists. Cranfield dissolved the Assembly and made himself and the Council the supreme legislative and judicial power. He changed the juries from being elective to agencies appointed by the governor."

Patterns emerge again and again, look for them, they are instructive.

"Executive despots have traditionally had one Achilles’ heel: taxes. Crandfield found himself forced in January 1684 to recall the Assembly to try to raise more tax revenues. Cranfield used the old device of despots; trying to frighten the Assembly with dark forebodings of a foreign and an Indian threat. He had secret intelligence, said Cranfield, that New Hampshire was in danger of foreign invation; he therefore demanded the doubling of tax rates for various increased expenses of government, including the repair of Portsmouth fort. But the Assembly staunchly refused to be intimidated by war scares and refused to pass the revenue bill."

Note the term "justice of the peace" in the following context. Let it be known that all along in human history there have been names attached to people preforming certain duties according to commonly understood concepts of law, such as "innocence until proven guilty," and "it isn't right to enslave people just because you can," and "if you don't want that done to you, don't do it to someone else, please." Let it also be known, clearly, that once a name is attached to the performance of routine duties, such as keeping the peace, that name then becomes a source of deception, a cloak like a sheep costume to be worn by a wolf. Keep an eye out for the repetition of specific principles that work to shift power from all powerful criminals whose power is derived from deception that weakens those who are deceived, threats of violence that weaken those who are rendered cowardly, and aggressive violence that causes physical incapacity to defend against harm being done to victims by criminals, criminals with sheep costumes.

"But the tide now began to turn against the governor. The sober, moderate Nathaniel Weare, justice of the peace and leading citizen of Hampton, was sent secretly out of the colony. Financed by the leading planters and merchants, he sailed to London. Weare came armed with an extensive petition to the king against the tyranny of Cranfield. Cranfield’s own response to the Weare petition, incidentally, was characteristic of the man: he would get the names of all the signers “and it would be the best hand he ever had, for it would be worth £100 a man.” For helping Weare with the petition, the prominent merchant and landowner William Vaughan was imprisoned for nine months by Cranfield. However, the cause of New England in general, and New Hampshire specifically, was now being argued by the liberal George Savile, Marquis of Halifax, and president of the Privy Council. Halifax argued frankly, according to the report of a French envoy, “that the same laws in force in England ought to be established in a country inhabited by Englishmen; that an absolute government was neither so happy nor so safe as one that is tempered by laws; and that he could not make his mind easy to live in a country where the King should have the power to take the money had had in his pocket, whenever His Majesty saw fit.”

The following data once again shows the demarcation line between counterfeit government (arbitrary enforcement of an individual getting away with extortion and other crimes under a false flag of government authority) and accurate accountability of the facts that matter in the case, even if the people determining these facts are not recognized as an authority by the perpetrators of the crimes in the specified case:

Edward Randoph Versus Massachusetts, 1680-1684
"The key to Randolph’s appointed task of enforcing the Navigation Acts was the process of seizure and trial. Any vessel under suspicion of violating the law could be seized by a royal officer, and the owner could not touch the ship or the cargo until the case came to trial. During this period, the owner was, in effect, treated as guilty before so proven. Court action was initiated by filing a formal charge by the informer, the man who detected the alleged violation. Any person could perform the job of informing. If the owner was found guilty, the vessel was ordered sold and the proceeds to be divided among the king, the colonial government, and the informer. In practice, however, violators were allowed to settle for much smaller payments. In Massachusetts Randolph himself was the sole officer and the only one empowered to search shipping.
"In May 1680 Randolph seized his first vessel, the Expectation. During the next three years, Randolph seized thirty-six ships charged with violating the navigation laws. All but two of the shipowners were acquitted. No case tried by a jury won a conviction. And as for the Massachusetts magistrates, they tried in every way to obstruct Randolph’s path. They either refused to recognize Randolph’s commission from the Crown or interpreted it very narrowly. They charged to Randolph the costs of special sessions of the courts and payable in advance. In a brilliant counterstroke, the Massachusetts magistrates encouraged the merchants to bring damage suits against Randolph as soon as they won their almost inevitable acquittal in the courts. All the deputies and employees hired by Randolph were systematically harassed, and often boldly imprisoned for trespassing private property.
"Randolph, moreover, was none to scrupulous in his choice of vessels to seize. Much of Randolph’s personal income was to come from the revenues collected, as well as from fees of fifty percent of the value of confiscated goods for being his own informer. So Randolph had a direct personal interest in maximizing the severity of enforcement of the Navigation Acts."

Again routines repeat, the purchase of fellow conspirators from the power stolen immorally and therefore unlawfully, illegally, unjustly, and once again the use of jury nullification, even though in this case the jury is uncommon law, meaning the jury is selected (packed, stacked, and tampered with) by former despots being forced to bend the knee to a higher despotic power. The principle remains the same as despotic power is centralized in one most powerful criminal overpowering all lesser powers, and the decentralized power (the jury) appeals to reason, logic, and moral guidance: it is wrong for a greater power to enforce arbitrary transfers of wealth from producers of wealth to arbitrary enforcers (thieves) just because they can, or just because they claim absolute authority (absolute sovereignty) over subjects subjected to that arbitrary power.

"There are always people eager to crook the knee to power, and here and there Randolph found his allies. His main confederate was Governor Simon Bradstreet. Along with Bradstreet came several of the magistrates, including Bradstreet’s brother-in-law, Joseph Dudley. But Bradstreet could not intimidate the popular juries. In one case, Bradstreet himself angrily sent the jury out three times in a vain attempt to reverse its verdict of acquittal. At the head of the popular opposition, on the other hand, was the deputy governor Thomas Danforth. It was Danforth who incurred the brunt of Randolph’s frustrated ire. Yet, the opposition was unwilling to push its resistance to the point of directly opposing the incursions of royal power. Thus, in the case of Capt. Peter Lawrence, who forcibly resisted royal seizure and drove Randolph off, the Court of Assistants arrested him summarily. In another case, the jury quickly acquitted the shipmaster for breaking the Navigation Acts, but did fine him for obstructing Randolph in the course of his duty."

Next is mention of a common law writ, which was employed by a Royal Sovereign, and then in the later American revolution of law, which acknowledges individual responsibility and therefore individual sovereignty, as a lawfully recognized (dejure) fact that matters at law, and therefore writs once employed by a sovereign king are thereby employable by individuals who are now acknowledged lawfully as sovereigns.

"Massachusetts voted to send agents, and Randolph took the opportunity of traveling to England to wage his campaign against Massachusetts in person. After arriving in England in spring, Randolph asked the king for a quo warranto to invalidate the Massachusetts charter."

More data on common law writs is forthcoming in this context.

Next is the principle once again stated "the informer was at last made fully liable for any damages resulting from false seizure."

"Now Massachusetts, having already tried to gain some favor from the king by repealing the fanatical Puritan laws agianst keeping Christmas and punishing Quakers returning from banishment with death, attempted a shrewd maneuver: it would pass a Naval Office Law enacting the Navigation Acts of 1660 and 1663, thereby making them Massachusetts’ own. This would enable Massachusetts itself to appoint the naval officer to enforce the acts, and to undercut and bypass Randolph completely. The Navigation Act of 1673 was ignored, because it was the only statute that gave Randolph his legal foothold in America. The General Court itself would appoint the naval officer; the hard-core opposition did not want appointive power to rest in the hands of Randolph’s ally, the opportunistic Governor Bradstreet. Furthermore, the informer was at last made fully liable for any damages resulting from false seizure."
Page 359

The Sword, which is the peaceful use of the law power to hold to account those criminals in public office, has been formed and framed by founders of the American grass-roots, organic, defensive, government, and that form has been independent grand juries, and those independent grand jurors on those independent grand juries command civil and criminal jurisdiction to put on trial before the country those suspects in government who warrant investigation as clear and present dangers to free people in liberty, and a judicious decision of guilt or innocence, along with a sentence befitting the crimes enumerated against the individual perpetrators.

The Sword is all but forgotten, leaving defensive violence or abject slavery as the remaining paths taken. Therefore, it seems to me, clearly necessary to either relearn and reuse The Sword (independent grand juries according to the common law in America: still on the books), or invent a better mouse trap, rather than the other two evil and lesser evil options.

Josf-Kelley 8 Feb 24
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Posted by Josf-KelleyWanted for Treason That is all for lack of intelligence and moral conscience.

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