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Whenever i hear the appeal to emotion arguments for why abortion should be legal, do the people making them really forget they are trying to argue their point that it should be ok the end the life of what someone believes is an innocent human life? like maybe that works for someone who like themselves doesn’t believe it’s a human life.

Joehlert11 7 Mar 4
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Speaking as a female, it IS the sole responsibility of every female to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It’s not your body your choice, it’s your body your responsibility. Protect yourself with birth control or abstain, these are your only choices. Having said that, I do understand, deeply unfortunately, that there are situations where a woman has no choice about having a sexual encounter, rape.

I was raised with three sisters. You would think that at least one of us would have had an unwanted pregnancy. So, why didn’t it happen? I was told by my parents that if I became pregnant out of wedlock (archaic term lol) that they would not ‘force’ me to marry the father. Two wrongs don’t make it right. But, I was also told that I would have to carry that child to term and give it up for adoption. There are so many childless couples that would jump at the opportunity to have said child. Though I have never asked my sisters, I’m pretty sure they were told the same.

What this did was teach me that I was responsible for making sure that this was not a situation that I would have to deal with, and I made sure it did not happen. I was made to understand that having a child was a gift many were not able to receive. So I went on birth control and, thank goodness, didn’t have to make the decision to abort a child conceived by violence.

I believe the failure goes deeper than individual responsibility. Parents are failing their children by not instilling morals, values, and the required education about sexuality and the responsibility that goes with it. And society is failing our children by promoting sexuality as a right without also teaching the responsibility that goes with it.

I abhor that women believe that abortion should be used as a form of birth control. It is a procedure that should only be used in extenuating circumstances.

Full disclosure, I am not religious. I did go to Sunday school though as soon as I said I didn’t want to go anymore, my parents supported that decision. I am not a feminist in the modern sense but do appreciate what the suffragette movement did for us in respect to being able to vote and own land. And I have been a bit of a rebel against societal norms since a very young age.

My argument against abortion is based on my belief that human beings should be able to control their circumstances for the most part, and that the choices we make come with great responsibility. To me, abortion is being used as a method to absolve women of the responsibility that comes with being sexually active. The term ‘my body, my choice’ should come before the act, not after.

That is such a true statement.
And it is so unpopular in the world right now.

In my personal opinion, that is the number ONE thing that seperate the successful and the failure:
Accepting and practicing personal responsibility.

We are setting up a world where personal responsibility is seen as racist or supremacist or classist... and victim hood, not your fault but society’s, is seen as noble as aspirational.

We are setting up a world filled with failure,
And we will fail spectacularly.


You're right, the only question is: "Is the unborn baby a human being?"
Human rights apply to all humans... that's how they work, or the whole concept is useless.
The entire Pro-LIfe/Anti-LIfe "issue" is only complex to the extent that it's purposefully obfuscated by people who really want to claim the "right" to kill other people; which should sound very-uncomfortably familiar from a historical perspective.
The answer should be excruciatingly simple: Yes it's a human and no you can't kill it, no matter how much you really really want to.... you don't have the right.

Human beings are only capable of procreating one thing: other human beings.
If you want to claim that it's somehow "something else"... you need to come up with some pretty convincing rationale to support that claim... not just wishful thinking and bullshit mantra like "it's a clump of cells". (Newsflash: you are also a clump of cells.)

rway Level 7 Mar 5, 2021

Many times when attempting to have discussion with any of them & their emotional arguments - demagoguery - it basically comes down to that deep down inside somewhere in their inner recesses of thought, they know it is fundamentally wrong otherwise they would not be appealing to you to approve of the concept. When they start the diatribes on you for no other reason than disagreement with their position, then you know the truth.


The “pro-all abortions are OK” side has to believe that the unborn is not alive... else their whole argument collapse in the moral issues they create.

The “anti-any abortion is wrong” has to believe that mother health and the greater society is less important than the individual.

Both are of course wrong.
However what is the correct answer?

Some cases are very easy to answer:
Baby has serious congenital problem... abort.
Baby risk moms life... abort.

Some are not so easy:
Baby is from rape and will cause severe trauma on mom... not easy but a good reason to abort
Baby cause significant societal hardship... not so easy abort decision.

Some are just difficult to justify abortion :
Baby is really inconvenient right now, maybe later...
Father not really who I want to be the father of my child....

And that is just some simple cases... we have not even started with the tough ones...
How serious must a congenital problem be before you can abort? Down syndrome?
Etc etc.
This is a very complex problem.

Hanno Level 8 Mar 4, 2021

Whether you have the right to kill someone else, is a very simple question.
And the answer is: No.
Whether abortion is "OK" is a subjective, moral question; there is no "right" answer to which everyone is ever going to agree in all circumstances.
That's why we have Law that applies to everybody whether they think it's "OK" or not.
And, that's why carving out "exceptions" to the Law, is nothing more than an illegitimate abdication of that primary duty of Government.

I walk into my house and two men already killed my children and are busy strangling my wife. I am cripple myself and have no way to stop them physically.
I am just from the range and loading my firearm takes 6 seconds.

I have no right to shoot the man strangling her?

My wife is 23 weeks pregnant and the baby is causing severe haemorrhage in uterus.
I can try and save the baby by prolonging the pregnancy till week 26 but my wife will likely die in the process.

I have no right to kill the baby?

So obviously there is no black and white answers here. However there are easier and more difficult cases.

Judges makes “exceptions” to the law each and every time they give a verdict. That is why we have them.
It’s called case law and must always be read with the actual law.

This discussions is about what should the laws be and how should we apply them.

Hi @Hanno Exactly. What the Law should be, is both simple and clear.
It should be written to protect the Individual's rights from those who would violate them, regardless of the reason, since that is the only legitimate function of Government in the first place.

You don't have the right to end someone else's life at your discretion.
Simple. Clear. Easy.
Like you said; it's the Judge's job to determine the extent to which that simple principle has been violated in any given situation. And that job is made possible by establishing such principles in the first place... and then sticking to them.
If you want to explore some of the endless hypothetical examples of such situations, go ahead.
But, fail to first acknowledge the immutable guiding principle that frames the discussion, and the discussion will continue to have no constraints, no point, and no resolution.


I am for abortion, REALLY LATE ABORTION, I get to make the list!!!!!!!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Mar 4, 2021

Banning abortion is kind of like prohibition. There are things the state should not be involved in. Regardless of the immorality of drunkenness and the human suffering, including the death of innocents, associated with drunkenness pushing it underground proved to be an even greater disaster. The unfortunate reality is that imposed morality is not morality. It is an authoritarian government and those have proven time and time again through out history to be short lived.

The argument against abortion has focused on a definition of human life. It is a problematic approach because we do not know exactly what life is. It's one of those things that we know it when we see it but the details are shrouded in complexity. Beyond the biological complexity the complexity of social structures will obscure any attempt at clarifying social values. In cases of this sort we are forced to reduce the arguments to their simplest possible form.

The question, since it is a question of a social nature, is what is in the best interest of society.

Throughout history the answer has generally been what is in the best interest of the society at large is to discount the interests of the infant. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the success of civilization in producing luxus, the answer has shifted to what is best for the individual. It is in this framework that the liberal answer is contradictory. They have made the answer what is in the best interest of the mother. In almost every other case their argument has been what is in the interest of the helpless. That is in fact the right answer because democracies tend to be mob rule. The liberal tradition is to first and foremost protect the minority, the person without political power. It stems from a similar reasoning that says it is better to let 9 guilty go free than to convict one innocent person.

What has made the question particularly difficult is that the enlightenment, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, have been predicated on determinism. The idea that everything descends from a chain of causes and effects that are understandable with the application of the appropriate objectivity. The unintended consequence has been to remove individual agency and by extension responsibility from the public discourse. In this case the removal of female responsibility for reasonable moral restraint. Not only did determinism remove individual agency but it encouraged the naturalistic philosophy. A philosophy that is sophomoric in it's understanding of the human condition. It proposes a theory of natural law for the unnatural conditions of the civilized environment. An environment for which human emotions are not designed. Civilization makes mute emotional arguments such as my body my choice. You can't have a choice withing the naturalistic philosophy you are simply following your instincts. It once again raises the specter of the inherent contradictions in the liberal argument.

There are times when the interests of the individual must be ignored to preserve civilization. When the traditional liberal ethos of protection for the individual from the interests of the majority cannot be preserved. Conscription for war being the most obvious example. In war many innocent lives are sacrificed for the interests of society. You could just as easily argue about when war is justified as when abortion is justified but the liberal only has an argument against one. Often an almost purely naturalistic argument. An argument based on the purely abstract value of human life.

We cannot avoid complexity all together in consideration of the issue. The civilized argument would be that abortion is always wrong because it is the responsibility of the female to not have an unwanted pregnancy. Such a world however would be emotionally dysfunctional. A sane society requires emotional functionality. A society in which females had little opportunity for sexual satisfaction would be dysfunctional. What is never considered however is how dysfunctional a society will be if it has no respect for human life. That is unfortunately where abortion takes us. It is an extension of the unavoidable deterministic conclusion that we are just zombies without freewill. A determinist will never be able to formulate a non contradictory basis for morality.

I'm not going to offer a solution to the question of abortion because from a sound philosophical basis it is self evident. Whatever it is it has to be an oversimplification that involves some degree of emotional satisfaction. It has to place the value of human life at the center of the argument. It has to recognize the trap that determinism lays. It has to have artificial moral values consistent with the interests of civilization.


Progressives simply prioritize the life of the mother, which really, is what the medical profession has traditionally done. I don’t like the idea of abortion, but do we want the state to force women to carry an unwanted child to term? That’s a terrifying prospect.

The real discussion here should be around why unwanted pregnancy, a 100% preventable condition, is consistently occurring at a such high rate, sopping up massive resources, and causing misery, anxiety, and division on all sides.

Talking about the value of human life is a complete waste of time. Much of humanity does not value it, and never has. The pointless debate will continue until both sides take a more practical approach: prevention of pregnancy would make the abortion industry obsolete.

GeeMac Level 8 Mar 4, 2021

You mean the concept that all 9 yr old girls have their tubes tied, and when they are ready to have a baby, they have it reversed, have x number of babies and then tie them again?

Mmm... of course then I would want them to pass a parenting test and financial criteria and mental evaluation before the reverse procedure.

I would be such a good dictator...

@Hanno yeah, involuntary, state imposed surgery may be even more terrifying than state intervention to force a woman to carry to term. And these are the very horrifying extremes woke-progressives latch onto to justify the thriving and profitable abortion industry.

Fact remains: pregnancy is a preventable condition and abortion could, therefore, be rendered unnecessary.

Neither the left nor the right is willing to engage in this conversation.


im not saying their all bad and some. arent better than others but yeah just something to consider in this and other debates. put yourselves in their shoes and hewr the argument from their perspective . Pro-life Christians are just as bad when they start trying to bring the Bible into it. Reality is with abortion if you can't get them to cave on whether it’s a human life or not you arent goijg to get them to change their stance. at best you might get a compromise but i have met very few who are for abortion willing to compromise, it’s all or nothing.

The question of whether you have the right to kill another human doesn't have much room for compromise.
It's a pretty clear-cut question.
The claim that "it's not a human at all...." is just wishful thinking.
Really? What is it, then?

@rway the sanctity of human life argument means nothing to those who don’t value human life, and that’s why it’s been completely ineffective in curbing the profitable abortion industry all these years. Moral arguments are effective only with a moral audience.

Progressive abortion advocates love the ineffectiveness of the moral argument because they know it will lead to endless circular debates, while abortions proceed at a record pace.

@GeeMac yup and that was ultimately my point with this post. obviously both sides are guilty, myself included. i try to remember this though in debates tho. i think what helps is i used to think like many of them and laughed when they made the same arguments to me. if they didnt work on me why woukd they work on anyone else?

@GeeMac, @Joehlert11
I agree.
But... "The Law should not be based on moral arguments" is, ironically, a moral argument.

I am not making any moral argument.
Individual Sovereignty, or "the sanctity of human life"; is the secular, foundational premise of Western Civilization.
Every single legitimate Law on the books, exists to protect that sovereignty.
And, any argument against the legitimacy of the premise, is an argument against all Western Law, not just the ones you don't agree with.

You'll never get Everybody to agree that All of our Laws are both necessary and just; especially people who don't understand or acknowledge the framework within which those laws exist in the first place.
First of all, they're right... many of our laws aren't legitimate.
But legitimacy is not determined by consensus, or even by "Majority Rule", at least in the U.S. It's determined by the nearly-immutable Framework described by the Constitution.
That is the secular "context" within which any Law is either legitimate or not.
And any perversion of "Law" that facilitates homicide is clearly: not.

@rway totally agree with that. My, point, however, wasn’t about morality and the law. It was far simpler:

For years, anti-abortionists have been defaulting to the sanctity of life argument. That reasoning only makes sense to people who recognize and accept the sanctity of life. It’s a waste of time with most pro-abortionists, because they prioritize expediency over morality.

Yes, the sanctity of life concept is the basis of our civilization, but fewer and fewer people even buy into western civilization these days, indeed growing numbers of people hate it. This reasoning will never, ever, curb the rate of abortion.

@GeeMac You're right, but we may want to re-direct our attention toward what the actual problem is.
The Individual Sovereignty argument means nothing to people who don't understand what you're talking about, and who have been taught to hate the most-prosperous, most-free, and most-just culture in history that was founded on that principle.
Until we fix that problem, we'll never resolve any of the myriad secondary consequences like their barbaric obsession with legalized infanticide.

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