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The Proud Boys have been targeted by the FBI since the Capitol riots and I'm under the impression that many of you on here have sympathies towards the Proud Boys (correct me if I'm wrong).
So, do you support the Proud Boys and their actions? Are you actually a member of the Proud Boys?

Are you a member of the Proud Boys?

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Naomi 8 Jan 30
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This "poll" is misleading:Namely it characterizes Proud Boys as a group that generally takes illegal action without real evidence. We have seen how socialists have drawn in/cornered Conservatives with violence to bait and attack them. No difference here. How many "illegal acts" were just plain self defense? And by the way if some one attacks you and you fight them and then are caught beating them is that "illegal"? Self Defense is not illegal..

It is a fact that the FBI are after them and it is also a fact that some PB members have been arrested.

2 Proud Boy members indicted for conspiracy, other charges in U.S. Capitol riot

@Naomi Being arrested or indited means nothing, if they are convicted then that would mean they did a bad thing like the civil right people that where arrested for protesting against segregation some where also convicted of crime linked with the protest was what they did really bad, no it was not bad what they where protesting was what was bad and the people that apposed them were the real corrupt people nothing will change for the better until there is opposition to the states quo.

"2 Proud Boy members indicted for conspiracy, other charges in U.S. Capitol riot"
So, let's replace "Proud Boys" with "BLM members". Would you still stand by your comment above?

@Naomi most people that become involved with this are followers who were looking for a leader, if or when they are arrested they will end up in court. not all things that came out of the civil rights movement have proven to be good for the minority populations of this country. In any movement there is often overreach as in the case of BLM who went from make police accountable for their actions to abolish the police. Knowing when to stop and hold the line is the deference between defending ones self and assault, the same goes for protest once they become violent or aggressive there will be consequences. What those will be is determined by the courts a person that is arrested for breaking and entering may only end up with a trespassing conviction. or a person that has been arrested for attempted murder may only end up with an illegal discharge of a firearm. police will charge you with the maximum crime that is possible to charge you with the district attorney will then file charges in court that they think they can prove. Mob behaviour is a easy thing to get caught up in wither at sporting events or protest and can sometime lead to illegal actions. I would agree with BLM that police need to be personally accountable for their auctions and government need to be reduced and returned to more local control, to totally abolish all law and order is going way to far.

@KeVince Unauthorised entries/trespass, vandalising properties, looting... these things are unlawful actions, and these offences should be punished equally for all types of people in the eyes of law. If the law allows bias for or against certain individuals or groups and if that is so obvious in everyone's eyes, there must be something terribly wrong with the justice system. 😟

@Naomi In the court system they are treated the same what you hear in the news is distorted BLM and Proud Boys are finding this out the courts don't care who you are. the news media is a highly biased propaganda business and one of the most unreliable sources of information, they only tell you the news that will support their bias. You will hear of arrest and charges but when you look at court records you see that most don't even get to trial as the charges are reduced and only a fine is issued between $50-$200 for misdemeanour charges. the same has been done with Cv19 where they started talking about how many cases instead of how many deaths because it made the planed demic seam worse that it is. how many people actuality entered the capitol maybe 200 -300 out of 30,000 at the demonstration that is only .01% of the people there. Neither is this the first or only time protesters have came into the capitol as the upper gallery is for public observation of congress, when it has happened in the past they were praised by the media. This time it was someone the media wanted to make look bad so you get a biased story of interaction that has been propped up by drama queen populations. the things that are in the news rarely are a reflection of the true reality.


I really know nothing at all about them.

govols Level 8 Jan 30, 2021

I support people’s first amendment right to peacefully assemble and to their freedom of speech.

RitBorg Level 7 Jan 30, 2021

I somehow expected that there were members of the Proud Boys on this site but, so far, no one is a member (unless they don't want to reveal for some reason). Interesting.

Naomi Level 8 Jan 30, 2021

Never been a joiner.

Fair enough, sir.


My understanding of the Proud Boys is that they started as a sort of a goof; a social club based on drinking beer and not being ashamed to be proud to be Americans and celebrate the good things about America, founded during a time where nationalism is being treated as a sin. As Tim Pool often notes, Antifa won't talk to you, they'll just berate you, whereas the Proud Boys will invite you over to have a beer and hang out.

Over time they've evolved into something more formalized, but to put them at the same level of activization as Antifa is doing them a disservice. They are not the "brown shirts" of the Republican Party, by any stretch of the imagination. To even think of them as seditious, white supremacist terrorists is laughable to anyone who's spent any time around them.

Now, does that mean they haven't had bad actors? Absolutely not. They have kicked a lot of people out.

Does that mean they haven't gotten into fights? Again, no. They have mixed it up with elements like Antifa.

But domestic terrorists? Not remotely. But unfortunately, a new administration is now in charge in the U.S. and to the victor go the spoils, which in this case includes having axes to grind.


What law?

Hillary Clinton broke numerous laws but was never prosecuted, Hunter and Joe Biden broke numerous laws and they were never prosecuted. Which do you think is more destructive to the rule of law criminals in the Whitehouse or on the streets?

The proud boys are front and center to distract from the corruption of the political class. Trump-Russia was cover for Hillary's criminal behavior, I would have thought you would catch on by now.

wolfhnd Level 8 Jan 30, 2021

Here we go. You always expect everyone in the world to know what is going on in your country.
Why should they? Trump, for example, is practically non-existent and Biden is hardly mentioned in the UK. And I wonder how many Brits actually know anything about the Proud Boys. You're arrogant and patronising.


That is hilarious coming from patronizing Europeans 🙂

The U.S. is "backwards" culturally because up until recently it worshiped the "frontier spirit". The whole rugged individual mythology. The intellectual take on that is captured by Thomas Jefferson when he said " The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants". It comes from a time when death was common place, women died in childbirth, infants and young children often died, the rich died in duals, the poor in accidents, if the criminals didn't kill you on the frontier the natives would.

There is probably an element of genetics at work. Personality is inherited. The kind of person that prefers freedom to security is more likely to have immigrated to the frontier colonies. People who didn't migrate prefer culture to freedom.

Of course it's not that simple because freedom is abstract and it's meaning changes according to the subjective views of the individual. Freedom from what is the question. It's always a comprise. Security in fact is the basis of civilization.

@wolfhnd ??? I'm not European. I'm not even white. Anyway, I appreciate your comment regarding the American spirit, possible genetic causes of it, etc. I rest my case.

@Naomi actually here in Australia trump is well known and I belive loved by a majority of Australians we have heard of the proud boys and sound like a group who see there country and citezens being destroyed they sound like they love there country and have to kahoonas to stand up to those who want to destroy it I wish more Australians would do the same although I don't think it's far off before we start seeing what we have seen in the US


I didn't say you I said Europeans and I assume you understand the influence there of.

No you didn't make a case. You made an emotional appeal

I take that as you last word. Bye-bye.

Hello Roddy. Thanks for your insight. According to Pew Research, only 32% of the UK had confidence in Trump (as of 2019) and even lower, about 20% in many other European countries. Interesting, eh? 🙂


So you don't really want to understand you just want to be emotionally comforted!


Glad you find this post funny @WorldSigh. 😛

Naomi Level 8 Jan 30, 2021

Your post is ironic to put it mildly!

"The Proud Boys have been targeted by the FBI since the Capitol riots..."
"Are you a member of the Proud Boys?"

If you support or are a member, please be kind enough to paint a target on your own back! 🤣😂🤣


Antifa were the favored thugs of Leftists all through 2019/20; beating anybody they thought was defenseless and ideologically convenient. In 2020 BLM gutted city centers all across the country, and they were favored, too.

From my reading, Proud Boys were started as a farce by by some comedian in Hollywood. The MSM Press quickly glommed onto them as the Right Wing equivalent of Antifa, portraying them as Nazi or KKK thugs. I guess they needed a Right Wing threat to balance the increasingly unpopular left wing riots.

Do the Proud Boys have a right to exist, to protest, to demand changes? Certainly. Do they have a right to riot and destroy property? Hell no.

I still don't know who incited just what actions at the Capitol on January 6. I do know that it's being used by Democrats as the Reichstag Fire of this generation.

Hello. I would say that is a fair view. Thank you, sir. 🙂


I've never paid much attention to the Proud Boys, though I've never seen anything pointing to them committing any illegal acts. Unless, of course, I were to watch the MSM hacks talk about them, then they're the root of all evil in the world.

I have, however seen Antifa and BLM commit numerous illegal acts, and very few eyes were batted.

People have the right to peacefully protest. Calling one protesting group criminals not engaging in illegal acts while fully accepting the criminal acts of another protesting group is massive hypocrisy.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable".

Hello there.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable".
What's happened to law and order in America? Is your country on the verge of anarchy?

@Naomi Honestly, there is absolutely no telling. When the people become disillusioned by their leaders, and they begin to realize how badly their elected officials are screwing them over, they get angry. A main reason the second amendment was created and shouldn't be infringed upon was for the people to have method with which to stand up to the tyranny of their government oppressors when government became too big to control. I support the concept of law and order, however law and order only applies to the plebs and peons, and while certain governmental individuals love to claim "No one is above the law", it's the government officials that violate the law with absolute impunity. That's why many claim a second American civil war is inevitably on the horizon.


Is this guilty until proven innocent?

Kyle Rittenhouse accused of murder when the video clearly shows self defense

A St Louis couple ( both attorneys and considered upstanding citizens) arrested on several felonies for protecting their home during an Antifa protest.

President Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection and is a racist and a nazi.

BLM is nominated for a peace prize after burning down cities and killing innocent store owners

An FBI agent actually found guilty of doctoring official emails ( against a standing president) gets probation so what would stop them from planting a tiny thumb drive to suit their purpose?

The irony of it all!

FEWI Level 8 Jan 30, 2021

Hello. I don't know who is telling the truth/fact to be honest. Have you voted?

@Naomi Let’s just call sing God Save the Queen, shall we?
Here is the caveat: nobody tells the exact truth, what you do is pick your flavour. Mine is Trump and the other side of the coin is Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer.
If any country has ever paid a price for civil war it’s the USA.
Right now the citizens of the USA are experiencing a massive wave of corporately managed corruption and they will respond and hopefully it will not be violent. The fool in the WH right now is the man with his corrupt fingers in the cookie pot. That’s the issue.

Hello Rick,
"Here is the caveat: nobody tells the exact truth, what you do is pick your flavour."
Exactly. People settle with what they read/watch that confirms their beliefs and what they firmly believe eventually becomes truth. It requires a conscious effort to acknowledge (not necessarily agree with) different/opposite views from yours. I have no reason to take sides in the politics of other countries than the countries where I actually have lived. Unless I actually live in a country as a member of society, I cannot possibly have any insights on that country.


The proud boys are what happens when you try to suppress a group of people based on their physical traits. When a person is threatened there is the fight or flight some will fight others will retreat remove all forms of retreat and the nonviolent will become the most violent. As the wight male is demonised this will play out till it becomes a major problem as they are increasingly attacked from all sides.

KeVince Level 8 Jan 30, 2021

Hello. I understand the logic you're making here, but I'm not sure if you're condoning violence... Would you say that in a context such as the one you describe, violence is a necessary evil?

@Naomi When a person is attracted they will either stand their ground or flee now that the attack has gone beyond words this does result in violence. the same thing happens when we go over to Afghanistan they are merely defending their lives and home from a forcible entry. the attack on the male first by feminist and now by mainstream media has been going on for years and they are tired of being push to the side and have begun to stand their ground this has been met with physical violence therefore has caused a violent reaction.

@KeVince So, what's happened to the law and order in America? Lost completely?

@Naomi At present there is still legal recourse, that is will be removed by this next administration as will as the removal of nonviolent means of protest. This will only bring about violence and possibly civil war. this is the result of oppressive government and removal of all forms of redress of grievance .


PB are a goon squad set up mainly in response to antifa violence.

I will not condemn them when asked by people who wish to hold me to standards they avoid. I am not a member or supporter...yet, seeing the way the world is going sadly that may change. They are not white supremacists, they do have a UK Chapter.

Hello. So, would you say it is necessary that Antifa violence is dealt with by violence?


Idealy pantyfa should be delt with by the law, they are extremist thugs. It would take the wind out of PBs sails and turn them into a boys drinking club.

@CookieMonster Antifa apparently is just an idea. When the head honcho makes statement like that he is effectively issuing a challenge. He used them in the election as a tool, now they have clearly articulated their intentions to be ungovernable and become the head honcho’s nightmare. Biden used them as a smoke screen to point fingers at the PB. It’s a dangerous situation and It will become even more of a flash point.

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