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The Scientific Case Against Abortion

An interesting video.

KeithThroop 9 Jan 30
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Wow, she really struck a nerve. Facts are so inconvenient.

Interesting how all the comments are such angry foolishness rather than logic of any kind at all. Do any liberals even consider logical discussions of any value any more or is it only about who can show the most indignation and attack the other better?

I listened to both sides of this discussion (the case against abortion vs the vitriol against the person offering the case against abortion). It’s clear: protecting human lives won out (in this argument) over the murder of the most innocent people in the world. But at least a bunch of angry, spoiled children and SJWs got another chance to spew their foolishness and vitriol.

Really... I just posted actual facts
BTW not a LW Progressive or SJW either.

@Lightman I saw plenty of opinion and repetition of the same old arguments of liberals. (It’s just a clump of cells (just like you’re just a clump of cells), Rape which accounts for the tiniest percentage of reasons for murdering the baby, etc...) but I saw no facts, no references to how you came up with your conjecture or what authoritative expert told you, or why the authoritative experts referenced in the video were “wrong” or how the percentages were misquoted and the actual percentages as referenced in your argument or how the stages are actually not stages of human life, but some other species changing to human life or when that clump of cells becomes human or when that takes place based upon any evidence other than your opinion or the opinion of the liberals who convinced you to ignore reason, or how it is right to end a human life that has committed no offense other than existing (almost always because it is inconvenient to allow that person to live), etc...

If I missed the facts you presented, where were they and how were they supported (by what authoritative experts and what makes them authoritative)?

BTW, I’m not just a person who has taken a side without having a dog in the fight. When I was in my first tour in the Army, I almost lost my wife less than10 months after we married. She struggled all throughout the pregnancy until she almost died during the 3rd trimester when her weight was around 80 lbs. While the dr was trying to keep her alive he told me they needed to abort the baby or they would likely lose both mother and child. I foolishly and selfishly tried to convince her that we should abort the baby, but that it was her decision since she was the woman. She looked up at me and asked, “you want them to kill my baby?” Like an idiot, I said, “no, I’m just saying that I’ll support your decision if you decide to abort the fetus and you could die if you don’t.” She said, “I don’t want to kill my baby, if it means I die at least I won’t have killed my own baby”.

That was when I started to grow up and become a man. Here I was fighting in the military fir the rights of Americans to be free and I was “OK” with not fighting fir the right of my own baby to live (as well as the rights of all the other babies who had nobody to speak for or fight for them, not to mention all the mothers whose hearts were broken when they finally realized they had been duped by the abortion industry. As a side note, I have kicked myself over and over throughout the years as my daughter became more and more amazing and even saved at least one life. When I spend time with her children (4 live births and another on the way after 2 miscarriages), I continue to see the arrogant stupidity and cowardice of my youth and thank God my wife was stronger and braver than I was. I don’t want political correctness to ruin the lives of other willfully ignorant people that may someday wake up, much less their babies that would join the ranks of the 62 million murdered in the USA since we decided convenience was a higher right than the life of an innocent baby.

@Daveclark5 Sorry you just don't get it but I'm not wasting my time with you and your belief.


Jesus, you fucking melts are tedious, science does not say that at all.
I knew before I opened it that it was just going to be more painful BS.
Religious zealots should be imprisoned for using the word science incorrectly.


And again...
The embryonic stage reveals that the fertilized egg is a clump of cells with no brain.
The processes that begins to generate a nervous system do not start till after the 14th day.
No sustainable or complex nervous system exists for at least 6 months.


Not sure where this girl gets her information but here is yet another scientific opinion.

The human egg is a single living cell, a one cell embryo if it sucessfully combines with a live sperm.
NO new life is formed.
The egg and the sperm were already alive - and fertilization is not instantaneous.


This is not an interesting video.

And the young woman in it does not present a “scientific case” against abortion or anything else.

No scientific case against abortion exists, or against the random murder of a forty year old adult just for the fun of it.

These are ethical or moral issues; not scientific ones. These moral standards change relative to time and place, and are established, not by gods or by science, but by human consensus in a given society.

How would this woman’s “logic” apply to the execution of criminals, or enemies on the battlefield, or the home intruder about to split your skull with an axe? Does “science” then prevent us from defending ourselves?


Never has. Never will.

Humans of all societies throughout time have always reserved for themselves the right to destroy life under circumstances deemed acceptable to a majority of their fellow citizens.

There will always be individuals who feel life is sacred and no one has a right to destroy it under any circumstances, and they are free to try to live by that standard themselves, though they are unlikely to ever convince the majority.

But when someone claims that taking the life of the unborn is forbidden by science but throwing the switch on an electric chair isn’t...
they’re just taking a drunken stroll down Logical Fallacy Boulevard.


Conception does not equate to "human life" as we know it... nor does conception guarantee that the fertilization of a human egg will go on to become a viable fetus or a surviving viable baby.


BTW if I was a woman and was raped by someone and became pregnant, you can bet your bottom dollar on it, I'm getting an abortion .


Re the emotive imagery... not all abortions are carried out at that stage or later. Most are carried out very early on. So much so they can be removed by suction/curette or by medication "naturally".


Is there a scientific case against miscarriage too?

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