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I would suggest for you to encourage group singing activities. This is overlooked in history, and by "serious people" because they don't understand our inner workings. But morale and human unity is strengthed by this. Organized religions knows this and it has been weaponized before. There were times when chanting was strictly prohibited outside of churches. That's to mantain the monopoly of group singing given its power. I would also encourage musicians out there to make new tunes for spiritual songs, and lyriicsts to encode them into new meanings that hide their meanings and origins. This has also been a staple of history, folk music created the "la la la" songs because of this. It's all about censorship. There was a hidden sentence instead of the "la la la." If any musician needs someone to help them with this, I have some experieince with it. So... yeah. Group singing enhances human interactions. No matter how you sing, it's not about the pleasure, but about how the act makes your soul feel more connected -or harmonized- with the people you are doing it with. This is very powerful as it can heal emotionally and gives the confidence to take initiatives. This is in no way related to God, but it's an evolutional feature of our reptilian brains. It doesn't really matter which song, example below, but it would be hitting two birds with one stone if there is some message about all of this inside the lyrics. So... yeah... DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO, DON'T LISTEN TO THE AUDIO. FEEL IT.

A1fredo 8 Oct 27
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Rules for Singing, Chanting, and Shouting at Outdoor Gatherings

Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged, but if they occur, the following rules and recommendations apply:

All people who are singing or chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting, including anyone who is leading a song or chant. Because these activities pose a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission, face coverings are essential to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols;

People who are singing, shouting, chanting, or exercising are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond 6 feet to further reduce risk.

People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice).

Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians maintain at least 6-foot physical distancing. Musicians must be from one of the three households. Playing of wind instruments (any instrument played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or clarinet) is strongly discouraged.

govols Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

Yep, Imagine was one of the most effective songs ever written. It hears and sings easy and is filled with propaganda. And it works in your guts.

govols Level 8 Oct 27, 2020

Yeah... although that's not what I'm talking about. Music is one thing and powerful on its own, but this is different. Group singing activates a different much more powerful emotion. It's like this: there's pleasure out of the musical aesthetics -music,- but there's also this feeling of belonging that emanates from singing with others. I am tone deaf, and I was extremely stubborn pursuing music. So I spent like a decade studying hard everything about it. Know shitloads of theory and know how it works biologically. Still, can't tell a tone from another is my life depended on it. That's why it's so easy for me to differentiate. I don't give a shit about how consonant a song is, I can't tell. I feel nothing. But I feel the emotion that comes out of the group singing thing. You see, people get distracted by the auditory masturbation that is music. I mean, can't blame them. But there's other things we ignore because of it. Like I don't know, if you spill your burrito while getting a blowjob, you wouldn't even notice. Same thing, and so much so that I think people have kinda lost the ability a little because they don't practice it. They are conditioned to look for that same stimuli when they hear a song, and dismiss other possible sources of pleasure. I'll attach a song I love that is not musical whatsoever, just so you can tell what I mean. You won't want to watch it unless it appeals to your cognitive likes (which it probably won't.) But there's a cult following for the song. Thtat means lots of people like it. We're not crazy, we just feed off a different part of it that most people won't even acknowlede is there, you know? That's why I felt the need to remind us of that capability we have. Like, if a woman never gets fucked and nobody tells her about pregnancy, she can die without knowing her body could do that. I think people are unaware of this part of ourselves and its advantages. When people (me) say that humanity is all we got to fight against a technocracy, it's shit like this I mean. Something that gives people more value than what technology can (tech can give you better chances at happiness, doing the group singing for example, actually gives you the happiness.) I don't know if you agree or not, but if you ever try, just remember not to sabotage yourself. If you go with an "ugh, let's try it" attitude, you can block it mentally. You know emotions. If you think about your happiness as you are happy, it'll go away. So you gotta be open to it.)


Jesus, dude! Fourteen fucking years I've managed not to see that. You literally suck!

And it totally didn't help make your point.

Maybe I'll look at the one in your opening post after I wash.

@govols Getting the URL for this video led me to realize she just launched a new video after all this time on September, so I regret nothing xD

@govols Hey, man. There's this stupid thing in society where you're not supposed to criticize harshly because "it's rude" and fifis torture or something, but I would like to know the perspective of people who are extremely different fro me. That's the only way in which I can get a glimpse of others' perspectives. So I don't know if it would be too much of PTSD to let me know what you think about the video, why you hate it so much? I'd really like to know. What makes you hate it? :3


Rather that explain why I don't like I'll try to show a couple of what I do...

@govols I'm sure they're all awesome, but that has nothing to do with what I asked... That's fine, just forget about it.


It does have something to do with why I don't like the "shoes" video. You know better than I do that instant loathing is an emotional response approximately opposite of a similar spontaneous reaction to a national flag or a cross or some such. Anything I make up about why I don't like the shoes video will be a rationalization if I try to go beyond "it triggers my disgust reflex." So, instead I showed you a few that affect me the the other way around.

@govols The things is that I don't have the reflex like you do, thats why i need it expained to me. imagine I told you "it makes my fifis melt" or something gay that u don't feel. right?

@govols what does it feel like? and why? like what do your attention grabs exactly? the color? the concept? the music? you don't have to answer, i understand if you just dismiss this. im just curious

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