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Really ???

RemiDallaire 9 Oct 5
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ha ha Yes, really. I can get the psycho, but it ain't her fault. It's the whole society that's sick. I liked her because she is honest. That's what we need. She wasn't mean like a feminist. Truth can't be mean. It's a favor when somebody tell you something hurtful if it's true.


I didn't find a single moment of that pathetic rant funny. Just one more reason I'm glad I got rid of Netflix some time back.

Same here. I did not even smiled


From Nanettes anti man pro lesbian " comedy? " To unashamed kinky slut referencing" my virgina" Evey 10 seconds.. Neither really do alot for the art of comedy


Why are we mad at Netflix? She's a comedian. These are jokes. Comedians are possibly our last stand for politically incorrect free speech. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

FOTD13 Level 7 Oct 5, 2020

Wellllllllllllll If a man make those types of jokes now.....They crucify him... Remember equality ?

Tell that to protesters & cancel culture vultures. Hassling Jordan Peterson or the Jewish gremlin speed talker Ben Shapiro.. While they try to exercise free speech . & Possibly educate at the same time.

Not a problem, I really don't know of any mature adults who do watch it.

@RemiDallaire Guys, guys, you're being blinded by your ego and your... straightness or something. I know what you mean, feminists suck, but this chick is alright. At the very least, you can take her word for it, all that she's saying is true, she's not mean for the sake of being mean. This is definitely what women are like by nature. I know. Fag here. I was expecting some lame rant, but she actually made me laugh a lot. "It's funny 'cuz it's true." She may have fallen for the whole feminist dogma, but within her curse, she's based.

Oh, oh. I get it. I get it. Because the thing is you guys get offended. And sure, you're right. I get it. Here's what I think you don't get. Okay, it's hard to explain. Okay, okay.

You know how you guys are like "doing your thang out in the woods all wild and free" until some hot babe lures you into a trap of love, marriage, children and debt? You would've been alright if you weren't so incredibly stupid as to fall for a pair of tits. Okay. Here's the other side.

Women feel the need to do this because they can't possibly be like that: wild, and free. They can hardly do their own thing. They resent themselves for the perpetual need of a man. You know how they're all like playing with dolls as children, thinking of being a momma... for their husband's child? And then grow to be teens desperately looking to fall in love? Trying to be the hottest? To get a man? Then they grow up to be old and resenting they never got a man? It's "men, men, men, men, men." We are OBSESSED with you. They, they are obsessed with you. Sigh, I need a man. Anyway... That's the thing, they can't never really go about doing our own thing. They can't help but to care more about you caring over them, that's why they are nurturing. They didn't get involved making remakes of Clueless or Legally Blonde. They ruined Star Wars and Ghostbusters because they wanted you to notice them! They were all "I'm a hoe who no needs no man." Everyone went, "cool, see ya." So the ugly bitch had to go mess witih the boys' stuff in order to get the attention they need. It's their alternative to being hot, you see?

Now, I don't mean to pity them. They deserve what they get. But at least this chick is 1. self-aware and 2. honest. So I think she's alright. Anybody who knows what she's saying also knows a couple of more things: 1. She totally means it, and she totally would give it all up in a second for a man. 2. When she gets a man, no matter how feminist she may be, she will be sabotaging herself becoming more and more of a housewife. They just can't help themselves. You know how you guys are so incredibly stupid that devote your whole lives maintaining a slut? Well, that's pure unadulterated love. That's the female version .Proud as fuck, wouldn't work a day for you. But utter slaves to the craving of having your attention.

@A1fredo Fred.... The 4th or 5th wave of feminist is enough....equal pay for the same job is a law in Canada since 1956 and 1963 in the US....Equal oportiunities IS A LAW in Canada since 1986.... I don't care if nature is a pain for women.... It's just that NATURE.... If they arent happy about it...They just have to evolve and lay eggs instead. You want to be a white knight and a hoe bag. Go ahead have fun. But as far as equality goes... I will strive for it....I will fight for it.... Mehhhhhhhhhhhh feelings is never an argument and will never be... And if fighting for equality means to be as petty and as them.... So be it.. If you catch my drift.

@RemiDallaire Dude, I'm not for feminism. And I'm not trying to get you to support anything. Like I said, I don't pity them. They are wrong. Period.

That being said. I'm sorry, but feelings are arguments when they are a factor in what you're talking. And feelings are involved in human behavior all the time, so they are arguments every single time humans are involved in the issue. So spare me your "feelings are not arguments because I can't understand them and I don't like you talking things that I can't possibly comprehend." Bullshit.

@RemiDallaire And please don't make a fool of yourself giving a stupid argument like "Well, we can't nuke China because we feel angry with them" and retarded stuff like that. Like I said, you don't get them. So you can't value them properly in order to place them as factors in your decision making. That's fine. But if you don't know about it. Zip it.

@A1fredo feelings are not arguments

@A1fredo feelings are not arguments

@RemiDallaire Wow, such logic and cerebral-like. Can't oppose those robust arguments. You MUST BE RIGHT! Thanks for letting me know!

@A1fredo China has nothing to do with this...This is the occidental civilization... AND feelings are not arguments. The 4th wave of Feminism is cancer and is NOT equality. There are only 2 genders. All life matters... Humans are omnivores... Communism did NOT work and will never work either. Nothing is perfect.
It's not a good idea to fry bacon in the nude... Don't play strip poker in a nursing home... A virgin is not magically good in bed. And this is just a few evident life points.... Don't like it ? it triggers you ? Please by all means move to Mars

@RemiDallaire I'm in no way a leftist, dude. I thought you could... you know, read. As I told you twice that I'm not for feminism already. But good job saying all those arguments that has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Surely everybody bought it because you put the "feelings are not arguments" thing in the middle. Good job.

@A1fredo grin The proof is in th triggering Alfredo. I'm calm here... I point out the inequality of this video... And you get triggered because (I DARE TO) and you say it's not a big deal... Trouble is...Men are suiciding at an alarming rate... That's a fact.. Calm down Fred.. Equality IS NOT scary... And Your victorian values toward women are not at stakes... I don't say that you shouldn't be a white knight... I just state...The obvious

@RemiDallaire Still not an argument. Still waiting for it...

@A1fredo Feelings are not an argument...I repeat it... If this is bullshit for you fine... But it doesn't change the validity of this statement...

@RemiDallaire There is no validity. You typing it doesn't make it true. And as I said, you have not given any arguments for it.

@A1fredo So equality IS NOT an agument for you. Go ahead be weak...It's your right... But I am not accepting it... And backlash needs to happen... Since nothing is perfect we always walk on the edge of a razor in all things...Better have things balanced for as long as we can.
It's MY point of view.. And I did create this group to share it... Stop to try to make me feel guilty about it. And have a good day... Hope your life is better down there

@A1fredo My point of view is coldly logical... And YOU...FEEL it isn't... (I dunno know why and don't really care) LOL Feelings are not an argument. So have your meltdown if that makes you feel better. But that comedian should get backlash Just as much as other comedians DID get backlash for their other type of comedy.... And that IS equality... If other comedians do get the right to make jokes about anything...And this comedian...Is in the clear.. But until than.... Fuck her...

@RemiDallaire Are you serious? Sure... Equality is a super argument... yeah... Whatever... runs out the exit triggered with his hand in the air

@A1fredo Fred... Equality was the feminism argument.. If it was valid for women... I don't see it be less valid for men... LOL Calm down..You don't agree and it's ok... No need to wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and bring up China. Watch this before you bring up china... It's model has been set in stone for millenars (Is that how you spell it ? Millénaire in french)

@RemiDallaire China was an example of stupid arguments done by people who don't understand emotions. That's it. It could've been anything. Let's go around killing puppies because they annoy me. There. Better?

@A1fredo I didn't say that we should kill this comedian... I said she should be held to the same stupid SWJ rules others are imposed. I said fuck her...Apparently She like it while being choked. (And I really didn't need to know that).. And fuck emotions... I prefer cold logic now.. It's better for my health. And it looks better

@RemiDallaire Dude, stop taking every word as if it pertain to every discussion ever. Killing the puppies was an example. That's it. Not the comedian. Jesus Christ. And you can try to evade emotions, but they're a part of you whether you like it or not. It's only better for your health because you don't know how to handle them. And I'm not being confrontational, it's not east and most people don't. Especially in difficult situations. Our life is anything but natural, and we are expected to somehow mold our human nature into this modern civil lifestyle. I won't say that you will be paying for the neglect (just said it) because you will think I'm fear mongering, but at the very least you must acknowledge you will be missing out on happiness and stuff. Can be happy without being emotional? Well, that's proof that you have it whether you like it or not. The thing is that it works by intensity. So you lower your intensity for the bad (like most in society do,) you miss out how it feels to be extremely happy. It's your life, but it feels good. You just need to learn to handle your inner self. I'm not saying it's easy, but nothing in life is. Especially what's worth it.

@A1fredo What ever Fred.... I stated my point... You wanna be a cunt...Let me be a dick...that's how it works. No negociation..

@RemiDallaire hey, You know me. Dicks welcomed anytime.

@A1fredo No I don't know you Fred LOL.It's ok...

@RemiDallaire Bill Burr talks shit about women all the time. They are just jokes. Lighten up.

@FOTD13 And he get heats for it... Non stop. She sould get heat too. And that's my point...white knight

@RemiDallaire Oh, that's fine. I'm Alfredo and I like dicks. Now you know :3

@A1fredo Good for you... I did not have to know that. i don't care.

@RemiDallaire Dude, she shouldn't get heat. She is the opposite of what feminists do. She is being honest and self-aware. Chicks who identify would realize they are wrong.

@RemiDallaire I know. That's why it's funny. Jeez.

@A1fredo Dude.... She should get heat... you can disguise it all you want... that's the beauty of equality

@RemiDallaire would you stop being a retard? I'm against feminism. I'm on your side. Chew the fucking argument, it's not a disguise. I have no desire of protecting anything related to the left. Man, are you stubborn.

@A1fredo It is ? It's like Vegan who have to tell they are Vegan every 2 minutes ? chuckle

@RemiDallaire ? I don't... Whatever, man. Go destroy the bitch. I didn't by really care anyway. It's not worth so many back and forth.

@A1fredo I admit it I am stubborn... I guess it makes it ok since I am honest about it right ? grin

@A1fredo Fine...Good. Screw the bitch.

@RemiDallaire it's not a fair analogy as I don't see other you going around lying your teeth off. But sure, man. It's a good thing. Definitely.

@RemiDallaire Eew.

@A1fredo It not fair for others comedians to get so much heat...Yet you were trying to defend this one... I guess the white knight in you is on full force. Female privilege I guess.

@A1fredo LOL C'mon I did not say ewwww when you stated your preference. Now that's unfair... And don't worry... I wouldn't screw the bitch with somebody else dick.... I mean a figurative screw her.

@RemiDallaire Man, chill. You're taking it too at heart. I understand, it's not fair, but that's life. Qts make the best we can be it of it

@RemiDallaire I was kidding. Are you okay, man?

@A1fredo Of course i'm fine... just because I won't change my opinion and you disagree with me is no reason for being emotional...

@RemiDallaire Alright. I flag you are. Cool, man

@RemiDallaire * I'm glad you are aha Sorry

@A1fredo Why wouldn't I be ? LOL

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