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No investigation over why was Floyd asking to be put on the ground as he made sure he yelled that he can't breathe the whole time? Sorry, meth does not make you do anything like that. Money does. And he wouldn't be the first martyr, or maybe he was threatened. Really gets the fattie jogging.

A1fredo 8 Aug 4
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Many people when they do not feel well just want to lie down.
It is a natural reaction to reduce the potential harm when you eventually do fall.

Fentanyl overdose main symptoms is reduced ability to breathe.

The bodycams are consistent with the blood report.

The cops are guilty of aggravated assault... and should be charge as such.

Hanno Level 8 Aug 4, 2020
3 would make sense that he couldn't breath.


Side Effect of Fentanyl (remember, he had a high amount in his system)

Confusion and disorientation
Intense flushing or hot flashes
Breathing problems

Also remember, he had COVID-19. I don't know if he was asymptomatic or not but it could have contributed along with him overdosing on fentanyl.

What about the asking to be put on the ground? What would that be about?

@A1fredo Well for one, he didn't want to get in the car period. He was doing everything possible to not be in the car.

The point I'm making is that he had meth and fentanyl in his to compare what a lucid person would do in comparison to what he did is apples and oranges. I don't think there is a great conspiracy here. He's a felon, he's high and he's getting arrested again.

@BlackoutNJ Sorry, I cannot accept that out. As I said, meth doesn't make you do anything like that at all. I live in a country-sized meth factory, I know. But mostly because psychology is always used as a weapon. People who act differently aren't crazy, they're just different. When a brain brakes, you do weird things in different but predictable intervals. There is no real disease of the brain that allows you to act normally some time, and be plain crazy when you utter opinions others don't like. I'm being a little hyperbolic, but you get what I mean. I'm very familiar with anxiety problems as well, there is nothing I can possibly think of that could justify that request other than he needed it for some reason. I asked for an alternative from you, but I cannot take the one you gave me. It's not that way, i know it well.

@A1fredo So the alternative is some long and drawn out conspiracy? Was the shop owner in on it too, so he called the police for George? How would George know that he would get arrested that day without the shop owner? So he planned to be high at that very moment of being arrested? Did he somehow know that the cop would put a knee on his neck, a bystander would film it and it would be all over the internet? These aren't predictable factors.

I understand if you have a nature to be skeptical, it's warranted these days but I don't see the conspiracy here. I look at what is more likely. It is more likely that the story lines up, he's panicking because he's overdosing on meth and fentanyl, he has a heart condition and he is not in his right mind. I've had panic attacks and it is a sense of fear that runs through you making you be irrational, I can't imagine if I had all of those drugs running through my body while panicking about another arrest.

@BlackoutNJ Well, the bill was one of those Chinese bills after all... Man, we don't have enough to persuade each other. Agree to disagree for now?

@A1fredo China floods America with all types of counterfeit products, including money.

Sure man, agree to disagree.

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