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It's all useless, isn't it. There's this saying in Spanish, "Hace más el que quiere que el que puede," which translates to "Those who want to do something end up doing more than those who are actually any good at it." Mix it up with that "It takes two hands to clap" thing and you'll realize fault isn't a zero-sum game. Be it Christianity, Libertarianism, Conservatism, have it your way and refuse to feel compelled to help. Just don't you dare to start bitching once it is too late because you're spitting personal responsibility in the eye right now. They, stupid and immature as they may be, definitely got something you lack.You are not any less selfish than they are when you let it happen, and you won't be any less responsible once it happens. You share one thing in common: you are being willfully ignorant of your duty because you know nobody will be holding you accountable when the time comes. I came for help from the US people I thought I knew. You're not any more those Americans than the left is anymore. You didn't really stay in the same place after all. I don't mean to be mean, but I won't deny I am feeling resentful towards you because useless as I may be, I am very tired, hungry, scared and overworked, giving my best to support you--yet you aren't doing anything. For the last time, all your big brains, your being on the right side, your reasoning, your logic, all those facts that don't care about your feelings... they are worth shit if you do nothing. You are just empty vessels who don't care about anything but yourselves anymore. Wars won't bring America down. America was lost when the American spirit left your bodies apparently a long time ago. Shame on you.

A1fredo 8 July 31
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I know sometimes it feels as if all we do is bitch and complain. We are actually as worried about the way things are going. This is our way of feeling like we have a community of people that think similarily. Because this whole mess out there is on a global scale, and has been in the works for a long time, longer than any of us know, we are discovering facts more slowly at first. We have to un-redact info that has not been made public. If we were to all rise up right now, we would be annihalated. We must watch for small changes and let the world correct itself. I always think of it this way. It is like a big pendulum. First centuries it swung back and forth. In the 20th century it kind of got stuck on 1 side. Now, it must rebalance and start to swing back and forth again. This can. And is an upsetting time. We aren’t convinced that it will correct, and yet, it is that very faith that will help us through. One piece of good news for you, at least Italy is getting out of the EU. They are cutting their puppet master strings and becoming a nation again. Hope you are okay. Reach back to me if you need to. I know you are there for me.

I am. Er... I'm not Italian though. Oh, dear Lord, I wish I were. I'm Mexican. So... I understand what you are saying, and I really do appreciate your polite response. I may not even deserve it, but even beyond being hungry and worried about basic sustainment... I mean, we know that kind of restructuring of humanity from the swinging of the pendulum occurs, but it doesn't occur without it taking lots, and lots, and lots of casualties. The poor are the first ones to go, and me being in the very low end of that spectrum, you gotta understand.

And it's not your responsibility. I'm very well aware that I would be just as dismissing of me if I were in your shoes. What am I to do? Sigh, I've come to make peace with the unfairness of birth conditions, but being aware of the very likely impossibility of the future-- I mean, knowing all of this won't help me get out to safety easier or faster (or even make it less impossible.) I really think I could help if I was "in the battlefield" and have lot to offer. I wish that was my motivation because that would be worthwhile and exhilarating. Instead, just being in perpetual flight or fight mode looking how to make enough to survive one more day at a time... Man, it just gets so exhausting.

I know this is not your problem. Sorry for ranting. If there is any advice you may have though, would be greatly appreciated. I am just so run out of opportunities even though my mind keeps making more and more plans I just can't afford for such pathetic low-cost stuff. Just as an example, I've invested about 7.50 USD in domains and internet stuff to set up thing for the culture war to help, and I found myself trying to refund part of it a couple of days ago. It's just so miserable.

@A1fredo Holy Cow!!! I feel for you. I guess I always thought I would be safe in Canada, but that has changed. Our PM Trudope, is a commie just like his daddy was. He is in bed with the Chinese. Our health system is on the floor. The wearing of face masks is now being mandated all across the country basically 6 months too late. These masks trigger the PTSD. Also our food supplies are here but suddenly they aren’t. Whenever I go to the store, I am not always sure if I will get what I came for.
So, uhm, I know you are from Mexico. I just wanted to give you some hope that some countries are starting to see past the fear mongering and lies. Even though I am not wealthy, I wish you were here at my table for food. If it gets too bad with their “green” agenda, they may shut down our heating systems. If that happens there won’t be many Canadians able to survive the winter. We are becoming the Venezuela of the North.


oh dear
It takes more than simply the will or idea to make things happen in today's world no matter how much you want something...
You should have learned that by now.
Society isn't organised to allow people to do everything they want or think needs be done.
Try getting a book published, or a movie made or a tv show accepted.
Try finding the time to do things you want or to take up hobby, sometimes life just conspires against you.

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