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Woke versus Responsible
by Joe Kelley

Understanding how the global awakening - WINS!

“What would an enlightened society look like, like, if everyone was awake, what would it look like, what would the structure be? And what I came up with would be like this...its, its a, its a pool of water, ya, I’ve colored it blue for you. So everything is completely equal, and every person is represented not a place on the pyramid...but by a stream of energy that flows into the pool, and it creates...”

The source of this stream of energy, this stream of consciousness, describes a Pyramid Structure.

“How do you turn this crazy, grubby, grimy, horrifying thing that is the power structure into something clean and clear and good?”

I did not use false language when I wrote that the source of this stream of energy describes a Pyramid Structure. The individual presenting this information is the source of this information from my contact point with this information. That individual appears to be a woman, but modern technology can easily be manipulated with CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) to make a fictional entity responsible for sending a message to the rest of humanity. I have made an assumption as to the real source of this message that flows into the pool of humanity, flowing from one individual source, and flowing like blue water into a bowl where a pyramid built of sugar cubes has been built by some power structure such as a woman stacking blocks of sugar into a Pyramid shape, but the building of this particular Pyramid Structure made of sugar could have been made by someone else, not the speaker in the video. Someone else could be responsible for purposefully stacking each sugar cube, one next to the other and one on top of another. The actual process of making that Sugar Pyramid is unseen by all but those who witnessed it being built, and some were not paying attention, so they are not as reliable as witnesses compared to those whose eyes were not wired shut with liberal doses of Bullshit.

At no point has this speaker, this author of this message, authorized the use of the word Treason. At no point in this message have I heard the use of the word Fraud. As the blue water pours into the bowl, the Pyramid Structure collapses in on itself, turning all the cubes of the Pyramid into lighter blue water, as the darker blue water is mixed with the dissolving bindings, melting those bindings that bind the cubes together into a Pyramid shape.

Fuck around and find out what happens when water is thrown on the Wicked Witch of The West. 

The messenger with the message pours the message into the bowl of human consciousness, using words spoken, and illustrating that message with blue water pouring, at time 1:40 or so, in recorded time she, or it says:

“We got...a group of people becoming enlightened, and the...below everyone else, they’re lower than the rest of the pyramid, they’re not coming in and winning. But from the bottom up they’re slowly dissolving the power structure. And the people who dissolve first, who give up the old way of being first, are the ones who have the least to lose, they’re on the bottom. They, they just, absorb the people around them, because they are made of inclusion and love, there is no conquering in there, the pool doesn’t destroy the pyramid, it includes it, and it makes it into something clear, and fluid, and sweet. And the people at the very top of the Pyramid are the last ones to know what is going to happen.”

That message is unclear due to the missing information that otherwise might inform the target audience of the facts that matter in every case of a Pyramid Structure built by binding people into an unshakably blind belief in accurately measurable falsehoods.

The flow of falsehoods into society from hidden sources bind people into following orders without question and those victims of Treasonous Fraud include the ones doing the grimy work of building things like ART, Fake Art, Prosperity, and Pyramid Structures built from Pyramid Schemes that enslave humanity and destroy Art and Prosperity with the pollution of falsehood.

Stuck in the mire, work your grimy way out, when caught in a race with the rats.

Run with the dogs, expect fleas.  

Failing to inform humanity of the growing clear and present dangers of Totalitarian Dictatorship Consolidation, all power from all over the planet flowing into one Central Command Lender of Last Resort, Too Big To Fail, Legal Fiction Nation-State Monopoly of Power and Profit, where humanity is seen as hereditary property, is an unconscionable error given the facts that matter in the case.

How about some nice blue water, no one has to win, no winners. 

"Understanding how the global awakening - WINS!"

Self-confessing contradictions for sale, cheap. Just drink the blue cool-aid and wait for nirvana.

To the citizens of the United States by Thomas Paine
November 15, 1802
"But a faction, acting in disguise, was rising in America; they had lost sight of first principles. They were beginning to contemplate government as a profitable monopoly, and the people as hereditary property."

So my question is a standard one for me when my Bullshit Detector is turned on and I look for actionable forensic evidence to take Treasonous Frauds out of their Pyramid Dungeons and place them in the sunlight of Public Access Trial Transcripts where all the evidence mankind can dig up on these criminals is aired in Public to then Drain the Swamp I know as Treasonous Fraud.

Why are the National Communists now Blue, and why are the National Socialists now, as I type, caught Red-Handed building blockades in a vain effort to protect themselves from discovery in the dungeons of their Pyramid Structures? This is not a trifling matter, these routinely rotating changes of color criminal gang false flags and bandannas worn. That CHANGE is evidence of the need to destabilize the target population of weak and defenseless victims. Change the story, change the lead. Change the costume, change one's color, change one's gang emblem, change once in a while to keep the targeted victim off balance.

Friend or foe who knows?  

Jolly Roger Red White and Blue.

God save the Queen, Salute Old Glory.

The tormentor knows joy when hearing the sound of a tortured soul or why would one be so adamant about moving to the next victim? The victim starts out knowing the cause of their pain, the intimate source of it. How many cuts does it take for the victim to take on the blame for being the victim? 

The answer is known intimately by those who intimately provide the accurate answer. 

The growing pile of Treasonous Fraud evidence places at least one Treasonous Fraud at the scene of the crime as that one, if not others cooperating, do the grimy work of creating and propagating more of these Half-Truths so well exemplified in this False Propaganda Piece about Sugar Pyramids melting in the flow of...

Melting in the flow of illuminating accountability. 

Treasonous Frauds will be charged as those personally responsible for building the Treasonous Fraud Pyramid or failing to do so results in the next victim being destroyed. These are the facts facing mankind like it or not. If no one places the names of the builders of Treasonous Fraud Pyramids on a True Bill, or a presentment, and an indictment, then the binding force of falsehood will continue to cement the building blocks of the criminal Pyramid Structure firmly in place. From the looking tower on the top, with the all-seeing eye ever vigilant in seeking out and covering up the truth, all the way down deep into the lowest dungeons where the worst do their worst to the most innocent, doing so undetected and undetectable by anyone other than the victims or those more distant witnesses spreading out in waves from those ongoing crime scenes, each witness, in turn, further and further away from the screams of horror and terror mixed with a perverted joy and laughter from the tormentors working feverishly upon their victims. 

The victim is intimately connected to the criminal at the scene of the crime. The connection between the victim and the criminal with Treasonous Fraud is data networks. The Dark Web Snuff Video Market was brought to you by none other than Treasonous Fraud. 

Credit those responsible or blame the victim, choose while you still can. 

Nonfeasance exacts a heavy price upon a human soul. 

Treasonous Fraud Detection by Internal Bullshit Detectors, also known as individual moral conscience, can accurately identify beyond reasonable doubt each victim of each crime in the location where each victim first began to believe the lie that blamed the victim, that it was the victim's fault, that they, as a victim, were told the first time, that it was their fault, as claimed by their tormentor cutting up the victim one piece at a time.

Innocence lost.

Each cut of Treasonous Fraud cut into each victim by the source of that damaging aggressive attack upon them, each cut deeper into their soul, as the lie grows stronger, the victim begs for mercy having failed humanity so terribly, and now deserving to be whipped for having failed so horribly. The trail of evidence traces out from the source, the tracing track goes on vectors of lies, trails of tears, and streams of blood. Brutal evidence traces back from each and every victim to the Treasonous Fraud inflicting those cuts, those lies, and that pain from Central Command going outward to each victim around the planet.

Some people suggest following the trail of evidence back to those responsible for the damage done, the damage being done, and the damage that will be done if not defended effectively and in due time.

But no one does, it is not allowed.

Each past victim, each present victim, and each future victim is duty-bound to bring each case to the county grand jury to validate the accusation which Drains the Legal Fiction Swamp.

No, that is not allowed.

Each victim in turns or simultaneously and why not with so many unemployed seeking a productive job, each victim picks up the sword of prosecution, due process of law, to hold the worst criminals to account first, and each victim does so without destroying any buildings built by anyone for any purpose because buildings, or statues, or pointed sticks have no moral conscience and no will power driving action for good or evil. Things, including Legal Fictions, are not responsible, but criminals are responsible, even if no one dares to say so.  

Everything must be leveled, burnt to the ground. Look how sterile the world is without life, all the rats have eaten each other, so now it is time to Build Back Better from the crystal clear blue water of Totalitarian Despotism World Wide. Our Glorious New World Order. 

Debt has a due date, don't be late. 

Caveat Emptor

Josf-Kelley 8 Feb 22
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Posted by Josf-KelleyWanted for Treason That is all for lack of intelligence and moral conscience.

Posted by Josf-KelleyBorrowed from another IDW post is the pictured meme.

Posted by Josf-KelleyReal Reality A few people have purchased the exclusive power to add zeros to their Bank account balance, and they accomplish this feat by borrowing their spending from anyone who can produce ...

Posted by HeresiarchWhy you should close Social Media accounts you no longer use. (I shut down my LinkedIn account immediately)

Posted by HeresiarchI taught my daughter to shoot at ten years old. Now she's passing on the lessons she learned.

Posted by HeresiarchIt's taken us years to rehabilitate the soil on our Better Than Organic farmlet.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThat is a complex process viewed simplistically in two directions that appear, in simple form, to be opposites.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThe level of brainwashing or mind control, or spirit control, or body control, or behavior control is demonstrably on a sub-conscious level and it runs very deep.

Posted by HeresiarchHow do you sacrifice children?

Posted by HeresiarchHow's that Police State workin' out for y'all?

Posted by Josf-KelleyFrom a source:

Posted by Josf-KelleyTrump says Pence can reject criminal votes.

Posted by Josf-KelleyFrom another IDW post: Roadmap to re-inauguration:

Posted by Josf-KelleyAt a Pennsylvania State Hearing, widespread voter and election fraud is reported by witness testimony.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThe following link is immediately censored from Facebook, as I press the enter button, a warning page loads.

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