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A question was posed in a group I am just not willing to join so I can respond to it in that group so I write a response here. A person wished a Merry Christmas to a man in passing, and his response was "Who cares?". The question posed to the atheist group was asking if they had someone wish them a Merry Christmas would they respond in such a manner, or would they be more polite.

The progressive socialists have had this attack mode against all traditional Christmas activities for decades now, and they just get more hateful, and aggressive over time. Mainly because they keep gaining ground making people fearful of being called mean names if they hold fast to traditional Christmas things like saying "Merry Christmas", or putting nativity scenes in public areas.

The good thing is there are small enclaves of businesses and people who will hold fast to their beliefs and traditions. I worked in a small store years back. It was the Christmas season and I was wishing customers "Merry Christmas!" as I closed up each transaction. We had this regular who was a hard core feminazi socialist to the core. One day she got in line behind 3 other customers giving me the evil eye the whole time. She was typical of women liker herself, very hate filled, angry, and loathing men, and all things Christian. One of the worst Christianphobics I have had the displeasure of meeting.

As her transaction came to a close I did as I had with the customers before her and said, "Have a Merry Christmas!". I admit I was just a little more enthusiastic saying this to her than my other customers just because I knew it would get under her skin.

It did. After snatching her bag off the counter she says to me, "You have to stop saying that! Not every one is a Christian, if you say anything you need to say happy holidays."

I had learned the best way to deal with her was to respond with a short, concise message, and do so politely and with a smile. That just drove her bonkers when she could not get a Christian like me upset.

"Well I am a Christian, so I wish folks a Merry Christmas. Now if they do not worship Christ but celebrate the winter soltice they respond with happy winter solstice if they wish, and I certainly won't be so presumptuous as to tell them they have to say Merry Christmas, will simply thank them for their well wishes. By the same token nobody has the right to tell me what I can, or can not say either." Then I smiled and suggested she have a great evening.

That actually shut her up for the moment. I was really surprised. The next day when I got to work I learned she had come in that morning insisting the manager fire me for offending her so grievously the night before. He told her the same thing I did, I had the right to say what I pleased.

Now the man at the beginning of this may well have just been having a really bad day. It could be once he was home and thought about things he may have felt a bit of guilt and would have liked to been able to apologize. I know I have had a few days like that through my life.

If the guy was just another highly irrational athiest that has the default response to Christians being some hate filled Christianphobic attitude I suggest a simple smile, and nod and just carry on without letting their anger and hate to disrupt your day.

KCSantiago 8 Dec 20
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I wish people a happy season. I'm not trying to not offend anyone, I just don't put a great deal of value in traditions. There's a limit to their usefulness, and as far as I can see, mass consumption encouraged by "traditional" holidays isn't helping anyone. However saying this, out of habit and my cultural situation I participate in a mainly christain/commercial celebrations of this time of year, albeit a watered down version with a view to creating something new and old that puts aside creative ideologies and celebrates what nature dictates. The original Christmas was pagen.


Well, this got me to thinking how little by little our traditions are being eroded by manipulation. I suddenly sprang up and rushed to the sideboard in the living room to check the Christmas cards I've received recently with particular emphasis on the ones sent from my accountant and financial advisor, rest assured people, all is well, they all say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. But these attacks just have to be repelled. I emailed Cadburys Chocolate last year and asked why they've removed any mention of Easter from their eggs. They made light of it but i'll not buy anything from any of the twats if it doesn't mention the specific reason for the celebration. Hypocrites or what, they'll take the money but not mention the reason their selling them.

When my wife and I moved into where we live now we were shopping at the local Wal Mart at Christmas time. We wished the clerk a Merry Christmas at the end of our transaction and she told us they had just been instructed to only say Happy Holidays, but then quietly wished us a Merry Christmas. Apparently enough folks spoke up against this edict because they are now wishing people a Merry Christmas.

I come to find out this was some kind of regional ruling, and not something that was put out to all Wal Marts across the country. I am guessing, living in a very liberal oriented state, Little California as it is, someone complained so the corporate pencil pushers tried appeasing the squeeky wheel but a whole lot more squeeky wheels turned up in it's place. HA!


Your response comes from a place of joy, the atheist's response comes from a place of loathing. I need no further argument.


As a progressive democratic socialist myself I have no problem with saying Merry Christmas. To me it's just a current brand name for a celebration that predates Christianity.

Crikey Level 7 Dec 20, 2019

I’m an atheist but I still say merry Christmas as I am a strong believer in tradition and cultural heritage which is being systematically eroded


I don’t care for the company of atheists for exactly those reasons. And I’m not religious per se, but I do believe in a higher power. I just think they’re generally assholes.


I would like to know if the atheists are equal opportunity - suppose a Muslim greeted him by saying Allah hu Akbar! How would the die hard - hard ass hard core atheist respond.
Would he be rude and blasphemous as he is prone to do with Christians?
Would this atheist tell the Muslim to fuck off Allah does not exist?
I doubt it.

iThink Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

I wasn't born in the West and I don't celebrate Christmas, so if I just had a bad day maybe I will give a similar answer. This doesn't make me a christianphobic.

shj648 Level 6 Dec 20, 2019

Christianphobic describes those people who attack anything Christian no matter what, not all folks who are not believers. And I have seen some crazy things happen through the years. I was working as a shift manager in a fast food joint where a woman came to the counter demanding that we throw out a family sitting near her who said grace before starting their meal, then talked about different things that had been taught in Sunday school that morning. I had a man threaten to attack me while I was playing pool with a friend once just because I had a cross necklace on. As he was ranting on about all the reasons he hated Christians, and how he was going to beat me into a bloody pulp a couple of friends angled themselves to take the dink down if he did make a move, I had my knife out of my pocket ready to use, and the bar tender had got up behind him to grab him by the collar and escort him out the back door. In a store where I worked a woman was in line paying for what ever, a man and woman standing behind her were talking, and the woman said something about God. The crazy lady at the counter turned around and bitch slapped the woman behind her scream that she should never talk about God around her. My coworker actually picked crazy lady up and literally threw her out the door.

Disapproving of homosexual behaviour does not make anyone homophobic, and disapproving of suicide bombers and flying airplanes into skyscrapers is not islamophobic and disapproving of men in the ladies room with my daughter does not make me transphobic. We try to find common ground through language, so when we try to speak post-modern wokese, then disapproval of kind greetings from Christians such as "Merry Christmas" would be defined as Christianphobic.

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