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ANTIWHITEISM - Tribalism, Destructiveness, and Criminality

Sweden has a relatively new problem with gang shootings and bombings where both perpetrators and victims are young. Many are under 18, and the leaders are around ten years older. The murderers who are under 18 years old are "punished," as a rule, with a maximum of four years in an SIS home. The SIS homes are far less punitive than youth prisons, which has allegedly resulted in youths queuing up to take on contract killings for free to build their criminal CVs and accompanying status. Youth prisons existed in Sweden between 1938 and 1979 and are now to be reintroduced. It's not ordinary Swedish teenagers who take on contract killings; most would have a hard time shooting a dog or other pet. The contract killers who shoot the relatives of the rival gang members for free must lack empathy. One has to ask what is wrong with them. It's not about a lack of youth recreation centers.
Unsuccessful schooling increases the risk that young people will "end up" in crime. Note that the young people are portrayed as passive and absolved victims who "end up" in crime. The school debaters do not address the importance of individual IQ for success in school, the difference in average IQ for different groups, or the fact that people with low IQs get low grades or fail even if they make an effort since IQ is taboo.
There is also a denial of Swedish culture, while MSM glorifies gangsta rap and awards prizes to artists who are also gangsters. There is, therefore, a criminal subculture that is rebellious against the outgroup society and its authorities, such as teachers and police, and, in many cases, hateful towards the outgroup fucking Swedes and Swedish whores.

Antiwhiteism, Alienation, and Tribalism

Antiwhiteism is a much more descriptive word than political correctness and reverse racism against whites to describe the omnipresent state of politics. However, the antiwhite West has demonized Western history and nationalism in schools and media since WWII. It has, over time, created alienated citizens opposed to the white man's colonial history, racism, fascism, and Nazism at the same time as the other's history is described as victim of the victimizer West.
In its opposition to the West, the West's antiwhite ingroup seeks allied outgroups that are also hostile to the West in the fight against the arch-outgroup consisting of alleged nationalists, racists, fascists, and Nazis. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Muslims are then seen as a perfect allied outgroup for the antiwhites, as the believing Muslims have an intense hostility towards the West and a significant capital for violence. Most white antiwhites are entirely unaware that their sense of community with Muslims is not viewed the same way from Muslim quarters. The devout Muslim ingroup, on the other hand, sees the white antiwhites as an outgroup consisting of depraved infidels (kafir) acting as useful idiots, a subset of useful idiots useful for the Islamic takeover. When that happens, the white antiwhites will meet the same bloody fate as the Left in Iran in 1979 unless they convert to Islam!
Carin Götblad, Chief of Police at the National Operations Department (NOA), suggests that schoolchildren should learn more about ethics and morality. However, this is not easy since multicultural and multiethnic society is tribal, with many ingroups and many outgroups. Moreover, different belief systems and ideologies treat outgroups very differently.


Ethics are the standards for good & evil and right & wrong imposed upon us by a group like a tribe, culture, religion, society, or business, and morals are one's sense of right and wrong. Hence, there can be a conflict between imposed ethics and personal morals. Different cultures and religions have had very different ethics in different eras. I claim that we align our morals with the ethical system we are born into. Many claim that all cultures have a similar morality, which is only partly valid for ingroup vs. ingroup matters but patently false for how the ingroup treats outgroups. Consider, for example, Japanese law-abiding ingroup relations versus African, Haitian, and US inner city law-less ingroup relations.
There are officially no outgroups in antiwhiteism, but this is not true since alleged racists, fascists, and Nazis have been made a demonized outgroup for many decades. Moreover, the antiwhites have been doing their best to demonize political opponents, adding them to the evil arch-outgroup. This expansion of the arch-outgroup has led to the antiwhites seeing half of the USA as part of it, and the arch-outgroup will be expanded further with Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Man's Capacity For Inhumane Ethics

From the very beginning until recently, human history has been inhumane, as seen with the morality of today: cruel initiation rites, slavery, gladiator games, public executions, cannibalism, human sacrifice, infanticide, senicide, democide, conquest and genocide, endless wars with neighboring tribes, and rulers with "divine" absolute power. These phenomena show the human capacity for vastly different ethics and corresponding personal morals. Despite this, we are being told in school that all cultures more or less have universal ethics, thus implying that all cultures value members of the ingroup, outgroups, and allies roughly the same; this is patently false!
Different cultures and religions, including political correctness or antiwhiteism, differ in their ethics regarding the treatment of those belonging to the ingroup, allied outgroups, irrelevant outgroups, enemy outgroups, and enemy arch-outgroups, respectively. Since there are as many outgroups as ingroups in a multicultural society, it becomes unstable and antagonistic.
The secular religion of antiwhiteism sees itself as having universal ethics where the equal outcome, equity, is a higher goal than equal treatment. Nevertheless, the claimed universalism in political correctness or antiwhiteism was faux from the beginning and was thrown overboard with the introduction of multiculture and identity politics and equity through "positive" discrimination via quotas, et cetera. The discrimination of whites is "justified" with the ridiculous assertion of never-ending alleged white privilege.
Minorities are free and supported in organizing and working hard for their respective ingroup interests and openly expressing their disdain and hatred for Westernkind and Western Civilization. In contrast, White ingroups are tabooed and seen as xenophobic, racist, fascist, Nazi, and evil — the evil arch-outgroup. This type of genetic outgroup favoritism shown by the white antiwhites is unique, destructive, and suicidal.
Exemplified below are some practices that have been or still are actual to this day that are not in line with today's official ethics of Western Civilization. Different times and cultures have seen different ethics and morals.
Honor Cultures
The feminists, the Left, and many antiwhites are more or less indifferent to the patriarchal structure in honor cultures and the actual victims of forced marriages, FGM, honor oppression, and murders since the perpetrators are from allied outgroups and not from the evil arch-outgroup. There is often an antiwhite element in honor killings, for instance, when the daughter has been caught having a Swedish boyfriend, thereby dishonoring the family.
Cruel Entertainment
Ethics have changed with time; Rome and other places had gladiator games on life and death, and not that long ago, public executions were popular entertainment and within the morals of the public.
Slavery is an excellent example of man's capacity for unequal or asymmetric ethics. Most people of a slave-owning tribe or race were okay with it, as in the US before 1865, despite the Declaration of Independence from 1776 stating that "all men are created equal," however it is claimed that it meant that free white men of the Americas and King George III were created equal, not that black slaves were equals to the King or the free.
Human Sacrifice
"While human sacrifice was practiced throughout Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, according to their own accounts, brought this practice to an unprecedented level. For example, for the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself. This number, however, is not universally accepted and may have been exaggerated."
War is the best example of the human capacity for group or tribal ethics. Let us assume you are not a liberal or antiwhite.
In peacetime, it's tabooed and prohibited to kill anyone. But when enemy troops invade your nation, it's still tabooed and prohibited to kill members of the ingroup, but suddenly ordered and commendable to kill as many of the armed enemy outgroup as possible. Some soldiers get PTSD, but most are okay with killing the enemy on the battlefield, and it's much easier to kill remotely from behind a screen or desk. The same goes for civil war.
Civil War
Since "war is the continuation of politics by other means" (Clausewitz), we can assume that this also applies to civil wars.
We have seen democide under Stalin long after the civil war and genocide following a civil war like in Rwanda, where the Hutus planned a "final solution" to exterminate the Tutsis. The pre-revolutionary situation in Russia was complicated but predominantly an intra-ethnic class struggle. Politics can go from peaceful and respectful discussions to full-blown civil war via incrementally increased polarization until an avalanche effect sets in, then it's kill or be killed.
Sharia Law and Group Ethics
There is a Swedish dogma postulating "the equal value of all people;" however, this is not true under Sharia Law, but the white antiwhites don't care.
o4.9 (A: For the rulings below, one multiplies the fraction named by the indemnity appropriate to the death or injury's type of intentionality and other relevant circumstances that determine the amount of a male Muslim's indemnity (def: o4.2-6 and o4.13).) The indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man. The indemnity paid for a Jew or Christian is one-third of the indemnity paid for a Muslim. The indemnity paid of a Zoroastrian is one-fifteenth of that a Muslim. When a miscarriage results from someone having struck the stomach of a pregnant woman (O: or other part of her, or when someone frightens her, resulting in a miscarriage), the indemnity for the fetus is a male or female slave worth one-twentieth of the indemnity payable for killing the fetus's father, or one-tenth that of its mother. (A: The indemnity is whatever they agree upon.)
End quote [114]
understandingthethreat (dot) com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Reliance_of_the_Traveller.pdf
Western Schools Are Actively Undermining The West
Western schools with emphasis on the immorality and horrors of The Holocaust and Nazis teach children story after story about the Crusades against Muslims, the Inquisition of heretics in the name of Christ, medieval cruel punishments of petty thieves, witch burnings, colonialism, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, black slavery, the Indian Wars, genocidal spreading of disease, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynch mobs hanging innocent blacks, the Tulsa Race Massacre, rejection by segregation, rejection by apartheid, police brutality against blacks, prejudiced courts, wrongly executed prisoners, antisemitism and pogroms in the Russian Empire, nationalism, the World Wars, fascism, Nazism, the Holocaust, the atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, McCarthyism, American imperialism in South America and the third world, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, et cetera.
The children internalize the narrative of white guilt through the omnipresent pattern of who the villain is via this veiled act of prosecution with no defense present. The West is compared to Utopia and how the world ought to be; this is a comparison that the West fails—comparing the West to the rest on equal terms is taboo. That would be regarded as blaming the victim since the West would easily win. The West might have a questionable history, but the rest have an even worse history, especially regarding cannibalism, infanticide, senicide, human sacrifice, conquest, torture, and genocide.
The Western schools' message to the small and powerless immature, trusting, and oppositional children is to empathize with the present-day and historical victims of Westernkind and Western Civilization, thereby arousing their anger over the harm the white oppressors and the West have inflicted.
Schools in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the USA teach that those countries were built on stolen land—not conquered but stolen—and they perform Land Acknowledgments before some public events. In Sweden, the Sami have been declared indigenous people even though their ethnicity is only 2000 years old. According to the latest findings, Swedes are descendants of the Yamna or Yamnaya culture that conquered Scandinavia 5000 years ago.


The concept of the only source of ultimate evil is fundamental: As long as the antiwhites deep down in their innate religious modules are one-sidedly fixated with the evils of Hitler-Satan and the West without being able or willing to see evil in Communism, Islam, Islamism, and primitive religions, they will remain stuck in antiwhiteism. Moreover, please note that the white antiwhites would be unable to form unholy alliances with Muslims and defend Islam as a "religion of peace" if Islam and Communism were demonized like Nazism instead of taboo protected respectively neglected.
The above is an evident characteristic of feminists, the LGBTQ+ movement, and the sex & drugs & rock & roll youth defending Islam and Muslims despite knowing they have no shared positive values with Islam and the believing Muslims they so vigorously defend. It's not a matter of lack of intelligence since academia is the root of antiwhiteism.
The Russo-Ukrainian War and Israel-Hamas War illustrate the concept of Hitler as Satan since Putin often is referred to as the new Hitler and the Jews as the new Nazis.
The self-righteousness expressed by the antiwhites follows from the fact that they see themselves as morally superior to anyone and all they can accuse of being associated with Hitler-Satan, mainly white people. Accusations against anyone being a xenophobe, racist, right-wing extremist, fascist, or white supremacist equals guilt of moral vileness. The concept of monosatanism is significantly more profound than that of scapegoats; since you are allowed, mandated, and virtuous to hate the source of ultimate evil and his followers, it's one of the pillars of antiwhiteism.
The feminists, the LGBTQ+ movement, and the sex & drugs & rock & roll youth know that they have nothing positive in common with Islam, Islamists, and believing Muslims. The reason they still defend Islam is that they see Muslims as "the enemy of the enemy is my friend." Hence, the unholy alliance between Muslims and the Left is negatively motivated.
Monosatanism is intimately connected with the identification of a common demonized arch-outgroup as the cause of all groups' alleged suffering. This way, groups with vastly different interests can unite in unholy alliances and fight against the common arch-enemy. Thou shalt have no other Satan than Hitler-Satan!

Contrastive Team Building

One can build group identity around being skilled at something, say soccer or basketball, or being good through, for instance, practicing charity. However, the most effective way is to create a contrastive group identity—us versus them—by demonizing outgroups, reducing them to evil idiots. Then, the ingroup alliance automatically becomes good due to immature/tribal dichotomous thinking. Self-righteousness and hostility are essential to creating an inclusive ingroup.
The contemporary extended arch-outgroup in antiwhiteism consists of the White Positive and Sympathetic Spheres, whites that are not sufficiently antiwhite, Uncle Toms, and "race traitors" where the interests and well-being of all whites and the entire Western Civilization are under attack under the bogus narrative that those interests equal racism, fascism, and Nazism.

Antiwhiteism & Anti-Nationalism Cause Failed Integration

The Swedish school succeeds in making ethnically Swedish children very critical and hostile toward and alienated from Sweden, the Western world, and their history. In addition to the adverse description of Western history, the whole society spreads the myth that Sweden is discriminatory, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and racist. And that those who oppose continued mass immigration are racist, fascist Nazis.
Is anyone then surprised if it succeeds in making non-European immigrant children even more hostile to Sweden, the Swedes, and the rest of the Western world?
How can the establishment, mainstream media, and debaters even expect the successful integration of non-Europeans, especially Muslims, into a country where they use Contrastive Team Building against Westernkind and Western Civilization simultaneously as they declare that "Islam is a religion of peace?"

Denialism vs. Race Realism

The West suffers from the sacred and taboo-protected equality axiom of antiwhiteism, where all ethnicities have the same potential, where all non-biological explanations for different outcomes are accepted, for example, socio-economic factors, poor knowledge of Swedish, discrimination, and racism. Biological explanations, on the other hand, are strictly taboo even though there is an ethnic pattern where Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese succeed as groups throughout the world and have significantly lower crime rates and higher incomes in the West than whites. At the same time, other groups are failing worldwide, even in their home countries.
Psychological traits, including IQ, have a significant genetic correlation of 0.5 and 0.8, respectively. It does not matter if evolution or God created us differently. We can't do anything about it. For decades, schools in vulnerable areas have received much more money per pupil than in well-functioning areas, which has been futile.
Swedish politicians, teachers, and debaters are concerned that Swedish students' results are falling in PISA and demand more resources for schools in vulnerable areas as students with immigrant backgrounds do worse in school. They are mentally stuck in the equality axiom of antiwhiteism, even though talented students with immigrant backgrounds do well, even though the same pattern is repeated throughout the Western world.
It is not honest to discuss the school's problems without mentioning the individual students' IQs, the average IQs of different ethnicities, the lack of discipline in school, and above all, using monosatanism for contrastive teambuilding, making Westernkind and Western Civilization a hated outgroup.
However, the denial above is not surprising as the establishment, politicians, mass media, the school and debaters are antiwhite and anti-Western to varying degrees and thus destructive. They are not looking for solutions that would preserve Sweden and Western Civilization because, according to antiwhiteism, that would be an act of xenophobic, racist, fascist Nazism.
Why could it be that the antiwhites are so keen on continuing a suicidal immigration policy?
*Continued at😘
www.minds (com) /newsfeed/1494327224461955075

pwrmos 5 Apr 19
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Sweden, like all of the EU, have let themselves be tyrannized by Aholes in charge who say you cannot criticize inferior cultures; and, you must let in thousands of military aged perverts.
You are not fighting for whiteness, you are defending civilization from animals imported from SH$$hole countries.

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