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Kamala has now covered the whole of the space—time continuum.

Edgework 8 Apr 21
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Biden is going to Buffalo. Brace for gaffe.


I often note and I’ve talked with many of you about our shared belief that our world is increasingly more interconnected and interdependent.

That is especially true when it comes to the climate crisis, which is why we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements that we will convene to work together on, to galvanize global action.

With that, I thank you all. This is a matter of urgent priority for all of us. And I know we will work on this together.


Mass is a heavy matter. It weighs on us. The Earth is massive. The Earth matters.


The gap between Harris's ears must be one of the hardest vacuums in the universe? Creepy Joe, however has lumpy custard but much of it has dribbled out of his mouth as time goes on.

0 vice presidents:

1 Jefferson
2 Teddy
3 Adams
4 Truman
9 Bush 41
10 Stevenson
13 Ford
15 Biden (ranker voters are delusional)
16 L. Johnson
17 Mondale
25 Gore
26 Nixon
33 Rockefeller
40 Burr
41 R.M. Johnson
42 Andrew Johnson
43 Quayle
44 Agnew
45 Fillmore
46 Cheney

Harris is excluded from the rankings, which means that even Democrats ranked Harris last.

Republicans hate Cheney.

Mondale doesn't deserve #17. The job of a VP is to win the presidency, and Mondale lost in a landslide.

How would you rank the VPs?


Harris was appointed Border Czar, to defend the border.

Harris was appointed War Czar, to stop Russia from invading Ukraine.

Harris is now the Space Czar, Chairman of the National Space Council. The Defender of the Earth.

Imagine an alien landing his ship on the White House lawn and saying: "take me to your leader". Awkward. It will turn out that the guy in the Easter bunny suit is the real leader.

I hypothesize that the alien will snub the White House and land at Mar a Lago.

The alien ship sports a bumper sticker saying "Trump won".

As it happens, NASA has an official position called the Planetary Protection Officer. What a badass job title. This person is in charge of defending the Earth from alien microbes.

Harris's space speech wasn't given to 5 year olds. It was given to astronauts.

Kennedy declared that America shall get its ass to the moon, and Kennedy got America's ass to the moon. Since then, NASA declined. The moon missions were the Last Great Government Project. Since then, all the cool stuff was done by JPL.

Earthlings screwed up government so bad that our only hope is to be colonized by aliens. I will embrace the aliens and join them. I'm waving a towel around.

Aliens consider leftism to be a dangerous plague, and the Earth has been scheduled for extermination. A notice is posted on the social media platform at Alpha Centauri.

Leftists think Trump is an alien. They're wrong. Trump is very human, and all-American. Trump re-incarnated the spirit of the Founding Fathers. Trump is a fine specimen of American.


Space between the ears where no real thought has even gone.


When I first saw a snippet of that statement, I too thought: vapid. However, in the larger context I GET what she was saying and as a sci-fi fan, agree with the CONCEPT. But she spoke as a 5 yr old trying to get across a 10 yr old's thought. Punching up. With the hand of a 5 yr old. At a 10 yr old. Three feet taller. With a binky in her hand.

Her reach exceeds her grasp. She aspires to profundity but has neither the vision nor the communication skills to pull it off.


When Pence was VP, every chance he got to speak, he delivered cool Republican talking points. Republicans have cool talking points. Democrats don't. They have to fill their speeches with fluff.

Palin had charm, and she had the sincere MAGA message. Drill baby drill. But she didn't have intellectual firepower. Trump has the firepower.

Palin was right about drilling, and she's lording over it.

Pence destroyed Kane in the VP debate.

Not only is Pence a good speaker, he also has a mighty poker face. His poker face at State of the Union addresses is epic.

Harris has a weak poker face. She bursts out in cackling.


The MochaVeep identifies with space -- it is everywhere and is all that exists between her ears.


Now with this latest of her oracular utterances I can comfortably state that Ms. Harris is the leader we’ve all been yearning for. Finally I can get a good night’s sleep.


@Edgework @timon_phocas @eschatologyguy

Harris has a speechwriting staff, and this is the best she can do. It may be that Harris is writing her own speeches.

Democrats created a Frankenstein monster with Biden, and the monster busted loose and is out of control. Biden speaks extemporaneously. Democrats are horrified. They have to walk back what Biden says. Then they have to walk back the walk backs. They deployed an Easter bunny to shepherd Biden.

Democrats don't circle back. They walk back.

Decisions are made in a smoke-filled room. If you're not in the room, you lose.

Oligarchs are making the decisions in a smoke-filled room and then they give orders to politicians. Biden is not in the room. Democrat voters are not in the room, and they have zero say in executive policy. If Biden does something that Democrat voters don't like, there's not a damn thing they can do about it. Nice job dumbasses.

Democrats think Trump is a tyrant, but Trump is transparent and flexible. Trump can make deals. Trump invites Democrats into the room. Onto his golf course.

The current administration is a dictatorship, and we don't know who's giving the orders.

"Harris has a speechwriting staff, and this is the best she can do. "
I had not considered just how bad her verbal diarrhea was. It's a couple levels worse than I thought.

There's a popularity floor and I assumed Biden was it but Harris showed me just how wrong I was.

"The current administration is a dictatorship, and we don't know who's giving the orders."
Looks like Obama is the next step up. Psaki statements indicate that to me atleast. Don't know who has influence over Obama.


Obama is not an original thinker. He didn't produce a single original thought. He also never produced a complex thought. He's not capable of being a mastermind.

Trump is original and complex.


Harris's speeches are like Vogon poetry.

@jaymaron Obama is smart but in no way creative or original. His brains and charisma make him look like the frontman (Davey Jones of the Monkees.) He's good enough not to need full scripts but still who sends Obama the bullet points to follow?

I think Trump looks more complex than he is. Running on platform X and then getting X accomplished confuses the crap out of the cathedral. Simple honesty looks complex in this situation. Not to say Trump didn't leave time bombs behind for the long game ie tax returns etc.
(definition of Cathedral: elitist, dogmatic pricks in charge.)

@jaymaron I can't stand even short stretches of a couple seconds. What was the process to find someone less personable than Hillary Clinton? Oh! Nor good enough! She has to speak at a 2nd grade level.

Children look at her in horrified fascination when she speaks! How!? What process brought them to her?!?!?

@jaymaron Can't be quite that bad. Listening to that is supposed to be fatal.

Obama poses as a nice guy. Charming and down to Earth.

Behind the scenes he was running attacks on Republicans, with maximum malice. Obama is not a nice guy, and he's furthermore dishonest.

Obama didn't get to the Senate by himself, and he didn't get the Presidency by himself. He's like a turtle on a table. You know it didn't get there by itself.

Harris was a tribal pick. Biden promised to choose the VP based on tribal identity.

Hillary was a tribal pick. Her slogan was "I'm with her".

Jackson is a tribal pick.

When Democrats make tribal picks, they invariably chose a weak member of the tribe. Not a good specimen.


Howdy @Edgework,

Nobody has to make up Kamala Harris jokes. All you have to do is quote her...

Biden can at least blame senile dementia. What Kamala's excuse?


The past year has confirmed that Biden is brain dead and that Harris is dumb.

Dan Quayle is no longer America's dumbest VP.


That's deep!

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