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The 8 Genders of the Talmud

1patriot 9 June 8
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The three Abrahamic religions; Christian, Jewish and Muslim can't agree. All religions are a distortion of the truth. As for Satanic? Jesus proclaimed three times that the Devil is Lord of the Earth. More basis for dissenting voices, but the sun will still rise tomorrow.

True, but in the process of being dethroned. Also, Islam just claims to be an Abrahamic faith. In actuality, it is a Christian cult. They say they believe in Jesus, but the Jesus they present is a whole lot different to the Jesus of the bible (didn't even die or get buried and - more importantly - wasn't resurrected, as prophesied in the OT), and the god they worship is not the God of the bible, just the Arab moon god in disguise. That's why you have suicide bombers, decapitations, Jihad and the practice of slavery in one and not in the other.

@eschatologyguy You Ass/U/Me that which you read in the bible is true??

@WayneHawthorne Boy, this will be a long one.

I'm not one to just throw my hat into a belief system blindly. Mine is a reasonable faith. God says this in the bible:

Isaiah 46:9-10
"Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure."

God here puts His credibility on the line, so to speak, by the accuracy of future events which He declares through His prophets. There are hundreds of examples, down to even some humorous ones. For example, the Dead Sea scrolls discovered in the caves of Qumran were Carbon-dated, and among them was the scroll of Zacharia, which was Carbon-dated to be around 150 BC. In Zacharia 12:10, talking about a still-future event when Israel will finally be reconciled with the Messiah, we read:

"And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn."

Here you have verifiable evidence of Christ's crucifixion 183 years before the fact, the scars of which will finally convince the Jews that the One they rejected was the One foretold to come.

One of the many prophecies regarding the coming of Christ is found in Daniel 9:25. Here the angel Gabriel announced to Daniel (note: the Israelites were still being held as slaves in Babylon, which was later supplanted by the Medo-Persian Empire) that from the decree of King Ataxerxes in March 14, 445 BC, there would be "69 weeks" until the coming of the Messiah. As it turned out, this cryptic prophecy meant 69 weeks of years. That would make it 483 years or exactly 173,880 days, terminating on Aug 6, 32AD. And happened on April 6, 32AD? Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a foal of a donkey (ref Zach 9:9) in what is famously known as the Triumphal Entry. But the religious leaders failed to figure out Dan 9:25 (they could have just waited by the city gates on that day to see who would drop by), and Jesus held them accountable for it in Luke 19:41-44 ("because thou knew not the time of they visitation" ). This resulted in their rejection of the Messiah and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple 38 years later, in 70AD. And the Diaspora.

The humorous prophecy I mentioned earlier pertained to Isaiah. More than a century before the Medo-Persian King Cyrus was even born, we read this in Isaiah 45:1

"Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;"

Almost 2 centuries later, we read the famous "writing on the wall" (Dan 5:5-6) passage in Daniel. The Babylonian King Belshazzar, realizing he was about to be deposed and killed, "loosened his loins". That's a polite way of saying that he crapped in his royal robe before a thousand of his nobles at a banquet. That very night Cyrus' vast army marched into Babylon's gate unopposed after his engineers rerouted the Euphrates River which fed the city's defensive moat. Even the drying up of the river was prophesied almost 2 centuries earlier (Isaiah 44:27-28).

Perhaps the most recent one is the gathering of the scattered Jews back into their own land (Ezekiel 11:17; Jer 23:7-8, Amos 9:15). This was fulfilled in 1948, and most of the world thought nothing of it, saying the bible is fairy tales and God does not exist.

Now here's the kicker: They shall not be pulled out from that land "though all the people of the earth gather against it" (Zach 12:3). I do not know about you, but I would not bet in favor of Israel's enemies.

There are two big wars coming, the first between Israel and the surrounding nations which are currently in "Abrahamic" peace accords with it (Obadiah 1:7-21). The second will be an even bigger, wider one, maybe a decade or less from the first one. That will be a terrible time. Nukes will apparently be widely used, thus we have Matt 24:22. Matt 24:22 is a technological statement. You cannot have total annihilation of all flesh with just swords, cannons, muskets and bayonets.

I can go on, but this will already be very long.

You want to put your faith in science? This plandemic has just unmasked how corrupt those in the scientific community can be.


The Talmud is not God-breathed and not scripture, that's why it contradicts the bible in so many ways. I would even say it is Satanic.


😂 wokeness hits Judaism.
No, there are still only 2 genders. You can be a male that feels like a female...but you're still a male. And what does fertility have to do with gender?
I have a feeling that some woketard decided to reinterpret some key words and give them different definitions. Nothing new in religion or anywhere else.

Tom81 Level 8 June 8, 2021

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