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Prison is horrifying. A society that punishes is evil. Revenge is not civilized. If as a society, you don't want somebody, either kill him, or kick him out, or give him the choice. You don't have the moral high ground to go around judging others and punishing them. Get rid of what you don't want with the same respect you kill the animals you eat. As humane and painless as possible. You are the baddies by neglecting the responsibility of having some balls and making the decision. If you have the balls to impose yourself and your system on unsuspecting newborns, have the balls to not being a hypocritical asshole and kill off the undesirables out right. Stop. Punishing. People. And stop pretending to be trying to help criminals. Could y'all just stop being such fucking hypocrites all the time? Jails are horrifying, every second of it. And the neglect of you not fighting to stop human cruelty should be criminal on its own. That's why I don't give a shit about animal cruelty. Not until human cruelty is abolished. FUCK THE PLANET TOO. STOP HUMAN CRUELTY. STOP PRIORITIZING ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING OTHER THAN YOUR BROTHERS. If you cannot see how sick, disturbing and psychotic this is, I don't know what to tell you. But what can you expect from a society that laughs at people who cry. Mocking somebody who is hurting is just as intellectually degrading as thinking that 2 + 2 = cotton candy. The crazy ones who are fearful of other humans are much smarter than the stupid geniuses building up AI as if we didn't have enough lives being neglected already, as far as I'm concerned. You people are truly scary.

A1fredo 8 Nov 21
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Wtf? Private property rights dictate people can't just be expelled and why would there be a false dichotomy of that sort in punishment for things like writing bad checks or assault?

Well does that justify prison though? I would say no. Prison is worse than death. At the very, very least they should have optional euthanasia at any time. But how about we stop creating AI for two seconds to get some minds on alternative options? Surely we can think of another way that does not involve putting people in cages.

@A1fredo Some people deserve to be caged, especially when liberals block the executions they deserve. Some are too dangerous to put back on the streets. Sentencing should not be based on the feels of offenders.

@MissBelloc "Some deserve to be caged." Well, what are you basing it on? Because the OPINIONS of the majority are in no way more objective than the feels of offenders. If you want to work out better -objective- standards, sure. But to use the social perceptions of people to judge them is called "the tyranny" of the majority, and it is extremely unfair. Outcasts are not taken into account when it comes to any of society's perspectives, and you can't blame them for having to do whatever it is they need to do in order to have a chance to survive within that society. In case you don't know, being isolated and neglected by society is so painful that it drives lots of people to suicide. And you simply won't get a crime-free society until you take everybody's fifis into account. When you say you don't want murder, or babies being raped; that's based on the majority's fifis. It's not fair to invalidate an outcasts psychological and emotional needs by just regarding them as "their feels."


Fucking hell dude, take your HRT, you're fucking insane.

I am open to talk about it if you have any arguments. I haven't read any so far.

@A1fredo Prison is basically being put on time out from society as punishment. Nothing wrong with it.

@MissBelloc You have clearly never been to prison. Being there is worse than death for some. There are lots wrong with it.

@A1fredo Nope I haven't. But the vast array of crimes out there shouldn't be reduced to a false dichotomy of expulsion vs execution.

@MissBelloc I am not saying they should. Lots of "crimes" should not be regarded as so. There's lots, and lots, and lots of room for improvement in there.

@A1fredo "When you say you don't want murder, or babies being raped; that's based on the majority's fifis." NO NO NO, that's based on a basic moral principle of not harming others, especially the vulnerable, as I said, absolutely fucking insane.

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