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Here's the thing. Revenge is not justice. If you want to get rid of someone's behavior as a society, kill him. Period. Euthanasia will do. You're not sure enough? Well, that may be your subconscious letting you know you don't have the moral authority to punish anybody. So either take the time to work with him on whatever issues he may have, or put him down. Punishment is oppression at best, sadism at the level of the animal human instinct. And if no one in society cares enough to take the time, then why pretend we care? That's just a waste of time and resources on the collective. That easy. You care. Then care. Personally. With him. Don't care? Bah-bye. Otherwise, we'll never get past all our blah blah pretense as if we were actually willing to listen, just because it's the only way we can get the attention of someone in a way that makes us feel as if they care. Get it? Care. Care. Care. Care.

Because you don't. If you don't, bah-bye. Stop being lying hypocrites. I'm sick of it.

A1fredo 8 Aug 26
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Revenge in the long run is probably one of the best mechanisms for keeping peace. A fear or retaliation is powerful deterrent in its own right. Reason why cold war period, a conflict between Soviet Russia and United States didn't end in total annihilation with atomic bombs. Fear of retaliation. Fear of revenge can be a powerful peace keeper.

"No country without an atom bomb could properly consider itself independent." - Charles de Gaulle

You say: If you want to get rid of someone's behavior as a society, kill him. Period.

And who gets to decided that and who is killed and who in not killed? And by what criteria? In prisons you have Shot Callers, in Mafia you have sit downs, not sure how they call it in Cartels, but you need rules. Its the only thing keeping us from dog eat dog world. If you didn't have hierarchy and rules , than people would kill each other for and little insult and that is bad for business, so even criminal organizations, much less nations have to establish the rules. You didn't offer any.

I think you speak emotionally, with anger, you don't seem to be thinking historically or even practically. You need too look at what has been tried before and which methods work better than others. Otherwise you just ranting how you personally feel, which is understandable but not helpful and that won't help solve problems of society that you criticize.

You blame the society, but you are part of it. Run for public office, or get to position of power and do something about it.

“The ruling power is always faced with the question, ‘In such and such circumstances, what would you do?’, whereas the opposition is not obliged to take responsibility or make any real decisions.” ― George Orwell

1st, I live in México. I am stuck, our society is dysfunctional and there is no social mobility. Trust me, if I were in a n actual country, I would be in office already.

2nd, I do speak emotionally, I don't see anything wrong with that. Expressing your emotions is healthy as long as you do it with forethought. Emotions aren't just something we came up with for free, they have their very essential evolutionary functions. They aren't just something to be ignored. Why are we expected to be soulless? There is no motivation without passion. Emotions are extremely underappreciated in our contemporary society.

3rd, the problem with emotions is how they can easily manipulate your judgement if you are not self-aware. i am extremely experienced with it, that's why I feel so comfortable and confident expressing it. However, allow me to respectfully point to how you were focusing on a certain part of what I said and completely ignored my actual point.

I said "You have no moral authority to punish anyone." You should be able to assume I also think that you have no moral authority to kill anyone... shouldn't you? However, we just go around doing all this immoral shit all the time, because we don't care, just pretend to care. The part you seemes to miss however is the "And if no one in society cares enough to take the time, then why pretend we care? That's just a waste of time and resources on the collective. That easy. You care. Then care. Personally. With him.....just because it's the only way we can get the attention of someone in a way that makes us feel as if they care. Get it? Care. Care. Care. Care." I repeated it four times. Care. Care. Care. Care.

You see, "compassion" and "altruism,' and all those do-goody thingies are more overused in society than sex in marketing. So people seem to have lost the sensitivity to real altruistic ideas. You can say "Hey, let's care for the innocent, let's make sure our Justice System is about helping those who have lost their way," and stuff all day and night. It's like they have lost their meaning. People just poof there's nothing there, in their heads when they hear stuff like that. So when you REALLY mean to push compassion into society, you need to get their attention by pointing how hypocritical they are being. That's why I say, "Wanna punish people? Don't be a sadistic pussy, that's evil. Just kill em all off." That makes sense. You should be able to realize though you shouldn't be killing people off because you are not perfect either, so the "Care. Care. Care. Care." part should have taken over the message.

But people just poof....

@A1fredo I am still a bit hazy about what you aim to accomplish by repeating phrase " care". Seems like a misplaced word. I would advice, understand before care. Care seems like a misplaced emotion here in the context of society and revealing about the one criticizing it. Caring about society in the way you express it sounds more like you feel powerless and frustrated for it, so you react emotionally about what you perceive as injustice.

That leads me to think about two things. Please forgive me for trying to psychoanalyze you. Its a habit.

First... have you heard about that expression: Your perception of me is a reflection of you. My reaction to you is an awareness of me? In other words: Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Which brings me to second point... Maybe you should really focus on what you can change, instead of feeling angry about what you cannot change. Change what you cannot accept, and accept what you cannot change. That is the trick , isn't it. When we are faced with something we cannot changed , we are forced to change how we see it.

Think about that.

@KrunoS You don't "care about society." "Society" isn't real. You ought to care about individuals. But nobody does that. And stop attacking my emotions. Wheter I am saying stuff because of this or that, it doesn't matter. Deal with the argument per se. My motivations are not the topic.Think about that.... which is a reprehensibly condescending tactic. Feel superior? Good for you. Now, that's shameful in my book. Newsflash, you aren't. We are both stupid as every human being. Get over yourself.

@A1fredo You took friendly advice, as attack on you. I guess you prove my point.

You are angry because you feel helpless. Its ok to be angry, its not ok to lose control. I am afraid your anger won't solve much and will give you more headache than you need. But if that is the path you have chosen, its hard to present argument that would persuade you otherwise.

Obviously, you came here to vent, not to debate. I came her to debate not to vent. You can't give solutions to a man who has a problem for every solution because he does not want a solution, he depends on the problem. It gives him purpose. And so he naturally defends it. Its a classic.

“Neurotics complain of their illness, but they make the most of it, and when it comes to taking it away from them they will defend it like a lioness her young.” ― Sigmund Freud

“The tenacity with which the neurotic adheres to any attitude is a sure indication that the attitude fulfills functions which seem indispensable in the framework of his neurosis.” ― Karen Horney, Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization

Since this is your thread, I'm not welcome here. I came her to debate not to vent. I'll excuse myself accordingly than. Best of luck with your crusade. 🙂

@KrunoS Perhaps you should apply that same level of introspection for yourself because you took the same friendly advise as an attack on you. And yes, I am angry. Some of us can actually control our emotional impulses. You try not being angry when you are hungry, and let me know how successful you are. Or are the hungry supposed to keep their mouths shut? Perhaps the way I talk sound tough to you. That's what living in hardship every seconds does to you. Taht doesn't mean I'm angry, I just don't have the time or patient to be all soft and cuddly when talking because of the whole dying of starvation thing. Not quite leading to a soothing mood.

@KrunoS Ugh, you lack enough terms in English for anger, so I sound like I'm contradicting myself. In Spanish, "enojado" means angry with an external reason, and looking for action to let it out. "Molesto" means angry without an external reason like due to hunger, not looking to take it out on anyone, but certainly moody. They're very different.

@A1fredo Why don't you do something about it and use the energy to build something and change place where you live or people around you. Right now you are using that energy to blame others or to to play a victim story. Use the energy instead on something productive and responsible. If you can.

@KrunoS Wow, brilliant idea. Don't you think I would have done that already if there was that kind of option? To move you need resources. You need time. You need some sort of influence in order to get accepted. And excuse you, but I am not playing a victim. Whether or not I'm a victim, I guess that would be up to whoever is judging, up to which standards he would like to set for the victimhood status. But "playing the victim" implies an intention to make others feel pity in order to get something in return as personal gain. I do think I am a victim. And I am working my ass off doing everything I possibly can to get out of it. I may be lame, stupid and unsuccessful, but I ain't asking for shit. Am I? And even if I were... should victims shut the fuck up and don't ask for help? Is that your point? And that's why I hate hypocrisy so much. I can live with victimhood, i can live with hardship, I just really, seriously can't stand people being all lovey-dovey pretending to care about others when they don't. Words are emptier than my stomach and that makes me sick.

@KrunoS Especially, it's always uttered from their high horse as if that all-words-no-action actually did anything for anyone. It truly makes me sick to my stomach.

@A1fredo Oh. Well.

"You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."
Navajo proverb

@KrunoS Oh, well. You can't stop an asshole from being an asshole. Look at the Safety, Happines, Cost, Health, Education and Time indexes here [] and then tell me how it is my personal fault for living in the only country with a negative cumulative index there. Go ahead. Or if you decide to ignore this, at least stop pretending you are better than anybody, and not to be an asshole. I wouldn't be picking on a victim who is at least trying like you do.

@A1fredo There you go again. Blaming your country, saying you are victim of circumstances. Apparently world owes you perfect conditions. Well, I've got bad news for you. World owes you nothing. It was here first. Its up to you to make the best with what you have, not bitch and moan about what you don't have.

History is filled with great men who were born in difficult times and places and still made the most of it. Have you ever read a biography of Genghis Khan? You should. You might feel embarrassed for thinking you had ti hard.

@KrunoS I am doing something, so suck it.

Between that and the Indexes I presented to you before, there is no more proving I could possibly do. It's on you to realize you're too arrogant to admit you're wrong. So after I've tried to help an asshole to stop being one, there's nothing else I can do to help you. So suck it for being such an asshole to me. Wow, really playing the victim here.

@A1fredo Your situation reminds me of book called "Man’s Search for Meaning", where psychiatrist and neurologist Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) wrote about his ordeal as a concentration camp inmate during the Second World War. Interestingly, he found that those who survived longest in concentration camps were not those who were physically strong, but those who retained a sense of control over their environment.

He observed:

We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms—to choose one’s own attitude in any given set of circumstances—to choose one’s own way.

Frankl’s message is ultimately one of hope: even in the most absurd, painful, and dispiriting of circumstances, life can be given a meaning, and so too can suffering. Life in the concentration camp taught Frankl that our main drive or motivation in life is neither pleasure, as Freud had believed, nor power, as Adler had believed, but meaning.

According to Frankl, meaning can be found through:

1 Experiencing reality by interacting authentically with the environment and with others,
2 Giving something back to the world through creativity and self-expression, and
3 Changing our attitude when faced with a situation or circumstance that we cannot change.

Frankl is credited with coining the term "Sunday neurosis" to refer to the dejection that many people feel at the end of the working week when at last they have the time to realize just how empty and meaningless their life has become. This existential vacuum may open the door on all sorts of excesses and compensations such as neurotic anxiety, avoidance, binge eating, drinking, overworking, and overspending. In the short-term, these excesses and compensations carpet over the existential vacuum, but in the longer term, they prevent action from being taken and meaning from being found.

"Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. The point is not what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us." Viktor Frankl

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