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Mansplaining, White fragility, cisgender, social justice, etc. Love is a battlefield, and if science were a battlefield, you would win. Culture is the current battlefield. Please. Give up your ego, and let the soldiers who can help you win here take over on your behalf: creative types, poets, lyricists, writers, painters, singers, musicians, photographers, videographers, dancers, sculptors, etc. Those are the tools, philosophers, conceptual artists and spiritual people are the brains here. Science relies on the scientific method. There is no empiricism when it comes to culture. Accept you are not a gold coin who is the best for every situation. Learn to appreciate those people you thought they were useless before. Haven't you tried enough with demonstrably disastrous failures? You're not really doing anything anyway. You know all those people who praise your brains, and your pragmatism? Well, let me tell you a secret: emotional people feel oppressed. STOP. Opressed people DON'T DO THAT. Oppressed people shut the fuck up and leave so they can be themselves alone. Invite them back in. Encourage them. There is no cheapest people to incentivize than emotional people. Just want them, learn to appreciate them. Wouldn't you if they were able to help here? They can. Just try. Stop bringing logic and reason to a Culture War.

A1fredo 8 Aug 12
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Artists poets writers use trial and error to come up with potent expression, how is that not scientific method? If at first you don't succeed, try "try again".

that is just not the cientific method. That is just plain old trial and error. The cavemen weren't being all scientistry (sp? haha I'm lazy) when they tried to light up a fire and failed, and then tried again.

Plus, those are bad amateurish poets and writers. Real artistry takes more skills than that. They are not monkeys with typewriters.

Besides, that's not the point! My point is, get on creating art instead of fighting about semantics 😛 Come on!

@A1fredo theisus and outcome...trial and error. ..observe and record... I don't see how it is that separate an application whether through the discovery of self expression or the discovery of dna

@CuriousFury Come on, man. The scientific methods has like four specific steps, that I don\t wanna research, it\s not an important point. Plus, it only works with objectively quantifiable data. Culture works with subjetive "stuff"--What's your argument? Do you think you can fight arts with science? I don't see the point of this argument.

@squid1492 Yes, but that does not mean emotions are a net negative or that they shouldn't be taken into account. Look, demotions get in the way of reason when you let them cloud your judgement in regards to the hierarchy of values. They make you feel things are more important than they really arr, and you realize it later. You just gotta bee objective about that and have to learn to value them properly. Most people can't, but that's only lack of discipline, not that it can't be done. It's necessary because they will always be factor in anything human related. People in power should just take an emotional expert advisor so they can help them value things properly when decision making. You cannot expect people to be skilled in both realms, so you cannot leave decision making to any one person. They will never be correct because they lack the perspective of the other side. Sociology and psychology are not sciences.

@squid1492 I know my Jordan Peterson. I don't know his exact position of this, but I recall him saying psyyquiatry is a brand of engeneering not science in the Camile Paglia interview. They have an Academic institution, yes. Women Studies too. That doesn't make them science.And yes, mathematics are very much interrelated with music. Let me give you my perspective in arts: arts is the communication protocol from the environment straight to you subsconsiouss bypassing the counscious firewall just like we a NAT transversal tunnel, baby. The subconscious being the realm of the limbic system and the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is the one in charge of the physical. The arts it handles are the ones that connect to your senses. Aesthetics. It enjoys the visual pleasure, the appreciation of music, etc. Those things that cause a physical reaction in your body like when your body hair stands up because of a piece of music let's say. That's all good and fine. It is completely mathematically based and can br figured out. But it's the arts for the limbic system that I'm talking about. The other ones are meant for pleasure and immediate physical responses, but won't subtly modify your behaviour like the ones that cause you to feel. Those arts talk directly to your emotions and make you feel something that your limbic system was able to understand but your conscious mind didn't.

I don't consider them sciences, and I have an argument, but I don't have all the knowledge in my brain and would back in order to make it. And I don't wanna do that because I don't think it's such an important point. So fine, they're sciences.... I'm sorry, I don't mean to be disrespectful by not engaging. I just think this particular difference isn't quite worth it. The core point though is. Would that make a difference?

The only difference it would make is if you thought that it being "science" that would make aguments based on those "sciences" to be treated like dogmatic truths. And that is just wrong. Once again,, I cannot remember the source for this,, but one of the basics of science ii's that you do not take any of it as holy scripture and you should consider it may be wrong. Because it is meant to be built upon. Be questioned all the time. So it shouldn't matter either way, you should be able to question the "science" either way.

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