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Hey, you guys!

I felt inspired and wrote this silly article on "Can We Please Have The Conversation About Racism And Get It Over With?" and I would really like it if somebody read it, and maybe actually enjoy it. Still great if not, except for the whole wasting your time if you don't enjoy it thing though 😟 You know what I mean... Thanks! n_n


A1fredo 8 Aug 3
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For the blacks willing to have a conversation - they already are aware of the problems, have left the 'ghetto of irrational thought' and are engaged with and succeeding IN "polite society". The number of such blacks is increasing while the upper tier inciters (the celebs and talking heads and race baiters) and the activists use the lowest rung to provide shock troops gets more radical. This includes blacks in political positions.

The VAST majority (90+) of whites DON'T CARE about race. Really, we don't. We understand the history - its HISTORY. And to the rest of the whites - liberal, woke, progressive white knights who demean blacks by pretending that 'those poor blacks can't do this themselves they NEED US to do it for them', well, that patronizing superior BS plays into the inciters/activists play book and as noted, they have ZERO interest in a conversation.

I agree. We can't let them continue like that though. Plus, isn't it our (your) responsibility to both your country and to them as Americans to reach out to them somehow? If nothing happens... I can't even tell...

@A1fredo You make the same mistake they do - NO, it is not our responsibility. It is NOT an obligation the 'enlightened' have to bear on behalf of the 'unenlightened'. THAT is the point of individual responsibility - a classical liberal position. While a faith might require us to be our brother's keeper, and if it is a burden you are given then may grace go with you, but I can't, won't, assume a responsibility that doesn't belong to me.

At some point, children must learn to walk and fall down and pick themselves up. If you always help, they never learn.

@tracycoyle So... it's okay to let the country get destroyed if they just won't stop by themselves?

@A1fredo The country is not getting destroyed. It is failing because responsibility is either abdicated or misplaced.

@tracycoyle Okay... it's okay to let the country fail if they just won't stop themselves?

@A1fredo Yes. Hard as that is to understand. If you remove the consequences of choices people don't learn to stop making bad choices. Even when it is an entire society seeking to self destruct. The alternative is ALWAYS tyranny of the most heinous kind.

@tracycoyle My country is dependant on the US. And I've had it bad enough here. I've got to do something. Otherwise, it's like giving up on the opportunity to finally have some sort of a life beyond Mexican slavery. It would be better to just kill myself off already if there is nothing better to come.

@A1fredo Consider it the benefit of being old - I've seen this country in WORSE racial conditions; I've seen this country in worse financial conditions; I've seen this country in worse political conditions.

Things change. The ebb and flow of society, from peace/prosperity to war/famine, operates on longer time spans than that average person's awareness. Look where we were just 8 months ago. In 8 months it will be different again.

If YOU believe you have nothing to contribute, that there is no VALUE to your life - GET PROFESSIONAL HELP.

My 'past', the aspect noted first in my bio, has a 40% suicide rate, has an 80% drug/alcohol abuse rate. I'm one of those 60/20% that had neither - because, regardless of the outside world, I VALUED ME above everything else.

Get your internal house in order - the outside world will still be there.

@tracycoyle Aren't you lucky. I have value to contribuute. I built up, which include the Culture Wars Timeline projects, and the Evidence Archive. Also working on and my main project is a 10-episode mini series called E|Motivo which I'm soon to launch.

And I can't get professional help. I am struggling to even just getting by food.

So lucky you that can afford not to care about the rest of us anymore, as we deal with the messes you've made of this world.

So you should be ashamed of paraphrasing Jordan Peterson if you are going to have such morals.

@A1fredo I AM lucky. My parents choose to live their homeland and come to the United States. They demanded education, they respected others, they showed love for their children. I had a 'step up' by their efforts.

YOU are in another country - change it. I get YOU are alone and in a sea of corruption and within a failed nation. That doesn't make it the United States obligation to step in to help.

I care, I'm just neither obligated nor responsible. This country donates more to other Countries than anyone else - and most of that aid comes from ordinary Americans. BILLIONS goes to your country - sucked up by your corrupt system.

I don't, haven't, listened to Jordan Peterson except for about 5 minutes of a video about 2 years ago - and I passed on bothering any further. So, I am neither ashamed, nor intentionally 'channeling' him. If we happen to say some of the same things it is because much of what is reality is observable to those interested in looking.

I am glad you contribute. I have too.

@tracycoyle Wow... I cannot believe... Er... Have you seen "Cruel Intentions," the 90s movie? There's this scene where Cecile's mom is being a racist towards her daugther's black music teacher. After he demands respect from her politely, she responds something like: "Don't get me that crap. I donate to a black charity regularly" or something like that.

That's all I had to say, I don't mean to be more unpleasant that I need to be. Tahnk you for keep answering my questions, I appreciate it.

@A1fredo No I haven't seen the movie (I tend towards sci-fi). However, sounds like she is a typical white liberal. Racist and virtue signaling. I IMMEDIATELY dismiss someone that demands respect. I don't care whom they are.

If you are suggesting that I am similar to the woman noted, I disagree.

@tracycoyle You would know better than me.


This is the white guy Honestly saying way I feel for real, no filter

Blacks sold their own people . Life was so primitive in Africa that the blacks thought it would be better to be a slave in America than a free (but starving) man in Africa.

Blacks continually score lower on academics! This is reproducible fact. We can try it anytime. Whites and Asians advanced much faster.

This don’t make slavery right!!!!
But it’s fact.

Any country (in Africa) ruled by blacks is a shit hole of corruption compared to white lead countries in Africa.

Blacks are better off in America even though they were oppressed in the past

stop whining and get a degree/job<<

Whites should not Mary blacks or Vice versa

PS>> most blacks here have at least some white mixed in. That’s why sub-Sahara Africans score much lower on IQ than the mixed blacks here

** The Egyptians were NOT Negros. They were more Semitic (Persian/Arab)

But, black and whites are both Enslaved by the rich Jew bankers. Blacks and Whites have a common enemy

NOW- u wanted to put the real feeling out. U asked for it

That is correct. I agree. It's the same with Mexico. I would much rather be a slave in past America than to be a working "free" man in Mexico. Let alone a FREE man in contemporary America! It is incredible they are still complaining.

One little thing though. About marriage, that is incorrect. There is no "should" or "shouldn't" when it comes to love and other people's personal lives. Isn't America land of the free? That would include to have any kind of children they would like to, for better or for worse. Right?

I am proud of my race. That’s not hate. I want to preserve my race. Nothing wrong with this

@SocialDarwin More power to you. And I never mentioned hate. What you talking about? What I do say is that you can preserve your race, go for it. But you can't make other people do the same as you just because you want them to.



Are u Catholic?

@SocialDarwin No....


Blacks don’t want a conversation about racism despite what they say, they want to give a monologue that white people will be forced to listen to and it goes something like this: You are all evil and racist and it’s in your DNA and all black people are oppressed by you. Therefore the rules need to be changed to subjugate all white people and benefit all black people.

I understand, I've been following all that's going on. What I had in mind when I wrote it is that maybe some people could be persuaded to go back to civility. I'm not saying it is persuasive, just that it was what I had in mind. And I realize there's lots of people who are willingly blackmailing your society for their own personal gain. I have been trying to propose stuff you guys could try to help out, but nobody listens or seem to care; and about that, there's pretty much nothing I can do without resources and from outside the country. I wish I could. Even Latinos doing the same thing piss me off. It's reprehensible.

@A1fredo you seem like a well meaning guy but since you don’t actually live here I don’t think you have a realistic perspective on what is actually going on here. If you’re getting your information from mainstream sources you are being lied to. Black people in this country have been spoon fed propaganda for generations now telling them that they can’t possibly make it on their own through hard work and self discipline, the bogeyman of “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” will always crush their every efforts so they don’t even try anymore and are filled with nothing but hate and rage for all whites, as well as Asians and any other racial and demographic group that is more successful than them. It’s far too late I’m afraid for any “conversation” to fix things.

@Andyman Actually, I think A1fredo is exactly right! nothing will change unless something changes. There are millions of blacks who don't fit your pigeonholed view of all of them! We will overcome all the lies and hatred, but only through love and truth.

@dmatic the blacks that you are referring to are a VERY small minority but I agree with you that the solution is truth and that truth isn’t pleasant and will require tough love.

@Andyman I am very well aware of the real situation. I would never trust mainstream sources, you kidding? I live in Mexico, we know they lie all the time lol And I agree, with lots of them (I'm not sure about "most," I don't think it's most, but don't have any evidence for that) being beyond helping out with just a conversation; but at the very least, those conversations would help reduce their ranks that protect them in the form of a mob. Any little bit helps. Remember, no solution will come in the form of a miracle. There is no Mass Persuasion Tool that will help solve it. The only way is little by little taking every little victory we can get until we weaken the radicals the more possible. Then it's gonna be much easier to act in the necessary ways.


Nice job! Enjoyed reading it. Though I think you're smarter than me! But, lying to one another needs to go!

"We all have pros and cons. And no matter how much better somebody is, we are all worth the same as human beings and we all have the same rights. So as long as we can be aware of that, and we can be strong enough to accept ourselves so we don’t need to lie to others, I hope we can become friends because it is beneficial for us both, pragmatically, spiritually and emotionally."

dmatic Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it... Noticed a typo in there though. Better go back and fix that heh heh 🙂 Thanks!


I won't click on the link to read because it looks like a bogus URL. I want to read it.

Here is something you may or may not be aware of with regard to American blacks - THIS IS THE INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION ABOUT RACE. THIS IS IT!

This is the level of civil discourse that these people are capable of.

RAZE Level 7 Aug 3, 2020

It is not bogus, I'm just poor and can't afford anything other than free hosting, so that's the URL I get. It's not about blacks, but it's about race. I'm Mexican, so that's the only perspective I can approach the topic from.

@A1fredo But, you're only "Mexican" because you are enrolled in the registry, right? You mentioned Aztec and Spaniard. Isn't a Spaniard one who is from Spain? I still think we are simply all part of the one human race.

@dmatic I agree, we are all just humans and that race thing is just as insignificant as blood type. I am Mexican because I was born here. We don't really care about whose genes we have in our culture. Lots of people don't even know what race they are. If asked, they will answer "Mexican" out of ignorance trying to guess correctly. It's just not a thing here. It's all about class for us, sadly.

@A1fredo Keep up your good work!

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