7 6

Can I see some initiative, some call to action, any ideas? I see so many beautiful brilliant minds in here, and I wish we could think together to start building something up, little by little, rely on each other. Hell, let diversity of thought ironically become our strength? Can we? I'm not sure enough people want to actually do something about it, but I certainly don't wanna just stand passively and see it all burn down anymore. Please?

A1fredo 8 June 25
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As Mike Tyson so aptly put it, “Everyone has a plan, until they they get punched in the face.”

Every post in this thread is worthy of serious consideration. Great ideas. Great plans. Where the fuck have we been for the last sixty years with these great ideas and great plans? Rule of Thumb: it’s always easier to defend your territory than it is to take it back. That’s where we find ourselves right now.

Get control of the education system? Just how will that happen? That system is even now cranking out the fourth or fifth generation of Marxist brainwashed drones who know nothing of history, science or economics, but they know how to vote. Isn’t it a shame that no one sounded the alarm back in the 70s when unrepentant bomb-throwers like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn began burrowing like termites into the infrastructure of academia? Maybe if we’d treated them like the criminals they are, maybe, just maybe, the respectability that allowed them to engineer a launching pad for politicians like a Barak Obama wouldn’t have been available.

How about we take control of the media and put an end to the relentless propaganda flood of lies about the country, it’s values, and its history? That sounds like a good idea, don’t you think? So how do we do that? Trump is leading the charge, but he’s one person. You have to go back 50 years before encountering another Republican politician willing to take the fight directly to the media establishment. In 1968, Nixon unleashed Spiro Agnew whose colorful constructions like, “ an effete corps of impudent snobs,” and “the nattering nabobs of negativism,” were roundly ridiculed by—GASP!!! SHOCK!!!—that same media. But at least Nixon was swinging, and landing some crucial punches too. Reagan managed to deflect the opposition with wit and his personality, but didn’t do much to roll back the steady encroachment of the left. It wasn’t until 2016 that we found someone willing to fight the media once more. Why? What the hell is wrong with us? Where have we been?

An effective plan has to acknowledge current realities. So start with this: the barbarians are at the gates, and they would love it if we would just disappear and spare them the inconvenience of shipping us all off to camps. Don’t kid yourself; don’t apologize for them; no more, “Oh, they don’t REALLY mean all THAT.” Yeah, they do. That mean precisely THAT. Wake the fuck up.

Next current reality: it’s almost too late. The process of rolling over and playing dead while the left chalks up one victory after the next has become a six decade ingrained habit. Habits are hard to break, not because they’re good for you, but because they’re familiar. They’re things we know how to do. Now, when we desperately need to change our behavior, we’ve forgotten how.

I said it’s almost too late. But not quite. If their take-over of the culture was as total as they wish, the camps and firing squads would already be in full operation. Donald Trump wouldn’t be president. Any one of their myriad criminal schemes we’ve witnessed during the past three years would have succeeded. So there’s a sliver of hope.

Next current reality: while we have to mobilize to action, we will never become brick-throwers in the streets, not without a further disintegration of our civilization on a scale that is still unimaginable. We love the Constitution, we believe in the law, and we still have enough faith in our system of government that we believe our elected leaders can be held accountable. We have to become a loud, angry mob in our own way. The focus of our rage has to be the cowards and spineless leaders who are refusing to take the immediate steps necessary to counter this armed rebellion and bring it to a halt while there is still time. Right now, only Tucker Carlson is striking the right tone: indignant outrage at their inaction. The resources are available. But without the will to defend the country, at long last, they will be wasted.

The system needs to be reformed. Clearly. But first, it must be saved.

A few years ago,, Obama era, I saw a curious T-shirt on a girl from out of town who was pumping gas.
It said,

"I'm not a bigot, I just don't care anymore."

I still think it was a brilliant snapshot of the inevitable ennui which follows a mindless expenditure of energy.

The reason this happened when it did is because the Left knew it would be a hopeless task mobilizing people with jobs. They waited until Covid presented a golden opportunity. We will recover as our economy

FB, likewise, has attracted attention that it hasn't wanted as a result. The opportunity for a FB alternative is
presenting itself it a way not seen a year ago. Unintended consequences are the children of "good intentions."

Well, I wasn't born, and in Mexico since '83, so.... I appreciate your passion, but you don't seem to have done that much either, so... can we team up in a productive way? Infighting is pointless. So I will care about that rant as much as you would care if I started explaining I'm trying to help out from a foreign country while I don't know how I'm gonna have food to eat tomorrow. Do you have any actual ideas that don't require a time machine that have any chance of helping?


Discounting his occasional self-aggrandizement, Glenn Beck is at this moment addressing the lack of platforms. My personal belief is that he's going to put together not just another site, but a platform which can compete.

Who would want to compete w/ the likes of FB or YouTube? I'm thinking the likes of Elon Musk, charismatic libertarians who are Producers, Producers of extraordinary wealth who see great harm in the censoring of public discourse.


Propaganda decides every conflict.
Until we take back the institution of Education (including "scientific" research), we'll accomplish nothing.
Every year on Graduation Day, they send a fresh wave of deluded reinforcements into the population, ultimately displacing the rest of us. They started this long-game strategy decades ago.
The Command and Control structure of what is effectively their "Ministry of Information"... has to go.
That is the Department of Education. All education in a free society should be as localized as practical. Collectivists have known that all along, that's why nationalized public education is one of the 10 planks of Communism in the Manifesto.

But first...
We'll never get rid of the Department of Education, without first repairing the structural damage that has been done do the Framework already; especially the 17th Amendment and the national Income Tax.
Those collectivist initiatives are two of the most consequential mechanisms through which we, the People, are simply excluded from any effective representation in the federal government.
17th Amendment: Repeal
Income Tax: Replace with H.R. 25 (FairTax)

But what's preventing that?
The single most consequential perversion of the original Framework, that literally and consistently overrides the informed and invested voices of Reason at the polls, is the collectivist dogma of "Universal Suffrage"... the notion of some imaginary "right" to vote.
That is Democracy... mob rule. It serves only to undermine the foundation of a Constitutional Republic, and it's doing just that.
Combine that with the collectivist notion that "the needs of the many" override the rights of the individual... and the Individual simply has no rights at all; nor does any "minority" in any context.
In a society that is literally built on the premise of Individual Sovereignty... that's a big deal.
It's fatal... no less than an existential threat to the entire American experiment in self-governance.

The problem with irresponsibly handing out poorly-conceived "privileges", is the same problem in handing over new powers to Government. That is: you never get that back.

I honestly don't see a way around that, not in the current perverted culture. Just try proposing any voter-eligibility criteria; then sit back and watch the fit-throwing, gnashing of teeth, and the obligatory cries of "Racism" and "Elitism" from the Herd who literally knows not what they do... (see: Education.)

Maybe there's hope for some future iteration of a restored "America", if we make the right changes now.
We do have the mechanism available to Repeal the 17th Amendment and the Income Tax in spite of an unresponsive Congress, by simply going around them. That mechanism is an Article V Convention of States, included by the Founders in their collective wisdom for just such a situation as this.
Google "convention of states", and your results will consist primarily of hysterical denunciations from the Left. If that's not an indicator that you're on the right track, I don't know what is.

If there is any single thread that we should all be pulling right now with all our might... I think it is that.
Get involved with the Convention of States, which is underway right now, and push to get those two things on the agenda.

rway Level 7 June 25, 2020

Wow, that is an awesome proposal. I will get more into it right after this. I cannot get involved as I'm Mexican (I need to help you guys because there is no chance for us not going down the commie route if you guys lose the culture war,) but I hope people read your comment. It was very elaborate and well put. Are you promoting this idea somehow somewhere? Is there some way I could help you with that?

@A1fredo, Gracias amigo. Not really, I'm overseas right now. I think the best thing you and I can do is talk it up in forums like this. The details of government are nation-specific... but I bet we're both fighting the same propaganda and the same tactics.
Many people seem to think they're "free enough". They're afraid of their own freedom, and they're even more afraid of yours... because they just don't get it. If you can help them to envision what freedom should look like, and make them want that... then maybe they'll be more interested in how to make it happen.

@rway I'm pretty sure it's the same source of the problem globally. I mean, in Mexico, I can clearly see the propaganda at work. It was so funny when they tried to make us protest for Floyd, but Mexicans didn't give a single shit lol And then they had to exploit a story of this Geovanni guy who got shot for not wearing an N95 mask. That did work.

And laws are country specific, but I'm here to help you guys. There is no, absolutely none, at all, any whatsoever; chance of us fighting against this in Mexico. We are a pathetic culture, so used to the abuse, and we just let the propaganda wash away our hopelessness with excuses and false promises. I don't know about other third world countries, but our Mexican future depends on whatever happens in the US. So please let me know if there is any way I can help. Not much, but hey.... At least can make a good bait as I'm immune to leftist tactics of getting me fired, and shit. Got very little to lose!... Sigh...


We are at present living through a con with this virus. we have them on a regular basis I coming to the Conclusion that these are man made, to depopulate and to make huge profits for the Pharm companies world wide in providing unnecessary Vaccines. We have on a Regular basis flu vaccines which are offered each Winter. I am over 70 and my mother always a Believer in Alternative Medicine did not allow me them. So we are governed by the Phar comp regulating population quantities and making themselves huge profits, such as a women from Canada was based in London developing a Cancer cure a Veggie way she is in Prison in France, near Paris for no reason, justed whisked away one night from London. Her helper a man is in High Court on trumped up charges Frighten for his life, so every thing is not as transparant as it seems.

ieuan Level 7 June 25, 2020

I agree. I think lots of our technology is... how do I say it? Educated guesses? Like anesthesia, which we do not actually know why it works. And definitely, Big Pharma preventing alternatives from reaching the markets. I'm there with you.


I agree. Would like to join the fight against the left cult.

Naomimi Level 7 June 25, 2020

Yes! I like to read that attitude! We're still trying to think of suggestions, maybe you can pitch in? On how to go about actually doing something. Did you read the other comments?


One major hindrance to "taking real action" is that most of us who seriously think and seriously care about the bottom dropping out also happen to be productive - in other words we have jobs and careers that cannot be set aside for days or weeks at a time in order for us to go march and demonstrate en masse. Being good and responsible citizens we prioritize honest labor for an honest living.

iThink Level 9 June 25, 2020

I agree. Plus, I would never consider protesting to be beneficial... I wish I could be working as well, trust me. I would be quite as worried as I am....


Any ideas? What’d you have in mind?

Tati Level 6 June 25, 2020

Well, I think the key part here is to start building something up, to start accomplishing something, so we can at least get started. I see many people with great points of view. So I was thinking of some sort of collaboration type of project somehow? Or some community building where we can talk it out, so we can get a clear idea on how we could possibly deal with it. Maybe trough video conferences or something, to make it quicker? I realize it's not much of a plan, that's why I'm asking for suggestions as well. What do you think?

@A1fredo Well, first and foremost we need to figure out what the end goal is, and what is stopping it from being accomplished. You said “deal with it” and “talk it out”. What is “it” specifically? A goal that’s complicated like “Abolish censorship” or “overthrow the extreme left or right” is too vague and won’t get us anywhere. We need to target a specific issue, and preferably start small.

We can make a goal using the S.M.A.R.T Method, which means to make sure the goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and accounts for the Time frame. I explained this system in another post from the health group.

Here is an example of how we can apply it to our situation (just a suggestion): Our over-arching goal is to ensure that our world doesn’t become an Orwellian nightmare any time soon The things stopping us from our goal are: self- inflicted ignorance, censorship, Identity Politics, lack of understanding, prejudice + misconceptions, etc.. Our first baby- step goal is to educate members of THIS community on the problem at hand, and make a plan. We can achieve this by making a group on this site dedicated to brainstorming ideas. We can contact people we know will be interested in getting involved. The goal could be to have 50 members in the group by 30 days time.

One thing we have to keep in mind is that we all have diverse opinions, so we have to be careful to create goals that aren’t biased towards one group. For example, we can’t try to “Abolish the Republicans” because there are republicans on this site who will be opposed to the idea. We want to be united on something we can all agree on. And we don’t want to be specific to only one country because people are from all over the world. I think my above over-arching goal example is applicable because it is pretty unbiased.

What do you think?

@Tati I LOVE it!

So, should we focus on the group thing first? I think you should have the honor of founding it... or something, I've never made one yet lol And maybe pin the specifications from the S.M.A.R.T. Method to the top, alongside with the current goal? So we can keep track.

I'll hold most of my ranting for our dialogues when it's the time, then. Just bullet points I think from the goal you proposed.

  • Self-inflicted ignorance? That sounds very interesting. I'm sure we all have things to work out in our minds, and being aware of that helps us to be open to change.
  • Identity Politics and lack of understanding. Yes. I'm sure we have enough diversity and more eloquent to help us understand and work on their typical talking points so we can have a final solution to them and move on, either by undermining or suggesting alternative compromises as their solutions are usually unacceptable.

I would also suggest we encourage members to use their own specific skills as I think pretty much all of them could come helpful, from historians, to linguists, to artists, so each can help in the best way they can, and feel more inspired to do so. By the way: professional video/photo editor, and subtitle editor here for Latin American Spanish.

I suggested in a previous post that art would be a pretty helpful weapon, so collaborations in which I can help, somebody who wants to explain history, deploy some meme, edit video and/or audio for a comedian, that's are all great tools, I think.

I'm from Mexico, and while I agree we don't need to focus in a certain country, I may suggest that the US is the battlefield we should mainly focus on, as (at least it seems to me as a foreigner,) we are all following it. That being said, we cannot get the numbers we need out of the US alone, for which I suggest to also to take into account the international community. For example, we make a great very informative and persuasive video. I can make a subtitle template and the Spanish translation, and easily share the plain text to anybody who is willing to translate it into any other language, and we can include lots of more people that way.

One problem, I think we need to use at least an IRC kind of chat to make it more fluid? I think this comment by comment is kinda slow and inefficient. I wouldn't want to "betray" the site tho, you know? Could they set up one? lol What do you think?

Yay! I have a good feeling about this!

Well I have said the route cause starts in Public Scool Education, have you wondered why noone dares to touch it, its simple their exstudents are located in every decesion point where they could be changed in the three stategically areas the City, Directors, and finally Higher Civil Servants who at the route of UK decesion making, and even Polticians, the only way is to have a Civil War and Finish what Cromwell started, and then burn all PS. You also need to move the two new houses to Central Englandnear Coventry where M1 goes to Leeds and the M6 starts going North Towards Manchester.

Both New houses to be built there and free accomidation and phones so they cannot fiddle expenses. The Civil servants to help should be well educated indiviuals from any background.

We can also build a Station there sins I would shut Wembley and Twickingham down and replaced with roofed staduim which is multi purpose, and large shoping area and hotel should built since the main expedition stands not far away in North Brum

the two old Staduims should be replaced with low cost rental areas.

Finally I would chang the education system to before 1997 when a degree was worth something and we shut these mickey Mouse Univesty and their courses

Ieuan Davies MBA

@ieuan @A1fredo These are some good ideas. Ieuan, your ideas are good but we need to start smaller. Target this community first. I’ll start by making the group, but we need to establish some things first, like, for example, what do we call ourselves and the group on this site? Are we going to go with my example as a starting point for now?

In the past, there was a “chat room” sort of feature on this site which I think was a sort of group chat. It wasn’t used very often so I think they removed it, but I can contact admin and see if there’s a way to accommodate us?

Also, there is a group on this site that has I believe thousands of members called the “IDW Political Party” and was an idea someone else had that might align with ours? Do you think it’s possible the creator of the group would be interested in merging with us so we can start with a greater audience? Maybe one of you can perhaps contact the creator of that group, and I’ll contact admin? If the creator refuses us it’s not a problem, we can start from scratch, but I think he/she will be interested.

But before I do that, I need to be able to tell admin the basics of what we are if need be. What’s our end goal? What’s our group name? What’s our overall target audience/ demographic? What’s our means of reaching the overall target demographic/audience? (Animated video, memes, art, commercial, etc.)

I’ll ask admin if there’s a way we can converse more fluidly as a group. Communication is key!

This is a good start! What do you all think?

@Tati Sounds good to me, I'll get right on it.yeah, I don't really care about whose group it is, or the name (although always loved the IDW brand,) as long as we get stuff done. So I'll ask him. My suggestions for the basics would be... -PLEASE ANYONE ELSE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THEIR INPUT-

End Goal: To actively pursue the peaceful de-radicalization of the culture war by proposing healing alternatives from different perspectives to current extreme tactics in order to take a convenient path for every party involved towards a prosperous evolution of Western Civilization, as opposed to its demise.

Probably too wordy and artsy? Can't help it, I'm really... er... colorful lol Pitch in please n_n lol

Group Name: Happy Nazis n_n haha I'm kidding Er... Healing Evolution Leading to Prosperity. Dammit, it sucks, but I managed to get the acronym... Hm... Damn, I'm rusty... Er.. Historical, Empirical and Logical Pro-Union. Aah, sorry! It just crossed my mind, but the acronym is cooler. De-Militarized & Co-Nationalized United Party (DeM&CoN United Party--still sucks but warming up the creative muscle. Couldn't think of a P-word for a DeM&ReP instead. Can you?) Re-Patriotized & De-Militarized Alliance? Hm... Need a new concept. Marshmellows Under Rainbow-y Democratically Ellected Republicans xD lol Geez, okay... Okay, that level of lame burned my mental fuse. Carry on.

Target audience: People interested in preserving any and all human knowledge and experience in order to work our way into a society mature enough to bring in change without war? (Sorry, really got a headache. It's my main idea, but it's awful phrasing. Please pitch in. I still got a headache from a police robbery that happened to me inside my house yesterday--don't ask...)

And about the way of communication, I would suggest we go with as many as possible, depending on the talent pool we've got. I propose we foment collaborations in order to achieve the most informed, yet entertaining and persuasive messages possible. Merge our minds to make compelling quality work. I can't really do animation, though I do editing. It's different. Surely we'll have lots of willing speakers... (damn, I'll be so ashamed if that's only me,) memes are always great, can do audio editing, yet zero musical talent as I'm tone deaf. Subtitling. Design. Mix that with whatever anybody else can bring, and we can pull it off. I'd love to hear from historians, philosophers, politically-minded people, as well as comedians, singers? I would love to hear rare personalities that come with a weird talent, but that's my freak mind wishful fantasies.

Damn, I hope you can understand my perspective and don't mind rewording? You are so good at it, I feel like I'm reading an academic paper I can't understand when I read you lol Plus taht headache... terrible experience yesterday and even still little shaki, geez.

Thanks! People, please pitch in! I guess I will wait until we resolve this first to contact theh IDW Political Party Group, right? Thanks!!!!

@Tati PS. Please, anybody, do share any hurtful critique if you think it would be helpful, at least when it comes to me, I appreciate some productive love whipping!

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