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Remember when there used to be a differentiation made between racism, predjudice, bigotry? No one calls anyone a bigot anymore.

SpootLepedus 5 May 10
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I do, disliking a group of people is not necessarily racist. You could believe for example that a particularly ethnic group was superior to you in many ways but still find them disagreeable. It somewhat justifies the SJW position that racism is only present if there is power plus prejudice. The real problem with racism however is that their must be evidence that the prejudice is irrational. For example if there is evidence that your race is superior on average in some way to other races that is not racism For example tolerance for alcohol or lactose. The same applies to sexism, it is not sexist to believe males have higher upper body strength.

It is interesting to consider that it was considered a compliment to call someone prejudicial in the past. Similarly to say they were discriminating. It speaks to the convergence of class and race in many societies. Marxist theory at least in part is responsible for SJW attitudes and Marx was no deep thinker so it isn't surprising his protege are shallow and drop nuance. It would be unreasonable to think for example that inherited intelligence plays no role in class divisions. Because race marks you out indelibly as belonging to a class it is a different story. In many ways SJWs are holdouts in a world that decades ago abandoned the blank slate theory of the human mind. There progenitors in the post modernist movement has a slightly more sophisticated approach in which the simply dispensed with objective reality.

To really understand racism you need to first understand classism in a more sophisticated way than Marx. Marx like the post modernists actually rejected objective reality. He tried and failed to understand Dawrin. All complex social animals have societies based on hierarchies of competence. We do not see them that way because of our speciescentrism. I'm not saying that one's position in society is entirely based on genetics. That would be ridiculous. What I'm saying is that the opposite position is equally ridiculous. We are designed by nature to have a class based society. How those classes are designated however becomes arbitrary the more abstract the social structure is.

wolfhnd Level 8 May 10, 2020

And if it can only be prejudice plus power how could anti semitism exist in the US? As the Jewish community contains, According to a study performed by Cambridge University, 21% of Ivy League students, 25% of the Turing Award winners, 23% of the wealthiest Americans, 38% of the Oscar-winning film directors, and 29% of Oslo awardees are Ashkenazi Jews. 5 of the 6 CEOS of companies that control 96 percent of the media are Jewish, and 100 percent of Hollywood Movie Studio ownership are. Again since this narrative takes away anti White behavior due to us supposedly having all this power, someone being personally prejudiced against a Jew cannot count because of this power argument. The ADL can lie all they want to facts are facts.


There is an anti Jewish undercurrent in the social justice movement, in the labor party in Britian, certainly Marx was an anti Semitic personality ironically enough, amongst black radicals, on college campuses, and if anti Israel sentiments count liberals in general. As Orwell pointed out socialist don't so much love the poor as they hate the rich. You could restate that as they hate anyone with more unearned privilege than themselves.

I'm perfectly happy to accept a definition of racism that requires power and prejudice because for the most part those that have been historically discriminated against their racism could be described as resentment plus ignorance. However since the most prejudiced whites seem to be the powerless you have to really stretch the definition of systemic privilege. The argument would be that for poor whites their power comes from a psychological advantage of not being constantly made to feel genetically inferior. Of course poor whites in most cases are technically inferior if you are talking IQ.

That doesn't mean that whites who are not poor are not racist. Since everyone is instinctually predisposed to be preferential to their genetic or chosen group most people at some level may be slightly racist. Some refinement of the standard definition does seem called for. I would suggest that a good definition of racism would be a desire to actively suppress people of other races. That pretty well kills off the idea of unconscious bias which is a ludicrous idea because the SJWs believe in emotional intelligence. The only way to not be racist requires rationality to suppress emotion. They are an indiscipline mob for the most part especially intellectually. Reminiscent of the French Revolution. Rousseau and Marx are examples of philosophers that lead people down the dark path of nihilistic narcissism reflected in the concept of emotional intelligence.

I actually support a number of the social justice movement concepts. I support affirmative action to a degree. As long as there is no lowering of standards trying to get equal representation it may be reasonable although impractical in practice. To the degree that the social justice movement, which shouldn't be confused with the civil rights movement, is associated with the postmodern movement I agree that their are no non trivial absolute truths. While the actual adherents to these ideologies tend to be in the lower end of the IQ range for their class the foundation thinkers may not be. I prefer to think of then as spiteful mutants as in the mouse utopia experiments.

It really doesn't help anyone to adopt the SJW definition of racism. White racists are still racists, non white racists are simply reduced to moron status. Moron in the nontechnical sense of course. Marx was an idiot, again in the non technical sense.

@wolfhnd Yes so true Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Mitt Romney are never going to write some big check to Amren, VDARE, or Ramzpaul. They live in their own world and do not help. Rich Jews like Mike Bloomberg, George Soros, Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, and Paul Singer spend lots of money on their liberal policies and Neocon policies to keep American politics to Neocon open borders invade the world right to the Liberal open borders, invade the world slightly less left. Their advantage and the one single unique thing about them to me if they have organizations that are explicitly pro Jewish with no critique in the press, if anything encouragement. The AJC, RJC, DJC, ADL, Aipac Lobby, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Southern Poverty Law Center and many others. However if we try to have 1 just 1 organization say American Renaissance which does not stress anti Jewish sentiment they still have to attack it to death not allow it to get any funding even if it was still not as much but in the millions of dollars. They do not allow Christian organizations without mass attack from the media Christian coalition and Family Research Council comes to mind. Even Black organizations like the NAACP are often funded by and led by Jewish people. This means they only allow what the can control and will sabotage anything slightly out of their control. You could say this is oh they fear it coming against them, but even when the organization is not Anti Semitic like Amren and Jared Taylor or VDARE and Peter Brimelow they attack it to death. It seems they almost get no kudos for being Philo Semitic. You could even say we want for America and Europe what Jews have in Israel as Israel is a model of how to run a country and someone like Jonthan Greenblatt will say this. "The White or Civic nationalist movement is based on hate, racism, negativity and exclusion. Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people in the Jews historic homeland, is based on providing for equal opportunity for the Jewish people, like others, to have sovereignty in their land while still fully protecting the rights of minorities who live within Israel. At its core, Zionism is a positive movement and is not intended to be โ€œagainstโ€ anyone." Now how does Greenblatt first say minorities in Israel are treated well? Many Palestinians probably would have a challenge for Greenblatt on this. Second how does he know any of us are against anyone by wanting our homeland the way Jews have one in Israel??


I can't answer your questions. It's not like I run in the rich and powerful circles.

I think the OP was a more limited question. Hopefully the poster will come back.


Nor do most people know the true definitions of those words before they throw โ€˜em around.

Tati Level 6 May 10, 2020

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