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Liiiiiiiiiila...Got me on my knees Lila..... I'm begging, darling please
Lila, darling won't you ease my worried mind. grin....You're NOT the father.

RemiDallaire 9 Oct 27
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these types of shows are disgusting exploitation. I don't see how anyone can watch the woman breakdown at the end and think that is entertainment. That is a child's life in the balance.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... It's better to screw up the mens life....Much better and totally acceptable because....Mehhhhhh women feelings.....Mens...Are totally expendable....Right ?? Let's not show the ugly side of human nature. no matter what gender it comes from... Because than we can sacrifice the life of men without them knowing about it.
Better yet...Let send all men to the goulag...No questions ask... They are guilty anyway,,,,They have a penis..


@RemiDallaire it's disgusting to put it on TV while people cheer and jeer as if people's life are form of entertainment.

As much as the women is horrible person the child is an innocent human being and as much as you might disagree with her methods she has a responsibility to that child and to give it the best opportunities in life.

Maybe if you had a child that you had to take care of you would do whatever it took to give the child the best opportunity in life even if it meant lying. i don't agree with her method but I don't think enjoying seeing someone breakdown over their child losing a father in their life is something you should be proud.

I'm sure you mention how bad the prospects are for children raised by single mothers as aa advocacy for fathers and here you have a child who is going to be raised by a single mum with all the detriments that go with it and you can't muster any sympathy for it. Do you not feel sorry for the child?

@acthenpens No it's not ... And be careful about taking things for granted about people you cross path with.. I am actually a single father of an autistic child...That the mother left behind. I raise MY child alone.

It's not cheering it's shock.... The shock and the horror of the possible evilness of human nature..

And EVERY ONE should KNOW that human nature is just the same no matter what gender it comes from..
(Just look at your own history bubba Elisabeth I was such an angel)

You are just being on your high horse complaining that you can't see the forest because the trees of blocking your view. Those children are alive... They are born in the best timelife possible... They could have been born 2 or 300 years ago and have a very low life expectancy.

You poor offended little thing....Do you need your safe space ??

@RemiDallaire "No t's not..." Can you contextualise that response.

You accuse me of needing a safe space but your the one getting hysterical. Just calm down and give a response that another person could conceivably understand.

I never suggested women could not be evil, I called her a "horrible person" and stated I don't agree with what she did, however I think she did it in the best interest of her child; the opposite of the mother of your child.

These shows are the enjoyment of other people's dysfunction, the shock is part of the drama, the people watching are having fun.

@acthenpens Is that you HighQ ?? She did in her best interest and she's destroyed because she got caught.
No other reason. And she went on the show thinking she would get away with it...Because of...meeehhhh women's priviledge. And the matriarchy

Just like you pointing at issue drawning in double standard. YOU THINK that she has the best interest of the child in this ? If she's a horrible person how can that be. Nahhhhhhhh don't bother explaining... I know you'll come up with another double standard rule... At no time you did think of that poor guy,

These show are perfect as they are... There should be an element of shame and your double standard SHOULD be exposed.

You think I am getting hysterical ? Uh huh... Just take a good seat and watch me post as many Maury show segments as I want. Do you know why ??? Because I created this group and that's what I chose to post in it. How do you like them apples ?? Now.....Here is something new for you... You have the choice not to look at my posts...No really !!...Did you know ?? Even better you have the choice to not be in this group... grin

Hypocrisys is an hommage that vice is doing to virtue.... And virtue wouldn't go far if vanity and self interest were not there not far behind to help carrying the weight.

How's that for your context ? And that's exactly what you virtue signalling is here.

@RemiDallaire I'm not HighQ, I find that guy insufferable. Calling someone a fake account instead of engaging with their arguments is the most appalling form of debate, and easily dismissed by a brief look at my posting history that shows consistent position vastly different from highQ, and I expect an apology, if not to me at least to your own sense of dignity as one should be able to at least hold their own position.

You may be right that she did it in her own interest, although there is probably very little distinction between her own interest and her child's interest considering it is her genetic continuation. I suppose I have a lower threshold for judging people than you do considering I've seen women have children to receive government money, who I believe should be considered on a moral par with pedophiles.

I suppose I have a more nuanced position on humanity and don't consider self interest the worse attribute in the world, I also don't respect the man and believe he'll never do anything more worthwhile in his life than raise that child.

There's no hypocrisy in my statement, she is acting in the best interest of herself and child, not in the man's best interest. It's not hypocrisy to work against someone else's interest, it is a conflict. I think it would help you to understand the difference. For instance if you were to find an amnesiac woman and trick her into believing your child was hers so she help raise the child, I would state it was wrong but I would believe you were doing it in the best interest of your child. Hypocrisy is to have a double standard, you can't accuse me of having a double standard because I have made only one statement. I would have to make 2 statements to be accused of hypocrisy.

You really seem to have a problem with people expressing a different view. I only expressed an opinion and you seem to consider my opinion an attack on your rights. There is really no need to get so aggressive. You post away, do what you want and I can have my opinions.

It seems silly you have got so worked up over an opinion that essentially amounted to saying these shows are shallow and crass. I also know they tell people to lie on them, as I knew someone who went on one once, and so they're not informative on an anthropological level either. However if you like these shows then that is fine, I'm sure there is something I like that you don't but I'm not going to take it as some assault on my person and freedom.

Please also, for your own sake, stop using buzzwords that you don't understand, it makes you look foolish.

@acthenpens Ohh so you know HighQ... Well maybe you should stop to act like him than.
With all that said...I always seem to get in some argument with the UK folks for some reason.
If you wait for and apologie from me....... I suggest you prepare for a long long lonnnnnnnnnnnnng very long siege.

There is sooooooooooo many double standard in your statement That I don't even know where to start. LOL

Ok.. Who are you to judge what that guy accomplishments in life should be ? What make you think you're so special ? As far as I could see this guy has NOT commited any crimes of any sort. He did not try to deceive anyone. I guess his only crime through your eyes is that he has a penis therefore he should be expendable because of women and childrens priviledge.

The hypocrisy quote wasn't for her....It was for you...

Definition of hypocrisy.

The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

And you have a double standard between men and women here. And I am convinced that you would say that you are for equality between them... Aren't you ? Surely you are NOT against equality ? Right ??

Yet in this case You are soooooooooo ready to throw this guy to the Lions just because ...He's not looking up to part to your standards ? It is proven by DNA test that the woman was trying to deceive him (for the rest of his life) And you are ready to forgive this because......Mehhhhhhhhhhhhh feelings and vagina...Right ??

2 statements ?? I see 4 posts from you...With...OMG.....WORDS...(What are you reading Hamlet ?? .....WORDS)
Are you saying that in of those 4 post there are only 2 statements worthy of being considered ??

1---Those shows are disgusing and offend you (it doesn't make them unworthy of being on display by any means just because of your feelings I assure you)

2--- The child future is more important than the crime and you have a clear bias between the 2 victims. And after confronting you about it I see that you are ready to forgive the crime of this woman because mehhhhhhh feelings.... And I will completely disregard your example deceiving an amnesiac woman.. LOL I mean...I never heard of such a crime EVER... But Women trying to pin down children (children that are NOT of those men's DNA) on men....does happen quite often.

All of this only make me come to a few possible conclusions You are a feminist... If you are a women... You are offended because you don't like to see that your own gender is capable of such offends you...If you are a men...Than you are a white knight and you think you'll get more opportunity by giving priviledges to the other gender. It's won't work... Women will see you as a Beta (so sorry).

When ever meeeeeeehhhhhhh feelings are involved and there is a conflict of interest certain people are trying to limit the use of WORDS...

Listen... I have NO PROBLEM with you saying anything you want... As I do CLAIM...Quite often on this group.

Welcome to the culture war... this is NOT a safe space....You will see things that you disagree with and you will see things you agree with...Feel free to posts discuss debate etc etc etc.... But be sure that some people will confront you and debate you.... This is like walking in the real world....Just agree to disagree.

So you can be offended all you want with me because of mehhhhhhh feelings... I will call you on your motivations. (And rightfully so)

Cheers have a nice day

@RemiDallaire Point 1 and 2 I agree you are correct. I do put the child above the adult, that is something I believe in; it doesn't make me a feminist or anti-male as you seem to believe, if you disagree with that then that is fine but don't accuse of being a bigot or a feminist. How is that any different than calling me a racist and a Nazi. The thing is if you really pushed me I probably wouldn't hold to my opinion that the man should raise the child if it isn't his because I can see the moral dilemma to it.

I don't care about equality, it doesn't register on my moral compass. I don't understand why it is even discussed.

I'm not a feminist.

I'm a man.

I wish we could talk more as I feel you are just shouting at me. For instance I have given you several insights into my moral worldview yet the only thing I know about you is that you seem to belief people hold woman to different moral standard than they do to men, which is true, and randomly accuse people of holding those values by placing them into preconceived constructs rather than listening to what they say. I imagine this seems from the resentment you feel towards the mother of your child.

However if you actually read my comment you would see I gave an example of a man, you, doing a similar act as this woman and held you to the same moral standards, which you seemed to have ignored to make your slanderous conjecture.

@acthenpens Hang on hang on hang on... I don't scream at you... You are reading my words and because of mehhhhhh feelings and because I disagree with you, you take it so personnal that you THINK I scream at you. LOL.

Your example is bogus... And it is not something that have happenned several times I am sure. If it did happen once....Than it is an anectotal argument...

WOMEN trying to pin their children on another man than the genitor on the other hand....
Bouaaaaaahahahaha It does happen more than once a week I am convinced.

So you are a white knight. Fine whatever.... You can't fix everything for every one every time at all time..
There is still such thing as natural selecion.. And it was miuch worse in the past...Might I remind you.

And you can't hold any one else to YOUR standard..If you are sooooooooooo concern for children...
Go open an orphenage or something....Until than... I don't think you should complain about anything..
(Maybe YOU should get in touch with Lila here...and raise her/your child)

And do not sacrifice any men as expendable.... Because the chair you sit in the table on which you eat the bed in which you sleep... the freedom you of speech you enjoy has been designed build and fouth for.....By men.. White men...even in general ... Men are NOT expendable,

@RemiDallaire There was an Australian Town, I can't remember where exactly, where they discovered 25% of the men were raising other people's children without knowing it.

It's an epidemic phenomenon and woman are the prime, if not exclusive, perpetrators, however that is because we are a sexual dimorphic species. You accused me earlier of being a feminist, which I tried to explain I'm not but you don't seem to understand what difference means. Women have 100% of babies so they are going to commit 100% of prenatal parental fraud, and 99.9% of all parental fraud. However discrepancy isn't proof of hypocrisy or bigotry.

I already run an Orphanage, if you want to send your child there it is call the Centre for Underprivileged Children in Kilmarnock, commonly known as CUCK.

@acthenpens Good for you for your work. I praise you for that. Unfortunately.... I am against the Matriarchy and every men on earth should be... Because Matriarchy is NOT equality... And I am against epidemy. Of any kind...Every species are sexual something something It doesn't make it right. We are SUPPOSED to be the specie with a conscience.. 2 wrong don't make a right...I HAVE hundred of video that would prove the hyppocrisy it is NOT an anecdotal argument...

I'm sorry.... You should change the name of the Center...And I beat you on this I worked for
the State Health Information Technology The SHIT.

Have a nice day

@RemiDallaire I'm sorry we couldn't find a common understanding to take our conversation forward but I found your acronym amusing enough.

You too have a nice day. Maybe we'll interact under more fortuitous circumstances in the future. Good luck.

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