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The purge Continue...Coffee with Mark Dice

RemiDallaire 9 Jan 12
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I love when they say stuff like: "This case should be a no brainer," or whatever specific quote he said about the case against Google. Should be.

Texas vs. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan & Wisconsin SHOULD have been at least taken up by the Supremes. But it wasn't. Part of the very REASON the Supremes exist is to arbitrate disputes between states. So when they refused to even HEAR the case, regardless of what they would have ruled about it, that SHOULD have convinced people that the old rules don't apply right now.

What SHOULD be, is far different from what IS.

It isn't so much about whether the allegations prove true or not, but more that people feel they were fairly examined. Even if the election were totally fair and the outcome iron-clad correct, you have tens of millions of people who, from what they saw that day and the next day, who don't believe it, and no longer trust the process as legitimate.

@Augur2748 Absolutely. And, instead of examining people's concerns and addressing them, all we hear from the Snooze Media, is: "with absolutely NO evidence..."

They didn't even make a show of it. Our founding fathers had a hard time deciding how to handle voter fraud. A "hot potato," they predicted what is happening, and they didn't know what to do about it. One thing is for sure we have to stay engaged. In Venezuela, the right became disengaged, and it made things worse. Dinesh Dsouza had some interesting things to say about Republic insiders and how they feel about MAGA.
Everyone in DC is very comfortable with the way things are Right and Left. Outsiders upset the apple cart. A kid goes to Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, or Princeton, writes for a right-wing rag or becomes a Republican pundit. This person has expectations of what they should get and how their career should go. An uneducated youngster comes onto the scene, has more followers on social media by hundreds of thousands, and is generally more effective in striking a chord with MAGA. The Republican party and MAGA need each other, but the Republican politicians already in power want to keep what they have, deals, ties, graft, and corruption.

@Tarpon Absolutely. They think of us as We the Peasants. "How dare they demand that we bother to look at their 'evidence'. How DARE they?" Yes, we dare.

I was reading Dan Jones' Summer of Blood, about the 1381 Rebellion in England and he said the King and his ministers were surprised at how politically savvy the rebels were. They were supposed to be ignorant peasants. I think those in power very often forget (or else don't even think it to begin with) that people are all unique and gifted in their own ways, and many of us, even if we didn't go to the best schools or come from the 'best' homes, that we can see their corruption.

@jamesdomus1861 Bwa, ha, ha. We can see the tread of the boot, stomping on our face.

I'll give an example. A lot of the actions of election officials looked like cover for criminal activity. Looked like. When they kicked republican observers out of that Michigan counting center and then covered the windows with white poster boards, I cannot see any justification for that other than to conceal criminal fraud. The other explanations that were offered were ridiculous -- Coronavirus can't spread by sight through a glass window. Counters who are acting properly in legal procedure do not need to be sheltered from eyes that are behind a window. Right there, full stop -- they lost my confidence in the system and further actions and statements did not help, and in fact, made it worse.

@Augur2748 Amen. Not, awomen.


Sounds like it's going badly?

bastion Level 7 Jan 12, 2021

As fast as the brexit way 😉

@RemiDallaire brexit's going great! (lol)

@bastion Is it ? I heard you guys will have to rebuild a Marine to defend your fishing spot LOL

@RemiDallaire the fishing arguments are just for show really - fishing isn't that valuable to the country it's a culture war talking point mainly.

current gov are very useless

@bastion I gottaa agree with that last point... Are ya on lock down playing Organ ? Or with your Organs ? chuckle

@RemiDallaire the lockdown doesn't impact me much - i work from home anyway.


@bastion Writing for the Guardian I guess .... Oh no... I know...Only fan....Gotcha..Wink wink

@RemiDallaire lol that's it.

@bastion So you are talking about the salary Gape to many fans....(both job I guess)

@RemiDallaire LOL genuinely funny. I have been a paid writer before but not the Guardian (the Guardian is pretty terrible now) and I don't do only fans. What do you do for work?

@bastion Telecom networking...At night...Essential services... in charge of all the routers of all the hospitals CLSC youth center of all the province of Qué charge of the 811 phone ip system for the province of Quebec.. in charge of the blood bank software (surgery etc ) for the whole province. And many other stuff that is considered a 24/7 service. I just finnished 5 night of my regular shift. should go to sleep... But you writing for Only fan is so interesting 😉

@RemiDallaire Oh you work night shifts, this explains a lot.

@bastion C'mon.. You know I have an autistic child 😉 Somebody has to be available if a crisis occurs.

@RemiDallaire ah ok you work at night and then care for the child in the day? sounds pretty tough.

@bastion I'm available if something goes wrong at school. During the day.. There are still tough people all over this planet...Not all of us are striving to be victims 😉 That's why I like the american way...Lift yourself by the boot straps.

@RemiDallaire Good for you.

@bastion So what is your latest title/article.... anything cancerygeneous ? LOL

@RemiDallaire I haven't written any articles in a few months - they tend to be music technology reviews and tutorials though.

@bastion Music tech reviews of what ? New piano out there ? Don't tell me you are the Captain from Anderton Music chuckle

@RemiDallaire yeah last review was for a keyboard - I think i bought something from Andertons once though, the price was good enough to get it shipped over. I don't write much as i can make more money making samples though.

@bastion Good for you... Well Say hi to your onlyfans playing what ever organs you have with both hands.😉 Gotta go sleep a bit. Cheers

@RemiDallaire lol by Remi, my Frienemy

@RemiDallaire AOC said that is physically impossible......and she is my Yoda (sarcasm).

@Jmann44492403 hmmmmmmmmmm up fucked you are (yoda voice)

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