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RonPaulLibertyReport: Fauci Tells Senate: 'Indefinite Lockdown!' Why Do We Keep Listening To Him?
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
At least one World famous statistical epidemiologist disagrees almost completely with Dr Fauci. Perspectives on the Pandemic – Professor Knut Wittkowski PhD. Published on April 9, 2020.
ALERT: Democrats Introduce Bill To Authorize Contact Tracing At People's Homes - National File
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Un-Constitutional. Make sure your Reps and Senators know you know it.
How surprising, this Quebec writer accurately sums up Trudeau's destruction of Canada.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
It takes enough people who want it to stop.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
How about the pledge each and every Representative and Senator makes to protect and defend the Constitution? Optional?
New form of ice has been discovered.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
I’ll never vote blue, especially after this: 2nd “Relief” bill funding leftist causes costing ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
That brings the obligation to every man woman and child in the US to nearly $76,500, mostly by Democrats, or Republicans not paying attention, and for nothing back. No new roads, no new schools, fire houses, or veterans hospitals. Nothing. How will it get paid back? Our taxes will now go sky high. For nothing back. Brilliant. I shall not be voting "blue" either, and will be throwing rocks at the purple ones.
Do you think Trudeau's leaning to China is approved by the Queen of England?
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Surely you know that the Queen is a ceremonial head of state.
The HIghWire With Del Bigtree: CENSORED DOC DOUBLES DOWN! Dr.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Really credible evidence: 1. Anyone who still lets themselves be abused by YouTube might be a masochist. 2. World renowned statistical epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski said social distancing and masks were never appropriate. 3. California doc said that COVID-19 is just like the flu that happens every year, and that what we have done is prolong COVID-19. His colleagues everywhere agree.
My investigative spidey senses are tingling.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Unfortunately, President Trump is too honorable about our respective constitutions to do that. Good thought though.
Does anyone know of any "fact checking" sites which do not have either leftist or right-wing bias?
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Can’t be sure, so I just go to original sites. Suppose Democrats claim Republicans are part of the KKK. I go first to the RNC site to see what they say. Then I go to Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, Webster’s dictionary, etc., and eventually get a picture of the truth. All of that took me about 15 minutes one day, and now I know the truth. Then for the bonus points I go to the Democrat platform because now I'm curious about why they lied so blatantly. Wow!
This Group Is For those Who Don’t Know The Answers And Need Them.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Catch 22 isn’t it? Unless they read it, they’ll be lucky to get it, and if they don’t get it, they’ll be lucky to read it.
For my Canadian peeps
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Don’t forget that all this while being shot by a crazy person who feels free to go on a rampage because no one is armed.
RonPaulLibertyReport: Fauci Tells Senate: 'Indefinite Lockdown!' Why Do We Keep Listening To Him?
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero.
How ‘Stakeholder’ Movement Could Hinder Recovery From COVID-19. []
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
One only has to recall how universities operated before 1970, to understand how the Bayh-Dole Act changed academia practically overnight. Global Warming became an issue that way, at the behest of the government, which from then on funded the research it wanted, and for the results it needed to justify itself. That is what is happening here.
Democracy Is An Illusion - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
While it may be true that unless we stand up for our Constitutional Republic, it may cease to exist, it is also true that in military, or paramilitary organizations like police, discipline is required for them to operate with integrity and effectiveness. Discipline may be selectively enforced, as human nature will inevitably demand, so one can't be a member of those organizations without placing oneself at risk in going against the grain, as it were. The only way to be free of that risk is to be a member of an organization in which discipline among its members is not required. Unfortunately, even corporations must so demand on some level. I applaud the officer's stand on principle. However matters of "civil disobedience" always carry the risk of reasonable consequences.
Am I surprised that the feminists are gloating that men are more likely to succumb to C-19 than ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Facts are facts, and are not political, regardless of our preferences. The fact that men are at higher risk is not a confirmation of feminism.
[] old but is bring the light to us!
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Hadith 9-5, among many others, calls for the displacement or death of infidels. A bit like the Christian "Old Testament," that was tells us who WE are. The New Testament tells us who God is, is the current call to Christians, and ONLY calls for us to love ALL humans. Hadith 9-5 is among Mohammed's last words, and is the CURRENT active call to Muslims. And Taqiyya is their call to lie to promote of Islam. Islam has killed more human beings in history than any other force, disease, philosophy, dictator or country. Sharia is totally inconsistent with our Constitution. ALL true believer Muslims must be deported. Not only “violent” Muslims are dangerous!
As I've always maintained.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Any philosophy that claims the right to own the truth about someone else, is a false philosophy. No one has the right to assert someone else's truth, except a court of law, which has proven a lie. So anyone who thinks they can assert fault without due process is anti-Constitutional, and cares not about justice; only their own self-important judgment, as if it is better than everyone else.
Rebel News: REVEALED: Trudeau's office decides which media outlets get to ask him! We’re ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
“Freedom of the Press Is Guaranteed Only to Those Who Own One.” - A. J. Liebling
[] REVEALED: Trudeau's office decides which media outlets get to ask him questions
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
“Freedom of the Press Is Guaranteed Only to Those Who Own One.” - A. J. Liebling
Canadian politicians documented links to the QatarPapers extremism funding scandal.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Hadith 9-5, among many other places in the Koran, calls for the displacement or death of infidels. A bit like the Christian "Old Testament," that was tells us who WE are. The New Testament tells us who God is, and as the current active call to Christians, ONLY calls for us to love ALL humans. Hadith 9-5 is among Mohammed's last words, and is the CURRENT active call to Muslims. And Taqiyya is their call to lie to promote of Islam. Islam has killed more human beings in history than any other force, disease, philosophy, dictator or country. Sharia is totally inconsistent with our Constitution. ALL true believer Muslims must be deported. Not only “violent” Muslims are dangerous!
Hello everyone, Cool to see this group has grown to 800+.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Bless you for spreading the Gospel.
What is happening to Canada?
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Communist regimes punish dissenters by "re-educating" them in prison, as "mentally ill," and in need of rehabilitation. All that is required is for the dissenter to criticize the government, and they are "guilty." Sound familiar?
2000 Former Justice Department staffers call on AG Barr to RESIGN.
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” - George Orwell.
We can make the world a better place than Pierre Trudeau sold Canada to the most evil humans to ever...
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
"Any approach that denies truth lays the foundation for chaos."
I'm so glad that whites are out of the conversation aren't you ? []
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Obviously the title is sarcasm. Bottom line is that Democrat policies institutionalize the welfare culture and promote crime. I agree.
Thank you President Trump! Trump 2020! Spencer Fernando: VIDEO: Trump Tells Reporter, “Don’t ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
"Reporters" keep coming back for more, and don't seem to notice Trump running circles around them. This tells me that the media does not actually care if they are economically viable, and are purely a propaganda cost on the Left. Time for the American people to throw them out. Throw your TVs into the trash. Call them out. Demand better.
Jesus Culture: Jesus Culture - Love Has A Name (Live) ft. Kim Walker-Smith []
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
I’m agnostic, but I’ve been learning about a Christian sect (?
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
To me Swedenborg is an example of presuming too much ownership of gifts actually from God. His conclusions depart significantly from Scripture, by which he has risked his immortal soul, basically by disobeying the First Commandment. God honors our free will to conclude as we will, including disavowing Him. Only God knows us so well as to understand our true faith in Him.
This is my first post on the IDW. Does anyone talk anymore or is it all about posting videos?
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Even here you won't avoid trolls; those who feel it is brilliant to throw rocks at everything. But I encourage you to speak. There are some very bright people who will engage you in intelligent discussion, at least until the trolls chime in.
Promoting the Constitution can get a U.S. policeman fired. []
TimTuolomne comments on May 12, 2020:
Time for Americans to take a stand.
The people trying to publish their documentary had their website cyber atacked to today.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
When the people fail to insist on justice, justice will fail the people.
1968 Hong Kong Flu Vs. 2020 Coronavirus []
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
And what about the common flu, which killed 80,000 in the US alone in 2018? We didn't shut down the economy then. COVID-19 will kill more, but still those who are smokers and those with pre-existing conditions. It generally does not kill healthy people.
How Sweden & Others Handled Coronavirus Differently []
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
If you look at the R-nought value of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, the virus was everywhere before anyone knew, except South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. They were early enough to make social distancing, and masks, effective. Social distancing and masks were far too late to affect the virus after that, and the proof is that no matter what other countries did, the curves are roughly the same. See The main differences you see between countries can be explained by their numbers of smokers and those with pre-existing conditions. Italy has more, Sweden has fewer of those demographics.
Do you think the liberals in Canada will ban the Bible?
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
The Bible in particular, and religion in general is a threat to socialism. So yes.
Poland is moving forward with the Baltic Pipe project, a natural gas pipeline meant to connect ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.”-Thomas Sowell. “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of those who pay no price for being wrong.” - Thomas Sowell. Did the opposition to the pipeline do their research and learn the true pros and cons? Historically it doesn't happen.
For those following the liberal government, what do you see happening to Canada?
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Canadians are now faced with an uncivil regime, and will have to abandon civility to rid themselves of that regime, much like the uncivil man the US has in the White House right now with the same mission. In the US, we shall only return to civility when we have disposed of the uncivil. The American public is now rising up to do so. Canadians will have to do the same.
This landed in my inbox today.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Sebastian Cevallos is correct, and I admire his stand for justice. His piece, "Lies About Israel Lead to Lies About Everything," is clear, well researched and well written.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Code Law prevails in France. Every sovereign nation must follow its own law. If they do, most of the individuals in the Islamic enclaves have earned life in prison and many the death penalty.
Gosh. Where do we begin?
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Its chess, with more pawns on the board than just 8. Each must be cleared by either prosecution or as state's evidence. Its going to take a while to work our way through the cases to get to the major players.
If we say that for the Universe to be good evil must be utterly eliminated; Shall we say that if ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
For me, there is no question about the purpose of the "accuser" on Earth (The name sometimes in the Bible for Satan). I strongly suggest that the only way for anyone to share my confidence is to actually read the Bible for comprehension. But consider that the Universe may well be a "crucible" for refinement of new created beings into sentient beings. Physicists are discussing the possibility that our Universe may be a very thin part of a greater reality, which is inaccessible to us. How would we know from inside the crucible? Does the pupa know its going to be a butterfly? And what would Christ's purpose be in dying for us? What would happen to those failing to achieve sentience? Is it possible that the greater parent Universe (not ours) IS good? What is your guess?
Don't miss Hillary celebrating her presidency!! Josh Bernstein Show: BULL DURHAM: FORMER FBI ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Bernstein is correct, as I had learned from original sources three years ago. Clinton bought or stole roughly 5 million fraudulent votes, and there was indictable evidence, that the Deep State intentionally buried, and did not prosecute. As Durham pulls at the threads of the evidence on Weiner's laptop, and prosecutes the impeding Deep State operatives one by one, the truth will eventually come out. In addition, I saw the cables from Benghazi in which Clinton denied assistance in response to ambassador Steven's repeated pleas for help. I witnessed those cables disappearing from the web within hours of first seeing them in real time.
How fashion designers are thwarting facial recognition surveillance- [reason.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Fear or accurate perception? Best do the research to find out how likely this is. From what I understand, it is not very likely, nor practical. Follow the money, or the path to power. Are you going to find either by tracking me? Not likely. Imagining the potential threat without imagining how you justify the cost is not thinking it through.
Dr. Kaufman’s COVID theory. Probably true, or completely off the wall? []
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
According to geneticists I know, this is closer to "off the wall" than true. The technology of gene splicing is far too young to have any confidence in such an ambition. You can find many media reports of unsuccessful cloning of anything bigger than a few cells at a time, which is the big clue that anything more advanced is not yet possible.
Brilliant discussion on the folly of so-called 'Rape culture'! Most of the contributors at ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
If you hang around the kind of people who habitually take advantage, try not to be surprised when both sides of these injustices happen to you.
Arbery, Arbery, Arbery.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Taking offense is now a socially acceptable tactic, promoted by Leftists to take down all of civil society, with the aim of justifying its replacement. To judge in the court of public opinion plays into that tactic. There was a time when no one would demean themselves to comment on a case before due process. That fact that is now gone, which means we have allowed ourselves to drop to that level in which socialism now seems a viable alternative. Stop. Think. If you feel Constitutional justice deserves preservation, don't give into this, and feel free to gently demean those who do.
This is the foulest harridan that ever lived, a truly loathsome person.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
"Slander is the only recourse when the argument is lost." - Socrates.
EP 36 | Democratic Socialism for Beginners [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
There are three things that are true about those whose intelligence is unavailable to them, because of some emotional trauma locking them into a state of development well below their intelligence: 1. They are unaware of the inaccessibility of their own intelligence, obscured by emotional idealism. 2. Therefore they believe they can't be fooled by any dogma. 3. We are almost all deluded this way. What is the answer? To accept every point of view and run every possibility through to every logical conclusion without regard for the emotional distaste for the outcome. This reveals circular logic (Marxism and socialism) and logical strength (Constitutional Republicanism). Those who can't drive themselves all the way through that exercise are doomed to find out the hard way, and drag their loved ones and society along into tyranny, hardship and possibly death. History has proved it endlessly. And the number of examples proves what I am asserting. People keep getting fooled.
Just what Dr.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Yup. When a truly dangerous virus finally hits us, we will not need the New York Times to tell us. Everyone will be dying, and the survivors will remember today's effort by the media as a big con.
Catherine McKenna made this statement when she was drunk in a bar.
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Veritas Vos Liberabit.
Spencer Fernando: BOMBSHELL REPORT: CCP China Dictator Xi Jinping Pushed For WHO To DELAY Warning ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 11, 2020:
Bombshell??? Not really. COVID-19 is the latest version of the common cold that is taking out the same folks who would not survive this year due to flu and other microbes, but THIS year are listed as victims of COVID-19. Tragic? Yes. Could we have stopped it before COVID-19? Probably not. So what is the difference??? I am no fan of the CCP, particularly their heavy-handed tactics, but I don't blame them for downplaying what amounts to a bug with the standing of the common flu. All the numbers tell you that, if you're paying attention.
Welcome to the latter stages of OWG Communism.
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
In the US, this has been going on since 1942 when FDR illegally threatened the Supreme Court, and accelerated when Alinsky's Rules for Radicals was published in 1971. So unfortunately they have been winning for almost a century, and now are winning with many Millenials.
Pelosi says Americans are the stupidest people on earth. (Hot mic capture.) []
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
Although she has been caught on audio in the past saying similar things, She is under better control now, so this seems unlikely to have been recorded. I agree with GeeMac that we should be careful not to sink to their level.
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
You are loved. And you are not alone in your suffering. No matter what our experiences and leanings, none of us live this life without pain, straight, gay, rich, poor, woman, man.... We are humans who all eventually learn that life is suffering, and how to find meaning in life beyond our suffering. No one escapes that fate. Whether or not you find God is a personal choice - between you and God, and no one should dishonor whatever you feel is best for you. That is written in the Holy Bible, even though I apologize that some of my fellow Christians seem to be unaware. I hope you will not allow them to be an impediment to your faith, should you decide that is best for you. I hope you make that decision by being informed, and not by what people with vested interests say. God bless you.
Looks like Jordan Peterson has become a grandfather — for the second time — with the birth of a ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
Wonderful news!
Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: The Worst Virus – Big Government.
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
Real people on the ground who are caring for others are all telling us that the damage the government mandated shutdown is causing is far greater than the damage due to the virus. Lets all speak up, contact our reps and tell them we expect them to honor our Constitutional rights, and to either declare martial law or take their hands off now!
Israeli Scientist says draconian, economy destroying lockdowns were not necessary.
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
True. And here is the proof: Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
I enjoyed your interview with Andrew Klavan.
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
Welcome to the light side my friend, where we all know that all of us are broken in some way, all of us suffer, and all of us deserve acceptance.
‘Government didn’t help us. The farmers did.’ []
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, “See, if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.” - Harry Browne.
Unite against Draconian regulations. []
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
Individual rights and freedom are now at risk in the World. The Left is taking advantage of the panic to establish socialism against our will, because they know we would never agree.
To smallbusinessowners & those affected by lockdown, It wasn't COVID19 which closed the economy and...
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
This is precisely what has happened throughout the World at the hands firstly of the media, and secondly the governments only too willing to extend their reach beyond the law, using the excuse of the common good.
Get offended you loose []
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
"Get offended, you lose." That's right. The Left uses being offended, and triggering us as their tactic to to prove to us and to themselves that we are not reasonable, and that Constitutionalism is only supported by unreasonable people. So be reasonable, don't take offense. But don't agree. Political correctness preventing you from being honest is their way to manipulate you. Feel free to openly disrespect them, but don't be uncivil. Just turn your back on them.
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
The WaPo is not among my trusted sources. I would fact check everything they "report."
SpaceX: Camel's Nose Under The Tent Of Rapid Space Militarization []
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
Everything you are describing is as a result of the growth of the power and unaccountability of the massive Federal Bureaucracy, which renders us no longer a Representative Republic. Before 1942, that was unConstitutional. A Convention of States, could re-establish the Commerce Clause, which would cause dozens of decisions, organizations and laws to come under review, like Obamacare, NASA, FDA, EPA, Department of Education, the LRRA (1981 - drove 276 insurance companies out of business and quadurpled insurance rates) the Bayh-Dole Act. You can bet that the Democrats would scream bloody murder if we tried that, because every underhanded sneaky trick they pulled to remove government accountability would be exposed.
1,000 of your Earth pounds, to anyone who can tell me who was Prime Minister of 'Palestine' in 1966?
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
No one. Earth Pounds? Are you from out of town, stranger?
This was a very informative (not for faint of heart) conference I suggest everyone watch who wants ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
As an engineer, who personally knows geneticists, who study the human genome, and the genomes of other species, and viruses, I am confident that the assertion that viruses are made in humans as part of our immune system is false.
What do you think about meat consumption?
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
COVID-19 is not an event about microbes. It is an event defined by fear. Don't fall prey to it.
I have ceased my general adherence to 'lockdown' protocols - businesses require masks to enter and ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
I stand behind you all the way my friend. Many of us do, who see government overreach here.
Very interesting article about the Sars-Cov2 virus by a data specialist, and the comments are also ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 10, 2020:
Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
She is describing the amoral Leftist good-ol-boys club. Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
Now Trudope is gonna outlaw plastic star blasters.
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Representative Republic or monarchy? You should decide. Speak out!
Moms, listen to chairman Justine!! Do it and shut-off the tv as you leave!! Spencer Fernando: ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
I wouldn't let that guy speak to my kids without a witness.
Spencer Fernando: China-Controlled Shandong To Buy Canadian Gold Mining Company, Gaining Access To ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
China is making their move now because they realize the jig is up and Trudeau's days in office are numbered. Speak out while you can!
Pray for sanity to prevail in the Senate & the President! Truth triumphs over evil! Dr.
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
MAKE CANADA FREE AGAIN AND LET US GO BACK TO WORK!! Press for Truth: COVID-19(84) Puts Canada ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Now you know. Vote them out.
If anyone wants the best solution to the world today, just check my revised Profile.
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Its a free country. You are welcome to whatever uninformed, narrow-minded self-gratifying POV you choose.
Mexico's President wants answers on Operation Fast and Furious- []
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
COVID-19 media coverage is scaring people, and that is probably affecting drug profits. He's probably been told to figure out how to fix it or die.
Welcome To The Peoples Republik Of Kalifornia
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Lefty logic. They voted for all of this. They got what they deserve. Now if we could only stop them from exporting it everywhere else.
How Socialists Equivocate Economics - EXPLAINED []
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Even “smart” socialists I know that hear arguments like these, about the Kibbutzim, and other attempts, always assume that their romantic kumbaya notions of utopian bliss could have happened, and go on to list the reasons why they didn’t, but never admit that those reasons it didn’t work ALWAYS happen, because human beings are the common element. Idealists like that are easy prey for cynical power hungry leaders who are not concerned about trashing any system that is working, because they envision themselves always surviving whatever system wins. And that perfectly describes “Democrats” and self-named “Liberals” in the West. Both names are intentional misdirections, because both titles represent individual freedom, not socialism. What more do you need to know about them?
I pray that President Trump is on to theses people!!! Amazing Polly: The Global Health Mafia ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Yup. Its a sham. Here is what is true: Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
[] Please watch guys ! He nails it
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Well stated by U S Navy Admiral James A “Ace” Lyons. Hadith 9-5, among many others, calls for the displacement or death of infidels. A bit like the Christian "Old Testament," that was tells us who WE are. The New Testament tells us who God is, and ONLY calls for us to love ALL humans. Hadith 9-5 is among Mohammed's last words, and is the CURRENT active call to Muslims. And Taqiyya is their call to lie to promote of Islam. Islam has killed more human beings in history than any other force, disease, philosophy, dictator or country. Sharia is totally inconsistent with our Constitution. ALL true believer Muslims must be deported. Not only “violent” Muslims are dangerous!
NYT reporter calls Americans who want to open economy 'dumbest people'- []
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
"Accuse the opposition of what you are doing, as you are doing it, to cause confusion." Josef Stalin. (In this case, being dumb as rocks.)
This muslim lady tells us (UN)intelligent Canadian politicians are falling over to pervert laws to ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Satan is Allah, the Principality of the Air, and Mohammed was his disciple. Islam is the word for "submit." The "religion of peace" teaches its followers to lie and murder, making peace a lie, only justified when no Christian is left. Only then will those followers of Islam realize their fate to never again see the face of God. We will see them finally in despair unknown on Earth and mourn for them.
[] Arizona: Muslim Students Threaten to Kill Prof for Suggesting Islam Is Violent
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
That should tell you all you need to know. Satan is Allah, the Principality of the Air, and Mohammed was his disciple. Islam is the word for "submit." The "religion of peace" teaches its followers to lie and murder, making peace a lie, only justified when no Christian is left. Only then will those followers of Islam realize their fate to never again see the face of God. We will see them finally in despair unknown on Earth and mourn for them.
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
This only propagates needless fear of COVID-19. Here is what is true: Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
Trudeau is willing to sacrifice two innocent Canadians held hostage in China as well as all Canada, ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
When someone shows no restraint toward civility, you know who they are. Time for his supporters to wake up.
Why do we quarantine healthy people?
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Yes, proving that human ego is the biggest thing in the Universe. Modern thinkers “...revived the sense of the collective power of human communities. Man, formerly too humble, begins to think of himself as almost a God. In all this I feel a grave danger, the danger of what might be called cosmic impiety. The concept of "truth" as something dependent of facts largely outside human control has been one of the ways in which philosophy hitherto has inculcated the necessary element of humility. When this check upon pride is removed, a further step is taken on the road toward a certain kind of madness - the intoxication of power which invaded philosophy with Fichte, and to which modern men, whether philosophers or not, are prone. I am persuaded that this intoxication is the greatest danger of our time, and that any philosophy which, however unintentionally, contributes to it is increasing the danger of vast social disorder.” - Bertrand Russell.
Buffalo Chronicle: Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Moral bankruptcy has no limits; no restraint toward civility.
When you are getting "flack", you know you are over the target! SAY NO TO FAUCI AND BILL GATES TO ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Gates may intend to profit from vaccines that can not possibly be guaranteed to keep up with mutations, the same way he profited from viruses in computers, as a way to be the provider for the "cure." And he is the Pied Piper for MSM, CNN and the Leftist media, who also stand to profit as the propaganda division. They will not make it as honest journalists in a free society.
Gutless Trudope is called out by past Australian Prime Minister for his kow-towing to the CCP.
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Rise up my Northern brethren, and recognize the moral bankruptcy of the Leftist philosophy driving your Liberal government.
Most Italians deaths were not Coronavirus. []
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Yup. The emperor is finally being seen without his clothes. What is it going to take for the public to unshade their eyes here???
Why Socialism Never, Ever Works []
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Even “smart” socialists I know that hear arguments like these, always assume that their romantic kumbaya notions of utopian bliss could have happened, and go on to list the reasons why they didn’t, but never admit that those reasons it didn’t work ALWAYS happen, because human beings are the common element. Idealists like that are easy prey for cynical power hungry leaders who are not concerned about trashing any system that is working, because they envision themselves always surviving whatever system wins. And that perfectly describes “Democrats” and self-named “Liberals” in the West. Both names are intentional misdirections, because both titles represent individual freedom, not socialism. What more do you need to know about them?
Do you think that homosexual women should identify as lesbians even if they are biromantic or ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
I would hope no one would make my sex life their business, and I will make no one else’s mine either.
She won't be happy until she has your dick in a jar dude! Once you start down that road, there's no...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
“The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.” Robert Heinlein. Applies to the UK as well, and to “celebrities,” like “royalty.”
The Father, the Son, and the Holy bogeyman!
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
He is with us, IF we are with Him.
SGT Report, another one that could go down soon, there is nothing that they are saying, that is not ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
It is true that this kind of research is potentially risky. But Del Bigtree is right. COVID-19 is not the deadly virus we should fear. At some time in the future a truly deadly virus will kill so many people so fast that we won't need CNN to tell us. Here is what is true: Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine ...
This video is not on YT so it won't be deleted! Rountable on the truth about vaccines! ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...
And here we go again with the 'race card'! I wonder what trauma is created by knowing that blacks ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Remember that Obama fanned the cultural hatreds behind "racism." Lets not descend to that level. There are no races among humans. The human genome has been known for decades and has proved it. Those who want to say there is racism are actually the racists, and wish to stir division among us based on hatred and fear. Don't let them. Feel free to ridicule them as culturally ignorant.
From Dr.
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Dr Moore is among the few rational voices about climate change, not beholden to political agendae. We fail to listen to him at our peril.
Just thinking out loud. And so it goes, on and on and on and on............
TimTuolomne comments on May 9, 2020:
Truth. And so is this. Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts: 1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered). 2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan. 3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans. The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them. See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon. Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. 73,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions. Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry. Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective? ...


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