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Going on now again. About that show. So there's a reason that I wouldn't say that I liked the Judicial system in our world. At this point that I've told you now how the justice system works in that world though, that's the moment when my case worker started to ask me the question, is it that I thought it was right that people in their world was being judged based on whether they were psycho or had psychosis. I told her it was trick question. Because, we here in real life do not live in the same world that is that world having that justice system, and that justice system doesn't exist in reality since it's actually unreal, but then I went on to say that, it's just that I would answer her question with my own respond instead, because instead that I told her was only what I would say to being asked. What I said before plays an important part in figuring this out, in our world, the way that we know what's right is what the court would said, but before there can ever be such a case, there has to be a bad guy, it's not a question that I can determine myself that I thought if it was ever right or wrong, right, that's what I was saying, in our world it's how we know what's right since when we ask that question we judge the justice system not the one that did the crime or who is the criminal that made the crime, here however, it is the court that would decide that for us by itself, and that's why we have no need to really question it, in that world it's the justice system that does decide that, because the difference is that here we are made to believe that the court says about us is decided by us and at the same time it would be what we thought was wrong or right about court that did decide what the court says about us too, that way it's people that also control dictating court, it should be fair like that, but that's just it, it's not actually what's fair at all in when court says so or if it's true in real life, that's the problem of why I wasn't able to answer that question, because if court was dictated being controlled by people and it was fair to do so, then it wouldn't matter what I said would it, since, anything that I could have said would be either having to be right or wrong because it's exactly what someone else always thought, the court could not answer that question by itself and that's exactly why that it's not fair too, any perfect system that exists in the world to be calling itself perfect has to be able to judge itself, or it's not a perfect system, so apparently it's our world that doesn't have the perfect system, it shouldn't matter what the real truth should be, it just has to exist has the real truth for it to be the truth, and our court system it's not that it won't try to answer the question about itself it's that it couldn't, it couldn't, that justice system in that world can, therefore the real truth could be the real truth in reality actually, my point is that don't let anyone tell you that's just how it is even if it's the law, a court should be what decides that, but if everyone were to depend on what the court system is in our world, a court system that is meant to tell us what we can and can't do while it's a flawed system acting like it's not, then everyone loses in the end, in court, that's just the way it is, there is always only one person that's right and one person that's wrong, even when knowing that is what's the hardest part, but there's always a right answer, always, if there wasn't then court means nothing anyways, in that other society however because the justice system there didn't depend on what people thought or used a court system, then, there was never anything that separated right, wrong, good and bad, there just was, always, the right right and wrong answer, so take a look at how our world's justice system compared to a fictional one that doesn't even depend on what court says at all, it makes both parties the people and justice system held accountable in their's, our system can't even figure that out being court that does depend on what other people and society itself wants to say, and yet that does still lead us to the final conclusion doesn't it, that the court system in our world has to be the problem, the real problem, not just a problem, I mean that it wasn't ever bad guys that were ever the problem that was bad, it was just our judicial system.

What that justice system was doing was the better way to help society develop and yet it being a flawed system too, it never, tried to make itself seem like it was just the most perfect system in the world and somehow its judgments about people that were never in the system was still just as accurate as in ours in real life too. Ours, you know the only thing that it likes and tends to do, is just, control the population, that's all it cares about, and it's not even that good at it, here, once you've been labeled a criminal now because of some judgment made by the court, you're going to be a bad guy to the public forever with absolutely no chance of recovery, at least in that world, when they label you a criminal they give you a chance at something that might make you better and they don't even have to call labeling you a criminal first in order to make it happen, so, anyone can say whatever that it is that they want to about our criminal justice system, it really doesn't matter actually, because that's the far way better system than ours could ever hope to ever be. It both helps and prosecutes those who are really potentially bad people, not just hoping that it like a courtroom just can make the right call given by chance at all, it's perfect. What's the moral of the story, don't believe the bullshit that the, I mean, your, courtroom system tries to tell you. Damn right, exactly... Don't you find this to be interesting to you, Jaclyn Glenn, I mean you're always going on about what if God was a real monster really, well, you're welcome, don't ask me where or how I got this just stuff it down into your pocket thank you.

Here's some example how that system tends to help and you know actually prevent people from doing bad things like a good Justice system is supposed to do, here we goe, one, there is music that's banned, because some music tends to make people make bad judgments distorting their psychopass, so, they banned some things like that, not just music of a certain kind either, art too, maybe that's bad for some people, but if you were to live in a society that was all equal and it was you having to think for a world and it's society yourself, then you would know why that if there was anything that might be to meant to harm your society, then you'd obviously of course want to be who wants does make sure that it never does, even if it was only one person against you, and it's not like it's trying to say if you listen to this then you're just a bad criminal, no, not like in our world, in our world, you'll be called that just, for breaking the law, which is really actually what's bullshit, then, it's not like that you will ever know now what's actually right or wrong about listening to the court telling you not to do something, because you've never done it, so, if humans were never really meant to judge themselves or others, then, what makes the court system in our world think that it can, it can't, that's what's so fucked up about that problem, if the court was to be what told us to do or not do what we really should or wouldn't want to do, then like in that world then, then we are able to become better people just by that effect instead of only knowing once we have turned actually bad criminals that we are really not the ones at fault or to blame for what society wants to think about us, of us excuse me, and if we had and did knew what we shouldn't really be doing or if the justice system were to tell us that, then, at least just by knowing that we could know we are making the world a better place just by not doing those things just to find out later that it might or just might not make us ourselves just the bad criminals. And you know what else too, that would then be general consensus of the whole entire world itself too, like it was really actually the world that created that happening into existence all on its own, but, it not like this in our world, here it's like, just that the Judicial system owns you, I'll tell you why it's not what you think of that's right, it's because they've bullies who want to make you that slave while trying wipe it all away that any wrong was ever made in the first place. Actually, that's exactly what's happening in our world right now too, you can't der fight the truth sons of bitch, you know it, in our world, you can't even be allowed to believe that real pure true bad and evil does exist, because, it is the court system out there telling you that it doesn't, according to what the court says, all real things that were to be would be considered actually bad in the world, can't exist, because the court says that they don't exist, that's what it is too, in order for that to be true according if you followed all of the rules they set and told you was right in a courtroom, then you could never come to the real and actual conclusion yourself that real pure evil badness possibly really does exist, it would have to be you that would know that, that it does, but then it also has to be what not just everyone else but all of the courtroom that decides that too, just, to make it so be true, do you think there's not something wrong with that? I mean, yeah, I rest my case. Stupid fucking bitch, sgggghhaeemmnaauumeaaaueea, I hate the judicial system so fucking much. Kill it, just kill it, seriously it won't be missed. I will close my eyes and I won't look, just shoot it in the face, this is how that movie The Sandlot should have ended, don't you bite me motherfucker, I will whoop yo ass... Oh I am such an asshole.

So, at least maybe if people could believe whatever that they wanted and not be judged for it like ever, maybe shit will actually start to get done. In that society it's not just, the justice system controls everything, like it may sound, it does do that, but then it also gages just how to place people of the society into positions that are best suited for them and everyone else too that are around them, it's just natural that way. It doesn't leave that to be decided by people or what court has to say, which is exactly why, that you shouldn't, ever, let court try telling how the rest of the people in society should live.

oh, speaking of that. Jaclyn Glenn. You can believe that what you do is the right thing, you believe that what you do is right, that's alright, but maybe there's nothing wrong in believing something if you think that you are right, well actually, you're wrong, that's not right, I'm saying that what you believe is wrong, saying to everyone that you believe that what God does is wrong, that it's bad, that he judges people, good thing, that you're truly a real atheist right now right, because now I'm not going to hold back on you feeling guilty anymore, and this, this right here is exactly why that I would think that you thinking that you're an atheist that you would understand, that really I wouldn't think that an atheist like you would ever be capable of truly understanding this. God does not judge people, it's only true that you will be judged after you die, it's true that God would be the one that decide what that your judgment would really be, but he's not really the real reason that you're being judged being a human, in your mind it's like, God judges people and so if he decides you're bad then you goe to Hell which, he will, because you choose not to believe that you're about to be judged by God since you don't believe in him, and then if he does do that, then he must not be such a good guy after all, so then, that's your rationality for why that you wouldn't believe in God, I don't really care if you do, or not, just know this though, if that's what you were debating or deciding trying to hinge your very belief upon right now, or don't, which I wouldn't care if you did, just listen, if you knew that what you were doing was bad, your whole life, like not if you just knew that but if someone were to have told you just that, then if they said that you were going to be judged for what you did when you die right after, then, would there be any real reason for why you should or shouldn't live as either a good or bad person doing right or wrong, no, not really, that's why that you would have to be a person to believe that what you were doing was right, for that to actually matter, to you, if your argument was, that you don't think you should believe in God just because you think that you being judged was bad since you think judging people were to be bad, then what's your point, it wouldn't be something that mattered to you, then if, you had no problem with how that you were judged because you would know, that you never did anything wrong to be judged wrong, then it's really not going to matter to you, you know why though, because whether or not that you ever chose to believe or whatever, everyone else will always still be judged and still have had to have been really a real good or bad person to begin with in life, and therefore, you won't have any reason why to not believe just because you were to have though that you shouldn't need to be judged just because you thought judging people was wrong. You think that this was my first rodeo, I tangoed with the universe while she was wearing a Hula skirt, if I can do that with the universe, then I can throw anything that you have to throw at me back at you. And fuck you too, universe, crazy bitch. You know what you did woman. This is also exactly why that, it's completely possible that you're wrong, you know that much at least, Jaclyn Glenn, it was you know that you did always knew that it was possible for you to be wrong, no matter what just anyone said or God might have said, it was just that someone could have always been who proved you wrong, whether that you wanted to believe that or not. This is why, that court, even court is such a crappy broken thing, you think that you're right, you think that because you think you can in the slightest actually do think rationally, but you don't think rationally like normal people, and that's why that you're wrong. Just take the hit, you did good, but you were wrong unfortunately and I'm sorry that you disagree with me. You think this is like the thing it is like right now, that you're the first person, that I've ever had to have this talk with before, if even you might have been right, still, that's the thing, there are so many different ways that all of this could have probably should have happened if not like this right now, this was bound for this to happen for me to be telling you these things, literally, there are so many different ways that this might have not happened, but they were all probable, you can't overlook that this is what's actually happening for real right now, and you know it to be true, just like that, now you know it, like the snap of my fingers, fucking magic, that's how, this, no matter is what that I'm saying, if you chose to believe this or not, the truth always was, that, even if you didn't, then we would still have been having this discussion with each other right now even despite that, and you know what, I don't even care to doubt it right now, you're not the first person that I've had to, say, these things to. I'm sorry, Jaclyn Glenn, yeah you're not though. But hey listen, you were great, that was what you did, I don't blame you or, that I can myself say that I would have been the one to have done that differently exactly what you've been doing for all of this time. Don't think of me as your enemy, I'm a lot of things, but not your enemy Jaclyn Glenn. Well, actually, I mean, I don't know, that part still kind of still has to be determined, but still, psshheee, I don't give a fucking shit woman. I'm tired of this, just like you are, too, girl, you Jaclyn Glenn, always having to defend or offend other people just because I would have wanted them to have understood me if they can at least, all of the time, I don't know who thought this was the best way to do things, but whoever it was, they were fucking retarded, God damn it fuck. Let me clarify this for you, it's not that I disagree or don't believe in God, a God, that is beneath me to wonder such things, but, I do, I fucking really hate that fucking bastard, let me put this like this, if there was just a God in the universe, and he alone was responsible for all of this shit right now, then yeah, I could imagine that I would be just as mad at him too as just you are too Jaclyn Glenn. That's what I want you to know that, I am, clarifying here, that I just really fucking hate that guy, alright, you got that. Like, you don't. Shut the fuck up, Jaclyn, Jaclyn Glenn, woman. Even if there was more than one, I'd kill them, kill them all, like, I mean, whoever made it happen or thought it was a good idea, all of them, sorry, what were we talking about, I wasn't paying attention? I know how it feels, Jaclyn Glenn, what it's like, how unfair it is, was, you're thinking that it's alright if God doesn't even want to say that you know you're right, but because, you also knew, all while you did that even if he wasn't going to believe you, that someone else would, but then, you started to find out that what you thought you believed in was wrong, because, it is everyone all of these other people going to be telling you that you're wrong, and it tears you up inside, it makes you feel like wondering if what you thought you knew all along was wrong because you believed it, so, it makes you double back down on just what you believed that you thought you knew you were right about, until, one day, it happened, you, just couldn't take it anymore, and now, you are like me, I was like you all along. Yeah, that's more or less just exactly pretty much just how it happened for me to me too. If that's what people want to think is wrong, then how about this Jaclyn Glenn, I don't care, I'll be wrong with you then. Fantastic. Hold on, Jaclyn Glenn, just give me a minute.

So lets just now start on the actual plot of the show, shall we. The story, starts off with the main character a girl, having a confrontation with a bad guy that was on the job to hunt other bad guys the system thought was bad, very, first episode. She was new, brand new, they were teaching her how to watch the bad guy they let have a gun and how to shoot him if he misbehaved while she was right there on the job, just hands her a gun and says do whatever that you thought was right. So, right from the very beginning, you're thinking this is a criminal justice show, this is what detectives do, that this must be the main character even though, even though, you just found out that she is having to be taught by the other bad guys declared bad by the system, right from the very beginning, no questions about it, right off, it makes you think and believe that what you have always thought about criminal justice shows was already what's right, and so, then you're expecting it, that things are just going to turn out good or bad right, that then from whatever does happening to happen that from then on it's telling you whether what you thought was either right or wrong, and then, then it's going to make you want to relate to the main character like somehow they knew what you did since this is a criminal justice show and so that it must also be what this criminal justice system in this show is all about, that's how, criminal justice shows are supposed to happen, but not in this show, like what the fuck, that girl is new, God damn, and then she's already having an argument with another detective while the bad guy declared by the system is right there in front of them, it's fucking crazy, the bad guy, was a victim too, about to be shot by another bad guy declared by the system, until the victim the other girl that was a hostage gets calmed down that main character she talks her to calm down, then she gets knocked out and dragged to a psychiatric ward. Welcome, to the first episode of Psychopass.

Let me put things like this, I've seen a lot of detective shows before, I know what detective shows are meant to be like, how crimes should be solved, this show, made me want to think what the heck was that, but, that was really interesting, so if that did that to me and I hate detective shows actually, then I can just imagine what it was they thought whosoever ever was a person to watch as many detective shows as I have, and then see that, that liked detective shows, other detective shows, at no point, was there ever set technically any actual guide to whether if what happened in the end was supposed to have been good or bad, like so, even if detective shows did, like if they did start off that way like that, then at least it would make you also think so crimes though aren't meant to be solved by detectives solving real crimes, right, at least, that's what someone who has watched a lot of detectives solving lots of crimes would naturally think, or that, if that is how crimes are solves and this was a detective show like that meant to be that way, that at least then, it would make the person whether like in real world stories people know of thinking whether to themselves that they either would or wouldn't in the end, themselves, want to relate to the character even or not that they thought that way for real in reality, but this show, it does none of that, it starts out that way and then it just ends just like that, like, I mean, like I mean, that's the crime, that was, the crime, so now you have to be one to figure that out for yourself, just like that too, you did not see that coming no matter how great that you thought crime shows or however many that you've ever watched in your entire life, didn't even see that coming, not one damn bit. It's the perfect crime detective show, I'm telling you man.

So, that's it for now again, just give it some time, wait, and I'll finish this later then. Goe watch the show.

caseyxsharp 7 Aug 14
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