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Hey. Niche, I'm drunk. I feel like talking about talking to you for real. Seriously. So here's the deal, for you to interpret, you're welcome. I have a case worker, since I'm on disability and goe to a mental health facility, it wasn't by my choice in the first place it was because I was about to goe to court at the time, so that's why. Well whatever. So, that's, going to be important later. I talk to this girl sometimes usually about what's right and wrong and court, or judicial system, tell me if you think this is interestingly important if for you to say so. So Besides that's what I usually have been doing lately, I keep telling her that she doesn't know the law, she really doesn't, she works with mentally ill people while she tries to become a criminal psychologist, so basically the same thing as a criminal profiler, like that's supposed to equate to the same thing.

I am telling her about this anime series that I watched, it's called, Psychopass, I'll tell you why that I like this show and why that now I'm telling you about that girl. I was, as I was talking about it to her, she asked me this, do I think that I think that is right that I would think it is right that a person is being, being in this case, judged solely and only upon whether they are psycho or are in psychosis, and this is about what my answer was. You should be aware of that, since this is what I'm about to say what lead up to her asking me, her patient, what I thought, and why that she was ever asking that question also what I said. I said this, that it was a trick question, that's just what you should know right at the moment.

So about this show, it's, criminal justice, is the type of show, that's important to know. Here's what I was saying here, this show. It's unlike any other criminal justice show out there, it's about the system that judges people, what the show is, is about, but yeah it's actually about being that a criminal justice series, and that's really what is and why that it is so much different than any other criminal justice show that is, that is out there in the world, that is out there in our would would ever be, at all, it's different, since it is unlike any other show out there. Other shows being like that, they are unlike that because those shows, they usually have the bases of why they are criminal justice show being in real life it is based on being like that what is in real life, it's different because those shows they already assume that you are capable, that you do, not just would you be able, but that you do, already, know what is that is the difference between right and wrong, and that's real life. This is an animated TV series, it's not real, it's system that is what is criminal justice, is not the same or even was and is real in our world, in this reality, in our society, this world's humanity. The way that criminal justice is made, it's called what is justice, what is justice in our world, is, that all of what we know to be, that literally all that we've ever known, to be, ever, a judicial justice system that is, is actually, that we assume and accuse people of doing wrong or bad things, that's why that court exists in our world, to know that, even when we are unable to make decisive judgments the court system can be what does that for us, it is, but it can only tell that is so, because it does assume that there is a right judgement, not just is there a problem that should and should not be in reality, it can only tell you what the right answer is, only if it was truly true, that it is true truly, that it there is a right answer and that it can be what decides that, it can only tell you what it is that is, right or wrong, good or bad, if, there was anyone to ever assume or accuse that you did something bad at all. BUt in, this world's judicial system, you assume that what you have known that you do know now, is right, because, and because that is exactly what the court the judicial system itself wants would like for you to believe, since, it wants you to believe that because that just is what you and anyone would decide to be right being to do in reality is to think that and that everyone would also agree the same thing, but that's just not right or make it right.

Here's what I think, that people in today, todays times, now will think actually that the court this thing is like a God, that it should be worshiped like one, because those people would think happeningly that what the court decides that it decides that it is always right or that what it does decide is always the right thing, I'm like, alright first of all, this isn't even a thing, it's not a being that is, it's not even a living thing, not even a thing to could be considered to be a being by anyone, and if anyone does think that is just would be, then they are, that person would be a stupid person, just if they thought so. Our world has taught you this, that it teaches you to actually think and to believe that what you do know is right because you know it is and that what is right is what you know because it's right, but, that's not true, it's not real, it isn't, shouldn't be right, because it's not in reality, that's just what society has taught you about society, now we have this judicial system called a system, which considers itself to be also a justice system for society itself, telling people what they think should only be right because it's just is, that it just is that it should be right because it is you that thinks that it is. But that's not right, it's just not, really, it's not, that's not a system that simply wants for you to believe that what you are doing is right, that is a judicial system that is wrongly completely doing what it does wrong, and people should question it. It's not a fucking matter f if it's a question is it right or wrong, it is wrong. OUr entire world runs and depends on such a fucked up thing, and that it is so fucked up, that now, now we have to depend on it thinking that it is right, and because also if anyone does question it now anyone that does is going to be called wrong by society itself as a whole, it's not right, that's fucked up dude. WHy? WHy do people believe the judicial system is a good thing, maybe I would consider it to be able to do good things, you know, if it actually did do good things for our world, but you know what even that has to be debated in a courtroom, and you know what else too, guess what, it's the fucking court system that is what decides if the court it, itself, is actually really right only if when you question it, and also while if it does accuse, even accuse, not even just if it assumes, even if it does accuse you of doing wrong, now it's going to be the thing that now tells you that not only is it right, but, but, also telling you that what you think is why that you think that you're right, is actually wrong, because only this, the court thinks that you're really actually wrong. People believe this shit. Nothing about this is right. This is a fucked up criminal justice system that we have, alright, first it's going to make you be, be who wants to think that what you know, that what is what is you're able to be capable of believing that you think that you're capable of being right yourself, and then, it's going to try to make you think that is wrong because it's what society and everyone thinks is right that you're wrong now, just for thinking that, and tha't's why this judicial system has to goe. It wants for you to think and believe that it can tell you the right answer. But, lets come back jumping back here to that later and now lets continue just to talk about this. It wants for you to think that it knows good, that it knows right, that it not only can tell you what is, that, that it being what is and is able to do so that it would make it right and you wrong if it wasn't right, so, you see it's not a question of if it is right or wrong good or bad, or even that it is about if whether that is you think that is even ever right to begin with that you had thought you were, would, ever be able to know that what you know yourself is right wrong or good bad, it was about none of that, it was actually only about whether could you have ever been the one to decide that for yourself, now tell me, what do you think, do you think this, thing, is a fair system to judge all of reality, or that, it is the only right thing, that it or can be what is the only right way to know that if you were would be who thought so? I say, no, it is not. This judicial, this whole justice system that is, now right now, that's it isn't it, it wqs never ever, right, because it was always such a wrong thing in reality, whether or, not, anyone ever thought so or that so believed it ever in reality.

People should know that conformation, is a natural thing, that does exist, like if you were telling someone who that never knew what a scary monster really was in real life, and if you had to tell it to them, confrontation is that thing that is, that just does exist, it exists it does, fact, it does, because it is real. Maybe, if people understood why and how that it is, not what a court says, what a court ever says, that, really, it's not such a bad thing, because, if you think about this, if confrontation was ever such a bad thing in reality, then, maybe if it was that people really knew that it is bot and also understood why that it is that it is not so bad, then maybe then the world really wouldn't be so bad that it is now, or that we will now have to rely, judge, depend that this court syem meant to control our society was ever really that useful to begin with in the first place. Just, what the fuck, is this? Why, then is it even such a bad think, not only, just to think, but to question our system, is sch a bad thing at all? My point is, why, will we ever be the humans that would actually consider this system, to be the only right system that is that can, possibly ever, be to exist in, our reality here?

The reason that court works, is because of a lot of reasons. It works because, we are able to assume that problems should exist, that alone is not a good enough reason, that we, or everyone, should ever consider that a court system was just able to actually know that's right. And that's why court works, it works, because unlike other systems of justice, they in the court system do not actually interject themselves into the system, but that's also exactly why that it's bad. And that's not exactly why that I would think that it is, so a bad thing. The real reason, is because this, it's a judicial system, that should not be, it's this justice system as a whole, it's this court system that is the judicial system meant to be a justice system that is flawed and therefore put mainly such a bad thing. You already, do, think that this system is right, that and also that it's this system that would actually be right to be that it is really right, that's what's wrong. Whether, it is you that wants to argue for or against, that or consider to yourself that you think that's actually not right, it's all wrong, everything about this and also every other system that ever could ever be not just our judicial system. You want to know the truth, then here it is, that's our judicial system, that's wrong, and whether that is, that you consider that to be does be a problem, well, that's the real, truth, it is actually wrong that the system this system that is our judicial system that exists at all. No matter, how that you look at it, it just is wrong, there's no need for us, us as humans to question or what to know that is real, really, that is wrong, and this is our system that we use here in real life, in reality, and it's all wrong too.

People should be able to know, that it's not your obligation to do what is right, or that what you need to do yourself is really right, for you or anyone, and a court system should not be what tells you that is so true. No matter what you or anyone ever believes about our world. That's why, that a court gives you a court appointed attorney, you know why, because it's not really you that has to prove or be responsible for knowing that is right to defend yourself, do not listen to what court tells you or what the system will say like that's actually true the truth. They will tell you, yeah, you know you have nothing to wrong about sir, we're going to take care of this, because we are the justice system, we will take care of you, you are innocent until proven guilty, bullshit, that's some bullshit, if it was ever true, that you were actually innocent until proven guilty, then you wouldn't, be, sitting here in a courtroom right now, having to listen to an attorney who may not even be on your side trying to tell you that like it's really the truth. If you were really innocent until proven guilty, then why is there the court, this other man who is that other attorney trying to prosecute you right now, isn't it, you know, the court, that actually decides what is right that the court itself and in place of the country's government that decides that too also, but this court system is actually now going to be what decides that for you when you really are one of the people making that system in the first place, unlike, the court system, which does dictate whether or not what it decides is actually really right or wrong, and so then, tell me why that it is that so many people actually defend the court system, why is then that it is only what the court says is right, that it must be, that you must consider that assumable that it must be put simply what is right? And you think that's right, really? If you so much, as simply, ak the very question whether it was that the court was right, then you're going to be actually considered to be wrong, just for thinking about asking it, and yet hell, you know what else, not only does the court system decide for you what is that you can or cannot do in reality but also it is able to hold you in contempt for assuming that you might actually be right, and guess what, that's why the court is what gives you this attorney which without, it will not even listen to whether you make a good point or not, that's the truth, court will fuck you up. As soon as you walk through those door, after they told you they are there to help, is to take everything that you not only say but do, and hold it against you in that very courtroom, do not let that fucking bitch deceive and be fooling you, the court system is not your friend, alright, that other attorney they know it too, plea your case, make you points known, it won't matter, just as long as some dumbass like everyone in the courtroom keeps on pressing you for what's right like you're just what able to know that like a God and then be able to prove you're right anyways like you're really innocent of doing anything, bullshit, fuck the judicial system. I cannot fucking believe people really think this is right, if that wasn't enough right there to make me, just making me able to want to ask what the hell is wrong with people, then honestly, I don't know what is, bullshit. What the fuck, I mean take this example alright, what if you were in school and was accused of doing something that you didn't do or was committed as the one that did it only solely because they did ever suspect that you did it at all? Is this right? What if you were called into the office, where you learn that the reason that you're there is because they someone thought that your cloths were inappropriate, alright, well, if this was the judicial system, but this is real life, this is real does really happen in reality in real life, alright, if this really happened on the streets, then, that's what you would call and be that is reasonable suspicion, and if this would happen, then just by suspecting you the police, or judicial system itself, either or, they now have probable cause to arrest you, and only if they are able to articulate that they have the very reason to suspect you, first right on first off you were just only being under suspicious, to now, full on being a suspect, and now whether or not it was or wasn't ever, that you did or didn't do anything wrong yourself, if you were to be ther in court to defend yourself with or without an attorney, they will naturally already consider you to be wrong, just for telling the court that you were actually innocent, and now just because you were, a suspect, you are being convicted being guilty, just for trying to do what was right, twhile they tell you that's wrong, and now not just that you were arrested for something that you didn't do and were innocent about but yes now because they the court which decides if you are guilty is going to be what also makes you pay for that thing that you didn't do just because it only suspected that you did do something wrong, which was the fucking reason that they chose to think you really were a true real suspect, tell me is that right, and you have to prove your innocence to them for something that you never did, bullshit? If it was that in school, that happened, then, first lets say this happened, you were called in because, I don't know, you were suspected of wearing inappropriate cloths, when they see you, they now have the reason to suspect you of something, so now because of that, if you were to actually be suspected of, anything, anything, then you will have to comply because if you don't, then you're guilty, so maybe you didn't do anything wrong, but because they do now suspect you, they can search your stuff, because of how you are, not whether like in court if you did anything at all, but they still have the right to search you because they think you did or about to do anything since the way you look, act or do just decide to be, and then you didn't know this, but they it happened that they found a bag of weed in your bag, and maybe that's it you didn't know that, you can't now just plea your case or even try to prove it that you were innocent to them because they already did have that suspicious to suspect you and now they are saying that's because they are right and you're wrong, when you try to fight it, you have to tell this to the next higher person, the super intendant, you can't, they work for the school, they are on the school's side, they will now, if because they say they have the right to suspicion of suspecting you, it doesn't matter, now they are going to use their suspicion against you if whether you tried to fight it, and how is that right, if it was a higher power, they don't know the truth, they don't have any reason to care, and that's the court system, telling you that it does care what your justice is to protect you even when you can't yourself, and then it's going to fuck you up like a dirty whore behind a crack house, don't put it passed them, their assholes, and they do think that what they know is right, which is totally wrong, don't, just don't even consider anything they tell you to be the truth, if you think that mothers when their kid goes missing for a few days, what does that you think they do, they you would think do worry probably that you're dead in a ditch right, then what if you were Justin Bieber, what then, you don't have to ask where's Justin Bieber, would you, well because, you're dead in a ditch, that's you, Justin Bieber is dead in a ditch, that's what, don't, just don't, he's dead. They are not your friends, they are pretending to be people pretending to be people to be telling you that they are you're friends, they don't even do that right, anyone that thinks this system is right, should be locked up without a lock, as a matter of fact we should take all of these people right now put them in a box and then just dump it right into the ocean. Dude, one time, I had a cop that tried to threaten me into signing a ticket by pointing a taser at me for just saying I don't want to sign that, and it was that guy actually thought that what they were doing was right, if you have any concern for people's well being in humanity, just imagine what these people can do really actually doing be that they can say is the right thing to do calling it the right thing to do, I mean come on, this some bullshit man and people should know it. Fuck asking whether it's right or wrong to ask and know, if you thought that you needed something like this to tell you what is right or wrong, or why to question what you did know to be right, then you shouldn't be a human being jackasses, don't compare me to you. I've been doing the right thing making my point known. My point, I don't need a system that tries to control people to tell me what is right or wrong, or what the difference might be, I would, as a matter of fact fight the court system, don't let anyone ever tell you that's just how the world works, no it's not. YOu can't prove your innocence to the judge, that was the point of all what I just said, and now the jury, forget about it, these people already assume that no matter what a court is always going to be right even if it was wrong, and they aren't even in the judicial system at all, if they even attempt not to participate they are called criminals skipping jury duty, it means, that you're fucked dude. And how are you supposed to prove innocence anyway, I mean if you haven't noticed, for you to inform people of anything, it isn't that you can just expect them to know what you mean or talking about, in order for you to convince someone, anyone, that what you are, are talking about, then you have to misdirect them, you can't just assume that they are capable of knowing what is or isn't, that or right or wrong, just to do that telling them what is, you will have to first convince them of something unrelated is either like or unlike what you mean and then telling them that is what you're talking about about this other thing that you want them to know, you can't just convince people that you're innocent no matter even if you were able to or could, it's imposiible, and that's what the court wants that you believe, that you have the right to defend yourself, yeah but only if the court is what suspects you not that anyone actually ever thought that you really did anything, so to that end the point is trying to convince others of being you are innocent, is impossible. Do you still think court is a good thing in reality?

You know that the court system also breaks it's own rules in that way means, and not even because that, it tries to tell you that it is right because it's perfect, it's not prefect though, but it expects that you are and be, and will also be what prosecutes you for being wrong at all if it decides so, how could anyone possibly agree with the court system if it is capable of sending innocent people to prison for things that they never even did because they thought something about them, and now they are going to tell you that's right that they do that too, bullshit. Think about your life with no hands, no hands that's all that you're going to have, stubs is no way to live people. It probably should be, considered a real problem, not just is it right, wrong, or good, bad, or the court says so, hey, if you don't know what is or isn't right or wrong, then maybe you should think the society should take this path for our wold's humanity here in reality, stupid people. It breaks it's own rules, because it's not a perfect system, do you understand, don't try to rationalize it, it's fucked up, it's wrong, nothing right about all of this crap, this doesn't even work on alien worlds. How it breaks it's rules is this, you cannot be arrested for a crime when you were talking to a police officer who was already talking to you while having reasonable suspicion for something else they have the suspicion for. You may not know that, mostly people in society don't, but it's true. If you called the cops saying there is a crazy man outside holding a knife, they can't just show up to your house and just like that arrest you because next to you is a pot plant and there's no crazy man running around, they can't arrest you for coming inside your place and seeing a meth lab when they were already there to ask you questions for something else that's a crime, especially if you tell them not to look around, it's true, they can't do that, it's bad that they do, is bad they do that, it is that they shouldn't too, but it happens and they take advantage of it meaning it is what the judicial system takes advantage of, it's not just the police, they can arrest you because they can, but it's not right they do that since that's illegal for police to do, they also find their own ways around it, some cops know that, so they find a way to arrest you anyway, they cannot arrest you without suspecting a crime, they had to be suspecting it and also already be suspecting a crime, or they can't do that, but what they do is, they while being on duty can't, that doesn't mean they can't call the police themselves and file a complaint, they have to be off duty though, they usually won't do that, because they know an on duty officer in court means more than one not on duty at the time, or they do this, they call and tell another police officer and they come to see what you are doing, the first officer couldn't arrest you because they were only investigating a crime, now that second officer is who is what is actually now going to see what you're doing and arrest you, you know what though, that's all wrong, nothing about that is right, that's talking about when they do would do things right, but that's not even right to do. Just because a police officer decides they have suspicious and probable cause, doesn't make you guilty, like at all, that is literally what the court system would have you believe that you are. At this point, you're not really even fighting against to prove yourself from court accusing you being guilty, now it's just you're fighting against what they would assume and like to say about you while telling you and everyone else that's really right. Now, they don't just assume that you know that, but they will be wanting and asking that you would or that would mean that you're guilty, see, all of this is bullshit. They don't fight for you, to protect you, they just tell that to you hoping to be right in reality. That's what court does, society should be what decides to be right or wrong, what to do or not do, the court system doesn't even let or allow for people to do that. People know that what's right is that, that people decide what is right or wrong no matter what is, or if anyone says, and this court system tries telling you it's just right that it gets to be that thing, it's called being a bully, a bully that never has to question what is right or wrong that they consider to be ever right or wrong, call it either what you want a problem or not, but being a bully is wrong, it is, and telling you that they and that's just right, well that's not even that you are the victim, that's just called slavery, mother fucker.

I don't want people to assume thinking that I am just talking about that I am being a sovereign citizen. Really don't do that. I can argue for or against anything, but that's not the point. Just because I would be able to make a case for sovereignty doesn't mean that I am that, or that that's what I am at all. Just because believe like these people or that I can defend them doesn't make anyone stupid or bad people. I'm not one of those, they believe that they simply are not subject to the government and therefore it's laws, because it's that they aren't and that's what they believe, that's not what I believe, don't get me wrong, I could do a good job of defending those people no matter if court or anyone else ever thought so, but that's not why that I think the court system is bad, that it's bad that it is for me, it's bad for anyone, and everyone, thank you Jaclyn Glenn, these people want for you to believe and want to think that the real world runs like just like how they would run being it is what it is, what it is, is not how the world works actually, the point though of knowing what is right or wrong, was actually that by knowing what is either right or wrong, you could be able to know that for yourself whether it is what it is or not, but these people, would have you to believe that whether that you were able to know that at all, that you are wrong, only because it is right, and that's not right, or fair, for anyone.

Court is that thing that is like if the room that you're in right now was reality, then it's that person about to walk through that door, that you don't know is there about to, that about to, wearing a black hood and holding a whip, about to torture you putting you on these things, you were already in this room filled with torture devices, but it's that thing that is going to be there to put you in them while whipping you every second of the way. I'm not a mad, or righteous, justified person, but fuck law and order in the face, and make it dead for once. That's really what our criminal justice system is, it's not judicial or of the justice, it's just evil, that's why that I wouldn't be a person the one to admire it, it's not even a criminal justice system, all it is, is judging people and does tell everyone else that's right taking advantage of a society too stupid and ignorant to know any better, that's the truth. On some level, deep inside of you, you know that it's true, just that it is like it is truly, true, in that sense. You don't have to know that's right or wrong, good or bad, that's the wonderful thing about justice, because whether you were able to know it's right, or not, it's always right, because it is just right. We should be angry at this, stupid little bitch for ruining our world, the court system, and we should also be mad at ourselves, because we have learned, or have been taught anything by this at this point, it's that, we are only humans, we have claimed to know what is right and wrong, we have debated, we have pursued what is right, claimed that we know it, that it is, that it exists, decides ourselves not to want what is truly actually bad in this world, and look at where that got us... I'm talking about everyone in the world. We don't know this shit people. We are human, claiming that we do, and while leaving it do what we call a higher power to decide, to decide for us, and you know what, it's not even a higher power, it's just the same as everywhere else, just a bunch of people in a courtroom that's trying to know what's right while only being concerned about being right and making sure everyone else also knows it too. Maybe that's why God doesn't himself even give a fuck about us, you can argue you case with God, it's not that he's not letting you, but don't just expect God if he even was real in reality to have to do anything just because you did ever thought that you were actually right, that's probably why that he left us too, I mean he don't give a fuck he already knows what's right he just left us here because like stupid people, that you can't disagree would be people, had kept on trying to tell him what he should know is right, you assume that how that you think because you're human is right, because it's what you assume thinking that you are right, because, it's what you think assuming that you are right, that you are right, if God wasn't even going to try to put up or do anything about it when it was a real problem, then why are you stupid humans standing around in a courtroom trying to convince everyone else that another person that you assume is guilty is guilty because that's just what you thought that people should think so, seriously right now? This is not, stupidity, this is just a really fucked up system, and you know what because everyone should know it, fuck the system, I don't know much about this world or what's real, but I do know fuck the system, just fuck the system, because, do you really have to ask right now, fuck the system people.

Your whole entire concept of what even is good, in your mind right now, relies and only depends on whether there was a bad guy, then therefore a good guy must exist, it's fucked up, it shouldn't even be what is that it's like in reality like that, and for you to be who considers it must be that way, or that it is wrong, you're missing the point, nothing about that system is right, it's all wrong. We should all be what agrees on this right now, without, without me mercifully having you letting you answer this my asking questioning to you what is right or wrong and good or bad, none of that matters, if we can't all just agree that's right and that's the way that it should be, then I don't want to live in this country anymore. You assume, that everyone must think like you, for you to be right, that's what's wrong with people and not just what the court can say about you. You're the reason why that don't like the judicial system, there is no higher power that the court has to answer to and you do think that it can make righteous decisions all on its own. Then, you should be the one to know that how fucked up that is too. The court itself is never going to take responsibility, not even a little bit, for itself or you, you don't even take responsibility either, where in this world is there someone that you know that does take responsibility not because they were asked or because it was the right thing to do because it is, that they do take responsibility for themselves, just because that the way it is, it's the right thing that they just have to do, and how many people of that number of people do you know actually do that very same thing, who don't let anyone else be in reality who wants to mean the same as everyone else, exactly. So, you think that you're right, that you're actually right because you say you know or you think, I hate to break to you, but ehh, the truth is that you're wrong and that's not really how that it did ever work because you said it did, because you said it did. You know what, I do do argue against what humanity thinks is right, and it doesn't even make me wrong. Maybe the world is fucked up, and maybe that's why if we can't just decide this for ourselves what is or isn't right or wrong, then maybe we shouldn't be trying to at all like at all. I do think that there is always a right answer, and guess what it is, I'll tell you this, it's not what everyone else in the world thinks, so if you wanted to know what I thought, well, there you goe assholes.

Oh God, it's braking my heart. I mean more about that later, it just sucks for starters that I have to even ask this question of people in the first place at all, then again, look at what we have in the dipshit trap today, really, somebody took a shit on my toilet, you have no idea, cause, you know what I just said was the truth, think about it now, this is how the world works, everything that you know of that is in this world that you call meaningful right now, it only means it is meaningful because that's just what people think, maybe that within itself isn't such a bad thing, but what is, is that that means that means what everyone doesn't think of as being meaningful, like justice or the good and bad war with itself, or even the warm or even knowing, or even asking anything, it was just wrong or then it doesn't exist in the world at all, so this isn't even the question that we should ask, it's not even the question that we could ask in reality that we can, but the judicial system any system that judges people between what they do or don't do either right or wrong, they all tend to make you want to believe that you can, and then the truth of the matter is, is that it's not something that we can know and therefore it's this system that's to be the very thing to take that away from us, all of us, only because it wants to be the thing that does it, it was never just whether or not you were ever guilty or innocent in the universe at all, we have to ask the question to know right and wrong, it is the ting that tries to take all of that away from us humanity before ever even attempting to be the ones to answer it ourselves, case and point, point proven, it's wrong, we should have known better, we must have, together.

Alright, so that's, all that I'm going to say right now. I didn't even get to talking about the show. Later when I'm in the mood, then I'll finish, or when I pick up some more beer. That's what you had to have known yourself in order for me to talk about it allowing for you to understand it yourself too, it's not as complicated as it sounds.

caseyxsharp 7 Aug 13
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