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Hey I gained another talk about relevant detailed pertaining to all this religion or whatnnot, if you wanna be the first to hear it here. Actually it's not like you're the first, but really this was a comment to someone else's post so, it won't make sense unless you get into it and really that really read it so, it's about Adam and Eve, the question is was is the sin that both they Adam and Eve did creating was either just sin or actually evil the act in what it happened?

I could have made a clearer answer, though, I couldn't really do that and I mean why because but I did I actually am answering another person's happening coincidentally question to be asked to been asking. But it just, but will just make a lot more sense than what it looks like just if it could be that you've read it could be or not though. Just read it, it's me telling you just what I happen to think about this kind of, about it Adam and Eve thing, it might like teach you something different at the very least, so just read it then, right, here.

Yes. I could give you a long detailed reason for just saying it like that. The short answer is yes. The make up of mankind is filled with sin, you logically cannot be born into the world as by being born human and not have your own fair share of sin within you no matter how that you look at it really. The thing about Adam and Eve, when they ate the fruit, it didn't change them actually, what it did was reveal to them just why good and evil did exist and exist as separate things, it wasn't evil or a sin really to eat the fruit, what made it bad was it's only information for the God's to know themselves, it just so happens that you literally technically be a human joining those who would perhaps behold this information and not do exactly just like what any human that was actually really evil and bad would do, the fact that Adam and Eve then possessed this knowledge without having to either condemn or purify themselves to lead to teaching to themselves as humans to have this information, you can't just introduce both good and bad to people that never had terms for such things and then hopefully likely be expecting for them not to mess up as soon as they try doing deciding what is what good and evil what it is right off the bat. And maybe, there is a right way to have this knowledge, be human and still have it not be exactly what corrupts you as a human being alongside all the nonetheless purely sinful other human beings in the world too, but, there's another problem why what they did was such just so bad though, the thing other than all that is, is that the simple fact that they were humans and meant to be perfect, they weren't ever meant to be humans and have this knowledge or to say it differently it's like this humans weren't ever meant to think if also by having this knowledge that it just should be what they have had to posses only to themselves if thinking so like that, just the simple fact they were Adam and Eve and had this knowledge which is more than just common information it's the process due to distingquish what is either meant to be either good or bad, humans weren't ever meant to have the ability or the capacity themselves to thought even so much as be thinking that they can do all that on their own too, knowing what is truly good and bad was only what Adam and Eve learned which is just that what thing was that changed mankind from perfect like them into what people really like basically know people humans thinking about what they think they know about humans mankind itself.

The act of eating the fruit and the act of learning this information is a bad thing, it was for them Adam and Eve too also, but, see the thing if you think of it like this now, it's like this, it wasn't evil or making them evil just if they were the beings to have brought sin itself into the rest of the whole entire world too just by eating the fruit, that's not what you should be thinking right now by me telling you like that, don't be thinking that it's not like that though, sin is bad and makes evil, however, it wasn't Adam and Eve that did this, technically now if you right now really happen to think about it if you could, evil did already exist prior to these two eating fruit, try just don't think like sin is equal to the meaning of evil or bad for one second right now, you wouldn't need to have ask this question right now if you thought and knew like that if they didn't eat that fruit though, then right now this wouldn't be your question right now would it, why, if you have to ask just ask, then I guess I'll have to tell you anyways, if that never happened then no sin would be in our mankind of the human race at all, if there was no such thing at all like at all any sin in the world whatsoever, then, evil and bad things wouldn't be judge worthy at least even to the human itself living in all of mankind too, I'm saying something here now, sin wasn't meant to be, evil or bad, good was also an irrelevant concept especially to the likeness of Gods beyond human capacity to understand, evil did exist prior to the fruit and prior to Adam and Eve eating the fruit, the only thing to have changed by eating the fruit happened is, was that, it allowed all of the human race to obtain this information also passed on from both Adam and Eve letting humans believe of have the judgment clearly to decide which is about that about what is either good or evil for themselves both either because they were, are, truly purely innocent and good to be able to really do that and at least think knowing or they are truly purely sick, evil and bad too, so it makes it to that now all humans that, rather whether they are happen, to be, evil or good, they can still have this very judgment over what they think is either good or bad for themselves and for themselves too without even having to actually really know it themselves absolutely for sure at all. It actually simply, by eating the fruit alright, I'm not sure if I'm making this as clearly pointed out as I am willing to be making it right now, still for you, alright but that's not just one take away from all this right now though, something to be pointed out right now is, like basically yeah God didn't let it be meant to be for humans to ever have that information, you call it sin, no, no if you see what I'm talking like no, it's not just simply, sin or bad and evil, that's one way to look at it, but make sure you're listening right now about this too, that's just, humans, it's not sin, or anything like that, humans were, were bad, prior to both Adam and Eve, there, was no such thing to us humans, that, other humans like us ourselves here today, no, before Adam and Eve there was no evil in the world even to speak of, it existed though, get what I'm saying, it just transfered if it makes sense like that to humans, it just to you and me as well everyone else also too it just happened that the first act of activity to have set this now and in motion now right here it is, it is that it is it both Adam and Eve, they weren't meant to eat the fruit to ever, have, being humans having that information, that's the main real take away from this if you can possibly be imagining it right now too, they did eat the fruit, and it's because all of that it's that like that like it's now whether you are human born in sin or were, that, were, a person not including Adam and Eve that didn't know you were perfectly human or otherwise then, then, then you're not a person born in sin unlike Adam and Eve like Adam and Eve now, and if that, then you wouldn't even be able to know the real answer at all to your question whether you thought yourself thinking it was it could be answered or if by because you thinking and thinking that like you could possibly know this if you weren't yourself actually but like that a real perfect human yourself, well then, then yeah what I'm saying you wouldn't have this question right now, why, but because, if it was like that, then you wouldn't be a real human and thinking there's a real answer to be answered in this question on your own thinking if there just should be or not, you were never meant to know yourself, but hey things did change for the human race because of that one incident, or just if you imagine you really believe it too right now like and there could be many reasons also for why the way things are this is it is it the way things are now too, it doesn't have to be one or many problems that means the human race is pure sinful and probably deserves to rot in Hell just like that, probably, you might be right there for sure, but things did change, like this, now people, not just perfect humans like Adam and Eve, all we can all in the human race determine it ourselves just what is right and good to us or not, and it's because if were we did indeed have the tough of knowledge of both good and evil because of that one single little incident back when Adam and Eve both ate the fruit no one was ever meant to, that never meant to like whether you're a God or whatever else no one was meant to just have this information ever sorry but I digress, because of that occurrence, now we can at least be able to say, be able to, not that we're good any at it by the way well not any good though, but we can at least say ourselves now as humans and of the human race thinking like we know it too also that what it is that what it is bad or evil to us we can know good, and why it's because like that, we have like and we have though been aware of what it is evil and bad though due to the knowledge given to us by only what you'd call those two, that single occurrence or one forbidden fruit never meant to be eat to have that knowledge, and why is this possibly, to answer you question right now, yes, it was evil and bad.

Hey if that was too much to think about, let me just give your mind a workout then and see if this clears anything like this up first. Think about this now then, Humans are born in sin, aren't they, right, right, why because, sex is a sin before marriage or otherwise sex and not to have a baby is just sinful why but because it's lustful and you can't do it without that, there has to be two people, you can't just make a baby and it not just be one of the most, for real, sinful things that like you could ever do basically, just just given alright, but anyways, that's why people are born humans are born in sin, there was never a time prior to being born that kept you not in sin, as soon as you arrived the sin that made you was already done, so it's clearly plausible to say the least that you could imagine for why that all mankind is sinful without even having to have done the initial sin themselves, as soon as you came into the world, that's it, you were literally born in sin because p[rior to the sin and your existence you had no existence, when you arrived that was it and now you've been literally, literally, born within sin, do you get me right now, but look at that, you talked about how what if Adam and Eve was sinful didn't you right, well actually, well, as it turns out, now, you see what I am trying to get at here now, they weren't ever born humans, they were humans but why but because they had were to were had to been be made by the hands of God himself, they already existed just like the evil and bad that already did in the world too, it just wasn't, in, in them, get what I'm saying, they had the fruit, it had nothing to do with knowledge, or maybe that a little bit, but nothing to do with, evil, good, bad and sin, nope, it was just, like I don't even know why that like it would even be your question right now at all, at all, like because but it wasn't anything like that what that made what Adam and Eve did, so bad, no, humans were already like that, whether they knew or like now thought they did it never changed the human race, so what was it, want to hear my answer, it was that, not the Devil and who is Satan who deceives, that mother fucking fruit dude... Nothing else, the fruit, Adam and Eve were innocent, it was the fruit that made this happen. When they ate the fruit, that moment in the instant it happened, evil did exist, already, but it was but that was the moment, the very moment if you think you understand, that all of the evil that did happen to exist out there was now brought into a world that it was void of, creating the first sin, that was the sin, evil was there and I mean out there it was not, bad, or evil, until the moment that it was originally occurring to have been brought all into the world at once in that moment, so, maybe they could have let the rest of the human race learn and know what is right and wrong society itself on its own, you know, maybe, but see, it was sin ever since, why, right there, no more humans can be born anymore rather they are good or evil and then turn out learning it that right there for themselves why like because those two both Adam and Eve ate that the fruit, that's why, and don't just happen to think like that like there's no way humans are bad and evil like that like that's not what God planned for, it is, it really is, seriously, that's how it happened, exactly how it happened, think of it now like this then if you then be contemplating that now right now, so basically think of this, if never did Adam and Eve ever, eat, that fruit of knowledge which is bringing the sin into the world, then never could have Jesus been born Jesus and then been living to die as the God's son to be so taking upon himself all of the sins of mankind then, and if that didn't, never happened, then no one would be saved by believing in the word of God, which would then lead us right back, right where to where we started again, because, whether them ate the fruit a sin that is evil, really evil yeah right, or that, it ever happened at all, this is what just what exactly happened though, and if you take Adam and Eve out of the equation, or just for heck sake lets say just taking that mother fucking damn or the fruit either, then no one gets saved, and no one gets saved then, but by, why, because then, Jesus never takes all of the mankind's of their sins, you see that, if that just never even happened, then we, yeah, yeah pretty much you're getting it now, humans were bad and evil, we would still be going to Hell, and there is nothing in this world out therefore outside of it anything not even like pure untainted evil could even ever change that especially because it already did exist and then when Adam and Eve brought it into the world now it did just exist as pure evil which also coincidentally is the very definition of sinful so. The point is, I should just goe ahead and say this to you, the real answer to your question, is no, it was not, I mean really if you wanted to be technical no, but why it's because why because literally evil didn't exist in the world, sin never existed in the world before Adam and Eve, so, their sin, it cannot logically be evil just by the act of creating the first sin, no, because if it worked like that, there would be no purpose for the fruit or the Devil, the fact is, Adam and Eve, both, they both ate the fruit, why is that bad, well why is there not even a better answer than what I'm trying to tell you about this right now, why, but because, you don't disobey the Creator that's God which tells you just why not to eat this fruit, it's bad, it's bad, you shouldn't eat it and why like it's because but it's not what humans should be ever doing is disobeying him God, that is why boom, just like that one bite for both Adam Even that was all it took, don't be a human and even so much like more or less think let alone believe neither that you could disobey him God and just act like that act just like that you're going to just get away with it, oh no, and now we're here and now, why don't humans think they are capable of understanding this even when it's laid out in front of them, that's the way far better question too right here, oh but wait, oh that's right, right, oh that's right, why, because, even when you tried telling this to them, them, to them, they still like to even so much as at the very least too also be thinking like that like that somehow by them thinking whether rather either right or wrong what is either good or evil to them even too, this is what happens and they still don't know too even, this was the moral of the God damn story, why shouldn't you disobey God, hey oh or what about this if you're able to think it instead why should you then be listening to what listened what it is he's God's saying to you then, it's just so freaken simple, people now days, they think like they basically pretty much simply just either need a piece of fruit in their lives telling them what is right and wrong for it to be right or wrong to them or have just he God himself just come floating down off the clouds just so too to even just to give them just the one single real true answer that not even they themselves could ever hope to imagine that not even that too the whole entire human race mankind itself could even hope so much thinking believing to have to be answering that one kind of question also even still too. Thank God for being such a caring and understanding merciful guy that happens living in the clouds, right? Puts that into perspective doesn't it? Alright, yeah, yeah I know it did still though, there you goe it be here for you my answer to that now, farewell.

caseyxsharp 7 Dec 7
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