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Hey.. So you would like people to say things to you that they think of you on here, right, is that right? And this is unfiltered too? Oh well alright, I have something to say about your videos, and I'd LOVE TO SAY THINGS TO YOU ABOUT IT, about this video right now, Shane Dawson, yeah that one. "video clips went kind of viral, 'this wasn't something that he was choosing to address, he seen Jena Marbles making apologies, 'and his Twitter thread made him underfire, 'this wasn't just something that he was doing out of the kindness of his heart." 1. Right here, can you tell me how a person is supposed to respond and apologieze for doing something wrong in life, I mean first you would either or will either need to know that what you did was wrong before and then you apologize, right, so how was he even supposed to do that if it wasn't that much fire you know, it's like life, the cause for the apology of course was the fire, but the need to make an apology itself after the fact wasn't needed at that time, because the need to make an apology wasn't the spark that started the fire, wasn it, Jaclyn Glenn, was it Jaclyn Glenn, but wasn't still the same a good thing that he was capable and able to make any apology at all, it's not like he just seen that fire, knew what was going to happen and then decided not to do anything about it, he apologized, a wrong is a wrong and no matter, if, it is after the fact or not or let alone needed, a real apology still can be fit where any apology is needed afterall, who cares why the apology is needed, why it has to happen, when it needs to happen, whether it's right or wrong for that matter to be apologizing, what matters is that it happens and it is needing, needed, needs to happen any way, or it won't, and besides that what purpose would apologizing serve, if it wasn't just an apology anyway, think more about Shane Dawson, maybe he was wrong do do what he did, maybe it is what he did that was wrong for him to do, but he wouldn't have just known that either for having to apologize for wrong doing in his life or for the need for there to be an apology from him at all, but he did apologize anyway, and in the same life at the same time, he didn't have to ask for why that he was needing to apologize, and yeah, that's the point, he did apologize anyway. I think that it's a little presumptuous, of you, to just sitting be saying and telling that he didn't just do it out of the kindness of his heart, didn't I just watch this video of your's. you said for fuck sake that if in a bad and disfuntional relationship that it's wrong for someone to just say that oh it was bad so you never loved that person, it breaks your heart, or that you don't believe in God so, you weren't ever a real believer in God, and yet, you're gonna sit there on video, saying that he didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart, bad girl. It just sounds to me like you had this your own internal struglle between your judgement of the man and no one knew about it in front of the camera, well, until now, Jaclyn Glenn. Don't defend or offend right now, do not, not I mean, just don't argue to make a point right now, that you're absolutely that for sure all so confident in right now, I'm not saying from the start of this video you messed up, or bad, but you're surely for sure definitely not really making any point because you're not really arguing with or to anyone, but you are making a video to react to the apology which that I can understand, but yeah, there's more in you than what you're letting on, and I'm sorry to say this to you after now it's you made this video but still though, really, you know what that thing is and in my opinion I do think right now that the world could have gone without this part right here from you. Oh yeah, yeah, good video, goe Jaclyn Glenn... moving on, "he didn't address the most important stuff, doing more to apologize," 2. Okay first of all, don't compare one person's form an apology for something that never even should of probably happened in the first place with another person's, first, you had been giving your own personal opinion morality side of you injection, yeah, and now you switched to making it about another person's form of an apology to make your own doubt of the idea you were doubting earlier more supported, really, what makes you do that, if you say you care and you don't just want to make him out to be what he even so clearly might just look like a bad guy in your mind, that, was not a personal believable opinion right there, that was utterly subjective I'm sorry to say. I am an INTJ personality and I'm left-handed, right now girl you should know something, fair warning, every minute about 1,213 people lose an argument with an INTJ, if you don't want to, don't become a statistic. God yes. Alright, carry on, going on, "when you see a person that you love and admire who has risen up here fall to down here, it sets you back," 3. Well that just sounds like the cauldren calling the kettle black, are you even making a point right now Jaclyn Glenn, I mean get it and I understand, but it doesn't really, really seem that you're making a point in your video here, like you're explaining at this point to someone who doesn't know, but I without a doubt tell you still tell you what you just said, it is not true, so, if you found out right now that indeed God was real right now and that he was coming down when and then he got hit by a jet on the way down, so now there he lays God at your feet, would that still change your belief of God if and while believing that he's God, no, and it shouldn't, that's the point, when you have a person that you love and admire, you don't know how much that you love and admire them, until they fall from your heart, and in this respect, that also means that in order to really, love and admire them, you can't, until they fall from your heart, and that's when you know just how much that you love and admire them, see how that works? If you're going to say it, then stick to it damn it. Fight, for real girl, you fight for it, I'll ask you this, girl, huuuhh, what if, this were to happen, that you knew or could have known long before and prior to social Repose cheating on you, that he was going to cheat to cheat on you, well, would that sway your own deciding decision of being with him, or, I mean or would it just convince you yourself being the girl that you are to fight and still keep fighting all the way up until the end, what would you say, Jaclyn Glenn? Oh, I know that's low. I bet I know what you would do, knowing about it, or not knowing about it. You're Jaclyn Glenn damn it, you should be fighting that mofo, you should bite, scratch and claw, until you prove your point, or die trying, no matter the costs, hahaa, girl. Of course, it's bad, that's why that you have to keep fighting. Get it together. I'm sorry keep it together, like woman Jaclyn Glenn. That's better. Good Jaclyn Glenn I didn't studder. "he was one of the nicest people that I've ever met, and he made me happy." 4. well, you basically just said it, you have your answer, now Jaclyn Glenn, he is a good guy, he's a really good guy, like a really, really, good guy, there's nothing wrong with him, so what he did what he did, that and, who cares that he's done it, he's still a really good guy, that should have been the end of your discussion with yourself, yeah, you know he is, so why are you not saying it, just say it girl damn, in a way you and him are just alike, you might not be able to see it or know why, but it's like you are, like, that word like Shane Dawson, you and him are indeed like the same, but the difference between you and him is, that he does think so in his own way, like being him being him Shane Dawson, and then there's you, you just don't seem to be the one to know it yourself, because you and of you how that you are like that. Don't try to fight it, just well, don't be you just trying to be you because of him, if that makes sense right now. I agree with that. "he said some negative things" 5. Well, yeah sure I will accept that as an argument just because I feel generous, generous, but, beauty is such a vague thing, that it doesn't even exist within the realm of what can, could, even be called normal, because beauty, because that's what beauty is, you don't have to know it, you just have to be able, been able, to see it, and just like that it exists to be and to be existing to be, it takes out the personal responsibility to have to decide what beauty is and isn't, everyone knows that, give me a break, you can say something is beautiful, or sexy, and other people will know what you mean because they see have seen it too, but then sometimes, just sometimes, that isn't true, and the person next to you can just call that thing wrong that you say, neither is either right or wrong, but there's a difference, a real difference outside, of that, it's more than just what people think, can think at this point anymore, it's a matter of personal opinion, to say that one's own personal opinion of someone or something is only a matter of personal preference, whether they say it so or not, is wrong, you can say anything about anything, hell, even say anything about everything, and it doesn't have to ever be everything, or nothing, and it doesn't make it what you say wrong within itself, it doesn't though, if you are a real person who is just only that a person, then you won't be able to say that if it's also just not what other people think would think too, that's what I mean, it's just you saying something, it doesn't mean, give the right away to anyone else, because it is your's, still your's and also always going to be your's, and yet at the same time still perfect beauty can still be allowed letting it be while it exists, or it does exist outside yourself too, the matter here with what he said and what people gave him hell for is not, Jaclyn Glenn, a matter or morality, nor is it a matter of either, either, right or wrong, it's a pure and simple matter of one's one personal opinion and nothing more, because that's what it is all that it is, right now, one's own personal opinion and nothing more. Got that? And this is, Jaclyn, girl, this is YouTube right now, who cares, that, Shane Dawson does have so many people who hate him, just because they can only think one's own personal preffrenses and nothing more? Should you, Jaclyn Glenn? The question is, the question is.... Jaclyn Glenn, is Shane Dawson really so to be held responsible for what he either does or say, for this case? That is the question, that you should be asking yourself. You've not done or answered that in this your video. What do you think? The truth is, it doesn't well so mean that he is, and you know that, Atheist YouTuber Jaclyn Glenn, you shouldn't feel like a fool for defending him before, you should feel that you're a fool for not being the one sticking up for him right now making this video. See what happens when you become an internet YouTube atheist girl? ...uhh, yeah, Jaclyn Glenn.. Oh God, I'm only in seven minutes of the video. I don't like this, I don't like this, hahaa. "he presented it as I was bullying her" 6. No he wasn't, he might have asked her if that's how she felt, you forget that this is like a news story, meant to be a news story, this is called journalism, you don't cover things up that you don't like, and you certainly don't try to stop asking questions until you get the full truth no matter how many questions that you have to ask just to get that the truth, he wasn't trying to make you sound like that you bullied her, are you sure that, you're not just feeling guilty about what you did, like you're not acknowledging, not acknowledging, accepting, that some part within inside of you just kind of feels guilty for what you did, because it seems to me that, you are really trying to defend yourself, because of something that it might have seemed like that he could have said about it, when, it is you now only just trying to tell other people that what you did was right because of something that he did making a video about her, her, get well recovery video, because he was a part of it, she was the one that said it, why do you keep trying to say that's what he's saying, and defending yourself right now because if you don't, well, then it would mean to everyone else to you that they will think that you were doing what you think he can say about you with his mouth? Why, if you thought, do, still thinking that what you did was right, why do you want to just say that you can defend yourself, for something that never really should have been done or said in the first place about this video simply about Eugenia Cooney? It doesn't make any sense. That's why that I have to ask you that. Making such a big deal about it. And I'm not going to talk about Eugenia Cooney right now, that will arrive later on. YOu're nuts, you're so fucking nuts, you're freaken nuts, that's crazy, you're absolutely crazy Jaclyn Glenn if you did think that that's just what he was saying in a video about Eugenia Cooney. But I will say this, sure that she is arguabbly not so fine espescially she just got out of rehab so, but, it's not like all that's being said about her is that this is her being a bad healthy person, it's her health which is bad at this time, no one can just be wrong about trying and wanting to say that she is actually a person with health that is bad, except for you, you're the one saying that, and you're still doing it even after you're over with doing something about it yourself, just chill Jaclyn Glenn, have a little faith, some trust in some people sometimes. If that's what you want, is to just talk crap in when you're not in the video, or about the video that is, about Eugenia Cooney supposing to have had this supposed perhaps recovery, just chill, that doesn't make you bad, but it does make you look like it I will say, maybe an indicator, a flag, something, she was youre freind, just give her something, other people just be giving a piece of yourself, that's it. Apologized, to his apology, just give that man something, God damn, Jaclyn Glenn. Alright, lets keep going. "..huueghh," 7. YOu're weird about children learning things, you said if you have to look around, maybe don't say it to a 12 year old, well what's your deal, who would want to give free education to a child, do you think parents want to do that just because they're parents, you'd be weird for not looking over your shoulder dicussing sex, with anyone, it's sex, you have a problem with them talking about it with a 12 year old, for the same reason that they had to look over shoulders just to talk about sex, dude do you know what littel kids are like, little kids will just openly talk about sex, no filter, they start getting dating each other in preschool, just the talk about sex, what actually does happen, should not be that big of a deal, it's innopropiate, other than the idea that very concept of sex itself is the act of being innopropriate, and it shouldn't be that way, it's not that way, sex is a natural thing Jaclyn Glenn, you can, talk about it like it's not, like it's not, but it is though, sex is always and it will be going to be is a natural thing to talk about always, just like how kids are today about sex, what makes them innocent, is their innocence, there are varying degrees of innocence on some level, but innocence is innocence, because, it will be innocence, always, just like sex. I mean, you're the one opening the boxes of dildos that you get mailed to your house and talking about sex and all that all of the fucking time, but this is what offends you, woman, how did you even get her right now Jaclyn Glenn, I heard of a black sheep before, I never thought that a black little grain of sand could have possibly gotten mixed up in the sand on a beach of the ocean, goe figure, this is just ridiculous, how is it bad to ask them to reinact it, maybe that is the only real, really only way to redeem yourself from the shamefulness of discussing sex in the first place, but you're leading these two people discussing sex which isn't wrong, straight to the slaughter, and honestly I think that says more about you than them, like really, really, what you trying to make up for girlfriend? Ha, YouTube atheist girl, Jaclyn Glenn. Oh God. Hahaha, hahaa.. haa, oh my God that is hilarious. You're the woman, with a vagina, I don't know, you tell me if it's nasty, girl, grown woman, sandy from Spongebob Square Pants. And you're still going this being the way you are, what about that music video with Eminim the one with little kids twerking, if it's not for real sexual pleasure, it's not bad at all, it's just twerking of a body part. Anyways, you're a bit much, you're so much, I get what you, are saying, but still," he gets or makes kids, learn how to twerk," maybe don't be a little kid who learns how to twerk, and maybe don't chop a man's hand off Jaclyn Glenn when you would be the girl to have a problem with a guy wanting to see a girl twerk, that's you, that's what you're like. Keep going. all he said was whatever, you're just spit balling, that's it now. Would you have prefered to have said and whatever, does that make him a bad person. You know, I don't really care about the rest of this shit, it's like he said, it's how it is too, either people give him some leverage, or, they don't and just let him fall anayway when they really were the ones to bring this up to a person who either did or didn't know what he did was wrong, just stop being dicks people, move on already.

caseyxsharp 7 July 1
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Posted by caseyxsharpHey.. So you would like people to say things to you that they think of you on here, right, is that right?

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