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Put as simplistic as I can: Socialism is a herd mentality; whereas Capitalism is a stand alone (lion) mentality. They are ‘diametrically opposed to each other. One finds security in a herd; while the other finds security in their own self-reliance.

Or how bout this observation: President Trump is hated so much because he represents a stand alone lion among-st the our herd of socialists we’re forced to contend with.

I think it highly unlikely that these invading immigrants, we’re faced with, are by-passing Socialist countries only to find themselves in yet one more Socialist one?

Socialism is a disease of the mind that manifests itself in cowardliness.

Do you think that the wealthy would be purchasing ocean front property if they believed the Socialist ‘scare’ tactic of “climate change?”

Socialists ae literally control freaks that can’t stop themselves until life is extinguished from Earth all-to-gather. Surely you don’t think they can limit themselves to cattle – when will it be your turn?

Posted by: Lonesome Lands ~ 3 weeks ago ~ 71K views ~ 27.5K subs
“How the Cattle Industry has Agreed to the Lie”

PS. Nihilism has always been the eventual go to answer for Socialism. Just look at your history books. The day of carbon offset emission fees for your own breathing is just around the corner. Or don’t you breath just like all living things?


  1. cause great fear or nervousness in; frighten:
    "I was scared stiff"

become scared:
"I don't think I scare easily"


  1. a sudden attack of fright:
    "gosh, that gave me a scare!"

▪ a situation characterized by sudden alarm or anxiety about something:
"recent food scares have made the public rightly sensitive to new, apparently untested technologies"

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old Norse skirra ‘frighten’, from skjarr ‘timid’.

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UK /ˌdaɪ.əˈmet.rɪk/ US /ˌdaɪ.əˈmet.rɪk/

If two people or ideas are diametric opposites, they are as different as possible. :

  • diametric opposite When it comes to managing money, the couple are diametric opposites.

  • The whole appeal of the film is the diametric contrast between the two main characters.


diametrically opposed to

: the exact opposite of

His position on the issue is diametrically opposed to that of his partner.



  1. a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light).

Similar: expression, idiomatic expression, turn of phrase, set phrase, fixed expression, phrase.

Formal: locution.

▪ a form of expression natural to a language, person, or group of people:
"he had a feeling for phrase and idiom"

Similar: language, mode of expression, style of speech, speech, talk-speak, way/manner of speaking, usage, phraseology, phrasing, choice of words, vocabulary, parlance, tongue, vernacular, jargon, patter, argot, patois, cant, façon de parler.

Informal: lingo.

Formal: locution.

▪ the dialect of a people or part of a country.

  1. a characteristic mode of expression in music or art:
    "they were both working in a neo-impressionist idiom"

Word Origin:
late 16th century: from French idiome, or via late Latin from Greek idiōma ‘private property, peculiar phraseology’, from idiousthai ‘make one's own’, from idios ‘own, private’.

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1914wizard 8 Mar 2
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