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This culture war is a war of ‘linguistics’ rather than physical weaponry.

There’ll be many a red hearing (distraction) thrown in you minds path, but in the final analysis everything that’s not fought physically is fought linguistically.

Since you can’t control the when where or how you are going to have the black pill of reality forced upon you – the best defense is a red pill inoculation early on in life.

The red pill you need is nothing more than an awakening, an epiphany, as to the harsh realistic (black pill) realities of life in advance.

Like it or not, marriage is a career opportunity available only to women – that’s just a black pill reality of life that you’ll have to endure with or without benefit of red pill awareness.

What this woman and society are peddling are blue pills of male enslavement. Blue pills that’ll prepare you for the next female exploitation. Of course these people want you to prosper as that’s more for the next woman to carve off of you. Think of it as planting soy beans for the express purpose of fattening the deer ahead of next harvesting.

MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is an individualist philosophy of life that discourages marriage – avoiding the hunt altogether by taking regular inoculations of red pills. For instance, this post is just such a red pill if understood properly.

PS. Please feel free to correct any errors that you discover – and thanks in advance.

Posted by: Racharl Sloan ~ 4 months ago ~ 5.1K views ~ 12.7K subs
“Divorce Survival Guide for Men: Rebuilding Your Life”



  1. the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics. Specific branches of linguistics include sociolinguistics, dialectology, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, historical-comparative linguistics, and applied linguistics:

"as a professor of linguistics, I have been studying how electronic communication compares to traditional print when it comes to learning"

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hmmm not sure at the moment, BUT my 1st casual reading of it (in proof reading mode) is the "There'll be many a red hearing (distraction)" Do you mean red herring fallacy ???

other than that I want to copy & paste it and post it on some other pages/platforms where I deal with a lot of flying monkeys & especially to a moderate neocon & that was on the tip of my tongue to say, when I was being mobbed by the whole lot of them, was she a flying monkey OR the one riding the Harley Davidson broomstick

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