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This Years Demographic Data Was Worse than Anyone Expected


MosheBenIssac 8 Dec 17
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Anti natal feminism pushed, currently the mainstream will make things worse


What do the call a civilization that doesn't physical reproduce both biologically and structurally? A dead civilization.

No civilization has every survived dramatic reductions in the reproductive rate. That doesn't mean that they completely disappear. The central ideas of a civilization may be carried forward while the population declines but we don't recognize civilizations by their ideas even if we should but by the manifestation of civilization in architecture and other physical expressions they leave behind. If you want to see how Western Civilization is declining look at how the physical infrastructure is declining. All the foundations of civilization such as food production, water works, sewers, transportation, energy production, etc. have been in disarray in the US for decades.

wolfhnd Level 8 Dec 18, 2023

A collapse of sorts is in the beginning process of playing out. The drivers of this are accelerating. Inflation is due to labor shortages which are only going to grow for minimum of several decades. Toxic feminism is growing and family destruction and birthrate decline will accelerate

Another factor is the religion of wokism, the woke mind virus, which is highly unstable. Like fat acceptance. Unlimited female promiscuity. Frankenstein gender transformations. It has nothing to stop it from going on to more self destructive vices.

It will eventually collapse.


How many centuries did it take the Western Roman Empire to fall after the end of the Republic?

@wolfhnd It took maybe 4.
And this demographic issue is in almost all countries above abject poverty. Many significantly worse than the US.
This declines trajectory may be worse than the Black Death if it goes beyond three generations. It has happened before, groups that have low birth rates get replaced by others. This appears the most likely outcome. Hard religions are the most likely at this point. China may solves this by state mandated forced pregnancies.


The Black Death is an interesting reference. Recent evidence suggests that as the percentage of lower class individual that died was disproportionately high the Plague caused downward mobility in it's aftermath. A ironic side consequence of the plague was a rise in the general competency of the population. Right now we are experience reverse eugenics as a consequence of the industrial revolution and low selection pressure. In theory good times lead to a reduction of the general intelligence and health of a population.

If that sounds like something right out of the WEF's play book that is because it is. They see a future where only the elite will survive. The problem is that the "elites" likely carry the highest mutation loads. Freaks such as George Soros and Klaus Schwab are somewhat reminiscent of Charles the II of Spain although not as severe a case.

It's all interesting if you are detached from what is happening but it is hard to be academic about it if you are living through it.

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