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In listening to female interviews one would easily ascertain that there is a “crisis of masculinity.” A crisis that basically represents male indecision between being incidental or ancillary when the truth is that men would rather be neither. At least such is the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) view.

I have yet to meet a man that truly wanted to marry unless obligated to for one reason or another. I suppose there are exceptions just as in everything else. But given an alternative, a reasonable alternative that is, marriage would long since have passed on to be a mere relic of history.

The only real beneficiaries of marriage are the children therefrom. Because as soon as they’re established in early life the woman starts her search for the second of her victims having trophied the first – you!

I have my sincere doubts that a woman is capable of real love, or at least a love that men can understand. Not to be mistaken for what’s represented as maternal love – that which isn’t love at all. At least not unless covetousness now passes for love.

The proof is in the pudding as the old adage says. Does woman search for love or is it advantage in life that she seeks? Is it not a well proven fact that (with all generalities considered of course) women entrap across and up, while men, on the other hand (with all generalities considered again of course) acquiesce across and down without regard to status or wealth. Or put in the current vernacular, women “monkey branch,” but men don’t know how to climb. Or is it as simple as men inherently knowing that there’s nothing to be gained by them for such exertions?

I rather like the way Archie Goodwin (of fiction fame) phrased it when he told a woman he’d marry her if she weren’t rich. Showing that wealth is a handicap for women on the hunt, but a lure for men likewise on the hunt. I suppose there’s exceptions to everything, but thee it is for the average man.
Men are drawn to fertility while women are drawn to wealth and status. You, as an individual, will have to be your own judge as to the morality of these facts of life. But, SPOILER ALERT, if you live long enough this is the way you’ll see the life’s plot drift. The sooner a young men can come to grips with this harsh reality of life perhaps the better off he’ll be – or at least I would hope.

What can you expect of a covetous creature that literally wants to be like GOD {Genesis 3:5} – when GOD is a goal post to be {worshiped} striven for rather than a destination. {Mathew 19:17, Mark 10:18}

PS1. Simply oozing with socialist collectivism. Collective guilt is no more valid that collective responsibility is. HOWEVER, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is an individualist philosophy of life – give it a thought.

PS2. The number of misconceptions about MGTOW appears to be massive. When MGTOW individualist philosophy is what you AND YOU ALONE make of it – from monks to players.

Posted by: Chris Williamson ~ 1 year ago ~ 264K views ~ 1.55M subscribers
“The Crisis Of Modern Masculinity - Nina Power | Modern Wisdom Podcast 429”

Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (kjv)

Genisis 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. (kjv)

Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God:…….. (kjv)

Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. (kjv)

1914wizard 8 Dec 10
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Harry Styles is a cuck!

sqeptiq Level 10 Dec 10, 2023

Women certainly have a different view of life than men. Physically, they are the weaker sex. In the past, they needed commitment to their safety and welfare. Today, the State provides that and the State restrains men where women could not. The pill and plastic gave the clinging female a new role, freeing them from chastity and their responsibility toward bringing life into the world. It brought "free love". Coupled with the State it makes men almost entirely redundant. The State has usurped the role of men to protect their safety and welfare, to be their shield. Men, too have the responsibility of rearing the children they conceive. It's a lifelong commitment. What would be the alternative to marriage in propagating the species?
In any case, the State has turned women into nothing more than prostitutes and men into slaves where the commitment of marriage and trust in lineage is not held sacred, and where sex seems the pillar of importance, which it is not. The propagation of the species has more importance than the fleeting gratification of the primitive urge of the body. Women in today's society believe that sex is all that men think about and the State provides them with protection. Really, sex is all that women think about. Before the State became their protector it was actually the only weapon they had to subdue men.
Just my view or "weltansicht" on the subject.
One more thing. Women have now entered the political arena and their prime concern is not the individual. Their prime concern has always been the collective, in the family and community, and they perceive the power of the State as being the best way, rather than an individual man, to provide for them. Thus they legislate and vote to increase that power of the State, weakening the individual, and we all suffer the tyranny of the State. Communism/socialism; collective political ideology, is only about nullifying the individual and aggrandizing the State.

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