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LINK After Harvard shakeup, Chris Rufo offers conservative game plan to retake elite institutions

After taking some credit for having "squeezed" Gay out of her position in an op-ed, he also wrote a broader manifesto, "The New Right Activism" for IM-1776, explaining how to achieve similar shakeups elsewhere.

He argued that many young and intellectual conservatives recognize that the tactics used by their predecessors in past decades "are no longer viable, and that ideas without power are useless." He proposed instead, "What [conservatism] needs is a spirited new activism with the courage and resolve to win back the language, recapture institutions, and reorient the state toward rightful ends."

"The first step is to admit what hasn’t worked," he wrote, before criticizing a series of "myths" he says "rendered the Right ineffective" in combating the corruption of American society.

One concept he slammed was the "self-serving myth of neutrality" believed by the "conservative establishment." He argued instead that the political reality is that "no institution can be neutral — and any institutional authority aiming only for neutrality will immediately be captured by a faction more committed to imposing ideology." Rufo went on to propose that conservatives' mistaken belief in institutional neutrality has resulted in "public universities, public schools, and other cultural institutions" being "dominated by the Left."

He also wrote that the free market mentality of the past fails to account for the modern reality that institutions like the "public school, the public university, and the state" are now "government-run monopolies." He elaborated, "In truth, the hand that moves culture is not an ‘invisible hand’ but an iron hand clad in velvet — that is, political force."

sqeptiq 10 Jan 7
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