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Has anyone else noticed that everything we post here is sent to Facebook?

wolfhnd 8 May 2
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I'm having a fun time on the Kennedy discord zone.


I am on Discord, very low profile....[]

I spend time at []

Most of the time it is pretty boring.


Only if you still have a Facebook account.

I do and I didn't know

The interesting thing about that is I have never used Facebook on the desktop. I do stay signed into my Google account. Maybe they share user information?

In any case I can't get rid of Facebook and I'm unwilling to get rid of Google because I'm lazy.
My wife has a community that only works through Facebook even thought they use a separate app. For some reason the app backups data to Facebook. She refuses to install or get a Facebook account but I manage her computing so I'm stuck. It feels kind of dirty like if you had a porn account.

25 years ago I had a friend who refused to use Microsoft or Apple because he thought they were A insecure and B evil. I thought he was kind of crazy. Using Linux ports was a pain in the ass. I tried it and to run a server I even had to use it because Windows was too unstable. It was the same as Facebook and my wife's situation. The programs I wanted/needed to use only ran on Windows. It's a huge sacrifice stopping monopolies and at the time I didn't understand why it was necessary. I may have resented the price of Windows products and the incompetent coding but I didn't understand corpocracy because I had never been interested in politics. Now I'm a crazy "conspiracy theorist". My friends and relatives still have no idea what is going on because they don't want to. The funny thing about that is my wife always knew without doing any research. For 50 years I told her it isn't as bad as you think. We even argued over the vaccines. While I agreed it was a bad idea to get an experimental drug I thought the worst that could happen is you might get some bad reactions, maybe a little heart damage. I remember being very nervous when I got the vaccines. The point I guess is that sometimes you need to go with your gut feeling. It's like your dog knowing someone is off. They can't tell you why but they know. Sometimes you shouldn't go with your gut feeling like all my conservative friends who refused to support Trump. I now look at them and think what is wrong with your gut. I have come to the conclusion that you have to be a little "autistic" to see what people are really all about.

@wolfhnd I suicided my Facebook and Instagram accounts when they became Metaverse. The Zuckerberg weirdness was just too much. It was tough losing touch with so many remarkable people... and with Facebook Marketplace🤣. Like becoming invisible and nonverbal. I'm actually Aspergers-autistic.


Yes. A lot of times, at the bottom of the screen, on desktop, when it is doing the handshakes, it hooks up to FB; like it is a closed off laboratory or something.....


You must support our government and obey us slave!!!!!



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