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Antisemitism Idiocy

Summary: I have not seen the coverage of college campus protests supporting the Hamas butchers as Israel has entered Gaza to punish pseudo-Palestinians for the 10/7/23 genocide of Jewish men, women and children… So this post is a run down of the ebb & flow of Jewish resistance to their Covenant, God’s Mercy and unsettling ANTISEMITISM emerging in modern times. YUP, I’m Pro-Israel. Jew-Haters are UNWELCOME. …TAKE A LOOK: []
#Antisemitism #CovenantBreakingJews #ProIsrael

JohnHouk 8 Apr 30
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Gameplan the battle. Protesters use area denial. Noise. Colleges could use
utility denial. Deny electricity. Confiscate generators. Jam cell phones. Deny the ability to post selfies to the web. Make protesters take care of sewage.

Have cameras and microphones record everything in the protest.
Make a public database and correlate protesters across protests.
Shame the most unruly protesters. Glorify good guys that have honor and courage.

Protesters hate the police. It could happen that they might need the police,
or a fire truck, or an ambulance. They're lighting fireworks in a tent city. Remind protesters of their dependence on utilities.

Transfer portal. If someone wants to transfer out of Columbia, Columbia should give a payout and a Columbia degree. Colugees. Batman gave up on Gotham and moved to Florida.

Bad regimes often forbid exodus. The protests are domestic abuse and many want


It seems that plagiarism is a requirement to advance in academia. It's a world where you're required to have skeletons in your closet.

What about the people that were plagiarized from? Why aren't they complaining? They must be in on it.

Plagiarism is rampant but mostly in academic fields (gender studies, ethnic dancing, mysogyne etc) where no paper is ever even read much less quoted as a reference in further work. They are not written to further knowledge or research. They are written sorta like participation trophies -- mean nothing but make people feel like they contributed.
This was one of JPeterson's initial points. Of tens of thousands of papers/theses written less than 0.001% are ever quoted as a reference. They were little more than ink on paper -- like the diploma on the wall.
So, why would anyone come out objecting to having their fake paper copied?


The "Occupy Wall Street" protests were nationwide and they accomplished nothing.
Wall Street still rules.

The campus protests will win. Most campuses will cave. Hoping for new colleges to prosper that don't admit leftists.


actually I do not think so....

Zephaniah view is from the ancients scriptures....

as far as I am concerned, they brought ALL of this upon themselves...

I can easily repost their You Tube videos of 20 years ago and the indoctrination of their children to commit violence against all Jews and being "shahida" (martyrs)

If you have read the post I linked to, You would have noted that Covenant-Breaking Jews (Modern Leftist Jews) indeed brought their troubles upon all Jews. And yet the Scriptures are abundant showing God's Mercy to Jews and restoring them as long as the majority followed Covenant. AND the Scriptures are clear the Jews will be restored to their Land and given the opportunity to be Covenant Followers. AND the New Testament for Christians makes it clear that God still honors the Abrahamic Covenant and will Jews as a whole a last opportunity to recognize Jesus as their Redeeming Messiah (look up: "To the Jew first" ). For that matter in the Last Days, ALL who deny Christ (Jew and Gentile) will be condemned in Judgment.

@JohnHouk OH YES!!! I have no disagreement with that statement ~ "Covenant-Breaking Jews (Modern Leftist Jews) indeed brought their troubles upon all Jews"~ we call them the "Erev Rav" ~ and CLEARLY a 'remnant of the faithful' will EXIST throughout everything THROWN at the world civilization....I am just sorry that everyone has to endure that which the idiotocracy has refused to learn from.....BUT not my problem, I am just a witness to ALL the travesties.....don't get me started on the leftist agenda and schmoozing with Israelis


Israel is an atheist country founded in 1948 by an atheist. Not a Jewish country at all. No resemblance to.the biblical israel , who.believed in God.

So basically, you have communist atheists who call themselves Jewish, which is a non sequitur, plotting to submit the world under communism, fooling the Christians that think they arecreal jews, when israel was founded by an atheist in 1948, and has no resemblance to the biblical israel, except what a clever atheist did to decieve people

It was founded by Socialist Zionists, not Communists. Their Constitution affirms Israel is a Jewish State. Israel's problem it is divided between Leftists & Conservative's just like the USA. Israel's blessing is the Land is Promised by the Almighty. The Almighty's Mercy is the Promise of Return and according to the Apostle Paul, that Mercy will include a moment for Jews (Leftist idiot Covenant-Breakers and Conservative-Keepers alike) to recognize Jesus as their Messiah or reject Him. That is the benefit of Abraham's Covenant (renewed to Isaac & Jacob). The fate of those who Reject Jesus will be similar to the fate of Korah & Dathan who rejected Moses. (details in the post)

@JohnHouk David Ben Gurion was an atheist, it's not a secret

@JohnHouk socialist = communist you should know this stuff

@FocusOn1 David Ben Gurion was indeed a Socialist Zionist. HOWEVER, There is plenty of information on him showing him to be a tool used by God Almighty to return ALL Jews to their Promised Homeland. In his mind THE RETURN (Aliyah) was probably a way to escape world persecution. In God’s mind, Zionists like Ben Gurion are a part of Divine Plan to Restore Jews which must occur before the Return of Christ.

David Ben Gurion info showing comment to save Jews from persecution and a sense of faith (ergo not atheism) contemporaneous with many Socialist Zionists:




@FocusOn1 Socialist = 1sr step to Communism (Lenin). Though Socialism is evil toward a Society of Liberty, it is not Communism.

@JohnHouk sure you aren't a communist? You sound just like one.......

@FocusOn1 If you think that, you've not read my posts. It simply seems my Biblical understanding of Jews differs from yours. This might be a case of agree to disagree.

@JohnHouk you criticuze socialists but when a socialist uses the term israel you think it has something to do with the biblical god, atheists look at the Bible as a work of fiction, Israel, is a work of fiction, just like all countries

@FocusOn1 I don't understand how you see that. I condemn Socialism, Communism and even Socialist (Covenant-Breaking) Jews. There really is no such thing as a Communist Jew (or Communist Christian or Communist any religion) because to be a Communist, one is an atheist. Yet I refuse to lump all Jews together with Covenant-Breaking Jews.

@JohnHouk the founder of israel was a socialist atheist "jew" make sense?

So are many "jews"

I put in parenthesis because they don't believe on judaism, they are communists.

Mark Zuckerberg, bernie sanders, Janet yellin, larry fink, 10 out of the 12 top hedge fund managers, the founder of israel david ben gurion, Ukraine president volodymyr these are all atheists that don't believe in God, are communists/socialists and call themselves jewish

@FocusOn1 Anyone who is a Communist is NOT a Jew. Perhaps a former Jew. A person who is a Communist cannot be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. WHY? No atheist Communist has a claim to a religious heritage because faith is denied.

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